COAL and GROCERIES) —Scranton ists famous Coal’ al- ee full line of High EME ceri bulk or by the Hen J. Gs HAMIL TONS) tua ice the co Station Store - CHRISTMAS Flui Carriana nd Syrup Sarsaparilla ea What makes a nicer Christmas a present for a lady or gentleman} together in a bottle. t Milverton. | °f com PLAYING HAVOC. WITH PATENT MEDICINES An Old-fashioned, Home-Made Mix- hich Cures Kidney and Liver Troubles. prominent local druggist states lebrated prescription a distinguished specialist e 0 fering with the sale of secret medi- cines, especially the patent or vertised kidney pills. One iaoponial ate ich meal and at bedtim« druggist Mak dlipense: can ny go : he ingredients being vegetable, art than a pair of harmless and sii t has entle and nat ural | acto and gradi ally [2 fone: the eliminative tissues, Felt or Leather | teaving the kidneys in a perfectly 2. House Slippers We are showing a nice range of these Slippers at all prices. Give us a call. On entering the engaged with the known in public affairs states that this recipe cured Ws theumatism. Save the prescrip- able suddenly s 5 broken tail of a eacescencs: “How is it, Williams,” he began, severely, “that T never tind, you at work when I come out here ?” W. Zimmermann) We Pay Gash for Hides kme ee his ‘it’s om oma of “those rubber ine you're wearing no DIVIDEND NOTICE The Metropolitan Bank Dividend of on and after the Second day of January next By order of the w. Board, D. ROSS, General Manager. Toronto, November 17th, 1908, GENERAL NEWS HE Dest Gennes vegetable parch- pure, and sold hair from the .tail 0 ar’ inspectors report chat at the present time thera i ane overtime being more than soshing orders. i next spr ‘ing. whe fnoresge tn the nbimbor of jus vaniles charged with thieving and n. mewspaper - pu getting: a cnberiptions Pee all over the Sney the comd:tion a farm vd, say 1,000 ihustolacne whet: , there Sa be no oe t ment at Prevenitica the new Candy Cold gare Tablets, are si ie druggists 0 have four special peek Ost all Rikers emictie co'd. First—They contain no ‘Qaini ne E e learn that he worked out a t eet the Silane repy were thunder of applause—‘no: Mr. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Merchant Do you need anything in the print- ing'line ? order, and we will supply you with as neat a job to county, and at moderate prices. you do, send in your be had in the Cfve-THE SUN Hurrah for Santa Claus... Pand You couldn’t give your wife a ora Range dora’s beauties and won You our Automobile Skates. Who would it at these prices from 750 to $5.00 are made right, tempered ri, bute a Bissels’s Sweeper in one two and three biades. Scissors in Specially nice containing three se t arrived a big shipment of must be sold before Xmas, so ®me ea: ars a few left. Prices away dow: only double barrel hor eas re ¥ 22 Ri.e He is a jolly good follow bringing good cheer everywhere and this vane ne has made his headquarters at Rothaermel & Son. ery person who has one isa walking advertisement and not a wax passes without on getting new testimoniels of the Skates won’t need a Flying Machine Carvers Made in Shoffield, oles which is ia guarantee that they Prices pete 2.50to 5.00 Carpet Sweepers You can’t select an article at double the cost that seu Fhe fou wj much genuine satiefaction and pleasur Bissels Standard $: “ Grand Radids $3.25 Pocket Knives All boys li! nive that is sharo and will ies shanp. So do their sisters, their cousins and their aunts. Man; From $1.00 to 2.00 Safety Rasors Just the thing for the grandfather or the new beginner \ Prices from $ 3.00 Table Cutlery us' meat forks, grayy ladels, sugar eels. Heit) spoons, etc., which Guns aud Rifles finer Xmas present than a Pan- if you've got a pair of be withoute pair of skates a pair eto be kinds exe nere Cases issors knives, forks, spoons, cold gular ow 00, i $9. oe for $7. 80 fer $003 Be $4.00 for $8.40 J. Rothaermel The Farmer's Friend Store & Son or neys, i ‘ oh he ae ined, ani id Nociferous counter —tell you"—then there was ener laughter. Th ton ‘Transcript eae Bos that possibly we may now manent day for ‘Thanksg vn the last Morday in October. This bad ide. It nterf é et it go into November ia to iat some risks as to the weather, iipeut ‘his year it turned out al right.— Montreal, Star. id fashioned way of dosing a eax ‘picasa or stimulating Beart or K’dneys is ail wrong. De oul this error ion— to atrengthen a weak St one goes at it co get quick and It oe and if our Parliamentarians are so fair, so high and to pubvie-cpirited as we would like lot us re pretty bad. that respectabie citizens ny, ae BLN ie Sion: to see fit s gathered up, a are still filling ms, and penitentiaries Pre nn tess choirs and. churel wnbers are always living in that Christian. harmony ss eee et whieh has Great Br ain ie wor’ great nations,—Cana q is the ng. Business will “ikely fie we sarend F charged anded | me%tin with Boers, er Emperor unbldden strategist Rebate Sow German people is a spebtacie whieh centuries ye eenioe 4 erston was interrupted meeting. ya support such and such m if returned?” dem: the hall. considered a moment, the! you stand, goo way. 7 that are tight, or distress- wantith ‘ies of es 10 at has Been meet Derends in Buffai ae mile race. Buffalo herd yovernment which tis ee ure! as far as Missouri, Montana, where astrong corral had been constructed, where bea were to be kept before be- the ener than the whole herd noth ing hese or sickening. the biuff and sealed its steep Ta als instant ce f were fl de- Third—Preasant to the taste scending on the other s ered andy. Fourth—A large box—48 Pree ait t cayletew: te ventick—at 25 cents. ‘Also fine pos remove them uniil the feverish children. Sold by Public sprin Drug Store, Milverton. ‘The annual meeting of the Ontario The main cause of German suger Agrieuxtu eee Experimental Union @ held a night. i Bangwell’s new play, “The Mel ‘mg Pot,” Almerica Qu: xamo, “the great where all the races * te the ees the Te Gane pour df at Ellis Island; here you stand in your titty groups, with your God the fires of God. ‘A and vendettas | German: en, Irishmen and Englishmen, Jew: sians—into the crucible w God is making the Am a recent reguiation the M meet ax Hanontion. niob tenewie ching has expired, class certificate which los te it has at 9 £01 vi Pabio recently were safely eats ot is described by Ss: Ss oe ‘ouk, think ae ea 1 Crau: e | Sop! r, s|We wish the young =| moon in LINWOOD. Remember, girls, only three more weeks in leap yea W. J. Lytle spent Saturday at nie Home in Listowel aa We Deve Riray rete ts strsiterd Monday Clarke pad a flying visit Se eat ae special friends. Mr. Jno. L. was a business | visitow to Berlie | on Tu sday. BERLET—On December 6th, to Mr. md Mrs. Ed. Berlet, a daughter Mr. ‘and Mrs. D. Wray gave a very snecessful party to some th friends on Wednesday even! ing. s and Cassell ae pepe was a business tor to forte Montag and Tues: 3 Annie Milner was visiting with mires in almerston for a few is this. wee! M'ss Newton, is yn | epend:n ga naw ‘ys rk her sister, Mrs. D. William: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kreutaweiser, ot Wellesley, spent Sunday with the Mic! > sther sind brothers he peo a Woronte on Saturday night, ting there for some time. i Earl Williams has ret! turned to from after successful season Berger and ng a brother, Mr. McCard’e and family to town into their new they bought from Mr. d , which and jr., oa aa west ght Frank Baker, sr- atter months. They are es sjupreset with that country. Messrs. Beggs and Wismer, our h ay ng out ‘ocal hog dealers, have dissolved Bere nership, ani e future it will b Beggs and ier will go into the cattle business’ more ex- mam} fecutitas ie ascot for the Xm: veason. ery quiet wedding took place at the Dadteray ehurch last Wednes- y- couple much hap- Baie ess and success “in their wedded latives were present. was spent at Mr. Hen a Mr. uae lrene echler, formerly of Sarn‘a sate Stacy M. ree sister of e groom, was br:desm’ The groom was attended by Mr. Bernard Stock, cousin of the bride. The happy coup'e will spend their honey™ Sarnia and Port Huron. pa'd) at a cost of ony $80 on a sec- Rev. GT. A. Wright preavhed see | Tmprovement will promptly and[i’s farewetl_scrmon to a:large eon: ey ge phd FS nday evening, taking The pubssher of a newspaper bus) Ee ee ee anieiee : a good gospel ser- d to his ministry the people their ‘nt words oe hie! of his probabe euoce sor, : Wright noe tomi: y left by nil train 90) Sane pte Tee everybody Know’ [on Monday morning for his new fied PB ey eae oN torreon space and the sale of the paper work'ng pastor, and both be and Mr. the merehant’s success depends pon L Wri Seok aries a satay Seat e 2 ave many is. behi his selling his goods inste hem in Woskerton Walkerton Tele- mg them De. cope. When one finds he is out of sym- h his own estaps making himself unhappy. POOLE. Misses ean ki of ras pent Sunday Mr and Mrs. “and M Ry Kenne! and aaee sof rahis gan, are visiting their many iran and relatives in to eee mourning | ‘the death of “their ony ment ree Place 2a “IGANADA’S POOR CON- have kept down ak He | which Tears ae SUMPTIVES. A Story more Touching than anything from the Pen of the gifted jan Maclaren. in the current issue of the Door oF ‘West, Toronto, a page is given over to letters received from the many persons of the Dominion seeking ka Freo cae ag by, the name of Morrison, | He says: ould like to urge strongly iypen the great claims of this putieat. nother desd--faiher ». The boy has A Carload of New Furniture To those contemplating matrimony this festival season, we extend a cordial invitation to call in and ex- amine our large and well assorted stock of new 1909 designs in medium and high-class Furniture. No Obligation to Buy. Your Home Furnished as a Special Rate Practical Xmas Presents What can be more appropriate or more acceptable than some attractive piece of Furniture, that will be in daily evidence of the good will of the giver. is brimful of gifts each marked in plain figures. Our store No extravagant store expenses added to our price. Make your selection now, we guarantee prompt and. careful delivery at Xmas time. 10 Per Cent. Discount on Cash Purchases _ For the Kitchen Kitchen Cabinets .$5 up to. $25 reaps Tabi fortes Drier and Troning Board For:the Dining Room Buffets and Sideboards, China Cabinets, ° Extension’ Tables, Round and Square, Diners per $6.00 up 25.00 $4.00 to, 5.00 set... Plate Racks. Wall Pocket: The Parlor pee Suits......$12.00 to 75.00 jor Chrirs and Rockers and causes «$4.30 to 35.00 Music and Parlor ens, Jar- diner Stands, Pedes Parlor Tables and Pictures The Library or Den Morris Chairs and Rockers, Up- holstered Chairs, Leather Goods, Writing Desks, Sectional Book Cases, Footstools, Tables. — The Little Folks Child’s Cribs, Rockers, Sleighs, Shoofly Rockers, Doll Carriages, Cart jeelbarrows. Toy Sets--3 Chairs and 1 Table in red and blue, net 8 5, $1.15: Pictures. “ioe up ae $7.00 The Hall Hall Racks....,....$6.00 to 25.00 Hall Seats and » Hall Tree, “Umbrella Stands, Hall Chairs, Tables. Bed Room Dresser and Stands in quarter oak’ White and Mattresses san $8:00 tip to $30.00 Competition now on. 24th, 1908, at 10 p. m. competition. MILVERTON “2- A Xmas Gift in Coppers To the person guessing closest to the correct num- ber of one cent pieces shown in our south window, will receive the lot absolutely free of charge. Each 50c cash purchase entitles you to one guess. Here is a chance for you to win a handsome Xmas gift. Positively closes on Dec. The money will be counted and winner announced by A. J. Cundick and R. J. Ranney Xmas eve. We have taken an oath that we or anyone else do not know the amount of coppers used in our guessing Buy your Xmas gifts here and take a chance of winning one yourself. G. R. Honderich & Son - ONTARIO usekeeper—' being done bythe the uncle, lately ni ini be gives any reas he can get: none where he is.” rom Thorold. 8 edi man, twenty- work, an: pd get medicine without mes | ADVERTISE IN “THE SUN” AND GET RESULTS y now to see if you can get me into the Muskoka Bie Hospital for Consumnp- tives. wife is here, on her Pacante fa have Kindly opened their doors to her if I ge.away.” Just one more Stéhe many we might quote, This is from a physician in jampbellford, Ont. He writ “T have a, pati uffering from ulmonary tuberculasis, who has been laid off work for about, three months bed part of Cees but latterly both his Pee and te id his ean} going money to help him.” a bikve eometinnes thought that. if ‘Laren, who has given to us the character of Dr McOlire, were alive ush. It is on behalf of 2 ‘Tike Sa! of scores reaching the Secretary of the’ Sanatorium ever Wook, tint the Mnskoke ree Hospital ee Gonsumptives makes its appeal This fosbtion has not atany time, since its d first opened in April, 1902, ingle patient. because of the seria being unable 1 Soasinations may be sent to Mr. W, lage, 84. a AD J.G: Spadina Ave. Chairman of the Es Hxcoutive Committe I Bedoptacy Necanior of ibe stary- Retoal sBenitacian Association, 847 ‘West, Toronto, Ontario. Splendid Gifts In a handsome piece of furni- ture like this cabinet, you have the finest kind of Xmas gift. It has good looks, use- fulness and a moderate price all in its favor. It is just one quartered golden oak $25.00 Delivered Free of Charge. Furniture, Carpets, Ui 0 Guns abet en ee R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD