RHEUMATISH FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND IN THE BLOOD NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER Tiniments and Rubbing Will Not Cure It—The Disease Must ba Treated Through the Blood. The trouble with men and wo- men who have rheumatism is that they waste valuable time in trying tc rub the complaint away. Ti they rub hard enough the friction causes xainth in the affected part, which Yemporarily relieves the pain, but in a short time the aches and pains are as bad as ever. All the rubbing, and all the liniments and why sensible peopie waste no sea oe rubbing, but take Dr. Williams’ ome on, and these speedily drive the trouble out of their system. r. John Evans, six Kempt! Road, Halifax, N. 8., says “About three years ago 1 had an attack of rheumatism eich settled ing the pile ess and ai mia, was also cured by them, ‘and {ol i as now a firm friend of this medi Moat of the troubles that afflict mankind are due to poor, watery blood. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills ac- tually make new red blood. That is why they cure anaemia with its headaches and backaches, and diz ziness and fainting spells; the pangs of rheumatism, and the sharp stabbing ree of negralgia ; also ung re age. Medicine Co., a Sea A NEW SWORD. Recent wars have proved, s ple have been told, that the Rayahy sword has ceased to | land tenure which, pak to the rmy Council has just approved new. cavalry which has Bech submitted bee Bir- mingham fir new weapon ix made Saticels for thrusting. It bas a perfectly straight tapering curved and been in use in the British army, with little modification, for over half a cen- tury. In the new grip there is ingeniotsly made recess whereby r obtains p. eek SLEEPLESS BABIES ARE SIOKLY santes| When babies are restless and sibepless it is the surest possible sign of ene Well babies sleep wsoundly wake up brightly. Sidapleciaees is generally dae to will put the little make it sleep aAtueaIh ane sounJ-}an ly. Mothers need not this Aiadictip this medicine for mw childre. as occasion required, for the last five ¢ foun it superior to ines in curing the is a childhood.’” oie by See cine Riles or by mail at 25 cents a box fro r, Williams" Medi- cine Co., "prackville ae Brushes ‘made of nial thin glass fibre that they are like spun: silk are used by artists when decorating ebina. The Jape, Did It. Th Hod th found ‘tn sr onthol Plaster: whtae nstantl ig, headacho, neuralgia, ‘Thoumatiem al Merchant—‘‘He was an excellent book-koeper. Hs. sere ook for many year npla cae way. I sho! nid age: Rept tie at Bik” Buiend 8 hat. did you do” Merchant—‘‘I made him cashier. Frien Foe did he-do-in his new cee Mere af ee xcellent- “He kept the -|with the fly on the Dely Brockville, e : aking aitalae mampulations. nj was successful he Pantiament exhibition Pais close by ke Any sai ih i a a “ath, an 2 Wi BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia, There are 20,535 houses ss Go- van, of which 1,819 are em) At present the population of Pat- tick is estimated at 67,695 and of Govan at 92,171. Lord Kinnaird, at the Lord’s Day Con; Wigs deprecated the spread of Sunday The otal al hiring market — one ia = Aas est se pecuehite — was 8 Monachyle ire. saitee of the ald, has obtained a ournalsti panned’ in Cal- Heriot parish is so sparsely popu- lated that it is difficult for the par- ish minister to get elders for his kirk. the six months ending left by passengers in the tramcars of Glasgow. »|Students’ Union at Glasgow Uni- versity were opened recently by Lord Newlands, left, ‘the ‘Clyde for places out of rope, making a ee since the ee ginning of this ‘he city eatee savenaee of Glas- nal pumping niachinery, mains, € The Right Hon. bat Sinclair, Secretary, far poctlants goers on the 8th ew al Stobewen, abies ei a eh ‘of Fie of 22 pounds was caught vine water of the Tay recently, A sea trout 1% inches long was in the pike’s throat. ay: Major-General peel died recently at Darnlee, Deceased, who had seen. consider- able’ service in the Indian army, came to live at Melrose about 20 years ago. Mrs. Anais Soutar Hardie, For- res, has just died in her 100th year. She leaves a numerous body of a viving descendants, viz.: 3 50 & dat oe eae 26 eroaelil aren, m0 ae imney-sweep was infuriated animal, which was ultimately shot Lochmaben has a tinction which _ '—Smalholm, A Peireniell unique system of Re- formation, largely throughout Beotland. HUNGARIAN JUDGE TRAPPED. Convicted of fcebeine Bribe and Fle M. Latcoezy, vi aS of the Supreme Administrative Court, Budapest, Hungary, is accused of | ® having received $12,500 as a bribe ie ane ae tisanee