Milverton Sun, 26 Nov 1908, p. 7

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TWENTY-FIVE WERE KILLFD Gas Explosion in Excavation in Brooklyn Causes Their Death, ys ‘A déspa‘-h from New York says: ‘Twenty-f. - persons are believed to have lost their lives in an the air by the explosion, and ten more persons ae The pied oce! fifty-foot deep excavation ‘that had been made in Gold street between York a Front streets, where a water main was being laid, e@ gas main re- cently sprung a leak, and in a man- ‘k came in con- caping gas. There ievexplosion: thet lift ed the surface of the street for half the street, and beside them ge) OF of water leaped into the air from Pherae atid benaee tered by the explosion. Two bi were sticking out of the wreckage. t was crowded with tol children, when the explo: sion. occurred, at scores of children were not killed or uae was remar woman ani nd | three anita were almost nee the excavation when the earth crumbled under their feet ana t were aept down into the hole under Hee of wr ‘wo other chil- en were on the opposite side of the AY ae the sidewalk caved in an y lost their a block in both directions, and Senta Toul, who lived near the; Januar atents, torcunen 70 hurled dirt, paving stones and de-| scene, lost his dite ia attempting to" "The “steamer. PP. Pratt wosleads Serpe on Sewer the ud chee ee bris into the ave a woman w passing | burned off Long Point Talend The ment of this court is that you be| Millfeed—Bran, $20 to $20.50 per When the ick and dirt had through Gold street at the time of crew landed in the : taken from here to the place. whence | ton in bags, outside; shorts, $21 “neen cleared away it was seen that| the explosion Hint the) Gatayin expeadiinrey “oneablon.. jou caine. oil tiers kept in close| bulk, $24.50 in bags, ‘Montreal. sear Lae eee Seats ee wre abe Recocegaae a ae 4 a Sond and eden this year confinement until Thursday, the vi lames Bas ota. 0} 9 Ni af nearly a block. The loosened | and roasted alive. ‘The woman was| Br. S. “Carsley. one of the lead. Jy, “ay, $f, Egbruary, 1000, and COUNTRY PRODUCE, earth and debris had fallen into the | dragged out of the trench and sav-|ing merchants of Montreal, is dead, place. of execution, and. there Bie tat stock quoted at excavation, burying the score of la-|ed by a at the age of seventy years. hanged by ihe nee ‘until you are | 82 a0 to $3. uae Hes for goo = Prof. Adam Shortt declares that eat: and m e Lord. eee mercy | Wualities, an + $1.50 to $2 for trades unions were Snaiaponsadl toon -youetacil’ Th wen eco” Sone) ap, ‘Aedespatch from Vancouver says: A@eearch which has lasted four years « throughout United States, ue, South aS eee occupant, Hir bell, on the sho tapped ‘the Camp- ulder, and put him ANTER FOUR YEARS’ SEARCH <: Hiram G. Campbell, of South Vancouver, B. C., Arrested. years, his wife being with him. The couple had the reputation of being retiring in disposition and were well spoken of in the neighborhood. The crime Campbell is accused of com- ing his residence in Van- in- . |torested himself in a local manufac- turing establishment, through the acquisition of stock in the business, ANDREW FOX MURDERED. Thrown Out of Cab and Dragged Behind Galloping Horse. A despatch from Montarel says: Andrew Fox of Toronto was found dead James street at 1 o'clock on Friday morning. was thrown out of a cab river took par in the row. ‘Two young men who profess to be eye-witnesses sey that the cabby had prared m the face ocked HON apparently uncon- “scious ee Nip ground. Afte: Hose n down the rout. got into the ailetcis caught hold of the unconscious man the foot, an drove off down the street east at a furious pace, dragging the man af- ter him over the rough snow. me. A DARING THOLD-UP. ‘empt to Rob M. Tolmie