“Black Knight” Stove Polish does away with all the dirty t as a wink—and bright, pe apa that the hottest Equally aod “for Stoves, ipes, Grates and Ironwork. If rt get “Black Knight” in your neighborhood, sead name of dealer and 10c for fuil sizedean, The F. F. DALEY CO. LIMITED, HAMILTON, Ont, 10 Business Cards Dentistry. The Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The ‘Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milyertoa, Ont four cents per line for each subsequent inser- tion will be charged for all transient adv tisement: vertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid’ and charged ac. cordingly. Changes for contract advertisement s mus be in the office by noon Monday. Not Interested in Canada T. H. Race, 4 Mitchell, who is is Canadian Com- rgh Exposi- Mr. t are rather interesting. them we clip the following 2 show what little interest is taken in things Canadian in the Old Coun~ ee did i SHRREHIETION: RATES: Toronto papers cam with One it sg a six mont meh , 50 cents; Sires the announcement it ne montlis, 28 cents, in advance, Subscribers |would have supposed that’ the dis- ii rill be liable 5 ‘. . n in arrears will bellablete pay@i-OUperyesr. | wition of the Canadian Parliament CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES |would have been-a matter of suf- ‘cient importance to have: found a 3 Mos. Mon e $26. $8 |place in the Scottish newspapers. But 12“ |not so; the Scotsman, the leading 3 = |paper here, le its first reference to the matter four days ago, and it Bight cents p line for first insertion and|only said that in the present Cana- i attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, heavily on Fe Raa Daniel aoe Se (By Wendell 3 Phillips.) R. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of Den ialty, ice neve the Beveccign, Bank Milverton: Medical. cheat a jury; Clay coal netize the million, and Corwin tant F, PARKER, M.D.C,M., Honor Grad- be 2 a wi uate and Gold steer Trinity Medical toa's College, also Gold ilvér Medalist, | whose single word Trinity University, "Tor onto. Successor |into His.” This aesoribes O'Connell. to Dr. Egbert, Office in Public Drug|merson says: is no true Store, re is a man be~ ie! ‘Telephone conneation with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostoc! eloquence galers ther bin wake listened 26 e Dchntuter- hl har and all Ireland knew that there w J. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, |» man d the speech—one who Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Vaterin-{eould be neither bought, bullied no ary College, Toronto, gall diseases |¢heated. H« d the masses free, of domesticated animals, y tele-|but willing, subjects in his han phone or otherwise promptly attended Societies. SE ge pong No. A. M., Ssaliverton” meets every ities Fevening on or be: ore full moon of ever month in their; hall in Ranney’s B Visiting breth- ren always welcom LIVINGSTON, Wed ZORGEE, 8 Visiting brethren always welcome, Tucker, C. R., 8. H. Pn; — Rec-Secy. 1.0. “Silver St Lodge, No. $02, “Milverton, is every Friday ni ‘ar |e the oppression of centuries, the courage safe in his hands. ages of bloodshed every rising Grattan ‘Connel) sai where mine pal neygh lay hand on your sho the great lawyer kept his e. d neither office nor title. Be hind him were 8,000,000 peopie steep- in utter EStopedaeen: sore with ignored at|by statute. For thirty restless and perbulial 7.30 abl k Store, Visiting brethren always wel-|years he stood in front of them an come, nkbeiner, N.G., W.K,Loth, |said: “Remember, he that Se crime helps the y 1" n F, Secy.,E. Finkbeiner, R. Secy. Notary Public. EIR, Notary Public, Auc- | © f Perth and Will Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. est John Gropp, Proprietor. liquors and i. ars al com: jation and se stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil ‘odation the bling. Bort ieende brands of liquors;and cigars. Chag, Ritter, Proprietor, sonal dness, rare, SUEEN HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. h emmodation, for cominercial his eloquence, travellers snd othe: ‘erg ie fective in the courts, in the senate, rooms, Only the holcen of 1 ine i-/and