LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HE = SHASON'S = HARVEST Dangerous . Resolutions HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVE! ‘oron’o, Dec. 29.—Ontario wheat THE GLOBE. TEEPE Pn ee ee OW, fellers, since It's the be- eS MOMENT, Mise Fir ieye wee eae Sie The Field Crops of the Dominion Has - ar when we 98¢_to 940. Telegraphic Bricts From Our Own dlutions, wouldn't it be a dandy thing Whirperea wheat Sp ot No. 1 Father Time, and Other Countries of say we a Value of $439.533,000, yo ee to ev'ry Tho tn « monthly cour- ee eo ‘Pather Time, Like arrow loosed from bow, went speedin; Toward earth, his master’s warning heeding To seatter far and wide gd nt ‘And laws decreed for ev’ry clime. Twelve such messengers there fly Adown throughout the year: Twelve, the months from Father Time Bestowed on people here. northern, $1.05 2 $1.0554; No. 3 nerthern, $1.03 to $1.03%, on track, lake ports. All rail No. 1 northern, $1.12 to 81.12% 2 northern, $1.09 to $1.09%, delivered at On- tar‘o points. Barley—No. 2, 53¢ to 55¢; No. extra, 52c to 53¢; No. 3, B0e to ee outside. rio No. 2 white, 38c to 37340, outside, Manitob seer Canada, 430 on track, lake Peorn—Old, 69¢, Toronto freumals r No. 2 or 3 yellow; new 1 yellow, 68c; No. 3 yellow, ae 4 ic, Toronto, No a uav new No. 2 yellow, 69¢; No. 3 yel- low, 66c to 66%c, Arsenate Height Buckwheat—No. 2, 56c to 66)4¢ outside. Peas—No. 2, 86e to 86740. $5.80, seconds, ers’, $5.10; patents, $3.70 sacks, outside. e $3.75, buyers’ COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—Winter stock quoted ai $3. to $4 per barrel for good aise lities, and at $2 to $2.50 for cook- ing 3 Prime, $1.70 to $1.75, and hand: Bikes $1.80 to $1.85 per ush. a uey! Gaaike, $2 to $2.75 por dozen, and strained, 10 to le per nd. t| ter of Mr. Recent Events. CANADA. t is proposed to hold a sh ae nial Fair at Winnipeg in The postoffice handled ee ay four peu million letters last years aclean, Trade Com- meee to China, died at Shang- hai, oie oy ec nsaiey Py ‘red Miner Herbert Johnston, a four. -year- drowned while playing on the ice, on Frida; Leone, ‘the serene -year-old daugh- Joh ir, was darned to death at Monten, N. B., Wednesday. An effort will be made to main- tain winter navigation-on the St. Lawrence from Quebea to the sea. The C. . has given an order for 20,000 tons of rails to ve at goma Bteel Company at the What is believed to be the epee: est. Union Jack ever made is to be sent from Toronto to the "Texcsuten® ary celebration in Newfoundland. Montreal, on Wednesday, and die 16, of Niagara eld boy of Sees township, was | Per acre, A despatch from Ottawa, says: According to the statement issued Wednesday from the Census and Statistics Office an area of 27,- 505,663 acres of field crops has yielded a harvest which, computed | a $209,070,000; hay and clover off nea bad “his nose ‘kicked off by | 8,910,900 acres have a value of $121,- etames tarbacle a tuition -year- SO eee ee old boy, was drowned while 1,525,700 acres, have a eealue of $23,- ne oraw alle oo Wednesday, 044,000; beans, potatoes, turnips, ‘The Grand Trunk Pacific Elev: 0005 p , Company has been incorporate: renee! aati Se oc pte ae a capital of one million dol- be rie - Tae 7 $73, 536, 0003 Fall wheat, with a yield of 24. 9 bushels 000 and in the rest of the = {Dominion $18, 804,000. The value’ of all field crops. in the various provinces is as fol Prince lets Island .