Many daughters have done virtu- 9. this Seat the ideal woman of his day. ther some one has we ell sal derating influence of good or ill u ously, but thou excellest them all.— or I ‘8 is what the wise’ man tells ‘A woman may be model, married or single; but not ideal. ‘The ideal’ air q home, exerting a tremendous influc ence in life’s battle. Of the mo- id: ‘“The the world.” He ari poteent presence | with the children in the home, | THE WIEE AND MOTHER Multitudes of Young Single Women Also Do ‘Their Part, be reeuion cguiita-tomay poi ena ing & Gray in his ‘‘Elegy’’—‘full_ many a flower is born to blush unseén and waste 8 ir? No, , leuch a life is not a waste. but rises as an ‘odor of <i incense’’ to i heaven. THE IDEAL MOTHER. How much fills the hands and heart of tho ideal mother. ‘The re- spanaibility for rearing correctly, eedike cerelur and proper training the characters of the chi sare ith in oth ip mative sadlod of 1) ring these golden cA ays) the Gicieiite wall bons by pre- pt and example mold the minds mae hearts of Ne children into beautiful symm THE oe WOMAN. ut there is a model single, wo- manhood as well. Multitudes o! ither ne glance the great com- panies of esses in our various Christian churches who have taken v e work these last years, as the aid and comfort in the Christ, or the army of nurses in our} mo disease and contagion as the ORS Add 1 who Balai for battle, these the untold thousands of Wotie ices who quietly aa aoneey engage ow ices to el Deneradtaens ese ton: fathers mother, or to educate for life’s bat- tle younger brothers and sisters t many a man would say, if and President McKinley were asked devolve largely upon her. there is the temptation to be e strict on the one hand or too len'- ent on the other. If the tenets then the eee that when the comes when the child is releaked from all havental restraint there be a rebound in the other direction and liberty be turned to license; if the latter, the dango that the iihery ©! permitted be The 2 eae know how the mothers of President Garfield sons, who appreciated the part their ad in their success. are grea with the saying of the rtyr President Abraham Lin- I ARES Thank God for the pepe tunities for women, and thank God Have toe the fable teeudenada ot? “REV. WILLIAM M. CARR. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON. NOY. 15, Lesson VII. The Lord Our Shep-| ‘2 a herd. Golden Text, Psa, 23. 1. Verse 1. Jehovah is my shepherd --At first reading, perhaps, su neanLies fe ee proper name for Lord” “The may nil of. the introdue- | boun' tory anton 60. faygluan to testa the older form. In the Hebrew text, moored: ‘the personal name of Israel’s God, “Jahveh,’’ does occur ; saod that name, with all of its historic significance to members of the chos on race, is always in the mind, if not on the lips. o! le- yout Hebrew of to-day as he reads the is, as it has been in the use, in this familiar sentence, the D “The ” ‘Tl serene tis sen substituted for oe thitene of the psalm. herd, his care for the sheep or his problems of his busy private an publ ¢ life, Fersonal pronou does not dri time. Guideth me in the paths — After terngon climl some familiar’ repdezvow ous life it is the narrow pat! Shepher 1th—Some di and after a little practice in its strength and dignity of the proper ame over against the expression which in verbal ut- jod, will appeal apa x modern and a Gentile T shall not eer abundance wont of n a flock and herd in grazing manuitive reflects the in- zeit or the indolence pf the shep- forts and reassures the shepherd king of Israel amid the perplexing He maketh me—Perhaps every ieee in the Orient is intent on securing the greatest possible com- fort and the best possible pastures n e) herds, and the emphasis of the psalm at this point is clearly on the Leade' seein shepherd leads, he his Beside still Saeotie morning nd in consequence of their hearty feeding the sheep have rested for while “in green pastures,” not i1 weariness but contentment nnd peace. Now the mroning i far advanced, the oe souls ap- proaching, the is hot, ehivalyy abit the ener fain Mite sere the fushing cooling, refreshing drink at noon- the drink by fda or well, an at 1e row, worn paths of whe foothills ate some new grazing bees or te the sheép. But here, too, "the ae herd leads the way. In the reli righteousness that the tenting. ae eipic treads in following his Divine ~4&. The valley of ae shadow oF} wager and de deal aps of patl ee through jungle 1 deep ravi ee lurk: hidden Thy rod sae oe ‘staff_—Symbols a guidaned and protection, the mere abt of aay Soaps confidence. evening shadows are deepening, oN angers to the right: aud he left are multiplying, yet even now m side, in holes and caves, in jungles d; behind rocks and knolls, wolves, jackals, panthers, and other enemies of the sheep ie prowling near. Yet in their very presence! },, the sheep are fed in eateey ly