HE KODAK TANK DEVE Tank developer does away wi with most satisfactory results. Let us easy they are to use. é . ‘ E. A. REA, DRUGGIST and OPTi DEVELOPER picture taking a daylight process. The Kodak ith the old stuffy dark room and allows you to develop your film in daylight as well as at night. No dirty stains on hands. A clean, tidy way of developing your pictures Stratford LOPER makes show you how CIAN Salesmen_ Wanted ALESMEN; —whole or part time; Uberal ree. We something Write af once, Becablished 500 acres in nursery st WT. BOWMAN & S08 CO: Ragevilie, Oat, ie a Pee: North Pert! House and Lot For Sale House and lot in pitinenk: VILLAS! id ‘The house will be held in the THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 08 at 11 o'clock a.m. For the election of officers and general Ghe ANNUAL MEETING th Conservative Association iE OF MILVERTON "a day business. WH. BELL, WH. WHERRY, President. Sec-Treas. oF 400. per cent. pro- 536.00 i fe. val Naame, y scationery and art oe Rvait ‘one permanent aig sea a a ees COMMUNICATIONS. cap fe and profitable post-|'To the Edit ‘ay for particulars, cata: Jogue and samples. PRANK W. WILLIAMS IMPANY 1214 W. Taylor St. Chicago, Ill. mg taught each school flag, and o} ForSale or To Rent e ror 80 House and lot at M Dear »-Having read of great deal concerning patriotism be- r E,sts; | Pardon me for trespassing upon your or of the Milverton ‘Sun: late a in oun schools, and of supporting our national lying it when ‘occasions doing, so perhaps you will it tion. four rooms down stairs and three rooms up- Surely true patrio airs, Summer kitchen and coal shed. % ultivated in our ofan acte ofland, hard and soft water. A Sip he Nbc oto hs few good f feutt trees Sficledlog @ ue peach Ey anes etnies ree. y is in the township which d more espevially perhaps in Eusrantect low taxes. Possession gi yen any for one moment be it ¢. For further particulars apply t JAMES WHALEY, Milverton, Ont. Farm { for Sale Consisting of 100 neren, the property of the late Jos, MeLennan, cing lot 29, Con. ‘This farm te Geren, jumder- C of go. ard wi Sr in serie tly first-class | © tate ofeultivation, practically free from all |W weed. Basy terms. For further particulars S. R. McConkey, Executor, 263 Mornington St. Stratford x P.O. Box 69, Milverton, Ont, As apply to Farm f for Sale gration role f ed. ther ni 'ONSISTING of 99 acres, being East Half e of Lot , Western "Section, ‘Wel- the:em sabi aly Township, “30 fastinone nares eae sa maple, acres are sown in fall ‘ e ‘which supplies h water. The oe is Let For further particulars a FAMES B. HANEMOND, Poole, Ont. waves it si and christia Synopsis of Canadian North-West B Homestead Regulations NY even number of Dominion ed_section ands in Manitoba, a, Sankatchewan and ve den duty an ot # the wo: for i 18 years of age, tent of one-quarter section acres more oF lees, nade in in per- mi Lands foe! acid corn a At least six months” residence Putnam's ‘tion of the land in each year 0 desires m the mere valldeice Gude. by. iv- he Saris Lane cred. solely by ine insist on “Put: so a across farm,-therels a g oh eye fine berry garden close to the dwelling which | nation; the men %4 mile fro: a Not untrequentig caused by sb lv of Galata reficet aa gg? Will they tion from r Britain is. certainly falling off and T verily believe her shar e in the emi- will be geeatly:dimint ations app doing ng, shila Britain herself, them be fully a the fact that wherever the o& flag ands f nity. rust, is it rid will be’ all the oe da sacred Yours truly, WW. GREEN, Wellesley. A Case of Poisoning Be safe and Pur ate