of Mont- real Foiled by His Pluck. A percpich from Montreal says: A daring holdup was attempted on Friday afternoon in St. Henri. Mr. Cot mie, cashier of the Co- ionial oe & Printing Com pee on his way from the with 2 Pag ua containing $1, 000 wa: man who meaichad re ‘satchel and pointed @ revolver at mie in pursuit. hard p a most daring affair. The man is still at large. Sy “ one PENNSYLVANIA CATTLE, Canada Prohibits Toportation Ow- ing to tate of Pennsyl- . vania cos a period of six months ‘This has been found owing to a severe out- foot and mouth disease CHILDREN CONTRACT DISEASE Results of Outbreak of Cattle Plague in Pennsylvania. A. despatch shington says: Alarming results following the outbreak of a contagious Pennsylvania, causing oe States to be quarantined nst iater- state shipments of asitiss were shown of Friday in advices that reached Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, Stare hat four. children in Danville, racted the disease id investigation is in Progress in Danville and ¢ where t termine whother voters have become inuleely affect SIX DEAD, 20 ENTOMBED. Fire in Montana Mine—Little Hope for Imprisoned Men. A despatch from Butte, Mont., says: Fire in the ae éh western any’s mini Improvement Com; Red Lodge on Friday caused th> death of six miners and entombed about 20 others, who have a slim chance to escape. fire da- partment and 50 local volunteers took out of the mine more than 100 en, many of them completely ex hausted. Those rescued declared that there is little hope for the score of men entombed, SWEDEN’S KING AND a beak Entertained by Lord Mayor lak ‘orporation of Lor A despatch from London says: The King and Que as the anaes at Windsor, pair to Loncon on Wednesday and wees entertained at luncheon in the Guildhall by the Lord Mayor and the Corporation of ondon, An address was present- ea to the King of Sweden in a gold casket. SSS SMALLPOX IN MIDDLESEX, Eight Cases are Reported From Dorchester Township. A despatch from London, Ont., says: Eight cases of smallpox have been reported in Dorchoster Town- ship, two of the cases being o! There a malignant. type. are two eases on the outskirts of the city, and it is believed that in Middle- ecu be less faa County there tha) an a score of cas _A’despatch from ‘Trade returns for October show an crease of $2, 02,078 pe exports 0! as the f mo’ 3,209,212, ~ compared wah 200 148 for same month agricultural By a 8 inereased b, about four millions, Sine eiitie "Trade Returns for Oct October “Show Marked Improvement. Pe says: | 262,985, a: 600 io October, 1907. F Syeieut fiscal year the imports en- consumption total- |Z: led $162,908,302, a decrease of 859,- -| 726,936, as compared: with the same tered t mathe os aie 408,985, a. decrease eof PRIS Oe ll | ts have’ ap 0 the ee ee SEES the constitution. ousand foreign. drille joned in Pe- ! af 8 compared with $31,484,- e first seven months of the for home t fi trade ven odies | } ney | de: Fourteen Distriei Carry “No Lie 4 seats, the Opposition 16, an Independents eco: - [Will i carried. the ‘ ene six carried measures lookin number of awboleaale licenses can- oelled, CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS NAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telographio Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of erate Erents. ANADA, Mr. 8. a t has peor a ad Pesan of the Royal langerous shoal has ne found near the entrance to Goderich har- bars A white aber a shot by a Pe rty. nd black fox were ! ince Edward hunting A oMgatces! lady was robbed of $1,000 wi doing her Chriaing sho opp ores Daan yas killed at St. Sathartnes ne falling from a lad- r, on Fri guarry at Kin, Moxley, on The Eastern Ontario Fat Stock Bhow will be held in Ottawa on the Political life of t aes