$ a 403, 0 000, Nova New Beuaaaick i Quebec .... S Ontario .... Manitoba .. Saskatchewan. Alberta The average value of field crops for the Dominion in the year is a value i $21 ree at the proper time. Spring wheat, with 16 buatele Ruddick says, ‘‘but could be de. shows $12.84. livered in Great Britain or the The total value of the wheat har-| North-West in perfect saudi if vest in the North- rovinces | cold storage were intelligently ap- is $72,424, plied in transferring it from the ‘4 That is if She Can Secure Entrance value, computed on an estimated population ‘of 6,940,000, is $62.34 per Fift; ty per cent. of this year’s poe crop, 72 per cent. of the oats id 68 per cent. of the barley re- mained in farmers’ hands the end of November. The condition of the new crop of Fall eraere at the same time was 75 nt. of a standard, and 73 Per sonterces Ball plowing was complete A statement on the care and Sede re ‘fruit made in the pres- ent number of the Census and Statistis, Monthly by the commis- sioner of dairying and cold stor- age is worthy of emphasis. ‘There is not a sound apple grown in Can- ada any year, and picked from 8 ies to the consumer. —_-- CARRIE TO ATTACK LORDS. 0 the House, A despatch frém London, says: Carrie Nation says that when she comes to London she will begin her cleaning campaign with the House of Lords, She adds: ‘‘I don’t know whether they will let me in, but ’ll tain mford, o} “Bloody Robbers,” paused an instant, until Ike rly ered in ava- lanche of cushions, one he resumed, earnestly: ‘hink 0’ the dandy ames we could together, if we both played fair ft al fight ther "Robbers" looked rather dubtously at one ena mehow they thought it ny not be wafring with their Old enemies, the “Pirates.” 15.72 t soon after in ‘the hospital: PU RASAEE CRS A AOE A Sp aks Hay—No. 1 timothy is quoted at #10: 50 to $11 a tex Be track here, d No. 2 at 87 Straw—$7 to toe on track. Potatoes—Ontarios, 60 to 62c per a TREACHEROUS PUSH W. nba Puce. 5 It was who was speaking to the “fet lers of the gang. . lakes. The boats that were total losses were valued at $631,000. Th DIED ON THE STREE rom Alberta Passes Away|had a carrying capacity bag. Delawares, 75 to 80¢ per bag) be posi See owing i the neces- “You, Reddy; ain't you the feller r at London, Ont. tons a trip. Eight of the vessels! on track, sity of keey the expenditures that went aroun’ sayin’ {t was time Se deapatch f stranded, and were pounded to Honiny Cini ae, Sn ie tie the income. SUE na elec’ a captin? rel, we'r here spatch from 8 feces, five steamers were destroy-|1 r pound; fowl, 8 to 9¢; duel 0 Coleman, jun., and| TJ; - ‘ 4 Re 2 SRV In) hanes cee y, To drop dead within a weec bine Be eu fea nies lobe an collages sae paeze: 0-400 Tite pel \Gedens Newyar wate: buerei one His Parent Was Ascending the Stairg] wno ts wr yure goin’ to elec? all f cf the home cf his: daughter and fina and one steamer foundered.|pound; turkeys, 16 to 18¢ per| suffocated in Towing Mines; : f ° : moh Sud aeh Riskone ie ae ecco ies to ish, aod for | ony re rare of steel. Ths great /poun N. ‘Thursday night, by s With a a Whip to Punish Him Tre dent Sotcreme bin Wey elation Rearly 2,000 miles to visit, and forest loss of the season was the ste sereen curtain catching. fire, 4 Anh. saved tig dat ORNL ata ag he intended his arrival to be] ,teamer D. M. Clemson, which TH2 DAIRY MARKETS. Frank McNeil was badly burned whereupon the look of deflance upon the nature of a surprise, was the | foundered in Lake Superior. Twen- and may die. A despatch: stron Geese eee y - “ey 2 k m jerstbiers, He do the work set out for the three | Reddy's face disappeared and he cow- fate i ive pelst Robert Gilles-|ty-four lives were lost on her. She| Butter—Pound prints, 25 to 27¢5| William Mahaney and Mrs. Ro-|Ont., says: Tj Thompson, aot |bova ea bafore the powerful Mike es aia A an early| was yalued at $300,000; her coal| tubs, 22 to 24¢; inferior, 20 to 2lc.|selle McCarthy broke smallpox |ored’ man, well. known throughout 3 the other “Pirates.” There ristmas morning. Mr} cargo, which was worth $12,000, was Creamery rolls, 28 to 28¢, and solids | quarantine at Chatham, o|the county, was on Thursday morn. |_.#liam saw him coming and ran| doubt that Mike would be captain, a er-in-law of P.}j 27¢ Gia ua . > upstairs 5 hide. He found a Win-| right, Seer insured. 1d st get married, esday. They/ing shot and fatally wounded by | op e the d-|° “Since we're havin’ © meetin'*” con= Roa Sierras _Eggs—Case lots of cold storage, | were fined $40 each, and as Ma-|his 16-year-old son William. He |f1e8¢? eifia in. the room ret Litinube Belle wh c e cit ae 5 to 2c per dozen; selections, 28|haney could not pay he was sent tolauecunbel to hie injurioe at 9 ing, at the head of the sti on | ahs IRS, NEN uae ee rs 2 e) e c} settled, “1 we sa LE ATTEMPT AT MURDER. | to 20c, and new laid are quoted at | jail for forty days, o'clock the same afternoon. eee atte Garant started thaht pava'a tedstoosHurk to IK ine ‘ ing to the home of Mr. ve Bb tS Bar COLE ates Thompson is the father of ten|, rape gre stuffing out of them ‘Robbers’ the com- honor street, Went Vondoa, whee Haifcy.-Pltuged. Dageer< Tuto” a Soe REESE Cir pate Aiildzear ot hon Wiliam, is ten [Thompson s body, tearing a gaping} the year” aed hi come Ouiy whey nine Yoman’s Side. HOG PRODUCTS. fA oN: oldest one at home. Tho: : : Amid frenzied cheering the vote was 3 e sehbon ; i] | made unanimou ‘si y to Me}. Christmas in London was marred /| displeased with the fase Neighbors guarded the boy unti encore Mr. ib. BS ce ie ecctatcde frown Montreal, tats) ee ae eae ON ean by the large numbers of unemplcy- the boy and two younger rothers| Constable Laporte drove out to the! Both meetings were Mnishea at about Speemmsereation with Pathe mal attempt at murder) per pound in ease lots; mess, pork, | OY 1 ace 1d no, yorkie had iae|Thompson home, five. tiles trom | the same minute “Thus lt happened that Ter, and appeared in the we aes made ats an Italian Wednesday | $19 a 9.50; short cut, $22 to) °! an’ had done some wor! in- Ps . s a rou Of" Pirates" niet. a” alaller Raxish@ <0: ; _ the saat %, ‘ $22, Miss Ss Gileagity stewardess of | structed them to attend to andjhere, and plac wie ar- Foe IRA Bete nat k Tues Bee so Bites tacer Gilles prenuiaon. Uagceriity: abtoet: 38 9 Be Tone—Light to medium, 1 to|the steamer, Sardinian, has been | flogged: the two: other boys.’ ‘Then, rest. ‘The boy a half dazed| sive Fiannigan's home, 7" ae a slates ° b e. ara 19%; do., heavy, 12¢; rolls, 104e: awarded on loyd’s medal for eating armed with a whip, he started to| condition and in s that he did not| Captain Bily, who was among the he Italien was walking slong the) -“*iders, 10 to 10%,0; back®, 16 to| lives at s look for William, whom he blamed! intend to even hurt his father in an : i street in company with a wom: companion, when, after some ani- mated conversation, he pulled stiletto and plunged it into the ade Gober Ulopl Cena steak tok e_partionlarly for the failure ing at Liverpool, said he could find the money. needed to provide old- age pensions. without taxing any- 8 food. 16) Ae} breakfast bacon, 14% to lic. any way. ierces, 12c; tubs, 12c; Ros 12%. FADS AND FANCIES, popular, in spite of their long use, of the woman, who fell in a heap on ee body’ Stel dish th, uge ostrich plumes, dyed in f & the sidewalk. The