Milverton Sun, 24 Dec 1908, p. 3

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aay 80et. aius nodded spubona’ : pw H aed reports say m the train per- the|dola and e cars left the crew and passen- ps cone trapped on i the ging flames throw which human being couldspass and live. Tireman Lee tcok pie in the water tank, and Ww e flames closed round it he was boiled to death. whole ra al orth and west of Alpena is. b y the most serious RELIEF TRAIN DERAILED. A patch from Alpena, Mich. Bate: PRY easoue Mey 1 sta fron coe: Town. We yora AVG aE ATI LEADING: “MARKETS! BREADSTUEFS. . i Toronto, 20! Ontario =Ne, 2 white or red, outside, ote ae ersons who lost their lives in the gondola was up to take the people out. Thirty or childven, with a mass of household effects, were crowded into the gon- the train started with a wall of fire on either side wickis Siding the rails spread and the engine went into the roadbed. nel ananiiapsiiele ceent eee the train, setting fire to the wooden nine children remained in the steel emated there. En- niles Lat pee of oooe and ember ain crew aie Hgiaate ce lage of Posen, the scene of the known whether any oe them perish says f “Trelve out of the seventeen ed after loaving Se Trouble Arising Out ata Fight Between : dgepatch from Seoul, Corea aa serious fight between Chi- id Japanese soldiers at Kan- rthern China, threatens to hey | fusillade at a police station d by Japanese troops. After fighting for soveral hours, many Soldiers. men on we pine The J apanese sing Killed or sees withdrew. Mere ease bal Tat 0 the eae Chings tice ‘of 2 authorities, Sphsretipon, China, for- bade their entering Ching tory. Japon protested) ene reported she declared that unless she was given imm Reece: n Japanese troops would cross the, frontier. wy © HEALTH by ELECTRICAL INJURIES. st of the injuries resulting @lectric shocks are suffered by ower- eae ro sb ires strung on poles, the ie the Beusral public is con- inere. of the ‘hostdents are produc- alternating currents. because dangerouse than the direct it, but because they are usual- Higher voltage. is not w high the voltage must ie death. Much depends mode of contact, whether irrent passes through only a art of the body, as when the ints of conta ea wh ‘eg, or ae it pass- other or e had: to the foot it. rtial degree of insulation prevent serio: ious conse- 3, as when one is standing on ly dry ground or when the is made through the clothes, titer on medical elec- such currents are| half an ct are in the|a co! The trentient consists natis in| stimulation. piratioas pee genn ety of n some oth y #he-ufian.can ‘artificial onak Si ae be practised. ee may bo mecbymplacing therpersen flatjon os “ground” afid « cAhihteenae the chest firmly but gently for a few seconds repeating sixteen or ea times a minute. The legs -he.raises ogee ody. e same time, hot hottles Res te spplied to the body. —Youth piers is « CRUET MEDICINE CHEST. It is not realized as well as it might be that a well-filled cruet is a small medicine ches Salt is a cathartic, i in ce Bick of ounce to an oun Its liberal use also povehie or eh in children, alt water is a ablensiat tonic for aoe or tired eyes gargle of salt and water will aie a Sree throat. ‘ootbath is a favorite way of curing A mustard plaster is, how- ever, preferable to the old-time mustard poultice, which can be used cases of emergency. Mustard{ and water is an emetic, Vinegar comes next. tringent, and is useful in allaying a swelling caused by a fall, and will when greatly diluted with water, iran a esconnua] jengy for eye-strain mo+ n as- a Rehan ahi f fexeah ly? aes eli ate ARS RON et coble ii iration, col sola) uascles a £ i ct aie the fh eet ian eon forty men, women and|to prepare eThey erecting ee ng- | fi bie uitee soy tae Boks! ants anh res: | mi cae eda uldysoda,pB ay Fes ried Fou 0 ate (No. 2 mixed 90c ti Wi portheuie ik 0424; No. 2 northern, L.northern, |W es Ba pies No 2, 56¢ 8X, 550 t 3 No. ta 56%c; No. 8, 68c to 4c. No. 2 white, 38¢ to Sit outside No. 2 mixed, 37¢ 37% to 8734, Toronto freights, for No. 2 or 3 yel- 10 Ryo— No. a 78c to 79¢ outside. Peas—No. 2, 86c vutside. BuckwhesboNG. 2, 59¢ to 60c out- 5 Br: at be to $20.50 per ton in bags out- sid Shorts—Quiet, $24 to $25 per ton in bags, outside. lour—Manitoba, first patents, 5.5 seconds, $5.30; strong bak- ors, $5.10; Ontario winter wheat patehts, for export, $3.60. )) (COUNTRY PRODUCE. Pee wholesale _ prices Be to B7e 24c to 250 to 280 ‘Ise to 200 of live poultr, and pr ices are Store prints -and=tubs ~~ eliarerioe = Poultry- ecei have, been hee ergs Fowl, live Ducks, Biv weight - Geese, live weight . Young turkeys, live ees ean 9g fe ‘primes and $2 twins, aac Hone; Lie. Fe iss Pc pres per Poi EERE Gifts ois 60 td 65e“p bag in car lots, and”70c to 75¢ out of stoze ; Delancares, Toe in car. Ae ese see eae ork—Shoi 123.50 oy Hs sie $19 Se. $19 See 12483 Suis 13%fc3 hs sas ree Diy Saltea Meats i ae 13 I0%e to |1734¢. to_ 18q3_sloulders. ep Polls), 11ck46: bacon, 15 to 16c; green meats, out of pickle, ig Ie hi oke re. Flour—! Maidne Sprin pepatents, 30; seconds, $5,50; ® wheat patents, $5 to $5.10; eet shor aliees, $4.50 to $4.60; do., to 82.20; extras, $1.- «85. Tred $21 to $22; bran, $21.50 to $22; middlings, $26 to Bat shorts $26 per ton, includ- bags; pu tor $35 ; milled grade: per ton. are quoted at 12% 12%c for colored. Butter 2644 to 27e. Eggs—22%c for eee forse for No. 1, and 17%e for No. UNITED STATES MARKETS. — tio 79% 5 —Unse eee 55 No.4. & white, 49%. to 50%e. malting,,00 to Sie. Pe 6 on "ie, aie) ck i Ha Or - ws See ba ae 4 ee 1 ee physici- 4 ee 1 as 1 ite, ee No. orthe: id= her: “olf of her . “By the use.of a oil,” ‘ust as much ou! Land iheand a of it as you can’ “nervous, His ae ee aetna peer the ir pot vitalizes thes Its = ward appioatica will strengthen ard | 96 nn} SH. laxative, is said Oe 0, $3.40; fir nd c ‘st, clears, ear’, $3.00 weakichest and lin; Tung: Its ‘valiieh: | fer a | now on ing that’ irubbiog the skin va ris. 2. 8 mutant. ‘Sometime: apse have? ¢o- Miredon | : 3} official; firmed — at. th as yours it-has Shaanti Mr. Hiakkin eft’ V: ednlassie and will proce yia New-Or Jeans, Indi: to. on the of eke a y isnt Wallen British.Colum- rred: to Hondu- e three ‘Gove: presen rens ts." olive, oil is very Gordes to ene ity.” é 8. | str: ae says livering a. Siaie worcy Dantes she Tea e cust of the he $ oe hi an—Searce and quiet; quoted). HA ehiekéngy "live we: Yooko toe ae eight i 163 Weak fad) @, Hom Me @6| nue, Toronto, had his head cut an es | Was i ete: of Ci i 1. ee NS Ss al nts, | 40 "aes: deepath f Brockville able. Sriton chatty op We rE pees ‘on the Mail nat. est of,Brockville, on Eriday morn- assaul ed in man- - ANA atkotr din “AE5.30, d nies the barn the tramp Perise and asked ae yoreriiny to ook him in an 3 in thetaste ot preparing a meal when the stranger, seeing she was alone, suddenly changed ind, de- manding that te be given money in- st food. seized her by struggle she managed to break away an . The tram: ‘ollowed and felled her to the floor with blows on the back, rendering How long she re- i is not 0" n coming to her senses. he man had departed: Mrs. Charl- fa at once notified her husband rried search of the He ee failed to find trace of the subsequently tramp d found $1.06 on a sel which he ESS ated. Charlton has furnished the ae eats a description of the man, who so far has escaped arrest. .——_ RUSH TO STURG ‘The-Reports of 6 Gold Finds are Very Encouraging. A despatch from Port Arthur says: Gold prospectors are quietly ‘opping into the Sturgeon Lake district, and among these are many prospecting in and ON LAKE. Trunk Pacitic say that there are many looking for the precious metal, and that a large number of themowill stay in the country all Some of these who have sure to be many more and richer finds, and that within a very short time there will be & gold rush into die Ghntry which will vival some of thése“which have now. is- torical. Several parties have left Port Arthur in the past few days for flelds'of prowiiie. and-have’ cute fitted. with the intention of staying | gj all wint ~ FUYP HURT ne DERAILMENT. A Mixed Train Was Ditched Near to Hai ndale, Pe ee ien Barrie. Three coaches of a mixed train, N. atord, stati ihe” rails half a mile north of Allandale, at 1.30 on Thursday afternoon. Five passengers were more or less injur- ed, Mrs. John Wilson, of Meaford, 5 years of age, being ih he most seri ous. She sustained a m, a broken leg and caer injuries. See nercune bf iss Wilton oe says d. Mrs. John lollingwood ankle hurt. Miss Hotson, of Parkhill, arm brok- 8 otherwise bruise last coach rails, bringing the other coa es tae SPILLED MILK IN SEWER. Rigid cS of Inspection Tnaugu- ted in Detroit. Ad rigid tater of milk inspection was iaanenratad in Detroit on Friday by Health Officer Kiefer in a cru- sade eaarat: aes surround- hi ir says, Canadian, cities or Said to to Plan even on oe Tia e new whieh foreign Batetite rot be sold in Great Britain ener —Poronto, —-Oct.- Hers i aires Ox) ni . 6 to, ‘i ie oan 31.95 to Bue 60 pe au avy, 5 $4 per cwt was paid in a few instanc- GGod) distillery” st x DA! aay from M rohit iam Dyhe, de- shin “ee ie ‘rench.¢ ine ae aed "| Hmited Mier ‘ot choice Bees hei ay hae, aoe bars y si itemen 5] Minited the camps say that there are | [ Tho coaches turned ot their | fj nee from Detroit says: A | @P tty 10, per, cent. + | sident Roosevelt of purchasing thé feet absent the ie is hag: not y ascertained, ite: rig i Ss eae re Testa Briefs From. Our Own and Other Countries of Recent: Events. CANADA. e Government will sone jaoling df Lagé ' annuities pest mo c&cigliano an os Ware found gulty of, mianslaighter at the Sault Ste. ssizes. A Risen again proving ca ob- stacle to tet ins the; vieinity Of Sault The Frain “City Council: has Fenewed ‘the franchise ‘of’ the ‘Bell Telephorie’ ipany fok ‘five ‘years. mile G, ith, C-B., of Ottawa écmmitted Ae mide ag. Winnipess his Body: ‘boing found in,Red Riv. hy Africa nd Casantan ait worth$1,049,499. for the first, Six ons) ofsthe foal year. Burglars at« Berwicl:, bed the pailway ataiion aitd boarded & ergy ae with the “safe* and ‘so carried if William, inter: Hot the loss, of an eye, was,.awarded. $1,000 at, Hamil- sa so oe. “a national, Har- te er Cont] rob= Re Meclisehtktvoi odor tas The "luting (tre ws) at for trial on’a ‘charge of libelling the editor of"The Bye-Opeier. tes. Uneart Tl 0 countorftin lanits: isdo¥ din this’ country. Ae EN, Gn Weiibestlay Meee ane by.U States a Can: 9 a seclude rk < ry ars sien ts OD. wane asPeatellth tok d Salt Ont. More, rng c Wi Le Aarmceeet States ‘Secret pees and ‘ames: Parkinson, inspector forthe Domin- ion Seeret. erviee, went out to the ‘arm early, on Wedneedy and began thei “alter hour it was toa te aE late’ in. the afternoon their, ere reward> ed. “Hidden. away in_an onthowso, they disco: id a ne and ned to a@ complete’ counter Was operated ton ier an h fein: cute: The capture ‘ f Canada Farmers Bank of Catada $5 notes} 100-Standard Bank of ‘Canada! notes’ included "150 Farm- “$4,000 3 iteddard Bi ‘ed.the most incrimin- |, “Seven Banks Het ior niey 7 oe ae Morte Aa adian Seeres Service}: oyveres Ee = engraving a ‘tates silver cért [with es ot Gaal $10 set ots Fearon Bi set. uebee. Bank o Ganad All a fof Sts ae Bank BO aan 3 ne-set ot pace ates, id of the «same: ie: ay The officers also found buried | w ban the pre mites in ording tot] ar aér Crozier ha th a farti last Summer, ahd whilé’on la $10" notes ; 80} queer he “ Proyintial Preparing a. detciled eis se acts British farmers, to. up, farms’ ip, thesolder, portions _ saree Willis: Jarvis, ithe fireman, injur; éd in the vailway collision-at,Mim: 8 on Ottobdr4; died at ‘the; West- erm Hospital, Toronto; on Fridays A child was burned to death: ia a sehooner at, Quel Pa- fet, thé, child’s igother, "was very geriotsly tAchilor Sei cighiano.was sentenced at. Sault Ste:(Marie tonfourteen,years im tho penitentiary fox muanslaigh| fer. | Toit akie' was’ senteni five tate on ‘@Siifilar chai se CWilligm ° Martin, the defaultin, North ve tax -collector, pleade Guilty, mi appr riatin, ki town’, s: sung in, the iAsi ind p: fonshis liberty, in ia e 0; anit rir ie was. found guiliy joa" with the staBbin: rs eT Gilby: ‘Quinn’ der ‘Mor. a8, wha were also ches with the ae were acquitte GREAT BRITAIN. sheffield, | England,’ " will ‘devote Se (000 toward the relief ‘of the wn- em ora I 1 Fitzmaurice Ras*énitered ‘they British Fabinet § fe ee, of the Duchy .of Lane: “Canada’s 5, fon 00) YS per tent. Ioan hasicome ouk at, par in, London; and is: expecte go to a.premiw shortly. UNTEED 87 STATES. ‘Twenty-one | persons havo lost| © Detroit, is report fords ‘a acta nttad Masse ay indicted by a Gpichat seine jury ‘on a charge of rdqring manny: Tore Thomp~ ol formerly of Téronto and’ Wing- <cOrphan children laced in Min- nA homes. were.’ seare: rons and: tabbed arse forks aj ne demands of the anthracite hiine workers, a¥ formulated in von~ ¥ention,-at Scranton, include’ an eight-hour cy ides fia ineréase of The aeneatets ane adottsedt Bie2 he war cloud 4 in the Pelkens is w believed to have passed aw: Showers of ashe! pe teem Hee tars fallen on, some of the West eis -expected that.the South: Af- in. Conference, at) Durbai ths: Mullah has declared his fe aden, "et ‘oing on: the estat I seovered Broken Rail on Mer}: Way 0 Sthoo! ole A F lesnatch fel Fillmore; Sask, ys: < Alice. Potter, ae — 8, Was'on a recent m 1g pro- ing along the vailtay! “eck to a chi gone il. once rei aie to pe ae ares id : x tho eae a eive GE pro- By 4 ‘eh ‘yin Spice ei stralia’ IN THe SOUP. my spaces ofthe fast; Gian u ned in extingiishing’ i or by on lives'in forest fires: in» Michi ie ef hsbout the face and ae redoby. Indiaa inthe, Lac la with, hot} ©’ Fi nd | ™ ee according: to, the eaenes