Milverton Sun, 31 Dec 1908, p. 1

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\ i 4 | H. M. @ issuer of —® Marriage Licenses Everything Confidential MILVERTON, - ONTARIO SCHAEFER “It Shines For All.” MarriageLicenses Confident Strictly MILVERTON + ONTARIO oa Vol. XVII—No. 43 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1908 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher METROPOLITAN BANK A Savings Account may be opened with 1.00 MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. Se gag agains! loss or careless spend- ing is the money de- posited in a strong chartered bank. 3336 Ghe General Meeting of the Patrons of Milverton Cheese and Butter Factory 1.5: we. oe the ‘output tor the purpose. will G, A. McCulloch « Prop. 3 LOCAL NEWS 3|' 3 SCHAEFER & WHALEY To one and all we wish A Bright, Prosperous and Happy New Year. To one and all we wish A Bright, Prosperous and Happy New Year. HOLIDAY SPECIALS! We are not going to carry over any goods that we bought for the Christmas trade if price will move them. big amount. wish to thank our many customers. week should not le MEN'S NECKWEAR About 5 dozen Men’s all Silk Fore- in-hand and Puff Ties, All ood up-to- date patterns, regular 25 and 50 cents. Reais as-s LO OES: Clearing at eac LADIES’ COLLARS About 5 dozen silk and wash collars regular 25 and 35¢, clearing at 15 cents. 6 only Collars, regular $1.25 and $1, olearing at..............006666675 Cents, JAPANESE CHINA About 8 dozen Pin Trays, Tooth Pick Holders, Etc. Regular 10, 15 and 2ocents, Clearing at....ceresreeee5 Regular 40 Regular 50 Regular 75 CUT GLASS cents get our prices, Regular 35 cents i We haven't a Never have we sold out as well, for which we These prices named this ave us with a dollars worth in a few days. CHILDREN'S WOOL BOAS “Extra Nice and Full” seerereene25 cents Reese 4 Only 8 Pieces Left 2 large Berry Bowls, reg. $6, ah $3.95 3 Bon Bon Dishes, reg. 2.50, for $1.75. 3 Nappies, regular $2, for,.........$1.40 We are clearing FURS AT COST AND BELOW ‘Don’t buy anything in Furs until you CANDIES and NUTS We only carry these in stock at the Christmas season. We will clear out the bal- onoe of our stock at easy prices. NUTS All New Stock Filberts...5.3... ae e BRING US YOUR PRODUGE! BUTTER 24°. EGSS 25° DOZ. CANDIES to cents lb. Mixed Candies........+. 10 us Creams, reg. 25¢ for... Chocolates, reg. 25¢. for We haven't a big stock, s come at once. SCHAEFER & WHALEY Happy New: Year ! ats, buy all, Mipds of raw furs at ae ‘Laura Goetz is visiting at her home in Linwood. Dr. R. Lederman epent Christmas day at his hon Mr. Henry Gr = ear Varsity, is spending the holidays at home. is is a th in which to renew your subscription to The Sun. Mr. Alfred Schaefer, ingham, is at present visiting relatives in fore ‘A. Torrance, of Toronto event Christmas at his home in Mil- Batter and eggs taken in exchengo atent ‘Mor for p medicines} at grocery. Mrs, R._ Laughleen, | of Cargill, spent Christmas at Mr. Charles Spenser'e. ‘Mr. John Deacon, of Galt, is spend- ing A few gaya with his cousin, Mr. oe iorman McGuire, of Owen seo enene Christmas with friends Mpanish Stock Food, 1.00 packages for 75c., oe ‘packages for 880. at Morh’s groce’ ‘Dr, and Mra, McComb are spending the hovday season visiting at their oid Fome in Trentoi Mr. A. 8. Wagner, of Denver, Col-, hotidying cities : hana, of Kubry- ville, are at present visiting the Misces Hanna, of ‘Toronta. Phoebe and Laura . of Toronto, spent Christmas mnie, Mrs chi idren §| spent ‘the ‘holiday, with ‘the former's father, Mr. J. 8. Tucker, of Norwich. pat ee id Beery of the Lis- towel jess College, is _ spending the stot: mite w ae “his parents, on the of the tein, Ber’ orpibienten, of Stratford, spent ee holiday at the home of Mr. John Rothaermel. r. and Mrs. Charles reece Christmas day abbenda of the peg ee cousin, Powell, of Wi alee in, to Mr. En: tay The Fone ‘of the late William Attridge, ae ntion of was Bede in took i whose death Tablet your Docter or Druggist about this|'™ formula. It can't be bettered. manly pains, head pains, any pain seta] x of twenty Pin! Sold by pubis ti was the shortest and ma at per~ Saaaing: tbelabel on your. paper eae see how you stand. Mr. Walter Mohr, of Chesley, ‘pent ristmas with friends in tow! ae Teesh: CANE meaved te hea home in Charl lestown. last Wedn Miss Tillie Sehr riend, Mis Mabel Sutter, at Gads- bill Mr. Arthur Herr ,of spending the holideys ‘Welland, is at his home Miss Louise Miller, of Essex, is muending the hotiday) at her home in as Mobr is spending the holi- with friends in Hanover and & £3 Che Mrs. Edmondson, of Listowel, spent Saturday at the home of Mrs. John Mewbinney. Norman Katbtleiseh, Worxeter, ed_ his parents, Mrs. 3. iealbtleison, Mr. Tr. ob, accountant of the Bank of Hamilton, is visiting at his home im Orangeville. Messrs. Lou's and Herb Seton ere visitin, of Stratford, are at HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager rates. number or by WM. MAYNARD, Manager, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England a SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the the survivor. 1 STRATFORD BRANCR ends in (rtentanten, all her immed millinery at cost he tie baeneret wee ene Lobe an aanmiece Tee allace, pent Sunday with his meter, ;Guntiée, a Charles alas Mrs. Basten is in St. Thomas a week erence the wed- ding ser brother. WwW. M Mr days with friends u fe’ here, re- Raabe on Saturday to Sask Estavan, Mrs. Peter Wilhelm is at pre atteniling the: foneral of her alater- ‘m-law, Mrs. Chris. Witzel, at Wilmot entre. Miss Isa Glenn, of Elliott Business College staff, toronto, is spending the Coudave with her mother, Mrs. E. ants Miss Clara Riddell, of the! Pubic ana | School staff. m, is spending the chgaterse ‘ieution at cher axenic Momningto: atrae Mactireli ot Wingham, is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs A. Fleming, and brothers, Messrs. Brydone, & Mornington. Mir. 3 Gropp, who was al! one ime a “resident of Milverton. bu’ erie w lives in Penetang, spent the Houaey” renewing © ber: Mr. Edward and Miss Nora Schultz. Burgman, returned to their a: uuneral of the late William son of the late John pane. lace at bias de cemetery on eFeneret ser- D. we wi te; ervices im 8rd, will be at 11.00 a.m., Hampstead m the afternoon and Wellesley yil- age i evening. note Haig, who has been ap- pointed “moderator of this newly ar- new Cand y contain ne Qainine, nothing harsh or sitkening. Secon d by Public negie Library degrees south of th Port: Elgin, “Ae be form- Am imaginary line drawn |24¥ opened ine morrow (Friday) after- thia point m and in the evening an ente: ai ment wil i be held. Hon. A. GM ‘f Kay, P. Di of dosing saniinting ae pes: president of the Onta is all wrong. Dr.|\ vil out’ this erfor ihe brary is a splendi trolling or inside nerve. When tho erve fail — those organs must surely fal These .vital truth are Leding ‘druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop’s ew days, and ‘maprovement. will prompfly and Ei a the best piece of a unt ei ar ing tickling coughs, by Public Drug}, to of the sarees aes te im, and is clain ae eee ry proposition.