A GURE FOR RHEUMATISM INVOLUNTARY VAGATIO NOT BE HELPED. The Trouble Yields to the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Actually Hake, and Had a Very Unpleasant Experience, year or | two daughters, arrived to try to cure rheumati at the hotel the Sacre, is holdings in some of 4) aor ctherwise and ‘ordered ‘the man «ments and lotions that only go.skin | “They -were-evidently #ell-off;and a ch ean {smaller Russian towns would be in- {9 “the SRA eae the to ietered ies soldier j < steep. You can: spe edily cure Then ae money freely Tey had heen! dians who lice Gn Uae beste ceanta Siias a St, Petersburg | terrible scenes. of suet and pro- consid himself growing et eak- . zavelling all trough Greece, an Pills, whieh enrich the blood, drive. the stiffened, ach ung 1 Bi wy hon the thousands o Suddenly t eekly re- ers cured by Dr. Williams, Dike ele tarte eatery cabling Pills'is_ Mr. W. A. Taylor, pert Americas the bed of the family re baatle, NB, Who ese oo ceived a reply that, number of years Twas a great suf- oie ofa Ineo he ything, corpses, houses and barns 2 ih uit, he was ruined and | ,., pret asayy- 5 a | BREE commanded ‘', ferer from rheumatism which was! shsolutely Parner ote ss ee started the nai coming to claim relatives “who died | ezethor The police came and,| op, Di yithout lookiue up from his 3 seated in my shoulders and knee!” ‘The hotel hill amounted to near: aye ee eee ny Head i other diseases have been Be ined, the 80 survivors time to get} york, joints. “I tried Ti ly $500, and they had no funds tol heavy, Thad w'dercging veneeens | some cas threw. Grobrguds’ into. tHe Tis aa daar ee mene ea ettle it. The landlord allowed] ,0¢¥¥7 1 had a dra cere 2 ei pestilential air till they ¢ Hace: “This drastic! measure Wedel YEoe in chhe peasedee ohetite tarde phto.to them the use of one room in the| cpp yoy Os was totallt | the bodies for whic 6d to be the on een and here . and succeede ie The proposed closing of the Dut-| malingering. ey oer! Willi use. Eight boxes made me well. | Ge nt of the en tthe Shair{Oitspan diamond mine recalls one the patient, and then said nervous- the Pills steadily for a ‘couple Of} ara 1 “T have been able to oO my_own |. M. enka left for] of the most romantic stories of the | l¥* ee mths and every’ vestige of the | Swpcient to. enable the family to work ever since and, day Tam Cotibet bee ee ngements South African diamond fields. Less ein ee tone a a is trouble Siemepesse That was|tin completely cured. Kidney | were made to combat the epidemi nic, | than forty years ‘ago a man called eRe ae ee one eee two years af s I have had| Thinks AU HiCLbl nce BOGE Ghee Pills gave me > health At T fool like | and practically nothing was done, |De-Beers ‘was farming a few. hun- vpba apis ae Saray ie rig gripes carer git (3 ‘Ad Oba aE HRS te Gubler T-fecl OSE A tad en pa Bee Saint Pot, {dred barren acres of veldt near emove him at on: ; the only people who, having left rhe Ge cae ae tees z in, 1871 one} Pital,” — Kitchener’s — reply. im as sumin, g that the cure is pers home for a holiaay; have found ‘Of the“mame. OAIL je couDans « ae oe we one And gou, DEO:e SDB te eran jp themselves unable to return at the s thrown. into the ca-|t his children, playing, Nine-teriths of the common afl- ments that afflict humanity are due man, y Maderia: for a short holid: the curious experience of b all, glass-lik — fot u ie’ ; | ae ee alle: Fie. “moining thef ae troubles, suck ag | turned into a riba Giaestnee Te Oe the, ico thaw sin the in the wall pa ¢ Most Popular Pill —'The pill Tn tho ‘moi niag us ann ia, stion, sheumatiam, | SFOS se ee aoe ac Fa Bee ae ork amen etary: (tepnale te his-father. The pebbte|?5 The mort poplar ¢t all forms of} oe aa as feegtig aed) x ic 2 = 4 men, Ye aes 4 medicine, an: he mosb po: a healt! 