Milverton Sun, 14 Jan 1909, p. 1

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‘H. M. SCHAEFER © issuer of “It, Shines For All.” Ww. K. LO T He Marriage Licenses! Strictly MILVERTON .-IG@SUER OF...... + ONTARIO’ Vol. XVII—No. 50 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1909 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher The Annual Meeting —of the— Mornington Agricultural Society will be held in Ceok’s Hall, Milverton, Fridey, Jan. 22, 1909 ROGRESSIVE yet conservative manage- ment has produced a safe, sure bank for farmer, merchant and laborer in The Metropolitan i mers’ Sale Drafts and Money Sener ee Notes Promptly Bank :: Orders Bought Officers for the ensuing year will be Collected. elected and other business transacted. ‘Phe annual report will also be read. D, B. GRIEVE. ‘WM. ZIMMERMAN, President. Secretary. 1338 MILVERTON BRANCH, A, J. Cundick, Manager. SCHAEFER & WHALEY :: Ghe Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store Spring is coming with its merchandise. our remaing stocks of Winter Goods. carry over a dollars worth, if low prices will move them, Prices for the next week will be cut from 25 to 50 Per Cent. Your dollars will be able to often do you double service. We have only room in this advertisement to mention a few. STOCK-TAKING |: SALE... his Sale opens Friday Morning January 15th We must clean out We are not going to 1 only, Ladies’ Near Seal Coat, trim- med with Mink, Marmot collars and lap- els. Regular $50. Size 36. For $389.00 1 only, Ladies’ Fur Lined Coat, best Broadcloth shell and best rat ining. Sable collar, Regular $75. For $55.00 only, Men’s Fur Lined Ccat, fine Bewver shell, best rat lining, natural otter collar, Regular $70. For $52.00 The Greatest Fur Values we have ever PIVEN 5. we 1 only Men’s Brown Calf Coat, quilt- ed linings. A splendid, serviceable coat. Regular $20.00, For $12.50 1 only, Men’s Dark Brown Galloway Coat with high Astrachan collar, one of the best wearing fur coats you can buy. Regular $35. For $25.00 only, ‘Ladies’ Astrachan. Jacket, Sable Coll, beautiful fine even cur], Re- gular $65.00, For $48.50 Fur Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Gauntlets, Etc. All clearing at Cost and Less Furs for next fall will be 30 per cent. higher wholesale than this year. Don’t miss this opportunity. if you need anything in furs, as you will probably never buy furs as cheap again. 15 only Ladies’ Tweed Coats, dark patterns, 3-4 length, good sleeve. Regular $5 to $8.00. Clearing at $2.00 Big Bargains in Wool Blank- ets, Men’s & Boys’ Overcoats, Girls’ Coats, Ladies, Childrens and Men’s Underwear...... Bring Us Your Produce——Highest Market Prices Paid SCHAEFER & WHALEY. LOCAL NEWS} Mr. Richard Morrison, of Mealtoba, ae op a taleege here last Grose] “all her saying that erie with it a great deal of are ae Magrath, representing the British Americam Oil Company, made a business trip to Milverton on Tuesday. new Normal school at Strat- ‘Th ford, though it has been oceupied since Sept will be formally ind. subseritions in aid of th itations have been issued by the oft cers of the 28th Regiment for the all to he held oe ‘were well attended, on day of last we bit the membership om the whole was not anoreeae Mr. ohm Ebersol on Thursday last ra'sed ae frame reshing machines werk in the machine manufacturing Teas our uae ae been subjected dea, poss! errors ay have ¢ amime anes and if they nocreapoed: with your letast receipt notify us at ct that the matter estifi » of Poole, has re- from seeing, Mich, re ended the wedding ts Hattie Dorothy Schmidt + Le J. Sehmidt, for: ‘of Poole. to Mr. ‘amer manager of the Bank cova Vestabere, 3 Mich. J. Grosch ret urmed from wa where he wi by from coast to t. “Doc! hi just bought out tne Hotel Suthers ‘gest “ the city. fer in P Milverton willbe by of his succes: Superintendent ‘Nix ixon, ot the R., made the statement to a London mg tra’ proved its practieabitity. Railway men ty falter. This plain, yet vital is why Dr. Shoop’s umiversa‘ly _suc- preference. Sold by Public este Store, Milver- ton. The courts have decided that tarmer owning land on the bank of a river, he land, not only t the edge of the water, but to the midde.of tha river. This is the out- come of famous ve . will preach st naa @ tilaionsry au ast r Tense aos Lost.