Milverton Sun, 17 Sep 1908, p. 3

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“© A despatch Shalt FOREST FIRES ARE RAGING! People in the Settlements Are Alarmed ~- at Their south-eastern heavens showed red god some people here decier that es and cinders were carried me the air, coming from either the stricken settlements on the south shore or from the Evening P Gistricts in the Whitefish Valley. For th ek t! ave m Hyman says that the oc eiatescitlehiont are very way to chee! m tain is in the lephone | fi ne|ber camps on d|boundary are destroyed. The Approach. Township of Pai- poonge, but up to the present has not reached any of the settlements. SOLID WALL OF FIRE. A solid wall of flames twenty-five miles in ngth is said to stretch icine tai Chicago Bay Poene che ciation) Goundary (ie, The Pigeon River Lumber. Com- y's camp at Chicago Bayvis said be destroyed. The flames are e very anxious. mes are devouring everything in the White Fish Valley. There is a had fire at Silver Gunflint. i in the Indian reserve is still burn- ing, but the have it in|™ check. There is another large fire burning on r Cape, near Silver Island. WORKMEN PLEAD FOR BREAD Twenty-five Thousand Unemployed in Glasgow | A ee from Glasgow, Scot- ‘land, says: A remarkable scene Ba Gicntdci oh offices of the Council on Thursday after-|!" noon. Crowds of the unemployed Gathered in George Square before|| a Hnemployed said that nover before | e been such distress in human unit,”” said this man, “is entitled to food. We make Ro outrageous request; we are only ded work. arge bodies of troops\were held | 25,000 Streets. in reserve in anticipation of rioting and attacks on prey The men, portunity to adopt measures for the upprovement of the situation. The police arrested a Socialist who in- a man bo resist arrest. H. ‘w pepper in the eyes of the con- sables peters they secured him. ednesday quarters of the city. Mounted po- ite acattered the crowd a frus- trated its intention. Several ar- rests were made. Estimates of the number out o! sgow and in the towns un as high as 180,- 600. This is the ee et the So- cialist orators, and men in a posi- tion to know’ call the figures ab- surd, but the most conservative ad- mit that the number must reach MAKES THE OLD YOUNG. Sir James Grant Describes His Wonderful Neurostone. from London says: Before the physiological section of the British Association Sir James|b rant, of Ottawa, on Wednesday, lelivered a full account of his neu- rostone, which, acting on inactive ntrve Renter which become poison- by nox gases in discovery is the first successful ap- lication of electricity to humor di gestio: Spatbass Berovavr AND LION FELL. Former et Soles but the caped A bees ea New. “York Says: at the Tn view of (Oa anes TIEUT.-GOVERN OR OF ONTARIO. Hon. J. M n’s Appointment Pinatly a ftodnceL: A Geepatel from Ottawa says : By the Governor in Council on Wed- afternoon an order.- was passe el claas aa Colonel the. aon, uten rtimer_ Clark, se five-year term of office ex- eno last spring. -| Wednesday CHINESE STILL COMING. Appear to Prefer This Country to a Other, Despite Poll Tax. A despatch from Ottawa says: Chinese are becoming heavy contri- utors to the revenue of Canada. the total for the year of $744,835. Arrivals of Chinese show no sign of deminution, but are rather on the. increase, for during the first five months present year here have alr ae arrived Chinese to the number of 1,095 who have paid into the Canadian pacity $552,696, or at the rate of over one hundred thousand dollars per month, Oe See MAY BUILD TO PEACE RIVER. C. P. R. Has Surveyor Pearee Re- porting on Nerth Country. lespatch from Winnipeg says William Pearce, railway surveyor, oi Calgary, was sent north some time ago by the 0. P. R. to look into the conditions of the country S|in the Lesser Slave Lake and Peace River districts. He travelled through that country and will now ; is company. ig stated, though not officially, that this is the first move of the ©. PF Re pee eete pilding > line sea north country. : RIES SCALED THE JATL WALL. = Prisoner at Brantiord. Makes His Eseape. A despatch from Brantford says: About a month ago Wm. Parker a econ Waa Gt R oliates at lathe: stealing and sentenced to jail here. sores nearly a month’s