Milverton Sun, 27 Aug 1908, p. 5

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ind a Rare Chance for a A Special Offer #22 3" ¢! To every purchaser of a new piano between the 14th August and 14th Sep- tember, will be given free, a ticket to Toronto or London and return during the time of the exhibition. Also tickets of paminsioe to the exhibition and hotel bill paid for three days at two dollar a no fake, but a new medium of adver mee regul thallsseaps the ben Toronto Fair commences Aug. 29th and ends Sept, 14th indon Fair from Sept. 11th to 19th For further particulars apply to Milverton itn vee be t prices, and thote who purchase thin the® ‘tinited time 7B P. ROE THE DEERING AGENT ELMA COUNCIL. The Municipal Coun Counsil of the Town: ship of Elma met in the ‘Agricultura! Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1908 . ie He {membere present were Reeve japuty-reeve Richmond, gaa Coasoliigcn Cisland, Coste; and iat minutes of last meeting were ton eopetes of, and signed by the reeve and c! stnnice ions: were read from the C.,P. Railway Company, and also from MePherson :& Davidson. in relation to ct ae oe drain. loved land — ugp Richmond that the clerk ae now read ie Engineer on the n.—Carried. reps ee ‘ot the engineer on the proposed ee qnd.mow read a third time, be inet Western Fair Greatest Live Stock Exhibition of Western Ontario Full Programme of Attractions t Show. Best of Music, daily, including Kemp’s Wid West Fireworks Each Evening. ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 14th Come and enjoy yourself at London’s Popular? Fair. REDUCED RATES on ALL RAILWAYS Prize Lists, Entry terns Programmes, and all information non application to A. M. HUNT, Secretary. LONDON, SEPT. 11-19 W. J. REID, President. of $45.00 for obtain- Schoo! subject th- Schools attention of the applicants is mates to the following extracts from the Normal school regulation y of September on form to a by the Education Depart ment i Each applicant shall a) erti authority that he will be at least 1 age on or before the third friday in June, (b) the July Departmental Examination tor entrance to the Normal leposit 3 85, which wil bi e on Breeatinn ‘mal School s! m the principa? Gt an apureved’ «sling! tint Risin completed satistactorly the Lower Ax pervidioate from a clergyman r other competent antigay that he 6 physician that he is physically able for the work ed, Jand that the clerk be instructed] o} er, and especially that he to have a By-law prepar r_thelis free from any serious pulmonary }' same as soon as possible.—Carried. | affection, and from seriously detective ed by Mr. Coates— eens eyesight or hearin, that By-Jaw No. 559 for levying th Re eet different school mestion® Is Your Back Weak? hen \the back drags and aches. ing -plenty of accomodat‘on f by Messrs Cleland and er of Scott—Mr. Coates adjourn to for genera! business.—Carried. GEO. LOCHHEAD Cierk. New Fall Suitings and Overcoatings F Our new fall stock has arrived, and it will eeu pay you to call in and inspect these goods before buying elsewhere, : : A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED Ghe Old 9 Reliable E. KNECHTE - OXFORDS Noted for Stylishness. We are showing a line both in ze soe Eee Leather that for pearance. fee nehos | in file h is with peer, Ete lines. will Saaaie ou at sight e cal ; full line of Boots and Shoes of every description. WM. ZIMMERMAN ‘TheShoeman H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY J.M. AND BAKERY Fleischhauer. viene Merchant Tailor - > XXX White Wine and Cider Vine- gar for pickling, 40c per gal. Patent Medicines % begs to announce to the All kinds, Butter and eggs taken in exchange ’ Plokling Spices Green P Mustard Seed, -Limerick se ees, Carr; ree ds prepared to lcater to Mixed Spices, Red the public in Made- order. cooing. Style, fit ani ae varsaacell is guaranteed, . ane I also do Cleaning and Pressing at Moderate Prices ath’s Granalated anaes $5.50 per 100 Ib. H. MOHR - Highest Prices Paid for Produce | A call is all I ask before leaving your order else- wh Jd. M. Fleischhauer Over Pfaff's Jewelery Store, Milverton accounts were| ¢ This Combination Always Wins . a How often we “hear of people Hie m will be given in three prizes, and also a silver medal for t! judge for your- all dealers, or N. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Autos on Wet Grounds ronte Week! ime * well attended by in ne Dairy buildin, year's! exhibition shoud on application to the secretary. —. A Harrowing Tale v Tavistock Gaze ar ing on Ae outskirts of the village informs us that duting ne of the leeding suighwayt thickly coated wit . Whi ne toa pateay toby cash Gee at ae a e question of further re- A SURGICAL OPERATION for Sonia ‘be taken to entirely prohibit this traffi when the roadway is in such a state as it was in manyparts of tthe (Province last week. NERVOUS Do You Brood ? Have Morbid Fears? Toss in Your Sleep? Your ed Gaile is below par ust be built up. Try Barporpne All ‘the vital activities of the Body, are .quickened into new vigor by Fer: ozone, which contains all the constit- mecessary to make nerve he t) first action is upon digestion. _it stimulates the secretion of gastric soas to be ea: Thus .everything you eat is the following letter. t L VEGETABLE COMPOUND [7777070070 othe St not ae it. numbe: For proof of this statement read | Condition oe caisson to Nor- petent His certificate of having passed al contest ,has' been added when $50.00 ai separators,will be in actual operation i Whe theavy rains of last week the i no jarison and corres- ter became so high on his land that|pénding incentive to discover a: ‘iron harrows fioa’ into| utilize something better, we would an watfield .On going to look forithem| still be living in caves and eating the farmer could not find the oatfield | nuts And raw’ tlebls ai thease Ove onsiderable di: seuss ii itderness. 5 getting back to dry land himsel! Ac aura inesns. of development. is to inspire rivalry, and that is what the competition exhibits at any fair new make predecessors. cold, whic! wonderful medicine.” $1.00 The Forests of eee penalties from a rec! le- Gtruction of the forest have sate en. fe’ my part pplication for admission shal!| the erosion of considerable areas of be made to the Deputy Minister of | 2¢ricudtura! --On the other han Baveation not later than first | Canad: i Three Great Features of the “Hecla” Furnace Fused Joints sake ‘‘Hecla’’ permanently ania nee sanitary. ‘The heated air is fresh pure, ause » di mok tite tie airchamber. ae es ls : otra Steel-Ribhed Firepet s steel instead of Triangular Bar Grate enables you to clear any part of the fire of ashes. and means a clean fire. Made by the makers of famous “Peerless Peninsulir” Ranges, Stop in and It ws show you all the mew {atures of the 1903 Heela.” ‘passed. —Carried. eels lame over the spine—when/ there ved by Mr. Cleland—Mr. Scott |is indigestion, headache anid eanatans that Smith and Bannerman be paid| call to make w ‘ the sum ‘as part payment| kidneys. If neglected, this condit of contract of Logan, Maitland drain|developes \weakness and soon’ you'll ‘per engineer's certificate.—Carri nable ‘ork. The one remedy | j ‘oved by mond—Mr. Cle-land| you wan rely on is Dr .Hamilton’s that .the council grant the sum of| Pills. Every symptom of disordered mail u- e of the cost of con-| kidneys ithey cure, by removing fhe eaneiders it profitable to not only stuction of t ‘sidewalk on T. L.| cause. You improve immediately, day| keep her poor lands, at present for- nin ie be of Monkton.| by day you will experience benefit|ested, in that condition, but to in- said.grant not ‘ceed the sumof|from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best for|erease the area of such forest lands OOo the kidneys, liver and stomach. Sold|even by purchase. The net annual in- y Mr. Scott—Mr Cleland | by all dealers. come from her 85,000,000 acres of oat eed No. 560 of the township en ga forest Hane 3 sale a Elam, authoriging the reeve an hat will Canada’s reve! pee ree w from WESTERN FAIR hundred years from nt the Bank of Hamilton on the notesof ages, 3 : the iCorporation to t nt Lendon, Ont., Sept. 11-19 RS St eo ito the current: ex = Seen meet eee third time.