Milverton Sun, 14 Jan 1909, p. 8

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. . . ’ ’ ¢ > > » , ? SaaS AW eters THE MILVERTON SUN For Sale fe oe SHORT HORN BULL Sv pees ‘mont EDWARD DENYER 2m ‘Milverton, Ont. onths old. For further par- cir Barn Timber for Sale ON res OF STANDING TIMBER AND os aya ER Will pe ce ee or fre articular: bro Ne. P.H. a ersinanae Milverton. ‘man, reed off. For Sale or Rent Hoh AND STABLE AND TWO LOTS Ha a Mill Bt. Milverton. The house is « Fooms upstairs and there Sere ool tal acter Seer Se asupply of g00d water. (edt For Yarther partion: Jauns Richanpson, (ilverton, Out. apply COAL and GROCERIES |... Pat Shenoy henge bre nd, Ml tees Groceries in stock. Salt i T bulk or by the barr Fs J. G. HAMILTON, Station Store - Milverton. Farm For Sale te that “pereel | nee land known lot For further partieutars app? om the premises or to W. We: Me iverton- Steady Employment |' B local salesman repre: ethic: Canada’s o'dest and greatest murseries in Milverton and adjoining Gountry. You will find there is good demamd for nursery stock on ac- count of the high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this sea- son. Our salesmen are turning in big Daniness to us this year. Be one of them and earn are wages through the winter months. Renee? reserved. Pay weekly. Samp:e Outfit, Ete. Write ‘tet particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fronthill Nurseries, (850 Acres.) Toronto, Ont. &miss,mar81. COMMERCIAL Fall wheat. new. Barley per bushel......... ata Fh a ee so per ton. ManitoLa flour, per cwt. horts per ten. Lar otatoes per bag. Hay per ton........ Butter 21 22 ieee | eee 13 15 9 9 9 9 Chiaesy ra se 8 STRATFORD MARKETS. -$ 90 C. P, R. Time Table Going East. Go! 9.00 a.m. ‘Ww. “e Monkton 28 p. 6. TR Time Table. GOING iaidsaie tn. ae t: 37 tor Bronner tive 1.41 451 Newton 20 1.23 4.4! Peffers 914 117 4.89 GoING SoRH: a. pea rto! 7.39 10.58 TAS 11.06 750 1112 701 New wton "Peffers ... Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead <agulations A YY even numbered pape of onan N) Lands in Manitoba, 8: Alberta, te Bieta ang 26. y jed by "sole ie weet pplication for entry mast son by the applicant at a ade at an agency o: mn cer~ Rat conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter. brother DUTIES—'1) At least six months’ residence Bponand cultivation of tHe land ineach year me ae sister of an intending jomesteader may, if he so desires fasta the fe fig on the farm land owned him, ity 80 th i ‘Gaba ema ede | = Ca . pam. | hs 7.82 10.50 6.42 A) i. required residence datien 9 by Ue 7 “we are going dbner, and I do wish orary pa‘lbearer. imorous.’* The company came, and, 3 what is it? eee: pet te this pier i 2d It was e primitive Sane inge ae tant ise: arefoot, glowing er, Uns as Cindy ‘step} potthooks, Wate be counted ‘ng. "Ba-ay, Cindy”—— “WWkut, pat” “You Noe sot yer fut o’ fire.” ‘Say I ad, pat? Wha Atter they had kissed “So Dollie is ma , heard,” “Niece girl, isn’t she hy very 1" returned yee wou! dent eaya tant ner would I. give . adm‘ter of exalting Williams, harp.” on his way Wawurion dropped 0 ‘cross « taco wea’ md the statesman, vent brighter tham you he press has a greater nfmence than ffqrmntt wel LLESLEY. ' e mish, the sy cele “Horace,” Fak vet Mrs. Fi John Shar} never Jaas Th Soc'ety debated on “Resolved, 3 2 4 3 e ane a = g sel 2 SHORT STORIES RETOLD. ‘ono boys were gathered about entrance of cus tent in a small city one day trymg to get a giimpse of the i Tior. Al hem for ig up to “Let all th nd count themy as thi ." The man requested and when the last one had gone, ho turn- ed and’ said, “Frente io guessed bouid say not,” said the bi Texan.