er eer din and out of Fort Wil- liam on Saturday and Sunda: Mr » Aclan po stited Deputy Minister o in su succession to Mr, he democracy: ‘ain trains, with of Labor, AS 3 Renerebe, Man., and t the border by United States secret GREAT BRITAIN, The Pall mall Gazette ae the Brittish Government that there is dlenger: lurking in the Indian situ- atioi ws announcement was made by Premier Asquith on a red af- ternoon to the a ee would shortly be Eula in the House of Commons prohibiting the use of hop suustitdtes 4 in the manu- facture of UNITED STATES, Two men have been convicted at Buffalo of smuggling Chinamen from Canada into the United Statos having obtained $700,000 by means forged notes and deed e was given an indeterminate term n the penitentiary, GENERAL. Belgium formally assumed con- trol of the Congo Free State on Sunday. stria and Barris: and between Tur- key and Bulga: olland is aoe the conyo- cation of an international commit- tee to arrange for a third peace conference. There is some fear of a revolu- tion in China, the:adherents of dis- appointed ne eg to the throne being disaffec: The Kaiser ss cancelling engage- ments which demand his \ appear- ance in public, and is effacing him- self as much as possi the regent of Ohi na, has aes orders {o all officials to arrest and summarily behead re- volutionaries wherever found. The baby Emperor of China is. ae to be spending his days aa The tail of a damick ty tho wicas igston killed Robert | y. 1d has bean ‘ap- Olvickh Touticr a stranger Mackenzie indale, and tl War again threatens between Au- THE HUSBAN *S POCKETS May Legally be Searched by the life, Says a Judge. A despatch from Washington, D. woman has in you,’’ the court held. ee shows that she loves you. oman who does not go through the potkees of her usband does not lov: rae been mar- si ba Sari ts know a woman ie some rights, Ridgway Th defendant, George areas d on Tuesday on las wife’s 4 Complaint int he cone natal head off, to his ios taking libettiae with bis , Dockets while he slept.. The defend- ant sai fine and sometimes scrapped.” SES ae SE aS, | WILL HANG FOR MURDER. rampton. fengestaatMtc suseipe: Reidel! 8,210 fonnted upon the Pa oe who under the guise, of fri ip en- ung fellow- es nada, into a lonely wood near Er- with a heavy bludgeon beat the poor boy to deat mes McQueen was kidnapped at| across | ees FRUiT FACTORY ABUSES. gara Peninsula. REVIEWED BY THE MIKADO. Japan’s Fighting foe Seats Be- fore the Em A degpateh from eos apan, says fighting fleet of Japan, compr ining 110 vessels, exclusive of subi ines, passed in review be- ie the Emperor on Wednesday. The weather was perfect, and the occasion was one long to be remem- bered. Notwithstanding the recent plague scare, the Emperor and his attendants arrived at Kobe as early as 9 o'clock in the morning. his way to the harbor front he drove through streets crowded by several thousands and rendered gorgeous by magnificent decorations in his 2 (el sae ONLY THE Saastuad SAVED. Four of a Family | go oe the} Tee at Red Ri A despatch from esi Mani- : Four victims were: vel, a fisher- man, and his wife and two chil- dren. They were travelling over the ice by do; of the river to open winter finhing quarters, when ethers had been swept away. ae BAR STRUCK HIS SIDE. Port pis Man Kil Killed by Overbal-, neing of Machine. a lanes to Port Elgin, Ont., Edwari was killed on Thursday morning i the Dominion Pressed Steel Works: machine struck a bar wiih ights erying for his old nurse, m whom he has been taken away. alent Persian mullahs and jean: ve appealed t paced Se cronanaliyeator support sé See to keep order. ae that Yuan Shi refuge in the British PROHIBITION take NEW ZEALAND = * Measures. A oe “tom Wellington, N. -, Says? The late 1 give e required in