—Port e tight, or distress- get quick and Sues stein tlabis: “eleat On Wednesday last mar ac Mickle Shoop's Cough Remedy i sold his law - Grosch, | propertias. ot Owen Sound, ad, “Stn makes wer to calm the thin reference toi th. enew legal man |/Cough, axd to soothe, and heat the who will soon. be a citizen of Chesley: moat ‘sensitive bronchial membrane ee ae PB: aes eee es the Mothers sho , fer safety'’s sake ‘ee ol . J. Mickle, Of }aione, always demand Dr. Shoop's. It Ghee oe ene will withdraw Pe the firm of MacKay, Telfor roseh and rs to wae ey raat he first of the fekle, who, is one of the Be Senaes lawyers of this part of the country, has been’ ap- pointed County Court; judge to fill a vacaney in Hesex county, caused by the resignation of E. P. Clements. r. Mickie has, been a resident, of Chesley for nearly 2! worke: sp) naa law eee Tr. ae ae n a residen Owen Sound for ay a rT an M4 half, but toe that ti ds} in_ town.” —Ches- ae The secretary was sueastad to ox: tie end to Re es lying jsick of typhoid st his brother's home, path he earnest desire for. his ey. recovery. Mr. Meyer br tion of the as: of the Lord’s Day Al tribution of $20 f Alliance. An admirable pap development of the theory of t atemement was given which was much enjoyed by the mem- bers present. again on Jonuary 19th, {at Mr. ai After adjournment ircabeibed the members) and friends bo given to Test it once Public The mv ominations in the vilage’on Monday esgited: 1a "Recws Hasenpflug and C. R. Hi put up for the reevesh'p Zmimerman, WH Barr, H. ey Hel. Whaley and Dr Boar a ‘Atter hy ail villages, othe cities ‘public affairs are discussed n opportunity. e | Since the foregoing went, into print Dr, Parker and Messrs. Ba: ands He Growh hare wiendrewa which elects by acclamation Messrs. ose, Samuel ‘Whaley, John Roth- acquaintances ons ms to accept tha|* Head Office rest Salted to DHleaipl by cheque without aoHsee mail on request. ers discounted. out cl | The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by{Special Act of Parliament) & Member of the Borer Bankers’ Association & The{Toronto Clearing House wine W. R. TRAVERS, Gonoral Manager SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Spectal attention given’\to this depart- # allowed from date of deposit at current rates, and mes a year. Money may bs withdrawn Money forwarded to depositors b; FARMERS’ BUSINESS A SPECIALTY—Notes Silpespoustiy > sit ‘ale notes collected and advances made CHE bees sce al any bank cashed or taken on eae ar Newton nae open Monday and Thursday in Hutchison block Millbank and Newton Branches, R. G. Grieve, Mgr. © - TORONTO Engeland & Son are paying 24e. per pound fee butter. M Coutter,.of Toronto, spent he hi s at her ie here Mr. Jacob Eydt, ‘stmas visitor inter the parental eta Tda Hartmier attended court at Stratford on ‘Thursday of last wee Mss Darville and Miss Sinclair of London are at present visiting Miss and. . Jobn McKinnon, of Morante. ls ospending ‘thé hits iu his home here. . George Burgman, of Sim- and x ‘cay ha Stratford spent: Rf Paracnet | ‘accompa: nied by his mother, Mrs. Engel, visited with friends at Hanover on Chri: Ste: anuary 9th close on Monday ee ‘Tuc ay of every week. Don't forget. the 3 it is open. The anniversary services of Burns an eat gone’ sei of January, 1! ene Rev. lassford, i mers shuren, Gueloh, will preach. and Mr: 5 Be ea spen ‘stmas holiday at’ the home of