2 neuraleia, St. Vitus dae "ho He ee ‘to lunch with a friend}Men Who: Have Imp oned Their] ers and porters, d vrove © be a valuable diamond, pula te Paraielee's Vegetable} Dpreieieond ae ai Iments of irl | ‘aboard the nie: Aewtit Ateccat Wives for y fer out of “Miese cau 5 fst ‘tru ‘8 i 38 rich ae Pile becausn they da whaa teteye : anho Their ; aa sail poison at the t Jone} gems which lay hidden under the ‘ Bod aid womanticod wit pi theke | Gngr Avagilliver which had ea led) ‘The Lisbon papers have been ded Wheneiholiea te Beis earns 4 Me etal they cea do, and are not put} d irregularities. Sold by all me- at Maderia Bpdr chetiaa) the ves: | jung columns of space to the mis-|folica have put up clas Beers sold his farm for Lseaetisnie: ieeueeenenete! icinatdeclens on by mail at 50e “cL had slipped hee soorines. When (uced® of Count areal, one of [snes corners to orb then. wider Dutoitspan, De Beers, and Kimber-| @Xcellonce, | ee ot $20 in hox or six boxe rom Tho [jel hed slipped her moorings. When | icing. Manoel's Torde-in- Waiting, (iat fine aa een nee et epee treamnres portable, they are arin nd | poe cat separa Svea roiir ak on deck, the ship was three who, inflamed by jealousy, is allen fava iiosistee aaa sac bat eens and oethineg tautee s they do not ee nor ripe, aud ng cost, Ont. pres from land. Bevis aoe at fed to have imprisoned his young oe as made arrangements for | 200, 000,000 would not have bought | they sive relief in the most stw se the Araguaya fond not.turn back, | wife in an upper turret room of his| h ie 9 the poor of gentleman, who had CEYLON COMBS, ourse, NO SOME HOLIDAYS THAT COULD Veople Who Went Away from Home two ago an American family consisting of tather, son, and at Chalias, it the island of Euboea, and put up ed to return te Athens, and thence to make their through the the unfortu- ct in y last, March tisess Paid Guly OF Nj THROW AWAY ALL YOUR FEARS BACKACHE, GRAVEL AND RHEUMATISM VANISH BE- FORE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. SUFFERERS LEFT WRITHIN IN THE STREETS. Morgues Filled to the Ceilings Wit Corpses — Visitors Search for Relatives. known or kept well in ih Kidney Discase. Bies of death which 1, the ‘h that» ter: able thosectarribia Tovms of Kiduey Dis potcpenondent, ease known as Backache, Gravel ly and Rheumatis sr willibe deepl? in- terested in the sto. Pied no, conditions ill in the a great sufferer from Kidney Disease, Gravel, inatism and Bai Krie- unfit to do. anytl ‘Readi and could pull them from. Sean zi z the chol Bat fe ele vere bees Le fo drag] by Dodd’s Kidney Pils led ia a a an ai a See nan — ee ec Ov- ter using a few I foun in other provinces, a com ere doing me the: good and this | is encouraged me to i on vaeay appointed in Saint Pet- ail a once: year, and sand up rieke the Kidneye strong aid wall, ee sara a MOST TERRIGLE ST “ais ributed. gratis in ob te Alemjeto, whence she} The sale chateau of Ia tt released by tke police in a con-|* the p teen. shillings in his pocket, w: it hordedinx on ioe, & amt hag heen sry ces Mien Wear Them But the Women--carried Pernambuco, Brazil. Bush high- sie proceedings as ‘ ; | There he left the ship, travelled to are Innocent of the Adornment. Perhaps there is ohne! in Cing-} kome alese customs, writes W. Cave in “The Book ot Ceylon: that | strikes the stranger from the West as so extraordinary ay which re: via. Portugal. In travels ainounted to 7,000 miles Speal sea, a connie of as the custom; yent aboard H.M.S. quires the male population | morning to collect cer! tra Caesar of the low. country t r long} due to them. The old saying in th “: He caine into a Pasi at the back Navy is, < first turn of the d. and @ horseshoe-shapé rew pays all debts.” However Rctciseatall comb at the top, while | ths at may be, the the wome: |Bahia, caught a steamer, and came his ing of being carried away to| jesmen | one} tain money} two padoee {towns from the cholera-infected dis- ‘iets! Considering these 1p sat ey Dri that 300 and 400 ¢ cases occur daily, | of waht at least 50 per cent. prove | fatal. can attord | e these. rea: Net a few pant day things, it is, te Se aisitny and ©|Sophia, to lifelong imprisonment, | because of her alleged intrigue with Count Konigsmark, Then, too. | he fen ne et are en.remain innocent of the| were horrified, on returning to th fare ae oe pe cate Ac fa to cope with the ssp form of adornment. One ,of the|deck, to find’ the \ great partie his young Countess in’ Ganletowe (oor peoPle ee ill who felt | great ambitions of the men of hum- | steatning out of harbor. ‘The next| Cesc pe i tort pe Perfectly wall atten minutes Bétore: E ble position pesess and wear’ land they sighted was Gibralta: 2, there eke captive ae twos et be ; gad oo bellove wat ay at of a huge comb of the finest lustre and} 954 