000 persons take first-class passage _ NOTES AND COMMENTS CARGO_OF MILLIONAIRES to Europe, to-say nothing of the ad ‘Old iS f hb ae = Hague Oe carl Stet ee BE THE LIF E OF GOODN ESS as i frundreds se seo who sail oc” (e) t (e Owe young colony there is a strong feel- BIG LINER CARRIED A VALU- te HY do we oat him “oa Soo’? eve: i ! knew how. it happenedtne olf ing of neighborliness. When an; = ee Te een ep it ap sudden calamity befalls one of the We Are N ever “Any Better. Better in Oursolucs ABLE LOAD. AL} Pamaantar HS. By y aawes See Aree ciudged it eat are’ Maan tre eae 8 i an , too. See Interesting a About Some of} gutter js so wise that nothing ise to the rescue snd give the sufferer Interesting Facts Giving an Idea ot} '° World’s Prominent People. Be See hasn't Aadpisnis: Bb Than We Believe Others ie Be. i start again. But ; ter for a minute, he % Aad he nine avn hs Hy etl acu You oot hide he enn ot] Me Hawrmly a Met gf, ly maestro] ace et Caregen ei ety ee + friends. Here the battle of life is ied od 1. Peter, iii, 13. ihe. ic soa mans any ye more tt of Pie ing Monster. alin a Teter tet he once owned; } den, and he must be at least $9 years naturally. avere Aeduainted with the aes Porat, gad there 4s na -duarten une. men hope to, become good | bad. Cha eiecy is a light that sets} _ When the Adriatic anchared at! Thirteon “Club, tees ee Ue gaa (coke ASHAASTNTE an piciaidke seweceoe Cae given.” j by going to church just as others| itself up where all may see it. What|Southampton, England, last week|land he ad worn out several hat the SHG cain: oie AA tee permite ¢h a eae - bird to be guiuee by ine ounde and landed most of her passengers to where thd abenedn lay wi the officers of the White ‘Sar Line breathed easier. B en she went on45 Chesh bourg, Coa and| ¢ Put the rest of them ashore in saf-| Sng bey cell: Manes tee orate president of the company down were than nope to become wise by sleeping in| you are always proclaims itself so much more loudly and clearly than what you want folks to think you are that there is little chance of mistake. But if one would find es aS a feet. His once glossy, bluish-biack brims throngh saluting single mage t plumage was somewhat dulled now, but This quotation is from a study of Goo eae the contrasts presented by London] ;; 7 and New Zealand which appears in The Nineteenth Century and After. Much the same comment has been ess is an acquisition, but is not an imposition; it is gained, but it is not laid on any one. Saints te me exceedingly oe stories of Se, spec- i may be gained by Sccnine near]is h made on the differences between}... t Prince BeBe son of the reigning ieseneinl Ike oa Reed city nod| mee painting. which we call health is to bo had, they eee aero in good condi-| Nake a axe-Meiningen, is not valuable cargo that] 574 that of the small town in this coun- ‘ood is a g nutrition. act don use ‘ 8 3 try, and as the author of the arti-| that ther yeas He : ne if they| we know it is s the good thing to do| $200,000, 000 side ees ea | batttod pba ogee 5 int of e good without its making|from the motive of its moral|aires, representing $2,000,000, 000 it in $ 3 cles passes from point to point ol aay teal difference to them. Good-| and spiritual values is a contribu-| invested capital. and devotes the whole of the: money i one is inclined to e! Goi olen of goodness. Stead- Rac ess seems to be a matter of dis- hi d every millionaire bi repeat the question whether the Position or of accident, highly de-| {ie hocmeg clivered waning: without “damage on eg cea est echo contrasts would not disappear #}sirable as a gift, but not sufficient- es save to his pocket. Of course, pas- SUCRE PICUU TER New Zealand were to suffer aa Lon-|1¥ Worth while to pay a good price], THE BEST OF ALL THINGS [e203 On the big Adriatic costs peail'® ® eee en eee ais aa Bee sca atl reaciandél vce trot the a the way fo the possession of the} money, and not one of the million- Jena, representing’ the lon and al Engl andedods ‘tror ghee course, there are many who| best o aires escaped for less than $500, |" Frederick on horse- terr‘ble congestion and density of| would neither buy pe at any| The good tite is as much a mat-| while some paid from $1,000 to $2, on rince is “one of th the population. But she will not} price nor take it as a gif