street was) BUgINESS AT MONTREAL. Netisdalisyl Sep ees a ee ae Fichest ‘ones, ever were mots in 2 Sarge crowded with shoppers at the time, mmanitier ton Not ai bangtord i thet eae is | g ; NEVER SAW THE FALLS. and the man took-to his heels, fol-| Montreal, ee We rte eee oon x Norte gic < ae a scanty skirt is the Paris White furs are worn as toques, a eit r A ian wes' " e Rees 3 Romarkebts Case of Niggara Woej loved by an oxcited crowd. (After selling at 40%4c; extra No. 1 feed | tonced ta a oat in jail for ad-| “Fiero ie an unusual craze for|Steles, and muffs, not to mention man 97 Years Ola, n to the police station, where | oats at 45/40, Newt feed at I Pavlccaiewarar position to turn pearls. Two material sleeves are out of | al from Niagiry Falls, |he gave his name as Francisco Var- |1¢ per bushel in car lots, ex store. from the big hat to the smal af sleeps tch j : Manitoba Spring wheat: pat- UNITED STATES. style. 7 : pyaeioAlbhongt thsibe 07 1c. The woman is atthe Royal-Vied? Our ‘ vie: The lace coat figures as a part of Pe “old and has resided all-her jteria Hospital in’ a critical con-|eats, firsts at 86, seconds at §5.50,| Two small children were burned Plaids are prominent for sehool-| 5 my prptven heater certs Htetwe Ningara-on:the- take, with- Syne in Eas - pas to death in a n fire ass Ogdensburg, | g'tl w Sell é ‘in twelve miles: of Niagara Falls, straight rollers, 10 $4.7 21N. Phere are signs that the fur hgt "Cashmere de pole andvauiicha: : rs, i pee Le pela Soahary eee a Standard Oil Company and is wan ionercate sit abcoved x : GAS AT PINCHER CREEK. {75 to $1.85. oe Paiiaaaeh be uae Republic Oil Company have been Satin and buttons lead as popular alle ann vial avis r —- 1; shorts, 8 ddlinge, $24.50 to | Ousted from the State of Missouri. | trimmings. ‘A new shade of dark greon, pop- 2 Mineral Riches of ‘This Fayored| to $21.50; middlings, 50 tol ‘The steamer Pretoria encountered| Wide tucks are found in sleeves! yjar with 1 i ; $25.50; shorts, $24.50 to $25 per H ular with young girls, is called At Alberta Section. 2 saehudine tage! senin a series of storms and soe eanigs of lace Si i ‘¢ f i antic. , , i. a the -| Short skirt rought in the : «ati A despatch from Pincher Creek, mouillo, 830 to $32; milled grades, burg a Nae ae bas alte ac Meenas a “if fiede 8 aay : tee ae distinctly la : Albexta, says: A strong flow of na-| $25 to $28 per ton. Cheese — The SEB: Ricca Company oll Laser jacketd"end yates real oth for daytime and even- } tural gas was struck a quarter of} local Bie holds steady with west- Philedetphis rakanied bia Spaae hea ete ‘ing dress occasions, ° hae eau eee ie PRC OARE gated aS Bye and ployees with Christmas gifts| Skirts are mearly all long, nar-[ ve Sa Sea apsreeine . magunting ct? , and high waisted. ROVED TERMINALS, SIXTEEN VESSELS Los. |Conselidaed ‘Company, who have Fresh veceipts of reamery are sel-|""Wan Daight, Sheldon, an cngio-|"°Fuahionatie tar staies are long re b es i for it Nee a couple of} ling 25) ee tele a aa at eering student at New York Uni-| and are extremel 4 Gannataw Northern Railway’ Ptah weeks. } 26%c in a wholesale way. fr Ss Wrecks of the Reg pat eoaeen on the | rlve eh hole, and Sel to a dis-| New | 350 eked stock aE eee ee shot a and killed by a Sea tit behind faded r Port Arth ; nce of twelve feet in the air, in-|97c, and No. 1 stor rk at 24¢ per doz- iu _jeolors in popula: sae toh- tr n 5 Arth i ‘ ue des lempateh from Detroit says: wes Savery strong flow. The} e ene gest dees ' ae Met: tal thrends are being used ex-| epath fom Pog kur)| MIKE WAS MADE A TARGET es luving the