from that place they ha thinty veers sf a anede| hem ai ent in cabs and p: : rfect manufacture; andi gei home again as best they Baae | Nad ue nek tedh escaped, /conveyances to the hospitals, but many mark their higher social po-|" ‘The victim of as m: hand Hod ‘to"her father in Dublin. | such is the case, and, what is moro, an~ additional comb, | f “sh ing” aeceter was] oo ect Wore the exaggerated nit those yehiles Apemnct even? eaned es to'a considerable bets hear r i ane Sabewa aes goto held: et that. time een eT jafterward, to say nothing of being shove thie wioasy oil, lacen A ee tierinen eare Haat sband’é authority over his wi ntected se Bh ews eal custom supports a large num- ae fter [ser “Wilhelm: der Gro the artist in| go¢ tortoise-shell obtains his raw ma-| for t, terial from the hawkbill turtle. His| (onto her of manufactures. @: holiday's Beematharen ui OF: ‘0 get married, On the way be- the ship and The man his pee 8 nm not paid for taking a sick an to the hospitals, because no- 1 body has any time to bother about them, they whip up their horses and e' THE CHOLERA IN RUSSIA a magazi If inter: ect at all}as an aay “Tommy.?? ee Pred, ‘cna wee Suiter=| ),70 the happier inhabitants of| write for: Partials Duri South African. cam- a the Woest Porsus of 20a where choleca un- Suppiome: rate of exemplary chat- or- ns Sree LORD KITCHENER. { BIG MONEY Gl sntscan Which Shows the Char- for agents selling our toilet soaps. acter of the Man. > Lote mati: dp evict a ect care ord Siahiats is one of ‘Britain’ 8 0 ~ SOAP SUPPLY 60., Box 332 a ee WE ARE LOOKING|* For a representative in your town to manties a new idea in ea h ever, very just. Rank does not in- fluence him. The bluest-blooded subaltern is treated as impartially pai %% York, SE > ante aa reported himself t for dut; e . The eae however, eeeee er, and spol the ‘Why not tell Lord Kitchener uf was ‘the reply e's i Zam-Buk Saved Odd Fellow’s rare 3 This the soldier feared to do, but the sergeant went straight in-and laid the case before Kitchener. ria ae man here, and fetch way of prevent- 4 him to b tine the pean ‘spreading all over | SP: and Seta a teeta tides + pie By well-kno fering from typhoid + iferer: F., wn Fiead): {he provinge, “Now send for Dr. O,’ Society leaden of Peter Stree! Se eon ae This the doctor who had! | Toronto, ROMANCE OF AFRICAN MINES. practically accused the patient of jutant for your papers, and return io England at your earliest’ con- venience.” 9 flash of light from the mud-cover- eo wall of the house, | ex- smiaetion! found th: | born ¢ ask or | Bros, i at bruises, cn a eases, e farm which, befo eae citar watidtgiatly \have sold for a few dollars an acre. that Be Preacher—‘‘When you’re tempted } to drink, think poe MOTHERS! Give the saree a Chance. ONTH AFTER MONTH a cold sticks, ana sah my to tear holes in your throat. Are you aware j ‘that even a ibe as al long-neglocted cold is fort ured! with A if Balsam? Gough and ery BO sia | 38 W other your val hee een run ov the chances are cut into a done pieces,’”? Languid Ask for Fanti Aseatricat AbD ar dificulties by, Englishman — “Haw! Be good AR Rabid BF j Scople troubled Wwuh -ucing eUMeniUea:by | on quan apioune Shee he iece Pevlnee in Geman igtaadtid cand ee: that— ‘aw—contains the key oY my “Ss MES ee nee nee ‘ —haw—hat-box. Among the factories th the jes hat Wandomieuied ist London is Signals of Danger.—Have you lost your appetite? Have y tongue Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- a s the largest sale any stan ae eparation sold i in Canada, 8 gives satisfaction by rea atone ‘health to the little folks, ene devoted eteeraen ‘0 the mak- ing of dolls’: clothes t pre- 8 to medivine boas suf- fer, but anlibe the cure s been estimated that less Efe -dtett ce methods of detaching the ales house he disappeared, an not| 5. light-hearted | es is necessary to rida fifteen the ae may BE gece bee 2 were once so barbarous and ¢ eard of again for nearly | s,,.yentche by fen nt deere miles on a biayclo. than’ to: walk | Of Resmeles's, Vegetable. Pile and t that.a special law had to be essad a fortnight. ee aieed ig iy. dbree eaten sp free Loop meelf in, health, an ibe Ets rates ued ob yw rane fea Mgre tosh ll wa ae poner . ; « by a strange man just after leav-| of ‘on, whose : DO NOT ALLOW