Milverton Sun, 3 Sep 1908, p. 1

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| MILVERTON, - ONTARIO — z - S : : 2 MILVERTON + ONTARIO. “It Shines For All.” ms Vol. XVII_No. 81 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 1908 = Maleolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher 7 Poe : DIAN PB ~4-—— JOB Systematic Saving Paves the Way |||d.ececccccccecarsssensese: ove tty i Ge lge THE CANADIAN BANK Seine ic Saving Paves the Way J|Pwewenirnwnre (eatin ~| OF COMMERCE Pi ‘Weitzell’s. Try ius for your next ery perder: , argent ora eee ee A 2 gallon fruit jars $1.00, per ere eelieas guaranteed at ane 8. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO e ESTABLISHED 1867 wil dozen jat Mohr’ Robertson, of Monkto: NOW to save ena Mrs. J. J. eats is at F nd id a en ‘present m fay and Saturday in the village! B.E. i 000 eee Sth as ee Tae sigh in Gorrie. ‘iss Johnston, Fe VASSAR, Preieae Paid-up Capital, $10,000, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, THE METROPOLITAN. BANK aregand, Ms W, Hearne attended Monday With her friend, ‘Mise, Fries | AEBX- LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 ‘ Reaches, \iplums, (tomatoes, and| Reeve Smith and Clerk Kreuter, of A x Note Heads, receives depose of $1.00 and upwards in its Savings ep eae cents one pee @aily at Molr's. Etice, were in the village on Thure-| Branches throughout Canada, and- int and. in the United States and England Statements, Envelopes, Etc. All departments of banking conducted with satisfaction and security. sere Mec BiGe Sespamaarile: fe Sa ee, DONE NEATLY AND FARMERS’ BUSINESS GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. 7s Service in Burn's Church next Sun-| Spent a few days, last week with SAVINGS B ANK DEP. ARTMENT — PROMPTLY at— Capital Pala Up Reserve Fund and Undivided fay Rept 6th, morning and evening as ue el te DDO oO | Profits, $1,241,532.26 verion, Sun and Weer Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current — eres fe RE E22 ceer. FFG returned Saturday Biobe and Cana jan Farmer to Caled SAC eounE b he Sun ffice trom Muskoke; Picts he bee’ beng | 1810. tor BL.60. ‘ ‘ounts may be opened in the names of two or more MILVERTON BRANCH, A, J. Cundick, Manager. holidaying. aes A. Ducklow has returned home Persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the Mr. Wallace MéKinnon is visiting] ® spendin @ week with Mre. J. number or by the survivor. ue friends in Toronto and attending the Petrie, Donega Exhibition this week: Mr. J. W. mie returned last WM. MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCH Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Whaley aoo2m-| Week from a business “trip to : panied the party etenocemtml oonten er Drovin tants to Toronto Fair. Mrs. Rev. N. D. MeKinnon returned M has returned| J88t mecca eee ae friends ome, after, spending some time in|? and a ut Toronto Muskoka and at other parts. ee, Weir will offer for sale on Mrs. Routley, of Lindsay visited saturdsy, pcpepia Oth, 2003 Phete nae thi ith sister, and lot Finkbeiner, King innon sr., a few days. street, Milvert ton, ‘A igood smart boy, fourteen years You can get a fine black or blue, of lage or over, desirious of learning ms worsted a : Beaver printing, should apply at this offic or Melton overcoat made to your order He date! - at $16.50, at Kelterborn’s. ~ = tonth iday 2 af harvesters who have i and| #one re B SAE SP RAI RTE ELIT VEEN LES r plac as the crop i below, aries Spencer has our thanks| *{imates, owing to frost in certain the| **° Sere TO THE CALENDAR and the : i ot ine: alfte eetae’ basket], On ‘Thoraday last, Judge Barron Money placed in your care, temporarily or 3 i apples. qT weather bureua our old friend and yearly visitor, Divi urd he ., mons otherwise, by relative, friend or organiz- Mr. J. Frost, will soon be with us again, and canto: well tae sudgine ation, should at once be deposited in a we suppose he will bring with him Fis usual retinue of s ington, had re Savings Bank— for your own Baga ide add cold: : appoint ea agent of the Aus- 3. tectide: “CE YOUF Own prow thi Stretband: Weinvite such trust deposits. : ss