before the masses; that sagacity gases and ues at the bar. Good warm} which set at naught the malignant e F. Pauli, Proprietor. | vigilance of the whole imperial bar, tebing thigty Years for: a misstep; THE ROYAL HOTEL, Wellesley, | viene Ont,, heated, lighted, and re-fitte ughiper’ that dhe invented througout on’ the mos erates ee bi gone eatthat elite his limit- Hungonmercial accommodation, ‘Three |e4 means with his vast success, bear- large Samplo. rooms. Good stabling,|ing in mind its nature; when I see Good ne ‘ick barn,/ enlarged shed, |e sobriety and ration with best and warmest stables in the Provin which he used his less power, Prompt attention given to. the public, and the lofty, generous purpose of his Choicest liquors and cigars. P, BeRDUX,| Whole life, I am ready to affirm that was, things considered, the eee or. Rrates'$1.50 per da Legai RPHY & CARTHEW, B: Solicitors for the Ban a Wirr, Prop. ari or. Be in Milverton every Thured i. RPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, ‘Aovay $9 the rant. teh i in the hills, where the Findlay flowing into the Pine makes the Peace then cutting through os shat) on Sie combine - | makes a r the Peace, the en- gineer ond bie Ite army, isolated emote, until necting greatest man the Irish race ever pro- —_— > s The Pathfinder tion, ae f touch with the telegraph, away from the war correspondent, Makins @ Hanley vith only the music of God’s rills for & regimental, band," were battling Barristers & Solicitors bravely in a’war that can end only a5 with the conquest of a wilderness. Stratford Ontario |i rete Sees eonereie J.C.Makins - W..Henley {these unheralded heroes who, while ke of slaughter smudges hi skies and shadows the sun, wage ax in which they Kill only time spa pace, and in the end, out de- eee spoiling the rest of the world, win homes for the homeless. ‘These are itario. we hve three departmen ts:— Com nie. ercial, Shorthand, Tele- Stuitridual tatruction, Enter now. ‘alogue free. | Write for it Elliott & McLachlan, Princiy Large C. W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. Real estate, farm stock and im: cos cee R, attcidge,’ Liot the heroes of the Anglo-Saxon ratc./ —_— The Girl that is Pale She ia in dangere Her system Fon dawn, weak needs nourish- t, needs richer hiood Move thee piiveige inkesuecaa Eapmentnr veete it because it brings back the nerve energy aoe noe core and pues have ex! j Ferrozone when it surely does ‘si 22 Juealey, en veh Be "1908, ‘at 12.80 o'¢loo! ik, Lmuch, At. all dealers im 50o..-boxes. as running in two constituencies. he papers here, ple, watch the gentry and the aristocracy if they were a higher f creation. Every mov: lady this and lady that is watehed and re ecrded and talked about; and every marquise or duke who passes through e or the town or kills a hare gets more notice from the Ses than the most importa Stn could take place in Can: e was a good THURSDAY, OCP. 29, 1903 |acal of ‘stuff about the Quebes antry, but it waa just because representative ity an : yg ofthe aristocracy were there the few weeks that the channel fleet 3 EDITORIAL 3 [was in the Forth, just of rbor ° @ here, t! sailors visited the Exhibi ee H a ybers. It always 2 j cee nt all the waiting girls about the The contest in the United States |place giddy, and one day I heard a for the eeu is very keen, and |gentleman say ‘the Scotch girls d betting men are not wagering very |like » uniform.’ And the same thing might t: HE i ae of the Scottish b . e glitter of Rheumatism Recipe ‘A well- pass authority on R Day mi following valuab t mless, cee scription, eich any bie can easily Prepare at bom Fluid Extract. Dandelion, ooenet ounce ; Compound one ounc ee nd Byrtip: Sereeparilla, tlires ounce Mix by shaking well in a bottle, and take a sheen onful after each meal and at b He states that the ingredients ean be obtained from a: tion eae os of table heealear ie: eae: This pleasant fegularly for a extraction, are mixture, if taken Ww aan is said to ost any case of Rheu- ooh reqeliige if iminishes with each dose, until Paiishane- vaatite cars obtain, and without injuring the stomach. While calle ea Tt Theamatiam Permanent result: Eve will, aan doubt, be greatly ap- gees by many sufferers here at rages at the drug stores of this tion for our readers if aske pense are Bees Has Vested ib Lithia Rights People will have presently to make ide. The other day we had a Pro- vincial Legislature with a Conserva- tive majority passing a measure de- in Toronto Electric Light Company and elopment Compan; uits of inven tion after the s shion. ‘hat this would be “confiscation” those who inspire it cannot help knowing When property has been made liable to confiscation, do justice can’ be closed by a ity of one in a Provincial Parliament, and invention can e © despoi of its edit of this not those employed in the creation of wealth suffer as That is auestion for our working-class aonsider.—Goldwin Smit! ee to It Prevents Sore Throat No simpler way to kill a cold and amp out sore throat than by apply: ing Nerviline—rub it in freely, an then put on a Nervi eee on the chest. These remedies 5 a e col Bottles for 25c., price. Beware of. substitutes Charged With Theft Jo! Yost of West Toranto, who recently assigned his business there as a pickle manufacturer, was mohaltig committed in the Toronto Police stand his trial before a jury in the Sessions on 2 lt & any money ecutor of an estate under which she as’ to benefit. pls ES ANDREW SCHENCK President of the Germania Fire Insurance Co. Recommends Chamberiains Cough Remedy ed Chamberlai pone He my ‘famil ane ower .. mily year, and oan oxy that it has never failed ‘to cure the most stubbor: as9 S99909SNSSEESRSSNNESaRSSES PP) PPE er PPPPTY PEPTPTETTTETTTTPTTLETPT TT TNTIPIT a | Hesedy) gne AGSEGSSESISPGSIESSESSESESSSSGVSESGVGEESESEESEgsgs ssssssssssss9s9 Cash and One ‘Price SUITS :* OVERCOATS Cash and One Price DRESS GOODS ag, yar > WS LADIES’ SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS FLANNELETTES (0) Ry SN (GEESE GREE € ee Owing to the Backward Season we were able to purchase a case of Men’s Fleeced Lined LADIES’ LONG KID GLOVES Underwear at our own price. Our price to you, regular 50 to 60 cent Underwear, for this week only G MENS’ DRESS SHIRTS PER GARMENT MEN'S UNDERWEAR WHILE THEY LAST 25c Ladies’ Worsted Hose, Special 15¢ BE SASS SIENA (ce) LADIES’ COATS LADIES’ UNDERWEAR WRAPPERETTES LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S HOSIERY MEN'S FITWELL HATS MEN'S WINTER CAPS The People’s ENGELAND & SON The House of Quality SISSSSSSSSHSSSSSSSASSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSS SSIS SSSSISSSSSHSHSSSSSHSSSSSHSSSSSHSSSHSSSSHSISSSHSSSSSSSSSSHSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHSIS The Real Troubles With the Woollen Men ers forty reported a8 etating that artisans em-~ Hl In Good Luck "About two years ago my father trom Mason_ City, Towa \Subscribe for The Sun ! 2 & Es 3 all druggists. ployed in Canadian woolen factories are not as well trained as iare their British rivals. Sir Wilfrid Laurier stated at the protection in their favor, that Can- fadian woollens are being) displaced from the Canadian market b: imports. e ish e clearly the lines along which inquiry by -this ag 1 the f e turer au consequences, of is keep up wii the world’s progress: Toronto Week- Ty, Bui (is A es at For Chronic Diarrhoea “White in the came in 1863, -1 was taken with chroni 0. diarrhoea, Felton, we eal Gib- “I have since tried many remedies, but without a - pavcanvit relief until Mr. A, W.) Miles of this place persuaded me to tr: taim’s Colic, Cholera and ‘Disrieen .of which stopped it at once.” For-site. by all druggists. | OXFORDS Noted for Stylishness. We are showing a line bot Tan and Patent Leather that for elegance of appearance and per- fection in finish is without a Peer Our lines will captivate yu at sight. e carry a full line of cals and Shoes of every description. WM. ZIMMERMAN Squares « Carpets squares here in round and iene made up Seem to be in endless’ demand, there are piles of the most beautiful all convenient sizes, It’'sa perfectly simple matter to fit a room with a rug. No some are seamless—fine borders all cost less th Think of it, a complete at any price from $4.00 to $50.00. Come to White’s and See. and mismatching— than carpet carpet in one piece sid gay ap ge R. WHITE & CO. ) seats 6