Milverton Sun, 12 Nov 1908, p. 3

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and Himself A defBatch from Hamilton says Phere was a double shooting affray Thursday evening at the resi- becca Street, and as a result Ches- ter A. Johnson is dead and a girl, supposed to be Rosie Ouimet, is in, the City Hospital in a eritical con-|i dition. Johnson is the one who is supposed to have done the shoot- out ten 0 clock a of the five minutes before midnight. Chester Johnston Shoots “dence of Mrs. B. Camelle, 180 Re- te ing, although as set Jittle is known sig afiai Rose Ouimet at Hamilton. SHOT FIVE TIMES. The woman, who was suffering ae aes: five bullet wounds, was en to the ope: pot room, and one 0’ clos the doctors had not got through probing for the bullets. Her condition is ch that it is feared she will not live until mora- ing, although the doctors say they have slight hopes for her Seca Tn the room where the tragedy was enacted the following letter, med dy Chester A. Johnson, was found aye we pene ys for each other CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS PROM ALL OVE THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Bricfs From Our Ow» and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. John Carter died ae Guelph. from injuries Bate being sists nd in a ae 88 over by a drunken man at Winni- peg, is dead from her ape: Mr. D’Arcy Scott, Meyer of Ot- tawa, has resigned a taken his ie for each other. It was jin this room that. we promised to 2 vife, but that can , as Rosie’s parents of late Johnson been pene av Roller Rink, whic : Sena by his bees in-law. He s also known to have kept com- Gay with Wore parents reside at Street. Windsor Fashion :|: ? Hints. 3 _ | F FADS AND FANCIES. Metal buckles appear ou many ah large pocket flaps are pre- Many of eae rise skirts ar crasg- ed in the : Wings as asger than they ever have been befor: Feather | eins upon hats c:n- pares, very pro se © pian. et ures are pri Pitino a There are "fewer quills on autumn hats than | Black will bi f much seen, beth in dress and sverydey gow _ Many coats wili be ening and will axtend below the hips. irls ary wearing silks eypreets more freely than ever be CS f the new hats have the eau O'Shanter crown, gensraliy with felt brims. jold and brown, jade green, and coral will be popular vulovs in oques. Many chic and durable litt'» Hs lars are fashioned entirely of 1 erty satin ribbon. Ohecks ‘and vat have Jost no lavor an prominent throughout ihe ‘fall and wiatey. Buttons as lavas for the coats, but not of si great dimensions when adorning the skir With vutting away of coass, vests Mat She ses eee to fill in the wide open fro: ie for a small hut to be worn far a ad. CMded silk is much used for out- lining pores and buttons often em- ze EMusilonable ealpdsd of brown are ree seal and leaf browa be- tl en toni yellow are in: vogue _ for the new eee 's headgear, and Khaki, buff, and suede leas ‘opular dress materials of gre ahiter will include worsted fabrics, homespuns. in. trimmin, es, foathers, ribbons, au adorn the hats of the season. that the ta se long as plain gown: Whe new skirt is so narrow at the hem that it measures only from three to to three and a half yards in width ly No Ages now. ae 80 pel 2 a. ele m fashion as “ever | acy t black in at least lips tal sin bronze, blue green, and ‘ish Bray costumes, as well as severely trim- include foutache bee te ehente two The strictly sanatoie couture | © ire" ion for large hats will prevail bat actin wide nek come in two tone efiects and a range of colors. air ek era include the coro- ret, the coquettish bow, and the Rulasnele wcesth iofsPotentor. tor- get-me-nots manufactured out of ribbon, Fashion allows skirts to be plain, paneled, or plaited, making