twenty-two con- een i ‘no license’’ proposal, ction. The _prohibi- lonists estimate “that atleast 150 ublic houses will be closed and a | Williams was usin, was struck | dea: ae SMALLPOX IN LUMBER CAMPS Pight Cases in North Part of Peter- borough County. A despatch. from bene ‘ownship, in the north o} torborough County. her are eight cases, The disease is sai Se. Provincial rived to take charge of the cases. —— SHOT HIS WIFE DEAD. Japanese Woman Killed by Her Husband While Shooting Rats. os despatch from renee says! A Japanese name i Nagi of North Vancouver, ae attenpting to shoot rats on Wednes: BOE his wife dead, He will Ee held y the police until fae Ooroner i in- aici “sometimes got along |} yy Stephen Szweryda Found Guilty at in Ca- nents, firsts pon a euee side, causing immediate | ¢) SoU ET Toronto, — Ontarik Oe ay 93¢ 5 No. 2 mixed, 920 t or track, lake ports; No. 3, to 42; No. 1 extra feed offered a samo lev Barley. eve 2, 56e fe Sexes No. 3 2 extra, B5e to 55%e; freights, for No. 2 or freig! rena 2, 76e to 7’ 85e to ibe outside. lour—Manitoba, $5.80, seconds, $5.30; strong bak ers’, $5.10; Ontario winter hast bushel, Hay—No. 1 timothy quoted at $1 to $11.50 a ton on track here, an BUSINESS AT ee white at 45c, No. 3 at 44c, and No. 4 at 43%c per bushel, ex store. Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat pat. at $6, seconds at $5.50; Winter wheat patents, 85 to 85.95; straight ues $4.60 to $4.70; do, in bags, 2.25; Fexteal, 81. lected at 25¢ to 25/40, No. 1 at 22¢ {o 28c, and Noes 2 at 17%e. UNITED STATES MARKETS, Minneapolis, Nov. 24.—Wheat — Dec., $1.04; $1.08%4; No. 1 hard, $1.08; No. 1 Northern, $1.- 7 to $1074; No. 2 Northern, 81. 0% to $1.05%; No. 3 Northern, §1.- % to $1,043. “Flour—First’ pat- ents, $5.40 to cond pat- 0 $4.30; second clears, $3 t Milwaukee, ov. 24.—Wheat ‘0. 2 northern, $1.08; No, 2 north. erm, $1.08), By, $1,074 bid. Rye si Beans aire No. 60-t 3 No. 4, 60e. aye "63 to sok bid CATTLE Pa 24.—Sales of the > and medium Common cattle ele be had from $1.75 per cwt. Quota- tions for light Soe, rengee from 75 to $2.25 per ewt. ret the best milch cows as: high © $70 was rdinary cows sold around ‘$20 each. Choice eal calves are wanted. Sheep were steady and unchanged, while lambs were slow of sale. Select hogs continued to sel] at $6.25 per ewt. fed and watered, Toronto, A MAMMOTH tH ELEVATOR. ©} Plans “i a Grand Trunk Pacific Fort William. ae dove from. Winnipeg says: . R. Sink: build a big handling warehouse for the G. P. at Fort. William, & here acne “e undertake t contract. He this Gena elevator hee tha largest con- tract of the kind let in America. The tanks of the new storage ware- house will be of concrete and will have a capacity of three and a quar- ter million bushels, and the esti- ated cost is about $1,260,000, LEADING. MARKETS|T wheat—No. 2 white or ae Gain » 58e to 740: Osin—Old, seas to 78c, Toronto ellow } new |i No. # sellany 71% to 72c, Toronto ts, first patents, Mertee bein: $1.80 to $1.85, and hand-picked, $1.90 to $1.95 per Honey—Combs, $2.25 to $2.75 per ozen, and strained, 10 to lle per >a a § 2c per and cases, hams, large sides, but aj , ; ppears more often per- 130; small, 14c to 14140; backs, 17¢) haps ‘on the left side first, fhe its to 17%; shoulders, 19¢ to 1040; course there, and then begins on fells ae 1%4e; breakfast ba-|ihe right, It is een also more on ¢ to 16c; green meats out o: Stns on. the left eke, Sievieik: than “umobed: he.cdisuaker ante re 4.