time. forenoon c'clock he escaped by scaling the me © jail wall, and officials are “now searching the country for him FIRE IN NOVA SCOTIA MINE The Burhing Dist District Is. 1 Being Floode With Water. ‘A despatch from Sydney, N.S, N.S. says: No. 1 colliery of the Noy: Scotia Steel and Goal Co., on Wed- nesday, had a serious reminder of the bi asi fire of 1881, ‘on the scene, ma found the ace a the ford where the fire originat-| the accumulation of supposed the miners af- ber firing therr shot of coal, as was ith a ee when p nothin eae te do ine dangers that generally follow simi Tar occurrences. ~ They their daily custom, left some fire! have _Pataing behind the coal, and es dition in a few d. Sscn atte from lunch were unable let it obtain setae as tived volunteers hes sake: in aS une There gases or other expect to all the oe in working con- 8, the Grand Tru CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS APPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Bricfs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. Welshman, committed. suicide at Yorkton, Sask., by hanging The Grand Trunk’s Muskoka tourist. business this year was the greatest on recor: r . D. Skelton, M. A., succeed Prof, Shortt as professor of political economy at Que: Thrashing shows better than anticipated in the again help. Charles Judge threw himself out of the window of Victoria Hospital results west, and the farmers are locking for day. . Hugh K. Seavitz of Strath- rey; who was wounded in the arm while coon-hunting, died of lockjaw, on Friday. Percy Nettleton, who used knife in a boys’ fight at Fenelon Falls, was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment at Lindsay. Zarossi, Montreal’s fugitive Itali- aa banker, has been given his erty in. Mexico, the extradition proceedings having. tai There any complaints at Montreal of a Take shi} com: fiiecto unduly increnda sabes sud diseriminate against the St. Law- ee nes, of Sapperton, B. C., was et out on Wednesday morning, and in the evening was killed by a street car at New West- the reported settlement between nk trainmen and the any is not a fact. The nego- tations will be resumed in Novem- ‘Prof. Piper of he Eeebanlee and e University ied at. Regi- on his way from England with his bride. ‘al new et ppsueetors have een appointed by the Government, and it is Bropued: a have ship- ments via the Nia; ree River more oie looked afte: Helen cea has com- neue to the Railway and Muni- cipal Board that the Eine on street cars in Toronto and other Ontario BNR ALNErGER bgsbich The Great, sertiers Railway has approved plan for its proposed Vancouver, ae nals, gcge ab half a million sian aiaeiaks facilities on rd ie as well as make expenditures for yardage GREAT BRITAIN. The Minas Geraes, the most pow- erful warship ev ilt, Rencici ot Neweeneen Rene or .| Thursday. She was built for Bra- A Socialist leader m Glasgow ihrostenk qaetevesT all. the Maycnia secrets unless the municipal au- thorities do something for the relief of the unemploye edanond and Joseph a remarkable Bones for Pe iarice to attend the convention of the United Irish League. UNITED STATES. Several Japanese were killed. in a fight with Portugucse in an Alas- ben cannery. ive children at Brighton, near St. Paul, Minn., were suffocated in a ane which broke out in thei ome. John es sachet a mother and child fro ing house in rdokiya bub aie "himself burned to death. es Angelo nae was pabbes to death in Cloy id by in who had followed fe Fo By seek- ing his-life. .An express parcel worth $50,000 has been stolen from the Wells-Far- ae ‘Express Company at Portland, ae Washington, on Tuesday, Or- ville Wright broke all aeroplane records by remaining in the air 62 minutes and flying 28% miles, “a Supreme Court at Roches: injunction restrain. a ihe Taclenesiont Order of For. esters from increasing their as- sessment rates was sustaines Dr. in, who was found dying from a bullet wound in Om ti{ha a week ago, had been atiompt- ie ante destapetieaetvbane> aved ta: jecting tetanus and typhoid germs into his sys GENERAL, Cholera has’ gained a foothold in every quarter of St. Petersburg. The town of rend Tu: ie Turk’s Island, B.W.L., has been devastat- ed by: a hurricane. made in the eacervies 3 in Alsace | world’s