Milverton Sun, 29 Oct 1908, p. 1

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H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer or @ Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “It Shinsa For All.” eS MZ. KR. CIOCT fe ISSUER OF...... Marriage Licenses Strictly Confidential MILVERTON + ONTARIO “ Vol. XVII—No. 39 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 1908, Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher JOB — PRINTING ++. suchas... Farmers’ Metropolitan Bank Capital Paid Up, $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits, $1,241,532.26 The With $1.00 you can open at any branch of The Metropolitan Bank Bupueys 2 specially « “JOINT DEPOSIT AC —COUNT particularly valuable mney by husband Statements, Envelopes, Etc. DONE NEATLY AND PROMPTLY at— The Sun Office Bill Heads, Letter Heads, for farmers, © Perthits & Rar te Nae Note Heads, os FARMERS’ SALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS BOUGHT AND SOLD IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT m $1.00 or upwards opens an account. ‘compounded FOUR times a year. You may Interest allowed from date of ereat aes deposit or wit MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. 3 LOCAL NEWS 0004. Read page three of this issue, it will pay you. Mrs. George Langford is visiting friends at Gravelbridge. of winter apples it Sun Offic the co eS ee of ©. R. cedceieh & Son's big sale in ete issue. Mr. Norman McGuire, of Brussels, spent a day or two in the village We specialize Northway fall coats for ladies. See our leader in black at besa tye style, fit and workmanship is no heliee than the best, but better $444 GHAEFER & WHALEY), values. Patronize this store -THE SATISFACTORY CASH AND PRODUCE STORE| riday - and - Saturday E _ OCT. 50th and Bist Bargains OCT. 50th and Sist We will close the month of October with a number of good FRIDAY and SATURDAY it will mean $ to you Dress Goods About 300 yards Union Dress Goods in Tweeds and plain Melton cloths. These:goods make good wearing skirts - or girls’ school dresses. Regular 19 25 and 3oc yd, Clearing at.........¢ Pillow Covers 8 dozen good size Pillow Covers, good quality, even thread, cotton, wide 20 hem. Regular 30c. Each ° Men’s Mitts 5 dozen Men’s Heavy Yarn Mitts with genuine calfskin facings, These are just the mitts you want for a full win- 55 ter's wear. Reg. 75c. Per pair....¢ Ribbons 15 bolts good quality Taffeta Ribbon, in all the best shades, 314 and 4 inches wide, reg 18 and 20c 9 yds. 25¢ j Tapestry Table Covers 10 only Tapestry Table Covers, in reds, greens and blues, good full size Regular $2, for... 1.69 Men’s Overcoats 9 only Men’s Winter Overcoats, odds and ends we have picked from our regular stock. Reg. $9, for 4.75 On Friday and Saturday (only), we will give a straight discount of 10 per cent. on all Ladies’ and Children’s Coats, Furs and Clothing. Don't miss this opportunity to save 10 per cent. on our low cash prices. . . . LITTLE NEEDS at LITTLE PRICES : packages best Needles...., ackages best Pins,........ Pie Selected Raisins per Ib. 3 cakes Toilet Soap..... 25 good quality Pavalopee Ladies Hose Supporters, Glass Ni, Large size Steel Frying Pans. Old Dutch Cleanser... SCHOOL BOYS and GIRLS You all use INK. On Friday and Sat- urday we will offer too bottles Under- wood’s best Jet Black Ink, Sold 3 everywhere at 5c bottle, for......... Cc 30c LB. ; We sell ‘Melagama,Tea. funded, ZALES This tea‘is Mother’s Favorite. package. We guarantee this tea to be first-class in every way or money In black, green’or mixed. Per Ib... 30c LB. Ss SS TERY) There is money in every 330c We want your Produce * We'll use you the very best SCHAEFER & WHALE +4 n honting party tp locate, a Sanya und. and lovercoats for boys Sener jon. gon, of Atwood, 8 by Public Drug Mr. ap residence in the house Drug Store, Mil : Re of Holm ville, “ae a daylor two this ith Mr.and Mrs./J. Langford. Mr. Snowdon preached anniversary ser- vices at the Elma} Methodist church on Sunday. ‘A ver} was present at bgth ser nd Mrs. W. G beautiful solos at the even’ ly all the factories of this dis- week, and com- ts to a depth of ten feet... Sni lows: re rush to the scene, bu little progress, was made until ae storm bere ed, The storm was who! moenee The Minister of Agriculture is of- of .the i ler to receive the * name of the secretary of every School Board should be on the mailing list of this magaziy he sel anxious that this magazine should come regula to.every rural schoo) libra’ Tickling, tight Coughs,‘can be sure- ly thers should, for tate sake alone, always, deman Shoop’s. It ean, with perfect re est babes. Sold by Publis Drug Store, Milver- Like many another, the