them| ter of habit as the bad one. Every 509 for the trip act oss the “pond. simp st_of men, a thorough Bohe- a ith a liking for visiting tho Pee M teenies Vane at inne ice te ea sight just be- admit that this alone explains the rae : 5 the life of goodness and Paris, ferences, After dyeving an ap- ens weaken, te iuleoractie Goosness fore the big ship. SeLae Bom Nae Spear ae Said EES the life thy Like most selerae the Sultan palling picture of isery in|life of g of Turkey goes about in posely fear London, of th hopelessness of the was jaune with bank presidents, Ondo! eo life while cherishing the thoughts} givectors of railways, brokers, mer- s to de- Saud of evil; y os chants, lawyers and others of assassination, and it is on this SHEA ie that an NowMGnlaid., when pea good, not for itself alone a weed wie ones 4880! have the interests of capital at acegunt that he will never sleep i in sf eta > = ut angel of ir ar. 4s constan read oi the old intimacy and hospitality) Goodness is not a woak, senti-| ‘The life of goodness is not for the | fer oe abenrdd thoy wey ea en, [death has made Mim a pree'h could no longer be universal, legis-| mental feeling that comes over one] Pious prig. who thinks! sse6s of importance until the wor ninia, and he does not often sleep lation was soon called in to supple- pls ae tain hymns are being sung) that he only is good and all others! ya, passed aft off. Custom | fe: more than three or four hours or; : cost are hopelessly bad is about the only rail see the dim aisles of tho| hopeless case, the moral physician cathedral. Neither is good-| meets. to believe in Peed Gecpiuere to udteti ated in ment individual kindness, and here| °F, When the is the aiptiagtaon that she makes: “The been plenty of hu- nearly $1,000 a night to have his n{bedroom guarded, for the attend. ants entrusted with. this important all tried retainers who Had the millionaires aboa: all their money with them the ahip il en le. would not have been allowe * y eRe jn other) ‘THE NEGATION OF EVIL. had the pic e big ahin’s agsonuaodal tions, which real- legislation tries, but the di Bas Life’s highest prizes have high baal stry |Pee princely salaries for their Te apt ain ca pal ee 4 good man is infinitely better than| prices, yet thoy are its greatest bar-| uve’ "me United Gtates registry | hve pencdy selavios for, their ‘eature in New Zealand’ is i statue, though he may have some| gains. ssion is so well ¥ by the Sultan t to pee from would- did not come so much from the ac- Pad habits nah the statue certain-| worth the pubis as this of good- NOTHING TOO GOOD. be assassins. In one of the ante- tive benevolence of the richer to-|ly has non ness, the clean heart, the clever] 0) ee cache chambers leading to his GR tile ob canvas fom aie astivel © Goadnoua iethe determined search| eye, the keen tast for the right eal ites Honaires) ,yartments’ is plac li self-interest of the working classes. |! the life for CPP SOT SE CA Md rey of the big i pose of misleading any prowling re- Goodness is the in ae rac- tex which is like health in the body; the result of rig! which is best, ue love of the eee that have com great heritage “of our past, the is bor for the future that glows be- fore. After-all, The man of the people works for the people in the colonial parlia- ment not because he pities them, but because it is ies power that in fut him in his place.’ boarders in a floating ictal of the “OLD SOC’ FED BY THE WARDEN Waldorf-8t. Revit Poca class. In a word, there was nothing too good them. most hoots, shoes, and sli o-be in the possession of an E a ee Bohn teargte he 7 sides specimens of every successive Wale pe etonns tree Note cat and the man, gazing refiectively at the age, beginning with the boots of al $n neniad bishop in 721 A.D, fellow could tell many an ‘To “The ola this right life may be he was a spry ol bird for one 8 years man grew somewhat be’‘er, ve old. a “the crew, the food, the drink that is necessary for such an gaoneet cargo presents a lati Y prob- lem. To the layman it ‘voila be . ‘The grandest contribu: tion to the physical well-being of the race is to be well and strong E s 3 a BS ES 5 * ee) . ess is manifest in the quali- Summi she says that the so- nalts Beye or (her Gt leelthfuiness-of the inner cial outlook is better in the colony life, in