Milverton Sun, 10 Dec 1908, p. 2

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10 Per Cent. Santa Claus What is wearable is giveable. price. Now is your opportunity to buy the stook on sale. Absolutely no reserve. Boys’ Reefeer's and Overcoats 20 only, Boys’ good warm short Overcoats or Reefers, well made and lined. make excellent school coats, large storm collars. can fill his children’s stockings to overflowing if he buys his Christmas Clothing at this big sale. ESSE SEAS SS CS ES The Satisfactory Store 8 Days of Big Saving H— FOR THE BoYS—— Mothers and fathers, why not buy that boy of yours a swell suit or overcoat for Christ- m at such a big saving, We were very fortunate in making a big s tmanufactnrere of the Celebrated Lion Brand Cloth- the kind taking, and we took ail the clearing lines at a Overcoat into stock and get a long profit. | We prefer sate our customers the bargain and making quick sales. HERE ARE THE PRICE! 50 pair Boys’ Tweed Pants Lined throughout, dohble seats and double Ret: ae value 60 to'75 cents a pair. Sizes 24 to 82. Christmas sale only ir Boys’ Knickers, extra good weight, all wool Tweeds, eis eee regular 75c and $1. Christmas Sale Price. * 39c double seats and 69c 8 Suits Sizes 26 to 32. Reg. $3,50 for Discount on Every Boys’ Overcoat in the store. SCHAEFER & “QUALITY” A Christmas Sale of Men’s and Boy’s pees fs December 11th to 19th We find our Clothing stock somewhat heavy, together with a big factory purchase we have made at our owi best made clothing in Canada, bright, new stock, at a big Christmas Saving. Every garment in our Clothing a MEN —— this opportunil: coats, in double Men’s Pants Regular 2.50 for ing Coripay oie big reduction ovine a wel ‘The weather has bee! Overcoats, n but all sizes in the cg and $10.00, Christmas Sale.... are the suits that w you wear them, Lowndes, regular $13.50 iil al They are tailored by ir Men’s Heavy Wool Tweed ree well and strongly made, Some are lined asuetionk 10 Per Cent. Discount on every Suit or Gent We received fferings are the best Christmas aera you will fi where in clothing. Buy, your Chriet- mas clothing here and you buy it 7 Asi Offering in Oveccontt nly Men’s Fine Black and Tweed Ove: Pera lly tai allored, Italian lining. Sizes reg a 12.50 to 15, i, hia nel e ‘0 coats of one size, vane y tw "reulan $9,00 TAILORED GARMENTS Men’s Suits 52 only een Celebrated 20th Century Suis in; ites T hese please you when 9.50 ete styles. to $16.00 for in this store not mentioned in this ad. WHALEY lined, best ° 1.49 tee Terms Cash or Produce “Black Knight” Stove Polish does away with all the dirty as a winl puts on bright, black polish that Was Mixed Often remarkable stories are being Store, come. ¥ Seoy.y H. Finkbeiner, Visiting brethren, always | wel tag elhaen *|Worried to Death .... it Bees. nds of liquors;and cigars, Ritter, Proprietor. Chas. B QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial frightened me. travellers and others. Two large samp ple| ul my work, which waa inside offic rooms, the choicest of Wines, Li-|work, so languid, nervons and weak quors and Bae ‘t the bar, Good warm |had I become. eabratgh the interven stables, George F. Pauli, Proprietor. of a friend I was induced to use| it,” ert et ue eee CEE He CHERERE ——_——-|Ferrozone. My appetite improved at]|and Ki trouble and suffer wil Sa eee _ HOTEL, Wellesley: once, circulation also impro Rheumat ee TRECaaaaTC On then Theat re-ttted'|Ferrozone accomplishe M1 the druggists in this neig! ee bas paremecriak necolmocation:. Three lee oy, ote eee hood say they can supply the ingred- lage cet 001 Good® stablin ed to. come back to m: ents, which are easily mixed at hi re Fomichew” Brick barn, a hed | fhe same » time Ferrozone. built ere 16 ssa be 2 ee a am naan stitution. cleansing ag fe, Gtentot gives to che eae: stréng and resumed .my occupation.| known, and certainly none mo) f SEB brief, I am well.” harmless or simple to use Choicest liquors and cigars, P, BERDUX, For Aeswee ropristor. rf i i st p its kind in the work LOGAN { GOUNcIL. itsevery woman's heart. ESSE AE SS Equally good for Stoves, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, |fec! bett B Pipes, Grates and Ironwork. pays spenial attention to Commercial | tired, dull, dispirited— The Council met _ November, ae . ie trade, Spiced ‘id sample rooms, Best ere is nothing in life Ney we ee and paraudutl te ciporawent: the bee id can't get “Black Knight” wines and liquors served at the bar |thq time. to take Ferr rs we: i Per ae the sei aesr Benen iornocd, send seas. Rates $1.50 per day, Wa. Wirt, Prop | (What a change Ferrozone makes ! dl i f last Ber