BURNS. ~ ELLICE COUNCIL. , - Tig, ladies of the North Morning-|_ ‘The ‘council met at the Township = : : : ‘ z ton W.F.M. Society have issued in-|Hall onthe 81st ult, pursuant to She 3 THE HIGH AND FINE REPUTATION OF vitatons forthe @adie thenk op adjournment. The members were al! e 1 ting, to be he'd in the|present, and the Reeve in the chair. e e 66 99 ‘ng addresses will be delivered by| were read and adopted on motion of @ e 3. -) Hamilton, of Goderich, | Messrs d Henry. Mr. Ch: and piers after which tea will be : . It is the sincere wish ,of the il to clean outa ditch adies eee rte will be a large at-}>n s‘de road 25 and 26, .concession & IS DUE TO HIGH AND ¥INE QUALITY. tendance, 16. The council agreed to pay ‘M p rs. Miller and Russel, of Brant |‘Gizbert $15.00 for oleaning out 60 » F fate visited daring the holiday ised ian ditch, providing he cleans : the former's mother, Mrs. Gray . [out the remaining 40 rods of said ‘ i H 4 er in ee Mis and: Mie Jotia “Uavideon wel teh Ridele The season is getting on, and now is the time to pre- 3 y ~ Made exclusively from the choicest selections iwendinig a week in Toronto, taking| ‘The © nel directed the clerk t i * - of Ontario hard winter wheat and No. 1 Mani- ern Labien aad omens ook a les cpctcantore thee pare for cooler evenings. toba hard wheat, perfectly blended. . Andrew, 8 ; ha ndrew ‘Scott, of _Newdal fe, 5 pis Sia at ved last week on an ex|y PENMAN’S UNDERWEAR tended visit to relatives Here. a,| neler. whe have not. enter M Wan. mpbell, of Stratford,|an agreement with the council, do so i tl DEEEEER BROS rea Holdiy lather St tle Roum OEE Ge eacie ate for men and women in stock now at $1 u We her brother, Mr. W. R, Dowa, On motion of Mr. Crowley, second: PHECS (OM iG. 5. cslsaatectec eee oO p 4 Mr. Willie Davidson, of Stratford,} ed by Mr. Brickman, Mr. Brown, the . vs ar at the pa parental home over treagurer, was appointed and direct- Our New Ladies’ Coats are here and cer- ? Ess ay an ‘onday. ed to prepare the debentures, as pro ii + in ¢ z ae be SOnEA WhOOE no Brantto ord | vided tor wader yaar Wor sea. tie tainly are beauties. Come in and have a try on. sae nding a few weeks holidaying Kubryvilie Drain Bylaw of 1907, ‘ A Sarre eibieeawtires hee j ete ore a The balance of our Dress Goods arrived this week: ates of Fé Mr. Alex. Campbell, of Toronto | he and are hereby authorized to otter eer ee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY scu.vERTON oe a visit 5 sh bother, Mot ad dobentures for sale. ‘The petition 5 pbell on Saturday last. a Wm. J. Henry. and jothers, to tpenters are busily employed on| cise Week nem aneottets NOTION DEPARTMENT WEST N Mr. Donald Mantoxs driving-shed. | through the following lots, was read _Mr. Gropp and Miss Langford, of] viz;—through lots 26, 27, 28, 29 We have opened a nction department in connec- af isge bent Sunday at Mr.} 30, 31, & ne ea pie ath a tion with our store. It is not complete at present, but To sion, and into and through lot EXC U RSI 0 N S Mr. Willie Riddell is a visitor: te aiithe ‘Ged sanceaniGacoe eat will be in a few days. 5, 10 and 15c¢ counters. Just Toronto Fair this week. outlet, as may be “defined b: a few words to give you an idea wkat we are doing, Sept. 17, 18, 19 Sel Re Rogers, 0. on the requisition of Mr. George Schellenberger, and = Returh fares from Milverton CARTHAGE. filed with the clerk of the Township ae pS! Me lta te ae of Ellice. oo ean Tin ew Pan ia ic Threshing is the order of cue day! Moved by Mr. Briékman and second- = n, our viin ae by Mr. Ehgotz, and resolved, that up- Sauce Pans - 15c umong those who took in on reading the petition of Edward 9 Exiibition were: Mr. A. yobn Robinson tee Sim eabereer | Me Full Length Shoe inode per aon: 10c on, Mrs. Wm. Jobnston, yes, W. J. Henry, John