Milverton Sun, 12 Nov 1908, p. 4

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The Milverton Sun oRosSHILL. ACGEEGIISSGSIYOGSEGSSESGHHSESSSSSSSESESSSSHSESSSSSEEEEEs Miss Srigely, of Toronto, spent 18 PUBLISHED Sunday at the home of Mr. Thomas Cc Rennie. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Robert RricKiag spent ete ash Cash days under the parental r Our. teacher, Miss ‘Lindsay, spent and One and One The Sun Printing Office the Thanksgiving holiday. with Pri Main Street, - —_milvertoa, Ont| friends on the bird, line. rice Price Mr. John Frame hag rented his ion ‘to ate Thos. Playford. and Mrs. Hilker and baby, o: If everything else in the SUBSCRIPTION RATES ee spent Sunday at the meek house did its share of One year, $1; six months, 50 cents; three|f her mother e i months, 26 cents, in advance, ‘Subscrib essrs. Geo. and Ed. Hammon the work as well as in arrears will be lable to pay $1.80 per year, | of Woodside, and Mr. Stewart, of spent Sunday evening wn e ° CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES | at the home of the Messrs. Glaister. “Black Kni ht’: ee nee ea | ee astings has finished the $40" ° $26" $8" |seascn’s threshing and has his engine e 22 12 apse Sha. the chopping wlll ornare Stove Polish ie 3 |the hum of the chopper will be heard during the winter months. sobight conte p Mine for frst insertion and] “A social will be held in aid of the four cents per line Ses i ; very few women would pas trill De charged for all transient adver. Public _sebool library im the Town- complain of the housework. tise ship Hall at Crosshill, on Tuesday : « fone ee aE as | evening, November 171 rogram Black Knight’’ does away life inserted until forbid and’ charged ac | Me consisting of choruses, solos, rexd with the everlasting i shi €han, for rs oe Peeking: FEM Fie tacene orncs ter canes ar rag eoemscate io aan sane y Ome Piedncee Malt or telephone orders will receive promp ea at 7 p a result that satisfies the attentio: ORE Ae PS M MacBETH, most particular. Publisher aud Proprietor, SCHOOL REPORT. a aR Always mady for use for The following is the report of S. Stoves, Grates and other THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1903 S. No. 8, Ellice, for the month of Ironwork. Dee have taken 75 It’s the best polish and the biggest can for the money. 3 correspondent at Con- ¢ Government will make an effort to eal with the Armenian question by ts tlt see eam ify eye conceding grants of Government land “Black Knight” in your to lands from which they were dis- |W. 7, “| possessed. be Kurds at the time of |Crawford 159, x ‘Ropp 64. the massac Sr. II—Total 400. 8. Naiz:ger 285, ‘The F. F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, G. Kerr 266, xL. Becker 252, ‘HAMILTON, 8A Pres’ velt certainly of- et ated raat pee taste when he |. Jr? ut ‘otal 200. M. Kerr 122. M. ‘ent himself, his office, his prestige ae) and kis cabinet fo the election of | St. T—Total 800. ue machen a. ° Ti w) ii Business Cards a Pilebtet The sbeahees people houid have resented such interfer- Dentist ence on the part of retiring presi- lent. . LEDERM. E entiate of Dental Surgery and Member| Hudson Maxim contends that the Part IL—A. Mel efellan: ‘excellent ; y 0 artman, excellent; M. Dntario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-|forth any terrifying prospects. The exoaieats ©. Reid, good; J. Nafziger, ae orem rasa Bridge are snes dropping of dynamite from such ves- | good. ice |sels, he says, mi cause some super- lass—E.. above the Sovereign Bank, ‘Milver rton. | ficial detection: but it duit pene: re Karns w. T: 3 Modical. trate and explode inside battleships | A. Schmidt, A. Becker, F. Kalbfleisch, earthworks to do really great | good; G. Reis, W. Quipp, ir. F, PARKER, M.D. fonor Grad- | damage. J. E. McoMane, teache: amie uate and Gold Beta Tia an Medical see College, also Gold and Silver Troaanst, The action of Hon. W. J. HannajHave You rt oboe Trouble ? ‘Trinity University, ae to, Successor | in disallowing the action of the To to Dr. Egbert. Office in Public wai tonto Board of License Commission When you Sake up with headache Store, Tele mae sabe with Poole|ers in granting a eat to what is}and bad taste in the mouth, some- Brunner, Moserville stock, known as the Caer Howell hotel in thing to settle the stomach is need- SISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISS STINGTIVENESS MEN'S CLOTHES MODERATE PRIGES If you want that quality in your clothing BS Odor bed is to be commended. Th , W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon,|&tanting this license, acted flatly in /ated. Get a thmbler of ae some m, Graduate of Ontario Veterin.| the face of public opinion, and violat- i Coll see ‘oronto. Treatsall diseases) ed the regulations of the department of domesticated animals. Calls by tele-| im issuing the license after the 15th phone or otherwise promptly atteoded to. of May: braces, tanes, puts vim Gate snap into . you Socteti: The generous treatment meted out |a hard day al to the Boors of South Africa after Jine—nothing better. Large bottle, MI 7 B, aa e e 3 : art as yar PORGE, Re: the recent war is bearing fruit. Tho |25c. everywhere. ey AP re “aifteeio Dutch People have not been : > meeta ever Manag eynulng. on '0e a appreciate it, and as a result Ee NEBRASKA GREENS. ‘are fullmoon of every month in their | ‘ecm is ent!_represe! ad an Manney's Bock Visiting pretkt| has been made to the British Govorn- | yr, a aes tee Witcome, "W, @ LIVEGSTON, | ment in favor of the largest possible |, Mi; Chas. Jacobs, of Hamburg, W, Mey Ws ds ZORGER, omy. garrison of British soidiers in South | “yr, Peter Ropp spent Sunday un- of. Africa. This is a striking tribute to “G0. F, Milverton, ‘meets Great Britain's mode of government, Bae aie Ponlet ects eaaare cvaat every soon a ma lase Inesday of evory}and indicates the seoret of het | ocourved lust week at the home of onth, at 8 o’clock, in their hall over} strength. Soe Mrs. Gropp, Mornington, when her Rothacrmel & Son's hardware gg 2. daughter, Miss Kate, was united in pene brethren always welcome. R.} Medern tife, says a recent medical |marriage to Mr. Crist Ropp, of Ellice er, C, R., 8, H. Pugh, Reo-Secy. | writer, is quite as effective as war |Our best wishes go with the newly F., “Silver Stac|'” Killing: off men. The increased | married couple. rN 202, Milverton, a ois Osear Jacobs and Georg °° rid ht ag |Our, cities has generally been va ees Sihteurha ery Friday night at| ous1y attributed to unhygienic feed- Se ee in/=Toppinis sdlest ‘ng, exposure to weather, nervous | ppuyy, sday. Lod moet Vi strain and so on. These are probab- i i ‘ ee “ I: faite a number from here took in W. Finkbeiner, N.G., W.k,Loth,|2¢"4in and so on. These are probity |g ee oielte Maarten which distinguishes the man FH Beoyy Bs Pkbinor, i. Boy, tiave always, been, The death rate |Thankagiving. 