day: soon BNE A SLC re cirongh your) Ueeze Sesoaing, Nie relites OF las ‘The F. F. DALLEY CO, LINITED, Legal veins, carrying nourishment to every] pis 2 Ca nee HAMILTON, Ont, 10 and dorne: of the Mr. Af. Connolly made application to nook the exultant thrill of abundant nerve ¥. Sturtee M.D.C. nate ai College, : Trinity Gaivernty Toronto rt. Office in Public Store, Te lephone Sonnégtion w with Poole Brunner, Moserville M., Honor Grad- Drug Veterinary. GAQRPAY, & CARTHEW, Barristers, Lene TEL reperh” culinested with’ S jolicitors, Ete. Solicitors for the B: 1 eI and d bes i of Hamilton. Money to loan, Milver- | ene of earn the testemn pertest|® No 6, and mnected with &8, ton, Ont, nent offices have been| shod No. 6, for. schoo! Eee The eoun~ for, A member of the firm will el tool jecessary meas! Meeisuaitey (hergar: ig ry, Ferroasne ond see how {hava the objec ct considered syson, Business Cards|* ® =: J. m. Charme. | Gh Tae world that will get| Messrs: Connelly, (and Nichojson. you bracing health at once. , Sold aoa eve OT Ore palanod, and extras Dentistry. Makins @ Hanley arene BOs: Bes toe ‘or six boxes| 3" pote tract, ‘mounting tol, R. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- Barristers & Solicitors ee the cum of $148, as per engineer's entiate of Dental Surgery and Member RENT aart'ficat of Royal Gollege of Dental Surgeons of Stratford - Ontario True Happiness. Messrs, E. Prueter, J. Dittmer and Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- A. feifer, sr., z versity. Crown and Bridge otis Pik SM ee vee eaey: Pecstpe hatison) fapnient-ot! far provided eh Bee joer trae henpiness is of 8 eee et es er ce Wiedical. sin the first piace, [Sangh Drain By-aw. All applica: ane Milverten ean ie Weekly ue $1.51 BnaGe FAROE a) of afew cslact commpations; 40. thee wi edantedt The Milverton Sun and Seated ade and “natarelty ee season ene Eee ee O}haunts groves and fountains, fie. ae $1,044.29, when the council resolved ae “Sun and Toronto |and 85. short, it fee's | tq adjourn to meet again on Monday, Bu G3175 |everything it wants within itself December 44th inst, at the usua: and Family eis . and. piace. Berad ee Week!y star renee $1.75. F. JACOB, Clerk. one iver ae and Montrea? nee 5 [roves in a Crowd, and to draw W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeon, | The “Miiverton Sun aad Farmer’ Aa- the eyes oe I yond upon ber: She | Good Cough Medicine for Milverton, vGcadcat e of Ontario Veterin-} yocate ve “ic. sn $2. not receive any satisfaction from Chi ‘ollege, eae See ge The = arias “sup and "Toronto the 1 app!ause which she gives herse:f. aoe pee of domesticated a1 is, ‘Calls by tele-| Da 2.25. rom the admiration which s ason for coughs and co’ds is phone or atueeiee rremptly eae to. | The verton Sun and Toronto .s in other: e flourishes 2 now at hand and t e oan- Daily New! $2.25 and pataces, theatres and as-| not be used to Distt as ee a Societie: od i See | The Me sarah Second bendan Deity a _eetatsiiee pu {A ohd is MILVERTON see Mee Sais! $2. wien she is looked w exact soe = eS %« Aru Mciverton. Sun and he Presby- = ee arhied be nes 8 SON Tee Cane 6. i “wuitera tits ae $2.30 Qoing into Consumption — |o"e 2 old the lets ‘he ris! 2m: meets every Monday svanibg. 0 oe Der Baie ar Ee Bene ates ee it : be hall iy Paeps Block. “Visitin vin sth maw feeca-Week) Bpectator ..... 1.75 | {When eae See rattles, oie fe who have tried itvare tenalvray weleome Wo. avancsION ee ee ee a GER, SEOY, Ley, oS s Cough Remedy | numption—use Catarrhozone and gel! nave never used anything other than €, 0. F., No. 99, Milverton, meets Aids Nature well. It clears at, eures| Gy érlain’s Cough a every second and last Tuesday of every — hadking, relieves tight chest and} ohitdren and it has always given good Sronth, at 8 o’clock, in their hall over| Medicines that aid nature are al- |soreness in the bronchial tubes. To |,atisfaction.” ‘This re eontaiis thasrmel & Son’s hardware store.|waya most successful. Chamberlain's |clear away Catarrh of the nose noth-|n4 opium or other narcotic and may Visiting brethren always welcome, R.|Cough Re: ac ‘this plan. It |ing could be better. Catarrhozone isl}. given as confidentiy to a chil r, ©. R., 8, H. Pugh, pets allays the h, aids expectoration, |Nature’s own remedy,—it heals and] a to an adult. For sale by al avage Neves the lungs, opens the se G Star Lolge” So. 302, Milverton, meets every Friday alent at 30 p,m. in their hallo wer Public Dr ug soothes—cures every ret in | umg or bronchial trot al dealers. ,| put the price of, butter dow | The Obristmas © sRod and Gun” of good tine is the Decem- 2 Full Toa abo a 'd about town and among the coun-|ben (Christmas Number) of “Rod and Notary Public. o 4 syd the c Yateeseces Las of Sleep. 