A iad Oy FS ESS tac Sa ae EE i eS «ze HUSBAND AND WIFE Both Restored to Health by Dr. |,; Williams’ Pink Pills. “Both myself and my wife can| Most a truthfully say that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have a of great bene- re constantly re- Thus writes Mr. Ernest L. Archi- bald, Tru ., who further says :— ‘ wn ease I had been subject to Here headaches for over a year, e boxes of the Pills completely ed me of tue trouble. egan to complain. pletely run down; was very pale and weak; she could not walk up air: without stopping on the way and ultimately she grew so ae she could not sweep a floor plete) resting. She tried several toni ut received BS be- nefit. Then T persuaded her to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Ag got After she continued using the Pills until she ? had taken the six boxes, and to- bies like these because they are rooted in the blood. Bad blood is the cause of all common diseases like anaemia, rheumatism, indiges- tion, neuralgia, St. with their attendant headaches and backaches and ioe ular: Williams’ Pink ty all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Me- dicine Co., proces, Ont. A smmaNer DANCE. The Queer Ceremony i in a German singular eoremony takes place at A iieuacide in the Tasentbites town of Echternach, Germany. consists of a procession to the tomb of Willibrod, one o e patron saints of the city. 2 Passmore describes this curious an picturesque proceeding i in his book, peaeeT Ardenne.’ In this old corner of Europe the idea if dancing to God’s slory lives still. Religious dancing is as old philosopher because it trips right up from old times and certifies him that ncehiua fe abeuedanhietrattGne sincerely. y smile at suc idnen jan: genleviau car laugh 4¥ Tt is Whitsun Tuesday, at eight in and streamers, the windows aflame with flowers. ‘Twenty thousand people att the streets, and stretch in a double row across the bridge. A sense of serious waiting fills the |) ai The procession starts, with its Papnerty sarers, and three hundred ingers, and its clergy. All chant the Litany of Saint palUbepd: electri oul thrills along the whole voeiene of ilgrims, peacomants, all along the line take the tune, and forty aici feet, not all fight, but all fantastic, are vibrant in the dane It is a sort of Woibacbal tea three man acs together, the sick and the t do- le by side with ste aks . They dance for health, for the state of their parents and | frie, and for the ills of hate ea gehome very old and infirm dance deputy, and many an_ urchin dance! lustily for several invalids. a young mother dances with her cine child in her arms; here old man, “whisting like a saw, forsée to the measure his rheumatic bones. The Pa paat takes hours to travel three-quarters of a «When all is done, the tired throng goes home. KEEP uit WE, or well Baby’s Own Tablets a always be kept in the house. The: not only cure the minor disorders of childhood, but. event the: should bi n whenever the lit- tle ones he the eas signs of illness. en take the Tablets as readily A candy, and they are absolutely safe. Mrs. Geo. ate ly Beach, Que., th Co., Brockville, Ont. SQUARE AS A BLOCK. es seem queer, jay pene. And yet you'll find ii A man may be soa honed And he a block-head, I am proud to say dicta grandfather made an mark in aa world, couldn’t write his name,” replied bis bored companion. ‘he native purity and delicious seer of “Salada”’ Tea are presery- ed by the’ me of sealed lead pack- ets. Never sold in bulk. It i richer, ere arate and stronger than other teas, COLD BROUGHT ON ie Uiptghie a vou) ule she aueteith v6 |, _ {ing to state just exactly the modus| “, ir the LIGHTNING STRIKES SHIPS. Much yea ee Than is General- Supposed. In spite # the popular impres- mospheric electricity are frequent- Ke mien ed by those on board of Sending rigging and even parts w made for the old-fashioned hemp serves the purpose of lightning conductor not fittted with ee electric current is conv: n the wire rigging a1 shee ae ace through the vessel’s antl hull, Damage; cceurs only if the current be inter-| rupted on its way to earth. In a com- parativel: rge proportion of in- stances the foreroyal truck is struck d|ly lightning, that of the main less frequently and the mizzen least of the ! Ree atba ctisaliiss gate tis {head occurred to warships and mer- ity of Algoa Bay, homeward bound, two of them, the Britannia and the Bombay Castle, were struck by lightning. The foremast of each was tible cargoes. A heavy gale was the other ships of the fleet, which were hove to at the time, were