PLANES WBMMED IN TRAIN Awful Fate of Refugees Seeking to Escape > From Burning Town. “nearly every one on the train ree ie ahaa A despatch from Detroit says: Eeypninen eople are known to have| t na en a relief t*ain on the oti oit & Mackinaw Railroad, car- ryi.g refugees from forest, fires in upper, Michigan, ran off the tracks right in the midst of a burning pine forest. Unconfirmed reports sa; per- ished. Bishop Wiliams of Detroit was Sonora to have been on the wrecked train, but later advices e is safe. Fifteen burn- |The flames immediately gers found themselves tra all sidos i Lee | car -ecuntry north and west is ea swept by the most serious fire in peeine TRAIN DERAILED. persons who lost their lives in the ovest-fires north of here on Thurs- day Wea =sialgest to the town of Metz. ie town was ablaze and a on “it Sait or nine wood- en cars and a steel gondola was made up to a the people out. Thirty or forty men, women children, with si mass ot household offects, were crowded into the gon- dola and the train iatied eae A wall of fire on either side. wickis Siding the rails ead ne nd the engine went into the roadbed. swept cver the train, setting fire és the wooden cars and the household goods in the gondola, mothers and tl pine children eine in the ast and were cremate: ere. En- gineer John Kinyille of Alpena and another member of the train crew ber of passengers burned made their way to the v A despatch from Alpena, Mich., says: Twelve out of the seventeen ed after leaving the train or not. JAPAN THRE Serious Trouble Arising Out Between A ee A despatch from Seoul, Corea, Bays: A serious fight between Chi- nese and Japanese soldiers at Kan- ‘ tao, Northern. China, threatens to ATENS CHINA Soldiers. men on both sides being killed or wounded, the Chinese withdrew. bade their entering Chinese, terri- tory. Japen protested, and it is Sepapied alts declared iateunless she was given immediate satisfac- tion Japanese troops would. cross the: frontier. HEALTH ELECTRICAL INJURIES, t of the injuries seeuune from electric shocks are suffer. ats be but with the multiplication of trolfey-tines, in “ci [oo and w: e extension of the em. of Shaul of Guieonts: ot enormous voltage over sae lines by "bare toe strung on poles, the dan- & ie general public is con- manly eae of the accidents are produc- ea te alternating currents. This is aust because. such surnenta are eee erouse than tl voltage. It is ww high the Yyoltage ik be to. cause death. Much depends mode of contact, whether wurrent Stine tock through only a nm the the @ other or from the jeicee to the foot. partial degree of insulation also prevent serious conse- nem, as ate one is standing on seaetetly dry ground or when the fetinde: ekrouah the clothes. sh writer on ~ fifty vol rasp the out — with: shia: Wendy SAS: receiving y shock whatever, but the experi- ment is not recommended to the euriou! ~ When one has received ‘4 severe pees shock which has He. with irregu- cold, greatly lowered vi is uncons¢i scious or sel alm tality. scio’ es on that his Sere is not in con- tact with a @ direct |i t been | s: immediately fatal, he crowns signs| i reatment pee Bee in stimulation of the heart and res- Aromatic ae of ae other * stimulant n can artificial respiration should be practised: This. may be done by placing the person flat on the ground and compressing the chest firmly bot gently for a few seconds, and _ repeating sixteen or a ghteen times a minute. ”s ‘Companion. CRUET MEDICINE CHEST. ‘s not realized as well as inant be that a well- ee cruet is a small medicine chest. Tts a splendid tonic for weak or tired eyes, anda gargle of salt and water will cure a relaxed throat footbath is a favorite way of curing a A mustard plaster is, how- ever, preferable to the old-time mustard poultice, which can be used Mustard n as- tringent, and is useful in allaying a swelling caused bbe a fall, and will when g with water, potash, or ammonia ever be takon in_an overdose. reveals its usefulness iety wo- mman