only the point that the decoration shail run downward and not “round and 8 are growing more. simple in effect if not realil;, and the sa- ent part of the wardrobe for the diratan Veanolds reciallce conde narrow trimmings there are all sorts of braided designs in one-hal three-quarter inch widths in gold or in blends of all colors or blac ee HEALTH AINTS. Sunlight’ is the best preventive oF tuberculosis, Achin lieved quickly by plunging them 3 in hot water which contains a table- spoonful of common baking soda. low oily place. Apply ¢! of finger. “One app! eatin of tl oil on ringworm will o1 Drugs are used less sand less_in the treatment of pneumonia. The treatment most effective is deemed times moved to a veranda or roo! this weal a cold w weather. in the eased is obliged to take calomel as a medi- Sane thuposnionld cbe-onreul hak 4 take any salt after it (common salt), us the combination of the two forms corrosive sublimate, which a Mosely ois Sick of egg, dropped into a glass ? cold water refreshing drink for the sick and one which is not za eos to the most delicate stom: cloths wrung out of hot wi often better Che « hot qoter bag. An easy way this is to Pat a towel in the Sotato ricer, dip in- A boiling water, squeeze, and car- ry to the patient before removin, irom ricer, thus insuring a degree of heat not otherwise obtainable. Mothers should accustom their rubbing the child a few times with the hands dipped in cold water — not. eold—after the daily warm y an one may begin ith cold sponging, and later on with a little douche. In the use of cold water it is absolutely neces- sary that the reaction should rapid- follow. This reaction is manifes- ted by a pleasant warmth perceiv- d by the child, and externally is male visible ee a reddish appear- ance of the a contraction of the external blood vessels, The return of #1 réddening of the with ates people, whenever reaction is lacking ‘or tardy, the advice of a physician should be. sought. “despatch from Quebec says Quebec Bridge Oompany will to-exist on the first of De- mber next, when the Dominion e Goverment Will Tako Undertaking at Once, p 1 vw QUEBEC BRIDGL the!» Over fhnding ‘the diree- Ouimet, whose | 1, 4 ed feet may be re- w aa on the Railway PURER ES On. From May Ist the end of Oc- cher $6,663 has een collected in the Temis- fs Doone, ar- ‘alifax, reported the loss lof eas molierias who was wash- ed overboard. 4 ir. Wilson, jmuperin- a | tendent of Tor has | been sopbined Cerne of lthe Cobourg Asylum. The tug Gladstone and a large scow broke from their moorings near Lion’s aes | ase were dashed ‘© pieces on the The township of, Peulot: is taking action against the city of Gue sone Speed re sewage. tinental Railway in New Ontario, in which ten men were kil P of Haan broke the record in time the voyage than six low railways. to that they a the oni ing the fsathentice that the a5 necessary to prevent undue de- ay. GREAT BRITAIN. keen cut into eignt is reported Britain may equadecn on ae mecyane round the at Heaceatee ended without a se! ements of the great strike being achant Egan, # d dynamute accidents are veered on ths ee a Transcon-|¥ steamer ‘Tmprest ® from Liverpool to Quebec, making in a few minutes less fie Raslgay Comudtaaton “will al} handle grain at lake ports on eee on condition us of show- work The great Cullinan i he has in Lond that end a BAttleeD The: onference of cotton-workers REPUBLICAN MAJORITY 45. Standing of Parties in the Next U. 8. Congress. A despatch Seo oo York says: lection returns from Congression- = districts puatedt. that- sa oe ie epresentatives in the 61st Con- gress will stand +218 senubiean 173 Democrats, giving a Repub- eke majority of 45. The DEES LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. ‘onto, Nov. track, Tcronto; second patents, a8 30, and strong haber $5.10. 