Margaret j ight, E Are you Briand > his toe Reeiae green irce aria : 9 ; : nesday for Parkhill, where she has aia Standar rd. : R. J. RANNEY, H seoured a position, for the season. e s Reception ‘ : : Mr. J. W. Stewart, of Hampstead | fom has des net eyes Ses ; : spent a day ee week with his sisters 2 Aap ise eetc Milverton Braden To meet the changed in the weather, you must be : : : Macbeth: Gulor faving for Mon-|#achers, instead of by the teacher ‘ warmly clad. Our Fall and Winter stock is now 4l- treal to resume his studies at MeGili|in the meet Manes Ee a s we hav : ersity. sa Glenn lett Tuesday morn: most complete. For the past few month: e : ee eee ee matin Toronto arco been searching the best markets fer the choicest x amountihg to over a quarter of ajo the teaching staff of the “Elliott things in : million dollars have been entered on| Business College. She was accompanied : Z Bebsif vot ths widowyaiant. orphans her mother, who will visite wit 0 were killed in the|ber daughter, rown. fan Hs the Queen bridge. Mon’t be afraid to giv Ladies’ eacd Goods, : It will pay we ell to get your|! # erou} +e 2.00| and it is the best medici ' Mantles, Furs, Etc. mtg ea estat ter sus For" al ur a ; L guaranteed or money refund ists. Th F B k f C d : Sees ee ees aa| Ee ores lta wo camber e Farmers Bank of Canada iio as the Morauigtn a bt (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) ene Member of the ceneaien Bel ames aeoeton & The Toronto New Fall Overcoats. gob BEA 20 ,|Feceiving one should write the sec ring Hou Heretofore the returna were made ebay; Mepis, seeeimmre ren: is ’ ff yearly. sation : ne ; Head oes - tence . Bre Thos gouneto on, of Diisee mpbar tons stig Seabee Tee te 0 eR. TR, Suits, Hats, Neckwear accompanied by her sister, Miss Annic| thirty mills, is m ollows nlaiebo Malai Me nes 9 9 ’ a ent 8 Lo t .| | SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Spesial Seals given ito this depart. : 2 me t, | 16. 1 aa Interest eS kates from date o! itiat current rates, and ni . : a ; Bee x added to principal times kag mney may ba withdrawn The freedom of this store is yours, and the display of — : i f 18 , Soria tier ae by cheque without netics, “Money fotwanded to depositors Wy New Fall Goods for men, women and children at the easy. prices quoted by us, will tea re~he will finish his|& prorat tee Pera mail on reque: amply repgyya for your visit. Come and look and buy at your pleasure. ies. FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPRCIATIPY—Notes of Jeet Pe ; ve K =e ‘ h ers discou notes collected and advances made tl ived, a in the rece foo sites cbse is oe Tene fae EGU ES On any bank cashed or taken on laes it For men we have the finest stock of Listowel High School an- for, a f theie, ati 3 Misses Giadye We will continue fora few days more our pupils passed the Entrance to Nor-| scene 0 8; M ne rat ie pee oe Sea se a ae 1 School 18 of whom| Zimmerman a * “ll Sale clean-up sale. We are offering some unusual met ee ear ea nia : Clean p specials for this week's selling. S poate ae a oh ras eo ane | niiter: MILLBANK BRANCH: R. G. GRIEVE, Manager ichol ‘ou; the school up to a high state of ef ficienc: Next M Labor and] If you see it in the Sun it's so. be to HHL CE : The police village of St. Clements ent of $ fonday SPECIAL NOTION OFFERINGS has recently purchased a fire engine | XXIX. For and a’ ‘hat: | all places of business wil be “one, Miss Mar - = but ‘o date the incorporated wus copies Bight sie aos Sam = ae Roe, and D.} iano i ; jeTavish attent ronte ‘Fair thi jd We have gone ae our Notion stock and picked up all odds and endy here ingle foot 0! ewes et he (eee oes week in Millbank Tuesday. Sept. Sth wetha and there that sold ee at from 15 to 25c, including Graniteware, Glass- 10 ioe a AE ie.) iiteCoest saa ara J. home of Mrs. Martin. ware, Etc. See this big table of odds and ends. ae choice for Cc oreaaing took place “in| fran y,cpent an afternoon in LinWood|- Mr .Fred C. Meyer, son of Rev iz se Rae Ft? on Wednesday, when leyer, of Milverton has accepted the eck. of the| _ Miss afaik snd Sadie Nalamith re-| position of asslstant ftescher in, the 7 by turned on Tustday evening, trom| Listowel Business College, which ops oe ere ee ee Dee Women's Institute iptatf ends daugh | ett trip to Scotland, where they] ened on Sept. st, under the prin- Ladies’ Underwear Dress Goods Sieukiod the Uratapayarsetite. oot: bit tied to He. Bes inni-| Bave been touring for several months.