rE IR pol Sepen ee ore BULL nes ree old. For further par- ee spply _ EDWARD DENYER Milverton, Ont. The Ace 4 was Barn Timber for Sale -QACRES OF STANDING TIMBER AND 6 Acres down. pi sell the whole or just ‘ ee mn timber. her particulars P, H. BASTENDORFF, Milverton. For Sale or Rent OUSE AND STABLE AND TWO LOTS on Mill St., Milverton, The house 1s a solid belek, w iy teenr gold site ‘of good water. be rented., For further partieu- Janne Ricuannson ‘Milverton, Ont, Mail Contract ! = E BALED NDERS add e. da S Ss ANDES dressed fo the Font spent iw oe pe ie ae tee eek 7 Weir aud S Satll Noon on Erday, Sth di ary, |villag dav getter, De f Stratford, visited alle, on a p ee Me “ob Stricker, of Berlin, call-| w h tsterkls hoes tasks wes six times Between ‘Top- nds in the village on Satur- D, Ross, of W mdsor, ia anend ping and Milverton Grand. Pret Railway oe ashexe tation from the 1st April nex Ses ach Weetnc: Waterloo. & e Printed notices containing further infc le of days” mt the home b mation as fo conditions ‘of proposed Gon: | SP fe Ae tet Boog broth may be abe Obtained at the Post Ollice of Top.| Mrs. David Ross and Miss Lena, of end Pople eind-at the Office of the Post | London, visited for a few days with | Gc}, fice inspector at London ends in the village and vicinity. |. ster, M atter dmner spedehes: onel provoked PostOffice Department, G. C. ANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchison | ot the rectory. for Sie akaat douple: of | great merriment. The py couple Me cages ihe ae | eps ae spent Christmas with friends in Gor-| wecks, sa ‘eft om the tow o'clock train for To- Ottawa, November 24th, 1908, ~ tee pe lacy, : Me eave spent Christmas at jornts * conto copious NES J. Attig, of ey ie mfetti, j Ge aie viee ae Chirstmas. holidays at pes ot Indi is visit= sh ee Brag oO ‘mg at ber b we hy EXECUTORS’ SALE [S270 fot sac) RE en a See rat! sas ite: Rev. Ta oF, ay wad Mrs, Carmihael, of Berlin. | seo "2 ict the ae “pk eR oeT ena fe Brick Cottage is in:Newton | visited at the home of Mr. Alex. Mu ay gece Cbs gg Galea , of Milyer ; 7 oe ger “ina - baled uesda fat ee fron alt bree parnets Here will be _ottered for sale by ne Sa pasion bacwey a oe Be Gy reve, Che fier, aa yan my oe nd: ae coc! ae fancy < Bho and are kin a together with HESSON. ee in: Mitchel. ther usefnl ornamental : "2 eed. Mr. and Mrs - fe Miss He'm and her cousin. ne ue Knox College. a were noticed e Kate : Te amaede of Berlin, sper a - nto ne oe upy a pulpit of Kno: be at heme after Fay eats few days at the former's home ie c north next Sabbath. - 2 iE Schiebel left on a Ham ae Linwood, was a da if where she has r in the village Mon- POOLE. e. of Stratford, - day at his hone a 9! aM £ ©: ra, and <M; ra i Aa the holidays at Mr eae wot ae For further particulars apply to|Is'e vendors solicitors or the auctioncer.| M * Jom ‘Vollmer, and daughter, McPherson & Davi ff Strat-|E of Berlin, visited * = in t md Mr. Roy ford, vendors colicitors. th nily for a few . | dren mts at Stratford ‘Normal: are vis- “ e are sorry to ri tors at the home of their teeta Be W .D. WEIR, Auctioneer. Martin ‘Linseman, Mr, and Mrs. Robert K'nes. COMMERCIAL Fall wheat, new. Barley per bushel ata et acee $ 90 45 rt Manitoba‘ four, ee owt. on. thorts per t. a ‘eo 15 16 5 6 ; : Lea live weight. 