- WOMAN'S _ BACKACHE rvousness, che, pains in the loins weight i the cas part of ly, that a woman’s feminin: gee fi feminine organism ay a Malte normal Banat is LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND lero Stncee oben, Ww Hef rie writ : Finkdam: i Bor alx Years I have been doctor for femal and nerves, liver aot ‘daney oni but in Lydia E. Pi pe rregetable Co can safely Ihave found a cure. “Iwas lemilacaiy bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, pny pains, and I kept more and more nervous, growing mor “Lydia E, Pinkcham’ i's Vegetable Com. relieved me mae made pa eae that bear- pains, feeling, flatulen: See “ rvous sal bulk oF ah “the fares J. G. HAMILTON, Station Store - Milverton. GENERAL NEWS 2 C4 2 e eee * matism promptiy driven trom the ‘rood with Dr. Shoop’s Rheuma- ie wit est will surely m. Sold Sto: rton. ye that the G.T.P. Railway mileage will be about tha ts employees-and those dependent ox Pain pressure sSomew Big Pink Pain Dr. T abet check head P pains, pains cantere Try one fo liness, to say and bread done rish. vold, nd har ‘ma- nterest themselves in securing stable ex accommodation in town, to the vent of buying the stab Oni a3 56 eripture ime ae ritbmetic is lessened by reason o: tae extra perio ken iid you why ae a does a how Ww tw re the left and a bean vine to iG right ¢ a horse when taked o Puswind: the pope: it up into hard does a horse get vp et ant cow. on On ‘bis front fe her hind feet? And why does a dog uiways turn round three times be: fore lying down It isn’t so diffieu! it ta strengthens weak Stomach Af 0: cor~ THE GREAT SCHOOL ENIAC CENTRAL. eee a tford, Ont departments:— Shorthand, Tele- on ay Individual intruction, winter now. it Large Catalogue free. Elli ott & MeLachla and Kid; Thz old-fashioned way Hon. Thos. Greenway, ex-Premier of Manitoba, and a Scene appoint~ ed member of the Railway Commis- sion, died at Ottawa on i morning of last week after an ill- 3 of two weeks duration. Se Ear eae England, and was 70 y f game. The number for i eae of how each property is a: this means assessments : by appeal, with the rou ittar ste eneury 1s enrie Wenoaueernende wn the. ‘following werning to the town ea last fall. care of actual resi+ ided here at least airie districts will only take dents who have res! Je oe mers near Woodstock and Lon- aon ftate tha re this year ton of what CROSSHILL. fet but very Pretty » wedding took place at the hom D. Langford, 7 pm. on Wednesday, Ostobe when Miss Vio it “Clearview tee er nea » late of The follow! mg is the Oc port tor Gros hill school. Slan Shantz, George Birming! Tacob": elm Leah Bas: hark Athcets Shantz, Donald a Camp. roe Mee Herrgot ae “Wit “Sohwve itze: cob Gascho, e. Jr. Ka tie Bren- naman, ad‘e Manser, Re Stahle, e Bickle, Mar- tie Ale Minnie Kroetsch, Mich rity,” at mer: and those ian tines alee dy been shippod have been, few exceptions, FBS Re rk ath ng purposes. Save This, Anyway me-made mix- n_eminent author- ity-aversomes Her the: reolpes THY. tt id Extract Dandelion, “one half atinces Compound Kargon, one ounce ; Bead Oy visi, Envarpoeiiian tees Take ‘a teaspoonful after entire Kidney and Urinary structure, and oftei reomes the worst forms of Rheumatism in just a little while. This aid to remove ot dosing the Stom H will surely tell! Public Drug Store, Milve Bush fires are reported swept the Bruce Peni nee practically from Watches and Fine Jewelery, |«: expertly bought, has been our business . for years. artistic article in our ome in and loo! our artistic display and don’t buy unless satisfied P. H. BASTENDORFF JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, MILVERTON Only a Test Will Tell Tha, we can Please you Up-to-date in Style and most Y harmonious incolors. We Guarantee Every Garment Made by us nd we cheerfully rectify any error whereby we are at fault. os Cleaning and Pressing ‘one on shortest notice and at «reasonable price: GIVE USA CALL ¢ J. M. . leischhauer ‘Over Pfalf's Jewelery ton! to Tobermory, very few timber lots or Wastin patents tints macunte cut timber, together with fences, farm buildings and pasture lands, are Telegram quotes- the olaim bo ‘dan policy’ willbe," ‘said, Mr. make the dividends as ATH As possible. We up all we can.’ ean authorized