past season sixteen ves- is do’ 400 feet. il, coal, aes tensively in embroideries. Z ie : —~gala—ten: steamers an choon-|iron and gas have now been foun nited States army is inadequate, Flowers have but small part in the Canadian Northern is in the} «popper: his opportunity, Ade ‘ Pe re pinta ee pe UNITED STATES MARKETS. ts the cavalry arm in rantcudted, ii city. He stated that the company] vancing vioward Captain Mik era—passod out of existence on the|in great quantities in this vicinity. gave evidence at this winter’s millinery. -, {would make large additions to the| te nd speanently, Vatie site Buffalo, Dec. 29. fei ove Fs che Sahes ciden@c tral Some of tee * prieaebe, teauial PER ae ome are aibuches, tor the wade, wie . Bo Toads,” store, 81.3; Winter, firm. (City, Tenn., refused to leave the) ieee ® THe ald /NIciON! APPS’ |deGinitely arranged and others are} cous tisk ofthe “nobeare tae 3 f » $1.13; : 0 r setae the ew year fore Sts Winter, finn. |eourixoom Heese ae erect eter | Every chapeau, to be Ona Fe aero a ae = it SESH E panesd ieouEh BI 4 yellow, 61%4¢; No. 3 corn, bale el eh able, must have a strong touch of | 78 storage ake city at the ind he saw that just behind Billie was je ste ae ees fae AEN hee Shen ak A Sees Sag ane npg ee Re : fences , {lumber will shortly % = e steel doc! new dock is to} great, One sudden, strong push from be Z melee: No 3 shite’ (as a res new organization. || Newest Beer oro Ro oe he built. just, south of the prosent| Mike and pile wae Roundeting up to ‘0. 4 white, 51% t a i It was Sater atthe preliminary. bpd Se re eae MA ie! ° ath Senee: ck, and on it work will be start- He ne tn ue snow. e ittsbury Jouncil- i i" 2 _Batleyoed a mafting, pistased of corruption that | are ane of the season’s Fete ces pr ae ati a v istic: . v Miunen lis, Dec: 20-—-Wheat —|seme of the men were bribed with |i early summer and for freight when : $1.075,2 May, 81.09%; cash, |sums as low as five do nee Fancy gift and flowered ribbons sia thit aobetobe oe : eee ees 10%; No. 1 "|" Samuel Gompers, John Mitchell| are used as dainty bag accessories. |i. ill necossitate -anothtr wun : No. 1.0092; No. 4 Northern, $1..|92d Frank Morrison, officers of the| | Empire green is a eolor shat hea} ney eee tee thee pockets . 0714; No. 3. Northern, $1.03% to pine Oe Federation of | Labor, jae the “moment caught popular}. laid through the yards, ineud-| edu ‘ $1.05%.. Bran—$19.00. to $19.25, | ha ‘ ing lines to the new elevator to bo) Bem gs, sHld $9, Sei eonttdentiailys Flour—Firet patents, $5.30 to. 85.-| Prison for contempt of cour: Lace yokes and sleeyes continue | yi, te Pipdk-& Mowilinnia: En a GN dg. with Bh ose oy goes oaNEnAL, : nae , 2.95 to $3.05. A plot to assassinate acting Pre- pate . eae 30, Wheat [silent Gomes of Venezuela, has WILE ACCEPT TRAVELLERS, ’ No. 1 Northern, $1.11 | No. -|been frustrated ; thern, $1.07 to $1.03; May, Ae 0174 Thieves carried off large ee Proposals to Tax Outsiders Doing § 2 to $1.00%4 bid e—No. 1, 75¢.| of gold and silver memorials fro Business in Quebeo City. ; Gorn Mayscele ‘Basley_Stand- Rorailde Cat Cathedral; the bindal-of ‘natok Pees Sucka abe ample, 58 to 65\4e, N. ae ing: i H * rf Motte cies Nok sie.” S| President Falieres of France was) LHP@G Men Killed While Descending tho] aia. comings, at today nights a ake ved eee 58 ie er 2 attacked by a crack-brained Royal- ele the City Couneil, with: exclaim ee ist, who attempted to. pull the Pre- Shaft. di his motion regarding - the te eter hig eyes ME aden =: (eae ae of a ne of $200 on all ‘com- a in POST. OFFICE REPORT. ese Government has ee. Brant