GOLDEN GRESCENT BADGE ADOPTED BY RICHARD COEUR E LION. After Cixsades He Gave Turkish Symbol to Portsmouth as Coat of Arms. It is related in the book of Judges that Gidaon took from Bebah and s of Midian, orna- ments like the Btls that were on their camels’ The Midian- were Tahinaplites and thus an- cestors of the eet so it is not im- probable that the ol was deriv- ed from them ad if use long be- fore the taking of Canstantinorian in 1453. at lends some confirma- tion to this theory is the f: Richard Coeur de “tenth scepied re badge after he returned fro: crusades, BI es. 5 a 2 & 2 3 e a anything ever seen at sea, gaudily painted in yellow and green and carried no fewer than 1,500 men, among whom were seven em- irs, ‘and eighty chosen Turks, for the defence of Acre, and was laden ows, arrows, Greek jars and ‘200 most deadly serpents Prepared for the destruction o Christians.” Possibly these “ser- scyore # species of firework t. SUNK HER AT LAST. King Richard’s galleys attacked her in vain for a long time, by their royal leader, who promised to crucify the last man to board her. Eventually several galleys drew off and, put- ting on full speed, rammed the bi ig mainde: the pleasant custom of the days of ROYAL ORESCENT BADGE. Portamouth at this time was, as , he as a spe- cial honor raen the royal cres- cent badge upon the town ae Or coat cf arms. oR crescent of in a shield azure with a b ts the eye everywhere municipality. ‘Thencefor- and was used as such up to the year 1545, when it was superseded by the anchor, ee MOTHERS FEEL SAFE, Mothers who have used Baby’s Own Tablets for their little ones say they feel safe with the Tablets at hand, for they are never fail- babyhood and child! Mri Urias Cressman, New Hamburg, Ont., : “I have d Baby’ Marans trouble and constipation with marked suc- cess. I always feel that my little one is safe when ave a box of the Tablets in the house.’’ Baby's Own Tablets are sold under the uarantee o! Government: ana- vst to contain neither opiates nor other poisonous drugs. They al- : ed do good—they can’t possibly do harm, For sale at dr a or by mail at 25 cents a box fi vr. Williams’ Medivine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sas “Was your husband lucky quia the last race eee 8, answered Tor! x lho ere his adhe amd couldn’ at Repeat it-—" Bh Shiloh’s Gure will al- ways cure my songhe and colds.” Mrs. jpfiadiy “hugging Ra eae don’t know what we're going t 2, do peers poor darling Fido.’ Gadsby — ‘“Humph! What ails Mrs. Gadsby (in surprise) = Wh; aven’t you noticed irritated te) , becomes whenever the baby crie A Clear Hanlity. ofl talaga ct the skin and the blotches which blemish beauty are ti result of im- pure blood caused by unhealthy action of the liver and kidneys. In correcting this unhealthy action and restoring the organs to their condition, Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills will at the same time cleanse the blood, and the blotches and eruptions will disappear with- oI cut leaving any trace. The Husband (during the qnartel)| ¢ You're always making bargains. ‘Was there ever a. time when you didn’t?’ The Wife—“Yes, sir; on my wedding day.” Repeat. it:—‘‘Shiloh’s Cure will | « always cure ay ene and colds.”” “Have you, ” a recently convicted man, ‘‘any- thing to offer the Court before sen- tence is passed ?”’ 9, your hon- ied the prisoner; ‘my lawyer took my last cent.”” The final luxury of tea~ theeerae the quality which distinguishes it as the world’s ee is assured users cf “Salada” Tea. fact. that | crew, according to} at |, -| kave short shrift; on m sibel the judge of with a good SPIES IN GREAT HOTELS CLEVER DETECTIVES WATCH FOR CROOKS. Many Smart Scoundrels Who Make Big Hotels Happy Hunting Grounds. I dare say it would shock many a Suest at our great hotels to be fal hat he is in a network of spies complete and cunning as any use’ cd by the Russian secret police ;.and that even the affable gentleman. who passes him the salt or the waiter who brings tha se ae may be a detective in dis; Not, continued ake London hotel- ho tel ste its guests. The chiet of taff is a very wide-awal! eens detective who ie an intimate knowledge of the ‘crooks’ who ‘make big hotels their happy hunti ~ ground — cardsharpers, ahever and swindling gentry of all who are about the cleverest Beoudarels i the weld. ARE “CALLED AWAY.” These men, as I dare say you now, are almost invariably well- dressed, gentlemanly fellows, a: all the appearance of men of weal and with considerable skill in in- their them at sight, knows the type well enoug! and keeps a very keen eye on their movements, Usually a tap on the shoulder and unexpectedly ‘‘called away,” and within 4n hour the hotel them-no more. These are, of course, the crooks who are immediately spotted by the detective, and ose. whom o keeps the eye of a lynx, and at the first suspicious sign off they go ep —quite quietly, with no fuss, but a: forestuly as if they had been hot yee it is not only the Bc tetsioa 1 crooks, who hail from the tinent and America, that the detec: ive is on the watch for. He is r sponsible for the morals of vty? cne in the hotel, from the guest who wanders innocently into a room n his own, and wishes to take hbibhe a souvenir of his absurd blunder. of assistants among the s.| employes of the hotel, of evéry class from waiters to porters ; and so sec- | ret is the system that these auxil-| the iary detectives are unknown as suc! tr. their fellows and even to one an- ae a er. ‘BYES EVERYWHERE. tions of secrecy and mystery; for there Ae? eyes literally everywhere, and si of them are almost sure is to report the most trifling devia- tion from honesty. In some hotels the system is car- ped to such an extent that the most harmless-looking guests, and even their visitors, are shadowed in their goings and comings until their per- — respectability is placed beyon | ees @ re- cord of the features of every ni guest for future possible reference. — “TUNE WITH A RIVER IN 17.” © Upon Scottish Folk. ie is a eae Powerful influ- ence that the bagpipes have upon Scottish folk. Now-a-days that in uence may largely ee ascribed to association. The tunes were com- posed at the time oe epoch-making events, at the time of the setting ot landmarks in. Scottish history Numerous pibrochs, for example, were outpourings in music during seasons of hi with a touch of i im- knows | y who] for a period of s “ =| gate his dinner, also bit his tail; to be. “ahess of a spy, whose duty it} an ne = Hopolpes Has Great In-| dss ne gestive organs, have no equal. . |cent. did not know that cows gave GENERAL INFORMATION. Interesting Bits of Knowledge About ’Most Everything. The father of seven or more chil- ren is practically exempt from tax- ation in France ‘© member of the British Royal eae: in the direct line can legal- ly marry without the consent of the rown. __ Germany's colonies are five ti mes big as herself, those o! alghtess times, ahd Britain's nine: smallest in proportion to the size of the country. It works out at one salt in the at Mock Tipe Manitoba. It is 200. feet deep, and extends for 306 miles. The ete cabbage farm in iu world is near Chica 0. It is acres in extent, yields nee one pnt a quarter atin cabbages each cr} Arai penecel gigtinetied Minds Weisbein has astonished the United wn mena BAH Rev. Angus eee ek of Scab England, who has attained the age of n nclesseroan S believed to be the Bidet clergyman in England still fulfiilling active du ties. @ was ordained in 1841 and Bad held mis present charge since 1859. The normal number of telegrams sent daily through the London Cea ne wor 1d, i about ots pe 3 ee 500,000 wor és are night in the for Pre rams when aclament is sittin; is estimated that New Zealand has an available coal supply of 1,- 200,000,000 tons, of which not more | than 20, 000, 000 tons have een touched. This was the first of the British Colonies to try the experi- ment of State ownership of colliery y became eras in their teens, but the young man yowed to ced $50,000 before ask- passe !. Mr. tenstall, Lucas, Englan id, wee chai just. completed _ his hers at New= kallhey Woollen Mills, Rawtenstall, nty-five years, and is still in the Dene ceiplepeenh. He aged as foreman ful- ling miller at these mills. India, with its teeming and poverty-stricken myriads, parents oben find it no easy task to marry ff their spams