record: at Issy, remaining in the air ean | swindler | Butation, has been arrested ai land has told President Cas- tro oat he must revoke his decree bs pater Curacao before November’ = man has been arrested at Con-|° ea on a charge of attempt- 0 Peau inate the Sultan of Take ia 1905. ee Annie §. Peck of Providence, ae I., has _ succeeded Huascaran, in Feru, the Unable to live i John Lloyd, a recently arrived Z will| trees in a cor: at London, and was killed, on Fri-| 5% YOUNG i FOLKS i sean Ss GREEN BOW. Susan could Bay shbapinegeesa yard and in the big barn, and had a playhouse wader one of the big r of the pasture; Gad although there eee no. coher was never lone One reason why Susan enjoyed her playhouse so mue nt ac count of a goat that (ras, Pastured in the next field high board toyled won betwen tis beets Tine Susan’s Playhouse s try to poke his head in between tie fence pean, but never quite succeeded. One day Susan tired of playing with her pieces of broken china, her bright tin dipper ‘and the rag doll, Dinah, who was always such agree- able company, and began to what she would do next. nt part of the field, ne as Susan watched the goat she remembered how funny it always looked when it tried to Bee its head in between the low boa said Susan to securely. as a new ribbon. Grandmthor Doilze had brought ‘om the village only the Now watch me, Dinah!” com- manded Susan, standing the rag doll where her eyes of black beads | he through between the boards. Then ee tried to lift it a bit, thinking she was really smarter med Me goat, and hoping the goat would see ‘the, fat did see her. The nod- bunch of green grass for Aust had just denies a ‘pack tc play, but; some way, she could moet in her head so easily with the Doar feute it. 80 closely. She moved this way and that, mak- ing the green ribbon wave inviting- ly, so that the goat came faster and er, and in a moment Susan felt a fierce tug on her CORE? goat will eat off my the twisted her head so quickly sereamed so loudly that not only did the goat. jump back in surprise, eo again, and stood 1 oe on her own side of the board fence, and ingly that the little girl forgot to be sorry, about her Toss, and laugh- Old billy: -goat thought it was a rew kind of grass,’’ she con Dinah, as Hie brushed the hair back from her face and across the pasture to tell Gri mother Dodge.—Youth’s Compan- ion. RAISED TO FIFTY DOLLARS + Money Sealbtonttons Required of migrants.- A despatch ie Ottawa says: An order in Council has-been passed Sai sing the minimum money quali- immigrants coming Janada $50 for the period from sennkey ist to February 15th: The doub- ling of the money qualification aur ing mid-winter is with a view to re- stricting as as possible the ar- rival of any immigrants without in- dependent means during the period when employment is not easy to obtain. he “restrictive immigra- tion regulations adopted by the jovernment early over one-half, and the to ce immi- gration for the year will, is ex- pected, be only a little over a a RECEP Et BITTEN BY A SPIDER. Sir fe =f Tupper of Vancouver id Up Temporarily, A aerate from qeneonets B. C., says: ‘upper is ccn- fined to tis aaa nee from the effects of a bite of a spider He felt a sharp sting. As the pai able to ee the contact of cloth: ing, though no serious effects aro expectelly ta the trouble is merely 1 filled vie ee of ates the bis ager Queen Maria Pia is preparing means/ to flee from Portugal to Italy. Special tests of motor provision munition waggons are pee German unm 8 g) e-Lorrs elagrange each iahat a new with his aeroplane ‘oulouse—Lautres, a with an setemabicaal re- on a charge of cashing beans Se ba UNDESIRABLES APPLIED. Damigration Branch Deported Over e eople. A anil from Ottawa says: A return issued by the pennies whence they Take Dur: the ‘same period, 486 people were refused genie mn to Canada ocean por itl children for her to play with, she old i. |$19 in bulk outside. Shorts esled, 12 to 13c per pi id} backs, 1744 fication of $25 now required of all| 37 THE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM "HE LEADIN TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. 15.