ctor. ely vegetable, each and always cures. ‘acres in extent, in Netalty of tie Kowesteads, He sany, also so by Bay ith father or mother, on onda Jolt ownership in iand FOR SALE (A) A homestendee intendl jomesteader intend! ing to- perform UMBER YARD BUSINESS, with Lime, his residence duties in pd Sethe = ied ‘Cement and Coal in connection together above while living with 5 with house and lot, lumber ae lime and ing land owned by Tmeeit eae house at Pak ra Station. For fur- her particulars apply brat G. ERB, Brunner, peer Mnauthoraed ebidlication. of this avtice will aot be pad ays on C. P, R. Time Table COAL and GROCERIES —Seranton (the famous Coal’ al and, line of fresh Groceries instock. Salt in bulk or by the barrel, G. HAMILTON,|: J. Station Store - Milverton. Westbound Eastbound Saag eae Sar COMMERCIAL 704 1043° Linwood B14 08 ae 714 1054 Millbank 9 22 3 51] Fall wheat, new.. «$88 88 722 1103 _ Milyert 914 3 43| Barley per bushel 45 80 736 1118 West Monkton 9 00-3 30 son Me 8484 746 1128 McNaught 850 320 ent “ 80 80 751 1189 Wall 841 8 il Flour, per owt. 265 265 4 n, 22 00 22 00 G. T. R Time Table. Manitoba flour, per ewt... 295 Shorts per ton. a GOING SOUTH. am. am. 7.82 10.51 Milverton . 730 10.58 ‘Newton 11.06 Peffers ... 750 11.12 Lax-ets 5 S.Suweet to Ea 25 goes 3 TRALEE. O'Grady returned heme est. Armptrong returned home wt Saturday after spending the summer as game warden in New mtario. Mr. Wm. "Ares Loretto Scott eat Thanks- giving in Linwoo Mr. and Mrs. MeWatters are ong the'r Tha aig! ving in Chip- as baal of Burns, is r, Mrs. R. Wels! cd to report that we gent at Tralee station. Wright speni ira. pent Thanksgiv- Mr. Ja Linw spent ¢ Saturday. fe tah hia Tenens Mr. S. Burnett. 2 Mr. A. Burnett spent Sunday in Macton. i Quite anumber from here attend sd concert in the Methadiat shea evening; gly Carey Bros. rs. Ry Welab, i, is recoverin| Mss Tere Wadaett spent Wednes- who has been very iting her sister Mrs. W. Holt, Glen Allan A. Johnston, Carth- els Ss ae what it Le Sinith is spending a Baden Burnett is. re- engaged in fOr the coming an few Mr. W. our choo! eased Minnie Preston, of Britton, Ysited over Sunday w i ner anient Miss M. Ww. Dav ef Stratford, and Monday at his home be y. Phos. Moore returned from the vee last week. HL, Mayes, of re patives in this lida visited the London, vicinity over feien Campbell and Miss Etha Strat “Mt 8s pitianee spent Saturday in ford. Miss Humt spent — holidays at ber home in Brantfor: Miss - ry and Mr Cameron, yf Tor were visitors at the manse tiring ees iday: The social vening Ghat to Nor a Mornington shureh was an interesting ‘The bache‘ors’ supper. on’ Thanks- iving evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Madde!l, Sr, waa a grea - fide addresses were evening, ng pouy: Gace: ulged in by ces sen The funeral of the late Mrs. Alex- ander Dayidson took place Monday. a North Monts ngton cemetery. avidson was a respected r this xictntty lor many vical late she had been living in Montreal. Her ee Dr. Allan and Robert ac- companied the remains to their last resting place. HAMPSTEAD. y. John Kay, of Stratford, again geoupied the pulpit in his usual ac- ceptable manner. The managers have seen fit to re move the bricks at north-east corner of the chy pairing the foundation and rebuild ks. . Hurtburt spent the holiday nt her home in Mitchell. Hart, of Toronto Uni- ty, spent Thanksgiving under the parental roof Misses Eda and “Emma Smith were tors at their home during the no"day. Mrs, Comb, of Stratford, visited at Mrs. ©. Smith's recent Mrs. Hugh MeMillan is still unim- proved and slight