cup runneth ver—The mea- sure of the day’s blessings, with its ty a nd Braresulen! its rest and its refreshing, overflows and pate Si eth underetanding Or ability to 2p: Pretiate, Yet while the pleasing even a single day cannot be meanured or rightly valued, they still s in the experience of the trusting rou to inspire a confidence that all will be well even unto the end of ie This confidence is re- flected in the words of the closing verse of the psalm: ‘‘Surely good- ness and loving-kindness shall fol- low me all days of wy Dwell in the house of Jehovah for —Ui e protecting care o' e aan Within the gate in safety. > SGI A Mouse in Armor ERHAPS some of you may remem- ber how little Elsie was impris- immense clock which stood in the haliway of grandpa’s house. 1° nt lived there, you know, and that it was he who boomed forth been a Lh hours and the hours, And saw the door ajar and no one RETO she felt tempted to hide there, just to see how it felt Then the door swung Months after is adventure happened ho pald another. visit to grandpa and grandma, (nee oer by the oe Ae vas greeted every one at the house there saw her friends among. th 6 ant- mals. naynen the had satlefiod herself, that ne of her old pets had been slight- noon” even e mas £ 5 ® S ay 5 = g 2 3 ay panning up 36 steps, across the porch and then through the great oaken doors, soon Retadif tn the Hall, Timorousty. eho Up- toed along. She had almost reached the e . quickly Petened her head) What a aight met her eyes! ‘Right behind her stood a complete suit, of armor, worn by one of isles SoS far back in the Middle Ages. that this of ne = Bea Bi mail was iri her, while It igus” moment ‘the: iittie etrt looked, spelibotna, hen she darted upstairs with a shifele, ere renet @randpa! the armor = ‘had: Soe eben ale thee ta fic descended to see'nall a ance, ioe. And When father re- tye of, the, figure what G9 you th fai Be ihe round’ in and garted ntougt weasel akon t: i the armor. and le Wt wa aha i ed te tseec dee IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY er a Jon BULL AND IIIS PEOP. Occurrences in tho Land That Reigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. It is prepesed to confer the free- dom of Leeds upon Lord Allerton. Gaprecedentaa damage has been done to crops in Lincolnshire by nthe number of people sent to pri- son in England for debt last year was 9,235, pubes en atts licenses in Lon. don a d to oF i044) 420 dec he Sask: qieaeialy During the year yaw Pehuee aes dals for gallantry in saving life at sea have been awarded by the King. Admiral yeogee Moorman. tie uP-|Father of the British Navy, died | ¥° 4 pears at Exmouth in his osth | §% “The ue of worn-out clothing retui cae nto stores each year by $100,000. The London and South-Western pies has been the victim of a dar- ne ing swindle, soulting in the loss of etme The oldest seers on tbs sare said a lecturer, is New Bridge. It spans the ice tent four miles west of Oxford. There are 13,000 persons aged sev- enty or over in Liverpool. The cal- culatisn bbe been anadecin oat 1eC- tion, swat the old age pension schei ing need of the Church of e id Bgl ik nab aesechiidings; but je curates, ‘There are vaeancies for from 5,000 to clergymen. y little treee of ‘filling them colossal statue of the late Mr. coal Hien which be erected in Cape Town, is now being cast in destination before Christmas. t is stated at Aldershot that the Dublin Fusiliers, at Khartoum, oe the Coldstream Guards, at ‘0, ehands gf ine in November. C. Millward, * Long Eaton, is Fa tallest and biggest officer in England. Though only 31, _ he weighs 20% stone, and stands 6 feet ae pater, W. B. Gurteen, nee Hal- eat had a flock of 64-pedigree Suffolk ewes. ey were turned pig ran into the barn and upset a lighted Pe eee result: arn its contents a an ad ioinibie stable being destroy ved Enjoying the aistinetion of being the large:t maker of muffins and crumpets in England, James Tho- mas Moss, of Chiswick, was com- charge of receiving ele property. aacinie cone erotas Follow signal is produced ee nurcly nie chanical means. PTS. ee haiaee, SEEKING DIVORCE. to Sever the Marriage Tie. Advanes d by a Mrs. Richards, who, du novel reason for demanding a ed address to a. young lady in outside wife’s door, he was was too affecti milar grounds Mrs. the Sohne of the regular army is E “The house in which Sir Henry Ir- ‘A farm laborer digging potatoes ia a field near Bangor came across a gold watch and chain. The watch Danger, a special steam whistlo; 1 right, an electric bell. The di Some Strange Reasons for Wishing Never, surely, was stranger rea- son for a divorce than that lately n the Chicago courts, applied for 8 Saaesas against her husband, who many matches during the season. a husband did not oppose his wife’s PonNoD, as only when his fone msn s his mete at all en+ Porsoention ty photograph is a Phonograph, srhich heenigntly: me his Seabh nue WEES” Beeenite wets I wife, who, having secured the phonograph, produced it in court. “Evander loved me too well to make life with him enudrable. I ie the Missouri cuurts because he onal Yo which complaint her hush: end mi 4 iy treatm my wife is not that to which aie sl yearns efor who will boss her plenty ie nung stand ee About this oak-tree busi- es! sim fyming lately obtained a divorce at Denver from her husband, a travelling passenger agent on the Northern Pacific Railway. ‘‘He has 0 strength of mind,”’ she averred, “and grants all my requests with- ut a questi The: it anion in such a humdrum exist- Sencue have played amapottane parts in the Diveres Gaure. Me Rivers’s vail Sakanpable, bye meee GE DOE bu: band’s first partner, which haunted the house and made matters gener- ally unpleasaut, s.nashing the fur- uiture and. playing other outrage- ous pranks in approved poltergeist fashion, At last, rendered desper- ate, ane sophie relief in the Divorce ‘ourt. $0, too, did a Mr. Bai tes when he charged his wife with car- mn a porfervid flirtation ais the seinite of Mr. Florence, the ce- lebrated actor, whom she ha prom- ae te marry at her deat t is not Seat for ane to tat mankind with devices and Te arte; the ground that she Nant eosteulal the Papactectloun of a glass eye an a false leg until after they had been marrie! Caliph-N Merchant oF Cees oe Le eas in he tre ol ury. What’ judlls wed 10 fates the expensi ur household?” “Do a @ done in the past,” grani sigeee “They are already on the Polat: bf vevolting “Wecause or tiels Reavy taxes,” said he, “nor do think fone ,will submit to a further imposi- he caliph, ‘you weary Why, after my bay) ing appointed you to look after my aftairs, do. you Come to me with your troublest Have “SELLS THE GOODS" you not sufficient brains to plan? Leave me. I shall think of a way out of the in , And when. the caliph had amoked. sev enteen narghilehs—which, a know, are a sort of Water pipe—he iit upon & scheme. day announced throtgnout Bagdad stnat'the caliph Birn self was about to sell merchandise upon nain ‘Of course, ne whole population of the city flocked to where the caliph sat under his tent, erected on the sidewall m1 d with stly fab- and surroundes ‘pales: ot Hes, ‘Tho callph had but to fix his own pricesyou mlay be eure. that he mada them high enough — the people posed o ae ty lone ‘before the caliph Bas ouch Vast tha In the wey ot the caliph couldn't have been’ a. very food man, even though he had much rains. him. ‘Aren't you feeling ay er asked, ‘ou colon ees ng blinselt from oe reais ees “PEERED THROUGH THR UNDERBRUSH” sian ees her head thought- a "Ye here's: 10 al Ss hrough her yood . 3 great influence among them—an influ- ce which I don't e mal iy i t seem: oe cea had some “O08 on the 4 I among the voices that of ‘Handsom JAPAN’S WAR ON THE PLAGUE One eae ne Kai ee pete eee in need “Ot oie ay ne, 16). 3 tors nis te sanitary Hasoctaent e tt -() Collecting and purchasing of 2) Eamieatio ne cone bodies. MEN a ticket is given to every pate rats “killed i in Tokio from 1900 cata nt Seah Statisties SEs that of the des- cendants of insane persons, about fifty-nine in every: hundred are are the a active disseminators ni ease say your sister is only 1 Tommy—‘‘Sure! When if ae a Eiigiee to say a thing I say ig i ni are sae carried on read all cca nning: rifin Airships Beneath them catOsh, drum, crappie, buffalo-fish themselves, t to be tempted. touay, ‘They. § we almost there?” Whispered when for Nolen te eat a from Pecan jon of the lake, wely, Texponded Louis. that’ “ho asked in a “Did Marguerite nodded, From afar here ‘came the ound of a quaverin if alling In mournful ath ow ‘accession of Quick, savage yelis that fell confusedly © on the ear. in bent to his work of fore~ ing the pant through the tangled brusty me. exceodingt they, Fouled head Toute had ed, Shat saoentbi: ong had Wwutupeced thelr yt the Wout ct i dogs, while Marguerite net about quieting the: ho ye » shad st while I reconnolt fae Carefully Grane pimanie Eto, the slip: animent sid! ‘om one other. M elster waited with. growing impatience, Yt sosmen a full Four jad elapsed “when the tad ed “Bring the Pod me Po yaa me ‘ms moutn, and pookoathe! with nw pay With the dogs held in a8 traveled with litte difficulty toward the. op 01 convulsive move’ Jerky, THE NEGROES FLED exelted were the boy and girl that. id hardly, accomplish, ic Sours ck “home qui ough. And. hi ‘acinge emo mE n NOW go aboul dy! troubles In the proper Re a result of the child |pHandsome ‘she! War alusharsed 0 ‘on the: row, She it was no doubt, who had jet the darkton 4 put cf rom the nue red he was imber of Eatad, of infection, yet a is ieee relaxed. s - Never for one instant do the sur-. a yew The fireman is sure of a wi ception when ho goe: True fruits are not um be hidden by the leave The greatness of any occa’ pends on Bree man more than mo