to retiy as hurrying iquidater has willbe paid only, to personal onpli cants for Tickling, ‘a ight Coughs, can be stre- y and quickly loosened. wi pre= nehiption Druggists are dispensing erywhere as Dr. Gough y. And it is ‘ery, very different than ;ommon cough ‘medi- eines. io Opi no Chloroform, um, absolutely. nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender lung 1 and see. fee aeby Public Drug Bloke: Milver- nonce political warfare of t lived amo; described the 0-da: ad food it for a while, buoyed 2B, inmodence, butt presently. hg arti finally, “of politics @ charaster eS Ly as a Picteentry be~: arise tHe saree had b me- ai na-| t nd foul, decomposed waste ich cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the n. POOLE. Mr. Rhodt, of Weil ‘Jesley, with his family, ha: woved ij the house cated by Mr. John Kip M a} ine with her aunt and uncle, Mr. oe at Wie! Inspector win Robertson of the “Stratford Normal school, Visit~ ed the Roe! i, iad will move inte ‘ropp. ‘8. Rop) Abe ier i Pte report of U. S. 8S. 18, Mornington, for the month a Petebe r Names in order of merit : —Preston Walker, , Walter weer Wile Doerr. gnes ‘Alexander, Kate afziger, Arthur inda Fink, Barbara At- Natriger Wisines, paw Erb, TBteware Wh Sele, IIT —Tom. Anderson, hi Kerr. wes “Davi R, nig equal; Lydia Ste cy ae = oes: Annie Toes, rooe tena Netziger, Vina Krop; cb, Amos old retire Emily Schmebl, Manser, Aaron A%brecht. iger, Egbert Great Danger in Headaches It’s often dangerous to consider headache a trifling ailment. If th head aches, the stomach is out of order and some serious disease may be impending, To ton the to Give ib healthy action, Dr. ills have a quiet- ing tigeiehiul: etfeot, oh the remove all disorders. headgetie hee aaa won't retui ton’s Pils. e Dr. Hamil- “gold” Seheretae: = uo Cold: (ne; no Dhrsie, noth No Quin. ice for the and thor aye you feel aaa if you sneeze, Ifyou ae over, think of evant ies. Prompts p Slay sive Halt Your Glere is foveriat Nehtortey Sera wont =| hi ie Pea ies" greatest eftcicnoy.” Bend fa the: pocket, also in 250 boxes of 43 druggists ‘riviag you = Prevention” Insist on your tional, or rather international Jes: te: rat Ppa bit trust eas? itness. ‘TRE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. Birmingham, Mich hn Lather, Erb, Hi da Schall Toe nee, Dayid Harron, Se Lite caual. Mt ind- say, teac! ELLICE COUNCIL. The Couneil met at the Se Hatl on October 26th; the member: were all present and the oto in ibe chai minutes of the two previous meetings—one regular and one Court of Revision on assessment of by-law No. 520, Boyte found correct and Pa Hensk again drew the were te next yea: couneil instructed: the olerk to write the Logan council concerning the matter. the 82, to authorize Reeve was instructed for look after Mr. Gilbert's complaint. ‘hi un ol Ber up the complaint word, re a diteh and i _|, Now gene ee Fa scone ee 5 wnship Hall on Novem ber 30th, 1908, for general business J Kreat Tp. Ellice SCHOOL REPORT. the report of S S. No. for the month cf i 8. Morn’ vngton, October Sr. Class Boat, Nicklin, Sadie Bas oe Beg “Betta Harron. ir. fh uth Weshs r es ‘ey Houston, Tommy Ransome, Jennie Mc(ADfater, Milton Reid absent” for am examination Jr. Clase 1It—iMlex. Corry, Viola Stewart, Emma Ri pat, Sass HH enry Albrecht, Re- econ. ‘Waggler, Allan Reid, Wilfred Robbins neat TL —G'eon Zehr, John Bren- “Joe sAtbrecht, wal. Jr. Part Edith Reid. L. Magwood, teacher. Tla sae ee Ea NEBRASKA GREENS. {On October Sat, w ung sons of Jonas 8rd. ceturn- m. Hartmier, Milver- lovember SEES NASR a sua ee For pe hie, Grippe and winter iNs Catarr! est. Sold Be on dealers: "350. and. $1.00. Capt. W. J. TI mpson, of Ho folly “to removing to Toronto His the time to ieeure your The Sun‘ bas jus men. pure, USMS of from 10 cents ie ‘sto. ‘ Clogs the Kidneys. Slows the Heart, IMPURE BLOOD Fags the Brain. Weakens Every Part of the Body-= ~ Causes Organic Diseases Just as serentl is outcome of pu and sickness d. the natural biood, so is debility the oa a impure sod. To know how quickly how surely F letters—read them carefully—see if the symptoms resemb!e rors, Miss ‘elyn M. Gaetz, of Kingston have had an attack of sorder which joking pimples. red, disfiguring blotches tha ned the appearance 0 ike as in gi noticed an improv vement after second box, and ot treatment which fin oe ee t of all ot ell known in gfie Se of d ceontenare benefit "tron Fernorone says: “I felt it my diity ke Known the value of F as a consequence my vs ‘pala, ani color. = r to my check improved ay appetite and made ime a I has remedy cu ° peed that the power o he: res une mereseots at any drug store try "ig, store. How to BESAS: a Sprain Sprains, rales and lamene are promptly relieved by, Chamber: ain’s Fal Bal his limiment du tiga sana oBea hat a are n may be cured in about MANE time required the usual treatment. 