¢ “Why, "ve got so few ans on my at the present the through me wil - = hisself in debt” fe ‘igtree, brighten up and look less like an hon- something with a few igtree maid asked Mrs. ve you got ‘all your hair’ on home in th» ie cap- performed t the soredsigere were browning. A seen by Lt “Bai. Site out on the forward with the the warn- ‘on a coat t tute” each other, amd each had dwiy admire d the other’s eidened Fanny ventured Fanny. ag st her How do: you she ever got him?" “ha m gure T dan’ know do you?” anything to It certainly wasn’t he “I can't understand it at all. The Say that GEAR to he: deaatedl- to ch.” i a F am glad she me. She is jou'd.‘be cruel to say a dear her. I wouldn’t do inted ty several time: Williams t a NORTH MORNINGTON. The Carthage “Gohoo! boys and the ova, played @ a friend- Lite that educational the platform.” Th ve was uphe’ reat went 3 hes Wash Berta gael Fat do ao by 1 with atheror ‘other, on | but firm, in his de on ina: SR eae ion donee cep erent, tana + ‘Herm'na Koehler’ aves to (3) A omesteader tn inedadiag to se Ww cm on Monday wil a spend his residence duti-s in accordance w' e above while living with p parents oF on farm: ms of in pen Lee ie fog land owned by him notify gner, is a! Paes Agent for the dairict ot wich intentions, pt Abhiterberg and att coang a es ese tle f the Minister of the Interio: pe osaatheriaed pal ubientlon of this ce iss Tilly Kube, who was ao il, notice will not be pald for is ering but slo lowly. MILVERTON _SOUNCIL. teas Coma il met Monday tithe in 93 0wime. ed su the necessary declaration of Rotk- following appointments were f. year: W. D. Weir, ‘m ‘rman, treasurer! Spencer, asacssor ; WwW. Sisnibor, eomector; Simon jrosch Loth, auditors; Samuel osch am: He MORNINGTON ¢ COUNCIL. The nceisicajecb a met. at Newton ou: Monday, Janua: -m: The ing sign of apeie oe and of offices: Chri ciam Yost, reeve; Beggs, Thos. Goo Gropp end. Geo. Lines, gy une? le The mimutes of the meeting he'd on December 15th, 1908, were read and s John Roger was appointed town- ry er and ail the other of- fieera were re-appoimted) at the same saler es. Thos. Armstreng was re-appointed fohhmso1 years 1909 and 1910. peed Beth Peeesived the pr’ ae ag contract at; 670. ee eng'neer’s reports r kiey drain and the Butler, ane J. A Mi read, in council on the second wer; ries G@ ees, in mebmusey at 2 pm. siemer, and Geo. Pauli, pound-keeper wing orders were issued: 4 by-law being drafted and read za “frost eiaee sontray ct, townline a first, gee ae ‘ime, it was Stter, spikes an¢ approv. Zy pas E. Kerr, The minutes of the (araeecueets éfunded for A. Kress. $83 ma were then reed and sanctioned. ditch, #2. Moved “ck Zimmerman, printing account. 1 Wihaley, be rented for the hold:ng ness for the re at a rental of $50 r year.— Moved by Toh in Rothaermel, cond. ea tp Hency Rose, tbat the following accounts be orde issued for the s: it a. Water Cot “ights for the month of pace 908, es 04; W. Zimmex- $20, ue Sehool Board, ond J Pega Mounecan $25. 50. ‘tr Davia sas assessment on MeCloy to rs aa the Ay wile uaniaireeny paid The council thém adjourned. W. D. WEIR, Cterk. cous: wed by A. "cage seconded by ioe Gropp, that this counei! adjourn yn the second 0 o'cock a.m., to ‘receive the auditors’ report and for general ‘ee! measi—Cairr i WM. Monday WADDELL. Clerk. NEWTON. LINWOOD. Miss Margaret Ross has returned ae to her home in Grand Rapids after Air, iA, SVagatha, of Ermira, visited | pending a few "weeks gery) trends in sister, Jac Mr. eovae” “ottanan, of Saskatehs| Quite a yrionber af tte "young tolls an mnd renewing the ball in pines: Mrs, McEachren ee: gone to spend {We are sorry to report the it: 1 coup'e of weeks ‘with her mother . Gu an n_ Toronto. Mei Jolm Sehmidy haa ‘rented Mr. Hers D. Edgar, former pastor ee, ‘and