wit- nesses of this thrilling incident. lightaing ersten of approved types, lest the wire Tisging should fail to carry off the electric cur- nt. ay, 1696, shortly after rees east, the steal anship Victoria had a increase viation, ix degrees in both |” ‘used, ‘he shih tiust hava bean ¥itiok hy light: ning. during’ the ‘storm. KIDNEY DISEASE BRANTFORD LADY SUFFERED TILL CURED BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Mrs. A. Hl. Thomson had Heart Disease, Lumbago and Rheuma- tism, and Tells How She was Re- stored to Health, Brantford, Ont. (8 pecial)—How Colds, an Oct. 12 La Grippe ease, and other terribly dangerous _ail- ments; and how any and all of them are cured by Dodd’s saute: Pills is ite shown in the case of Mrs. A. Thomson, han home is at 48 Abion Street, this city m: some ae ago, taken and La Grince bud Aivaining siiahatoce ed her Kidneys, eu the result was Backache, Lumbag heumatism and Heart Diseaces which caused iety. She had suffered some years when she heard of cures effected by Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and such splendid results that she con- tinued to take them ill she was cu: then she has used Dosalte (Kidney y Pille ac Her Wen family and recommended them widely to her friends, all of whom have warm words of praise for the | & Sandard Canadian remedy, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. He Disease, Rheumatism, Tunbane. atid: Briaht' a. Duaraue are all Kidney Diseases or are caused by ibdasea Kidneys. You can’t have any of them if you keep your idneys Kidneys nies all the impurities out of the = he, THE NEW ROYAL MINT AT OT- TAWA HELPS SOME. Banks Cannot be Compelled to Keep Notes Clean, but Gov- ernment Sets Example. ie sain tarest: operandi used by the Finance De- partment at Oievaun dealing with this H questio n first place it should be ua- ria sels are now fitted with) —Jover, is disfigured other minor ills settle on _the | ness. hoth her and her friends grave anx- | Po: REDEEM WORN OUT GASH! = “TI can testify to the great merits of your Emul-. sion, especially in all diseases a pulmonary nature. It has saved many lives that otherwise would have yielded to consump- mi all the time and ail the family use it. . C. J. BUD- LONG, “Box 158, Wash- ington, R. I. Scott’s Emulsion does ALL it does by creating flesh and strength so rapidly that the progress of the disease is retarded and often stopped. It is a wendertul flesh builder and so easy to youngest Sie and most delicate adult It will stop the whole system. Be sure to get SCOTT’S ALL, DRU! ISTS Tet on tend you cory of Mr, Budlone’s 0 ir really nd OTT & BOWNE set 126 Wellington St, W. Toronto eee into the cE of the assist- nt receiver-general, and is a ea new rae Any old notes thus received, whether vitae aged by wear, contaminated by dis- case or torn i e of use, are carefully checked over iy the local assistant receiver-general and for- warde ti Here they are again checked, and if the tally is found correct they are then consign- ed to the furnace. This is a crema- raid specially Seach for the Sane with a patent chimney so rete eivevie Tatu chhe Fae SEARCH THE CHECKERS. The system ot checkin is most complete, ani are in charge of the nia me ayniey are ful supervision and are searched day by day in order that they may not carry away with them any of the condemned ville Though what wie one of the condemned bills would be to anybody it is Seaton te reali for each one, as checked | §, with a stamp which forever puts it out of bust- SAY BILLS ARE CLEAN. The officials of the Finance De- partment contend that the public | has no cause for complaint as to the condition of the Dominion cur- TenNy, claiming Hee at it is far cleaner and more recognizable than that of some of the banks. Vhile it is impossible in a coun- try such as this to compel everyone its service—simply because it is im- ssi to prevent. any citizen Heating upra supply at Domed notes—the department does its best to Keep ‘the currency clean an a condition fit for p mie banaue: thes heuer age iotieny: ek ahotsonpouuipliy’ toc dirty bank hills rests upon them entirely. There is no law by which the gov- sue new notes; the only thing the government can do is to set a good example by, so far as in its power lies, keeping its own currency clean. And in this respect the pub- lic can doa great dea or woman who obtain; defaced Dominion bill has take it to any bank and demand a new note, ped she request will be grant CAN BE EXCHANGED. Similar complaints have been re- eived as to the quantity of defaced and smooth silver coin in