MOVING WESTERN WHEAT a A despatch from Winnipeg says: Up to dato there has passed inspec- tion at Winnipeg 40,409, yD top h- els of wheat of the crop of 1903, or| nearly 9,000, ushels sae sta had been inspected up to the end’ of December last year. eae the} exportable surplus of crop at 80,- shels, more ‘han: 20H ofl that surplus has already bee: spected, and before mesigation Ce es on the of ember the amount will have run aay rata already g w eat considering ies distance it has to travel, than any country has ever in the same period before. le up’ since that time, but it ae ‘certainly been higher, Splendid Record Being Made By the Railways This Year. rather than lower. Taking the av- erage of wheat passed inspection | at 85 cents a te farmer, there has been pai em on the wheat | crop of 1903, ee 340,000. It i j eeeeone to note the evo of the varioi ads, in the movement of ‘the Ae Of the 43,973 packs Teed: ted the oO. ‘e R. handled 27 1845, the N. R. 12,821, and the new ee ae the pp ee record of 924, over the Great | ° Be Norden to "D ulut nadian Pacite holds the puch long “hauls in the eee Hod of two anid-a Balt months, land Seidenes of the advantage of |couble tracking is fairly thrust in the face of every dealer of wheat. is for October and November alone. IT 1S VERY DANGEROUS OUL Prof. Parker, of Manitoba University, Says _It Is Worse Than Dynamite. A despatch from Winnipeg says? “That oil, poured on a living fire, would be more dangerous than dy- .mamite or nitro-glycerine used si- Agmilarly.’” ch was the aha statement of Professor Parker of Manitoba deaths within a fortnight in the Province. “This oil, ” said Professor Park- oF he extraordinat ry im some: re- T not- think that it was Sinicaruved ash gasoline, as has ce | between 90 and 130 deg beon suggested. I tried it for spe: cific gravity, for point, and| y distilled Fd Ttractionally. I believe 1 that it contained a ry percent: age of naphtha, of ona per: haps. Gascline would distill off be- and only 2 distilled oft below 90 degrees. portion o fered think’ sovtasined, Tine, but. naphtha. below what my machine will Investigation shows that the Sapa charge whole- this oil has been importing onesie a MAN BURNED TO DEATH. Young Montreal Man Burned in Clothes-Cleaning Shop. of gasoline. éleaning a suit of clothes in a tailor shop on Berthelet street, ie the gasoline ho was using ecam. Rene! = 4 second the fire Fatal man’s escape was cut off. After the subdued his charred body was found in the ruins. Laga- Miere was twenty years of age. FITS AR ES ase RE A HUNDRED DROWNED. Coasting ana Went Down off e PU pptaeE. langasinan Prpriness struck a rock! on Ti oes night during uw storm, off the town o! oe nando, in Union province. It estimated that a hundred of the w of the Pont- Viscaya rescued 5b. constabulary, which was established immediately after the ee “picked up itecen Seas and man; were comin, It es known. whet! is no Americans or LF eal were aboard the wreck- ed si PARDON CARE TOO LATE, Death of Capt. N N. F. Harbottle From Cancer. eepetelt from Edmonton says: . FE. Harbottle, the de- faltng collector of inland revenue here, serving a two-year sentence, died suddenly in the pene rom aa ck-| after his death a pardon arrived Ottawa, which had been r in Council after ernment ‘apt. Harbottle leaves @ wife and four children, BMT ae HWUDSON’S BAY RAILWAY. Rapid Progress is Being Made With he Survey. A despatch from Ottawa says: four Aree in the field, consisting a all of from sevent; e hun- red men engaged at ‘surveying al- erat routes. is anticipated h practically definite conclusion sed, by the end of Febru- ary, for beoautcs to Parliament, SES BACK TO INDIA. y Deport Hindus ae LEAPED INTO CANAL. penton ak ‘Caught by Train on e Took Chances. 