| The Western Fair from the stand- Pendiay Weer nese ee be finally passed — Carried, point of an agricultural exhibition is Seamus autractaceola tostan BY ee noni ate aaa pees Tbe reo inervoue debility arising. from Contes thal Morphy @. “Carthew | managem Kee eee aisordare:of the: feminine organ be paid the sum mal ; rom alcohol, and sure to cure, 50c. at ail dealers. The Value: zo Fairs cannot Bes. too earnest in our 100 Copies of the Latest Popular 25c Music will be sold out for the next ten days at 15c a copy. I don’t care what sie wear on Sunday, Peaches and Crea When the moon pny Peek-a-Boo. The os to Yesterday Red The tet 1 get is much obliged to you, Hone When ey springtime brings the roses Jessie dear. *Neath the old acorn tree sweet Estelle. I'd rather two-step than waltz Bill. Here are a few of the Latest Songs: Won’t you be my : Also a large assortment of music, mostly instrumental 10c copy C.R.Honderich& Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. ning nee fae predumng pera enti The true ‘secret of advaicement jne article or one method is shown ‘0 be better than others. If there had THE HIGH AND FINE REPUTATION OF “Jewel” Flour Is DUE TO HIGH AND FINE QUALITY. _—_— Made exclusively from the choicest selections of Ontario hard winter wheat and No. 1 Mani- toba hard wheat, perfectly blended. . PFEFFER BROS. Manufactured Wak n will naturally endeavor t a better showing than their Proved Beyond a Doubt The disappointed victims of medi ast winter my girl of eight caught h lodged coughs and t: t irritation 5 its Sold c.erywhere at 250. and The pore piheld thine nce has been "experimenting with het ‘abolition of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY EXCURSIONS TO TORONTO FOR THE EXHIBITION eee $2. 50 “LOW $1 95 RATE DAILY SATURDAY, AUG. 29th to| SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS SATURDAY, SEPT. 12th SEPT. 1, 3, 5,8 INCLUSIVE and 10 ALL TICKETS GOODS TO RETURN UNTIL TUESDAY, PT. 15 full redardind exoursio pecial train and through car service fro stati lions. For copy apply to W. H. Sanderson, Ticket Agent, Milverton or write C. B. FOSTER, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, G. P. R. OMI: rat rl ei it tha re has beena marked] #44¢¢ verted into nourishment that enriches| Mrs. Tatita Blair, Seelencnsiisetes iaireoke vaGCind tna eEhbrcarinise the ‘blood and lends new strength to| Writes to Mrs. Pinkham of viclence. The State of do PLUM N the ,nerves. Twi dor ive years, Ome doc-|tad an exactly similar experienc a BING HEATING By Ferrozone the mind is relieved] 4) told: die 1¢ wah ration, and an-|icw years ago, and a capital punish of eats nee earooting fects ta ‘| other told me it was a fibroid tumor, | ment law Ret was abalibhed had to mo: nnatural fears, of nnwilling- i Je re=enen| F i nets fo concentrate attention oy things raptinatlen Ege ester rtaeerd pu ee a hyiapatlistic: Ga epee pas shaggy ola tients . that should be ing down pains were terrible. humane nature have always looked 2 e . jon't you fe Ferrosonet Se any TS nay sister about it, and she sto the, wwithtrsvesl of the 2 ‘on't you give it a chance to win ta ital punishment, believing . o ou vback to. health’ twill do i | assed me to take Lydia H, Pinkham's 0 wnger necewsery ae «| ¢ Harvest Tools, Binder Twine, Paris wie aoe A did sit rs. Greighton ‘ime. This may be 3 ‘inck, of ze ‘unenburg, N. 8., rue of persons like themselves, but ' Gate: renlaane NBs ame at : Green, Screen Doors and Windows Perience . pies ee in ever: nity believe \it will be of assistance to that still needs the influence of. the thousands iof women who need it badly. I was very thin, Bn oo i: flesh vand lacked color. Were in a dreadful state, It “anything imp and si w Ferr- my appetite | tad su e Up SO fast that I si any Iotiger t you use Ferrozone also lo you gbod in many hy it certains will do vat all druggists in 50e. boxes. whole the balance of 3 results appears to corn.remedies with caustics i ett '|Refuse such, and insist on painless be on the ee Condemned me pehgsicians Unseruplous dealers often \ repare Corn eee It’s purely ONLY A FEW. Coal Oil and Gasoline Stoves WHICH WE ARE SELLING CHEAP CALL AND SEE THEM Ss v egetable, safe ay

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