—Grain—Ca- lie oats done. 30. Do not ageing the wa) 0 c¢|by @ Hamilton & Dundas car in Dundas about 5 o’clock on Thurs- lay evening and Seer: injuries from whic! he she died at her home about 10 o’clock: the Nae night. a out, SUCHEN though she called for een son was near. Shortly are a8 Twelve-Year-Old Dundas Girl ae Over could not hear ne cries ore ane noise made by tl r. The knew of the vooldeut was Brea the car wheels had pee over her leg. This was seep crushed near the kne eer home, where Dr. though: she was too weak from loss of blood. and shock, and rapidly declined. HEALTH GLANDULAR FEVER. This is the name of an acute brile disease of childhood, one of the group to which belong searlet fever, nee and mumps. It dif- fers from measles and other erup- tive fevers in that there is no rash, the manifestation being a swelling of the glands in the neck, especially in the front part of the 1 The - dibsate is not of common oc- teria piles ee bag. | Delawares, 75. to 800 per bag] Alten, wey ne, eed ae Charles H. F . paian| rear oH ovler Cae Burford seek Erapirsiine Plants Criticized by Poultey-Ohiskens, dress a 9 house. Children are the ones aN tory Inspectors, to 10 id; fo 7 suffer chiefly, infants in arms o: ening him with death un the son: Soe Cane 1 7 to 805) very hild dult: sents to be blackinaited. eee from Toronto, says:|ducks, 9 to 100; geese, 8 to 9¢ per| rery Young children See Laflamme, K. @., of When the Ontario factory inspec- Bonn turkeys, 12 to 12%c per en. Bissked: teen years are not Montreal is the latest recipient of tors heir _repor' © nd demand for money, |James 8. Duff, Minister of Agri- —— Picea (api cues tes pesieutied be the ual threat.” |etlture, ‘choy "will severely” 0 Seeeoore haa ae Mig tare ie get ay Cera) A train service 1s to be inaugur- demn. the present methods employ- —Pound prints, 22 to 2405) ness Se tho tana Chk ee ated on the Lake Sugeriey sion ed in many of the apple evaporating fie Ss to 930; inferior 19 to 200. | iin 20S OrNGT OF RaUUR YOR of the Grand Trunk Pacific between factories. in Instances | Creamery, rolls 27 to 389, andl aol] aes, Soke ed Rated Sues Tort William and the main line Will be shown of these ee ids, 25% t fey oye? ds ae appetite is junction, started in all manner of places —| " Eggs*Case lots of storage, 92 to ser ee tC @ statement comes from Du-|from barns to skating Bie seals 3c per dozen, while laid are| {tempt to move the child’s head lath thi essrs. Mackenzie & there has been an absolute disre- een at 28 to 30c per doze ees: paiy any te eronaly. Sek ES nn tah an option on the Rainy gard for anything like sanitary con-| " Cheese—Large, 190 per pound, | neck trom the aa eee ae iver Railwa iti ere have been no wa- ailway at sixteen million fats to Wel eeecontecionse aber and twins, IBN the pean apple is usually also athe union mechanics of the O. ds Sie ar sua aah ee ee PROVISIONS. ote feve dually for t . R. in the west ‘have given duo bore. boon. Sbliged:to alk. on = nines gradually fon 6p ae ears eeoe east.| apples, The reports will show that tee ante tt Ae per bar-|o1 three days, reaching its highest ern brothers who Rae not yet found fee has been a general improve- |"), Moon ces, tae tae 19M. joint about the third day. At this pens of the canning factories and Repeater pathy ae oe a the enlar etnn ok the — a natin factories in the is lands o} e neck becomes mani- evap 8 moked and Dry Salted Meats— fest to sight and touch, he enlargement may be on both s by successive crops of glandular. Salar getente no re oki enlpiigcs al- choigh sometimes the flush of the fever may take on a dusky red hue and simulate a r: 8. ir continues as. lon the swelling of the glands persists, nd after its subsidence the little pees is usually weak and pale for a time. Glandular, fever is almost never fatal, but it may make the child pretty sick wit it lasts. The treat- ment is sim The patient should be kept in a ina Bat spe anaemia and debility. — Youth’s Companion, HOW TO LIVE 100 YEARS. ‘Sir James Sawyer, an Englis! ysician, has formulated the toe wring rules for prolonging life to hundred years: i ide. 3. edroom -window open all night. 