hi aD aon Daughters of the enn oa h imtif-he wou! Thosfather at ohee} Pasha, SPREADING ALL, OVER TURKEY, Austrian Boycott Mi Has Reaeheil Serie ous, Proportions. A’ despatch) from: Nienae says: The anti-Austrian,, boycatt: in, Tur- ¢ consternation among Be angering the, tis! alleged, woe tliréatening with sHoIoHes: rks tiaintain their refusal to horils Austrian traffic; ails and passengers, ‘wards attacked ihe aie post Office there, and’ si thie “fia xs “and “ma! ail bert EXPLOSION OCCURRED, “Accident in’ the “Twéed Pu Peculiar ublie Schoo! A despatch from Two ed, Ont., says? culiar aed ocourred at the public school here ese afternoon, when the pret pal lake, was conducting’ @ Be ateal experiment pass- ing ozone through a ‘glass tube;eon- of the ‘scholars Were also" more? or Helm,,son.of May aa the Bai Ms Pa THE ) SPHAKER. “ a ee Oa Hele, ‘eos aOR! Montreal, IGNORED A the were “insisting that he sit down, he retorted: very well for you to cry order, you,, who are. well. fe ae »* ” Finally. of work ae I Git’ in a score of places gaa ‘Several © er m1: ml Laborite ‘nests a ie Ri Ug : sitish: Con ‘Et is all! the Ottawa the] on, “$19,697,572 ADDED 70 a hmot ant erin Tnereases in _ Assess ent “of Mont AMAR aut from A oh nat 3 is & he im SETA ivic na nie of! tha ar yas complete, sph ine City? ‘Hall, ph ecipe sday. ws the nan¢ Tdgth of the as i eheaaed real estate v: wa Ee pene roa cc: less"'than’ $19, 687,' ; conaidetad tobe ry Heenertonens ah ee Pie diy 8, ‘oy He 1 ikaw Tho ‘amotint» borrowed j\e #96 willbe spent on further iniproving MWe. the, condition, of; ane as oee, ASTID os sewersy iete. » in ft eb Mach Ts MEN WERE SCARCE. Seareity Hh ive Delays Work Ne 0. a ‘acid from pent oR, The construction of t Railway norehuaty ie ational Pisin At! present is" practically, nen completed ery joiatni thesdthier road. Sahel Ped bet ot twas ae ‘ 4 snlste ) asao'l nian ffey tor Diesen amen.’ Le mateslon desired, is eee eS a widow “T ‘call itors to Uber class who have refused Ls 3 gdb their class to ses DS ee Eniptte Give $10,000, it White Plague. ad aot from. Ottawa, donated $10,000 to the funds of the Anti- ‘Tuberct ul Society, of Otta-} BOYS: BATING. coRDITS. Een coisa indi tor ace 100! iy y meee vinci ait Seon ge” ri pa rrieer on el esday Trea that..a, numb: or of hut pupils had-been eating cordite : taken fr ae cart boyratenune iS mee Of it that Renose ‘he: fuintes inlaws ed. ‘The ¢ sae * ey ae ped at ta stout it, sai tho Mi sat CU Ba sas Ay Pilate Moe 5% ined esting ff and i sampling. at wa, on’ co! that a’ stontbee $20,000'be ‘raised. 8 pared a es tanec peerers b to. oe its effect a If Setvia Keeps Quie te aaebstenc’ from Wain says: sp yecial tothe Times | from ‘St, Pet- Siabaree says’ that’ the 2 Ri ssian Ser Sree has sent a note to Senv and gro, promising’ to: guard ‘their interests at ae “ coming conference, and ©. the hope that this “aroniihe: aa duce them to avoid a ras! * - SHE’ STANDS ‘LONE he despatch ‘from Panieat socal str Oat ‘som Conntant| on nople states.that ey assado: EG pclated to sau Pe Baett Cat ist Germany wo 1 in essing la IS NOW “ASS t Bor he Safeguardod. o-existin, Jeekt. Austria-Hiun; ee ‘nil ieee a Se aie tio: hou tulgare ‘forthe! Oniental Railto in’ Ea: tern —Riiesia and some the por ing it tora | Balan sent <iicceraesadioet G paesicana aera te Tiveatiga’ ae i rr nelined: tas ia ha Me the. dise te ions: Sea Taree the pass . at

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