wil upied the pu i t of the Pies bauer! fon church 8 . Ee d. Spabr, of Tdebary; Atta parents here, Mr. , of Wataskawin, friends in and aid a fying visit . Toronto Tienda ME ‘ss Katie Schummer is spending a few days with her brother, Mr. F Schummer. M'ss Mary Kroetch has returned home after visiting with friends in pu Edward, Berlin and other Dora Fiacha; of Hawkeoville, te spend mg a few days with her father Me, and rene em. Rennie and Mr. Mrs. aia Rennie spent Bans vith hele parents, “ir. an enn’ fas: te gama of bockey was played at iwe eee ‘between this 4: atte 4 Tt Pi ates one way to'd Hie tale, Wellesley winn! ng g by a score 0 Mr. . Wismer ah hed acar load . Werlteste also of ane: Marino ck hc sie ate. ‘Miss Emeline Peppler visited with rs He‘deiborg over Sun- Mc: Jos. MoCard’e spent_a few viv ng with friends in Waterloo ond St. Marys. —— ROSTOCK. Mr. and Mrs. John. Malchow left ves amd friends in this vic'nity. Mr. eats papers es Sammel Kne e2 amd w: Fabel yeaa es nm. Mss who has went several enh “ith relatives ‘nd friends about B-kton, Mish, ar- eek. et Wednesday Mf tT. Andrew Mal- bow. of this neighborhood, and Mise a Wendiand, arvis, were united rriage by the Rev. Mr. Bunck, home of Mr, and Mrs. Georgs Oniy the immediate see ed Were present, among them being M id Mrs, John Ma‘chow, of Nebrasty: e 8 arv’ they rege ont house. We Ley fest ‘osperous Trade places, after which in Mr. John Debu jeh them a happy wedded lit 08, Charles Riehl, en anne ing in this nei fae hosted: 12 ate daye: Raut gisthe village, several days’ with friends in “pent er! M'ss ‘Dobson, of Mornington, spent the home of Mr, and wt vistock, has ac- cepted the position at junior teacher e being held in h at present by num- vere seselyed for the diffe: one Hamels offi nn KINKORA. Tt is our sad duty to report tle death of Margaret STaneobeaeen wite of John P. Malloy, who passed away aa 580 9 Sunday morning, after a short iW. m Walkerton, are visiting at. Walter ‘Nicholl ‘9s Ellen and ‘Ainnie McKeon, of Mitchell. are visiting fri Fred Wurdel, Mr. ier pack ing hay in this vicinity aj 1° SE aera ig DEATHS. HENR Y¥— Wwertom, on Sunday, |, Jeni nosh, “Mrs. Samuel. Henry, |; aged 85, pea enews WwW. D. WEIRSS GS REGISTER. Ao-t6 wes of iis ee ore ea Newton. party given by Mr. and Mrs. Roddie Jack in honor of the lat- ter’, oa ‘Miss Jame Robertson, of Nithbu: Mes Nteedinden Mifoben. ot es ee and Mr. John H. Cam af Grosebitl, spent ‘Thursday. of ‘ast week | at the home of Mr., William Mt The ge tee brick cottage belonging to the ate Mra. Alex. Davi 3 sold by auetion on Friday of tast week, the Dusskaner beng Mr. 5 ney. reener, Mrs. Ed. Sie ond Miss Pfeffer; of M Everton; pent Memday at Mr. C. Yos to report that th infant anieer ‘of Mr. and Mrs. a Gustin, who. was cr Iv ill of Pieurisy, is now: recovering. The little son of Mr. rs. T. Brimptin is recovering from his ill- e Newton brothers of the yank, .assiste: D.G stall the officers of sie i Er os shi sunday at the home of Mtr. William <r P. Newnnd, ofa arvia, ie vielt- img his son, Mr. Frank Newt me of the of 9th LINE "WELLESLEY. (Too late Gor ast week.) The mid weather Ae late has left nace OE i ee Bho orl M'sses Rapnsdgit of Stratford, spemt New Years under the parenta! by Mr. Lear inder Koebe! at echert, Monday turm’shed che home of Mr. Py 8 Mr. Hubert Bs alate: visited at Mr. Burnett's ye aesier returned homr ‘essie fry Berlin on Mg Mrs romas Burnett spent Tues- ay at Mr. W. Baester’s. Master Ephraim, eon of Mr. Huber and break. = leg Tuesday. We eedy recovery. BRUNNER. e Moehimann peyeried to M arr otter spending a pie of weeks with mother, who o bad the m'sfortune ta ‘ireake her arm. Th ‘sses Janet and Jean Mc- im visited friends in E)ma last aes Willie