editor of the Orangeville Sun is beginning to er if slated) is nota too- expensive luxury for the newspaper- men when it goes cH fe Jength of refusing ontside business out of con- sideration e ALeSaUE Aidstitationa: The country who have not m city mail or has been i 101 ertising rates Kcountry editor has for sale, and a e. What other class of business or professional men wot fuse business to help their friends, y of the said frie: pt or even ap- preciate it.” 1 * |per will be dispensed’ in Buri a ena chureh, Milverton, next Sun? std at x, [tives Miss Ducklow, Miss Weir, Miss Aeneas fu. to January, oy , of aarenta: re- urnéd home for the election. wppose we do better for o than the rest, nee then? J. M. Fleisch- hauer. reading this paper do overlook page three. It has thing to tell you. M not some- lenry, ponneukex Saad Saturday wit! ing is what they prove everywhi y Engeland & Son Bmart boy wanted, about fifteen ears of age, to learn grocery ath 088. Bey & start with. Apply Mohr's gro Prices right, ieee Shes RSS you wish it, is what you are assured of when you pure cloth- . Strong, Millbank, nt. The Sand still continues bere to work in all sections, owin, the a hopes fo: good shower were doomed to disap- eee nt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Loth, of Inger- sol, have gone to Barri d a gold-headed cane. Mrs. was presented with a valuable piece eeFrom 8,000 to 10,000 annually, in Canada thos mtario in 1907 there were 2.00were 2,607 deaths trom the disease, while from small-pox, scar- let fever, diphtheria, measles, whoop- people die half. It is the duty of every citizen f the Lord's, sup- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 B. E, WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS eae ge oe forded to farmers and banking business. Sales notes wil Manager, transaction of their i te baat or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL “<< this way with equal facility. WM. MAYNARD, ‘ounts may be opened by mail, and #5 7 nies deposited or withdrawn in is STRATFORD BRANCR Head hee 3 terest allowed. from ded to principal FO’ fi cheque without notice. il on request, ers discounted. “Sale notes co! | The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of the Ie ey Taner Association & The! Toronto W.IR. TRAVERS, General Manager Cae poke Bled attention given},to this Ini times a ye Money forwarded to depositors by FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPECIALTY—Notes of responsible farm- CHEESE CHEQUES—On any bank cashed or taken on deposit with- out charge. Newton Branch open Monday and Thursday in Hutchison block Millbank and Newton Branches, R. G. Grieve, Mgr. ing House - TORONTO depart- date of deposit at current rates, and ar. Money may be withdrawn lected and advances made thereon. res~ 10.30 ay. Oxae and see what this beautiful los by Misses eas and Weir, ars ago, is smn ati emd aside from a few, bruises, was \“sa_worse for his lightning See and Monday rday [and Borin. there are many instan: putting in from sixty to one hundred wa and eastern Miss Anna Hartmier spent Sunday with friends in Preston i 8. ai Miss , of Palmersto spent a tistewit thre aie 0.3 bie Solan abt lee Copp, 20! sis cans congestion—blood pressure {Sunday school will meet half an hour |4A7, 9F \rvo jan week. as the guest in Se Dr Bhooes Pink Pain earlier. ervices in Zion obureh, /%f, the Misses Trim. Mi at Tablets check head ins, _vomanly Srd line, Wellesley, will be held in Lo Batt cra Kaas cat phe HOR pains, pains anywi r and | the atternoons.. ria el pete see allertoo Be ' i Pane Bo tor Sook Bold, by Public ee ae reach at both s Miss Lillie Kalbfleiseh left on Mon- e day for ildmay' and \Wroxeter, is ere she intends spending tinct e November quarterly servico of i he held a duet r. and Mrs. Grosch, ou and a gelection by the male quar- | .Ve°0 Sree east petra tee sae vas Williams |*ce and the progress of the move nes co-president Bir.” Louis | ment ,thropghout Canada and the ™ | Dretfer; accretary, Miss B. Grosch; | United *|'treasurer, Mr. D. McTavish; deposi-| The Sie a mi ws Ea what tary, Mr. Wm. Zimmerman} pxeou- |it once was in . and thi +e ro o! Hasenpflug, Mr. H. M. Schaefer, Mr. Jno, McCloy, Mr. J a Grosch, Me, . nd the “Prof. Casselle, the ballonist who i p farmers who went heavily into this de his headquarters here for | ranch are reaping fortunes. One n in Aroostoon put in 125 acre: and the yield has been 120 barrels or 800. bushels out the entire crop at/$1.25 per st rel, and received from dred acres the sum of $18,750. This acre. He has sold is one hun- but. y large crop, taking as high as four hels per acre. Prices ba van Be falling pretty soon, but wil t go