Graham 6 fi. Whips = = - 15c or PLGA saNNEaPOLIs i Ke cs and a At «Moss. Mis SSeS! Mary Richardson, Robert Bain, An- . Cara Gamb! R a Moore. |drew Ellingsen, Patrick Jordan, and i ne seat 28. The Approach toCanada cette ‘abot ahaa wel} Dan eaatese een neste. ol As we have not space to enumerate this time, we wish ALL ae inne wi ake ae From “correspond rice in the London| °° “esnme het studies at the Listowel], ° lands attected ae the. alten: to invite you to call and see this department. inal ret it Oct. 5, 1908 S Bh pebauk: i toby ae 2 Unseen Serve aan ala FS aut tae ee Mr. : and oer ene misao asked for by said ‘petition be, and ’ 3 ted ends is hereby authorized.—Carried. H H orlickets and fall information we | TERE route is taken: |” ws The council on motion, requested Saturday Night Specials bs PEP SOR THE: fotlowin rates to be levied in ink Bs W. 1H. Sauderson, Agent er, thr allot pleasure than to come up ee ian Thom: the yea Saige Between 7 and 9 o'clock Milverton. { Britton, Aiaaerel at Mr. po VRC Gate, 2 40 s, Township rate, 41-2 mills, and Men’s Shirts reg. 65, joc and ia Robb was the guest on Sun-| for special school grant, 16-10 mills eases Ns % 75) - $1, for oe Monday, of Miss Nellie Camp- 7 bumber of accounts were 2 cakes Sweetheart Soap for.............. poms | passed. and paid, wheretipon ane one 1 box Grape Nuts for. “ Bet y, Master John. and) ¢:1 adjourned, to meet ag: the Pi 1 M's Baitn are at present holidaying sz 243 ‘kepuoyy uc ae spss 1 tin Pineapples..... ay of September, 1908, lock roach from the sea so nobie andim | ‘ramon 5 Race ‘read and space oe ee oe left on \Monday| 57), a stance domi ery at niending to sail from} JuSTUS KREUTER Clerk. ling is quite rttpercane Montreal on’the 12th of September experienced in mid-ocean since the neighborho od of land gives the mind me. r e of Be sle, almost »4 ‘mstinctively thinks that his voyage The Annual Meeting || 2 vrs, eo ts ther 8 || ahead of him are as many navi waters as he has ae Passed o aver : aS since leaving Liverpool. On the waters N. Perth Liberal Association |] > the ea he ad sand. When will be held in COOK'S HALL, MILVERTON, on FRIDAY, SEPT. 25th, 1908 _ at 10 o'clock a, m. HAMPSTEAD. Rev. Mr. Th é ‘Stratford, oc * Saped: the pulpit last Sabpech Te Issuer of Marriage expected that Rev. J. Kay, of Strat- ~ . + Licenses + ‘ord, will take the service next Sab th. Mrs. Broadhead, by her niece, Mrs. Shorter, both of Cleve- and, late of England visited relatives bere last week, the guest of her r, A. col A. ® Miss Mamie Russel, of Carlingford! Notice to the Public ! .8 the guest of her friend, Miss Janet BE INDE rebuilt ‘and ed the la: c mill and will be Pepe to make apple t bi ter and. apple syrup on fhe’ shortest notice. The mill will run on W, on and after Sept. 16th, and —of the— oe. Me ORES made a ae t Mary nieean Schaeffer, or vi s ness tr’ Sapses before the northern sho and "ee. ‘ 2 : ae oe pee of Officers and other busi- i raapiseye requested. fis s im, the eye o! sho’ k's spotters ates ‘Wismer, ‘near cannot be Kandi ‘on Welncsdeys the ail With alternate interest to the rugged| ‘hat ‘mensurt four feet from tip to|Baden, on’ Satu Ee keptinuriam gion binrsdas glans < GEO. ae D. B. GRIEVE, verdure-clad hills of Gaspe, rent with| p of wings. Mr. William Har purchased a G Li S k E: hi sas r ; THOS. HUBER, President. Secretary. || many a gorge, on his near left, and| Miss Mareta Neumeister was the|handsome Gerhard “Heirtemme wiane 83 Oth line Wes, See. Wellesley reatest ive otoc IX. ition . : o the remote, dimly blue, exquisite fuocesstal contestant for the gold resantiy: ‘ | Se outline off the Laurentian range of| watch. b given by the] We regret to report that Mr. of Western 2Ontarh Mountains far away to the ( right.