yourself to become alarmed captured and suspended over a fire| ive 4h ship, andatter'that he re- bend in uoned hee fe eater ul ae 3 the hospital the ona because ur tee 1,000,000 AAW FURS WANTEN indienne 2 a the heat made Sa scales Oop petbared no ae until ake f wind | less attic of a lonely Kentish fog: erevasaee receive proper care because douse. Lb evil build you up quickly | aS (ea eh acts» ie KuOws ITPAYOTO oft, and je turtles were re-| himself strug; ‘ing in ely, eOSBHETS Sue { Bh gti paid. writo for pri ‘Address leased to grow more, got out, and found | hime in ae [pom to ng theta i ae NO? HALF ENOUGH DOCTORS, “here” s only one thing the Arm-| Biman M mina, Boop Rrosk, Annipaiadar tee ‘The practise arose from the cir-|sterdam, but how ee gies he’ This abominable and medical students, though offer: | less Wonder ¢: do ae his’ aaNace Thee if the shell were! could not imagine. yak Seng Rape baie by Pat Gects anid the showmont 3 Whathn Oyeing | Cleaning! ‘ a rom theanimal after death | gone, the name on his overcoat had Sree ne Seana being placeu up- help One dation shen Minat ?”? asked a spectator. ‘Put on Sas the edlor became cloudy and milky. hen torn off, end his head w on their trial, and condemned to/ tients to look after in a da his gloves,” answered the showman | wane roan ove 60 This, whowever, can be obviated by| en. As not’a penny was left in moe Hectis end calehiie She capital tare elmanceekeree is no- {aod fof agvat ta your town, es ie wis turtle and immediately Eaeketas Magers was ap eee 2 sentences were afterwards commut-|body to give patients medici is only at antiae to read the Mentreal, Toronto, Gusex 6 Guaes ig the carcass in’ boiling the whole way back to Bem-| og. two of the e eulyrit, at all events| try mon temperature, 2 that ti) testinontals ‘0 be» convinced thai : i abe cihaven, 5 didH 3n-gaal result is a: huge tage “of | Nays Corn Curaia unequalled » When separated from mysterious, but very unplea- deaths. As one ha: tamed: worked- for the Pomnbyal of co: ts, the faye eng the animal, ar or was venture which be- + ce death doctor said, “If they get|ete. It is a complete extinguisher, A J Saar te. & Co] ery inregular in form. They are liell the wife of a lighthouse in they do—and if they don't, si's * . flattened! NE de Pogues care t in 3 Neyrebas, 1906. Her hus- ; Do mit dat a cold acitle jon your not t my fault, for I’ve only one The man who ca cannot go to actin 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO, ing very ‘bri a Q =| Lan or a cruise to visit | lungs. esort les Anti ef and legs.’’ Pati | Without sleeping has a remarkable {ul manipulation, especially a8 a} that graveyard of the Atiantic;| Comumptive Syrup at the finst in-|{ag°anus and lew fe Palen: | it aeoe icone his eyes open at f Stock Brokers and Financial Agents bigh temperature, which would sok Sable Island, and, as the weather timation of irritation in the throat| bad a tim it as anybody—not|a political meeting and other stocks bought and sold on ten them, -teads ea’ And) was. delightful, sho Breatly e: a ent disease from lodging in| cnly do they get no attention — Corr invite ple te shell. “They ares sherafore ed the trip. She was so ney iy in- oe pulmonary organs. Neglected |hut many of them have b, ALLOW yourself to become slarmed be wired at -as'low a heat as is pos-|tcrested in the island and ite tale ool of Muntald S0f-| away because they ict amen we spear ts Jyarappetite ani af on ed. Orders may be wired at our expense, ihe for the work. Thickness is ob- ; y y st make room commence taking." ierrovim” the ® bitants, that she insisted upon | fering throughout the country, all| for ¢ holera cases. Several larg Tt will bi build you up quia jickly. m : tained by ‘sdftening several Bletss staying a night at foe operate ae could have been prevented | barracks are also full of them—bet| 5] 2 pia and then applying pee ae settlement while her hush r licatién of thi oe simple | \hat i af that when hundreds fall ill} ‘No, darling,” said a mother to : a uni surface takes place. | turned to the ship. During the| but ‘vawerial medicihe. The price, | daily her sick child, ‘the doctor says I | : Vader heat ‘the-shell is also molded’ night hoavy gale came on, andl the [On conte, a it within the read There i is in St. Petersburg a