tastes that crave the good| yourself. finest. contribution he has aN “The old our surprise, he dropped in upon than it is in England because the! and Toathe the evil, that love truth|to the moral and spiritual wealth of | stupendous, t) which an historic or romantic| interesting story if hie chose, cArd Be) coe aa Tess though he had never poor in the colony are helping| an a lie, in habits and apti-| our times is-to cultivate, this life of| And what sort of ships do people |interest_ is attached— | well deserves his reputation for intel- left, and he’ n here ever since. fier ‘that ave thombslval known} normal soul heal ‘0 thus| #se who can pay the price in these} shoes of most of the beauties of | i Funny thing about it is that ne seems themselves and saving themselves. They are determined to establish twentieth century days the warden before me was re- The Adriatic is a typical ship of Charles Court, including the in a thousand ways rather than in . Duchess of Cleveland, the Countess | t* yays ri 1s strong gives aheonsth, and is fit ingle acts and in attitudes of pro- to give good service r | Societe des Petits Pieds, Houndér and more: wholecoms saci-|re.sed piety. HENRY B COPE. | tho kinds ‘Sho iene Dent ior speed, | of Muskerry, and la-belle Hamilton “asin oasis al conditions than’ those which for hut she gets there regularly, no le _Gram-| went aiong with his master, Well tewaa -olal h centuries have bred war and depen- matter what the weather. Imagine| mont), with those of Miss Jennings | te te nan ee sng; ite ha Neaa tured gteutie orone dence and degradation. THE S LE IN | ihe God pf the earth and that all|the Waldorf-Astoria hotel at. sea, and Miss Stewart, (the original of| “xe ined to bo. busy, the ok-watden aide how Eevee reoeiee ear Gone le ie other go Were ‘‘a vain show.’’|and you haye the A he Britannia on the guinea), sto-| did, And he pottered ‘round a8 much a8 ture the last morsel of food from the a er when es was ae ee She is 725 feet.9 inches over all— Ie Siete Hee the ee by Ro-| he was able to, eve ing on little Farden, en he nodded his head, as ENTENCE outlaw to take service under a Phi |three blocks long. er beam is 75| chester an illig re is an| tramps with his gun, always taking the ough bowing, and strutted with great SENTENCE SERMONS. INTERNATIONAT LESSON, _[8#in€ chief it was equivalent to a/fect 6: inches, and her moulded] entire compartment devoted. to| faven along with lm, of course rien ad 1 bird! cefmented” the oes lie only makes a larger = Ea ea ge < y Renae of the gods} depth about 50 feet, or about the|scme of the Pheeer Gree ned iy the ‘Upon one of these occasions—no one warden, and wo asreed ith Wins 7 A ; : city She has 15,000 horse pow indeed, at this period ap two c , and she can steam ciphessahigede ill she wa: David Spares Saul’s|not. be separated, ai eat hour peilions trouble. The i Golden Text, there was a feeling in the ermore,| knot was $3, ° religions that s con- Luke 6, 27. A FLOATING HOTEL. incomes. as evel ined to the territory. of his people. ‘aaman after his cl lansing took h + Read verses 117, Soul} back with him some of the soil of qurrica cent, a, oth nl pitches his carp with six thousan] Jehovah a latent. ae he each oh 8 troops against. Davi wil-leq hi dernoss of Ziph. At night ent worship the God who had Stee and Abishai steal into the camp'and ng cure. pat a: Satlouhicn ak take the spea water Cruse) this same fealiad ih this andthe 61? ae the head of the Bene ing lowing verse. . wna delights to give itself away. |and retire’ undetected... Davi vid) 20. Let not my blood fall to the . uu -will, no’ eaven on} erosses a ravine und. standing on| earth away tro the hill opposite upbraids Abner, ery | Jehovah That is, Jo his : + 80. Naront ees are not always.a:gain in_greatn Faith aes not fight knguledss,; it Bipoly forges ahead of It’s easy pcemnib ite the dangers of riches. befor *~ 3 Lesson IX. Life. “=: ‘The Plopgooses Victim killed” ead and wealth. Princess i euss, for instance, is a sures is often lo) se’ Nea has fre- herever there isa heart. open i to heaven there is a house. of hea- te ‘ou never can impoverish ae life full complement of passengers and cre wshe ee 3,000 elas on board—three regiments—a whole Bigaes to eroe the Atiande she burns 3,000 tons of ¢ nown eee company hike