| Quaker Meatvine Company during the James Omond is very seriously ill at NOTICE! ir10 ‘tretching further and further west-| past ee rated Nok Mone Tete i : ; ward till lost in the vague distance} Mr. A. Large returned home Mon- W. Stewart has gone _.to eae Ell Programme of Attractions twice daily, including Kem id We Beneath hi eat river, spark- | ¢ very pleasant lea trent, where he will resume his TOWNSHIP OF ELLICE tra sr at Montes aniceweceaagt Beatie i Rempia Wish cat eS : jing in the sunrise, dazzling at noon|owo months! visit in Vaneouver. Welatudies at MoGill University. : : mething in store ¢ | 42y, rich in the colors of sunset, or| ire glad to see him looking so we OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that'a court For we M , {softly sombre in the moonlight. N* UL be BAG petent so The Gmaa' ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, SEPT. 14th oryou Mr. Man !% $/ sweeps along to the sea in the vast 13th LINE, WELLESLEY fhe County Court of rhe County © eos Asamater ot Seeiens volume of water, whic hrepresents NEBRASKA GREENS. siti rile, Bishon's hotel on the 13th day Come and enjoy yourself at London’s Populai y BY, the drainage of the graatest fresh re aes Heiaerson: is ap ualnie wy fam ere ine te several comiaints of work, latest modes, perfect water system of the globe. Above | Miss Ida Haroff, of Sisters eo with friends in Sanveoot ms dt Gaitastonmit thes voter Fe 5 fit, I will aye special barguins the clouds, peculiar to a continent pundey- abe sonaay at the home o Miss Miram Ogram rene home| the. Munteipality OF Blice for 4908, ait pes for ten days only warmed by summer heat and yet| Mr. Chas. Schm tthe 1aen| {22% Waterloo, where she has been ciito attend atthe sa nea pig REDUCED RATES on ALL RAILWAYS. x i fs ti i the 3 ‘a Dated 2. 2 Two quotations will suftice to elas bast dace dio vapil plex | Sens x Digiivd sake Me eOldnieal eee peas ota Se tao. BS EMDR OCS um Paces Prize Lists, Entry Forms,’ Programmes; sad all information ee ue ae we make in of form and color, unknown to the Soha sacs on Sundays 8 at present visiting friends in this TUR RUSCER EULER: Supage Coun. : given on application fancy brown and green stripe grey skies of the British Isl 3 ie Sohmidt is at present] “icinity. tweed and worsted. 30 up-to- Mie sphole Touma: seetie, te inipatad| Gat ink ee nity “Mrs. Mrs Toe! “Mr. Roy Smith, of Hollen, spent ; J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Seoretary. Be dixie spattvenb-t6<eelect: from he most casual tourist; et|Gatcke, Milverton Sunday at. Mr. J. Hackétt'a. NOTICE ! lee 4 ipet it stirs Canadian feeling to its] Mr. Peter opp spent Sunday at} iyac¢ Bae Wray spent a ftw Secs 2 depth. It will do more than arous:}Mr. Jonas Jacob’ : days last week in Linwood. ILLAG L NDON SEPT. 1 1 1 . Regular $21 and emotion. If the Devonshire lanes .or|" Mr. Robert ‘Taylor, -Jr.,’ visited | “Ae, last» kner, of Havkesvile, spent ee eee y . = 3 $22 Suitings for $ | Yortstire tells, to take illustrations] ryends in Stratford on Sunday. |sunday at Mr. G. Wra: "TICE IS HERE: 5 of local influence, have their part m| “Me and Mes, Jonas Jacobs. visited Misses Miram Ogram and. Mavde| NOTICE IS 35 LERERY GIVEN that a court . $1 7.50 mou:ding English character, if rugged] Toronto over Sunday. Henderson spent Sunday at Mrs. R | Voters’ List Act,'bp iis Hones the Jodeens I * ’ Higblend gener has intensified the iss Carrie Schmidt visited at Mr | stipes, the County Court of the County of Perth, at 15 up-to-date patterns in Soottish patriotism, surely this broad} jypert Dallner’s on Sunday Mr, Richard Milner spent Sunday at] ofSeptennés 1008, at eleven ola tn the srodeseing’ Regula: pj and expensuve: outlook and surround-| “Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Sani speat | yc home hi forenoon, to hear and determine the several i 2 emtnary et ftel im shay sunday, with friends in Monkton, | "Ane "Alcred Ogram, who is attend.