H. M. SCHAEFER @ issuer ofr —® 4 . Marriage Licenses ‘a he \ Everything Confidential . ; ™i ‘-VERTON, = ONTARIO - “It Shines For All.” — Sun. WKS O-T-F see ISSUER OF... Marriage Licenses Strictly Confidential MILVERTON - ONTARIO MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1908 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Ghe General Meeting METROPOLITAN; 3 LOCALNEWS 3 S o0ee. For a good) gold watch go to Bas- tendorff. Examine lapel on your paper Rte hee ven atts Get your silverware for wedding THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 5 presents at Bastendor! | See Bastondorff's ad, in si tie tat issue. | "Gorn For Bale—1 avs ciatareceu } > ! DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ie BS ee ed a car of goed feed corn. R. D. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 of the Patrons of in Poole. | Ross, Newto ‘ BOUGHT AND SOLD gieeesvest nels 4 readers amerry|" jp. H. Bastendorff is showing a fine * Milverton Cheese and Obrien 8 ace c tava tes a Berterictmas, presents in| B. &, WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 rborn’s is rte ; . FARMERS’ SALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED Buttan Eactory: Pipette iq brooches, ‘stipe ine, chains, lockets,| ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 poere e was adjourned until < + Pe escre ee aed of] Mr. John Munro was on Frida a nd, 1909 we a Med to. th bedsidk a cee —A personal cash reserve for the pytpose of letting the milk | | Hollefreund's photo studio willbe galled to. the bedside of his brothers) Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England NOW is the foundation of a Starts a Savings ten ada other Dustness price @|open Christmas day. till 8.80 p: x. P.M. Atkin hes the material life independ LATER. 8 Olean es ae. i This isa good month in which to oy the ground for the buiding 0 e independence Account those not wishing. whe a wil be BI|renewt your s Acegacgetennts whe Bin. | oo. wane in the oes E T ENT Eevee yanee we (|"am Mie wane 2 Puan wets Bal cty « o| SAVINGS BANK DEPARTM is at ‘prese ent visiting a “Two . Milverton B h: A. d. Cundick, M eee var cha fh | Maples! the hernessmaking. Appiy at once te) Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current liverton branch: A. d. UUNGICK, ugr. = ot. = Boca nk Lato el re-| ‘Mrs. Sproule is’ offering all her rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more G. A. McCulloch - Prop. &|spven Boao ot frimened OND GT MFP persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the Mr. George Wannop, of “Belleville.| "Dr. Wm. Egbert, 0 f iden number or by the survivor. ue . Wm. Egbert, a former residen| sony Pacey oe of Milverton. bas beon elected to the s ‘ Mr. Joseph Wamnop,-of Laurence, |” 34, Greener pater We MAYNARD, Manager, STRATFORD BRANCR iita., spent afew days (with Mr.|yr, Edwin Gallop for the su and ee x % 740. Mr. Gallop! will take posses- horatbpremeainy Nt I her sion in the course of a few weeks.| § i hs gr ne illinery et cost) ‘Mr. Jas. Stevens, who, for the past | for ‘ @ balance of two years sas been in the employ- Meniey, of the. Dominion | (0.78 ie eaientinan eke ) Lands’ Otten, days itn Ks gif |amith, lett “tor Fordwich, on’ Satur- (Incorporated by{Special Act of Parliament) i isk q : 5 ee wa F day. Member of the Canadian Bankers’ Association & TheyToronto casa pa Drie iA’ number. of friends ‘of ‘neighbors ses feoa. eer at the he peas L from ‘Milverton, hos. Caplin; Friday evening, jadternoon presented by the pupils of | jrevious to their departure for Lon- Head Office; - TOONTO : oe Ries Gots bd tw g sale ei the evening in dancing W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager i ; THE SATISFAGTORY CASH AND PRODUCE STORE Sad, ae Nase, amy) Christmas tree entertainment, SAVINGS TEESE TNE NT_Speolal ¢ attention given’ito this depart- 5 at Milverton on e they | ander 1 rican coe . t allowed from date of deposit at current rates, and nich: weeks visiting | wiltbank, will be held in Ritter’s hall added to principal FOUR times a year. Money bo withdrawn oO eid de Gains seturne| ee ot Dee 25. A splendid yy cheae without notice. Money forwarded to depositors by % programme has been prepared for the mail on request. = toe Saturday evening from their | occasion. See posters for particulars . g tour, and will take up resi-|"“Scneol closed on Tuesday last to FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPECIALTY —Notes ofiresponstble farm- dente sti thelr Iekng in Bima in the) <-open ay, Jan. 4th, when Mr. ers discounted. Sale notes collected and advances made thereon, ; - H, Sharpe will assume the prin- ESE CHEQUES— z a acogunts “for 1008 are now [Sipaiship in the stead of Mr. Curtis, CHEES aCue ES—On any bank cashed or taken on deposit with: eg lease call for thom oF Der | 2nd Miss McQuarrie the charge of the ee oe a ie igor oe remy af ‘after | \tetmediate room the stead of Newton Branch open Monday and Thursday in Hutchison blook Miss O'Neil. fi that date, 98, wen ‘After the regular evening seyvice Millbank and Newton Branches, R. G. Grieve, Mgr. og ae nt: Je North | at Christ shureh’aat Sunday last, Str i ‘ Spencer was presented with a pe Beriree ee a a pa ele ihather musia ease, by. the reetor and of the congrega- ; bank on January 7th, 19 TS Bike coe ae woopsIDE. speakers will be W. F. Kydd, of Sim- Seder er nied faithtul opery ces 88 Winter’s Joys. coe, .C. Shearer, Bright. —_8t page Miss ‘Aleda Ottmann lett on Weds ; : aesday even-|Old winter with his mantle white, , ‘he Christmas, werviees of , Chris Gea ceased Aue tiembate re ths [2 SEEN Projets this dear old earthy nesday for her home in Wiarton, hav- eburch, ‘lve: rinit m4 ed hi ti teacher Ginivok, Blt orton, ane ct Buu, | Pubke School Board to an oyster sup-|From Jack Frost's keen and nipping ing Fesigmed her position as tens Ye practi ‘Atgli-| Per at Guenther’s restaurant. A bite, ey: oi ,ia, the papatice of ‘ottcrtory ery pleasant and profitable ‘evon-| Has come ‘overflowing with joy and | We ate ‘glad to seq aie oe Saat aaron te Pio the rector of the| 2g Was spent by all, when ecb mirth. vere atte pdcial 0 a Christmas gift. ane ee eae cue. The gay, snow birds are gladly sing- mee i ‘a nike Taootye Woes an and fohn Scott, of Listowel. one of tho ‘ abs ing, ih i bs it ~ best known live took men in West~ | Bertha, Perm atch ot friend.) For Joy, wilst fluttering to and inves ey on Satinaag, paisa Ontario, recently sold a choice | Miss Marguerite Galveston, is) D. Cha! Helfer: welaling O00 pornds uf @6 | ford, celled om friends in Milyori5/ he sopling winds aweey, vexle. are kiasahees Bi, totes tip ae eae per owt, ‘The animal wae bred and | While e x Monkton West, bringing, stock this” week. is Ffed by Ai ell-lnown bh a they. mh oes irene Of chiming bells. across the snow. Mr. Rishte sing axe, a of efter ae ine at Lis- see, ot the wiikaee eee es! The. wpe oid skaters in their ela sear digging a watt Mr. J. 8. Cowan, of Donegal. was im, R. Yost, Jaeti week. alt bare Bhi oho veore a successful competitor at the Guelph are tated with merriment and ruck water at a depth of oer Viet ae pe sostens sole Fives ‘pith hie Berkehires. Ee diapos- |W Due those, deur ‘ones, Whose heads load of young people from i at oary, ert in SRE ee euneea hie ae ed of eleven of the twelve head taxer'| ‘Round a cosy fire chat pleasantly. Minbank, oh Friday : ead ewed” omay tain ‘one by |Was also a guccessful exhibitor of | The a ite wbout as pretty snow | night. calling. at this ettive. ep, and he, too, made several sales ‘Ammiversary services were held in he case of King vs. David Alen, plates tree and a fine program- Gentiy « overspread the g fon church on Sunday, and were : the Evangelical church on|They sire ice delightful taut conducted by ‘iat Rev. I. Woods, of Christmas night, ‘Des. eatshion Tavistock, he weather being favor i ents. Programme will| (And foretla ot a good time com- {able the church was well filled MA eheee ae EO NTE POame oR race MAD. Ha ihe collestions penis: aly ee sionds wish: | When Gaaty Savoir sleigh ride, amounted to fifty-six dollar po give extra presents will please} Amd each unseifish girl a Ss or aece a ar br ie boa to the church on Friday | He peer glad tures tide, NEWTON. | sftenmoon at a uP rietereater 40Y; ice th e feachers,- “Misses ; ; owe When cavigation opens ts 1900, It Legian sts ppblic ‘school tat Wine Sa i ae ine anit al bring a ee eee icreniling saa is promised, the Great Lakes Radio tor thelr -réapestive; homes “8b a wreatest | joy aman could [funeral of Sirs, LeRoy Mexan Telephone tetatand , on cael R. White’ spent ty-five wireless , Hark | the an ee sweetly sing. sacuraay. in Stratton F few " about the lakes, with a central station Peace on good-will, from | | Mx am. Koenig, of ne Soo, a eaven ehigan, ice Ving, ths totaal geomet oe will be equippe' Reaching far as man is found, sister, Mrs. John Tabbert: od appar: id: Souls redeemed. and sins forgiv Mrs. Yost has cena home after " Cheapo, engineering direstor of. the ht let us shout oe cae sound, | visiting nt of weeks wit! tra ston a Contract fora cen- With the angelic and sing friends in, Stratford, Tavistock and a Datimber mcbting of The Mite lory to the nor ees "Be Soest AL SN ‘end HOULin TOR vertan Women's Tnetivute was he And, Cg Ri at ley’ hall’ on Gripe uv in the Foresters’ hall on Thursday |§ ie the first. glad Christmas te Aa sand renin ae evening last. The report of the dele- | ® 5 ‘i nq ates to the annual coe ‘on at| suitable reply and expressed his re- ruRr oO’ THE HEATHER. ni was Vel ery “vali sttendéd) Guelph d F. Parker, [grot at severing his connestion with SEE ee LT Miss Margaret Ross, a Relph were red lay Mee, H= Parker. K cuty, Michigan, is visiting her sister, the: pr {. ‘Airrangements are be-| the se Arsh settle : . Se aa haves e depactureatatt © 100 Christina’ Sunday. echool ea- Mrs. |Alex. Jack. é : ing ma ep: y Weber, of Wallace, | Mrs. Sharp spent a few days in delegate-sadress the Feniacy ‘neot={terta’mment in Burns church on Mon- ce US LE ice aMitbank with friends Dartioulass, howover, /G47_syening. wes, well attended. nd were oats sai ates Wellsbury ‘and family are d programme was provided ssavis MoKena| aioe la welt Kod a Shi di th Mr. ae Ritter left ayitro to at- 1g oO enzie’s, Ve aici ce ea ine a ron. of the school, who were} jena the funeral ot his brother-in- | farm on the ‘lin ine. aid the usual priee, but ite 's in, the village.’ il feature of dary Mee ‘A. M. York, of Hancock, ae ‘the app'es over to the} the evening was the presentation to ; i 3 British market the effects of the long J.T. Curtis by Rev. Te Pa ape lta to art — 2 drought and hot weather of ust innon on bel of ible class, D hoo! es esday for ihe a Bept een de itself felt. Th ee Soba aoe of a the village ae eg ae cnrstnas vacat joa ae 4 and September made itself fo he i _ a apptes Wed. cooked on’ the trees and | B'b’ Book of Praise. Mr. L. seas of BN tek la ainger fe training the boys Lt Tegan $0 Show decay before they|Ciaus was there too, but unlike the | vwiting his brother, Mr. i. ot be ‘eehool for a fancy drill for marketed. The loss shows|k'nd!y, genial, good-natured, old gen- Scbmitt it he Pena oy lentertainment in ray what a hazardous venture apple buy-|eman that we always assumed hi iss Le0d, of Trowbridge, is| fhe ne Ben Bos ing, aa 8 to be, he seemed. to strike terror into spending - ‘tow Mays with, her, Ruts is ‘The old fashioned way of dosing a) the hearts of the children by his | Mre spendin, sie nob desaou oi hie weak efomach, or stimulating uliar mide of distributing pre- and ao eet are spend pareniae aud Mrs. Al Simpson. Héavt ork ais” all wrolll ae sents. ay oe houdays nt Dra Mrs. . Billet and danghter, Dor Stoop first ‘pointed out this error | The intelligenee of the death of Mr Deatt is visiting ber Bro- thy, of Indian Head, Man., are: visit~ Thavie why his preseription—Dr.