|ipalship. of Mr: A. Inty: the (ball. ‘| peg Relegram statt—Pri nd| Christ 0 treks? eth _The Epworth Salar z People who go to the west by the Pubtis Miss i Ss ‘riniy—id a a + Holy Co 10 dozen Ladies’ Union Vests, week Place on Xnown in this vicinity, havin sey: ., Even: The long sleeves, well made and trim- pe 300 reste ‘Tweed and otett we g] Uni Spas visited here in in intersets Sale, at bogies anedlgea: au welcome white and natural 5c cloth Dress Goods in Venetians, iable to b rae ue k. We mo s ae leas ae Tasttate Eade Sek Mr. Se 5 ae ee Nae A I i i: . we - rt and bri 4 oclorpeeetlas She fo srs Dts cte., all good ARC eocchate ee age fiat sts the past week of” Mr. ere Air. Grosch will look. after the| ollestion will be t [aia teh) Salo Le : usiness interes, of the J. = Grosch] The success atta ona » It Sho Ss “A Right Price at a right selling time.” | “Values that will thrive on comparison” s 3 o 5 jf “a 5 i ry Wi Children’s Underwear ed bi a y | Bu: cit, to Centreville, tae “acquisation to our ex: z if ny i the C. | omins ‘: e = Z id ay th ad tax S $4 “A special price while they Inst. Flannelette é he of avoiding|m ‘ these annoyances is té aes ie an|at Kalamazoi Foe ee Union “Note the Price Carefully” all Canadian. route. ing Miss st a t ry onmiell: ‘The , in style and|at noon, in “order that room nomEnE ed inside, We bought the lot at Thomas Shillinglaw, of ‘Tucker-| formerly of London, Eng. From: ce, almost a facsimile of|be provide oe . ky ae é lot at Kalamazoo exchange we. learn that Yo: ight, but in change: has been made a bargaii ‘ind you ni : Holiday tris Mrs. Egbert is talented in musio,,both| matter and. form is purely. original need for the Cees et now. ight shades, ah iat, a nitoulin Island, brought | ¥°° eal and instumental, and speaks| and reflects the dpinion wot the 'gol- Regular 35 nd 50 8. Q5¢ | regular up to 10 cents yard 7 ek eee ea French and Bnglish with equal fluen-|den West, ‘The Sunset is not ae All sizes. Bach... clearing at. c whieh he pureha i cy. She the daughter of Mr | credit to Vancouver, but is mot sur- A i John ‘Soot, talented linguist, ee passed Ree any paper in any city of| for was, private tutor to King Geotge| “he Dom Greece when he was Crown Prince Conbidlerable trouble has arisen out SS aeaTie Chronicle. rt ju ent against F z pounds i eight. a LADIES ! s ‘cross betw see Tamworth and} “One hundred and fifty- three town- eae i f ips i ni for a bli tackstaithing account. A num- SEE OUR BIG RANGE OF _Septland i among the few countries nape or Faia er of artln ete sed en r 01 > . Six i a last, some of_which were locked in the cellar of the house belontinig| . fee Percentage o: en a ro; ‘s. W une and “Sug Tt i a inl pee ein ay ok = : ay of| fo Soh her. “Ai search war-| or a busy ife,” by Mrs. H. LE and FURS nths 1, 3. 200 006 i -| rant was obtained, and the hous Soh: . Two of the members ; te irtl isi 1 Good broken ito, with thie reaulb-that Mu | Gaye’ atheretl coo Gate ® Tight “Tanck. > inion Im- i ‘ll ird. Zimmerm: men. Bsilitt Guenther and Let: all the Somber be pred AN : fi agen nd- of sentiment is all*in|Constable Hanimier, who took part] ladi Mrs AT EASY PRICES. be boat thet lis harvests ees i of ad |in the proceedings, were summoned : i i i i | to Stratford Wednesday, in connec-| on oes the matter. : a, this year illegal to either abipae or sell y Jongsdrawn howls ot rage and business proposition. A. W. C: i id come t i grict’ titering down puty minister of, sunlis 66, ‘ od oul ay hax ce legiited that this one can shoot them within the prov- lies ie measur of pene ally on thi but will “Srebanly keep awa: Ww ber of Americans, who adn clined to think ar. Stewart HF Tent, nd hi i the city| oustomed Be gross the border for] ing —Paisley Advoe: or town. 3 , some fall 5;

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