| Gamat uecorent onmeots.e!| $ Bill Heads Mr. Merchant $4.50 and $5.00 ng. the- typical Cenadiatt ot thefut-|" Mr. Peter Roop, on Monday. last,|.,0' the Berlin High Suhel, retusned | Me nicipality of Milverton 9 ; 3 dese 3 Le on a, business trip to New»Ham-lione for Labor Day, accompanied byl Abpersdgd Wnving Susldele: settee ooee for $3.75 Or Kiaderingd:= Mr. Jaiied Watterty are required to attend at the said time and etter eads, Do you si anything in the Bs You will d in t fitted Ontario’s Patriot Farmers ote David paren is to be hoped Mrs. Jacob Sibert, of Waterloo, is} Dated the 20th day pases 1908. N t H d ing line P_ If you do, send in yout ‘ou will do well to get fitte pas list, but i visiting friends in this vicinit: 3 di date aac ot Toinsie cage. [afd tora Seo iting frends hi itty w.nvwein cen ras wennpais| ¢ Note Heads, slat oe po een : History will never say of the On- Bester eee 4 tiglo-tavmak: thas be voted against LINWOOD. COURT OF REV Envelopes, county, and at moderate. prices. 3J3.M Fl ae hh: any large project for the good of his Cure for Sick Women pas ISION S 4 je 93 8 M. PLCISCHNAUEL 3) cotniry or his province on the ground _ Not many townships in the proy- ee alling Cards CaaTHE SUN Over Stata J = that there was nothing in it for) When pains gather around the hips| ince are so fortunately situated as, is er Pfaft's Jewelery Store, Milverton $ | ,A* tt and lndge in, the amalloorthe baak=(Wellesleyeavnick tee eee newspapers Fi gies eee voted to build} when to stoop or bend seems im-| published within its’ bord at the 2d: Cate of Newton he ©. Pil open up new \ficlds| possible, when dizzy spells and bear- Pimditer Granny and’ Gle ork ‘Sohumamier thet would weed lown the price iof|ing-down pains are ever present,—|have been paying thei Cae Se that 6 cpart “ sq@| his own wheat, that wi ua decrease} that the time to use Dr. Hamilton’s|to each other, with dard to the Voters’ Lists Act by His Honor, the Judge of w the value of his own acres, and in-| Pills. Irregularities disappear, vital publication of the township minutes. | the Count: pees ore County of Perth a = orease the wages of his hired men. |onergy is restored, back eae paliss: Woelfle and Miss Lehnen, of Donley's lewtoi he ‘A patriotism that cheerfully -as-|forgotten. The ailing sick woman} Berlin, and Miss Doris Woelfle, o domed the burden of building ‘un al gains strength, improves in looks, in-| of Boston, ria! spent a few days Thursday, October ath, 1908 Yarger Canada has been the char-| creases in spirit by using Dr. Hamil-| ai “Fairview Far 30 o'clock a.m., to hear and determin acteristic of the Ontario farmer. n’s Pills. They eure the conditions| The and ‘Tilly Eidt rei See unicipaty: Hon. A. G. MacKay tried to| that rob her of health and vigor. No| who have been qpendinethe last three] of Mornington for 1908. stamp, e farmers, of this prov-| medicine eo helpful as Dr. Hamilton's) weeks with their brother, Mr. persons having business at the court inee with the ery that Toronto was| Pills. 25c. at all dealers. idt, have returned again to their} Sie required to attend at ‘the’ said ime aad getting more representation than thi . me in wood. Dated at Burns, this 8th day of September, sity deserved, the agricultural pro- Mites) Sohatiby has. pianos th Nee TPS arn WAUD HEL. Glakoenece ple of Ontario answered the ory by DEATHS. home, after, spending a week with i : < strongly supporting the government. her. sister, Mrs. Grasser- : If the Hydro-Electric project had| GRENZEBACH— At — List Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Kuebher, : been based on provincial rather