travellers, ec eaten in ern tegonce Bom, who was hs dubbed the Dalai Lama sincere) A despatch from Cobalt, saysi) bucket, avd tp til the time of an |sutance agents, trodors, te, conn: * ell of 6 who, therefore, ought to “know. ‘Ho's a funny ole fellow that Jooks Uke a rag doll.” pote t do hope mamma will let me ing to Quebec to co ele How. ever, at the next m Council he inten: anid los al spreader of c investigation the rest is a mattor of ident’ at the-Columb Sat hay went hits hnck1O Lhasa. Boerne eter an Kansas mine at 2. o'clock on Wednesday 1 Ot Surplus for Year Over a Mil- lion Dollars. he Jost his balance and when the “New Bcta nee tho new year” murmurs Lasct outward’ again “Bovols | A despatch Bt Ottawa, sayi ae RTS morning, William Hamilton, enty. ‘ive feet down the cable slipp- i ea Bobbie, rly laughed untectingty, as went with wiceady guessed that ton, |The Teport of the Postmaster- Gen: cncncll mt BURNED. tawa; Fred ‘Nelly, of West Temple, |ed off wheel, ‘The engineer| difference in which will he the elim- ‘ id, “Naw, she won't; you're 'too was the mischlefmaker who had fowered | oral for the fiscal year ending March. , and - Edw stopped elutes and steps were mn of St. n. Roman = ¢ Kilifice at Cotean| > ination of the commercial traveller. + —— ruth, ‘Tom found tha macit — seoyaummY down from the window | 31 last has been issued. main Pierre, were killed. The ‘accident x Eee Mile ay tp iaellaitent ene rs ate Bune Babble fied | features of the report were given u Lac Destroy Gece to Have Deed canna besiettisoe tte Ge ae nee : Meh #4 thou a eae Raa eolder pete ae Wolite ee Parliament in a statement pre-| 4 Sone from MgatREk says: | cable slipping from its wheel as the| was hastily called and descended vy COLD WAVE AND CHOLERA, mcirie. Bonule “ana eae! ivi nari tuanthien ‘when | Pared by Hon. Mr. Lemieux last| The Roman ‘Catholic Church at|men were descending the shaft in|the rope ladder, At the depth of =. detent wpans ed okaed for He. |June. ‘The net surplus for the year, | Gotea du Lac was destrored by Bre| the bucket. seventy-five feet e- across | The ues i Bre pf eteesbare In- apparently suspend- | despite the largely increased ex-|on Wednesday night, entailing a e three men had been carry-| the bucket; which was empty, an Pasty pesriatira fees diture consequent upon th: ss of over & Tt was at first|ing out blasting operations, and] yang for it to be raised. More mei oh: dtaeiclale: ee ve Scienen rele ithe dung creation of 446 new postoffices and |feared that the fire would spread|at midnight came on deck for din-| having arrived. the party proceeded | says: Thursday's cold wave wae ently, wi though fea feat Me it might ex: | ‘B® expansion of ae pert was|¢o a large convent near by, and the Ee nee coe turn on the air./to the bottom, a depth of 240 feet. accompanied on Friday by an eae Cas 5 ie nu i r: milton lown again, an y rages Haat a te Gn fe iy ee the New Year, | carried during the eae ad nuns and pupils to the geass of B Se amilton was not dead when found, | crease in the cholera. There were ic o over 300 made a: hasty e church was burned to the ground, but the convent was saved, Bobbie made a eee b for : pblaltied a itm liold, bul, u A it unfortunately, a wel} a avenue’ to this, and then reti je top. en le “he other two men had breath: 231 new eases and 13 deaths, while = t heir lest. Five minutes after-/ 225 persons suffering from the: dis- Wi Natl Hamilton expired. ease are How in foe itals ‘here. 011,000, and increase of 1,916,000 About 2 o'clock the over the previous twelve months. hree Bi sent down ‘again in th