to obtel cense to practise as a allernct for) ™ ‘ook to secure the license by next February at latess. e was trapped by a trick. The ‘y has been obliged to resign tie Speen his pen: ex-Secretary of Stat, his antl af Privy Co nl lor, and bership of various clul Police pBoals plas: that M. Lat- koczy was in the hi Ithe pt the money, in the event or ‘the failure of sheecvention: returned the but ii his bribes. A letter purporting to be signed Count Julius Andrassy led to the belief that several ee ersons were ever, proves to be a reels com- i tet it is alleged, by M. Lat- Tee wijed that the accused judge teas fled to Am L Tho slestest toa 6 we is not the lowest mn buy tea Co ce ns a pond cheaper that wil if you want healthful, “Salada. pale hee clsinly ee paeeistaa ee lt-is infinitely more delicions and decidedly snore ~ economical other teas, bovause it goes fart “1 COSTLY PARLIAM INT TOUSE, ; Partiai Houee, Melbs whith has. been? byet ae eaiplayed” * of the Commo: th ane + is the costliest losuletive i ter Britain. Five malian dollars haye been expended Retna but. sii has heen the Eeeaas place of the mmonwealth, wners moving fd a wing of the ig to work,’” ‘ould get the ae hat would ell, L wouldn't ations onan Tebruary over 3,000 articles were| plo; BOW Ne sh te extended buildings of the K ring August 4,340 ep sal as n_as| int HOW MRS. CLARK FOUND RELIEF APTER YEARS OF SUFFERING DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER. Suffering Sisters How to be Free From the Terrible Pains that Make Life a Burden. Pleasant Point, Ont., Noy. (Special).—That most of the ills that the ae women of Canada have to mete to disordered | ™ the natural cure for them is D. once more shown in the case O. Clarke, a eee re- ident of this place and a inent member of the Salvation rs. Clarke is always ready to give her experience for the be- ee aol ated till I was clumsy. The te would fo .|gow recommends an expenditure of| oman who has StL 426,250 on iti ae a safeguarded against those een pains that make meee te the lives cf so many wom a TRAGEDY ON AN ISLAND. An Evicted eee Last Terrible An extr ues affair je report: th of his, as a neighbor’s. He fired ceveeet shots from @ revolver, but only one took effect, shattering the arm of Chris: topher oggin: e then went to the farm, an Pat a number of Sets through oH aoc and windows, killing a horse in a stable, after which he set fire to the house. mes were noticed on board Me battleship Britannia, and an of- r an men landed, and 8 iecseetoa in extinguishing them af- een done. missed his footing, and fell into round ai and his brother had notified-the po- lice on the mainland, whereupon a airone party, under Head Con, fate Enoiiey, ohktdined.s haat wet out to the island, The: green d the old pier at midnig ht. tee immediately parece 0 proaching him. him, but as h who proved to be John Goggin, ott a revolver to his mouth and fired, falling dead into the constable’s "Gogain lost his wife and baby a week ago, and the fact iia the cou- wounded was to have +—_—_— Not a AEE Pill.—The ex- cipient 0! pill is the substance which athe the sageedion(s and makes up the pill mass. t of Parmelee’s vrerdieble pine. A 80 compounded as i aa their moisture, and ¢ in -be carried o any latitude Saino, impairing their strength. Many pills, in or- a abit of under-| Vege! epare'l that, she are acieeabls to the most delice: Wife—'‘Do come over to Mrs. Barker’s with me, John. Shel Thais you feel just as if you were Her Husband—‘‘Then bat? s the use of going?” “sn Little Cotd, You Know,"" will become a great dancor ititbe allowed to Fouch down the throxt ie Tames Np peril in the bud with — A police-sergeant was boasting of the honesty that prevailed in. his division. “Why,” he: said, “you tmight hang your gold watch. on. « inp-post in the evening and: fi srall thera jutthe monnte FF doa’ Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her |! 1g_| ther | Pent left his prisoner and the mn | was i | US Consequences. SERPENT SAVED BOY'S LIFE. India Village School Story Quite Oriental in Details. A strange story is given by a sub- scriber of a drama said to have happened in a Jubbulpore (India) ee school, says the Paisa Akh- w days ago one of the teach- he students had gone away and re was none to watch them the master shut the boy up ina small zona. and demanded all his orna- On “the latter's refusal the mas- s the oe bad to kill the Boy maine boy also excruciating ae his srs to. y a stone lying in the school compound. No Saree aaid than the master agreed to it and The ae to bring thi mas- w ‘ +, |ter had hardly lifted the stone when a black serpent rose up and coiled