went to a celebrated Phaiclay an recently and asked him how she ward applicatica will strengthen a weak chest and lungs. Its value long been known, Lor ing that “rubbing the skin with} 5 abies oil is very condusive to longe- Penper isa stimulant. Sometimes a little placed in a hollow will relieve toothache ; pepper and ater cures’ a relaxed throat; used judiciously it aids a weak diges- ound in pepper, but emphasized. INDUS 10 th i SEM amy “Sugar Plantations st) proposed by the ee reach- a cae polution of t] rohlem in British caine the: b e Poimtavent of féne se previous years it has been tl tish West Indian éach “year for | the sugar plantations a ed between’ the roments of Canada, Great, Betan: and British | ~ Honduras, that this year, instead of chtaining coolies from’ Calcutta, they shall be shipped from-Vancou- 23 Mr. Harkine deft Vancouver on | Thursday, and 4will proceéd to Hon- as via v1 all gee can be com] leted, hia wil s|ers, -| patents, for export, ofa Fight |¢ hottles may be applied to tiie kody. ts it 73 Salt is a cathartic, in the dose of tooth | 0 LEADING _ MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Fee Oct. 20.—Ontario SE raat 42 white or red, guna ae Marita 0. northern, $1.04%4; rie 2 northern, $1.0214, bay ports; No. 1 northern, for late October shipment, $1.04; No. 2 | northern, $1.02 on track, bay Ports. ——No. 2, 56¢ to 307405 ea ae “S ee, No. Oats—Ontario, No. to 38% outside No. 2 mixed, 37¢ to 37%e, outside. Corn—Nominal at _87c i oe Toronto freights, for No. 2 or 3 yel- low. Rye—No. 2, 78¢ to 79¢ puted: Peas—No. 2, 86c vutsi _Buckwheat—No. 2, 59¢ io: 60e out- Br ran—Scarce and quiet; quoted an 540 to $20.50 per ton in bags out- _ BhortaQuiet, $24 to $25 per ton in bags, outsi “ylour—Manitoba, first. patents, $5.80; fends $5.30; strong bak- $5.10; Ontario eee S cheat 60. COUNTRY PRODUCE. pane cs wholesale prices 25c to Ve 24c to 25e 22c to 23¢ Inferior 19¢ to 20¢ Poultry—Receipts of live poultry have been heavy, and prices aro stea Beane chickens, live wt. 9¢to 10¢ serve TOto Be Seto %¢ 0 9C AERP LS pow: ee se Dairy Debs, alice mts and tubs .. Eges— Beans— 81. 90 for primes and $2 for hand-picke Cheese — Large, 18¢ to 138%c; twins, 13%c to 14c Honey—10e to sox4e, per pound, for strained, an 0 $2. dozen for bag in car lots, and 70c to 75¢ out of store; Delawares, see in car lots. PROVISIO’ Pork—Short cut, #33 50 per bar- eu her $19 to $1: Tierces, ee tubs, 13%; se Sm oked and Dry Salted Meats— Long clear bacon, 12% hams, ide bacon, 150 to of pickle, 1c less than smoked. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 20.—Grain—On- rejected at 44 ex store. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat patents, $6; seconds, $5. 304 Winter, wheat patents, $5 to $5.105 susigit aoe $4.50 to $4.60; do., 0 $2.20; ontrans $1.- to , 8 bran, $21.50 3 40 ee ’ middlings, $26 ait $27; shorts, $26 per ton, includ- g bags; pure grain mouille, $30 "83 milled grades, $25 to $28 eed Cheese—Western cheese are quoted at 12%c ie seni and 12%e for coldred. Butt r 2044 to Qe. Bugs2940 for valecta 20%e for No. 1, and 1 BS ¢ for No. UNITED stares MARKETS, een Oct. 2 : No. sere , carloads, store, No. eak; No. 0 8140; Ly 4 corn, ate » 80%c. ‘Minneapolis, Oct.” Dec. 01% 5 1 06%; No. herself of her haggard oa LIVE STOCK OCK MARKET. Toronto, — Oct. ee fete per cwt. Good loads w: 4.50. For eead steers $4 ewt was paid in a few instanc- Good distillery ‘steers were moted at $3.40 to $3.75, and bulls becuz $2.40 to $2.80 per a, ‘The ter class of mile! é in demand at $35 to $70. ea were about 50c lower in nee ae lambs. Select Ee continued to Sell at. $6.25 per ¢’ THE AUSTRALIA} $4 per BUDGET, Commonwealth’s Foreign Trade: for Years Was £123,000,000 _ A despatch from Melbourne, Aw Po lia, ae ae : Sir William Lyne, le Bvering budget statement o: the meprecedanh: an ‘tae Sones gah of £11,> le to the new ad. the | oe mae of pro- out s eee os £72, Brae 1| in, su 13 per Bor | ti t—Firm-| + ATTACKED A PApeeN WIFE. Tramp Manoked Her Her Unconscious in Kitchen of Her Home. A despatch from Brockyille says: the barn the tramp appeared at the house and asked for something to ook him in and was in ihe ears Sey a meal when tively refused, whereupon the tramp seized her by the throat. In the struggle she managed to break away the man had departed. fon atone Huiged® hey husband and a hurried search of the neigh- borhood failed to find trace of the scoundre! discovered the police with a description of the man, who so far has escaped arrest. peat Ph RUSH TO STURGEON LAKE. The Reports of Gold Finds are Very Encouraging. A despatch from Port Arthur says: Gold prospectors are quietly dropping into the Sturgeon Lake ae. visited the camps ee, that iis are Pot absed Somwanios 3, 60. to G5 per| the ¢ promise, 2 fitted with the intention of staying all winter. FIVE HURT IN DERAILMENT. A Mixed Train Was Ditched Near Allandal A despatch from Barrie says: Three coaches of a mixed train, No. 42; from Meaford, left the rails half a mile north of Allandale, at 1.80 on Thursday afternoon. Five passengers were more or less injur- aL Mrs. John Wilson, of Maaiard, a ‘years of age, being the most seri She sustained a broken arm, a ay a leg and nee injuries. ercy Herment, of 159 Wilton nue, Toronto, had his head cut an s otherwise bruise Miss Hotson, of Parkhill, arm ee trucks of the rails, bringing the other coaches af- The coaches turned on their SPILLED MILK IN SEWER. Rigid et of Inspection Inaugu- ted in Detroi ae eg sade Senet hbbygienis surround- e , Dr. Kiefer says, dumpe: aie will be eantionel until con. itions come up required sti — se TO BEAT THE BRITISH LAW. Germany ae ig Plan Revenge on A des: 3 tk London says: oe The Iron and Steel Trades ele ay Germ Pe aucti reapitalists 4 is forming fh the equiring factories in which foreign articles factariee in ene — rt ——_ SUMMONED TO THEIR SHIPS. | Men of Sah Home Fleet on Leave Suddenly Recalled. ch from London says: i from their ships on ae een suddenly recalled. Inasmuch: s the reason for this has not ye te ascertained, the order has pauegs pueierable excitement. oo ee a ee IN THE SOUP. Husbai ae a to speak to you about your hi 2 Wii SAP tied fy say” any hair st gl is feature of + eae, and o mize t | committed suicide at Waapipes, his e}ern Hospital, “| town’s funds id + | Wal 8. John | 15 fy , of Collingwood ankle hurt. Id. | gident Roosevelt. of purchasin| CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. | Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries ef Recent Events. CANADA. ie Government will begin selling alas -age annuities ae month, cigliano an i were found guilty of Tsalsauied at the Sault Ste. Marie Assizes. Smoke is ain proving en ob- stacle to Heer in the vicinity of Sault Bet Mari The Ham y Council has renewed he sraneiie of the Bell r five years. Yb. E. , of Ottawa, body being found in Red Rav frica importe six months of the fiscal year. at wicl:, ae Talay keaton ManhOarael a trolley car witu the safe and so earriee it o William Fisher, for the loss of an ye, Was awarded $1,000 at Mann) ton: against a Titeriutional Har vester Compan Mr. D. Mc iNieuddy, editor of The Calgary News, has been sent for trial on a charge of Bheting: the editor of The Eye-Upener. ‘he -;and began their hunt. COUNTERFRITING OUTVIT Plates Unearthed of Seven Banks and Nearly $4,000 in Bogus Notes. A despatch from Buffalo, N. Y., suys: One of most complete ES tee plants ever discoy- d in this country was unearthed on Wednesday afternoon by United States and Papetian Secret Service a secluded spot on a small Sie a toe miles outside of a, Cattaraugus Count, was aperated by Thoi eras UR TAy ten and his Milton who were pal the a day ai Oakville, Ont. More arrests ‘a SRS Gammor, of the United sites 4 Secret Service, and James nadian | Pai goods worth $1,049,499 for the first esday acpuEe ts hour it was kept up, and late in the eifernoan their efforts were reward- ent away in an outhouse fey discovered the most tern ating tonteinOny, ‘iad