taken Gh end pebetaagtce n,|than‘one of the inventions of the Duchése Philip of Wartembere, who the curious hobby of making aga caren bandages, relate stockings, our record for uncovering the x faults ot the: heaven bound. Saul’s commande: fs again ae would| to protect the per: seall a loss. if we Suv hedre him and thé oats A RSS OL rae tp A pressive of his own insignificance as Tew what. we| eign. high and low, tich and| the most curious “Royal Hobie otal Would pay for it in the aay tun, {between Saul and David follows. | compared wit greatness. of aor, which MEO ates eae eihewetar’ in chat oF the Archduchess Many aman who is strong o1 Saul knew David's voice—Appar-| comPATS importance of his mat-| carry Freidrich of Austria, who makes x : ‘ eens the mind of the Almighty sae it we still ee Davia tebe GF htwte. bart big steamship has elevators ie aie moaid on candles, ‘CAMD TO MR, MONGOOSE'S HOME’ is mighty weak on mindin, ‘ Bu i} 21. Behold, I have played the fool ry passengers from one deck} W ich moulds and prepares oie Seeger Bee eet _ienntealt_ Wr bebelay Chere played the fal i She einai 2A wi ho own ges bE Tg tae eee we ene ee Se ink more of people it never will| Whose music ae him back to lfe|@nce: Saul did not seem to be cap- h~bath, as well as ge and| ‘The news that a son of Prince Rojansdon' ts hier ae ul to get where ho lead you to know much about God. | §1 able of any such anguish of heart aan pool; icleotig baths and Hohenloke, ex-Chancellor of the} wager I can outwit him without half 0, You can Sine the divine out-of 3). h ner ie sin as was David (compare/ massage and manicure rooms; arti-| German Empire, having taken or-| tying. sald the solenodon, “that the heavens, you -eennot- take David—Under there cir-)p.57 ial ice machin restaurant| dors as a priest, has been noniinat-| | Skirting the edge vr the wéng, Mn y. ‘Would you like to know Pie Gisue: tubscatee aut ct your| cumstances this amounts to a term|"S) 9h 14 the spear, O king —| conducted on the European plan,| eq yector of.a parish in syl.| Solenodon came to the door of the the correct reason?” own of endearment. fear of die" |ii.g gaptite ot Skil saver eda where the passengers may have so|vania, draws attention to the fac | MOR&°ose’s home and rapped vigor- ed, I wauld,” anewered the See oe devil worries little over the| covering the presence of an enemy! deep significance, for the spear in| much deducted from the price of nate nber of b, cot ntints ae oa a ee aan who never thinks of the salva-| within his own camp has given Way | thot, Warlike days was the Seepta: |ins passage if he docsn’t take his ely tel pean: taniliee have Fe | ec Monsoore came to tne door nim gt erro Bs Hom ofthe world Until he is called to. a8, goat rei ne it he ires| The king was never without it. It| meals in the regular dining-rooms;(COY Or, {gisning, families have folk |ope-hls. -pialens academe oeretetime ‘wat hat bat Pee meth te His tha hankfwiness | co*responded to the headquarters) telephones, a photographie dark |} ve eligions “rovation, snout, with nostrils upon each side, the mongoose, iook- tc tapahan spared his life. pear eid time of war; it-was driven| room, a tennis court, golf links and] gow of the Du Broganza, who looked rather inquisitive, and Mr. quietly at the sblenodon, “I sup- was no doubt genitine for the the ground by the commander’s| shuffleboards. Wireless telegraphy |S. “sompelled. to ongoose, being very, Inquisitive ry funny, t NO HURRY, head at night (1’Sam. 26 en|| Keeps the great ship in communica-| thy, ontiael. enero the| minieelt, didn't like-other peoples ehoula Nike to know If you place me “The humor in jokes,’ sonlarked y Lord, 0. king—David’s loy-| the king sat at table it was by his| tion with the world ai SbloMee Ooisieutiey after his dent possess this quality, Besides, the among ‘some people.’ Henry Miller, “depends on alr to ie king has never wavered, | sido (20. 23), and a: at im coun-| ine FEEDING PROBLEM. Ree ces aes Hi oe et male Paes PEREIRA ote Mc pes errant, point of view. and he still regards himself as One|} he held it in his hand. (22. 