itselt round his arms. The half dead boy, secing Shel his master did not come back shou! Some passersby came there: nj Seeing the boy in this state, they informed the police, who reached spete saraeiately ‘he unfortu- r was Bill i in that condi- lice, the ser- mas- Se pa Tr was arreste STUDENT AS ‘A LAMPLIGHTER. any hardships endured by stu- dents attending university or col- in He ilies dooms tiga tha taeeaniictae received weekly for lighting, oa tinguishing and cleaning the lamps, an eae osttelte college fees and aus iaeelt fei iy respectable, On one occasion he ran increase of wages me and was eres before the commit- tee. One of the bailies remarked that an able bodied, healthy look- ing young man like whe applicant | F might find some other employment instead of wasting ie tine as he The application for a increase was refuse: ay conceive the bailie’s surprise at a subsequent meeting when town clerk read a letter from the lamp- lighter tendering — his resignation, as he had passed his final examina- tion as a fully qualified doctor. eee A Wide Sphere of Usefulness.— he consumption of Dr. Thomas’ Telectric Oil has grown to great nen rioue: Notwithstanding the fact that it has now been on the market for over thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, and the demand for it in that. peri- od has very greatly increased. It is beneficial in all countries, and wherever introduced He supplies are constantly uke A POOR MEDICO. “T don’t believe in that doctor. “Why? 'y “He didn’t tell me ever yspink I a | Wanted to ee co bad f PILES GURED AT HOME By New Absorption Method. f ou suffer from ene ind or protruding our address, and trial, a Jocality if requested. Immedi- ate relief and permanent Sire as- sured. Send no atone: but tell see te A this offer. Write to-day M. Summers, Box Windsor, Ont. About 30,000 carthqualkos oceur every yéar, but of tnese not more lo any serious ae 0014 Drive don't 6 take 8 tons killer mixed wit of hot ta Pain gias Ie surely raventy Sauls Avoid id 500, anger. Hike there is but one “ Painkiller” Perry Medical Man- oe eae 5 Lever heard of; he ¢: ouse the other athe ate a big diuner, got indiges- tion, and then ‘went to another doc- tor is be cured,” A cough 1s often the forerunner of serious. alten, a sure remedy containing ea Consumptive Syrup, ime and. widely recognized remedy, which, if sce tat incep- tion of a “eal will javiethbly give relief, and by overcoming the trou- d| hie, guard tho system from any seri- Price 25-cents, at all dealers. j take t the E would take ‘the lamp-post,”” said ; the ‘sergeant, -| dissolve in 60 grams’ o} of alcohol. ae the solid praes, eae itt the lig HOME-MADE BAROMETER. Those who love experimentation may try the following method of ing a cheap harometer, practis- Take 8 grams of pul- yerized camphor, 4 grams of pulver- ized nitrate of potassium, 2 grams cf pulverized nitrate ammonia, and the whole in a Fa slender bott! closed at the piece of bladder ionen a pin- chele to ad- mit the air. When rain = coming, gradu- e star crystals wise remains are approaching, the liquid will be- some thick, as if fermenting, while a film solid particles forms on tthe surface; during fair weather uid will remain clear an solid ratiles will Tes at ihe bot- »»jas to play trader. v bleed- than sixty are tolent “enough to |* st “Jobson has done “After taking three bottles of your wonderful medicine, our aby was entirely well and needed no more medicine. At six- teen months of age she weighed thirty pounds. Siete ly y, and nothing did te iON until we tried Scott's Emuision.””—MRS. . SMITH, Villa Rica, Scott’s Emulsion probably saved this child’s life. Four doctors had been tried. Scorr’s Emutsion seemed to be just the thing easily digested, so pure and harmless, yet most powerful in building up the most deli- cate child or adult. But be sure to getScort’s EMuLs'on,, there are so many worthless and harmful imitations. + ALI, DRUGGISTS A fall copy of Mrs. Smith's letter and SCOTT & BOWNE, 126 Wellington St, W. Toronto ESKiw0 GAMES. Pastimes of Children on the Shores. of Bering Sea national game, they lack neither ip number nor in variety the diver- sions suited to their life. pages of Mr. “‘Aretic Alaska and Siberia’ account of games which he found s that all a sober struggle oy tae pastimes that put them on an iH with those of more dren are fond of ‘‘teetering”’ ing upon the end of a plank igeiand amuse- being tossed up-in a walrus hide is used, and-the trial of skill is to see who can stand on his tak and be tossed into the air the hi Sma ft ildren haye miniature sleds which they load with mice skins and all sorts of trinkets, so Boys practise archery. 