8 ca into the canal, from which he was. Ma; Now in British Columbia. A despatch from Otters ke As there does not seem to be likelihood of the Hindus in British Columbia accepting the proposal to be transferred to British Hondu- ras, it is said that the Interior De- partment may take the extreme step ia is held a ae altogether unsuitable for WARN see TNMINENT The Trouble Is Now Believed to Have Come to de: spatch from London ae lay of uw: ‘0 hari each other, re a. belief aor the Badan trouble had come nd that war head, a was very The Syenerni interpretation of ue withdraral oe ta A is pe lavicinni, Ope rence, meted definite eat of an al- nee between Turkey, Montene- gro and Servia, the =olleged clash} ed to of an Austrian column with a Ser- vian guerilla ba: nd, the rumored in- erease of troops in Bosnia, and a seas pence nes at Semin, oppo- otis J Belgra' a al Maite had been itcotaeel were the Debonat causes of ne exci es ment. These, added to the univei eal priayereyite caused ty the Tu: | gravest “Gificult ies tenegra ie Servia, a Head. kish boycott caused declines at the of Vienn ing some of the rumors, cat deny the fight between Austrians and Servians. The position was in no wise bet- Vienna newspapers for reportin, the movements of troops particular- at It is possible to say how far the day’s alarm was justified, but nothing Sit be dofinitely ascertain- show e situation is really worse than it has-been for the last few days. Nevertheless the uneasiness is tiom of an- eat Russian. dis- agreement, and the probability of an alliance. epee uci Mon- any| Sandy CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS NAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. mania at Winn ie tax will be 21 or 22 mills Chippewa is work- ing ae La night on Cobalt ores. s R. McNeil of Ottawa dae ‘ett “320, 000 to charities in that Bee mmigration to Canada from Apu to October decreased 48 per ent Capt. paitlnnd was killed Kingston aby a fall from his SScakl; on Thu: Police. cae Moore of Ke- nora has been suspended by the Sprerainent. Catharines Board Trade is agitating to stop the ex- port of natural gas. The O. 8 preparing to erect a Sena coal handling plant at Fort Willia: During Octobe er 500 cases of ty- phoid were repor! oe a the Provin- cial Board of Heal Hindus at Vanes have enter- ed a strong protest against being aes to British. Hondur: i ghecnine taonths: “sadiag Sep: tember 30 Ontario’s mines produc- ed mineral worth $12,205,795. Alberta is to build her own rail- ways, and Premier Rutherford will ronto wi receive $48,000 and $50,000 profits of t esau Canadian National ante ae four-year-old boy named An- -|derson fell and struck his head o1 n a a at Calgary, and was fatally inju ie St. Andre was sentenc- dat Montreal to three months in ing to poison the loon-keeper. la has been divided into action” districts by. the Hawa pena and the work ap; tioned amo: ingston Board of Education has Leen ordered by Chancellor Boy: admit children who are not vaccin- ated to the schools. Edward Murdock, ats seventy sears, of Raleigh township, c matted suicide byis sho ee Limselé n the head, on Fri Bet ae decided to bond from the embargo placed on cattle products from the United States, ber of vessel-owners have pened the rate for carrying grain from the head of the lakes to Geor- gian Bay ports from two to three men and large quantities of material for the sit tional Transcontinental will be sent in over the uperior Begack from Fo: H. Flaata Sask., suddenly attacked im. he animal ha ‘4 We oie and was attemptin, gor e when a collie dog econ the a and kept 2 at he until Mr. Flaata was able to Judge Mattel has granted the ap- plication for a change of venue, and on. P. dat Montreal on a ge of making Reports received by the Railway false returns to the Covarakiony if Department are that rapid progress} connection with the St. John’s is being made with the survey of| Bank. | the roposed route of the Hudson | Bay alle There are at present GENERAL. Thirty Servians were slain i fight with Austrians on the tasction eneral Sir has been appointed Guartasmaster: General of India. 'wenty men were killed in a fight between Austrians and Seryians on the Bosnian Sontaers UNITED | STATES. A New Jersey girl was iphones to death by a mouse which across the floor in her Four persons were drowned when the steamer Finance was sun) Hook in collision’ with the White Star steamer Georgie, on Thursday. amphere, accused of the Mrs. Gunness, the owner of the murder farm at Laporte, Ind., as been found guilty of arson and given an indet terminate term in the State prison. GREAT B BRITAIN. All difficulties in the way of South African union have been sur- mounted. Ontario, British Columbia and Nova Scotia were awarded gold me- dals at the colonial Fruit Show in London. Mr. Birrell has introduced a bill into the British House of herereel es to facilitate the eamstine of land for 1909 Wad or $6,500,000 ay than ‘in pot Seto ae LICENSING BILL