HOT WEATHER A IN THE EVENT OF WAR for the integrity of the Empire, so stan hat bill now grows re A medicine that wil esi children re £40,000,000 to $50,000,000, well is a great boon to every mo- | 1 a BLY BE| ‘There ar ousand an ther, ‘This is just. what Baby's|{2222 WOULD. SUREL et expenses, direct and indirect, GREAT NAVAL LOSSES. War Would Cost Great Britain $10,000,000 a Week for the Command of the Sea. There is no nation in the world whose Prosperity is so intimately its Navy as dose keeps the little stomach an bowels right, and prevents sickness. uring the have at once to be lai every Salah dockyard tum and if a medicine like Baby’s oie ‘Tablets is ‘under {Pensions for the crippled these circumstances it is of peculiar ixterest to inquire what would be Me the cost to this country should a war ever be involved in a naval w: with a oar class Power, says Loe don Tit-Bits oy four principal British fleets in aeee in time of peace are the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Chan- nel, and Home fleets. Together |°Xbaust every hese are composed of ty eight battleships and forty-six cruisers of té may sai @ government fling down sth the g: soe that the Tablets contain ed of varying age and gun power. Every fo opiate or harmful doug; Deal dors: batéléship may. ba taken WEEKLY. pee oe fa the shat ae at 25 cents a) i, pound figu ‘as having ‘cost at mail J. Pattison & Co. Williams’ Medicine fi m €o., Brockville, Ont fia tts NIGERIA FISHING TACKLE. Simple Contrivance With Which |° P vessels in the Nevy Ae amply de- Natives Make Good Catches, monstrate. value is our firm He the brokers will be the losers. Th Watives of Nigefia aro remarkab-|four principal fleets amounte to the |New York market has been active|and 1 could not get anything te 1s shite, anelers, and their manner | 6normous total z £122,000,000 ster-| "4 Prices advanced beyond any’ belp me. stséatehing hah redommends. stacit|ling, or, roug speaking, ‘one. | mediate warrant—with recent re-| “My nose and head were all alike for ae licity and success. sixth of the National Debi cossions. However, © eve: ery one/stopped up, so that I could hardly i sy Pie ean Host iia = year’ a Ae eee knows that Wall Street anticipates| get my breath. I thought ©: espec ents, and there small stone, and at regular distanc- es along the line he attaches a num- ber of hooks ten per cent. of their original cost. f This, again, is a very conservative | Merease, but to of animals’ well-established dividend reat war at sea, New aus for-instance, would maintenance, hospital charges, and and for iho ose permanently aiaabled so that resource of diplo- macy before they finally prepare to ttle. Toronto, state that the recent failure of A. New York will i as 188 not pay in full certainly naured improvement in trade con- ditions, which Promises to not only © permanent. The =|GATARRH OF HEAD A Peruna Relieved in a Short while n WORTH, London, Ontario, writes: J began using Peruna ©} uary, when I os I would smother, ef es no trouble with that now The ai in my head has a SPER SUSIE M.. KINGS- 466 Quebec St., uch a bad vold, ly causes substantially less n than to ma! Wieades of the cus and arduous oceupatio: A sign of the times is given in the particulars relating to commercial travelers. penn ds aces in the last period than in 188i revious RVSARERY it was remarked that there was no other occupation in which the ravages of cancer approached that. chimney sweeps. worthy that although the mortality from that servants in London, brewers, furriers, general laborers and seamen, me mortality does not fall far short of that of chimney sweeps. ee is a subject tham points out, further attentioi deserves ibe alton tie Arahatie in thane returns | “ally at| the question of the mortality among | women workers is dealt with ex- haustively, though it is a matter a OS eipieulty. For instance, the ~ paying | appeare servant, the Wille fo tho Gols of anch’Y Us| fared for c lone af wf lear’ Sigs | stocks are. wsdoubtedly «atic! | "8 koow Povune will do just what daughter of 5, risklayer who.” has 000,000 pon our ships alone, and|¥°stment and at prment prices will| you say it does. I cannot praise] returned home permanently inva- ait abs the cost. of pay a good rate ti y|Peruna too highly, as it has done] jided, is given. She i is thencefor- i] A YEAR'S NAVAL WA Will sell higher after the » much for me. my letter | ward regarded as unoeoupied, and Taccatlave R G WARFARE | {ial election-it not before. In tho “ai ae other sufferers. n the event of death will be regis- which is so acted upon by the ten.