Milverton Sun, 17 Sep 1908, p. 5

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: oo ° . How Justice fs \4 3 DISTRICT NEWS } Toronto, Saturday Night of the enforcement lie ; he proceeds of the ee Pres: | sata tic oa iy f : byterian Chur ch Jubilee amounted to Se ae erent PRACTICE PRACTICE ee ers 4 sth ials by magi a — = youR INITIAL EF. — 7 ds i su trials, have The Mireiod Sun and foronto as not been in= the whether under the License set or eee eoeaee , then let This Store otherwise. is ,, An illustration from a-liquor pro- be ime place for the trial trip. Why this secution will illustrate the ordinary ns For the reason that what you Ed aaneec holies es we is thoroughly. pellable pence ‘pany, and placed by MeConneli & |ng during prohibited hours, and ap- | ; economical. . aa Pergheon, ‘iver tala Agency, Lon- in court for trial. He finds on ‘ —There is no economy i “buy: eens: ne he Ben ae nore , : _ goods of any kind. You ‘ant hee trashy In the agrieuuitural column of the |"! he cre pos in this store at any price, because < 3 ‘ : L. is 2° “nisp i officer e don’t rermit them to mar the reputa- and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well-raised, : mstead of copper f Protes ion nS rom the Pa oseeat on i i BEGIN THIS a Hon the house that stands for o1 nly ie evenly-baked crust, ‘ at fe dase. Schmidt, aiiver: [dusted by akc ne! oie aaa te Sa ee 201 = —Lowest prices, coupled wi al’ “Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- th OPER ty. eee 14 "i thi . ot ; " - Yesterday last the’ C. P.R. ‘pulisd So: appo! y ity. fair and Aberaliip ca ee : tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated : out with a doubie cars kna wart patatiasedtin: E policy of this store. . — PANDORA’ OVEN EXACTLY.” aa ve i : CASH: AND: GREDIT jence, Ww: is - see it leave, er tl bri u EZ When you see a “Pandora” Range the sale is made. Fait Ae oy se Maitland. » The|he bas he: Arde ; eig ver the G.P.R i all heen ‘n consultation with the m : : : j the inerease,—Goderie! r genta: s ° 5 ‘y 9 AS) AA Gxebangel tells eee t In duttion to this, in rural dis- 6 “4 onaeric on. : rR AS reporter w 5 interviewed thirty suc- | tric’ ere justices of the peace are : SN 4 2 nen, and fo’ ~|numerous. the one chosen by the Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. ae 2t PAs t eters : ov. |government prosecutor is generally on me a le rictly frequentiy thrash-|* 2¢ade! the temperance -move: Pas % ie more <7 a8 s 7" r 5 from a ing of the br. : r d : : Gig Sey \et- He also interviewed thirty Joatnrs anes and eoea that of oe London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary. thene had been “mam ite ling,” ard oe the other three tag baa a toe: ti a law. JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON. Agents, Milverton|‘: yh occ aati 2 prosecution, with such s , - ony, Burns nal tere a) ris nat y, to be pected — DIVIDEND NOTICE SECs ES | vo he y i champ Res ct a it of any: ay | Fao he wortd, ns at Inst deeded] "ye “prosecutions” ‘The defends The Metropolitan Bank A$ooee 4 ng * result without waiting fo tc _ Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of ~ 4 \ avywel , at Sydney in Novem- iti arse. of $25,000 offered @ |mavities. Such a court may. i ‘Two per ceht. for the current quarter (being New Fall Suitings an St, Seta enti nant (ee aes sure A fi el eewoer and A rt of justi ve G0 per eent., and the loser fiona shun ‘even the appeurance of a ° and that Overcoatings 7 cording to German ctatistios [In some cities the poiioe magiatrate ; ,000, e Id be known | reeks stain from a we onand after October Ist, 190>. = i i re ieee ey an ‘: : By order of the Board, aaa n this ec ry a! 3 the bd ye cade! before ut istri ie ear, in @ ny, cost of $12,-|and smatler 3 Du Union of | peace not ‘es cases, ‘tho: W. D. RO: ‘se ds_ that aving © ran s come im, SS, General Manager. Toronto, August 25th, 1908, Our new fall stock has arrived, and it will pay you to call-in and inspect these goods e 1s hey are boys, m to receive Ss ind a| the based decided to ing elsew! é : : eading, _whi ‘inally | flict, heari story of the before buying elsewhere, OxXFO RDS" Parekts chem te Pet gl literature. Somp:ainant. In fact, the magistrate Noted for Stylish ‘Arebbishop Bruchesi, of Montrenl Banna the CONN ee nes pitta, R. TEED , oted ror lishness. 