Nightthls, the morrow, for Or, The Girl Wit Love Kept Its Faith ; h the Nut Brown Hair and Dreamy Eyes, whi hhael Strang has waited. Through its earlier hours he sits hearth, no sign a1 tion upon him, his pale, bloodless face maske by its usual placidity just as though his life was without nos i ee vanished ¢ draw his shoulders, set a wide-brimmed felt hat upon his head, and step cut into the deserted stree’ As the door softly ae! behind him, a little window, opening upon the ‘narrow alley carved into steps OHAPTER IV.—(Cont’d). Some men would have been para- lyzed a departure so bold, s sbsolotaly? without authority, but was a man of courage, and his convictions were equal to the severe strain; and so, as he march- d up the street, his grizzled head was carried 0 trifle higher than ihe had borne it for rg, and hi peeaetanes shade of its shufile. life’s board, and therewith he was conten: ‘A move indeed, but to an end! Michael Btrane 's sin’s, and cf the slumbering his call had fai white glow, he had done the dead ae distinct dis-service. Strang was one of w of certa may be con- tende rdly, st paatle fixed rule. of mortals; melt ; Pew at peace witn himself oak the tion left something to be desired. Like ninety per cent. folks in Lread and butter to the sea, seitling hour, and the price is paid. on ture exacted the price from with whom she m: n» he simple justice; but ken. beait with Mechael 5 yhom a fearsome grow stories and darker ints hung in es ho clusters. Actual contact with life he had never male; all his from the comfortable eminence 0 done a ship’ cargoes in the hav vi age should have pratied Nee but eas at the ond of all, the pall of night. ception of e Michael Strang should have buried i t least, grey streal Within the four walls of his own ed upon, his ways Shan ashen faced, ering, hands clenched, heart esiremting with hs curtains in the mm reyiling in death the had hated, the intemperate, Evil, proclamation, man whom hated with all sen itself to “Curse lam,” he cried; nd curses on bis head! “a thou- Even in fhe; line ; just becau: rred to regard ey business as : Manet concer’ ~ chosen to fen aint a HbanteeBent institution, because saa to make from my. and he pro- a white- nivared Gepataton, coo a upon and spurned, and at his} ¢ men eT fallen and sis res of Nacced and nned again into fierce those men papearently designed by. nature ain popu- ex- ception Heer He Saale a well he was one Ab yet Michael Strang’s poe of the men Allerdale, he. owed his] § ome day ; aavigs na- on the man { akes the bargain, ithere one need complain SN would sg and | ¢ alas! it is often the other man who 8 rine enterprises had been conducted de ; tai dosk, and the crafty sedue- | it, it was | Graham uldn’t ; fat up empty Bee in lead, ape, bus even his is better than a deat ay, but m: before the acco’ your Sonate will bo you you! now, a type more poten’ each tert ispinied until the knue! “To-morrow, eh excel. lent!” he ckled. shall sleep oe a night. = ° 3| Rage worrying al upon his face, he dered towards the door, reached it a shadowy he: ing upon the sheey: skin ca itself into dyna 3s its crazy boar an invitation, desperately bad vie uo aH { hoofs upon tl | Nether fishin dot; and after that myriad feet, the cath port black-garbed solemn-visaged throng before the gates use; a bier, paced sailors clus' n’s merchant pees to war mete moon- seed ance hh the | ues whose world is nearly on i them: j the wailing strains o! ers’ dirge, the hollow ashes and dust, and ov 5 a d Bene ist me alo and dea 2 ghost to ius his my fac: will stand as a reproac! 0. . ‘8 rops 4 ‘ead, ay, Jacob Graham, you're e| ground Another look this way dead; but—Michael Strang’ lives, |42d that, then the window is nd the Book you yourself = alent pulled down, and The Cap- sworn by declares that _ living do; rts nimbly up the stone| 4 lion. Dead, stairway. jooks are open yet, and unt is finished off, “Listen, Jacob Graham !’’ lew fury has hold of the man fury of blustering, bellowing mad-| % ait rolled and in- it for your burying, Jacob. It shall ‘uneral oration, delivered in yet the leer of elbbktiahed aptto truth; grey. stones of turned and form, ceroues iy eroaked a8 i6| | marble, dropped upon the ramshackle apo-! and a d. ‘o-morrow ; than! 8) stpnnd which bare- y the coiled. ee flag of Bri- ice, down the side of the house, is gent- ly shot up, a pair of sharp eyes, me, pe he a, deep sunk in @ pinched, old Sane 0 has ad, | 2n' tombstone sp: Eider the yellow glare of the ‘eet lam; ta soul i is in sight, but yathonte ee ie shufil travelling eepidly Se ntl the creat form o! master looms out of the gloom, ‘ whereupon he checks his pace of his Thus they pee their the lifeless lifeless as it than the of life datos the land of sleep. - | design 5 Aone @ suggostion, only a eal our| on the good angels that might minis- ter unto such as he, have surely g: y| fled, terror-stricken by his impious halt. ‘Again ho advan 6 half- filled grave, his eyes bent up- on its black, iniletnine: vacuity. A moment thus, and then the si- lence of the graveyard broken. rang i voies, low pitched, sibilant, intense with malignant passion. “Jacob Graham,’’ he cries, the living appealing sy the ered “there is something I would say to Listen, man, isten to the aces Pe brought. I’m here to tell you how I hate you, how I’ve always ed you, and that even though you lie there dead, I mean to work ant hat a piti- fully blind fool you’ve been; blind, blind, as all the rest of your sanc- timonious crew i You think that your life and mine have always lain far apart, and I'll war- rant you’ve praised your God up- on your knees for the fancy. 