ers, for a wife has = he bought by the suitor. Widows are cheay ay when a father finds his “daughter getting oe = years, he makes a t by the ene process of marrying her to » bunch of flowers! When the flow- ers are dead, she is teohntonlly a a widow, Gas can be offered at a bar- gain pri surgical danetas has just ben performed on a leo in Paris. imal rec nae eetile gangrene set in, and it became nec- essary to amput tate a portion of the tail to save his life, This leopard was lassooed, thrown on his back, a piece of soft wood was given him te gnaw, and while held by ten men veterinary proceeded with the removal of a portion of the tail and eauterized the woun animal roared considerably, but the opera- tion was declared successful. nder a new Norwegian railway regulation, when husband and wife are travelling together the wife reed only pay half: price. The idea may simply be to encourage family life, on the theory that a Ni along at redu a husband-and-wife ticket, to dis ° 5 @ e, in order to prevent col- lusion at the ticket office betwee. perfect strangers. 's-/nerthy’s advice and used Dodd’s 1 Office, which is the largest in|! orge ca of Sue ‘ GANANOQUE MAN OUT OF TROUBLE HAD RHEUMATISM, BUT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED IT. Hugh sleeraatie ax on His Feet Again —Cure is Easy, Simple, Natural and Permanent. Gananoque, Ont., Oct. 19 (Speci- al).—That Rheumatism can be cured ugh Aberne- thy, a well-known resident of King Bizeat tis spreading: amore tue neighbors. T had suffered from Rheumatism and stiffness othing did me any aly tal T ‘ried Dodd’s Kidney Si put me on my sf eet again. Others whee have taken Mr. Ab- Kidney Pills are also loud in their praises of the old rene Gagadan Kidney remedy. Fi jodd’s Kid- Pills cure Kher ne nd other blood diseases by curing the Kidneys. Sound Kidneys keep the bloo m impurities. And with no impurities, such as uric acid in the blood, you cannot have such painful and dangerous diseas- Pain in the Back, Rheuma- Lumbago, Neuralgia, an Heart Disease, ep y Kidneys strong and on ik Dodd's Roney Pills. os you can face the cold, wet day fall without a fear of avathiatetn, CEES EL BRITISH POST-OFFICE. Nearly Sixty-five Letters a Year er Capita Ree: The British Postmaster-General’s annual report just issued shows that an average of nearly sixty-five jet ceived per capita ed. The number of postal packets of all sorts deliv orn was 4,972,070,000, or an pretense 12.5 a person. h Resick competitions Bnd similar semi-lottery schemes pro- mot ewspapers have counte: EB era + whieh’. “poaple hese competitio seem to be getting more undeliverable | y packets showed an sabaeksernE Over per cent. They contained over a0) 000 in cash and notes and $3,- oS 000 in checks, money orders aus mps. Entirely wer hou to pay or entrance fee for | * thought contained a wedding pre- sent. _ When it was opened, how- cart it was found to contain a re- volver, and a sufficient quantity of gelatine to porteyy house and all i occupan There was an as genious contrivance eeneebhy the box wa: d, the Be 2 would be FPh oe into the gela- tine. The parcel was despatched from eens the revolver was d had naan Another report says that the two men in custo married men, that the theory APCS ioe may be dropp — i — HUMAN NATURE NOTES. Genius is often only timely talent. ir gr poorer success in life is usu- nites unexpecti rosperity smiles on the few, and ¢| azshs’ Babies are ae Sere in the watches a the night. girl in love is almost as miser- able as one who isn’t. The fairest flowers ot a spring from ane soil of sacri cid of envy ae ‘all happi- ness ‘out of the human heart. Don’t wait for your ship to come. in. Charter a tug and go to meet it. Other women are always suspici ctis of a Woman who doesn’t talk much. When a man talks of himself he is apt to. be more eloquent than in- teresting. | Marriage may not be a failure, but if seldom comes up to expecta- tions. When the wage is the end, the work loses ee but the worker) Some women are for getting mar- ried, while others are forgetting that they How many people are like ocean wayves—they make a lot of noise but say nothing. SPS PILES GURED AT HOME By New