returned t Buffalo mplete asutens eiting ay e capture ere. Bank ‘o! Farmers Bank of Canada $5 notes; 100 Standard Bank of Canada notes included 150 Farm- nad: ia $10 notes; 80} qu ‘or $10; and 138 United States $5 shor certificates; making a total PLATES OF SEVEN BANKS. the deserted old house were al- It} o lat ank of Canada plates ; eae set of Crown Bank on Can $5 plates; one set of pieeiat aaa of CG a Ses set of Stan- dard Ba: se la $10 plates; cne set of Daal ea $10 pees and a set of the saime ban plates. The officers also found buried un- der an non the premises a front plate of the United Empire ani of Canada $5 notes, and parts way from Canada always stopped off i Bu Buffalo to drop a little of the The Sete passed ae States bills in Canada, and Canadian money Rea here. Provincial preparing a detciled plan to et British farmers to take up Sn in_ the older portions of Ontar: Willis Jarvis, the fireman ini ed in the railway eet at Mi ¢o on October 1, t the West. Toronto, on Friday. A child was burned to death i x a schooner at Quebec, and Mrs. Pa- quet, the child’s alice was | seriously burned in eihegtueng le Achilo Scigtiane was sentenced at Sault fourteen years im the A ecaae for manslatugh- | tert Tony diablo’ wairacntenoed to fiye years on a B simular char William North Bay ie collector, pleaded g of _mis- sone opriating the and asked ior; ‘his iberty in order to complete restitution, Thomas eel a was found guilty at North es of manslaugh- ter a connection with the ae of Fri oung. Quinn an ris, SH were also charged with ‘the crime, were acquit GREAT BRITAIN. Sheffield, England, | will devote $500,000 toward ois relief of the un- Lord “| British Cabinet es palencrllte of the pay. of Lancaster. ‘anada’s £5, 000, 000 3% per cent. ee chips come out at par in London, and is expected to go to a premium UNITED sD ST ATES. ‘Twenty-one _persons their lives in forest fires in Michi- O Asihuckado?: Bryce says the ple of the United States do too aie te thinking and too much reading. . Curwood, a beste writer © ‘Detroit, is reported to have been murdered by Indians in the Lac la ouge eats Mann was indicted by a Chieago grand jury on a charge of murdering Fanny uilmore Thomp- son, formerly of Toronto and Wing- ham. “Orphan children placed in Illin- jomes were irons and stabbed with forks and scissors, according to the charities EY the demands of the anthracite | mine workers, as formulated in con- vention at Scranton, include an es. @ per cent. in wag mocrats have accused Pre- e De: niel J. Keefe, ciation, witl portant Government aa GENERAL. cate awllen on Indi Te a4 expected that the South Af- rican Union Confere: oe e at Durban will last thee month: Mullah has declared his sniankicn, goin in he warpatl before the end of hae i The Emperor of Gartiany has in- ub and brake for 8. Seneckat ei CHILD BAYED., THE TRAIN. eee Broken Rail on. Her n Vay to School. A Plas from Fillmore, Sask., says: Alice Potter, aged eleven years, was on a recent morning pro- ceeding along the railway track to school. The child had not gone more than a milé when she notice: a broken’ rail. At ‘once realizing the child no longer thought. of school and her lessons, ee ttle lives of those on eas once rushed home, even, at ‘that: time insights. 3 caching, her home, which was lo- ted at the side of the track, ae ip kavitee tier father of what’ si had seen ne asked him if-he Soald stop the tr ec ier at once rushed ie “the dire of the fast gprvachiog te ee ee ceneded in flaggin, ie t. at ho A oan 01 ieee to 1 reported that, the ga ee matt sipnaatl ie P.R. the “defaulting i a Fitzmeurice has entered the have lost| © | sight hous day and. an increase of “4 ‘the | who suesdiivon ae aie Sard train, | 8 SPREADING ALL OVER TURKEY Austrian Boycott Has Reached Seri- ous Proportions. A despatch from Vienna says: The anti-Austrian boycott in Tur- key is eae traders, and angering the It is reported to be spread- Tree Syria, Smyrna, Salonica, and other parts o: raisins. Be eed to handle