cireula- tion. Here again the Repsiements is always poet to cony silver into new. All that, the 1 Seipient has 5 do is to take his old silver to a bank, or to the assistant Receiver- General, and demand new coin for it, and he will gev i ‘The government has taken power to itself to redeem any silver worn smooth by usage and any atl sil- ver is in due course retur} ‘and cconaly con ie the Royal Mint at Ottawa ie proved quite useful in this respect <that it enables the Governmen’ to always have an anleanipie es m band, whereas there er the eld system, when silver was ae in London, that a time might come when there would be a shortage in Canada. Scrateor that th has no arrect siege sith} pith the banks or thi is i" his matter of the curre, iby: Gees oteetorts Halifax, St. John ntreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vi ictoria whose diities include the supervision of jominion note curren At certain stated times of the year one’s, two’s, four’s and t) the larger denominations are sent| - to the assistant receiver-general. NEW BILLS FOR OLD. When a bank needs a new sup- ply or an additional supply of Do- minion notes it applies to the as- sistant recciver-; Eeuerat. in a. sn trict and puts up the ary escort eterna Ee or, in the case of oS notes, turns re assistant receiver- generals | 5 ernment can compel a bank to is-| © SENTENCE SERMONS. Precaine always ignore the facts. n hire hands,_ but not ee oF He cannot conquer sin who will not confess it. Honor soon perishes where men struggle for honors. works it wastes no time watching the ¢ e loftiest worse is often seen in the lowliest w You can give voting to men un- til you give them you arity requires no itis letter of introduction than ways it is better to get a man to ee than to give him tho word in our language is empty until sorrow gives it a new content. wk secret of concentration is sim- centration on some high Boo n_ analysis of the water of life will do little to relieve this thirsty world. Debating doctrine is an old dodge of the devil to avoid the doing of some duty. Whatever strengthens class feel- ing lengthens the day of waiting for the kingdom. Hacvig cei knowledge b: his understanding dies of experi- mental ignorance, You cannot make a text of scrip- ture bore any deeper by twisting it like a corkscrew. vociferates against vice ‘the: less see he to put virtue Whee. pou pellmate ay a boy de- pends on the promise you can see in his propensities. Some men seem to think God’s clocks would all stop ghee should _ Indicting men of fetal dabei. of inspiring. them t ee Fee Gieacis man gets to bragg'ng of his. dient tricks he has one foot al- ready in the deyil’s traps. Some folks never get any dreams of heaven except when they go to hear a sleepy preacher. Tt usually is the man who eannot find God in nature who tries to tell us_all about the nature o! Folks who are doing an’ angel’s business never need to worry as to Tae they have an an; beauty m gel’s t uc NASAL CATARRH PRODUCES DEAFNESS RELIEF IN PE-RU-NA Mr. R. J, Arless, 401 City Hall Avo. Montreal, Quebec, is an old gentlem: of wide acquaintance, having served thirty-eight years in the General Post- office of Montreal, a record whi speaks for itself, Concerning his use of. Peruna, see letter given below, I have Base afflicted with pee eatarrh to 2 degree that ita feet ed my “This was co ay meted some twen- ty years ago by being exposed to draughts and sudden changes of temperature. 2 aie nese ander the treat- ment of 's d ae sre many di bas fies fo: in the head vant throat—all on no purpose. “About three years ago I was in- duced by a confrere in office to try eruna ‘After some hetitation, ast had foubeeak ta results failures, i ee Pease am happy to state that after using eiunt be daa bOltles of Bennaey fon aproyed in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils. & EE Be Meni ats and School Commission- ealed by Zani-Buk. Zam- Buk by its healing power has earned the praise of men and women in the highest. stations of life. One of the itast ee gentlemen to speak high am- say King’s Co. the county, an Board of School Commissioners. He is also deacon of the a ee Church in Berwick. Indeed, throughout ie county it Seale ae difficult to nm more w ly known an more highly respected: He says “Thad a patch of eczema on my a been there for oven twenty years! Sometimes al- 0 the disease would break out on ae shoulders. I had taken solu- tion of ar; semis, had coplied various ointments, tried all sorts of things to ohsais a cure, but in vain. Zam-Buk, unlike all else I