and Miss Martha Kirk- ‘und. of Newtan, spent Monday at Mr. Dav'd MeLe%lan’ Mr. Herman’ Schneider has_ quite recovered. from: his: severe © rr. Steve C. Lellan ant nd Mise Jean spent Sunday at Mr. Robert K'mkead’s. edding bells will soon be ring- sng. in ae burg. Best wishes, Dave. iiss Maud Krenck spent Sunday at kere Gon Relat Mr. and Mra. John Sen bah eas this week. yrtie Hartmann spent Sun- as swith Mies Keri POOLE. {We regret to report the iliness of tittle Mary eae eect daugh- tev of Mr. Mrs. W. B. Struthers We wish for ber a very easy rev ieee. Oy {We are giad to hear that Mis: Rethvis rosowdsing trom Ber- resent anes. Mr. and Mrs, C. Nafziger have re- turned from a very pleasant visit with friends in Michigan eguiar monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Foresters "Hall, ‘Thursday, y 28th, at 2 o'cioc : on winter evenings in Mrs. 80 give a paper. All are vee 18. AL lexamder; Secretar: getenaaiennlahlat dew CARD OF * THANKS. a is my earnest aionig toe thank ' DON’T FORGET THE GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE | Fripay AND SATURDAY JAN. 15th and 16th, 1909 je?” Bargains in all Departments Fal W. K. LOTH, ; issuer of Marriage icenses Milverton, - Ont. er, had the SRE Cih Bs _ CANADA’S BEST NEWSPAPER “A Cloud of among the Press of Canada have nothing but Praise for thee Montreal “Witness” To what other ‘arge go gee Benerbis mples of Be aad poe Me wspaper of whch Goradians are just “y proud. It Dp pes all the news mos stra’ ghtforward way readecs ep’ i rosdors o-mmun’t! he * mg stron Be rae eoDts of char acter everywhere. joow'ng statements of fact are worthy the cons ‘deration of any- ct v 0 retin! Primate of a‘! Canada. ihess’ has manifested in equa’ ae of " R. rden, Witness’ numbers 1g its clientele the most inde- pendent. nad: thought newspauee readers in Canada > Bvianoaton Bi e Momtrea ‘Wi trea ae tor pur’ “or ae jhonesty in —The to be day.’—Dom/nion Presbyterian. The “Witness! is om newspapers published.” Btatesman “The ‘Witness’ never fails to com: mond remoet for its fairness and im- par Sarnia Observer. “The W tess! is the most, impar- fal and ndepeniont newspaper Gureda:"—Cha ELD “The Moti Pic Bow mnavitie “W'tness’ do: cton Gazette. “The. ataraa we sEneas) is by far t paper in td, Comber, Ont. “Witmess’ is bin) doubt the best in Canad: — Norther “The ‘Witmess’ deserves the good nora tbat have been said of it’— ardia: R ght mndea peop’e will appreciate mach opinions and wi them to Ce a ta not have seen them edit adhe week'y omy $1.00. rates are low, since it costs much ee aN to spennecs a paper lke the tt it does to produce many of Re gompetitors. Character on paonuse it Souls Wiimess is published by John Dowel & Son, nee and has mow completed its sixty-second year. ee ee WOODSIDE. Rey, Mr. Thomas, of Stratford, ok du ras the service in Zion church o} Sumday. Mr. Harper Hammond left last week Stratford, where“ he will take a course im the Central Business segs Mis: § Maggie amd Neitie McLaren, “part of this and happy: New sear I romain Yours MS, ALERETTA MOFFAT, Sahm it, George ty, ine Mammen ot Banh which foot lace on. Migs sooth The Home of Good Furniture” Ss Plate Mirre erg in Mahogany or White Enamel. 922.00 Furniture, Carpets, Undertakis 80 Ontario Strest R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD 1 Shoes at Cost at right prices. Mr. J. R. Roe announces record gains in all footwear o' Friday « Sat JAN. 15th and 16th, 1909 Store Open Day and Evening Every pair of shoes in stock will be sold at COST. This is positively the greatest opportunity to get good ishoes No trouble to show goods and quote prices. COME AND SEE ‘oS J.R. The Shoeman. ‘ROE MILVERTON |

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