10 is at present attending the Buc! ——>—— <r sien fart cngeees in Bo Eck seo ene NO HONING--NO GRINDING We are showing a line both in sp e , said that i i Tan and Patent Leather that for o 3s was bei The ensiest ond pleasantest eae The Razor of Perfection—Everlasting Shaving Comfort a i erhozone,” whieh £08 | NO RAZOR TROUBLES POSSIBLE e ; : \ ‘6 at, a in Sea r lines will capdvate niry of . Ca s to its | ol J and een ne 8 ai bat ‘it ; Carbo Magnetic Razors have revolutionized razor making nea fit ht. é - Ghe Old fe carry a full line of Boo was no i 2 W tmi rd, | Cod 4 You experience a —they aro tempered by electricity, which is our own exclusive E. KNECHTE : and Shoes of every description. — |Wwhe tminsterward,|poseant, sens aE ponder need | bs: 9 Reliable in rie ugh t Se $s, estion, and irritati 5 z i W . LIMME MA irst capital in orld. protected | e2¥e the nose eee ehoe: * tempering by |& by the English flag, the cteared, and every trace of cold fire, ( iy ‘used for the carbon TheShoeman| “vic Gnd religipus ibrebdbml— (ape |e Rr is prea ee hore dee which fs the life of steel, = temedy for winter ills that you can't Your dealer will deliver to you a CAR! ESPON at TTT St RT ee Ae without it. Sold \by al? NETIC razor on 30 days trial without ahieesal ne ele aye she sie he aie ake ake ake she oe the a f England would wee oe . and $1.00. Get Catarr- 6 on your part to purchase. the Catholic faith. ozone to-day ' HOLLOW GROUND } DOUBLE CONCAVE FOR | SETOF TWOIN gp ti J We have been requested to publish bs BSR ree: iplytd bli ites taro yao the following ¢ 01 ar gam Tribute to Women laws, and to wa 2 have eS aking the i Place her among the flowers, foster at i é ‘sy will bo gtriet-| ber asa tender plant, and you will ly enforced.) Pri at: me 8 ma re : wal ay 3 i i i be es a ing of fancy, sections t and folly. is ed . bre: ya de uel paat ud season— ‘Di a 's wing, ready to t “SHOULD NOT FAIL 10 SEE THE oy dat ast he mob me Pa ers deadoct: EP EE EP RE RE EE is ahs ahs ak RY hs ahs ah Ki Ys PLUMBING oe HEATING eRe MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR hs ak hs ak be na destroyed wnt of Harvest Tools, Binder Twine, Paris on Bandas ie forbidden at all time ae or tee a ea Green, Screen Doors and Windows For the past 25 years mee minds i: e stooking | Uiputes, a stalking pestilence, when m pale and attrighted VOR OO ere he aks ce at MILVERTON'S NEW SHOE STORE Sei LR SE Race | awit 7 “the at belts in the Unites nd goes forth wit! is ake In’ Weitzel’s Block East of T. P. Roe’s Implement Shop os Coal Oil and Gasoline Stoves ~ stooking ma‘ bie 3 ; som which the seat epee the scatter them sbroai—aoid veluabse, WHICH WE ARE SELLING CHEAP CALL AND SEE THEM ~ = JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON is ak Ks ak Re tk oe ok ok + + Fall winter Footwear ks ats re stubble: 5 ‘ : 2 o meke & an A : E POSITIVELY have the prettiest and best aioe ee ete ‘standing, #ng 1 neat W he ‘be its line of Fall and Winter Footwear in Milverton. goes time oceupied 4 A FREE TRIP 7O Ney ti LY but. oe 3 a : ; ene ERMUDA Woodstock fe atts 2 Le 1 wi ers of the 7 Star, who : + 4 Es We say that in all sincerity and are prepared to ee pack it up with the goods. You don't need to take a 7 our word for it; just come and see for yourself.-...".*, 4 The Land of Perpetual Summer | nse ns | piZhis wom as “oe 2 enna Z The Hamilton Weekly Spectator will send six ng ar pant cesta and Rea "ie ils ieauble: saved her lif Chatel, Vet 1a of the most popular women in the Provinee of ie None settlement of 40,000 of ‘Bellen vege uses: ee ute tario on a two weeks’ tour of the Bermuda fslands. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF EXPENSE : The successful candidates will be selected by = oe popular vote. For candidates’ names and any fur- and kid 1 Sete ther information read the Weekly Spectator of FP adiioed Sae i September the 9th, “12th, 16th and 19th. _ All correspondence, votes, ete., must be for. - warded direct to the Trip to Bermuda i ecg ‘ Weekly Peas Heal tes PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY We guarantee the greatest bargains ever offered in Boots and Shoes. pe ee ee ing Lewis there an | 2 but] from roots and herbs, has been the _ One ria purchases Two thousand votes | to Jen rh ‘ “ i dol i he favorite candidate and a subscription ilt Weekly 8 from dates to Jan- pce Detgele ae on, apes sary Ist, OO: ena z ea ee odic backach« bea : (hs For a Sprained Ankle | A: ern feelin i iE: 7 5 Purchases two F theneniid votes for : ion, ne: ‘prost our favorite candidates, a subscrij ined ankle’ may be our : 2. = a D p>. Roker ied the ti Sun Ree ate tion to The Sun and The Weekly Chamberlain's ; vale Meee ely. ‘aed wiving it ab- meee ee from the date up 2 January JShs see For sale by all dr I. Lynn, Mass, ke ks che sks ce coke ote ake ks afte aks alts alts atts aks aks alte alts cls afis alts aks af oks alls ake ake altsas af ah Sis aks "

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