Milverton Sun, 19 Nov 1908, p. 8

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shes See > = E Bd i ae, ; - 2 : 2 { WELLESLEY COUNCIL, } TT é it! Ghe Wellesley Town: uncil met at Ormahitl, Baturlay the darn day of You Like It! ANNUAL MEETING ||| November, 908, "at 180 p.m. Au members of the board wer in ai- 66 h 55 emdance. They at once formed into T Then Photogra h it i] uke nae a Court of Revision. After taking e | ouse a North Perth ‘Conservative Association the oath and signing the deciaration will be held in the office before the clerk, it was =— VILLAGE OF MILVERTON |||™Yed by A. P. Dammeier, seconded z Ta z by J. Reidel, that A. B. Robert: : { That is just what a Camera is for, to take ox bal olaweaais tesla paenh-Omriaee fF * pictures of things you like. A camera helps PRUNSDAY. HOV. 26,708 {)|. 250 Paterna, then: tank, the Q ea r i you “i agi and re-enjoy every feature of at 11 o’clock a.m. ae geyeah ak the Guelph and God- Ba anythin ~aSes ; ‘ 5 . 4 er . was first taken up. : hid ; ything that pleases you. : For the election of officers and general Me “sain anos soting palibitar’ for i Boe f business. a mpany, was present and stat- ia { The pocket Kodak is adapted to indoor WH. BELL, WM, WHERRY, ett they sD nena “that around The season has arrived when warm be seca will save doctor's bills. We and outdoor picture taking. Simple and easy President. See-Treas. ||! ment excessive. The next and last are ready to supply your wants. “We handle to operate. Any child or older person soon sppes pag: SUAt of Peter Brenner, besos adept with it. 1 95 : Wier euretuss ’ = See After carefuty cons‘dering the ap- P C 1 b Kodaks.... i to PEFFERS. peas aforesaid, and making com- enman Ss e@ e rate nh erwear pa is with ey assessments in a Mr. John Denstedt, who has the r ved : : © x REA f en pepe Baas for men or women. No finer goods made. Gieaes oalle retri tie Sentge oe . 2 tee trat ord congratulations of the farmers of Wool yarn, 3-ply, i in: grey, mid grey, black, red, black and white, this week...48c Ib. 80 yards of All Wool Red Flannel, special this week 40 cents 60 yards Union Grey Flannel, military pattern, special this viemity for the energetic and sucessful efforts he has put forth to complete the drain. On puto da last Mr. Donstedt finished the : drain, which is about seven mi i. in |J- Reidel, that this open council.—Carried. DRUGGIST and OPTICIAN Moved by R. Lintick, seconded by court resdlve in the GENTLEMEN The ehoir of Trinity, church, Bim J aging a conser ti IN OPEN COUNCIL. Decemk 3 x ‘ Mise Hart, Wasthope: vie~ - Eo ectiean eevee a tae Don’t buy your Overcoats until you have seen our garments. ited a few days last week with her |¢! friend, Miss Laura Holmes. ‘Morea Oe A, P. Dammeier, second- The first debate of the season at }ed by R. Lintiok, that the following One Week Onl: $12.00 Coats FOP... 9795 | North Mornington church was he'd a caotan mts be passed, an a e ) SOE $10 00 3 Friday evening ast. A large crowd |reeve issue his orders in payment of Ree: 85 We ‘oaderstand Mr, David Hymers aT M é ‘ nea the same as follows, vig.: H. ,Allte~ sR. ILLER’S ee tan, for police village of Wellesley, account p.p., $100; has purchased Mr. Amderson’s | on ie ’ N haethi ea eee ee eet aL Dave’e many friends |fhetm, repairing winter highway FURS! FURS! FURS! ow, that the weather is cooler, and people will be able ere wish him every success in his |John Baltzer, gravel to a a to buy in much larger quantities we h: new venture, $6; Hy Berscht, culverts, A e x y f) beef - a foll es Tax Collector W. Kerr made his B. Robertson, postage, tele! Geen ne We are going out of Furs, come along and get the bargains, to sell beef at the following prices :— > Jofficial calls here this wee! and expenses to Toronto eee Mr. Jas. Birmingham, who “has been |Ooamn! seloners, $12. con |Bobdmmien, ter holding Court-ot Re Sross- | vision oe Brenner amendet by- ying members, ete., ed Ladies’ Fur Lined Coats, worth $75, now $48.00 ALL OTHER FURS IN SAME PROPORTION 4 . BIG SPECIALS fe STEAK lb, QUARTERS a foreman th tS Freeman di eps SS , . Oe or ome in -7 to 9c lb. | 5 and 6 cents per Ib. and ELE eee g ay ee Lier CUS eae +3 to 7c Ib. | 534 and 6% for best quality a naling on Saturday last. pe Rae tsk ae mber from here attended a f. . SCHUM) 5 Sie Ue ek CALS social hop at Edgecombe on. Friday Cleck. R. MILLER, sutcher Milverton § | “sib. November 16, 1908. id Hymers will hold an ex- tensive eale of farm stock and imple- HESSON. ments on December eee Z . Wim. Thoma is . soy NEWTON. spending a few Te relatives 1 Ib. Icing Sugar. «7 cents 1 Ib. Sweet Biscuits. a n this vicin 1 package Seeded Raisins. Bo 1 tin Tomatoes, bar is visiting with] Mr. George’ Lantz, sr returned : b ie Du ee e triewis | incuitete home from Stratford on Monday. 99 The members of the Forterit C: ab, | Mes. Tos. Cook and Mrs. Nicholas ea eCninstl ar at iWaterlooy spent. 86 nday ut the [Oook “visited “thelr brother, Afr Jas. 8. Loc! Jacob Moser, at Goderich for ‘a few Has the A: M Hutchison is ete ae ring for |days last week the eavenienesot SiSict wasus wih his annual seboo! concert. Date will] (We are sorry to report that Mrs ‘al ity of a Cast-Iron Range be fy en lat M. 8temmter and Mrs. Atug. Schiebel . R. M dd eton: spent a few days }are both confined to the house .with ind Us BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS W., K. LOTH, eee of ences Ideal 2 yeaa ees the ideal range for 8 the oe severe attacks of inflammatory rheu- verton, a! Maehee #oolk savin |matinn-“Weowieh there aucedy ve- feniesees of th “that weighs 870 pounds. | covery. best steel ranges with the added Who can beat that —_——__>_——_. advantage of being cast-iron ae therktebe Mr. Chas. Neilson and aut moy- |W. D, WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. |] more durable, ed to Stratford on Tuesd The-“Tdedlf" fares either wood-6k eccl Mr. John Doniey, of the Stra ratford | | Tuesday, November 24—Real es state, and the grate bars may be changed in half ee rene TET | ger eee apie es eee pee res COMMERCIAL Stninate, pout SSSR Sea ‘Wednesday, November 25—Farm- ee Step in and fet us show you the BIRTHS. stock and implements, west half lot | Fall wheat. new. $ 88 88 Oven Door we Wartilng Closet adjustable ee 5, com. 18, Ellice. Thomas Headon, | Barley per bushel 45 50 mper—Daylight Oven and other improve: HARTMIER— At Van uver, B.C. on | Proprietor. ats 3686 meni, iveriad o cepa the spe ay ,Nov, Grd. to Mr. and Mra | ‘Tuesday, December 1—Farm, farm-|Peag ¢ « 86 eb aa J. Har mere a daughter, |8tock and implements, lot 1, con. 8, | Flour, per cwt. 270 270 : Maciiagtan,<tor “David HyieresaNe 22 00 22 00 q vers: No | Bran per ton. ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton sel ialase a reserve. as the proprietor is going | Manitoba flour, per ewt RABMAXWWELL AE the home of | ga hh aS ae bride's mother, Mrs. Mn Thursday, December Fi - weil, on Tuesday, ‘Nov. 10th, and implements, on west quarter lot Tallo ADVE TISE IN 66 TH 99| Rev. D. Anderson, Miss Eli 4{14, con 9, Wellesley (western sec- | Hogs, aie e weight. este to Mr. John Rae. both of | tion) about two miles south of Lin- | Potatoes per bag. Bur! ‘on. wood,’ for Francis McCardle. Hay per to i utter, ce «MILLBANK +7 a 8 8 I desire to anuounce to the people of Millbank and 2 25 surrounding public that I intend OPENING ON NOY. 18th st} $ A DRY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE 25 ines Fel : ge ash : ze in Millbank, next door to the Post Office and Hard- s and imp! Seeate on ee ose: * It takes somethin g Mornington township, for John W. ware. Callan see our stock, Querin. ree beef a ‘Wednesday, :. December 16—Real state, farmstock pcr ih iplements, on more than an increas- south Helé lot 1, con, 6, Moruington, ferethonisa. Caphad’ ‘Also. several good, comfortable : : dwelli: he id lots in the wvil- ed income, to provide drtl uiverian ot nes ta Som to euit purchaser. a man with wealth. aan Unreserved / Auction Sale Head Office, Hamilton. Mr, W. D. Weir has received in- | the sole head of « family, o Newton station, for Alexander Mur- ray. Everything goes as the farm esday, December 8—Real estate, tarinetoatt tanpletents: and Household effects, being west half lot 7, con. JOHN RITTER, A ao an; le over structions from the undersigned to | saqcas tase, iovthe extent of onesquarter section of 160 acres more or less, sirnetions from the undersigned, £0 | seston of 100 acres ore Or ee cei pee-| || FIX THIS BRAND ON YOUR MIND exsaner Ast. that meeae 15 “acres Pea Utes a a Dopinten t Lands co tate, Bat F you have never learned to save, you would not event- ! ually find yourself any better off, if your income were to be doubled to-morrow. On the other hand, if you'knew how to save, you may, however, be made at an agency on cei~ tain conditions by the father, mother, som, daughter, brother or sister of am intending homesteader. 3 Doris") At least six months’ residence 6 b POR aad ciidivation of the land incachyear for three ye (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires Perform the required Seat a ation, by, liv. ee ; aes : not les than eighty 8 0c Ate It represents the highest excellence in might be able to lay aside a fair amount of money in a year or so do so by living with father ‘or pees on : int ownership in land it 3 even on your present income. fee eee ‘i estan to perform BLENDED WHEAT FLOURS ‘ ; y ‘ y day and place th with the It is nct so very difficult to accumulate money — if once you eres ese 2 sin ae shore wile ising with parents or On farm . years old, mare 7 years old, | Agent for the district of such inten 7 commence .The only way to commence is to open a Savings to His Highness; colt rising 2 years ei y-at ine ails ee Se Manutgstared. jor tae Sagat an aianed mall mentee o'd by His Highness, yearling colt | w. nm Wuauthorized ee uiblication of this Account. by His Highness, heavy colt rising | notice will not be pald f : Biyears olds 46 good walled sows a PFEFFER BROS., MILVERTON There exists no more competent custodian of money, than ieee GS SS seat payne en! i . the Bank of Hamilton. Paying special attention to Savings Ac- io as 0 ss 5 Implem nie—Bi nga Ganivtes and steam a [td ro i ad eed = ae land § ’ ae hey ike ad" i Di ing, 2 C. P, R. Time Table Chatham anny new u ¢ iron hasrows, single plow, | Westbound Eastbound ; raggon rack, lumber wag ! ’, M.A. M. AM PM JSS vere once 1043" Linwood 9°84 4 02 Y tane 4 8 counts, this Bank has, in its rise to a place. amongst the leading financial instituyions of our country, come to be regarded as an es- pecially suitable and convenient place for the artisan and farmer to keep their savings. P. SS {704 i No deposit is too small to ensure for its owner the courtesy rari rel i ee Fe 922 51 : . r boat, grindstone, set double harness, 1 ilyerton 4 -and liberal treatment for which the Bank of Hamilton has become Prick tig forks, ese: ait i BS Wet Neurite ae 3m I ill di . hovels, bars, ete., an ae so els SRE es ee realy Ol Time Welton. eal: Wat will accept trading coins on any of about a farm. About ten tons of “ 2 ; Interest, at highest current rate, is paid on deposits of $1.00 eee ee ee ee G.T. R Time Table. the merchants in Milverton 8 P Bs at one o'clock shar Pa ee and upwards, and added to principal four times a year, Terms, Real estate~10. per_ eat. . : cine pwards, princip year, of purchase money down on day of am. pm. pm. in payment of millin- sale, and enough in 80 days to make j Brunner $2,000. Balance can be arranged on |Mitverton ..... 9.26 1.91 4.51 e day of sale to suit purchaser. Newton R 9.20 1.28 4.45 ery purchased é " ChattelsNine months’ credit on )0effers .. 4. ., 914 117 4.89 sums over $5 on furnishing approv- eae - ae GOING NokTH. - O. a security, that amount and ‘under, ash, ecunt of 6 me cent. per from me, 5 ‘ diseci Milverton Branch asim vil: neiallowed wit oredit ace es eae r 10.50 6. Mi 2.39 10.58 6.49 EIR, Clerk. Newton J.B. W 1 745 11.06 5.56 M Ka K SP DAVID HYMERS, Prop. | Peffers = 750 1112 7.01 Ss. e { 3 thin; without re- C : ~_ ‘serve as the proprietor is going : | into the general store business at Lax-ets 5 Cc t to Eat H 18S Doregal. nee Aca Laxative, a , je | : TOR W. D. WEIR, Auctionesr.

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