167 Democrats, giving a Republi- can majority of 67. The Republi- cans lost twelve seats. While there ylvania, fiset by striking De- ef Grecian was wrod Eee yy an ex-| mocratic eictanee in Indiana and 9 plosion of natural g: Vebra ‘The latest returns ap-|vtside. The Toronto law ae cents says|pear to increase instead of dimin- mtario No, 2 white, 38 to the city is not responsible for the|ish Mr. Ta eeping victory. |38/2¢ outside, me at 4Ic¢ on track, winaess broken on Halloween: From present Aen he has|Zoronto ; 2 Weste: ee Canada Polson, who was run| carried Miseod by 8,000, thus ad-| oats eae at 42c, Goder Rye—No. 2 quoted at TriZe out- eighteen more aeeeaa votes 0 di sult of the Polling termine the ri for the electoral ticket. Mr. Taft probable vote in the electoral cols Nes will be 327 against a possible 15€ for Bees Colorado being still in doubt. Eliminating Colorado, with its five electoral votes, Bryan States to give io 151 votes in the electoral colle; Coneeding Col- orado to Bryan, Seat likely that Mr. Taft’s major: ity ue the electoral col- lege will be 171. CHOLERA AND THE GANGES. 1ph | Whitewashing the Reputation of the! on account of elute the Biver Fy iv The revolting customs which yail among pilgrims to the Gates: including promiscuous bathing those thee who from the bathin he of India is known tox all, most of us were content t AES that in a hot and thirsty Tadd ke northern India such a Sa clia a river as the Ganges had many claims to be highly thought of, but pamphlet I have discovered that the apparently has carried only enough | $1 he Ganges among the Hind mil. ¢ it would appear as if modern sci-|, ne was coming to the aid of anci-|75¢ to SOc per bag in car lots on ent tradition in maintaining a/ tack hers. special blessedness of the water of the Ganges. BE. in, in the PROVISIONS. preface to the fifth edition of ‘his ex cellent pamphlet on ‘The Canse and| Pork—Short cnt, $23.50 per bar- Prevention of Cholera,’ pralar as ele $19 to. $19.51 follows: Lard—Tierces, 13%¢3 tubs, 13 “Since I originally wrote this| Pails, 13/<c. F ecorkied ys |i Smoked and Dry Salted Meats— water of f the Ganges an: id the Jumna William Redmond, phe pane: ‘in| orm Cure.—Burn on a saucer a sheet of writing paper.|. After blowing away the burned pa- ‘A tabledspaontul of stigly beaten |=" Tai necbite go lly severe pain, |P. are| Rou nsed-by| 54g thevexfexbal Yustage causes that’ mons seat in the British Cabinet. UNITED STATES. versity: has’ resigned. EE Fairbanks, aaued by a dem The aishoritien J Port Huron fred Marti that ays ae ecunle of months of the for asking woman sul moter, and A. guilty at New Yo bank funds and books several dthe Uni: of automobile ~ac Brownstown, Ind. GENERAL. return have reached such propor- x | Kon; tions that soldiers have been called out to patrol the business streets: — PARIS BOURSE DISTURBED. A despatch ae paras Bourse, despite. the that pervades the public over the result of the American election, t Casablanca of Gaumieten sert- ers from the French foreign legion. la FR $63,000,000 won ORTH EXEMPT. Tmmense Amount — of Property in Montreal Pays No Taxes. tors of the Quebec Bridge Company ihe ‘amount of their imvestment, is means that the Quebec brideed ill be reconstructed under @ supervision of ‘the DoAIEOG Government, and the work of ¢ cone he We of eas in seats witl and, acgording to. Pinder oes the- Soteaeat a take over ls company’s assets ‘e-| been properly approved. S\plans are being prepared. to. pro: thé ~ plans have, f The: vide much heavier metal in the su- rersiructure than was used. a the: former ™structire, a 6e | 600 passengers from Ai | to the: Government and civie pro- pert a .TWO HUNDRED