4. Have a mat to your bedroom have your bedstead col ub in the morning, ae a hath at the tomperature of the bod; ie Rockcie before breakfast. 8. Eat yutls sees, and see that it is well. cor a (For paca Drink no milk. Eat plenty of fat, to feed the cells oe destroy .the disease oid intoxicants, which de- stor ae cells. ly exercise in the open air. 3 Allow no pet animals in your pal out and below the angle of < living room. They are apt to carry about disease germs. _ 14, Live in country if 15. Watch the three ing water, damp and 16. Haye a change of Groupee Reh Take frequent and short holi- ou ca Ly Peden ‘ains. 7B. “Limit your ambitions; and 19. Keep your temper. HEALTH HINTS. Gee Eggs.—Break yous oes digest. before putting in the egg. poe i ee Ee RICHEST SWISS DEAD. Wore Shabby Clothes and Accepted ips With Glee. A despatch from Geneva says? The richest and most eccentric man ia Switzerland, dead at Lugano, leavin; of ane baie most sh HR in Am sacareie: deere habite. e would meet the shabbiest clothes, an urists who visited his eautiful Meese at Clani acee} gardener: to take their tips with glee. REE ES ae GREAT FIELD OF COPPER. pe ae Flor Island, Thune rt Bay District. ee ie from Port Arthur Isle St. Ignac, at the entrance to Nepigon Strait, by Didace Caru- fel of Sudbury. It is said to ex. tend for mil nd the deposits and his associate have taken e ty ener cl ne FOR MURDERING A WOMAN, 8 George eth ae Sentenced to _ A duet from Kenora says: George Johnsun was on Wed- nesday found guilty of murdering Mrs. Ackerman on July 28 and sen- tenced by Judge Britton to be hanged on January 20th, The jury was out only twenty minutes. The having struck Mrs. Ackerman. peice tea YOTES FOR WOMEN AT LAST. sa nace la State Legtslature Passe es Bill. A despatch from Melbourne, Au- stralia, says: The Victoria Legisla- tive Couneil Hite passed the bill em- powering w at the Bite elopani: This bill Boagione: ly had been rejected several times. ughout Australia have now won the right of unset in both Commonwealth an elections. emai ae nei Y DIED OF GLANDERS. Dr. Thomas M. Wilson of Atwood Suecumbed to Disease. A despatch from Startford dee, Dr. Thomas M. Wilson of Atw ecome infected while pursuing a post-graduate course at the Rush- well Medical College. HE DIED OF Peterboro, Ont, Man : Cincinnati A despatch from Cincinnati; Ohio, says: Patrick Sreedon, aged forty-five, an inventor, and a na- dead on Wednesday afternoon in his room at the Burnet House. Coe of the Coroner’s staff stated ae believed death to ue to natural y at noon © The ae of the porters to obtain a response to their knocks on his door Teresita the employment ofthe pass key and resulted in the finding th man dead on his cI tive of Peterboro’, Ont., was found | oy hh Burdsall and Hoover STARVATION Found Dead in a i Hotel, bed. He was partially dressed. Creedon came. to Cincinnati. on Wednesday, November 11th, to ne- gotiate with Arthur Francis Hoov- and Chi 8. Burdsall the Ha d held a number of conferences and ne- getiations had proceeded to the ex- Manitoba Wheat-Spot, No. 1 and Fatally Injured. northern, 4 08 to $1.0814; No. northern, $1.05 to $1.05 Take ‘ ports. . ey ca dae A despatch from Hamilton says:)foot was caught she heard on car i Onts-Ontario No: A white, 98240] Violet Norton, the twelve-year-old |approaching. “She cried to try and > c, outside; N . 2 _ attrac! motorman’s attentio: 87% tos 38c, outsides i faitabe pumas “A sel! Rowton, Sak and threw her body to one side, ‘0. 2 western Canada, 4350 = 44c One Street, Dundas, was run over!but the spot was unlighted and hi ght she would be brou, ; the city hospital for treatment, but

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