2 Of course they slide down-hill, but the sled is the ne of a stou' pair of deerskin trou sthieties re also ugh indulged in. One difficult feat is to_walk on the hands, ae legs being outside. cf the arms and held straight out lel with the ground: at thirty feet. The faculty to throw stone is innate in ever; ys fact, ee aa boy is the same the world 0 Girls Sik with dolls carved out of ivory, which they dress up, after their own fashion, in clothing of the object being to keep it in air all the time en fucking t with their han They also toss “pebbles Mite uae able ing each other between the tosses, jingling the bracelets, keeping time id accompanying the play with a sort of chan In London there is an average of one clergyman to every 2,000 per- sons. . ~ Where can Tw pees some of Hollo- way’s Corn Cure? and I wish ote more of it for amy friends. So writes Mr. J. W: Brown, Chicag: i First uth—‘‘Seientists: say that n|Played by children along the shores] 999 200 VARIETIES OF CHEESE. and all the details connected with the business, says The Omaha Bee. rts announce, in an ihtro- upon the whi der and the taste of the c times of history, and has never Tost out with changing fashion: ns in the plains of South ‘Africa, the shores of the Fecal g it at his funeral feast or at 3% funeral of his son or Fe ee. ats itella—“Why did “Because he could- Ste Jack?’ Bella— unaccustomed t Parents buy Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator ys Although the Eskimos have no| know it i ir children and an efiectual tories i Th Switzerland heads the list of Eu- ropean countries in divorcee, the rate being 40 divorces for every 1,- meirriages, France, with 21 per 1,000 coming second, Sih ermany third with 17 per Experts mae a lst of the Differ- BIG MONEY] for agents selling our tcilet soaps. Lots making $5.00aday, Write at once for full particulura to thi SOAP SUPPLY 69., Box 132, Toronto | ARE YOU S | never nnd ua n’t support her i a the style she was ; Ask for Sar SIGK 2 Ait natin nglaad ane "Works, 195 remedies, “Sure in, Germmuny cana Excision home ‘Berlin, Ontai ugha fer ga Free atalogue No. 75. The Bal | reo & i a te etn, on sitoin Parr “No, sir,’? said the stern. ©) succeeded in sve her last tet ie had assured me you had given after s your approval How to Cleanse the Sys' Parmelee’s Vegetable ries result of scientific study refuse | 1") man, take, and their ‘action is mild a beneficial “‘millinery’? Italian town formerly the centre of fashion toe pope nas ts. ie term ‘rom jue comes yale does not delay storms. coughing, 0 not trifle ; when you begit: free from ing Balsam, ts 1,000,000 ¥ 00,000 FAW FURS RANTED Highest prices paid. write for price list, Address MEN & wAnele Haro gr at rae as $e per wont eh a eee nt WARNER ‘MED. CO., London, Ont., Canada, CARPET DYEIN and Cleaning. This ts a specialty with tne BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GQ psart at ee wo aro sure Lo ma iaty acti cant a FREE 22 Sting onl asTackacoao nil grade-ate & Comte I Ret D re Colonial Art he Dept. 53, Toronto AERA CAA SIR RE CES I know Another Chankful woman is Mrs. A. fevers from piles to try e wish of one who has reli vam Sink, Ie a purely herbal babs ana oul ba ied ars nr home! ween Mood? ote, Alban from pa AVI iL ‘The Balm that benefits You, oF ALK DRUGEISTS: 50Aisx T was entirely, cured of my corns by this remedy! Large Manufacturing FLAT TO LEASE 67-71 Side St. West up-to-date ee flat in central part of Toronto, rental includes power, 8! heat, water, electric ight, at se 10 per, cent. Yates; lowest insurance eaten immodiate possession; low rental to high-class tenant. §, FRANK WILSON OWNER 73 Adelaide Street West. TORONTO, ONT. COBALT ¢ and ot A. J. PATTISON & CO, 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO Stock Brokers and her stocks ues and sold on eieaca ‘Agents t You trees contribute ee the bees a tis “That's ae a birch tae w eee me many a time.’ sine COPY FREE Would you like to have a sam- ple copy of The Farmer’s Ad- vocate and Home Magazine? THE BEST AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER on the American Continent. No progressive farmer can af- ford to be without it. ed weekly. Only $1.50 per year. Drop post-card for free sample copy: Agents Wanted. Address: “THE FARMER'S ADYOCATE ” Mention this paper. London Ont, ed. Orders may be wired at our expense. invit- or PRINTERS A CAMPBELL PRESS rwo RE nvonuTron 43x56 inch bed, cost $2,500, Will be Sold for ‘$400, Cash In order to make room for lar; | machinist. er and f. is running er as it has quae beet: eoibu gh RE 8 acon ee nes, | The Wilson. Publishing Co f 1G