Mrs. Thos. ‘Westman. Mr. David Barr, of Manitoba, is spending a few ‘weeks renew! vequaintances in Monkton and Morn- Egton. Mr. has made hristmas tree entertainment he Bima Bethoalet ohiuseh on Wednesday evening was 1 attended, anc rine, pro- a " : vided. One ofthe tea- vares of the programme was is pre entation on fe Sunday 5 to Joseph. Basskhy-tie. Bible shoo eacker, of a handsome boo class case. Very gratifying news was received ide a suitable unusual event took place on jstmas day at the manse, Milver- ton, it being the 25th anniversary of he arringe ‘of Rev, and Mrs. ‘acKinnon. mediate relatives were ocean, viz.: Mre. D. ay, of Under ide aunt wie Mrs. Mackin: non} Geor; the same place mone? and ister’ Mrs. A. Mo- Lean, of ‘We ‘oronto, sister; Mrs. Logan, sister, ant with: Mr te joy’ of a spien - [ware by the tainly: ad relatives. x dary: line of lwo fardic On the boun im an Austrian village there is a large , from whieh the two enrs gutyered the is and you may have the “rest” was the agreement. Three sea i the neighbors had a misundersta ing a ond this) came to a thats Sea tbe gasses rries became ripe. A law- suit d and appeals were made to hi ‘her judicial bodies, The final | just as it was originally, but neither may, destroy the bus! Miss Pauline Berger attended the Mor alee assembly on Tuesday even- n r, Simon Grosch left on a busi- ae trip to Winnipeg on Baraday, ast. Phe Wellesley Council has been re+ - ted for the year 1909 by acclamas ‘A special meeting of the C.0.F. Milverton will be held on juesday, January Sth Mr. Geo. Cuthbertson, of the Soo, ig at present visiting his mother, Mrs. Jas. Cuthbertson, 2th coa., The Indy members of the Milverton Pastime Club are requested. to pro- vide refreshments for the dance on M. J. Ramey and daughter, {iss Dorothy accompanied by Mr and Mrs, R. Hanna, left on’ etd i ‘of last week{ to spend the Ch ‘he mas pees with the Misses Henne, of Toronto. Ninteen of the junior pupils be- Wendy masts huesday, ron ly ate whieh. will be entertained. The Canadian Bankers’ Assostation has decided that the banks shall continve the paying! of int than an ordinary combine '—Goderich 4) Signal. MILVERTON SCHOOL REPORT, ‘ag is the December report’ ns pe ee UT, of the Milver~ a Rees ped oF 2. Levin: 4. Russel hha 5. wineries ‘Gow! Wi aoe Ritter; 7, Clarenge “Hasenpilug; 8. Wilfrid We Ruby Schmidt, Li Schun' od Bh Sa dr, ay 3 wis loot Ke aH her; 4, Alvin Weitael 5, Willard Knchet Sr U1, Ruby, Groseh 2 Ruston} 8, jatar 4, “Het Hei ero gcaaves Gophers Boas Della O'Neil, teacher, Il,—Flossie Kmechtel, midt, Doris 'Winnifred Grosch, ‘Alfio Boeckner, Eva Sees e Maurice Schaefer, Edith |Allexande Sr, Pa Fl oes I—Beatrice Longmire, Irvie Boeskner, ¢ Zimmerman, Hilda Svbneuker illic Aik dr. Part I. @ Newmaster, Wil tred . Zimm eee Walter “Miller, Joyd Schmidt, equal; Roy shauber, aron Grupp, Kark Schneuker, Clay: ae ees Lloyd Bastendorft, fford Wei H. Phillips, teacher. RORNINGTON LOOME REN dec Hea gnat beca-reseded tna iAtustriam paper. Each party is to ‘he mom‘nations in ‘Mornington have the right to pick the berries best ae im “Messrs. Christian Yost. whieh grow on his side of the line, . Kerr and Wi J.Dowd and Carson retired, which ait ‘the old aermel . Zimmerman. The con- |ing farmers: “With luck, it will test will es page en ‘Mestrs. C.|take you only eight hundred years Hasenpflug Honderich, the |to make the bush pay. Take good wo mene ss "he reeves! hip. care of it.” 4 eouncil by acclamation. FOUOVOOUT

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