“Black Knight” Stove Polish does away with all the dirty work of keeping stoves clean, If you can’t get “Black Knight” a The Milverton Sun 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The § Sun Pauding Office Main Street, - Milyertoa, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES ar, $1; One year montis, 28 cents, in advance, Subscribers CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Space Neat 6 Mos. Moe. DB 1 Colum: $70 $40 “3s 8 ¥% Column. 40 22 6 4 Column , 20° eaa 44 es 8 te Bight cents p line for first Insertion and four cents per line for each subsequent inser- Hon a will be charged for all transient. adver- dvertisements without specific directions wil be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cor pein the ofice by noo Moaday Mail or telephone orders will receive promp attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, THURSDAY, NOV. 19, 1903 eee. $ EDITORIAL 3 of dealer and 10c for full sizedcan. ‘The F. F. DALLEY Co. LIMITED, HAMILTON, Ont. 104 t Business Cards): Dentistry. DR. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- entiate of rr} a 4 rown and ae work aSpec- ialty, “Hours 9 2, m labore se Boversign Bank, Milverton, Medical. F, PARKER, M.D.C. Honor Gra uate and Gold Medallist Teta Medical Delage: ca Gold an pies ease, on te Dr! Rgberts Otis in Public Drag Store. ‘tates conection with Poole Brunner, Moserville and Rostock. Veterinary. Veterinary W. BARR, Milverton, Gradtiate of Ontazio Veterin: | he Ci phone or otherwise ray ais Societies. MILVE ERTON LODGE, No. A. rn 6 “civertom, meets every Mona ay be ore full moon of ie month it hall in Ranney’s Block, Visiting breth- ren always come. IVINGSTON, M, ZORGER; 8) Son’s Tucker, jecy. oan Lodge,” No. ilverton, |; y Fri ight at} ‘ 7.30 p. m. in ae SNalover Public. Drug Store, brethren always we come. W, Finkbeiner, N.G., es .Loth, F, Secy., EB. Finkbeiner, R. Netory Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- iGevesct ier’ tie County ok Porth snd Ws Hote s. BSS Ae RRR Ah htneticoe See eee fi EXCHANGh HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. | he: John Gropp, 1 la and cigars at th commodation and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil class accommodation for alles large som| tabi Sash panda fase al iguors ie eigire, Chas, Ritter, Proprietor, “Silver Star + 2, A. G. MacKay, leader of the n. Provincial Opposition, at a banquet tendered Mr. John Tolmie by Wiar- Liberals last k, intimated that a provincial Li convention e of drawing up a plat- a t of fo. ae & the party's policy. eee Dr. eligered of Toronto, is one of the fev es[tdte td epesk uly end condsh wreng in high places. Frequently he has pointed out abuses that should be rectified. Two Sundays ago he de plored the lack of respect shown by children to their parents. “Our Can: boys and girls,” he said, are too i dare brovght into the parlor to entertain the family visitors when they ought to be in their beds.” se’ yy enhancing the price st whiskey ee cigars. Sohlotzhauer-Fedy iet sgt pretis wedding was ized at the home of Mr, and tem’ SnWilliam Bedy, Bllice, on Wed- il netay jov o'ctock noon, hen their eldest daughter, Miss Bdna, became the wife of Mr. Mel- ville D. 1e prosperous g th ratulations of the guests the bridal party partook sa ist The wedding gifts to the bride were varied an eful, and bespol he very high esteem in which she r y friends. Th able brooch and to the bridesmaid a beautiful bracelet. The young Betas will enjoy the best wishes of a very wide circle of friends. ‘ A hee HOTEL, oe Ont. ‘The best accommodation travellers and others. for commercial Prompt atten Choi Pr be bar. : tesa MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Ete, Solicitors for the Bank | ® Money as ge eee o ‘manent a srranged for, A member of the je will Iverton ¢ very Thursday. H. B, MORPHY, J, M, CARTHEW, Makins @ Hanley); Barristers & Solicitors — Stratford - Ontario J.C.Makins - W.J. Hanley Our Clubbing Rates ‘The Milverton Sun and Weekly Globe and Canada ope ee Son and Weekly aint i Altec cand ep staae ene and mally Weekly Star ithe Milverton on and Monireat Weekly Witn whe, eeavercen Son and Farmers’ “ide a. Sun and marae $2.25, $2. he Mitverton 8 “Sun and London Daily a MSreer iD Sun and The Presby- conten ition Paice Week) "Bpectato: 4.75 icest anore ae A P, Benpux, | © pres EAS How to gain in Weight mow you are too thin—you compare with Try it and see, 50 cents at all is nothing to zone. dealers. A Progres: ive Publication The special midamegiving number the “Canadian Pictori: recently eived, shows tion, to its wealth of beautiful harvest pictures other fine photogravures, several new and interesting \feati which abe wan rarned wiih: ober te tractions in the enlarged an proved Christmas number, { ot Preparation. One of these is a te rtory; a second is aseries of orite ” words and musio somplete, which will appear a ach issue. able as has bee the: BapAReey Oe this splendid public cation, @ public are assure th ii torial Publishing Oo., eae Peter street, Montreal.] Sas SO Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail They go dir the stomach, have noe ttle Site on ii linings of the and throat; and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the passages by relieving the inflam- ozone. richest pine balsams right t e seat of the dise phiegm is cleared out, ouehing and hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh, no- i equals Sasa erent a ‘cents and $1.00 at all sealers CUDDLE DOON 3 Ada six months, 50 cents; three] Ww: in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year. |} hanges for contract advertivem nt ¢ mus Wee (By Alexander Anderson.) eople have Session one or two of in their pos- these tender and touching poems, written by 3 Alex- ler ‘901 aceman,” but few have a copy of of them. We herewith append the series of four. these poems touched chord that appeals to all classes. The Patenies cuddle doon at nicht, wi’ le faught an’ din; “Oh, try “tod sleep, ye waukrife ro Your father's comin’ in.” They “never heed a anor speak; ry to gie But aye I hap them up an’ ory. ‘Oh, Baise euddte dap) Jamie wi’ his curly heid— ip an’ cries, “I want a piece”— The ene cate them I rin and f hem ieees, “drinks, They tee awe the soun’ then draw the blankets Pack an’ ery, “Noo, weanies, cuddie But ere five minutes gang, see Rab m gie ower nae! ‘once, s kittlin’ Ry his taes that Tam for tricks, 2 aD ee cry, “Oh, bairnies, cuddie doon sy At length they hear their father’s os he steeks the door White Tam pret ‘As the ‘pita att his shoon: “fhe bairnies Jobn, are in their bed, ‘lang since cuddled doon.” faust afore we bed ooreel’s We look at our wee lam Teh ata Sout wee Reve cl airm roun’ Tam’s. An’ a: straik each croon 1 whisper till my heart fills up, ‘Oh, bairnies, cuddte doon |” The bairnies cuddte doon vet nicht ae mirth that’s dear to it Boon the big warl’s parks 2 care Wille austen ‘toon’ thet Yet, come what will to ilk ae, May rules aboo: fe Aye “whisper, though thelr pows be “Ob, fatules euddie doon !” BAIRNIES WAUKEN UP (By Alexander Anderson.) Wull I hae to speak again, Oh, ye sleepy-t eldit rogues, Wull ye wauken up Never soother had ce tenants: ment’s en: eed "Tam as ye like, tt nicht’ ‘i ‘His breeks are through the knees; Threed is no for him are § az 3 Pd 5 & 8 Maun T speak again, ye eaneite: Wull ye wauken up? Tam, the very last to bed.