REJECTED / . New British Measure —— by ; to 96 Vol A despatch from Eehabh ene: The House of Lords on Friday jected, in accordance with than fe: solution 24, the Govern- ment’s ae Bill at ae second reading by 0 96 votes. The} } Ve however, during the next Se Se campaign, ue this of their man; the House of of furthermore, a fi revenl ue measu: ee be m Telegraphio Briefs From Our Own tal Gambling is ee to be almost a nip ae rate Poe Niagara Falls “| from tl = re Lord Strathcona has cabled the ap- to|into the water an exempt dressed meat shipments in| tho for the tenants in ai TI al oe Prussia, Saxony un temburg eae w the eependiieae it $180,- 2 thee = by: mdi doctors are in mieiiane cE boned the ee may not. —p: aw The ¢ 79 RESULTED FATALLY. 241 Employes Victims of Accidents During October. A despatch from Ottawa says: Wada! accidents 0 atal and 162 injuries. resulted in serious In addition, two fatal ac. reported in the previous month and 61 less than in October, 1907. The n bee of non- ial ‘accidents reported n October, Sennen eee MICHIGAN QUARANTINED. Canada Takes Further Action in Cattle Disease. patch from Ottawa says: the en of the foot and mouth dnesday io ada that State tothe list vat thore: aindet Pieriniiia) visi fase to ke present, namely; New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Mi- chigan. The transit of animals across the boundary m these tates into Canada is absolutely points in the will ole prohibit vehicles crossing he States into the Dominion. preesecn of the British Board of le ab Ganada’ s action. J. HAMONIC LAUNCHED. The Finest Product of Canadian Shipbuilding. despatch from Collingwood says: Shortly after 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon the ropes hold- ing the splendid bi es Le hae Ha- imultaneous- age of ta slid gracefully down ine ways another addi- tion was made to the fect of the Northern Navigation Company. The initial dip monic was greeted by the tumultuous cheering of fully 10,000 people, while the whistles of the several steamers in the harbor added their welcome to new recruit. customary bottle of wine was broken gals the prow of oat by Mrs Gildersleeve, sae of the general manager of the company, who per- formed her task just as the steamer started on the way for her first sub- mersion, a EAST BUFFALO YARDS. To be Re-opened ft for eee of ‘ock to Slaughter. A despatch from Buffalo, N.Y. tion of live stock for loc acy, is was decide ing of the Live Stock ‘Association ee Siete and Federal quarantine | * office: Cattle and shoeb: ‘tor raleegutae only will be re- d. No ‘shippers’ “feeders” It was also stipulated that the live stock must come in disin- must be unloaded yards business, for transactions in about two-thirds of the cattle busi- ness there. wo ake Psat IMMIGRATION FROM FRANCE. Mr. J. BE. Cyr Makes Fourth Cana- dian Agent in That Country. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. J. E. Cyr, ex-M:P. for Pro- 2 /Vencher, hus been appointed an im- migration agent Sam. in Franco, Mx. Cyr, will seek to pro: te, especially, the emigration of French agriculturists to the Pra: The immigration ae partment is also encouraging ¢ ration from the rural districts of rance and Belgium by a compaign of advertising the resources of na through faoxing picture esbi bitions. Mr. Cyr’s appointment in- creases the number of Canadian im- migration agents in France to four. cerita | MUNICIPAL ENTERPRISE. Brockville’s Light and Power Plant Shows a Pronk The total revenue The net pret for the eight ee was $9,977, RUN DOWN BY TRAIN. Mrs. Gowdy and Granddaughter Seriously Injured, A despatch fore wellsnd says! On Thursday ae mn Mrs, Wil liam’ Gowdy o! Buffalo. aceompani- ed by her grandadughter, Merion Hatt, six years old, were run dow: lous injuries. ye ital. ‘ossing is very tier ne and may narrow escapes have 3 ure 5de to n 5% * | 43% ts stock for slaughter usually forms) 2 fs te: white, 53% to. 53%e; A | foot and LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Dec. 1.—Ontario Wheat Senor. to 40%c outside; No. 2 mixed, 37¢ to 38c, outside, 43%c on track, lake 85c; No. 3, 68¢ to ic. Corn—Old, rahe. to. 55, doroate freights, for No. new No. 3 yellow, Tie: he me, ToronU 0 freights. ye—No. 2, 75c to Les outside. ea NG: 2, outside. Pate Saleh 2, B5e to 56c, out- e. Aras -—Manitoba, ute pee 5.80; seconds, $5.30; strong bak- ers’, $5.10; Ontario aaey wheat patents for export, $3.70 to $3.75, cuts Millfced—Bran, $20 $21 per on in bags, o1 utside; to shorts, $22 to n | 33" tn bage, outside: COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—Winter, $3 to $4 per bar- rel for good qualities, and at $2 $2.00 for. cooking app s—Prime, $1.80 to 31. 