1 of the flock, I the ig vu the blackened fleece. e been could reason and gaunt, teats brothers Teather, I teil le. lines of house and se) until the] you, kin bec: sts. Graham. To-mor-| toad divides, and into a black cay: “No A euepatae you didn’t os ive’’—he stopped, and in/@P, made of high air sad Geers avon Sens a whisper slowly repeated the word |hanging tree, Strang sharply | known how you have ever been ex- rrow.’? With its uiterance|5werves. Presently, he reaches a slkoa as a pattern, and I have been a new snack ion had come to him. door set in the wall, and as a warning, how all my| ;| “To-morrow !’’—his thin lips curl- pales looks up the lané and down,| conduct has been pitted against CN aa eG grin—to-mor-|® slips a key into the lock and yours, and how in contrast all that nuous fingers met, passes at a stride trom the realm/] fave done has shown doubly black Before him the huge form of the ckles crack- buireh Bare \ ae lent, exoel: i “My around it, stands seated ee rh ive the profound blue of the midnight bork on a side and n. that ai ory st: lun-/ vital, of love unsati stones of but ere he | shostly. aie deelaginicts anyone ap, eroucn-| night of riven hearts, from which mat, jerk-| the ue still slowly drips mem on. e for a moment ible eyes sped pene "ret, and ue withou all s his tobel an the gardon, and lightly vis | thom over the green quilted b |From one of thesu a tiny shaft of bearing two initial letters ate, projects, an apology or, better ‘or, since 50 day when the widow spent her mite ally have | upon it, the widow’s heart has bee: jase ae shes more the ve been. minator. ‘or | the grave is that of a man who ea e pavement, a3/ Jost his life within sight of hom Tilande and ieighhors tacbindrom! arate ot Berane chipay bal the ransty, g hamlet, and ee teas the marble itself, and with a curse from| shipowner’s nerves are toug! r of for the block and another for the a| dust beneath it, he passes upon his way. | Close by the fringe of the iindow: cast by the church he comes upon a tiny “clear ig, a spot, wherein the tart is n Eastin and for a mo- ment he halts, hesitates in his pur- pose, draws back within the screen- torn, tte: Sues larkened id- the first ve upon & » they; man, less soul there enters the first fk suggestion of awo that is has known And yet it not stout ue Bey long years. on, Faia af er all and es that have sent him hither; all end your. athens Eroughsioe katie with Tie eril tore te yours more abundantly white. ‘Jacob Graham,”’ he continues, “4 tell you I hate you, hate you, not for anything you did, but for what you were—hate you because or all conduct had ent RDI f Once— ago— wore oeue Be ty till, I swore ee I would drag yo Ba stain that rests up- con my ships it be a stain— aioatd Ge upon yours also; ow. ere me. r esi: Jacob Graham, but 2a ny still lives, and the tred you have created in my ae I pass along to him. Look; dead, you ds. soe Bu thing I hold in my hand; @ book whereby you claim | er6: is is te ee coxdored your life, upon its pee pages I vow my vow me, te name of the Grbaun, I swear to roll in the mw mantle of ri have worn es G) etieeds, a Graham may FL a shall break that add to his treasures. On your old man, I make my oath, side of your unsealed tomb, a art tT shall lay my hand upon the heart ot your boy, and ave my finger! rints. thereon when have ou my will he shal Be even S- ee 5 2 This, t he Baie his the 4 piauned behind fe curtain- ae only “lis ae the grasses of the grave- ene neath : f a seaborn breeze, but to The Ca Pann aeoae low behind a tombstone in tho pit of pe phe dow, his brain on fire, i aflame with horror, their whisper ing is as 1 tise he ation from. the aes hs only the transient flash bts a pee ane but to the Bet 6 fire shaft laming spear, en ed by the gods. upon the blasphemous head, h ighteousness which you y | when you] Per e | commonly sold eae the farm, hay ts | is, the Kindly | it i and by its Saar his amazement. ’Tis only the booming of way Md but on the ears of the watcher it orate oenta as the horror moan of an unseen host. urely, surely, retril er awe s for ie denouncement his own uives judgment demands. ‘Ab, but not thus, not thus does the Father of men deal with his ons. The black of heart in his hour of boasting has laid a lier up- on unborn days, has pledge church tower. Thus are the boast- ers mocke (To be Continued.) REPOH HE Te+ ee ore r Tee tte : 3h t ; : About the Farm : 4 de Pesocecceeereteeeciccs: ROBBING THE SOIL. The produce of every farm we far better t r-than as hay The following figures give my reason for this statement that perhaps pork and poultry, sells only