= ey of the West. ‘All along the line they The Milverton Sun indolged init appetite for arin 18 PUBLISHED sresorted to the most ruffianly : See iat stopping places. Hotels : - wi entered looted EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ae feell rr ivat 9 The Sun Printing Oifice in Main Street, - Milvertoa, Ont o wei oted, and orchard trees : a r SUBSCRIPTION RATES eee amr wy One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three , montis, 3 cents, in ‘advance, Subseribers ages. and in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year. whalers unfortunate enough ° ic CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. : i . % é : ’ . : GTR. Time Table, | 2hmn... 2585 OHS ORE AE" hs aa ec in school me's 50c Men’s Child’s 25¢ Peffers, going south, 9.14 aan , 1.07 | fo! 20 fie plats e : = 5 : gant ce be going north poe Bight cents ae for first insertion and | fi ica tio : Balbriggan Undershirts Ribbed Cotton Hose four eents pet line for cach, subsequent inser. fon will [be charged for all transient adver- | P°P!e (that. are afraid of having our Newton, going south 9.20 am. 1. garments soiled by comin; i i g in contact S » 7.55 rate Pele vere ane oa: north,” 75 Advertisements without specific directione | with (other Eat Ianslilige<aetbae we Special 29¢ pecial 16c Willbe inserted until forbid and charged 8¢- | need to, as th Sots suparently. 768 not (aed us. Milverton, going south 9.26 a.m. soe 1.21 pm. 451 p.m., tye ee Cds ie tombe pBvraecent must 7.49 a.m., 10.58 a.m., 649 p, be in the office by noon Mor ee pie ape stay 928, Co eee Peesrgr roa ee The new British patent law is a 7.42 am., 10.50 am. 642 p,m, Publisher and Proprietor, | preat boon for working men in the Old Country. It stipulates that foreig- THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1903 | ners, who may obtain British patents, Business Cards Za | cava the ‘goods on Bri- tish soil. During the past three years over 20,000 patents “have been taken EDITORIAL out by Germany ‘and the United LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lie- z States, and many firms in these coun- o ital Surgery and Member tries are hard ‘hit. According to Sir OF 1 Sur, of : 1] Alfred Jones, Great Britain will bene- catia of] Guessing ithe date of the general By 0) ori “Shi Dentistry. \f election is a pastime that is being| fit to the extent of $125,000,000 by indulged in by a certain section of| the working of the new act. Canada the daily press . will also benefit by the act, as the ri e Medical. abit o : im —— oa te te NE rt ance eee se CORRECT HATS FOR MEN READY F, PARKER, M.D.C.M., Honor Grad-} navy claimg the title of “Cock of 55 CATA: QOL SAREE a ot Gold Medallist, rer e Medallit,| ic Baved Seas Store, Telephone secede ‘with Pool| Nova Scotia has been celebrating Toosélona in Britain and Canada. Branner, Moserville and Rostock. her one hundred eer fiftieth anni- ee Canada’s Finances tas raat So good are these hats that we back everyone of eeckoa: pspabty may account for the fact that the] i, onthe other a g ty! ay, onthe other : : ; J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo mic Peninsuls has produced so m0! monument) ergsted to. White ub them with a rather unique guarantee, a new hat for Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veter: j dare che leading a men, ere te Movtoabe eymbolsea ‘the conversion i tion, .t jt i of las into a . . Py Seals by esl. "lia, the GE FR Oe etal noel mattiskens upton who Maks any that fails to give satisfactory wear. So good ne or otherwise promptly attended to. a3 See 5 SES cea mee Se ed are these hats that men tell us again and again that a MILYERTON, LODGE, yp they cannot find the same quality outside this store Ate mt and wealth, ‘The inhab : ; see : : iveotuid (end wa bell tants are no ie at the price. These characteristics are’ strong in se eee shut tats also is sont a Quseee Waara : : indtructions the % i z LIVINGSTON, | maintainance of the Spenecrian| the ot Sesthadas volun the Famous Fitwell Hat, and you will find all the M., W. J. ZORGER, SECY. System, which is undoubtedly the ] 1d hav beat set discovered. are go, for new styles ready. . 