Austrian traffic, e Austrian Lloyds and other mails and | passengers, wards attacked the Austrian post- office there, and smashed the mail boxes and mail carts AE SE Pciattie EXPLOSICN OCCURRED. Accident in the Tweed Public School. A despatch Peculiar from _ Tweed, taining logwoo bleaching powers, when a) Glass and Paid flew ut in a score of places and several of the scholars were also more or Yo serious results, ipated Helm, son of Mr. H. P. ‘elm, local manager of the Bank f.Montreal, was badly burned about the face and eyes. “a IGNORED Te SPEAKER. Laborite act st Oar ried From the British Commons. ‘A despatch from London says: In @ of Commons on Thurs- constantly ignored the Speak: his calls to order, and nonbnveD to call the attention of the House to. the fact that there were people streets. ea that e sit down, he retorted: ‘It is all yery well for you to cry o1 Saeed vei are well fed.” Final, Speaker called on the Ser; tae Arms to remove Grayson. While he was being carried out bodily he shouted, Pateaaine the Laborites: “T call upon the traitors to their class who have refused to stan d by their class to stan 6." A CONI DITIONAL GIFT. oe of Empire Give $10,000 | ‘0 Fight White Plague. A a spatch from - Ottawa sae N}The Daughters of the Empi donated $10,000 to the funds of the Anti-Tuberculosis Society, of Otta- wa, on conditi: ay that a further 820, 1000 be raised causing consternation among a The $19,687,572 ADDED TO VALUES. Tnereases in Assess- Remarkable ment of Montreal, A despatch from Montreal says? Wednesday. growth of the city in the - | increased zou estate vals itor the present year. ‘The report shows | that the total “increase in values in real estate for this year has been no, less thon 19,087,578 This is considered t most remarkable, erpsgaly as “the real estate increas- in 1907 amounted to over byenty- cis millions over 1908, Owing amount oy the increased values of The amount borrowed will be ETeHE on further improving the condition of the roads, laying sewers, ete., in 1909, Sey cae MEN WERE SCARCE. ed Searcity ag Delays hes on A conde ae Toronto says: construction of the T. & N. O. Railway novthwand: haathued abha seme. ‘Transcontin- with a view % pera! adats uous efforts made in To beste and tained. In madastioas the men were promised their fares both ways if they served the time stipulated in the agreement. AS FELL DEAD ON STREET. Sudden End of Well Known Dentist of Capital. ai from Ottawa says: A despatch Be Bower, a well known Dr. John local Thursday ute while walking cown Spark: ‘eet in company with a couple of friends. Deceased was bee! home of tawa Dental Association at the time. He is survived a widow and four children. eae al ak BOYS EATING CORDITR. eked Discovery Made by Lon don School Principal. | A despatch | fo London, Cae 7 much hot it that at Hes he inte culprits, when questioned nbowt it paid they had read abou the alleged murderer, Private Moir, ebb ie the stuff and te) sampling it to observe its Saitou : PBAGE IS NOW ASSURED a Servia Keeps Quiet Her Interests Will he Safeguarded, A despatch from London says: A special to the Times from St. Pet- ersburg’ says that the’ Russian Gov- ernment has sent a note to Servia and Montenegro, promising to safe- eer their interests at the forth: com: duce them to avoi SHE STANDS, ALONE. ‘A despatch from Paris says: A special despateh from Sein fet nopl¢ states that the German bassatlor “has declared to ‘Tewfk| 1 Pasha, the Turkish Foreign Minis- ter, that Germany peamid ee the line of conduct adopted by Great a rash policy. a Baia, regarding he annexation oe of Bosnia Le eae and are going to re- ward the chil See the atti: Oe HOLDS BACK. A tch from Berlin says: nous Austria*Hungary nor Tur- “fagreed that the annexation a Bos- nia and Herzegovina be not dis eussed and accepted and eee : hy the powers EN debate. Tur- hey es a e hand: in: Mi ee cussions ie eas sth ae he sage of: abate, tid he Cretan ith sae of He powers, A oa ary Di stands alone, © or unio {Greece