— ie winna rise ava’, Last to get his books and slate, ast to roon awa Sic a limb for tricks and fun, Heeds na’ what Rab and sine bute thae plaguos, ‘Wull they sleep a’ day? Here they come the three at aace, Neo they're piace a up. There the three are aff at last; the door— his tricks again, I coont ‘them by the score. I'd make him claw his croon. Noo to get my work om ban’, I'll hae a busy day, But losh! the pe a unco quate Since they're A dizzen times ’' aoe “the clock ‘hen it comes roun’ to three, For cuddiin’ doon or wauken’ up They're dear. dear bairns to me. THE LAS& SOLE BOON. (By Alexander Rasen I ait ore * peers | Mea ad ‘Ain Nae tren Nak bent ena in,, "my body like mysel"— 's time that I should gang. The te moans roun’ the old hoose An’ shakes the ac fir tree, put tea ae gene. an’. bairnk ove An’ paith. "come back nae mair. Tam, puir Tam, sae {u' o° fun. un’ this wartd a fecht’ sien thick amang Jamie, wit the curly eid, . Ste buirdiy, big, an’ Was cut down in the ride 9" youth, Wile tisk. weanuge tees f I had tears for thae auld een, Then cou eet fu’ To think o’ Jamie lyin’ Amaith the engine wheel. Wee Rab—what can I say o’ him? He's waur Weak dzid to me, Nae ais frae him the weary years here this nicht, ae ee wi’ a’ its fraucht an’ vare Wad look a wee thing rich I ait, is nae “ jha: Sie nae A Nae frien" hae T to dauner in, “11 wuss DRESSY CLOTHING sentable.” Cash and One Price. FOR ENGELAND & SON - The House of Quality VERY MAN owes it to himself and his friends . to be well dressed. Yes, a man’s friends haveaclaim on him; they may think h'ghly of a man’s charact- er and abilities and yet wish he would look ‘“morepre- There may be differences of opinion as to what is meant by well dressed, but there is no excuse for any man in this vicinity not to be spic and span when there’s Engeland’s to come to. ; : ; See Engeland’s Suits and Overcoats for men, also School Suits and Over- coats for the little men. We will pay 26c a Ib. for Print Butter in trade and 25 cents dozen for Fresh Eggs. THESE PRICES FOR TRADE ONLY For a’ my fowk are gane. int Hy Who crulesena. 6° Frae where He dwells aboon Wad touch my auid gray heid un’ say. “Tt's time to cuddle doo: tee RAB COMES HAME. (By Mexander Anderson.) Was that a knock t cic Wha can it be? T hirple to the A buirdly chiel’ is: stai'in’ there, I ever saw afore He tak’s a tong. Jang, Jook at me, ee Tne name, That somewhere I ha'e seen. be tak’s a chair, at nicl mupon bis Ww! 1e cam’ hame He spreads baith han’s knees, Bui a’e word he speaks, Yet Ican see the big, ae tears me happin’ doon his chee! oes a’ at ance his obi A strong airms streekit oot t “afither, con Rab, sani ebame, at last, can ye welcome. x doon and on his knees T ley my ald grey held « Hoo could ye hide sae lang frae me, weary years, d x aieun erect, tea rail body guid, it’s dn! sweet, To eee fa Shere: tho’ through my _Sael moun hae my greet since in his grave ‘a lang vewiehin t the auld kirkyaird, , Jam‘e an’ Tam they as by him— thnk on what had bee ne beers only for the time To ccme an’ close my e’en. But noo ye're back, I ken fa’ wweel That no a fremit han’ will bee ‘ae, when my time comes Bar de. Say: ‘ain gudeman ; wad it be a To g a year or twa "forest obddie- doo: ‘A G.TR. fre'ght tran, consisting of th’r "y wreck- ai ° was injured. Notice ‘of Registration ‘Nor! hereby given that Ww was Sea by the Council of the Tawmsh'p of Mornington on the | 19th doy of September, A.D. 1903, for the issue of deben- he amount. of $8,500.00 for of building ~ school house’ Schvol, Seotign No: 6.45 tHe Do of ‘Moriingtoh, and that oh istered in the Paes office for the North Riding of Perth on the 7th oy of November, A.D. 1908. notice to quash or set aside the Cea R ig Sout thereof must be made within three mont's eae es first netice, ard cannot after. aera the 11th diy of November, 1908. pubjication of thie jot be made there- WILLIAM WADDELL, Bt Clerk of Mornington.’ Subscribe for The Sun ! Squares a Carpets Seem to be in endless demand, and there are piles of the most beautiful squares here in all convenient sizes, It's a perfectly simple matter to fita room with a rug. No mismatching— some are seamless—fine borders all round and they cost less than carpet madeup. 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ i Think of i it,a complete carpet in one piece at any price from $4.00 to $50.00. Come to White’s and See. R. WHITE & CO. Poste penta sire STRATFORD |