1 Redes Public. among men has always been higher ' Sahn feral ee dare than with the other sex, but in the se Sree past itious 2 WEIR, Notary Public, Auc-| present day city life seems to be re- oases te the County of Perth and|placing war vs a destroyer, doubtless Com nveyancet, Deeds, Wills and because of ite Unwholesome environ- | ,This trouble arises from torpidity teu drawn and A! idavits made. " of the liver. Nothing acts so nicely Village Clerk. Of in the Woir bios : as Dr. Chamberlain's Pills. They ign Bank o a. j ir up the liver, rid the system o} Ssiadiadcthis An idea of the trade carried 0M |bile, tone the stomach, give appetite THE ONE WHO IS MERELY GLOTHED Hote o between Canada and Great Britain | ond’ goand digestion, you tecl drowsy may be gained by viewing the follow-|snq bad. Sa. Dh Hamilton's EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bronner, Ont. |ing table, taken trom the British im- | 304, bad, nee errnh ede take AF John Gropp, Proprietor. Best liquors port records for the month of Octo- night you're well by morning. Don't See art a aa ee eee eNO Hoe cetraid” of oir. Hamilton's: Pils, commodation and large stabling. 000 or $10, ee ie they are mild—don't gripe or, na 7 ‘Almiount: ‘alues. + , » GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Mill, Ca 14,508 £245,799 |Seate: They just “cure’—that’s all. verton, First-cliss accommodation for re Se ha 1978 e 4,651,400 ewts, 607,073 Reneeon ee CSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSS SSS OSS SSSSSSS J scans THE ENGELAND LABEL = ENGELAND & SON|= People’s ouse o! ro the contracting parties. The drawin, = a ree ee er eentuc: Ce, ne, prey {aide tor the se | ur istnteally daeorticd with av | SISHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSIS SSSSSSSSSIIS he Prince of aes from fers and palms. ie was mar: ‘ompt attention given to the public, eee the other, June 21, 1887, for |rjed in her travelling gown of brown UX, ‘somple rooms. stabling de of liquors_and cigars, Ritter, "Propeay or. bert bed HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. 57,600 © 84,379 | The home of Mr. and Mrs. Donaid Orr ems 27'786 | McPherson, Stratford, was the scene es 196.874 |of a pretty house wedding on wis 74,226 | Thanksgiving ‘afternoon at fi foes Da a orate iache gg ge sample 588 |o'olock, when their daughter, Bertha Mahe Oniy the ehslonat Gh Winans Et 20s) on ews. Linda,’ was “united iy “‘martiage, to audels Donaldson, f eee Pant Pi et erm Ralph Donaldson, Caledonia George F. Pauli, Proprietor. eee TE) ed <3 . eet ey ey be: The first recorded hankeuiving [pastor of Knox church, in the pres. fy aia cjicasasviecrsed dabdaaesessssdaduedsestvadiscensscsischicsssce ee ‘ SSSSSSSOSSOS plank for Musselburgh bridge; An- ween ates jubilee. T1 Canada |yenetian cloth and was unattended. n Sapa meee Pets nen teed ae ey | sth crenmor hie oe MOS aaa amet I et Sete : art for and it is now Jal sat down to a wedding dinner. | 6..." g tot 18; °D. Bellar, $29, diteh- | d'teh on road lots 15 an con, 4 e THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, sige that, the day should hes Sef PY [Among the many and beautiful pre- |e on’ town “ine fon | Wm. Waddell, | 97, fea ex Subscribe f 1 attention t ute never varied. he wew ts i the bride was 2 Ais 4 . St , or e un UE "End Tepes Bogen "anse nga eam a SCY ely the Sin ei oe a inn oe wines and liquors served at the bar.|1683, when the Massachusetts Bay |pioyees of the Avon Hosi Hen ieoon e4ae0. “for bun e Ro rathig, Sh, repairing eulvert on con. Rates $1.50 per day. Wa Wirt, Prop. |colony set apart a day. | The first Jand Mrs. Donaldson left on. the 6.30 Ton ; reat American observance was in|train f chard paltta ee Ee tre tke declaration a ave. poles sR AL, aA see SS Bonn : MORPHY & GARTHEW. Baniuinus | There was one more national day in hamberlai john es $2.50, ie ie Sa rete rege 1785. and none other tll 1862, when| © Rea teade Solicitor Ete Solicitors for the Hank] president Linooin issued. « nationa Sees oe Biot . . iy bees ee ton, Ont, Permanent offices have