|!? this country for damage done to| Tor nto r the advance in <ountz, Scovel onod as a bricklayer’s daughter, ibn of thecline its ships alone would be more than| Mexican Power which bo mention being made of her:pre- as to expand its two prongs and fasten them firmly in the throat e victim ‘ struggles and whirl: ab@ut the line, thus attracting its family and Bees to swallow the same MOTHERS! oats and torpedo destroy- torpedo bo Give ie Children a Chance ers. Attached to the incr fleets just iene d are about 150 of these|o osquito’ craft, each one of which we recom- street, Bae Tenn., writes: 15 the entire revenue of a good many bad cough Sta and San Paulo So far, it must be remembered, t attention has only been paid to bat veahing and © orable to South and Central Am y erican investments than the Cana. in which this country ‘s/| dian. be long postponed, and wi ef bed-wetting. There is a consti-| to construct, or a tot: tutional cause for this trouble, | 000. Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, Wind-| craft is infinitely more than it is sor, Ont., will te the larger ships of war, as the F her successful home treat-| work they have to perform is the| earning id | most hazardous of all; while their no money, but write her to-day if | chance of being repaired, once they | chasing heavily. your chikiren trouble you in this | aro Bak ont of action, is correspond-|the Larder tees Gold way. Don’t blame the child, She! ing ly le ances are it can’t help it. This | shares changing al of £15,000,- slightly, The e danger of damage to these {advanced ea- toads all my life, and Tam mining market has been ex- Spanking does aa cure children has cost at the very least £100,000 | ceedingly active, large numbers of 6 dividend payers are still selling under their market value from the standard of merican investors are pur- Our pat from fields are| to ighly encouraging the permanence have had a very -| did me much would coug’ took Peruna, ead last this winter I haye had and I know that Peruna cured me.” Stes iiie ENE: DANGER FROM SPRINGS. In the summer, when so mi thousands springs in hy Mons. E. A. Martel, explorer of caverns, noticed. Conttary eee opin’ says that springs A eae peer of the} of the Camp is stated to be assured oe apparently pure water are, in eee also cures adults and fprasidoughe or Lord Nelson class|and the extent of the gold-bearing|}many cases, merely the outflow of eople. troubled ‘with urine | A ee Hee tremendous [helt if confirmed will’ make this Bictie Palos ae lisap- afte ties by day or night, mount of battering before it be- camp the greatest gold field in the| peared through fissures, carrying wor Id. shale ae ttiow Sie then pollution from the so OES. comes a total wreck, but one well- ep woltor, (vito haw just served. On| rected ‘shot from: 19 inch oc a Tike. soup)—‘Looks uncommonly 16 inch gun is calculated to send Ags test Silver Camp—: Sa ede sit tom nein’, |@ torpedo-destroyer immediately to|only a short “distance apar Jove! and tastes like it too. Bring pee fava: of th Still, ont Iy| Sa me rome lick Sopp: allowing 10 per cent. again of the| In china, the property of the fa- sickness in| imitial costsok hese Mencclads thelther muawbe divided equally among Niahiean tae ¥ worms, Mo.|#™mount of damage that would be/all his children. : © to them in a war of twelve Bee eee er teen Mabermiuston rc eingt duration. we have amethe: neighbors would only gives relict by removing the cause. | Pooh yoy 4 , Me [piace Our tities Ghee ie ares it a trial and be convinced. | *1:500;000 to a : ANOTHER IMPORTANT ITEM Roe be ee ee to the taken into consideration is power of storing up moisture, whic enables it to pass through times of | ‘23¢ of ammunition. I fen calculated that a 12 inch gun with arene ueliiol: «Would otter wite'|'y> gavvice charge casts “over £200 Much distress - and a The frog has, like the camel; the h ‘Death from lead-poisoning,” is the polite term used by Color ais juries to specify a gambler’s abe in a shooting affray, oes fi Vusas elt tie inser, | ilougbt: and hay sister vessels, back They Wake the Torpid Energies. Rr date pogeeinat eh of these guns it will be inery not properly super- ivpirasase Xion een that a very considerable for-|vised and left to sun. iteclf very : une would be blown away in the|soon shows fault in its workin ene about as much as a gocd| course of a day’s fighting. These|is the same with ¢ ‘estive or- horse, the camel’s speed is Rela ships, it- may be explained, are all gai Thoeealated. from time great, and his life much lon; is. moreover, able to cary three times as much as one hor e 2 “2 $ = a > S 33 Fy 5 a fs Ry 5 & es 2 ‘ bear on athe side of the vessel,|of gear. o that one single broadside would cont oe was estimated that in a single y the Russian fleet at elee’s Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flag- ging faculties, and bring into or- der all parts of the mechanism. Holloway’s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, roo and branch. Who, then would en- dure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy. w within reach? n 1840, ninety-1 six million eges According to Lord Avebury, the | sont dborient things in the wor good water, 1oad) ood health, and a ands con- are not costl; while in ¢-| grown to nearly $ 2,265 millions. An African woman, to be consid- ered beautiful, must have small ever, thick lips, a large flat nose, and an intensely black skin ‘9° Alcohol in” Tt.—Aleohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength by evapora. found that Admiral Togo had al-|f¢0 (eos not ES most to completely re-arm his fleet hefore ho had been at sea more than sis mon will be seen, therefore, that te. money this country would have tc provide for ammunition and Satisfaction means. een which satisfies.”’ Use ‘Salada’? Tea and ya will appreciate fi definition. Sola by all grocers in sealed lea lo clima- Dackats only. Nor do clima. SSFsde saw ser- vieeahla jn the Arctic Circle as ?n s more latitudes, n is more subject to colds from « posed to the elements. a very large sum—certainly not less than £10,- 600,000 sterling and probably Still, At the age of 40 a man cots busy &land looks for some of the money pE|he threw away at the age of 21. 2 WILSON’S BOs PADS -* ee pavocists, cn cnocens | aNd ccc STORES 10c. por oF 3 packets for 25¢. a L. Willlaeta whole season. spent under this Dumley—‘I read in the financial | the campaign has now hoe ee papers this morning that ‘money is, £24, Sous sia What on sa Ih THEN THERE 18 COAL. that nt | ‘Searcely less important to a flect|'* means “ a in time of war than ammunition is any Eat yl Oni fue. FEat at soma eval. Every modern warship is de- pesos | Signed to peveln enormous en; a5 | power and to tra’ ots gh the ie at” peed. And Seana eater the ee the Breast z. mila Climate of Virginia ths consumption of coal. It is for on that in time of peace otinitlgg toe. stink and e_eatthta ulng Below its yatue: bu incre fash i ian tate a ee with. its: huge dis- a hag Tesi placement and its engines working bie h Lae ree at their full 23,000 h.p., would lit. ichmond, Va, orally eat coal by the hundred tons; remark applies with even : eater force to the new cruiser- ALLING SICKNESS pee of the Tnvineible. class) ] te Eelepey, Si Vier ir whose turbines are yesidned: Ke de- tet ress reuee Sot elop no less than 41,000 h. ‘pplication. Wate the LIEBIG 00., Phoebe 8t., Toronto, n its partially developed state, the| and not: and they are through the rocks, ven chalk is not an effec’ tual filter fox, miurfacewatae! Hae aug iOngt it. wee ee A CONTEST WORTH ENTERING. A Life Annuity of aes ae DOLLARS offered sendin; the ge aneaee of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before M means that the winner val receive me Dollar EVERY WEEK, IFTY-TWO DOLLARS every year, long as hi lives, or the; can exchange it for a CAS ct SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR: DOLLA. RS, also other Cash Prizes DOLLARS e: Ten ou Prites of TEN DOL- Prizes of FIV. T E HUN. DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- fo BEE. eater and no cough, | authors and journalists ~ Srey sweeps, who are all includ- hillsides, a warning recently given the cele- ‘ay 31, 1909. This] ® cask ee of TWENTY | office bd he sore. te with, Weavers erate and b | vious Soenpabion: : n the case of a married woman pe Ra, appear to operate simply as a g described would have} wife or widow, aL BOmOr He =| spells of ernating that I aren 1|husband’s occupation, but. wit The settlement of Dominion Coal-Steel differences yall not now look for a substantial advance in ‘the price hout mention of her own It is rather curious that actors, place ven numerically they it penis impor costermongers, one men start out to practice what they preach, but they soon get out of practice. Sure Regulators.—Mandrake and Dandelion are known to exert a powerful influence on the liver and These valu- able ingredients enter into the com- pesition of Parmelee’s Vegetable ele s, and serve to render them the other; ‘‘can’t I see for myself that its hours are numbered Te SWill be- solieed gn the Singer ewing Machine Compan: m of the an- one writing will please address them at the nearest ene of the three places to his post It’s all right for a man to be a dreamer of dreams providing he wakes up occasionally and gets busy. a who sutton, ottheskin. Annotat purify, ‘with Weaver's Syrup. All druggiste Gentleman (indignantly) — “You eats your kitchen coal up to the and said it was most economi- hy, it won’t burn a all!? aris erate eae Coal-Dealer (coolly)—""Well, what your friends fo. help you. Send) (P04 you, Have. more, economical