|Robert Munro, edjtor and proprictor thes, Dr, Pratt \ ng Wie ioemere) varenta ee Se ee lord sted on: [ithe Port Sigin iehes, wich: boc | ae ee a a ak cas core firely ts the cause-of theso ailments—|o:rred on Saturday last, came as‘a | 4) 3, aE Re fc wot oa etl Pa tean eNd0 spent, Friday tn the weak inside or controlling nerves parprize to many of the ovd residents |Cnce On Ma, L inpomel. , Opa A) It isn't 90 difficult, says Dr. Sh Feat Re tag eT a Toronto, abent: to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart vacation at her home in Lis Welncsiay with his sister, Mrs, E. { ys, if one goes at it eorr : Miss Ad Addie Lowree left Serurday W. 5 ox Tort Ste de Depticooke ha kelichaet " inside organ kas its con-|of Mr. he ceteal corer e held in mitter'a bg ine Ta a ieee week visit with trolling or inside nerve. When those q : ball Friday night was a great suc- | friends in Oli uerves fail, seek! ee E ane ing to over —_s—_—. surely falte ese vital traths DRS Sah are leading druggists everywhere to Mine - ‘ BURNS. a () Sere neg asetienit Der Steers The Grace hureh congregation are estorative. ‘Test it @ few days, and| four sons and two daughters survive noted. for. hae garden | anniversary services a will be held. at see | Improvement will promptly and| the eXest of w Mr. i Sa r ser Maelo North Mornington chu mn Sunday, 4 surely follow. Sold by Public Drug|® known in “Morningtea, where he | Ghri : : Rev. Jobm Kay will pr ae tore, Milverton. taught school, and is now th ° | Christmas tree and entertainment on) afr. Roe sta Miss Red, entertained 2 members of the family of the |to Globe's most valtied special ieee ces ppakaere exception! 4 number of their Arlen late William’ mtisidges webo reside in |1ing eprrespon ent. ula e evening last. e nington, were startled on Fri that are tight,” or distress: png TO be laos wall ere Of! Mr. Ba. Campbell ia sdrioualy. ail ¢ om of the intelligence | ing ‘okling Boda be Get ante andl Pothier creteldec teBak: euito knee Tite om weak BES a ae Tae ee ee ee ee are T eo neneng ew ceeteannn eboou'a. Coneh oe sarge bls there will be Vinita | Mea. Se mene trlende wie Ti A In rT. |Remedy. On this account Druggist 8 teak aay Bapeedy tesaverys ein tack area, mrt de Steaie eee Ge ee en a a nasa coat any ee ealth, too! i spite the | Coug! ‘And it is entirel ee ight ceteere of ee: — bys a from Y Opihiy Ghiorotorm, aE aay te | young ie one pate fy nd ridge was 4 native of Ireland, but |other stupefy A nae { MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED com co Cana wen) aie Young [leave of ts Boag ners ‘ i ees tare lung-healing Is ett hike Serge tn Morslngton: ai | ghbuca neal WEFT) gives Sl taeat eunciaret Presents for the for~ tended by. a wide jest ot friend to majo. ever DOs ae is survived by |Shoop’s Cough Remedy its curative} imate ones. “The chair will be tation | Mi. end Sirs. a family of sons and four |properties. ( Those leaves have the F. Washb' FR NEN, Caraes ‘Albert Waddell will sell hie daughters, 43 fellows: Sydney and|power te calm the most distress 3 Fy (00, P| farm stock and ssigemente by public : Edward, Saskatchewan; ‘Thomas, |Cough, aud to soothe, atria ie ee : auction on Wednesd: Sere Sire. Col Kerr, Mre,|most sensitive bronesial membrane | Mr. J. T. Curtis assisted in the Ss A B. Westman, Mornington; Mrs. Colif | Mothers should, for . safety’s sake| programme of the Dorking school] W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. . Kern ity te nkcton,_n a a | alone, always demand Dr. Shoop’s. It} emncert_ on Friday evening last. eC aor x s i re 3 aires o| A’ Christmas tree entertainment will} iW y, Jan. 6.—Real be brought 2 illverton and interred even the young bes. Test it onco|be held in the ee nhureh: on] farms Bw “onde tiny aan te nae . in Greenwood cemetery under mself and see t Bold <by Publis Christmas night 1 good programme | Joseph Andrew Weir, west half lot as 4 Orange Colors. ‘ Drub Store, Milverton. will be provided. { No. 34, con. 14, Eljice,