been| P™o°lamation for ¢. day ot tv sidont e have in stock many colic and con. 412, lot 8; Charles Kerr, $26.10. arranged for. A member of the firm will) jas issued an annual proclamution. fear th eines,” says uares and ar ‘4 S be in Milverton every Thi y- White, prominent eect = ‘H. B, MORPHY. J. M, CARTHEW, WOODSIDE. eee Lan tere eee more te Agila of Chamberlain's Colic, ra ani F : ,|Diarrhdea Remedy than of all others ae ‘ Aleda Ott it! Thanks- n ; teddate rtm 4 Boe erates lets raat put together.” For sale by all drug- Seem to be in endless demand, and rristers: itors gists. ; Seca. Ontario Winton Ee ee cakckan Peed tr lad ae 53 A. Robinson, ae eee oes , there are piles of oe most beautiful t ville, spent the holidays with friends MORNINGTON COUNCIL. M. L. Whitney. $81.45, Teel between Morn'ngton and Ellice, lot squares here in all convenient sizes, J.C.Makins . . W.J. Hanley 5 aa msi The council wet st Newton on Ae fstrebasters "and? contrastines Bett) Chae as whet tan It's a perfectly simple matter to fita Y Se. Tiel cia thie ‘uncle, Mr. |Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 10 o'ctock Sine idee contest Oe Ce ek Te ee ee room with a rug. No mismatching— with all the members present. ‘The |9, Tepairi 8: iP : : Our Clubbing Rates Tasob Siena: tn Monds nday. ing nadoy |tmibiutes ot the previous meeting were ne ie 1; sake ext, sea! es Seton aroun seconds ome are seamless—fine borders all La ; be Milvertow Baw abd Weekly Giobe [the sarental roof at Beriet' corner. d and signed. Several comniunica- Sshlae"ae Baring Gog’; J Leslie, adjourn to meet again on the frst sind and they cost less than catpet and Canada Farmer $1.50 | Misses Saral cosas Sera pean pad a Mabe OF Sal oor tenders ee rast Monday’ in Decetnber at relosk made up : The Milverton Sun and mond left on @ucarday ta for their counts handed in. Moo! ae oes the C..P. ried. ‘ id = mpire ... bome in Royal Oak, Mich. Sg ee ease Wl Se right-of-way: Willia mGropp, 85e,, WM. WADDELL, Oterk. The Milverton Miss F. Lindsay, of Se oa Da thence 10 asi rave! on boundary between Mocn- Think of it, a complete carpet in one piece ‘Weekly: Sun ... . Thanksgiving at ‘the ard Dahms $100 extraon his con | Seen eee thomas Lanniy, | Colds and, Children Che Mivertal Sau dnd Wenty [aie Mere Auxs Hameond. tract for the McCloy drain, escording ais AO eee ae raved contract sete at any price from $4.00 to $50.00. Hera’d and Weekly Star .....$1.73| Mr. and Mrs. John Lies visited at |to the engineer's certificate, and | $77.80. ba fa Ff bat Sol Hite girl i subjeet to colds.” |” . the Milverto: a Ban and he the bome of the latter's brother, Mr Ke ee es te ee Mrs. Wm: rig, No. ’ : 3 eck! and David Gash, in Canboro, | Aart yA: Bees, ome idh eect, Wheeling, Late Come to White’s and See. ept Arthur Kerr as one of William Top. meg bide Feared Bere AL 5 t a Sprain Kerr's bondsmen instead of David lstite Oough Reedy wither nd lameness | The followine orders were ished : hal beat provaitab toeas ines toes : She et apes ‘ie0s! i abactmO Bes te the croup by the timely use : The Miverton ‘Sun and London: Daily Riad Opp, an ues up. "‘As soon’ ashe shows < errors $2.25 Saeee inflammation and so: - ‘a croup I ne ehim Ch , i at Spee thal ae, Be as ae : ages nts. the ate 2 tees ria ird_ tl] eee : ur ‘days ich: prevents ; 5 ‘ Pe ears Hariicon ‘usual treatment. 26 ‘50’ dent 'Lax-ets 5S. ‘Sweet to Bat, |: tuok.” Thier ia for’pate by al | 2 > : bar cote, Week) Spectator 1.75 [sizes for sale by all druggists:==~ Ai ee eee | ot 4; David Chalmers, Sa druggists. Ayo ea RE 5, a ; : ak Ae : 4 ‘ , > ni ; Z ; ‘ : > 4,

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