than} Thursday, September Bed, "Blzabeth i Berlin, are visiting their parents, 4 upon municipal reste the farmérs| Graiser, beloved wife of SY S| Mr. and Mrs. r. 4 of Ontario would h: 0 athe H Grenzebach, aged 47 year: ; B TCH ES grea for the upbutiding < of A their province as they have Supt BIRTHS. ed . Gare the upbullding of ee TEER—On August 10:h, to Me. and Synopsig ze Canadian North-West : poe Mrs. Daniel Zehr, near Hampstea k For Ladies and Gents ee two daughter: Homestead | ( Regulations Se woopsIDE. HABERMEHL—On August 17th, ‘to J We extend a cordial invitation to Mr. and Mrs. Haberme, Wellesley, AS Pereira peeatcuewes toa } fhe people of Milverton and vicin. $| | Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Edyt spent erta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, S ity do visit our. store’ and inspect rt of this week with friends . BECICER—on 1 Atgpat 20th, ta’ Mes [tie sole head of a taaiigror der onalt ores D the fine line of Watches we carry, Buffalo N. Aa Bak ecker, Lisbon, a 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter -@ also the Cut Glass, Hand Painted se Bulle” “Miller returned to her UB ESE. Soaps ferent } China and Jewelery of all deserip- $ | bome m Detroit; after apending some GREHM—On ‘August 25th, to eaten ior entry mate made in per e will be pleased to show | time with trie and Mrs. Louis Grehm, Wvellestey, Ageary of out Agmncy, for, the district in . vhether you buy 01 Mr. and Mrs, Noah Lies are visitin a daughter. at is. s proxy : a ortet aie friends and relatives in Michigan. = LE at tn oe ay towerer, iby the father, “othes, son, and a Rare Chance for ‘a > BOLD—On August 26 : ecia for . oe oe Siegner| Mrs. Simon Leeholl, BEN ne Ben earner OF sister, of an Intending Pp FREE OUTING . . . 4 spent a) i i il ¥ 3 PH. Bastendorft eer ni See ee net Patats Wellesley, a daught apomand calcination bt che entt ty cesidence | ‘To every purchaser of a new piano between the 14th August and 14th Sep- bs and Mrs. Jacob Siegner attended the}: _— for three fee years, tember, will be given | oat ket to Toronto or London and return durin; Jeweler and Optician, Milverton funeral of t Butter. *, (2) A homesteader may, if he so desi: the time of the exhibitio Also tickets of admission to the exhibition ae Penne Soak Mrs. Henry ,Wis- KUHRYVILLE. form the required residence duties by Ii mer, of Ham! E tad Sie hag. form the required ‘Owiied. eolely-be hk hotel bill paid for ihre days at two dollar oe Rev. a MeVanaat of St. Marys, Kubr not less than. ity 80 acres in extent, in ive lake, but a new medium of goods will be 5 5 ‘yville the vicinity of his hc He pen =: pulpit of Zion church on STRATFORD MARKETS. Mr. John Graul and daughters, the do 99 by living wi wit i ithe 0 =< mothe en Heer gular ar prices, and those who cnantio ‘vithin the limited time : certain con iat owners a For a Sprained Ankle 80 82 Here es sane Es auaravres ware — se nde ae ae Toronte Fair commences Aug. 29th and ends Sept, 14th SSS ‘ 7 form spice : sprained ankle may be cured in Ruined his Feet and Mri TireulSavht Bunda tog 10 nef London Fair Sept. 11th to 19th ‘A spr: 7 70 ‘ + s Yeates svelinining et perents eon ee ‘about one-third the time usually re- i ae aes 381, meet piers a sland a luna oated. be ett seat ae me For further particulars apply to * s ‘quired, by applying ; Chamberlain’s| quarter he sould have mas gig ott 80. 99] Penalng some nes ie, Dome of | Agent for the aistrict ofeveh intention T. P. ROE HE pzERine Mil Pain Balm freely, and giving it ab-|with Putnam's Painless Gorn bate 24 25). Mr. and Mrs. A. Zimmerman are cout of the Minis: ofthe Tatdrlor ice mead Milverton solute rest. For sale by all druggists tor. Use the best—“Putnamts.” 19 20] visiting in Clifford. ed Bantnaathorted Publication otha