8; and fone a $1.90 to $1.95 per bushi Honey—Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dicen and strained, 10 to lle per Hay—No. 1 timothy quoted at $11 to $11.50 a sae ne track here, and No. 2 at $7 Straw—$e. a i $8 on track, Bae pegrabwubety 75 to er bag on vepaalny Onennine dressed, 9 to per pound turkeys, 12 to 12%c per pound. THE DAIRY MARKETS. rints, 24 to 26c; inferior, 20 to 2lc. 27% to 28c, and Butter—Pound tubs, 23 to 24c; Creamery rolls, oes ds, 23% t Aa Og fots of storage, 23 to ie per dozen, while new laid are quoted at 30 to 32c per dozen, eese—Large cheese, 13%¢ per pound, and twins, 13%e. PROVISIONS, Pork Short cut, $22.50 to. #38 per barrel; , $19 to $19.50. LardTieroes, “8s; tubs, 1230} pails, Sisoked and Dry Salted Meats— Long clear bacon, 11%c to 11M%e, is and cases; hams, large 12Ke to 18¢, small 14¢ to 14%c; b: T7e to 148; DALE a» to 10%e; rolls, lle to 11%c; breakfast bacon, By to ee eae chante: me of pickle ¢ less than smoke: BUSINESS a MONTREAL, al, Dec. 1.—Grain—Cana- dian Western No. 2 white oats are selling at 46%c; No. 3, 8 areas . 1 fee per Pidnr Manitoba Spring wheat pat- $6; seconds, $5.50; wheal it ed A to ‘e 5; ents, firsts, Winter $21.50 $26; shorts, $24.50 to $25 per ton, inclitding bags; pure grain mouille, 30 to $32; milled: grades. Cheese12) to 120, in a jobbin; Egas—New laid, 8 to 30; selected stock, 26 fo 25M%0 No. 1 stock, 22 to 3c, and No. 2 stock, 17%4¢ per dozen. CATTLE MARK Toronto, Dec. 1.—A-scarcity of choice cattle was reporte: ae said that he was willing to 5 for a load of extra choic butchers’. cattle, but-he could tet find them, ae best ae ruled around § per cwt, Straight loads tf ed tattle were sold. at $4 to $4.95 per the prices of medium cattle varied from $3 to $4 bi ows Were cold up to $3.75 mo and medium cows cbronght $2 to $3 eavy feeders of good quality were offere from the country persisted for thank at current prices. and lambs were in better demand. Select hogs continued to sell at $6.25 per ewt., fed and watered, Toronto. UNITED STATES pels oe Milwaukee, Dec. 1—Wheat—No, 1 ee $1,06% 5 a Noes: $1.0: 9 81.05; May, $1,08 asked jana Corn-—May, 6230 bid. Tarlo Slander Td, 64¢; sam- ples, 57 to Gic; No. 3, 57 to 6lc; Nov. 1.—Wheat — Ge Sic. Minneapolis, Dec. ete: ae 04s May, $1.09%; cash, AE |, 81.08% to $1.08% 5 No. as $1.07% to $1. 07% 5 2 Northern, tent $5.25. t 505 Bee on second clears, $3.00 ee “bial, Dec. ss Wine Apu, eady; No. 1 Northern, carloads, Bae $1. eerWe higher; No. % red, $1.08%; No. 3 extra AG $1.0724; ‘No.3 mites 8 fe 4 2 mixed, $1.07. Corn—Ee 3 yellow, 67¢; No. 4 yaaa “aces Orn, ite; 676, Se 2 rye, track, i ——_—_— GERMAN CATTLE AEPECTED. Toot and Mouth Di Disease pete, in Several Districts. despatch from Berlin says: Thé ; a mouth disease is epidemic in several of the oe Ss of Germany, — .|risings as it see to-day for many aoeta + left oe Aétompt on the Lives of Englishmen Almost of Daily PROTONS. A despatch from Calcutta says: The situation in Indi: 2s not shown such a menace of serious up- years past. Attacks and attempts on the lives te Siaglishimens officials and civilians are of almost daily oc- currence. to, ihe Vice- roy of India, returned here on Wed- nesday north, cutting proxt his excursion in this territory for the purpose of considering mea- © cope with the native dis- affection, which the puthionitise have been forced © recognize as alarm- ingly on the increas ts ‘ednesday night a Bengali le an unsuccessful attempt to kill Public Prosecutor Hume with a bomb in a railroad carriage, near . Nor as. meee rt Last Monday night District oa be ae Phe lice Clough was murder. tive at Lyallpur.. Th ne sig cae : proached the superintendent whil Bee cub open rson Fraser, the Lieut. Governor of Bengal, on oeanerey pleaded guilty and was sentence 0 prise Rae: for life. lice are Paling remark- able precautions to safeguard Lord Minto, and this is regar: led as a significant. YOUNG FOLKS THE ERRAND. Willis, who was repairing the o-acre-pasture fence, discovered suddenly aN he was running out of nails. mebody must ride to penta, the nearest town, and and I can’t spare “We ought to-fin- t go, Peter,” oh said. said fate year-old cp ftioe med foes hot aoteoaee and Toh ee the Ow s I oneht lesb said, doubit iy. ‘ais is a at aianast day; may a weather-breeder, But I guess ies all right, You ride a ee; and don’t stop anywhere, on.” “TI won’t,” answered Harry. He was usually a solemn little aes but chipmunks stayed tle gusts of win rattled among the weeds and tossed up dust suddenly before old Prince” s nose, who snort- ed suspiciously, but did not shy; 0 staid and dignified aj waceniierd onely. joint to to shy. Just before the half-way Winthrop, the road crosse creek at an easy ford, Harry was approaching this creek when felt a drop of rain. He looked up and saw a ver, ick and geen cloud drifting across the little jagged streak of Faveuing winked from the edge of it arry did not mind getting wet, but thunder-storms were another now as it was to W: ane he hated to admit that rossed the ie in, and jay grew darker. The big cloud seemed to ite and roll like water, and the edges of it were silver-bright and odd-looking. Harry kicked old Prince to make him go faster, and his heart beat hard, The Cw grew colder, and th westward, wl “Something | Nnea ree! oye your way, son,’ id. “You wait es Ss while. y had scarcely gone into the shop sehen the rain and co’ pein to fall for fitesn sniainted as Harry had never e whole vari see This lasted for fi teen, minutes; and it was accom- ied by a strange roaring noise, hich Seige aes esibreker bet as much ‘as it did Hi hen the rain Ae at otosai it ane just 5 ce cad aiiok at as go back now,’’ said arry, Pa must have the} nails.” he rain owt over, the storekeeper let When he left W inthrop op te he all sorts of positions; only two or three of the smaller ones had been standing. water, which had been only a few inches an hour before, now. boiled 4 By fraid. So h : bia : |The, Hghtning winked and ahivaned an: heart wi the da; oo S came down in| °#l ‘into the creek, Ana «slipping and sliding, the steady old horse went through. The ate came so hij that Harry had raw up his le; outs side, he ie. you safe?” ‘is fac “T think so,’’ said Harry, in “a brave voice. ‘That was an awful storm,’* aa his father. ‘It blew down the west corn-crib, and we thouBNE the house mother is almost Did you get to Harry. He hel Then all 4 etn little hays hy Harry,’’ be what's the agian It’s all right now.” “Yes, sir!’ sobbed Harry. “I. was just thinking—how scared I'va been !’—Youth’s Companion. Ww. ra MORTON STABBED. lialian Laborer “Thrusts Knife Into His Bi A despatch from Niagara Falls ford on Thursday afternoon. Mors ton is foreman of a gong of labor- ers who work on oe oe s in Stame ford township, a 8 paying the men off on the anotsendn of the job, Fread demande than had been agreed upon, and Morton ree fused to pay him. Fread walked. i inutes: seca aa in Icnif off into the woods. | ter a long chase, captured hi Morton is in a very critical avin tion. — SMALLPOX NEAR BROCKVILLA Five Sen as Stricken — Thought it Was Chicken-pox. lespatch from pie says ries ie village of Lyn, five miles from Brockville, five ey of small- x were diagnosed on Wednesda; Sy. y Brockville’s Medical Health Of The patients were children was generally believed 4 children were suffering from chick- en-pox, therefore no precautionary f- | Measures were — JUDGE MACCALLUM DEAD. Passed ee at t: Gore Bay, Mant« ulin Island, eal worker, died here on Thuy se of pneumonia. Judge MacCallum leaves a widow hie a family ol young aidlaget FADS AND FANCIES. Fancy waistcoats for men are po- pular, Plain ae chased gold bracelets ‘are popul No end of braid i is used on fash- ionable gown The ai eciation of soutache. is sahgiess at and si een ae long and sh werd never of more graceful cut. e 3 bate Pe pretty in new shapea ~ mrt “opium, tines nee an watches Sram eine in Toronto. « The’ sus- vende official denies all knowledge 0 how. tl iets materials foun teks’ way into discovery ‘was tide yy. the Pasay authorities that opium. er soe ed, anda wil ct gave: Bes a8 tow Tailor Instructor Has Been “Snapended Pending ride is department. The | Som ied can. tell. Some ve: large quantity of atolea ae @) found under the oe orate ns “8 tect’s room at a knew nothin; ane ome prisoners were suspecte hiding the. ee audsthers: loubt: the ase is: a. pi and work] Re