hos- | mustn't read to you.” “Phen, monk M A N U FA G I U R E RS: q into Various artificial fo: steamer was forced to eave the | of al pital regulation to the effect that! ma,” begged the little girl, “won't . s ae cangerous — neighborhoo The| iehi age for see ecal was running low, and the vessel had to| N| return to Portland, Maine. end the ‘poor lady was spend nearly six weeks h ae eae Set BABY’S OWN TABLETS a Boon a CHILDRE on the. island. experience r, | Ward, a wealthy Canadian, may be cited as a be ning to holiday-mak- who off alone on walling tours thro country they familiar wi homes when %| 1903 Mr. W, Brockville, Ont. By a curious irony. of | Ward had two thousand dollars in his pocket, yet no doubt cles Sst i is 2,000,- He would have exchanged all for a 000 \aree er than New York: | loaf.—Pearson’s Weekly, the latter city ey a restaurant sins one-fifth greater than the oF cee Although the population of Lon- don’s metro A SILLY QUESTION. The new minister—Do you ae who I am, my little man? Little Billie Certainly. you know: who Bs are Tetares a, Years to train a Tion for exhibition work, an n ti & valuable “88 an eee ie te) YET NEVER LEAl LEARNS. “Tt takes a. baby m two ye See Uncle then de ued of its life, oy can make richer, more. fra- Bee to ee ie delicious:tea if you-use n’ den it take: One le teaspoonful aaakes Gus e Nous to Stee $tieep fin John Bi As only a little over on ey. Ww e ner in| ty hours of admittance must be di a hundred of Ireland is under tim-| sected is characteristic of Rus- er, great results are expected| sian red:tape that this regulation from ‘the eee movement | was adhered to for several days af- now in pr ter the ilialbee broke out, so that} the operating theatres were piled | He FAPS did {t. They fos the Monthot | high with dead bodies which nobody | | fount inthe ee Le Me Aus st i Plaster, which re- | J, yaddacho, nouralgia, y¥es instantly Feoonasia el iacoa! w Zealand has inhalant a tar ae a South,” saosin of the ie fins 0 by train. ‘Thirty or forty tru edicine is needed, Mrs. G.| Gm business, aud took a shor a Se = ore ae with the eotins tae Culling Hirkella, Man. 2 —|day to explére the country afoot.} Manitoba. although the smallest|who have died a day Baby’s Own Tablets are the most Tramping across the wild country! and most. thickly ae ted of the|and two or three Passenger saloons |e satisfactory medicine I have ever|inland from San ernardino, he| prairie provine ces of Canada, has|are on for the dead p used for ils of young children-| got lost wandered for three still Taras areas of ue land for | friends and relatives. Such a trans hey are as coeds 8 a doctor in the |days without food or water, subsict- scttle: started the ee day by the - Miko- ponte cae by meiciag et ing on the aul of the leaves of the lajewska Rail: ov by mail at 25¢ a box from The © was\nearly! = ee Ses ae Dr. Williams’ Medicine. Co., ced up by @ party ot CAIRYING: 190 COFFINS. On arriving at the cemetery, it was| ‘ople’s canationte all that time.’ fcund that’ 3 yan brought, the} -¢e day heteer. were still awaiting| the litt burial, "Though the grave-dige iggers a please rea u to loud?” yourself out INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND — Ideal Manufacturing ali IN TRUTH BUILDING — and rubbed in, the skin absorbs it ant LOWEST RENTALS, INVLUDING ¥ | a aoe me Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light im ¢ en dy, dal hee quality it is pagcnsaeds must and for ae ‘ Fire Bsus System, Lowest Insurance, Central Location, Four Large 43 Freight Elevators, aS. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St., West nt—‘Just my luck; and I was un- Johnny, aged four, went into a ear-by grocer’s y seed. ‘Ts -it of your plea snaked the RTO- <g 'se-not,’’ replied ie little f fellows 5 its for: the 2 ird morning and get ea dead huried first. “These scenes ‘répeated daily, and many wait for ra: couple of days before A see thei~ dead relatives and oe As all the. coffins ice a OLUTION Dees ieee tee jet cost $2,500, Will he Sold for $400 Cas |In order to make room for larger ang fastet machines. It is in go aang: oes as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by aco: imachini The Wilson Publishing Co., Lin Chewing Tobacco Rich and ‘satisfying. The big black plug. a 73 Adelaide St. a Ets