8 ‘THE MILVERTON SUN : ELMA COUNCIL. ATWOOD. fy ‘The Mun‘eipal Council gf the Tow as Mary Blatehford, a student in Makes Broiling Easy ap of Hien tp che Agricuttrs) Ripe etiaat air hater) ition Hal, ‘Atwood, on Tuesday, December | College, is spending the holidays with t is much more convenient to do your broiling by (eee. ae 1908, e Eee, Bee ieee Be the 120 aD = embers present, were Recve Ham-| Mr. 8. Wiison, of Minnettee. Man. 2 this Key Plate, than to lift ue aye OF tise ithe -beot 2 enor. ton, Deputy-Reeve Richmond and | who, until even ‘years ago, was a hd ea Se 5 Ft ape Councillors Coates, Seott and Dickson. | «csident “imi visiting his ‘heat directly over the coals. Minutes of last mecting were read, bestnese Wiliam “Wilson, on the Sth ik ow Warming Closet. approved and signed by the reeve and son, east) aaah, of New One ‘or a Lop feature of this year’s Several communications were read| tari, are visiting at the home of the less Peninsular’ Ranges. and filed. ie ; ‘atter’s mother, Mrs. etree 8th mas Sho ers Wed & h dE wae oxo aocae vs [ates Thurs ine ong ht ACTED Me. Coates, that the Court cot Revision| ‘The Atwood Epworth Teague of the ® ° » Remo’ rat as the|Method'st church, dro ver to Bars, Thermometer in oven— wprove--| Dimegal last Wednesday evening an are onl few of the con- . . be no anenes up,}spent an enjoyable and — profitable i showld ask about. at the reeve be chairman of| time with the Donegal and. Milvers : : veniences youshould teat tea mate. The ania eue-tF Just one more day for Xmas buyers notwithstanding the great selling of the Step in at any time and go over the m by-law | Millbank, were also. present. Lo ate ee cxplais thle the council] ‘The annual meeting of the Elma last few days our Xmas stock looks as tempting as ever, So remember that hundreds SS. 1 Moved by Mr. Coates, secanaled by | the Music Hall, Attwood, on Saturday law: No. of i Mr. Dickson, that by- ; ROTHAERMEL @ SON, - Milverton [i (ovicn ot Ene Mas, the | nensiat-the xear was transacted: and = : joy’e “Drain nag ose By-law, and hundreds of beautiful gifts invite and await you. Our store will be open 1908, as now read a third time, be e finally passed, and that the reeve and peng DIVIDEND NOTICE cat en ne ere o=Night and Thursda ¢ B k corporate seal thereto.—Carried. The Metropolitan Ban Movi or Ale mane ate nied { by Mr. Seott, that Chas..Henry be = ’ Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of paid the sum of $1,060.75 as payment e until 10 o'clock Two per cent. for the current quarter (being of balance on contract of Partridge j duties of that office during the past . Bight cent. per annum) Drain and 6: for extra work per-|four years. e€ congratulate the : ‘lot be a. . at the rate of Eight per pe formed in completing said drain.—| society im their selection of Mr. This will give all the people an Opportunity to make their purchases. Time now the capital stock of this Bank, has been de- Carried. Wguin,. audi#sel he te a eababla'anen : _ clared, and that the same will be payable at Moved by Mr. Scott, Some by |for the position. After the business for suggestions only. the Head Office and Branches of the Bank, Mr. Dickson, that Smith & ner- | was over Mr. James Torrance, the man be paid the sum of fd on and after the Second day of January next part payment of contract . see By order of the Board, Maitland drain.—Carried. . is - 5 CEP 2. Ao8s, pinata eee he Visit Toytown to-day & evening. Toronto, November 17th, 1908. Our Toy Department is complete and prices to suit everybody. Visit our hor ders .05.—Carried. : thei A 5 a Barn Timber for Sale MORNINGTON COUNCIL. Biored’ ly, RECS Biscite ecaondad by anna supper and ban, mae is Candy Department, another shipment of fresh candy arrived to-day. Visit our ate —<— r. Dp law No. 566, ap-|ineed2ess to say that it was one o 5 ‘ ‘ Z : be ACRES OF STANDING TIMBER AND The Council met -at Newton on |pointi ime and place for holding | the best of the kimd ever held. A China Hall, most complete in town. Everything useful for the home in which every V Acres down. | Will sell the whole or ast Monday, December 15th, at 10 p.m. | th friations “for” reeve, deputy. oyster supper was . 5 . e : et 3 pe BA ge) Gigli gd ean go re present Reeve Yost and ‘ r 1909, and r hall trom fe to 8 p. member of the family will feel interested. Visit our Gent's furishing department, PH BASTENDORPF, Milverton. |Coursillors Beggs, Dewar. Gropp and ‘ting places to hold the | 7 cae ken soe ger en ny ‘ é 4 » - ae : ines. The minutes of the previous jon and appointing deputy re. {of everything and everything rig! verything new and up-to-date. Let everythin: si i eeting were read and signed by the |turning officers and poll clerks to |UD, to the mark. Supper over, all re- ulin! Soh P ything possible be complete to-day and For Sale or Rent reeve and clerk. Scveral eommuni- |cpnduct the name ae now read a thie [pared to the Music Hall. where a PH ee evar: |eations were read and a number of |t'me, be finally passed—Carried, |fime programme, consisting of solos, . OUSE AND STABLE aNp Two Lors | sccounts fi ‘A number of accounts were paid. |S0RsS, readings, plays, vocal and in- On Mill St. Milverton. The house is a hn Denstedt asked for an exten-| Moved by Mr. Richmond, acconded |5t?umental music was given, which i its 0 complete the ee by. Mr, kaon: that. the’ council do eee ae Baa ee a G. Rut+ + Rang slscaie lecaacor S in, His request was granted. | now adjourn ¢ t again on Tues. |iffe, in his usual efficient manner, ° ‘ ere be Fentea," Por further particn-|" The financial patement tor 1908 [Jor qys°UE, aay Gt eethae Ae ssted as chairman to the satisfaction We wis ou All ear neply ts by the clerk andi received ‘ i of all present. ‘There were about = Jem Milverton, Ont. OE Meaera- linainees one ue te, Someta Leg present to hear the programme, was exten The be babirad orders were issued:} Mr. Howard. m. Kerr, collector, salary for 1908, | throu 3 and Lines. 3 leh e Be Gren Se Lae the older members repaired to their The Golleetor's time for collecting spegetiyainatons: ardicthe youth and err err ristmas ask beauty of the society had about four 9 hours’ of right genuine danci h ‘agwood, traveller rn. Canada for the 45; Alex, McLennan, collector, sal- | (\obeWern/ Sri Co., of Stratford, is | the occasion, and all the members ef $45; Mail Contract [Jary, $00; Tas. Reid, discount on bank rhonding a month “at, the home’ of eee ee cbeguies, express on debentures and | Ws nits, Mr. and “Mire; “Tobt. | mecisie Womnity bua were: present, ¢ Issuer of Marriage postage, ‘as. Hurst, dpg tax re- Mag Pape | ALD TENDERS added recelyed eee Ceram. 2 saug tee Moen, of Hamburg, visita} Mr. It. J. Walker, our mew livery- ry P) .,__Licenses led, Wm. Waddell. $7.85 postage Mrs is already stepping . to the L | Ont. if posed co} Milverton, ~ tt til Friday, the 15th | refuaw fe mith os Fet: ~ | man, : January. 1900; for the convey aie SACD iethe dst barat year, phone er Ree re eee Pre Leon ~and has ‘added considerable fous gence O and’S time Oo eeeek eet oF | messages and affidavits regardin ‘ss Mary. Large, sindent at Lis-|Rew Tigs and necessities to rie n Hesson and on, Lisbon and | by-laws a: res, Charles Don- 1 High school, is pepe the | ready, well-equ' ERS veaeer oon SER Aor ‘ nelly, hall rent, 1908, $20; Jas. Mac- am her hom ee able to ies d the demands or is ation as to conditions of proposed. contract | XeY, Dow broken on townline, north.| Mr. Adam Chalmers has gone to De- | @2B¥ cust n a may be seen and blank forms of Tender may |$1.50; Jacob Albrecht, work done on . where he has seoured a posir |, 00 Satur oy evening ir ufineeanvio se: Be optained at the Post Oftes of Hessox, lthe ‘Whitney drain as per engineer's Dickson, president a AS Otice of the Post Oilice Inspector at Lon-|certificate, $200; Wm. Dick, assisting | ‘Mss Bolle Fleming, of Listower, {Cheese and Butter Manufactnring Hs Auction Sale a engineer on Petfers drain, $1.00;|has returned to her home, having Pabites pied has ea ade c : on, |oseph Ropp, farm bridge on the feted imery season. poh nile py Minit Service Branch, ©" “aperiuentent. |Mank drain, $15; Crowley & MceDon- © zane ot Aiy|maker, and others connected in fuos fl Ottawa, 27th Nov 1008, Bee work done on the Peffers drain ng the . former's | ‘TY Work. Although all who were | thoroughbred Blood Stallion, Shorthorn and certificate, $634; ne. mvited were not present, yet an en- Durham Cattle, Oxford Down Sheep < i Rovere Attridge, assisting engineer o zi gone to spend | Jovab:e time was spent by all who The Flour which is cleanest, purest and whitest is the q e MeCloy drain, $9; D. Hurst, as-|the Christmas vacation at his home | ¥&T° escent iit Lesa sete he and Berkshire Sows. shting engineer on the Freeman | jn Stratty supper at commodious res'dence piaeicais ‘one which to choose every time and it is these 4 - drain, $1 Join “Mank, assisting en-| Mr. Edd'e’ Gropp is spending the | of % Sce-President TB. Shearer, 4th} qy copie’, auctioneer will sell by qualities together with its ability to pro- gi on Mank $ as. A.| winter in Hamilton. OTe 2 Hamburg!) Daylight Gas Co,, | Public auction on lot 11 n- 7, Morn- Bell, attending court in the case of| Mrs. Henry Zang.. of ee is last week tasted teams their fing | @ston, gue bale” ite east of Mille duce light bread which has made 7 Mail Contract | | 2: ana. scott vs. Mozpington, and | v'siting her ister, Mrs. Wim. For Bghting: Dlants in Oe Blue Horne [bank etation, on the C, P. R., on Mr. Thursday, the 14th day of January, 4 who always aims to keep abreast of | 1908, ee tole rica «valuable. pure 3 4 the times, has a beautifully Hgnted bred stock, viz: JEWEL FLOUR : hotel mow, and deserves much credit wasrapeneeet Blood Stallion, i doing all in his power to make ska Hote en) 7 years old, Clydesdale ‘easamt and comfortable for the |mare 6 years vid, Driving Mare 4 Rob iy: -—— th Pfe Si 15 5 Nomis GEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post-| (1,5, ae T. aritth at tei aa ee Ait of Breda ss master General will Peettce at Ottawa |George L. Griffit! ees’ and other | spent a few days last ipby Noon, om sedan, Sth day of January, [charges for the Henry Pfeffers award |home of Mr. and Mrs, Baward Whit onveynace of is NM ay six timen per week each way between Top. ee engineer on the* Fre eeman drain We ard eased to loarn that! Mrs, 3 3 3 33 5 3 Fs 3 v7 ing and Milverton Grand ‘Trunk Railway |$2; Johm Denstedt, work don a sb after a severe | * Pie “ ; : y 4 frevetinng pants ears old, Yearling Colt, heavy. ; : , Seafion from tse ence gutaining. further infor. (FT neveag Dae SA so well liked and is constantly in demand, mation as to 101 of prone wed Con- tract may be id blank forms of Tend: Manufattured by— en ah may be obtained at the Post “Office, of Top. HAMPSTEAD. TRALEE. Bins. and Poole and at the see of the Pos Mlice Inspector at Londo: Rev. John Kay occupied ae Bde te a number from here ene y | bere last{ Sabbath, and it i ected the concert! in ahaa nd Dorkin; ni charge of the report having B Post Office Department, G. C. ANDERSON, Mall Service Branch. Superintendent. Ottawa, November 34th, 1908. PFEFFER BROS., Milverton ath. en. es. 58 Rowers The regular monthly mecting of eo. Smith ary ypend- other work on the Mo tain, !the Women’s Institute will be hold COMMERCIAL. 304; Wm. Kerr. repairing lee con-}at the home of Mr. A. MeGillawee, on a holidays Sr rae He ee. 7 $1.50; David Mares ‘oe, cleaning | ‘Tucaday afternoon next, the 29th.| ‘stra Li very tow af $ a atch, com: 9, 84; E.G: Knoblauch, [tre MeGitiowes and Mrs, Stewart nite teeerie hee ae R Y S b ti Bess yes busted 40 leraver to" patito, Sols Bc! | May cMetyawes, and, Mrs Gres! |prenmt. Ne hope for her posty ve enew Your Subscriptio : Olta sah a5 yb tO be res on asthe S convention hetd at Gu elo Subjects Fri and acquaintances from|eattle are all registered and in fine 4 Pp 1 he 80 7 pb be ne odes eerie aa fob et ee trtte| 22 here extend their heartfelt sympathy |eondition. aR ; Tlour, per owt: “99 10° 2 00 {plank tor counetly $26.45;, Herb, Mad-| members. ‘All Indies interested inthe | Co, :c' 0d, Mes. Geo. Smith in’ the Pedigrees will bs, produced on day e jesseeeseses 22 00 22 00] 4, avel to. pathmasters, $1.05; + eath of talk, infant son, enneth, | o¢ " 09} dess., gravel ers, }Jinstitute should attend. Who pabscdanray son Rubirday,: Deo. Manitoba vie per cwt... 300 3 (0|Andrew Kuepfer, gravel to pathmas-|" af; Berb Jones has returned home a chy rete ete to commence at one. o'lock, i Shorts per ton 28 00 28 °O|ters, 810; D. Heriry, abovelling gravel |¢rece tee Wee Dont Recast tmee tast ones. [Sam { ‘ I 15 16|to centre of road, $3; A. Urauhart,| Mr. J. Mc) Dona d of the Stratford ‘AL fair ‘and. budding flower, Ter. oe cits oe ‘ot $10 and under 5 6 Blank saat Chere eee Collegiate Institute, is holidaying | whieh God, for a short time haa lent|eash, over this yan 19 month. e ay a. clive weights +600 6 gging ditch on lot 18, con. 5, $9; | with friends. rr bedit: Witt be" piven, coh diesGennt Of j gt ie Aoi ee am En McKenzie, putting in/ culvert, |" he trustecs have not as yot seour- Bo eer et ane Spar Uenbipee waimensiet Tor Stee JEWELER and OPTICIAN hae per ton 700 8 00 paene: 3 nt Ne tne 10, and statute /ed a teacher for the jumior room, and over $10, Pigd and fowl .to bei cash. : , » 85; Jobn| it woud seem Yi, are i 23/5. Beller, tafeguarding” the approach to|quite scarce. As Miss Hurbrut has ‘NLBERT W. HALL,:- Hi q 13 bridge, A gh , $19 + as hee ape. secured another school we will join in eetieton ae oF sewers to council, hal ; .| wishing her every success, which her PGT RTE CRE J. E. WEIR 1. | ). WIETR, * J 2] za Be, Bvt 'Seaa [easing ymamgsemoe’ ead wiring | wepRASKA GReENS., |" 7 Glee, Metter. WE HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE'A ; B tre lapee Oe ae Oe Seer ee " Mevsrs. Necb Bros. have purchased] (On Monday, of last.week Oscan and or statin, a ee vert, 3 Jol mi gravelling | f’me Fleury chopper. PK ms of :Mr. Jonas ’ j ga|ou con, 7,80: Milverton Planing Co, eft for Wilmot] EXECUTORS’ SALE : DISCOUNT. OF : : lank io ou 4.60. nship on a bunting expedi- al gators oA , Beges, seconded by ben, tion. ‘While ont in the afternoon of —oF— { eo. Lines, that this council now ad- day the gun belonging to - . eo : mo journ sine’ die—Carried. Be ether so ae Oscar hurst into « hundred. peoes, Brick Cottage i in- Newton 7 fe fly in F 25 Me WM, WADDELL, Clerk. an ea spines om Heh attended = ce, doing him seri arm! . There’ vein be EOTRe. for sale by : 4 30) Fede iseae Besides havi face .:and <je8{publio auction by W, D, Weir, auc- ~ if ‘ In Hk et Ne. ely of last badiy burned with powder besuffered | tomeer. ie Priday, the 8th day of F. Tipe ce ad nl oe es ii dager tt the pase wel ae Bt. i from |Jam., 1909, at 11 am., at Donelly's GG. MoPberson. fees and costs in the | tg flying piece of the barrel. At first|hotel, in the village of Newton,, a a 4 H ti Base Hurst and: Scott ‘ve. 0° Atornings Stee Wie Coote, who” has been | # 28 feired that he would lese/the| brick’ cottage’ in the village of New- on all CASH purchases of sac Bi oma LOD] |», 200.74. working at the millinery at Strat- [Siht of the left eye, but the doctor,| tom, part of tke estate of the late : ay CRE ford, returned home last weel We are glad to inov, is holding out | Mlexander jon, situate on the week. x i s / Mis Jacoe Gobsohcne {hopes that he will recover it. west balf of lot 10, in the seventh tower sae pee tee Une Re GET ee = | Ble Gee, Botan “debt Gry Bultdiey | Venebsaion or tie’ tolnsblp Gt Mort: Haat ee a SRS tar Tuiawlary last for Guelph, Preston and other|ington, having a frontage: of three | ar ws Dan Cro my rate auusiness |""aot a little! excitement was caused |POmts, where he will spend a couple|rods by a depth of ten rods, ‘The a terete ret by of weeks visiting friends. building is, a well-built brick cottage a: The h oh was driven ms, and a good cellar. ang Linwood f ‘e] 1 Mr. Albert, Dahms is doing a rush-| with four. roo! ing business in the butchering line.| Terms of Sale—Ten per’ cent. at Mr. Chas. Quipp is: je somewhat |time of sale, amd palance within umder the ther. te thirty days without interest. 31 Rezo treaties For further particulars apply to ‘ made at our Store vendors solicitors or the auctioneer. ney some si chderveb eeced “the barn of Mr. John . 3) ary, 1909, in the following place: poouret after night they are liable E & heavier load: than the b Divisio’ No. Adee, ary \attridgu's |*%, 805 s,betvier loa ee aa MePherson & Davidson, of Srat- Between Now and Xmas. ee nee eet EG. | Me momar go 2 sin aay tvevsg ware gory tape alge wD. We eo ; en Monday” by. bis, wite prestuting y_even'ng was in every respect an |g; W .D. WEIR, Auctioneer. pMsETOO, DBO ica’ wail; [bus wiem vome 8 Breeaycatnee entire suécess, Both ihe fonchers and |® : BS " Tuesday being the a day for pay- a ae pipus “spared “no “efforts, and were pions Eietborn, Dito. 7 |, Sletdey bring the lest day for pa ee oo. eee as This includes everything in the Jew- : M. Watson hier cries. Roeeriitd Whernvelved 6: oe Weise ve oe te al elery line that we: carry. You may “ee Division No, 5—Pubtic schoo eee ee Sa cieat Miss Amnie Campbell entertained be ‘a few deye in and. 4 wae vane day, December Ret ee: " in 8.8. No. 15; James Baird, D.R.O. Louis Weiss, from Chepstow, is |the members of _ the « Presbyterian | bank and Poole for.a short t ohn re of Stratford, will _con- pick out what you want and we will Division No. oNaa’s store; James| visiting teheeiae Bere: choir and, a few other friends at her | Mrs, Athterberg is on the sick list, |duct anniversary services in North ‘ Hurrah for the (big concert to be |home on the Sth ine, last! Thursday | Mr. ‘Geo. Dttman, of Wadina, Sask.,|Momington ebureh, morning and lay it aside for you till Xmas. Saieen: ne at yaks hall on the ae ee is at present spending a few days|evening. On the following Monday trp kr eas | f in accordance with By-law No. of the 29th of December. Everybody | Miss Lindsay, our teacher, held oe with us. He is a former [Wellesley |?vening thera will be a tea peerage : ji paced im open council on the 7th |tnvited to pe 5 examination en Monday, and all who| boy, and has a fine farm, in Sask. r. Chas. Mey an ~ 'y of December, A.D., 1908. Mr. Patrick Tye and Thos. eee, irate there way it was-a great success. vs..M. Erb, of . Wilmot, died | Guelph, ae et bie ‘tein he pe are leioing to out wood for Mf. ‘A number of our young people at-| last Saturday and was buried at the eae ORE ton. {OF tended anniversary services in Zion| Amish comotery mear St. Agatha, mble a i er! lorningten. sof ia RSE ee church, on the 8rd line, last Sunday.|Monday afternoon. (( | (y —-: {Ida a8 is, eee with bere ‘friend, Mts ss Sei cise = DEATHS. _ Mr. Israel Snider received the sad} Mr. Jacob Steckley, who was ill for |B. jarns, er 14, a AEs ses De Sefelicere on ‘Monday moming of oe but alge Might serious: fa sa ee ‘Aifred Leslie, of the a tien on rday, De-| the de: of his son in Waterloo. , died Sunday night, and was buried | west it it ec ne comer men Pane Eo are ara en Seager ~ 1 fate "William | , Deo. 2 The Messrs. Harry, an Mr. W. Founaton is din his : Lax-ets 5' © Sweet to Eat,’| sioties ened’ s2 @ years, 1 month, 12] A merry Christmas and. a shauoy|ahane acene wy days last ‘veel’ Chaislaae: tgnutaye,“wedicn the ge EYES TESTED FREE MILVERTON. A Candy Bowel Laxativ | days, New, wm Seon 10 ol Feaderm at The Bo a i tt U | © ental roof, oe ae ar =