Absorption Method. suffer from bleed- | le. itching, ‘blind or dren anf | iles, % address, ae with references from your own locality if requested. Immedi- e relief anent cure as- ured. no money, but tell aha of ie offer. Write to-day M. Summers, Box 103 Nvinnine, Ont. “Jane,’’ began Mrs. fimaidly “I don’t suppose—er—tha nek 957 packets, pee ows OWES CURE TO ZAM-BUK. Prominent Manager’s Telling Tes- timon: Mr. Gourlay, advertising manager for the well-known piano firm. of Gourlay, Winter & Leem- n,—I ete eee in S| have been misinformed. t to et ting an fc Alaecr Steoeee “Not at all, ma’am!” replied the sleepy maid. “Them things never disturb me at all!” Repeat it: —“Shiloh’s Cure will always} cure my Seaod and colds.” She—T understand that drinking Gg cle Gh a tae You Tuas uae of my most pronounced successes.” <</A CAMPBELL PRESS 8, Which is the Best Sewing Machine for You?” @ All that can be said of the Singer is es - nothing compared to the way the Singer speaks for itself. Singer results teil the story of Singer success, The best way to prove the superiority of the Singer is to try it—try it in your own home—test it by the most difficult work you know. g But you may say ‘‘a cheap machine will: do all this.” Perhaps it will to-day—but how about a year from nowP @ The Singer lasts a lifetime. The half a: century’s reputation behind the Singer proves its supremacy—why not let the millions of Singers in the homes all over the world prove which is the best machine for you? You can’t get Singer results with anything: but a Singer. Please remember this, Singer Sewing Machine Comiake Sa MANUFACTURERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Brewiiee IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance, Most Central Location, Four Large Freight Elevators, §. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St, West a. PRINTERS ON’ NTI 312 Manning wake 533 voli dof aid aes rw oO REVOLUTION 43x56 inch bed, cost $2,500, Will be Sold for $400 Cash der to make room for larger and faster mac ‘running onde as it has just been thoroughly Frewcucd oy a ge imachinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, exain Your Strength by taking “Perrovim.* stating that upon Be purchased. a by a few Sppfistbion entirely yet a very severe nase ba While not given to use of, or belief cines, mend Zam-Buk. “Sincerely yours, Antena nk proves its superiority! It is treat- ed by men and women who have tried it, as altogether different to | ondinsry preparations: Doctors, kospital nurses, trai of convalescent e Zam-Buk a good word; an still they use it. Zam-Buk is as gcod for muscular satires, sprains, ie Laplanders are the shortest trope, the average Reghe ee under 5 fee Be There a Wi! will | Wisdom Points the Way-The sick man pines for re- lief, but dislikes sending for the dector, pane bottles of rconsumed. He has not us resolution to Naka his stomach with compounds which smell pal oI deal himself with his ailment, wider will direct, his attention to lee’s Vege- table Pills, which is a cageeine for Hhilceation and disorders of the di- te = 3 oe ies $ n Boston, Mass., of the children eaaciial to the schools, 45 per cent. never seen the country, 20 per milk, 47 per cent. had ni a pig, and 15 per cent. could ‘not distinguish by name between the colors yellow, green, and blue. e e iiction and with a Iittle a8 him of that poetic strain which forms part of the Celtic character, finds it easy, once he overcomes w that there is music in the pipes, oe to let that music old idea, no doubt aris- humor, yet no mood for anything but the way before it.” a man living in Glasgow. place she is said to have come, and. arother men. skin troubles. athletes in general find ii able. For eruptions, pustules, scalp sores, itch, eczema, ulcers, boils, abscesses, blood poison, cuts, burns, biuises, and abrasions, it is speedy cure. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. a box, or poe free from the Zam-Buk Co., rento, for price. 6 boxes for as 30 Send le. Stamp for trial box. : Railway Superintendent (to car inspector)—‘‘Any of the carriages ow “Yes; Ni unfit for service.”’ ‘Well, use: it cnly for excursions after this.’ epeat cure my coughs and colds.” EE ce a a A BOMB FOR A BRIDE. Infernal Machine Sent as a Wed- ding Present. Two men have been arrested on suspicion of haying sent an infernal mi deen, Scotland, who was be married. The intention had evi- dently been that the ‘‘gift’’? should ke opene he presence of both b tunately the mac although complete in its mechanism, had got cut of order, and dii turned to, Aberdeen, from which was about to be married there to she While at Aberdeen ck, | is no occasion for you to envy me, my m: eas many troubles you.”’ The Impecunious One— in, patent medi-|&s can conscientiously recom- fi Reps it: —“Shiloh’s Cure will always] -| another town-hall, rea the best rishos fand strengthens the whiole system. say you have; but the dif- culty with me is that I ain’t got nothing else !”? It is Known Everywhere.—There is not a city, town, or hamlet, in Canada where Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil is not known—wherever in- troduced it sates a foothold for it- self and maintained it. Some mer- Chait: many ue mbat-dcliece tien sTAne edy as equally beneficial. Suc recommendations should be receiv- e is only one Belectrio Oil, and thet is Dr. Tho- ”. Take nothing else. Ade declared his poet was on fi ith love for Tthel—““And "Mabel the “Dally—"'Oh, she made light of it Repeat it:—‘‘Shiloh’s Cure will always cure my coughs and colds.” He—‘‘So your father wanted to marry money. What did you say he -—“T persuaded him that ae didn’t and then -he said if that case, you didn’t have any sense !’’ thought. I for your Pale, sickly children “should use Mother Graves’ Worm Extermina- pal causes of suffering in children and sl Bae “Ny viewer, ‘do you ai cess in acquiring « what,”’ inquired the intor: abies your si ef other men in letting go of it.”” | Black Watch The Chern rig Toa receiyed a box, whic! a @ Prosperous Person—‘‘There low pene was ‘the arenes ion, “ae by a you that it was the aSs*that Bried hould be expelled from the} 5+ avail Oslarerd of me eye’ a remedy centre ‘Cordial many < ees one | could be saved. This . be Biven with safety to the smallest oat and giving away | child, as tl eienee : in it. vast subtropical section of Aus some of oie ae have te curious inals for this the clay would appeai useful purpose in ebhied whiles by way of staving~ off game is scarce, “Hallo, Rey, where did you get DOMESTIC BLISS. that black eye?” “‘Oh, it was only). Wite—T have about made up. & lovers? qu rrel.””. ‘Lovers! quar: mind, John, that when I marti rel? Why, your a f gite suck snatred’ a fool, you that, did she No, it was)" Husband—That reminds me of a her other lover.’ temark you made re we were mar You remember that Repeat it:—" Shiloh’s Cure will al- yousanid te Grand: bs HaRaN pea ways cure my coughs and colds.” t wo people more alike than you and. “Tam going ‘a marry your daugh- ter, sir,” sai Holloway’s Corn Cure is a speci- man. ‘‘Well, you don 10] fie for the removal of corns and come to me for sympathy,’’ replied We have never heard of its the father, “I have troubles enough | failing to remove even the worst of my own.’’ kind. It will be noticed in tho Singer OHENILLE QURTAINS — house Hang Sewing Machine Company’s adver- tisementathet! theresare: these cade SihOl CURTAINS hes Seana dresses at the bottom of the an- bout you ‘sarrien suaeatoan vaio oa, y one writing will m at the nearest cne of the three places to his post offic ist Pibeaa Guanding stodgy- poe < ak)— will you have ae Ae ae Br ees gestion, I guess!’ rat out the fire In a hot, itching, -unhealthy aki wie Wonver's Corate. (Use it'tor eczomay nettle rash, totter and salt rh SSR Counsel (to witness)—‘‘Now, al- ae ri remind you of,what tap Wi oy KNOWS ITPAYS 10 BUY THE BEST im.’ n the causes of See mortality ehélees morbus. figu Send for our Froe Catalogue No, 73, The Ball | ha i nek nn ao a ogg’s Dy- Cordial can ere is no injurious sub- — FS AUSTRALIAN CLAY EATERS. the Northern Téerritory, oe the Commonwealth Government, he could sare by un: ack-of-all-rades Gazal | Se woult-not be able ve Rae Se eoult no 9 abl os ni a mguld not be able to auppiy the demand will send you our free ental particular diet, but r to serve ‘a unger wheo