—Flour — On- r cent. patents, $3.35 to $3.40 in buyers’ sacks out- side for export oba flour, first patents, $6; second patents, $5.40, and strong bakers’ 85.30. ntario Wheat—No. 2 white and red ues at 88 to 89¢ aut Oa tario new hite, as coUtatdey Manitaine Peat 43% to 44c, lake nents Scone to 89¢ outsid rices at ane. for No. 2 rier cit yellow, and at 87 for No. American, on track, Toronto 58 to 59c, and No. 8 extra at outside. Bran—Cars are quoted at $18 to quot- ed at $21 to $22 in bulk outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. ns—Prime, $2 to $2.10, and $1.75 per coe and No. 2, in 60- or a; ‘extracted, yand. H timothy quoted at $10.50 to $11.50 a oy on track here, ee 9. oF © e 5 g in eh lots, ont Delewares at 8b to 900 per bag on Poitiey Ohidkedes spring, dress. 10 to lle; ducks, dressed, 10 to lle; Y|turkeys, dressed, 13 to 16¢ per 2 | pound. THE DAIRY MARKETS. utter—Pound prints, 22 to oie ee 20 to 22c; do., inferior, 18 t 19¢, Creamery rolls, 25 to 26e, al . [solids at 24 to 24% Bes—20 to 2le per dozen in case 8. Cheese—Large cheese, 13 to 134¢ per pound, and twins 13% to 13%. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 11% to 12¢ per pound in case lots; mess pork, $19 to $19.50; short cut, $23 to $23.50. 15e; do., heavy, 124 10% to 114%c; shoulders, 10 to 10%c; to 18c; breakfast bacon, 15 to 15%c. Lard—Tierces, 12%; pails, 13%4c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Sept. tubs, 13¢; 15.—Manitoba F Not 2 white oats, 474 to 48c, se t 46% to 47c, and rejected a 154 to 46e per bushel, ex pitas Flour—Choice Spring wheat pat- ents, 86; seconds, Winter wheat patents, $5; ane rollers, $4.40 to $4.50; do.; in bags, $2 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to 81.75. Feed— Manitoba bran, “ese to $23; shorts, 0 | $25 ; Ontario bran, $21 to $22; Bus dlings, 826 to $27; shoe $26 p e/ton, including bags; pure a in mouille, $30 to $35, and milled r le; ls $17.50; half-haprelg do., $0;~com- Pound ‘lard; -$8% to oe; pure lard, to 18¢; kett ; 1, 19 to 20; selects, 23 to 2de r dozen, eese — Western, 1254 to 12%; eastern, 12% to-12%e.. Butter—25e in rount lots. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Bufialo, Sept. 15—Wheat—Spring Easy; No. ; No. 8 white, 52% to.623/0; . 4 white, 514 to Bie. ores —Feed to malting, 64 to 4 to 08% ber, 99% to 99!%c; No. 1 hard, $1.01% to 81.02%; No. af northern, $100% to $1.01%; No. % northern, 98% to 99%c;. No. 3 Q Flour— First patents, $5.65 to $5.75; sec- ond patents, $5.50 to $5.60; first clears, $4.35 to $4.45; second clears $3.50 to $3.60. Bran—In bulk, $18 to $18.50. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Sept. 15.—Prices | of choice export steers ranged from only momentary, he thought ‘itile $8.10 to $5. 40 per ewt.; medium ef it at the time, but by Stents: ®/ were worth $4.50 to $5, and light large lump had formed, and he has were quoted Ae $3.75 to $4.25 per been suffering ever since. He is un-! Select SeLngee cattle sold: at $4.50 to $4.80 p wt. Good cattle, straight ee ae 81 to $4.50; medi 80; common cows, 82 to $3 A ewt. Advances are | reported in ene prices of light stockers. Their q) fahous ranged from $3 to $4) Der he offerings of calves were Imited. et prices ranged from 3 to ae er pouns the deliveries _of sheep and labs were heavy, the calves held _stea $6.70 per cwt., off cars, Toronto. injury of three. 1 visions—Barrel cut mess, | a $22.50; half-barrels, $11.50; clear aut back, 823; dry salt long clear backs, i1c; barrels plate beef, 2] says: ;/is now estimate tions will approach $5,000,000, the} deck Select hogs were firm in price at} Mu Two Persons Killed © A despatch from Brantford says: An-explosion of natural gas on Fri- day afternoon totally destroyed three buildings on the south side of Colborne street, near Lorne Bridge, and caused the death of two persons, the possible fatal in- jury of two others, and the serious 0 Northern easier at $1.12, Georgian THE DEAD. Be porte Hisvhoroaeh, aged 26, Joseph died at hos; 'wo-year- Pid. shila of Mrs, Horn- ing, died a hospita’ “IN, oe ee Holstock, face and hand burned. rs. Horning, badly cut and bruised ; condition critical. Charles Horning, aged 6 months; optus critical. 