address — to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, and state that you are en- tering the contest. It is surely SEais trying for. governing manslaughter, and murdor. £0. impulsive,’ you know AR. BICKERSTATF & 60.,| Stocks, Bonts, Debentures and Real Estate. Cobait and all Mining and Oi! stocks of) Canada and United si Orders pease with pier Senter svlicited. eat Travers Bank Euildirg, Torento, one fy See bp Bac rAd tees R Corres. QUICKLY THE DOCTORS DIE. Report of the British Registrar General. f you would enjoy a long life you should become a minister (of ish religious deno! or eep: ‘ay en- a drives says the London Daily Chroni Theses, “according to Dr. John Tatham’s report to the Registrar- General on the mortality in certain ceeupations during the three conth om 1900,-are the calling Bbich ¢ fer the best sé prospect of longev: At the other end of the scale ae the poner laborer, the tin miner, e the physici- an. a undertaker and the tobac- cen ee compared with lawyers Dr. cant when one thinks of that!’’ 84 re than that?’ In the treatment of summer com- a, the most effective remedy that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel- a 8 Dysentery Cordial. een a po-| pulae pisdigné tor thane yeaa and Hiapeal can attest its superior qualities in overcoming dysentery ae kindred complaints. tory systems couture the largest share to the mortality of medical men, due, no doubt, to their anxi- They fall victims to al- sohelaas Be greater proportion than 1.. The Difference in Sewing Machines @ It is a mistaken idea that sewing machines - are pretty much alike, when as a matter of fact there is a vast difference, _ There is but one machine that sews better than any other—and that one is the Singer.! all occupied and retired males @ This is because the Singer idea is dis- y 88 cent., while their mor- tality from liver disease is more tinctive—every year shows improvement me double that ‘standard. But in that idea. the mortality from alcoholism, % h uy gout, liver aigaaee. eae ent @ This is because the Singer factories are not only equipped with tools and machinery, better calculated to make good sewing ma- ,chines than any other, but this equipment is unique and not to be found elsewhere,' @ This is because a half century has been ~ devoted to training and Specializing men,’ ‘each to do one thing best in sewing machine construction. The Singer’s superiority— its lifetime-lasting yalue—does not appear on the surface, @One machine does scw betfer than any other—and that one is the Singer. Singer Sewing Machine Company. ITREAL WINNIPEG. 312 re fees 633 hoe of Trado Bldg. 604 Main Street Indoors or outdoors there is nothing quite so good as Triscuit—the Shredded Wheat Wafer, which contains in smallest bulk all the muscle-building, brain-producing qualities of wheat. TRY IT AS A TOAST WITH BUTTER, CHEESE RFI 1058 SOLD BY ALL GROCERS For Neuralgia, Headache, «|PANCO Rheumatism, Pain, Ete. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLESALE i LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montreal; LYMAN KNOX @ CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG €O., London. GREAT pattains | SALE JEWELLERY Wanless & Co. have a. continental reputation for good Jewellery. ‘Their entire stock is to be sold by Oct 1. To do this prices haye been greatly reduced, Attend this sale when at Toronto Exhibition, and se- cure some of the bargains, GOOD WATCHES ARE GOING VERY CHEAPLY WANLESS & CO., SHAWETLARS, ESTABLISHED 1840" 168 YONGE ST., TORONTO RUSH A.J. PATTISON & CO., 33-35 SOOTT ST., TORONTO. Bonds and Stocks | Bought and Sold on all all Exchanges Correspondents — Chas. Head & Co., Members New York and Boston Stock Exchanges, of the many things a conceit- ed pont iA auiable teeandey tang is how any sensible female can pa: him up for some other chap. ss| 90d intentions that were carrie The path to success is paved with CARPET | DYEING and Cleaning. TI specialzy with the Wife (to husband, Agee is eee es, i joes seem insignifi- Serie look for this Tag .on erate. Tobacco. guaranteesthehigh quality of Black Wateh The Big Black Plog. 2272 stowart & is:| Lockwood The Fell Piano The Bal The Bei Pano and Organ Go., i, Ole ph, Ont bye dare AMERICAN DYEING ol jare by post aud wo are surotoea/isty gre ‘Montreal, 18 pay ee lf BROKERS COBALT Stocks one Main 74 nea ate NeW York Cizy, Every Farmer Knew how, much nt he could sare byw Ae See oe ones a Trades Gasoline Lo a water, grind Eee! fre woud not be able towupply the demas Out this ad. out and send to “ toa ee will send you our free catalogue, _ CANADA Boe: THE wor aver Bell organs are also world famed | N*™°. Addross. ‘Limited, Toronto, Oat Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouror.