Milverton Sun, 17 Sep 1908, p. 4

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C. P, R. Time Table Westbound wage P.M. A, A.M. P. 704 1043 Linwood 9 34 fan 714 1054 Millbank 922 8 aL ve 1103 Milverton 914 3 4: 736 1118 West Monkton 9 00 3 30 746 1128 McNaught 8 50 s = 751 i Walton 8 41 G. T R. Time Table. soe going south, 9.14 a.m , 1.07 p.m., 4.89 p.m., going north 8.00 a. m., 11.12 a.m., 7.01 p.m, Newton, going south 9,20 am., 1.13 pam., 4.45 p.m. i», going. north, 7.55 a.m., 11.06 a.m., 6.56 p,m., Milverton, going south 9.26 a.m. 1.21 pm., 4.51 p.m, going. north 7.49 a.m., 110.58 a.tthy 6A p, Brunner, going south, 9.32 1.27 pm., 457 p.m. vrs “owt, 7.42 a.m., 10.50 a.m., 6,4: Business Cards Dentistry. DR. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lie- entiate of Dental Si id rio, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- wen and Bridge work aSpec- Ity. Hours 9a, m. to5 p. Office above the Soversign Bank, Milverton; Medical. .D,C,M. , Honor Grad- uate and uold 3 Medallis¢ Trinity Medical id Silver College, also G Id a list, yy University, Toron juccessor ee id . Office in Public Drug Store. Telephone connection with Poole Brunner, o Means and Rostock, Veterinary. RR, Veterinary © Sur, BAL ngeon, Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin- | $1: ary College, Toronto. Treatsall diseases of domesticated animals. Calls tele- | um. phone or otherwise promptly attended to. Societies. M., Gs Suiiverton! meets every Monday eveuing on. or, be- ore full m otiavary’ winutbain Tihiatn E, Visiting’ breth- (VINGSTON, A ty eres Peay ars No. e Lge W, J. ZOEGER, SECY. 99, Milverton, meets every sccond and last _Taesday of every month, at 8 o'clock, | in their hall over othaermel & S Betis store. Visiting brethren always welcome, ker, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. . F., “Silver Star ti come, W. Fin F, Secy., E. Finkbeiner, R. Secy. Notary Public. EIR, Notary Public, Anc-|® Ww. D. W tioneer for, the Gounty “of Perth and athe Wir Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. $10.01 John Gropp, Proprietor. Best, liquors ar. s e conimedatian and large stebling, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil a0 travellers and others, tw lange a <7 rooms, Only the choicest of ‘Wines, Li- quors and Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables. George F, Pauli, Proprietor. Legai MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, be Solicitors for the“ Ban of Hamilton. Money to loan. Milver- n | darynot ton; Ont: Bevin arranged for, ‘ploek | ba fee: First-class accommodation for d ta er: A member of the firm will P The Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - -Milvertoa, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES a, $1 ; slx months, 60 cents; thre month, 26 ‘cents; inv ndnce ¢; in arrears will be liable to pay $1.60 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Eight cents p line for Syst insertion and four cents per line for each subsequent Inses fon will be charged for all transient adver- seme: Adgertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid ‘and charged ac. cordingly. hhanges for contract advertisements must bein the ofice by noon Mowaas Maitor tele hone orders will recet attention. > a eis MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, THURSDAY, SEPT. 17, 1903 WELLESLEY COUNCIL. The a icipal council Cs sen naa ship of Welles! ey met rsua! a a arte the Township Hal Crosshill, Mies the Sept 10. o’eloc! oo the foren hie tie aneinibece were present, A. ed Reidel, that the following piouuniei be gepied acl tl Reeve issue orders in | payment of the same as follows, viz Thos. Hanley, ‘leaning ditoh, $26.50 Arthur Koebel, rep. le ie ete, $51.48; L. B. yoke, doubletree, volts” ue ston ridge, $7.70; Crowley & M2Donald rain asters, cravellbis per Mente $0310; mt 08 5 peat el to pathmasters, $11. "70, act a athmasters, $1: to pathmaster: L. gravebling, and. filling. in at bridges, $20.00; Peter Pamerd building tw stone culverts, $7.00; Jos. MeCuicthy repairing bridge, $775; Jobn Oti- eee timber wood on bridge ate. 4 W. ‘ing posting Be vot. ‘Tai oe . Pr Focster. shovalling grav el four days 6.00; Henry Schlegel, gravelling and grading. $66. 98; K. Foowell repairing bridge _ post “83.00 Guthrie & Guthrie, for legal services lf P. $42.50; M. Henderson, ac- BP. $3.85; _ D., Christholm, re arbitration, Police Village be paid to the Welles) Nerth Tas nape Agrioultural: Society +Carried. Moved by R. Lintick. seconded by Re idel, that the sum of $490 be pai Simon oi compensa~ i Steck Dacaheap killed i bya dog oF ied. On motion cf Messrs y A. P. meier, second atin, that cite Clerk is hece- Ww. Bast aa that the sum o' be paid to Geo Foerster, as compen- sation for on! sheep killed by a fae or dogs.— Moved by A. P. Dammeier, Haeeonded y W. Hastings that the ‘clerk 4 up, according to w, re the closing of part of the Nos. 21 be in Milverton every Thursday, eb e Hig! eee pabrecit lot! I. Be eri MG and 22, concessi 4 Z nlite i Bort and for opening a new highway to by mposed of rt of k 1. con: Makins @ Hanley ses Barristers & Solicitors Stratford -< J.C.Makins .- W, J. Hanley ATTEND THE BEST CENTRAL. Seca potleye ecognized as the at gest, Best a: Krose Suceesshul ractic: school in Western Ontari pcimires ac ata Commercial, Shorthand, Reicgra ‘aphiic. Enter any time. ree catalog East & etoile Poindgais Protect Your Buildings |. Now is the time to get i ‘ods your buildings, before they are struck by lightning it has been p further damage bi other baildings were damaged and 5 ary not prove tha tend are of considerable im- rtance. Qaulity ee long after the p en orgotten, when You leave your order with D Ontario|é ry ightning |* Dbscribers | a al A Eievaliog man Received the Thanks of Wellesley, half P. $17.75. Total) Dammeier and E MORNINGTON COUNCIL. The council met’ at Newton, on| oO 01 , Sept. 7th, at 10 am., t the members all pre: The minutes if jast regular meeting and ot on August 22nd, were read and signed. Sev munications, anda re- quest from 8.8. No. 3 to build a ne Moved by G ‘os. Dewar, that authorize the clerk to prepare a by-! to issue debentures to. the amount of $3,500 t 41-2 per centum pe m for ten yeats,- as per xe of \ the trustees of S.S. No. mjamin Maddess he m out the Steokly ‘drain, y-law was passed, ap- The olerk was instructed to notify their contribution to the’ ee fe Sault of Elm pay over that municipality's contri butions for the Pefters'drain and the comanietrain’ The foliswliig andes ned : Stratford ie apehes Pipe Co., $70 half of cost of corrugated pipe cul- vert on Ellice bana? John Lang- ford, Thomas Attridge and E. Den- yer, $10 each, for farm bridges on the McCloy drain; John S ehmidt, mtting in_culvert; Kerr, st000, gravel to Lasers Joe Kuepper, $11. on once ‘on 9 di n 9, hunt, $18, 65, gravel contract townline nee Joe Quoe 164.50 gravel contract, centre aideetads ke Uraubart, G8, Aumnber t Enge Hugh: Mere 80.78, repairing. bridge G. Albrecht, $6.00, repairing bridge concession 9; jabs $210.00, for rk done on McCloy Pinihecr's cert itieatey James anna $ A putting in culvert Ellice boundary; Geo. L. Griffith, $41.00 a8 5 g e Se & a 8 S 4 3 Ve dees fees for the m drain; north; Wm, McKay, $0.75, burying nimal. Moved by A. Beggs, seconded by Geo. Louis that this council now adjourn, to meet again on bie oS Monday’ in October, at Carried. WM. WADDELL, Clerk. Every Pas: jer in the car “I must tell you my experience on an East bound 0. R. & N.R.»R. train right, and I received the thanks of very passenger in the-oar.” For sale by all druggist oo Dates of Fall Fairs PLES TOR: Hae eee MAN to MAN FROM OUR MEN’S DEPARTMENT When you purchase a Suit, Coat or any article of cloth- ing from Engeland & Son, you have taken a step in the way which assures of your being appropriately clad. Our talking and selling points are... Properly Moulded, Shape-Keeping Garments. We are not selling Men’s Clothing merely to-day, but are laying the foundation, which should prepare us, through the experiences of our customers, for the busi- ness of a life-time. Add another stone to the building, you will find you are in the right place. 