DROWNED. get Steamer Went n Near Amoy. Fase from Amoy, China, says: A small ce carrying o Tun- -}gan, a few miles diatant eR on hursday evening. undred ae the passengers: wer ce |). Chi nese suite rescuing the other: Small m_| ¢T@ ta President, Eliot of Harvard Uni- Miller, Chief of Police of shot and are investigating the death of Al- rtin of Corunna, ses near United ‘States ‘ill ereculate “= monster nantes will al it to President eect vone W. Morse, the Ice Trust pro- lurtis were found | Can: rk of misapplying falsifying bank| pared, B. 0: Whitney of Detroit, the theatrical ident. - ne China has granted the Dalia Lama a aniety and ordered him to. The anti-, See riots in Hong Owing to se a Situation “in Near East is hostile to the growth of the chol- microbe, not only owing to ae phage of food materials, but al g to the actual presence ays ath stroying this microbe n make no suggestion as to the OS of this mysterious pier: tine tt pois SO A AE SS CHARITIES AND CORRECTION. Conference Will be Held in Toronto Noy. 25th and 26th. A despatch from Toronto says: The meeting of the Canadian Uon- isvetice of See ae and Correc- ion al uto, Wed: Thursday, Novenber 25th and 26th, promises to be one of the ie ine teresting eathesings ever held in The amine, which ; nig Se ientiee een: carefully pre deals with all phases off charitable work and Eotatave me- thods in this country. The aim of the Executive is psa to bring aeeaoee as never before all en- ged or interested in pabu shariy lic addresses at the yoonierentg will be delivered by onard, Superintendent ae the “onto state |S Reformatory, on Prison Reform. Such important questions as the of the consumptive, houses of refuge, hospital financing, our gaol systems, care of the feeble-minded, + The FIGHT WITH ROBBERS. feet Lees Two Bank Clerks at Marieville, Que., Act Bravely. A despatch from Montreal says The branch of the Eastern nen ships Bank at Marieville, Giss was entered by robbers on Tuesday ae off. miscreants fired exchange of shots tlle, A bullet grated the head his condition is i Ther MoCaskill of the Brogndal police vhi xempt and his assistants aying property taxes will th : year foot up a total exemption r $63,009,000. The exemptions} A NEW GRAIN ELEVATOR. risen in less than ten yea - time by fully $25,000,000. The pro-| Compaty to Erect $500,000 Struc- perties exempted are churches,| — ture at Port Arthur. roperties b rolonging A despatch es Port Arthur says: A new com , to be known Pi nee and has signed an agreement +e ere of a new elevator wit pacity of 1,500,000 bushels, to cost: 500,000, ‘Tie ‘site is already, pro- cured and work will eounntsneg al- aly: ¢ promoters of the company are W. MoWilliams, 0 nesday and yo, peat No. 1 hard $1 05% if ss 103% j f eat, $1.05% for Hh 1 Nace aah at $1, 02% for No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay ports. Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white, 90 te 90%c outside; No. 2 red Winter, 90 to 90%¢, and No, ee mixed, 90c e. Barley—No. 2 barley quoted at 56 to 57e, and No. 3 extra at 55 to Buckwheat—65 to 56e outside. eas—No. 2 quoted at 85 to 86ce outside Cori American solloe sania a see on track, Toron- d No. 3 at 82c. one: are quoted at $18 26 in bulk outside. Snore anes at $22 in bulk outsid COUNTRY PRODUCE. A aaece Ae epee! Brine as there eman Chickens, dri ede = to 10e Te AS to 140 Butter haesl Suclatcies Cmiced are :— /Creamery, choice, pound 26c to 27¢ |Dairy prints, choice .... |Store, prints and tubs .. Inferior 19¢ to 2le 13%4e 5 40 to 14e, New-laid, 26¢ to 30¢ ; farm- Be to 2c; cold storage, 23 cans—$1.80 to $1.80 for primes ac $1.90 to $2 for hand- epieued Honey—10¢ to lle per pound for strained and $2 to $2.75 per dozen for com Patatoe Ontario 60¢ 5 Dees ares