tried, proved highly satisfactory, and cured the ailment. I have also uset Zam-Buk for itching piles, and. it] 8 has cured them completely. I take comfort in helping my brother man, aud if the publication of my experi- siiferers to try it, I should be sad, For the cure of ‘piles or skin eases, I know of nothing to pial Zam-Buk. ‘am-Buk also cures ge cuts, ulcers, blood poisoning, ringwor hands, cold in cases of cold it weleves the tight- Co., for Toronto, price, 3 boxes for 5) Mrs. Wellment—“You say yo! sate a sick wife and three aaa pore ene or sadeene Resear (sobbing)—‘‘’Twoul o good, lady. The jkids ain’t old padual erate yor Mother Graves’ Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant ae oe sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried is ORAS sults DanchteooP Ge him. He is the light. of my_ life. ‘ather— ‘“Well—that’s all ight but T ob- ject to having my house lit up by him after midnight. Cough drives sleep and comtort aac e ennnaar ae with Aliens Lane whieh relieves hard breathing, pain ta the-chost and teri ation of the throat. it freely to the childre! THE ROAD ' TO 70 WEALTH. Tt is the First Thousand Dollars hat Counts. es ng that counts,” onsen ddellats wienrou'ye net that Sua together you are be- ginning to get somewhere, and with that 8 you will want to keep.on, The red ink ees entries aust you see But d in your savings bank book t Gane will strike you very eee indeed. As in- est. on thousand dollars sou get thirty or forty dollars in a year; your money has begun earning money for you. “You've Bob an income now, and you'll want t¢ to it. You will, Teave that interest in the bank to oe and every six months nett ie “those red figures growing bigger N.S. Weston is a Justice of the Peace Soe i er of the} ¢ ®/do you think of me?” template and you'll keep right along saving. But the thing that really counts is the first thousand dollars, Get that and you're all right. And you'll always be glad you saved it. “For there really is nothing like financial independence, or like hay- ing at least some money laid by. Then if you want money you've ar ing refused, the risk of being com- pelled to go without what you need, If you ney in the ban’ *|need money for your family of for yourself very much; a grand shine to have it where you ean get Scphere’ s nothing mean about be- ing saving and soutien money ; on the contrary it 3 duty to make nae financially in- dependent, at all that a man one to set out to ac- cumulate a great wealth; there’s no great fn in that; but .w hat he does want to do is to get together enough to tive, on mnetlad ly. + “Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent hottle of Holloway’s’ Corn Cure will remove them ve it a trial und you will not regret it. Ada—‘‘No; Priscilla will never propose.”’ No Substitute for “The D & L" Menthol Plastor, fs, Recommended by doctors, hospitals, clergy aud everybody for deeds stiffness, etc, n- got ee a train with a ie of fruit in his hand, and at the orter, do you like fruit? Eee PeRather Y?:40hen’™ ‘aid the Bees “chew the date 7 ticket. A Carefully Prepared Pill. — Much time and att pended in the experimenting Sith: the Jngredienta thas enter into the composition of melee’s Vege- table Pills before ee were brought te the state in which. they were first offered to the public. ever other pills may be, ele Vegetable Pills are. the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspepsia or disor- dered liver and kidneys may con- fidently accept them as being what they are represented to es A gentleman who was no longer a young, and who never was hand- me, said to a child in presence of er parents: “Well, my dear, what one made no reply, and the gentle- man cohtinued: ‘Well, you don’t 11m: 2 Two of ae said, archly, “Cause i don’t want to be Erepoel a : Watch ooo A new sensation. gures: to con- cert ee in sinners to m jour backs while x the fi ay see HE eae out'to a por- | ™ off its SENTENCE SERMONS. Worry is half of weariness. Eero is not found by fleeing irom The 1 iypocite is only the chronic living lia: N artificial service. Experience is the best interpreter of any theolo; othing heals our own wounds than helping others, Degalvsis Gh Gaeractos ie chien mistaken for the peace ¢ takes more than the hatred of e you a sain Tied whe sprees Nigeols on ie poise ought to regret that he pu “The man a brags of his self- “respect is often pryios his respects to a mighty small ob, Our own sins ae fast etisd we are gazing of our neighbors. a poor faith that values its t's the sheep of some other fold. t is better Eee a to doa foolish act of charity than t mit the folly of an ‘onchatable an The man on can make childre; smile does not need to worry tae iis inability to preach sermons. BS A REST CURE, In giving due credit to the won- derful remedial Springs of Europe es are apt to lose sight of the ‘ay. f the ones nearer home. one thousand springs. of en elicit eater ora én one Es hem are's Seca of Bpriti rope, very strong water of this ond being the St, Catharines Well nada, which contains abo i pint, a ae s the cel te roreitine in Europe brated Kreutzach Springs sia, which contains about. grains * sodium chloride (Kurb- runnea).’