ek, Re Time Table Westbound Eastbound A.M. A.M. P.M, 10 43 ‘inwor B34 4 02 10 54 Millbank 9 22 3 51 103 _ Milyerto: 914 343 4118 West Monkton 9 00 3 30 1128 M ugh: 850 3 20) 11 39 Walton 841 311 G T R. Time Table. Peffers, a goah oe 9.14 am , 1.07 89 p.m. oing north 8.00 a p.m, Newton, going south 9.20 a.m., 1.13 pm., 4.45 p.m. going north, 7.55 a.m, 11.06 a.m., 6.56 p, rpms going south 9.26 a. pm., 4.51 p.m., Dens eee apee "10.58 a.m., 649 : aly ‘unner, going south, 9.382 1.27 pm. 4.57 p.m, going ee Eye ay 10.50 am, 642 pm, The Milverton Sun EVERY TBURADS & REPENENG: The Sun Printing Office Main Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES * r, $1; mths, 50 outie; 26 ‘ceqts, dnote: in arrears willbellablete pay $1.50 per year. CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES 3 Mos. $25 12 7 Mon $8 5 3 2 Year 6 Mos. m8 40 ine for first insertion and each subsequent inser- t cents oe ee * eo well ibe abeean for all “trandlent adver- a in Advertisements without specific directions will be Inserted until forbid ‘and charged ne, cor Business Cards Dentistry. DR. RB. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- | y, versity. Crown and Salyer work aSpec- iaity. Hours 9 a, m ce Medical. PARKER, M.D ai i Medallise 1 College, also Gold and. Silver inity f sity, Toronto. to Dr. . Office in Publi Store, ‘Telephone connection with Pools runner, Moserville and Rostock. Veterinary. vr RR, Veterinary Surgeon, J. W. BA ae Callan Graduate of Ontario Veterin- ‘ ‘ollege, Toronto. ‘Treatsall diseases 4 rm Pdamsetsated animal me: ‘ Phone or otherwise promptly a attended to. z Societies. baer hs nope No. 478, M., G. Gs Milverton: meets every Monday eveuing on ore full moon of every month lock, Visiting br W. G, LIVINGSTON, W, M., W. J. ZOEGER, SECY. . 99, Milverton, meets {7 Visiting brethren always welcome. R. Tucker, C. R., S. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. ). F., paler Star tin, SW. Finkbeiner, N.G., W ¥, Seoy., B, Finkbeiner, R. Becy. Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, vet tioneer for the Gounty of Povil and Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Branper, Ont; Best liquors 2 . _ First-class ation and large stubling. or in. their ['s0; eth- lega' Milyertoa, Ont gleot cents; three | the Subseribers [3 itself to-day. Twice Mr. Dryden was defeated in ti slwaye had<tu fight tor hie’ gone ical life. He was succeeded) be Councils of our cou } EDITORIAL So western farmer should have eaer price than his teat bro- ther ats Six hotelkeepers of Guelph were as it is any other commodity. ote Ontario Government at the ent time ms enforcing the liquor la ss it ver z forced before in this province. T pay their home, se will likely remain im futur: or two after getting back to books ie holiday period will have mx f the a pleasant SND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil veftOn. First-class aceommodatior commercial eavalety and ee mies large somple rooms, tabling. Chas, Ritter, Proprietor, e Bout brands brands of liquorefend cigars, le w ‘Various predictions Be being made ing Federal r, Bart, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. dation for cominercial large sample Mablen Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, ere $0oe. ° sla food many people. looms up as the biggest man in the Changes for contract advert ni tates, President Roosevelt bein the office by noon Monday." "| not excepted’ .Mr. Bryan has bee hat radical in his ideas, but 1 7 ue > sc ipa set oa (ay they: lave. been” tnetiowed by ‘tine MALCOLM MacB md he seems at last to have struck Publisher and jeri OPE safe ground, in declaring for a lower ariff. Owing to the influx of labor : {and capital during the last fifty THURSDAY, SEPT. 3, 1903 years, the epont, joyed a con tinuous measure of prosperity not enjoyed. ue older countries. This en- abied hi to attribute it to tere tariff, and ag a result, and trusts “flourished that oppresses them, and m lionaires of the monopolist: yan is championing their ‘cause. ‘imately result in a vivtory er. he consum: °8 The two have led lota astray. Si Sea WESTERN FAIR London, Ont. eRaptaabe: ‘11-19 New bepeiie To eae management the Western addres calla ee ie very Passenger in the car ‘anitob: ~ from the sun ifryou have mo hat on;) the same way, you vannot protect|$ro E 2 ¢ g E 4 S = 3 3 3| Ss 3 & 3 BA 8 a =z Be e8 3 trator, al of Se, aualities t= followii t iss general rk. jeoretary will be pleased to me a peas List and entry form to ~ oF you may get one by offic SERS A Jrevallte man Received the Thanks {sce | Engelan < TheTrumpet Sounds , \ TheAdvance _ The Bugle Call is to Action . All along the line the New Goods are moving forward To-day it is New Fall Clothing, and every : day some new lines are added. many of them of our own creation, and all them most erly trimmed, are bringing in new trade right along. ness. No trouble to show you and no obligation to buy. 3 The clouds of depression are lightening. Factories and farmers are in a better shape than a year ago, and we look for brighter, busier times right along. : 3 : We are most enthusiastic over our New. Fall Suits, : desirable in fit, style and finish. Greys, Browns, Blacks and Navys of the best qualities worn, made and prop- We want you to see them, because we want your busi- will make a clean sweep o! Dom- he 3 et tell pee my eaperienee on inion. La Patrie, of Montreal, iat an East bound O. R. ‘RR. train 2 opposed the Gouin Government in the|from Pendleton to Le Grande, Ore" : eae an ctciviuntad colestions but Wil tfol | writda arber, a well known The 7 q. The ably give the Laurier Government an| traveling ‘I was in the smoking Ee et independent support, makes the fol-ldepartment with some other’ travel- People’s House of lowing forecast: tives| (BE, e" When one of them went out Provinces Liberals fonservatives| in: ie coach, and came back again it ta. 89 AT said, “There is a woman rte Store Quality juebec 51 14 santo Meath in the car.’ I ati once b. Nova Scotia 14 New Brunswick 5 ; ‘ Bl! THE SUN.... FOR of Hamilton, Money ilver- | Saskatchewan 8 ton, Ont. Permanent offices have been) Rritish Columbia 8 arranged for ember of the firm will] Prince Kaward x be in ilverion every eile Island -|This timetable should be faithfully] “The Heroes,” (Kingsley), ”Christ- i. B, M . M, CARTHEW. |v iicon Cig: followed . : mas Carol,” and “Poems on the Love ete caak Organize your entrance and cies oe county nade: Books. ea ? ei classes in September. ri a # seus? Sechaba? one hd Ore Who i wing to work although D6 bos named the ngpest Barristers & Solicitors Majority ues ae x a ate behind the other embers of of tig eee ae Tenedy an ohieie: B : j ose ti : Stratford = Ontario]. Me present standing of the parties|the medicine’ jn the glass, poured ae ce apanink: ‘elke t go nto the ss tentary seeing * a t in the he as water ito it stirr i ith ~a J.C.Makins - W.J.Hanley [Provinces — Liberals Conservatives pencil; then I had quite a time tol sin meee ee eran es cubis school "aes wi be tose 2 Ontario 39 et the ladies to let m it S 7 e lower school ‘he igh Qaatee 54 11 her but I succeeded: 1 coud ace g1| ‘The successful teacher © prepar ©8! Schools. Fo: bookkeeping and Nova Scotia 17 = once the effect and I worked with paiaieiess Fore sand ar At be peeeinte runs wick 5 her, rubbing her hands and in twenty Ciro ATTEND THE BEST Te Manitoba 7 > minutes T gave her another dose. By) | tor the other seiiste This year ithe ¥ p this we were almost in «CENTRAL... 3 Atberta ee 2 deaitla vier Toes the British Columbia 7 0 train. I gave the bottle to the hus- ae Pusat College 3 Prince dwar 4 band to he used in ease another dose aie sIslan should be needed, but by the time th ea o Yukon C) 1 train Fan into e Gra ans see ah hers. remain in the nee a anit iin for a 5 Best and - Pe: Tight, an i hy inky * be 3 hx some sac Tcaising $| ‘Total 140 74 every passenger Inth er. a aeae sale take The |sbould find fhe titth form work inter : weeecenta Commercial, Shormand, & = = by all druggists. Canadi tease, i esting. Some pupils, may ‘cover. ¢ shite. zat time, Write (Majority i i i i ear, but most em : for Beetatslogue. ‘| , : that will tasiat t the Eguoher in bia work will require twa years to do ithe work ‘Elite & ‘lad ai . For Teachers and si . Itis| satistactoril there are no Aedes 5 emcemlam Veins, < tye eee in ithetext books for ° Mr. J. E ool In-| am, 'P nice ony ee the fol- lowing oble¥ ta the cy entrance examine ter were a sabi a Frightful Death ena ra me from suffocation In several schools the Pesatts of ee re: fiat next year's work may be ae H i st vantits: come factory, avoid last year’s mistakes. m Catarrhozone, sees Abe The August and September numbers a fter hope is al ‘It's ybe-| he Canadian Teacher will contale cause Catarrhozone kills SEE Asthma germ, that cures. Choking spells nd labored. breathing ‘focating ease ate ee ons Come to White's end e| breat ured. | Aae hma is aeivad even hror Seem to be in endless sean and © there are piles of the most ‘squares here in all convenient sizes, _ It’s a perfectly simple matter to fit a room with a ru; No mi siaichings” : some are seamless—fin ine borders all _ round and they cost less than = made up, Bees Think of it, a_complete _ ae in one ice at any price from $4.00