7 aah and wife, badly cut Ay net “aummnes DESTROYED. Theda: 43 Colborne Street; billiard parlor, owned 8. Doyle, 45 Colborne: street; bake |a shop, owned by Courtland Smith ; Gewlievalley ‘HR Bouey, 45 Col- orne street, occupied by Mary 2, La ke; grain warehouse, occupied by J. F. O'Neal. f Buildings partly damaged :—Bos- ton Chinese Cafe, 4 Coloborne street, tailor shop of W. P.. He: derson, 49 Colborne stre S lunch e buildings dom raed were :—|Thi -}of the NATORAL GAS EXPLOSION and Several Fatally. Hurt at Brantford, parlor of o L. Williams, 51 Col- orne stre oe WHILE CITY. The plos: ion, which occurred about two 0 “clock, was felt Ue ala out the entiré business portion of Brantford and-on the north aay of Colborne Street and-on King Street the plate glass windows were blown con found serious injuries. the hospital taining mut injuries to the back © was 26 years of see hed ‘highly thought of. A despatch from North Bay says: A bridge near White River caught. fire early on Wednesday morning, burned fiercely all day, and it was late in the afternoon before the blaze was under contro! At 6 o’clock a.m., six ‘miles west of wae ever the first section of the tlantic express, east- een spe Engineer Nice, of Behrieber, was RAILWAY BRIDGE BURNED The Canadian | Panifie “Ati Atlantic eee Runs Into Ravine. probably fatally injured, and his fireman suffered a broken leg. The engine turned over on its side, and the mail and baggage cars were burned. mee caused ignition jbsey falling cinder of a passing engine. a RULES Warship A despatch from. Portsmouth, England, says: The St. Vincent, the er | aikest aed heaviest battleship ever it navy, launched successfully here on Thursday. The weather was fine smooth, and a great e vessel take the water. snnper from her ned ee the the Dreadnought ae to be pet el in this country. + ty has pbachted its usual Fetiuyts with r to the details of ae n ay construction of the Vincent, but from certain iia LCATIONS OF $5,00,000. Minister’s Frauds Cause Wide- spread Ruin in Denmark, A despatch from Cupenhagen The downfall of M. Alberti, former Minister of Justice, who on Tuesday surrendered to the police and confessed to a series of frauds against the Bondestandens Spar- casse, a savings ik of which he was President, will be felt the keen- est by those who were his ae ar- m-| dent admirers and suppor d that ce Geptee: Danish Farmers’ Butter Association alone suffering a loss of $1,500,000, while widespread ruin has been caused among thousands THE WAVES Great Britain's Largest and Heaviest Launched, that were given out it is manifest that the See zersen from tl the has been utilized in thie vessel. It mament for protection against tor- pedoes, “and by improvements giv- ie eer securit those con- unite in eatin A nu egenaval attaches attended ¢ Seana: cuudhe:invitaiatne nL abe Admiralty, The St. Vincent was laid down 1} 6 December ue last year. She is sup- of about 19,250 tons and her ee has been given at-$9,- 500,000. of peasants from whom the Sent Minister of Ju istics derived his prominence. ot ea Ss HORSE HOLDS UP TRAIN. Dashed Across Grand Trunk Steet Arch Bridge at Falls. A despatch eg) Niagara Falls, N. Y., says: On Thursday morning a runaway horse, which started its er, (ran across switches and out upo of the Gran bridge. side, where it uard, stopping traffic. aed with difficulty, e Canadian into. a cattle It was res- A despatzh from St. John, } N.B., says: Before Judge Ritchie an ‘Wednesday a remarkable court- room scepe was enacted. the court was giving judgment in the case of ald poking Bt. ve hn printers agai charged with Siolarine ee aliek: la- or as by bringin ing men from tl States to re; the strikers, J. EB. Maxter, eae for i erjected a len, aie for WS objected. ls passed, and Baxter finally. aad the last time he The German Emperor crossed the frontier into France on Bee ‘as a the court it was when While | p, simple tourist. LAWYER USES HIS TISTS Opposing Counsel sel Charged Him With Lying, and He Fret: to Hit Him Tudge Ritchie e ta an apology | to the court eau Mr. Mullen,'and it was mai as to his jutiediation * the ee as the offence, if any w: the United States. He i} would like the opinion. of the Su- the court was being ae to. ‘‘Who|preme Cour leposit. was ac. lied?” asked Mr. Mul “You' cepted for Hardy, pending. the ap- did,” was the reply. Me: Mullen peal. ee Spot oe

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