? Other references are ed ate The Allbutts Sys- of Medicin ‘and Trunk tallvay System’s trains run direct Catharines and fur- ther Sueceatcn can be shia from their representatives. onald, District ee senuer Agent, Toronto. Cumso—“The doctor says I must take plenty of exercise. pear whether to try Indian club or dumb-bells.”” M. wish you would come out athe me. end wheel the perambulator a ills. no, Maria. I Pet t want to overdo the thing! at first, you kno ios! A Successful Medicine.—Every- one wishes to be snare tet in any undertaking in which en- lt is therefore, Seat gratifying proprietors of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to compound a which’ wou blessing to mankind have bi cessful beyond ae e endorsation 0 the public is a guarantee that a pill has been produced which will ful- fil everything eth for it. $1,500,000, 000. is is the amount be- lieved to be hoarded in India, This refers to gold alone, and does not. include silver rupees and silver or- nameats. worst of ia at all av iaasamation Nand-cloare the air The Dootor"‘Mré. Brown has sent for me to B33 Say see Hat ors and I must go ’ His Wife— ‘What is the taator ith the boy?!” The Doctor—“I don’t end T must hurry up before she does The eee of of Bickle’ 8 Anti-Con- sumptive Syr curing coughs and colds Ae arresting inflamma- tion, of the lungs, can be establish- ndreds of testimonials from all sorts and conditions of men. a i i ese ail- because they know and arpa s value as a curative. ‘Try it, “My dear,”’ remarked a gentle- man, opening the dining-room door, “the girl has left es egetain on the hall table. n't b pid,” exelaimed an iter is my new ha: “That Blo tone seems turally. ‘One me ended from aeuine is sacred without some |] creed by its virulent power to hurt { but |for at. stu- |) ¢ soaps. i Lots making $5.00 a day. mae at SOAP SUPPLY CO., Box ae : Srbhiats ~ YOUR OVERGOATS: * wearer el tae 000,000 AAW FURS WANTED Highest prices pald. write for price list. Address Deep Brook, Annapolis Go, N.8, J. PATTISON & co. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, — sok Brokers & Finanolal A Atta. A: d other stocks bought and sold. a maison, ‘Girresps dance invited, Orders ay sy Rast Plotu Sines f fa ori REN i c Colonial Art Co., Dept. 53, Toate: a Paatinstatboiats st ARE iy CANADA'S BEST ‘AND EVERYEODY | | |} Large Manufacturing | FLAT TOLEASE| — 67-71 Adelaide St. West About 40x200, lighted by rty-five window: ws, the en- sd Tength of three sides, also from ten large skylights, most z manufacturing flat ‘4 |} in central part of Toronto; possession; low — = rane to Pitot -class tenant. 8, PRANK ANK WILSON re) Adelaide : Street West TORONTO, ONT. Pt Miss Woodby—‘‘So Mt. ity—eh?’’ Miss Know— “Not e: abel he said ze had to Inuphieeedes time he me’ Dolly—‘Molly “Woleott told me * month pee chat her new gown going to be a dream,.”’ Po) “Well, that is all it is, so far, Her — hu sband won’t give her the money A Liniment for the gether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work, it Oil, when applied to the injured or administered to the ailing, works” wonders, Regularly prepared —manuseript- sheets were circulate pers in China, Rome long before the invention of print ing. lolghing. ‘They come homo, aa noe ety a vesapirtial uk Batte {volt gabsbicuton, chore is. but opal i void subs Hite iaty Ba Wa ie The amallout: screws are made in watch factories, An‘! at Ham and the other leant eggs. ee thimble would hold 100, oo oe FREE TO YOU—MY SISTER 8 case, entirely stmyboak — ehy. Won Every woman shoul FREE TO YOU AND EVERY €1\TER UFFZRING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS 1 oman’s sufferin, T have found a cure. x my esate, for yourself, aught ver, our "mother, to tell yor 3 cure forall female wea: me, easily, ante i ment a ane weel eupation. ig ifyou wih et Ta free, in plain wrapper, “WOMAN'S OW WeDicnt Aovigen oe Jen anffer, and how id have it, ai Sante tadenres MRS. i SSMAERS BQ ey