7 ENGELAND & SON <0 >mD New Fall Styles in Misses and Ladies’ eady-to-wear Coats 7S We Specialize Northway Garmen ts Big Range of STYLES and PRICES Do not fail to see our Display No obligations to buy. ENGELAND & SON MEN’S - and - BOYS’ - CLOTHING Misses’ & Ladies’ Ready-to-wear Coats oe to m at again Me ee the cow shi Hall, Gress: hill, ‘at 440 oF a.m.—Carri¢ ETER F. Sine Clerk. St. Clements, Sept., 8, 1908 ———— —_ What's ina Name? ‘Editor : six years ago a new Cas: on the market is name and the range have be- feome nationally “known. Pandora is now a synonym for Meri Tf there ahonid be eae doubt in any person's mind as to the value of newspaper Gay situine in Cunsdss the success of the Pandora Range, and > Pa: | that, advertising does bring the peo ae in closer touch with exploited meNPandord” a record is> un- scualled enyveher ‘ours erikly:. das, W. Schmidt, - Milverton. | The McCiary Manufacturing ©). Zoom a bh SURE CURE ones of ts FOR SCIATICA cs tbet tte e Te [nt lng pet nn town ey This passive inflammation is the product of a run-down condition, and in every case you may be sure the merves are worn down fine. The pain is the cry of the ‘nerves for more food—for richer, redder ‘ood. ‘Rubbing on a greasy liniment can’t | people alive now ‘who can bear wii he: ep very much—you must treat the | hoss od, and rebuild the nervous sys-|¢epeal. Still, it is startling to be told, by agood judge that in Engé|spotnted for the purpose, and the tia oan be promptly done with | fand free trad hose Al TroZon’ ao buil ‘der of nerve force is‘more | including the idea that O}but without sstrength. Tired, of course she c-) Sciatica is really inflammation of | perhaps she = abate nerve, the iargest nerve |'Ferrozone. 50c. the body. vocates and ann way; though has to combat deeply‘ro i Growing fast,—yes, into weakness, | or rather strongly intrenched intent Pity This Poor Girl is—pale d ae se of Inquiry [TRY THE SUN.... FOR GOOD JOB WORK Squares « Carpets at all dealers. Regulating the Auto indsor pai ee ae Old Fallacies Rife Again Je Week's Sun nose an excell- Goldwin Smith he lawless aiuto. I Two generations nave soarly Daa rel (eye tale ed since the repeal of the . Crow: n' or local constables ie keep this .traf- i : "1 levied on who 1. the old fallacies are rife Ngwrligtes the danger. the importer her or local officers eowertel: whose importation is stopped pays| could keep the auto in order if t! y o tonic so quickly fortifies the |the import duty. jot people se ed cannot be known, but the fact uscular system, or imparts that the men who appear at the}'s they do not make any iattempt to mus strength, such endurance and vigor. | protectionist meetings are those ek enforce the law. If an information is } trages of Urie Acid and.rheu- | would personally gain by protection. |'aid, they will prosecute perhaps, but as a i istiee into contempt. al police, maintained Yebuilding power, quick to sere fimd him a master manufacturer. | nothi e upkeep of the high- lief, absolutely sure to cure,—w! ited | Vays they destroy and render unsafe. an you find a better treatment than Among PH E Son epD le OF be Ua Te auto on a rain-soaked roadway Ferrozonet So:d by ail druggists in es free trade, at least with their loos more damage der vile than Se Horse; try. Fer proaine: om conthent, ‘s nding strong ad-|score of brie velloce Seem to be in endless demand, und there are piles of the most beautiful squares here in all convenient sizes, It’s a perfectly simple -matter to fit a room with a rug. No mismatchin; some are seamless—fine borders all round and they cost less than carpet madeup. . : Think of it, a complete’ cagpet in one piece at any price from $4.00 to $50.00. ‘Come to White’s and See. R. WHITE & CO. The First Furniture Store ~ East of the Post Office. STRATFORD

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