PEMBROK Over half ness. block largest esday eo Srnatet ee ke 00, ance at $240, Th Manufacturing Compa si ent to toaen but by the time ings. A terril ing out in two distinct troyed, ani eae eh, licking up hotel in the tow Monee buildings on bot! s frame outbuildings in the rear. The Tow: but were save A Sepa from Pembroke says: ie. business section of ?embroke, netting the best busi- jaanttanhrnne two mills, and two hotels and sev- he fire ated in the National torey sie factory situated fay: Scrpolodss cause of the fire is sparks deo a passing engine, e top| flames. first noticed i arrived the factory wa: From there it spread to the Wright rame building adjac- of and the burning embers and sparks eral business blocks were complete. dwellings. By one o’clock tl in the business section w: The Copeland House, the largest wn, is standing dovbral opher veslderoae omiahe hee -AUDB Business was completely suspend- ed all day, and all classes of citi- f SWEPT BY VRE “| Flames Started in Factory and Licked Up Half the Business Section. zens assisted in the work of check- ing the fire and saving the goods. On orders of the Mayor, all the ho- b: clo: Despite the SARE hour ja the morning there wee no lives and very concerns, van, who y night, had to Ais carried to the Town Hall for saf In ate had to be called half a ie and insur- ny, a three- Sy tan d Hotel an Indian dozen. times cks, One the building it was in a mass 0! to bi the hiesnase COMPLETELY GONE. joomed.| The following pales are com- pletely destroyed : nal Manu- facturing Co., Taltet Hotel, tannery, eee Hotel, Fraser’s boot and shoe store, across the} Briscoe’s restaurant, Kemp’s gro- street to a number of frame build- Ser pela Co.’s drugs, Winter’s le wind was blowing, | dentistry, ‘arding’s photograph gallery, Mitchell’s stationery, Mil- er’s general store, Shepherd’s but- places. Sev- broke Clothe: 9 re passed] fice, Mackie (dentist), several fine e fire phone e, Taylor’s paint shop, pub vee Delahaye & Reeves’ © | law office, Bi tone Works, Bea- residential section -|mish (furniture), Kenning, veterin- HOTEL AND 'tOWN HALL |ary. PARTLY DESTROYED: Residences : with| Harry Irwin. ee and|P Miller, wholesale paginas Hardwood’s jewelry store, Edwards all burned Harrison, photography and Sain n Hall and|& The, stone bridge over the Musk- Yat River was badly broken..and burnt. 75 per ewt. aie, Aaatghe loads, to $4.40 per ew common were brought $3.85 per ewt. at $2 to $3 per oye cows, the range owt. distilleries were sold a were $3 per ewt. Long clear bacon, 12¢ to 12%¢, aud is Mose pees large, 4 By ar : AB te to lies Grane acon 15. to 16c; pickle, 1¢ less than smo! Ourn sl MARKETS. , Nov. 10—As far as in- quiries Sort Manitghin spring wheat trom forcign sources are concern- there is little to complain of, but the price ‘offered is so ont of fine that there is still little trade eventuating, These show an ad- pane of from 124d to 3d. American or r lots and 79¢ for vapeehuwel es store. for the country. Good butchers’ Common. cows sold Bieassror cart salty for the Farmers want many ahh Hesaeras 800 to 1,090 pounds, Eastern: stockers | MUSCLE-STRAINS. A Eausels which has been strained, x by overuse or by: use in some i aabadesaured wags ofan nian eine to such severe ee a to lead to a diagnosis of some ot and sold at $4 ium and up at $3 to For oe ice 4 per 75 to Bb % 5g{myalgia, which indeed means in a muscle, but is usually of rheu- matic or neuralgic nature, ‘The trouble here “meant is something less. serious, being nothing more yaed before he got up, and before he left ~~ s,{to $1.75 per ewt. for the Buffalo around 500 pounds, sold at $1.50 than a strain. ope out of e Toronto. Lights and their quality. THREE KILLED: AT faruckwhent, “ore per bushel for 2 afloat. Canadian western white oats ate aitice: Flour—Manitoba patents, firsts at $6, Cae nd at 40; winter. whe: nts, $8 to $5.95 ; straight rollers, of to 84.