hopes are ente tained for her recovery. The funeral of the late Isaac ie helm, who died in London on Wed- nsaday, took piace on Saturday from esidence of his father, Mr. Chas. ithelm pple has moved into the Rats cad ainebter house, lately ra ‘ated by Mr. G. Goodfell HESSON: y Gatecliais spent. Sunday with “her sister, Mrs. Ritter, at Con- pees Misses Olive Lou Forester apent the holiday with thelr cousin, 4. Brenner, at Linwood. Mites. Harkness and ttle grandson, Master Robert Isley, are spending a coup'e of weeks with friends in Stratford. Miss Phina Haid returned to Strat- for on Monday after spending » few ntal ros of, Stratford, a couple of ats with friends i in bu Tg and vicinity. pull soA te RE ae GRAVELRI DGE. Mrs. Ed. her bome er Joe. Basset “Snent his holidays af heme in Listowel. Mrs. John’ Dobson eek Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. ig ferd Denrer a gene Sundsy av . Abe Westman and Mrs. George ailler. returned home, on Thursday after eee a few days with me of and Hugh Dobson, Maryborou| ‘George Scrap ten Sanday al ‘Lai Mrs Mr. Mr. Jchn Mr. and lam By paren Sunday with Mr. Andrew < Miss Ruby Rowland is visiting: her Sister, Mrs. P. Westm pas stent doa W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. November 18th—Sale of iday, Bes es ung cattle at colts, drivers Topping hotel ay, Novem er 16th—Sale for , lot 5, con 12, Ellice; aplements Sth—Sale for t 7, implements and grain. [Everything BIRTHS. SOHMIDT—At cu thy on Tues- she "November Ha Nadie nore Mrs. i oROPe =i ‘Blliec, on’ October 18th, and Mrs. Albert Gropp, a KUBPFER— at Bernie, on Oct. n@® Mrs. Jonathan Kuuhton ase aes N ENON: Mr Charies Neilson spent Thanks- ing at his home here. He intends inovine his family to Stratford this ee “Mr. Atex. Murray has gold his farm to Mr. Weilington We regret to een on cupiaaee of Bare d, who died a number of years Mrs. Thomas Hutchison Sesle Beye at the Union eke Miss Eva Strachan ae a few days at his home at Miss Bleda Mitchell “Visite ed over “Mas Bella Jack attended the Don aidson McPherson wedding jn Strat ger and little daugh- Mrs. ew days with friends in Wisreon and Hapover Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. William Mitchell spent Thanksgiving Day in ek tee Mrs. Geo. Kirkland visited friends in Toronto over Sunday. WELLESLEY. The essrs. Fred Stahle and. J. Grischo, of Berlin, spent a few days here with friends and relati Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Schaub, of Elmira, spent Thanksgiving with toe former's parents. Mr. J. W. Green will move his househo'd effects to Berlin, where he will reside in futu e informed. that g, M.P.-clect, will pay us a visit next Saturday, November 14th, hen he will deliver an address in the Opera hall to his constituents before leaving Pekin, * where he will represent! Canada at r Baysville, spent a few days i vieintty with friend: few parante, In SU eiane: . W. ing a days “with his LIVE POULTRY WANTED 3 A SHIPMENT OF CHICKS, FOWL and DUCKS WILL BE MADE ON Wednesday, Nov. 18th No Poultry Accepted after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID! Issuer of Marriage Licens: 3 Milverton, - Ont. K. LOTH Norman Atenas, of Brampton, is aclidaying at Mr. and Mrs John Walton, jr., of Galt, and David Walton spent Sunday Bees SCHOOL REPORT. THE GREAT SCHOOL Business College Oe We are showing a line both in in and Patent Leather that for .CENTRAI The following is the report of 8 R aes Lis tor oe S asBtratford, Ont. elegance of appearance and per- Osteber: peewee es ee ttee of tamps us as the great ion in finish is without a dab Practical training school of Western eer. Our lines will captivate highest in each Class ‘be sing placed in Ontario. | you at si order of mer’ We have three departments:— Sr. IV.—Lue!la Sieiss, Lora Miller, | $ Gommerelal, Shorthand, Tele- We carry a tal line of Boots Fred Seehaver, Edward Hilledoeh Tatividual intruction. Enter and Shoes of every description. Tie Bee. Large Catalogue free, Write for It. Leonhardt, Beatrice Stephan, George Elliott & McLachlan, Penpals W ZIMMERMAN on, Mogk. ! 1 Prueter, Charley The Sh Teonihardt; - Voek, ' Christie oti Leonhardt, Annie Miller. Jr, Ti—Lawrence Roek. Kurt Wall, Edna Steiss, Violet’ Diegel, cond. Class—Bawi in Miller, Emma Be Scherbnrth Fre’ er, Wiblie Siemon, Emma Baie i Part II.—Freida_ Meier, Edwin Gloor, Norman Hickmeier, Maud Wells, Irene Steiss. Part I.—Willie Vock, Irene Wesen- Me- Numbi enrolled 64, average at~ tendance 55. Miss Lila FE. Hicks, teacher. ee SCHOOL REPORT. The ering is the report of U $. S., No. 10, Mornington, for Octo- ber. Nawies in order of mer! Sr, IV.—Thos. Armstrong, | Frank Haniey, Th Mackey, Clarice right. r ARTES leg Linseman, Ed- TI —Nettie MeWatters, Mxy Doherty, Myrtle Armstrong. Jr, 1l—Evelgn Burnett, Mary Scott, Maggie | eee Sr. I= Done: ate n. Leslie Wright, Jon ‘Hanley, Geo. Queri Sr. I1.—Della Cummings, Mary Hanley, Join Donegan, Reams! Jac son. Part I.—Hazel Armstron| OGrady, Mary Donegan, Lioyd Nuns: Harry Rolls, Morgan Welsh, Agues "Pari ‘ay Armstrong, Clit on. Faullener, ert logsuis Scott, Bella Rolls, , Robert Jackson. Wm- Burnett. ead! pecienpecee Msn bs) POOLE. Miss Jessie Belle Fleming, Thanksgiving holidays halmers and Miss of Listowel, spent the their re- ‘gnd Mrs. Soloman Miss Mary Large, of Listowel High school, ent ‘Thanksgiving at her rare w was a visitor over the ouaay his home in Stratford. _ Mr. Ji tai, of Michigan, is renew- from a visit with friends in Tavis~ nts Mrs. James Kerr, of Wel- tale were eas rigors at the hi of Mrs. Peter NEWRY. z ‘Mies Bevin Grainger spent Thanks- Molesworth. at ‘the home of Mr. Tuesday evening, tae ed by Rev. Be Me os iss, B i jee Morrison spent the poudey with frien ie in Stratford. ‘We are sorry t Cadden the illness of Mrs. Adam Grey, ove jo we un~ anger is jentlening aa an attack of pi Miss oe sie. Morrison, of Britton, spent the Pages A holiday with er parents. Misa Ida Danbrook has returned tro a visit with friends in Stratford. “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” Head Office, Hamilton, ORTUNE knocks more often at the door of the man’ with cash on hand, than of him who is without the means to take advantage of opportunity, No matter what your income, lay aside in the safe custody of a Savings Bank, regularly and systematically, some portion of your monthly earnings. It is surprising how rapidly persistent Savings grow ; remarkable the business opportunities they unfold ; and indescribable, the sense of personal independence and security they create. The Bank of Hamilton is generally recognized as involving all that an ideal savings depository should be. With total assets of over Thirty Million Dollars; under sound, conservative man- agement; governed by successful business men of known integrity and repute; and conducted economically, without display or un- necessary formality, it is generally selected as the Savings Bank, by those who exercise due care in the selection of their Banker. Your Savings Account, large or small, is solicited. An en- quiry for the Manager will ensure all informaticn and attention to your particular requirements. BANK OF HAMILTON R. J. RANNEY, Manager, Milverton Branch