99, Milverton, meets oe ba ns .| On February 12th it will be one s reached Visiting brethren always welcome. R. | hundred. years since ‘Abraham Lincoln | Tee ieeey canes Danks $87,000 000 plates Soh see ° Tucker, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. i tahoe cl cali el aera itwell $2 H was (born, and plans for celebrating| ways in June, 1905 was upward o eh ie (i the event, on the grandest scale, are|“wenty thousand mile: it hi Nor the pcree! break you:' 0.,0, Fs sliver Siac ashington. Projests| sine been increasing rapidly. We rth é e that the yearly value consideration creation of national memorials in 000 ant ° . . [keeping with the ebaracteraftheman | Fevemue ezeeeded $50,000 000. Part Shipment of Fall Dress Goods just arrived ¥. se “fey iB inttenae | R. “Becy. yong them trem is are fe ls as ‘om Washin; ndred to pies long | for Notary Public. pad “ous aides the plentitude of its financial resour- evel of its any ide, ao D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- ae sonser for ies Coa ct Perth ava million dollars, be} European monareby. iv called the Lincolin Highway. Among vil the saa men in American history. iter ote ‘Abr: ‘Lincoln stands unique in| The final etatement of revenues and zs t of his simplicity |‘ A the adorable loving kindness of Hotels. his character. over fhe Sovereign Bank see EXCHANGh HOTEL, Bruner, Ont. ae ordinary: expenditur. ° John Gropp, Proprietor, Bet i ‘A «postal card vendor in Toronte teretore $19,413 054, or Towelling Canned Corn and ¢j the bar, First-class ec [tas issued a picture of the Ontario ion m i commodation and large stabling. varliament buildings with the United ed. Ww. 8. Fielding iu his ud ge tates flag floating from a flag-| (he wear yeas one Ban eS * Hand and Glass de i tir GRAND CENTRAL pore mi btaff in front. The object is to make ‘accommodation for | profi i : profit from the sale of the carda to 0 way. The total fhe YAmerican visitors. his whole | ¢#PERdi 5c yard. “Per Can #,| business of flying a foreign flag for| guy sig 1,895 481 or ; total he sake of ‘business gain is very ignoble, and should lose those who do a 0.000 towards The : \ The The the Dominion at thi tedulate the saAttes: any “abhae way ¢ Dominion at the > House of sacle als flag is only an expres-| sree ofthe Esa year wa elle a ate : i Store” *; 5 Quality The Law = oS Enforced Reed loan, Milver. {224 Canadian in sentiment to know “NS euak haa? iy, Permanent offices have been | ‘t- been made and no stich at eet for, A member of the firm wil! . will be made, because it strictly op- Werian every Thar lay. a posed to the Liquor License Act, i ‘HB, Mi j, M, CARTHEW, ‘or over one hundred and thirty| which it is. thr duty, of the depart- The New Canada Quarding Against Typhoid vievaili people of the United States |ment “to enforce.” : — : TRY THE SUN i ification] Thi the statement i -| 4s aut ches ‘there is al- re) Makins @ Hanley|™ ‘ ; glor ee ae tie Mis testentt of the: Hon: | Bharnexteipeqal elestion for Can- autumn approaches ‘there i ‘ ‘ : da 1 TREES wae : : A w lespatch from King-| will be based on |e i in ri : at census i ow : id Stratford ~ Ontario|7": ot m hereby the. ste: i 5 at hai h of this di da ssitre._tecthe GOOD JOB WORK : : ‘i i People were fined $100 and | passed into his i t eagon are 1 