- 60; do., in bags, 0 $2.20; extras, to “ Maniaha spring ie rab. cee bran, $21.80. to #25 to $26; shorts, $24.50 per ton, including bags; pure grain mouille, $30 to $35; milled grades, d Cheese—Weste: quoted to 12%¢ for elite and 12% Hee co) ored. White easterns are nated ter — Finest an ie. to 27%c to Eggs—Selected, 25¢ to 25%4e; No. 1, 2le to 21%, and No. 2, 17%¢ per dozen UNITED STATES. MARKETS. Minneapolis, has December, $1.01% 05% 5 Buffal ilo, Nov. 10.—Wheat—Spring eady ; No. 1 carloads; ess $L- — Weak; eember, 997¢ asked. Rye— 15 orn—Decomber, 03%6 ates Barley—Standa lard, 64¢;. sampl 52% wee 3; 56 ti to 890 .No. 4, 52h, te ; LIVE Boe OCK MARKET. Toronto, Noy. 10.—Some medilim age sold to- as at $4.35 to $4.50 per cewt. Heavier, animals not-ex: me a Ml fed, brought $4 to $4.25 | an “h ett tone dominated tra; in bates cattle, "De aler oats} 5 ding a & No. 49140 to 48¢ per ane hel, “horse escaped, but the buggy ck, and ‘killed. A heavy. PONZI Huse G Verdict of Sa in the In- rsoll €: A de: ie from oe ‘Says? pi eechae Franz Ponzi, on a charge of murder commenced en this After the verdict back to jail tola on Wednesday. Ponzi was taken await sentence later sion. cereerea? Ses SEVEN ME Pxplosion in a Cut on in An active business was per ewt., fed and watered off cars, to 50c less per cwt., according to Mrs. Beet Scott and Sons Run n by Engine. snowstorm contri- «| buted to the Gd shes KILLED. It is easy to see hey any museu- pain taken for rheumatism or some acute pce mation, as it may give rise to pre- cisely the same painful ivenioul 8. in milch cows. fats are 25|For example, when it occurs some i on the right side of the abdomen, it has been known c pees exactly like pa colic of a dicitis, it has CROSSING, time and again been treated as true rheum: @ are several ways in which On the facts may be discovered. A Pani from Guelph says:| questioning, it will be found that Mrs. Robert Scott and two sons,|some muscle, or a certain set of Leonard and Murray, 11 and| muscle, has been* subjected to ane 13 years, of Hullet, were instantly | unusual strain, and is in a state killéd’ on Wednesday _morning on ake mutiny in consequence. he Guelph ai ain will be worse at night and etter in ield Say to a proper amount of rest. In fact, ts one 8 thing—rest—comprises the w ole of the treatment. When the abdominal mi.scles are involved, there autre je rest in bed, with perhaps some anodyne UILTY. tr deaden the ae at firn‘—this, of course, to be en on val the order of a physician. er cases the patients can go abou! their usual ane, if fitted proper ‘hi aloes relief always to use ra chair, and as the oes ie in the arm a sling should be in the ses- the G. T. P. ri Rainy River. he dai i y A despatch from Winnipeg says: een killed at Mc-| sible. Unfortunately, with most Seven men have —JLean’s Camp, on the erital Pili 18 miles north of Dryden, Ont., by an dynamite in a rock four debris. _This makes. ni five di Transcontin- explosion of "| asad support for a time, if this sible. Youth’s Companion, WAR IMP iOBLOLA JUST NOW a Trouble in the Balkans , May be ee in the Spring, | However. A despatch Trees Vienna : |The Government has note from Russia proposing. an in- says? received a |#egovina’ or thereon, and: is the annexation of Bosnia aa Her- * ae @ any. See ae tirely poo soiimtale avanar’ The 4 ternational mnuc! ondon aya di time ° conference, eating that, the programme for this but’ indi-} consensu: : of opi pes “is; howeve: vaguer than the ae he. hi prepar hot hoon lon but-thest tose ht of the lay) tilities * tn

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