five or er cont. e fertilizing in- gredients which ae required to/® and grain and ts upon which his stock are fed. The man who sells whole milk sells De, twenty-five per cent of the |fertilizing ingredients contained i the Talde raised on the farm. ‘The man ape steers sells from aS . to ten per cent. as in the sie d his) The fi through this latter operation, it would pay better than to continue selling crude products off the farm, for the one method means’ fertility he case is not serious with the man who sells potatoes, for witn each bushel of potatoes a off the farm there is sent away 5.7 cents worth of fertilizer. If, therefore, @ man receives 40 cents a bushel for larger than in the case of timothy. farmer can, therefore, afford to treat his potato fields honestly by applying to them before, and perhaps after, the crop is removed, at least. as much fertilizing ingredi: the soil. 7 cents worth of fertilizing ingredients. If he re- ny cents per bone turn, oc 1 for his oats fend to retura to the soil, aithowgh me loes not, as muc removes. In a tue of their extra price, oats need pot, though they usual ‘e, be as exactin; the soil as hay. Looking over these statements, one annot but notice that, unless the vendor receives $15 or more a ton for the crop is, by far, the sreatert ropes of fertility geen ‘ovinces, and, yet, t! the cro. “th at in many secon is the most freely sold. to be wondered that we often tear of run out farms conditions, vation for th’ an as is only of ind of santtues: nd that is, Hive stock. Wi Now, if it is necessary to keep live stock—or._ rat ave live ck keep us—it is, swine or poult quality, for there is stock that will lose money sa ak trait of teen na- turo. that many a man, maintained, and the other, run out] m poor agricultural ey which he shot. on » foot, “and as many buffalo: exandra, her mother, Queon, is very ’ skilful with the while such is hor skill in} that she\is her mpanion when jesty ee ya skating ycling excursions. At bilan ieee Maud can easily beat Ki Ki not ee gard to Earl Ayels tells some amusin, anepaates of his sojourn in drelas n the days of ea resented an ment and often ey risk of his life. ed no fear, business and a served a funeral co! ing Fearful of Chante th 4 e700 sing ie. just as the procession b: ounds, close uarry, burst through a he across the roi Earl Spencer dropped their burden and, been He i im Up; eda Hoare just after th of King Edw: ae) are sold, for in these cas- the farmer hauls off his farm & ery single pound of foe cena in- xdients which enter into the co Position of ae fodders. if he receives a sufi- ciently ae ae to enable him with the fo of the Tatton, to grow green crops and plough them under then the sat would be fairly treat sonteien is, however, seldom meted 0 the’ crops ar, the. most exactin, ton of timothy hay, for example, contains pounds of nitrogen; | 0,6 pounds of phosphoric acid and | i6 pounds of 'o bi ese | | fort ng ingre' nts in lot fertiligers vould gobtsat thar cf 20 cents a pound for nitro 7 cents a pound for phosphorie aci ‘id and 5 cents a pound potash, | per ton. In padieans thers with his shires, Ghortifeens: ete., their i cel lanes been through feeding, and their real value consists in He sb of nt- ey can consum age, over and above sh staan necessary to maintain evil "| functions. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Nee: seeds Some of the Promin- eople of the World. dae ite Patti possesses a which some of the man, ce ee personages before bas sung have written their senti- Czar Alexander II. a = 80 pone an all time.’ deka Satasemate nging, I'offer you my hand By Acco inane, for seven tigers nm gun during a | shoot in Gwalior, Lord Minto, Fee i ae i, reco from the blow caused by ee) Li edi npbell-Bannerman, — Not e was ae late Prime Minister belov: dat ly’s ah HR by the by, was Trea~ surer e Household of Que Elizabeth, ile one of his brothers s is secretary to ucen y J REDS His lordship’s only dai gh te T possesses what i is, perhaps, inatio: Hae of the King’s three Mavighe ers—Louise, Victoria and Maud. !rerman. es Westminster, but he was edb; his tenants at | showing the good feeling which pre- reuba between lan Vit! ee a anal margin, 8 se likely to return much fer- tilizer to the land. If, instead of this the farmer were ‘eed this bay to stock of any kind it pas be evident that tho results are entire- Ww changed, so much so that, even if no extra returns were received a eae Wal Com kalled. four dea in ten minv Mr. F. G, Selous: who has a phe- nomenal record as a slaughterer of big game, once brought down three full-grown lions with four, shots while his bag includes more than a hundred rlcebaat nearly all of het ‘astle to give up My S Sir Henry,” ure. the: fu , takin, date Piegere without Jimmie.— it HOME TROUSERS PRESSER, Westinghouse, EDISON SMITH, DAT. . =e Dear Tommy —Reagie is s0 fussy about bi built e, HEATED OVER GAD RANGE trousers being creased thar E & preseer iid hi » We tried it on a pair of Reggie's trousers, and it did the work better than a tai Then. Papa wanted bis pressed, and put on Reggie's bath robe till we fixed : them up, ..