'Y people coming in of this simple 1 and Motor Sports in tiada WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- home-made mixture curing Rheuma | published: by | ay iiee A AEE tioneer for the County. of Perth and and Kidney trouble. Here is the|stock, Ont. A specially written: an Waterloo, cs a Wate Heart Palpitation. recipe and directions for talking : Mix] finely, illustrated acco of the trip rtgages dra and Affidavits ma ere ee shaking well in a bottle one-half| taken in the woods by the Premier Village Clerk Ofiee ia the Wait Tock | A case that proves prompt action is wise |ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one|and Surveyor-General of New Bruns~ 8 promp' a the Sovereign Bank of Cani Whak: Sates ser mee Compound Kargon, three ounces] wick, at the invitation of the organ- » Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take] ized guides of the Province, opens a Hote oe. Sares asa one e teaspoonf after meals] exceptionally good number, we NO HOTEL Enna Ont |. “Ait might I would wake up with| and at bedti standard of which is maintaine EXCHANGE HOTEL, Bonner, Ont. | vaguer feelings of fear and numbness| No, change peed be made in your| throughout. Sportsmen of all class Soe Eee ee Tate baer weatalaae’ age a nd other parts of the|asual diet, but drink plenty of good|may be recommended to th Wan sare gees a aa 8°" | body,” writes Mr. E. X. Smeaton, ot| water. written and ‘informative article on Commodation and large sta aes m’s. “I had grown thin and} ‘This mixture has a peculiar tonic| the rtance aCe and at ni; it wag very dif-|effect upon the kidneys; cleansing the| Ancient Indian customs is a fine re~ -l4 SS anion t for. Ecuit to get enough warmth in iny|©ogged-up pores of tho climinativel minder of the difficulties the Indians commercial travellers ana others. Three | f y digestion was] tissues, foreing the kidneys to sift experienced in the matter of obtai rooms, Good -stabling. petite very uncertai ain : i ving before the advent of the orth American subji hich cannot fail to interest all sportsmen. In the t of the North wiil be found fine verses, every line apyeal- ing with strong force to every lover of the ‘wild bi tractive north country. These are samples e many good things dealing with attractive in this fine Christmas is- Beware of Frequent Colds A: gliccession of eoids or a pe: wholly reco! qvery cod the attention | tt "deserves Do You Need a Stove? Boaneo me told me of medy. I began using it and my_ throa’ well.” For sale by all druggists. Standard ou eater for Milk Why should creamery butter be AE cents! per pound in the year of a hay crop iA short crop of hay puts the price Pe piit aclu ered 08. Rey does not Even mre wee ous ae are to increase the price of their Thin asa arnt Are You? iver ay pend ng as much energy 3 Fou the balance goes a “ttle further) well, you’ get thinner mn the. danger line to-day.—to-mor-~ w may be late 1 Better uso r e, it up~a little gain the first week, but the gain keeps rowing. Next week, quite so thin, Keep right on, iots of won't art at all. Your cheeks grow rosy, your heart and ves grow stron ‘ou don’t a sturdy frame and a cheer' all ie come wil ‘r0: You'll try it, only 50c. at all dealers is the time. to secure your If you do, just read over this list of Bargains Coal and Wood Cook, 20 in. oven, reg. $31, for....,$27.00 Coal and Wood Range, high shelf, 20 in, oven, reg- ular $41, sale price. Rs: Coal and Wood Range, high shelf, 6 hole, regular price $52, sale price............ Coal and Wood Steel Range, high closet, 6 hole, 20 36.00 in. oven, burns 24 in, wood, reg, $50, sale price 45.00 Coal and Wood Steel Range, high closet, 6 hole, 20 in. oven, regular $52, sale price Base Burner with oven, reg. $34, sale price. “ ‘ $ “ co “ « “ « Oak Coal Heater, duplex grate, double heater, regu- lar $24.50, sale price. seeeseees 22,0 Oak Coal Heater, duplex grate, reg. price “$6, ie 14.00 All sizes Globe Heaters, regular prices from $7.50 to $14, sale price. Call in and see these Stoves whether you buy or not W. FINKBEINER Hardware Merchant, - rT parchment. reby aiding nature i uble. Prescribed aS throwing off. a cold and restoring |by many specialists AM pee a by thou- Renew! to The Sun and get a copy the system Sy a healthy Soneots, sands every day, 25c. ‘atlof “Chums.” our eee Pregiaia me! For Baruucs as rtgeiets aoe picture, — fe ; 47.00 chenscor 4,000 ; 6.50 to 12,55] #8 Also a few good second hand Coal Heaters for Milverton, Ont. |

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