25 and 50 cent e by all druggists. ROSTOCK. The infant son of Mr. and Mr Wm. Riehl, aged 14 months, died on Saturday of inflammation the bowe's. The remains were interred n Wartburg cemetery pana: The sympathy of hd “euitre 08 wanity is extended to the bereaved family in their sa Mrs. g loser, eee “had e 4 paralysis on Monday, October 26th She is very poorly at present, being 4 efuee = ee Bi eater is, lowing is the report of the vi!- lage school for the month of 0} ber, as based on the weekly exam! tions and lessons. The names i i of meri i r. EV. Clas Lorne Schene ler, pec Joseph Freida Rehberg. pies Debus, Violet, Arm- strong, Mag, fade ‘Arthur. Diehl, Patrick MeDor aries Saatabaabe Grenes Zulaug, Part eee Ma chow, chow. Sr. I. Willie Becker, John tly Emma Debus, Luverne Zutauf. Christian Albert Weitzel, Carrie Mal- Fred Ohm Knechtel Colds and Croup in Children “My little girl is subject to colds,” says Mrs. Wm. H. Serig, No. 41 Fifth street, Wheeling, severe spell and a winter whe had a te cough, but I cured her with Ghamberiain’s Cough Reme f a doctor, and my evented many tim roup by the . Ais soon as he show: ns of croup I give him Cham- gh Remedy for three or which prevents the at- ‘his remedy is for sale by all druggists. Stuart-Smith ‘A very pretty but) quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday. Sept 3 “Ladies, here's my recipe The Recipe for Apple Custard Pie ‘Two eggs, four or five apples, grated, a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream; pour into pastry’—then “ ‘PANDORA’ COURSE.” SANS “Four— ples— that—don’t—last— long.” Four pies and pans of bread can be baked in a “Pandora” oven at one time. M°Clarys. Leadon, Torosto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St, John, N,B., Hamilton, Calgary, ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton -—— ANNUAL PUBLIC BENEFIT SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Positively Closes Saturday 9.30 P.M. 1 Buy Now, You’ll Save Money See last weck’s issue of The Sun, page 3, for big adv. C.R.Honderich& Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. There is ONLY ONE “JEWEL FLOUR” SELDOM EQUALLED EVER EXCELLED Compare it with any eee flour and your verdict will iti Flour of Substance. it is jour of Worth. There len't onal Better on This Ea Manufactured by: PFEFFER BROS. , ta, carrie beautiful bridal bouquet. seemy, endl eanerakulations over, the party assemb\ e dining roomy where a dainty Pepa mas served. The presents were numerous and costly, which showed the ‘high esteam ‘n' which the hed. their home in them vier ee ishes of their many e She is White as a Ghost Is it a matter of pride to be pale as lily—eertainly not. ‘What e every woman’ wants is vigor. Buoyancy right af ever! ys wi need n to the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes. Ferrozone is at once ertib’e into health, . There is pow ou oe ssed,'500 at all dealers. The teacher sees = ae pela nie note explaining t) one Be her pup’ eeBhes ‘XCoOse Henny for hapts? daday? Him an’ nce of a ri a funeral in ae Sipees at = T let been atuy at geek in eee rep er r ‘aneral, eae a ad) many other PLUMBING HEATING Now is the time to look around, if you intend buying A Range, Base Burner or Furnace Se Before buying, it would pay you to call and see our line. The best on the market. PRICES RIGHT JOHN ROTHAERMEL & SON - Calling Cards Mr. Merchant Bill Heads, Letter Heads,- Note Heads, Envelopes, Do you need anything in the print- ing line do, send in your order, and we will supply you. with as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices. ‘Caw-THE SUN af pleaeres So ple excooze.’