J.C. Makins - W.J. Henley |tion to generation, is now bringing i peat Ania ee forth fruit of its kind. The people|tyoy water mi 3 . ° ofvthe Union in a great many sections | wi let 902 and 1907 the aagreeate was i i r | r tind law and order irksome and re-|4eP: ni PI iolati three-quarters’ of a million, and it | t ity of the ‘wi is no! ~ i Spring Term Opens April Ist. Pepnuiee and = areal ee i law. ‘gs safe guessing that by the next estion, should ‘ 5 Chief officer Saunders, speaking |census of 1911 there will probably |be tak ze and cq going. On the least provocation they|of the crisade against the Kingston ty more ‘Wester! ical department’ Q BLP LDUSIDESS 0) 620 resort to riots, violent strikes, negro|hotel mex and boat owners said: |a representation 0 the: Agricultu: ext oleae, Guelph, will ‘ iyaskaiges mings, The courts|"No arrangement was ever made Jaf the pivota oo Neon at te gs (Gated free of f cectauinnit (uaa) iy, boatmen or hotel ‘i i t| ‘Another case of contagion ount 2 ¥ cases 3 ¢ ey : c Se 6 ‘tiehauds bugis | face ect-ct naught gavavenecn tient | fe exem ie te [eel t will be diffe q minetagte: b eae Seem to be in endless een’ and hess training school. Three |} lews:are placed on the statute books he ‘license low. This de- |the next, Tt the new| legs and wi tr there are piles of the most beautiful snd are left a dead ne ee to ake osetia Oe i the old. ; squares here in all convenient sizes, 9 a izance of an; An " se 1 i} ns Shorthand and § if ae It is not in the| Win) intefere with the aise cig ch | m ideas, and it may be hi imiti ies wi It's a perfectly simple matter to fit a Catalogue fon oe out of the way states then things t . That w: that thee will ha Broad ant Begeres be found in the remo’ of coll room with a rug. © mismatching— 1g occur, but in the intellectual centres.| i is i hen ive tions of filth and the filling in of any some are seamless—fine bord ie ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, PRINcipace peel no doubi, work a chi 7 4 i ASRS ee 3 i wes which may be near 4 a eerie : : é S Y has pursued # y 3 ouse. , ‘ round and hey cost less than meat ever since, and will continue to fol-| Lest his Voice Entirely —— Bee ne Protect Yo ¢ Bui i] di io eaneee themselves and their neigh- esd Woods ae paat Rock. ur i ings bors ‘and es country as represented| hronte Diarrhoea Cured Ondida Go., N- <i a hal! exper- Se ne ary ee: Think of j it a complete carpet ne niece ien a "1 How can you Batterson head) : : i fathicr has for many Seara veer! | 6 my. Sta press Co., Chicago at any price from $4.00 to'$50.00. trom the sun if you as mo hat on: ye een with chronic diarrhoea, and | ov: intense wi i i tried every means possible to effect id . My|Mr. Quiel o é the ‘same _way, “you vannot protect We sare Sonstan tly learning of the . eden Choler: id Cc y iH ’, a with hh covitiasd: enezel Gey ee hp ee un eR ian ae Daithoderhonene fome time’ ago to ome to Ww hite’s and See. it yo re )b: = ce W.Va. “He sa Le was again|Chamberli ra: er {I could hardly speak. eck an attack o: hen FOR Prison diarrhoea. I have yet it since instanced ithe othe ee w a| Dias . hina ri : mn: Nova Scotia) ¢, try it. ‘The eta le “Sateen. Tt eured hi sick. 2 which has always been coardad 4s] cured Mita’ ated hein e om man an old soldier R. WHITE & co. one of the most law-abi ith the disea i oe traning e do Hi Rabiesort ‘ ‘nam | Cie aonre -in the panies anal er e Wal = ley in x. : : ufferer. He is no d|and ‘Throat ‘ro ‘ rr th es veoularne Cs ae irom the AtSne nd. Svall, gh sixty yi : Libby Pris ison ‘diarrhoea Es, Sat tpemtagg io eR es Pacific ae disease old, cando as mu t ¢ | to-morrow. $i.00 at i stops at once, % <a ids ‘man, Sold of ‘all draguinte deaters. nF G : }For sate by all druggists.