6 00 6 09 ‘otatoes per bag. 60 Hay per ton... 700 8 00 Butter 24 25 13 9 9 8 roving, and ay to spend New mother at Berlin, cGimnis, of mh his mas Bean ‘s Han We vnderstind, a Wee = 2 _ Geo. §. Hammond, attended the |i burch on Wednanay evining 92 ‘ aide a Deceinber 28rd a) 50 D. Dewar and daugh- 1 guccess. ho. 80) ter, Jean, pitt: Cheletuits the sh i Ls oad of atsstand. Mn Robert ae i stars ae SBN Wea % ‘ng. Lath ak 95) Mr. amd Mrs. ‘D. W. Chaimers spent |*¢heel was placed. on fae : . bn meee bidaea eal tia ta | CEbamoEet tea tsmnie: wercu teat = in a manner that showed careful pre 3 bay ot eae eal ee paration. The sweet Christmas music vid Magis hist, Sehmidt )ind many of the recitations show i o Chr'stian idea of 1d if i b ter, Della, of Stratiord. and Mr. Hov Fiepistii antes iat ant nian a and Missed Ethel and Eva Stra-|tay and the comica ia " and han Grey, were, Christmas guests Fy tis ares rea tie over kae Hes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. |20 15a the audience, to be filled with ‘ C. P, R. Time Table Sie + gina cheer of Christmas, which they sb Sea See AA a Going ears MARRIAGES. 11.18 peenery Mr. 7.26 pm. HAMILTON-COXSON—A the | resi- nd 11.03 a.m. | dence of the Pt es eee Oaten, gave everyone advi i ee on m1 day, mbes |if applied, would bring increased hap” vee Sat N. Mac- ess to ally Christmas tree a ad Hamiiton to/and o'd Santa Claus, who handed out Margaret Matitda, fourth daugh er |the presents, was very interesting to of Mr. andi Mrs. Aaron Coxsor the children, and proved how mu 3.28 p = mt_is lost by: children who 4 are not educated up to the ided of : G. T. R Time Table. DEATHS. Santa Claus. The audience gave splen- : GOING ROUTH. ~ ra ‘di attention, and after three hour: ain. p.m. p.m.| LANGFORD—At 22. Duppot street, | pagan to: diep cee hres 9.82 at 457| Toronto, on 20th, Albert faces, k'nd'y , and pleased man- Wi | cHeneynitant don ot Me anaes Re Wr evetrone a Bip vee that 4.45) Geo. N. Tuy aged 2 months [Ud gee concer thelr’ time. wasted 4.89) and.45 days tind: would be Willing’ to: sotto. aain 7.01} ' Mr. and Mrs. Synopsi of Canadian North-West Homestead 1 { Regulations NYeven numbered section of Dominion A Alberta, excepting jnay be homesteaded ‘Me sole head of « fart section tease 26, rally, OF. any male over ars of age, to the extent of ore-quarter ‘of 160 acres more or less, "ine land fi f ion for entry must be made in per- | VeF cosa ape a Dominion tne Januar, "aatey by proxy ‘be mi ay by the cea ae other oo son, | wi a we ga sister of an intend daughte nding Lat saa in Beenttoue, oe ‘and segs which wi | am ‘person who is | g, ast year. ¢ Lawrence Die s M. Sinith, of Tralee, at se Jacob Gatschene’ who pissed the gates OW d is very i ' Years with bis f spent Baie: Mrs. Mr. Jos. Helm did 00] has p..rcha: lacksmith shi sp’ from Re? r, and intends by the orchestra tearing in the near future | bers of the ne mn Y and muting @ new shop on a differ- | talent —w d not ap: ent sit pearamee were misled a typo Mr. Ernest Knoblauch, of Owosso, | raph e e's Sa r i The eh of ten yen W: eb barn i proceet amicitmfed t WOODSIDE. Mies Bertha Errittten. of Wiarton, GRAVELRIDGE pending the holidays at her home i Weir and dough Cie { | MORTGAGE SALE of store Broperty vat E Milverton & 4 d by virtne ‘of the one sim at of ie village were oR an owers ie a ill be pi e of sale, the ere veil TR. be offered for W. D. Weir, Jo Me Yundi's | il- etrich, left on. is visiting ” parte of Hamilton, ir. E men Porter, of G MWe tricnds Bere during: the M ber prewie White ainment heid ‘€ there was another entertainment &nnoun' 7 i. GROSSHILL, Chr'siimas i: i mow over, and brought with it a nu mn. (ime SAE those who were “ng the Christmas hol Cecil and aos .oc Mr andi M) though there | nominated to is h wreaths, br MC Mar nu Heat of her ere Si ts fe) a oe Be day 6 his the latter’s Sahin Shee Schr te we Schmidt. ROSTOC R. sae Ma “spond ey 3. ‘Peter umber “in er heran <ouieoht thr’stmas day. Toate, Keech Samuel, are WV reiting fe around the Mrs. Fabel and ton, Mieh., are vis parents, Mr. and ra ‘Tew wee! M’ss Ge: pte W day’ ide in Stra’ cival at the Evang: Sebringville on CI DONEC a at his ‘sister’ 's Mrs. weel » The Trinity 8.8. ‘| the school house was a grand sue- lar mes ‘armers’ Institut yn Tain ee Mr. rere? Powell, Wal- yo AMagw 90d entertained “pent a © ecaeeian holiday sateen of the Lord's aupper rd es wel rpetinas_ an frie’ villa cess. 1e Methodist a ee. tree e cures” Tuesday ven ng obit » as usual enna’ was a decided success. The proceeds on, ah is ter, Miss sented sta a ne, Was united in marriage to Mr. Henry Ruhl, jr., of Moosejaw carn Sate ate Bask. returned bome on Monday oT Edger, BiB Hewkenvitle Henry: bas beeniin the -weat for over The bride, attired in- an elegant prin: a year and a haxf, and bas taken “ip he ; cen land. coks as if western ard- | ne Beta, May: and Lillie Fink, d carrying a shower bouquet ons agreed with him. of Ham‘ are visiting at thei € ef t high te rs. Mex. Kirkland, of | bons here. trains of the wedding West Toronto, spent the Christmas ; Florence Nicho!l. $f Brant- th aranine reo bio’ rai at the residence of Mr. Geo. | tord, freee ng her hotidays at her her brotber, he Mrs. Theo. ne M. Dunbar is visiting a zorenta, spent ggie, handsomely gowned in white beta Mitchell. he: silk, was matron of hon¢ McTav: ry ‘eker vot Bertin, Hee tle Lord Bariieeate ot Stratford, ears states : ration Eber eed spestes, and Mr. A.M. ahupy, "of Toronto Med:- bs at College, is spending his holidays Ae reek under the parental roof. Bievaataneaints F) ley spent Chris?- . is equine Sthe [eva ba L Dar ‘ord. h friends in Brantford |neath a b dal ribbon, Christ Mand Struthers of Sir toe $ the niet this w her fi Ex La: eek of a friends Wednesday Santa Fe. a Coreen Pete arge. ‘err and chi, Christmas nother Mrs. imers gave a party ng to a number of witzer of the home sat Fleining spent Listowel parents Mr. of Wellesley cee swith “Mr, and a ‘ockK. Stel Sispenwed the loa Zion thurch on re held-in th> at Moserville on The pastor Rev. is ey Penance mect- ‘sh ith his son ikton. Mich, nds in chile’ ren, of Elk- eG the former's 's. David Knechtel, Vingete!der is holi the Sateaa: eae! village tice the following: each: of the village took a the ae elical church at Chr istmas antag Seton ‘oronto E. Viepond, ee coacert heid in en- did in thelr Bight: and ss eee ot ce ost held f ta HAPPY TO ALL AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. K. LOTH, 3 « Issuer a Marriage — Lic es Aucti Thoroughbred Blood Durham Cattle, Thoroughbred « + UNRESERVED . on Sale aioe and Berkshire Sows. The people's auctione: : (Family Mon) 7 years cae Clydes mare 6 years oid, Drivir yeita ‘old; Yexriiag “Ca¥t, Seven Shorthorn Cows, be i Stallion, Shorthorn and Oxford Down Sheep ba 8 npRORe toxbe im calls wupposed to be in i Bi gor will sell by pubic auction on lot 18, con. 7, Morn-|Oxford Dow: ington, one-half mile wont of Mill-|Ram een bi ation, on the Pir Thursday, the 14th : ‘of January, | Hens, all oe 1908, the following valuable pure-/out reserve, a ths proprietor has ar- bred stock, vanged for the sale of his farm. The Blood Stallion, ! cattle are all registered and in ng Mare eavy. fale fine Head Office, Hamiltoa, 8 ‘ : yy N excellent means of providing a son good start on life’s journey when they come of age, is to _ open a Birthday Savings Bank account in the child’s — “deposit a sum to their credit, — Each birthday, equal to their years—at five years, $5.00, and These sums, with interest, will aimount i to quite a substantial sum—especially if the chile i is sh orale ne to deposit its pocket money in the same fund, At twenty-oue, turn n the control of the account over. to the Ie will either provide | a star son or daughter. incentive for hall cess and a competence for old age, The growing Bank Account is a valuable object lesson, and the child will generally make every effort to add to the sum as it meh watches it grow.” Children thus start ‘life laid - sugcess and prosperity. dy accumulation, wee va make for suc or daughter with a at ten years $10,600, in twenty-one years tin life, or form an- a a Bd. foundation: i