6) t=" lepends her days in peaceful flee. Sia Htc ORA RESO Cee Jaughing at his own Joke, iy long ~haired man, walking a eats 8 retain What a trophy this would have| ‘The problem of. feeding thesé 3,-|ment in a convent. in: the Isle -of Rbave. bald eke oeawaatlere ‘es, and you are a whole goose!" along the Bireely met a little boy, Wherefore—A. strong, manly heen! David's neturn of the ‘king's! 999 persons who travel on the Adri-f Wight r ing Edward neath the body, and his. great claws fled the mongoose, leaping upon his who asked him the time, appeal to reason’ on the part of spear” was absolute proof of his| stic in tho high lide ot atime teat: | hor saemberieha spired respect. visitor and tearing him limb from “Ton minutes os nine,’ said the| David. ee in-all that he had said. | fis a serious one. dikes’ 250/ ily frequently ee P © solenodon bowed politely, as he nian, What evil is in. my hand—The) 24. behold—This speech of | persons alone to prepare and ¢erve| Maximilian, a brother of the se Bal puver since that time the mongoose ‘Well,’ said the boy, ‘at nine| words suggest apon, such’ as David's | ischalf covenant and halt the food for the passengers and Saxony, as is well} “MY name is Mr. _Solenodon. ty ated the solenodon, and #0 ef- : 2 *) 2 : though I've never had the Dieppe fectively has he fought against: him o'clock get yee hair cut. And he| Saul has held in his hand and mur- prayer. He begins: by making the} crew. , after having exereied His Of meeting you before, I presume yo nat a solenodons*are now _ all took to his heels and ran, the ag-|derously thrown at David. David|terms of an agreement with Saul,|"" For a single trip there is requir-| apostolate in the East end cof Lon. | are at. Ey id ae showic ta "the plotuce ah 4 grieved one after him. now holds aie per but not for} but his closing w: turn in sup-| eq 32,000 pounds of beef, mutton, den, is now teaching canon law and ies eis Haiti, is an exceedingly rare Sper jongoose nodded his head, ued: ‘urning the corner, the man ran| evil against “so let my life > young clerics in the Uni-| tre solenodon contin: 's_kkin; plication to Jehovah: Ta e fekeval tt Saul’s e into’ = polsema: nearly knockin; 19. be mueh set by in the eyes of Je-|o7 game and pou! Freiburg. Prince Ferdi-| “coula: you be so ‘ind as to per- Soon heneivoa Nien : cranes 3 ©) thirst for David's lite w Was du sim-|hovah, and eas deine we eon ae foo PUA of takedl| evel OF Crop, WHO was w domestig|ianiC neste sent avai EMR ee ee ‘Boge Received hele Namen © What's up? said the police-|ply to his own then it all tribulation.”’ fish ; 8,000 pounds of fruit; 3,0° | prelate to Leo XIIL., is now a par-| fortable little ho ome? ibe Cridinal wheel Geka teeny al man. aust a eacep ted as en eel spirit, David went his way—Not| dozen eggs; 12,000 pounds of bread ;| ish priest of Mores, while Princess | Weary of traveling.” ae spitz gee received its name “The man, very. much out of tae ra to trust himself to Saul] ¢, ms of assorted vegetables;| Henriette of Be ee Tives'inl | 25 ett anu AIR Delian She anon sharp nose, “spits,” In breath, said: oe see that young him accept an offering — The} whose moments of kindness were| 15,000 quarts of beer and 2,000! Benedictine convent ni ar Prague, | He hospita’ ay, ir Solenodon Ten, TAeining. saanasD, Paw as Z g urchin running along there? He at idea <p placating God by| daily econo more transient and! quarts of champagne ; 1,000 bottles as Mother Adelgundis. Store BNE Se aa alee Pa DEFOE. a aehan nay ecause that word in Gore asked me the time, and I told him. aoe of gifts is here suggested. If| infrequ of whiskey, gin and rum, and 500/ quite a number of aristocratic Eng-| While the solenodon was enjoying Eos re mr reget ‘Ten minutes to ni and he said, has wronged Jehovah; he is Seal: enced to his own Bie gallons of ice cream. There are eae lish ladies of title who have taken this ee Spporeanlty toe elf that it now _ rst employed for ‘At nine o’clock get. your hair cut.’ Gelling to make restitution possible. seed is, gave up the pursuit of Da-| ways 1,000 cases of condensed zal fhe. ail Pyar sigbers 6 Bpon the host. Fox terriers were go named ecause Well,” the Policeman, But if it be the children of men—|vid. He does not appear to have aboard, but 1,000 gallons of fresh| Tord Russell of Killowen are oe at tebe eneeGse” sald Be, ‘can you tp Bn England they were used to bunt ‘what are you running fort You’ve}Saul undoubtedly had advisers|made any Oe attempts upon} milk are used before this is touched. | Convent of the Holy Child at May- e got eight minutes yet.’” whose prospects for . promotion| Dav‘d’s life. Jl sorts of minor supplies are car- and one of Lord Ashbourne’s : 3 ii Soe ae be marred by Dawvid’s good —1»__ ied in great ae ic cutie be-| daughters is also a membe | PROFITABLE LITIGATION. The every, oyald Gs on bush is we ‘avor at court. ‘ould not be img provided with the idea that me community. Lady Ethelred worth about ‘o1 a rone, an 7 PRENG THE REABES < blewio" Gultivate Sau’s anger, and| HOW EMPEROR, WIELLAM cate of emergency the entire ship’s| Howard is head of the Mill Hill tar. in'an Austen nes: were the judge told Che fighting farmers: The British government in India} hy rem company may have to be fed“for) Convent, while Lady Maria Chris-|;0"," “With good luck, it will take you his public threats fe. go! seberry bush, say acho naneied peat Fi Taka is considering a project to link to-| to goad sie as estroy, the young| 4; thirty da; Newburgh’ + seems ee re a | VEE UE SOUS: tina Bandini, Lon pel 3 iat i ae ee have for - rf: eae eer Sindee eet commander 4 ’s generous al-| oy is in the habit of having sane SEA epne: daughter, and Lady pene Kep- wile te eae bb, ean ¢{ tl he bush pay, Take good care of order to equalize the slow of wateeltn ee oe, ee Saul two hour: inces- ee pel, a sister of Lord Albermarle, | yews on my side is mine, and you!” ie iecleation (uirposero thas ee othe mice we mae makes this necessary, ‘This has been a big year for Eu- are members of the Sacre Coeur. | may have the rest,” was the agree- eg es : when ia is @-flood “in ‘one of th f th thee = his example is followed by ropean, travel, geen the rather| N6 th four aunts of the! ment. Three years ago the nei; Be Siti ofthe vate cen elone ce ie eae ond. ee most of his suite, who would other-| hard + 6,367. first-| Duchess of Norfolk: are in convents. | Poe .aa a misunderstanding, and| SCOTSMEN OFTEN WINNERS. : micuneed to. a ae whee i wee Sitiaee te their “lftiment ‘od to se be unable to Aes is oe; class pameners pea for Europe i this fente to v8 climax ee te Volunteers north of the Tweed “ag ‘i it" ma. ie Empress al-| f; N e NU! seberries became ripe. jaw- ‘i be more needed. “In this way it is] Go, serve other god Those were So, hen the Emperor is “on par-| Ler tune inveensed to 95088 Tey | Love is a serious Maller the first | Si followed, and appeals were| te” (here Recline ; jab x nam Breaky ae ee on sue Tracts ligion, pete refreshment] year it was B08; ‘This year’s| time a man bumps into i made to higher susiioinl: sedis Tho. names of Scotsmen figure more than 4 Hive Miyeva cate be decuted a auth aad i : ie an en as the ie Kaiser also| figures cannot be made up until the}. Contentment is ae a he potter final decision has just been record-| any others in the list of winner BOF: 4 Gient water-supply at all seasons. |°r aes ie a ence fae oe ee of the ‘hen| season closes. oe g the entire} than riches, but. itis only a mat-|ed in an Austrian. paper. Each| tho various stages of the King’s : S22 E28 < oo er Peeples Was) possible, to rest; from 2 to 4 o’clock| year, more than 2,000 persons sail| te: of hearsay ae most people. | party is to have the right to pick Prize at Bisley. In the coumenten ss : ver ene one aie he is not to be disturbed when at| for Europe every week. In thi h|- ‘Nothing: makes a woman feel so|the berries which grow on his side! {or the National Volunteer Chal- very victory of Israe) Gren pace er} lome. Otherwise he is the entir eks 0! mer there may be 7,-| little as the sein sal of a man to| of the line, just as it was originally, lenge Trophy, ‘Scotland has been re- Mr. Robi ee Nace a singular girl you are, Miss Jones!’ Miss Jones (coyly) la you kvow. “Wel that can be g§ d «x pleasure. He retires to rest late | li |} and is sup again the next mo: jornin: ab 6. o’dlodk ae wini M500. but all is year around 100.-! 000 persons traveling by the srers ary dead cold weeks of number may drop to ines: iter the uo wit! ome eanle: think they are in the manyfacturing hn make promises, — ecaRise they: ut neither may destroy the bush. The costs are charged half ve eac! ieee Each farmer had to pay two hundred and twenty-i ve krone. YY! and, turned tl -on more than — twice as aaa occasions as England — indeed, came out on top for. eleven years consecutively,