below 90c. per barrel to the farmer. In the Canadian West! the verage wh yield is twent: buJhe's, which. brings thé farmer at r bushel at the most. thus receives $16 per He acre, as against $140 or mi entire Montreal potato are reaching for the markets of On- tario cities. ay steady demand, and within the years the ‘i med farms are now being taken up and worked. All that is atl desired is a foreign freight trade. ces of farmers |¢ swiek-| Linw Laurier Government Sustained ion Federal elections majority of 50, which will undoubtedly be thi cewiall and winter, ebook Or-ours ot nett Dike aleste Sivantages’ this seasn. Olothing |, MF nd Mrs, Tulius Doer, of Gads- |ffay' ran.” yom the setimne gabe depatiennaie Egeland & Son hill, spent a day or two this week | ished in ‘Tuesday's dailies, Eine 4 sacred Tt will be held in| With the latter's parents, Mr. and |oopicct to revision when complete he Seeea ete church, Milverton, |Mrs: 3, Kalbfleisoh. (retarns inj, we take the fol- on Thanksgiving evening, Nov. ra Eckert, who retwtrned +o Peay 4 ake the \fo under the auspices of the choir D + Thome at Rostock Raigah dave See ald C. MacGregor, tthe celebrated | “ontracted blood poisoning, is,» (Gon Lite toryea baritone vocalist, of Toronto, will |®™S glad_ to hear, recover! 4 ’ e the chief soloist of the evenin x ay On esIGH Soebn: Soe Daye haan ae ee ee seat pe ender seversi |@ big furniture sale for seven days, Tig Boe artiemet moles The choir, twenty- [from October Bist to November 7th 612 = tive -ateongs ei Tpeviai {See Page three of this Ben dda sic. ‘The male quartette, will alee Mr. E. Wilton. of Stratford, “th eR give several selections. will at ere ee the Pome treat of the yaonats 1 * 3 4 Don’t miss in a BR iar It isn’t = Sietioutt to strengthen a rt oot at Behar if one goes at it vor |), To theme suits and overcoats: ia se ee recty. And tO is tae oF tne Tocsy (what the people want; js what the 82 182 7 i ati f what! pleases the | M of the surprises cai from ~ New Brunswick, which was conceded Liberal expectations in Manitoba and British olumbia were not real- uz ti h A : reat ie North Perth Dr. Rankin's elec- fail then those organs must surely |o'clock; preaching, 11 o’élock; sac LE fale a great surprise to mo: falter. This vital trath is leading ele of (Lord's supper at 12 eet eratare s generally believed druggists everywhere to dispense and | 0’clo man ae pre a rs repo joop's Restorative. | iq’ hallows en social: tinder ‘the ans Sil Sa be Rae a ee ee few days will surely tell ! | pices of t ir will be held in the lGity by a majority of 48, end in ae Seid by Public Drug, Store, Milver- | Brea terian church, ‘Milverton, on (viding by a majority of S8 thew Friday ‘An interesting pi i s a Te ENA TP Ra aan n iify emer ei rare teen ti Wulincer abe seen eM Soviety on pie, tea and ta iH be aérvodl.. “A Listowel, (G4 majority tor Macterent was : silver collection will b en at the a; ODE. mnadoReyr ees “Meoberen The t do ne ladies of the congregation |Ntornington, majority erp ae tie The local clergy gave bi are kindly requested to furnish th Be ane tive addresses on the following topics, | pies. Al! invited. Doors open at cight Acta Sie te abcde “Bhe Aiea of pss Society and o at Rankin; North Easthope, majority tinued Nece: n day last Dr, Galbraith, of Jot Rankin; Stratford, ma- Work, Morente representative of the Do- Rankin. In Milver- ay,” minion Temperance Alliance, preach- the vote stood 86 for MacLaren to Missions. two powerful and able discourses ‘ankin, giving the lat- gave an the Evangelical and Methodist : Tn Mornington pbs k of Colpo rr phuitches appeal was logical ‘majority of at jen. th aise a pleasing feature. These were | Tether than Setar eb eae ei eiRaubin hana i ma- jority of 9 at Hivtbenk, 41 at Hes- son, and 23 Ti Bouth Perth Me G. H. Melntyre was returned by a majority of only 18, his former majority of 144 nearly being wip: In_ North _aWaterioo Mr. MacKenzie King defeated Mn Rich: ard Reid by about ul NWO0D, ate eral. months y friénds are pleased to see him home agai M. ‘acBeth~made a business call to town om Frida; The Provincial Ipspeetor of Pub- lic schools from ‘onto, made cal risen le sneglest of parents sendi their children to eon sending rye -Oarter, . of Gael . spent: “Thursday, in town. ee Spahr and daughter ee . few days ‘with Mr Meese Hanimer, of Milverton, were visitors in torn on_ Sunday. special evangelistic services ar being held in x nood, the Methodist eee ‘ 1 ba ople ar especially invited to af bs tate heen ee will ‘te held in Litwhod the cirouit will be held on the rallewine Monday, viz., November Bnd, in Dine wood church, at 2.80 ;

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