—Near Unionville school, wrodilen mitten. Finder: ‘will please Save. at ,the ‘post-office. Mrs. 8p: is offering all her stock: ‘of trimmed m inary at cost balance ornare will be a eolatization. of the y fon in ‘Trinity, chureh, E:ma, next t The rector will also preach David Adlen will, after January sawing new Schoo! Thoara Beal meet for ird Wednes- 20th, Sheae date preve this truth. No Teuton, no ny ttress. A safe ing syru 50e. Sold by Public Drug Store, Mil- regular meetmg of the Mil- rd of Trade will be held atten J. ‘Candin, Tn several Ontario towns this oe no tax collector was employed ram] Nected as 2 P: tried ry-successfu?. In Amberstburg in against the ill be “The Future Leader- he = oo as Church.” Cot) offerings in aid of the Sunday schoo: ork. The foot and meth disease in sev- eral states of the caused a freight crews on cord’ mg fe Prof. 5. A. Zavitz, ie “potiie lege, ‘se Potato erop in Ontar'o for ed a was a raving maniac. nothing waat- “Cold Cure ‘ab: A aste, ey Epavantioa please tavarishe always. ee 18 the ceomomy. A 1 a8. ‘Ask your drugg'at. He by Public Drag store, knows ! Soid ‘ton. convention of the m for Western annual ees out 4.000 Queen's hotel, where a splendid ban-| tons of butter in the var‘ous cheese quet was enjoyabie| and butter factories; 17, opie time oe spent ong: n produc'ng mick for cheese If your Stomach, Prise or Kidneys | factories and 15,000 producing cream are weak, try at “least, a few doses | Cor creamerics for the 800 factories ony, of Dr. Shoop’s Restofative. In| 'm Western On five or ten days ony, the result will] For erabie period of tim: surprise you. A fe’ | cover | Mrs, Samue: Henry, of Miverton, had C3 heaxt i Pee snddenty took ept gradually sinking enry of Mr. and Mrs. M d who deep bereavement. The re~ ma’ns were interred in Greenwood cemetery on Wednesday afternoon The usual Monday evening enter- ta'nment folowing the enniversary se ices in Burns church ie y msist da lecture. The Drogeante tock the form of “Selections by. the choir, whieh w Sy cent of the and Ev wangelieal choirs e am Mr, a ch. The lecture “phe T nd Pp aed within m by mi: T. H. ace, of Mitchell was one of the ffoest ever heard within the four walls of the church. thorough Meetan tna: “ta with enthwslagan so rapt w wes aulietes that. ‘the falling of pin coud be costie settles the ata ¥ amounted to $81.00. lections and J: a e Droceeds | HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B, E. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager rates. WM. MAYNARD, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, Branches throughout Canada, and i SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons and withdrawals made by any one of them or by the survivor. Manager, ESTABLISHED 1867 6,000,000 in the United States and England 1244 STRATFORD BRANCR Head oniae SAVINGS DEPARTMEN’ ment, Interest allowed fro Mo ney ers discounted. Newton Branch open Monday | The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament) Member of the Penaien ne poaecsienon & The:Toronto W. R. TRAVERS, Genoral/Manager ac opeslals attention irene this departe of may be withdrawn. ie teas without notice, asera to depositors by mail on request. came ate ae ates A SPECIALTY —Notes ptiseponaibie. sca Sale notes collected and advances made CHEESE pay § any bank cashed or}taken on deposit withe out charge. Millbank and Newton Branches, R. G. Grieve, Mgr. TORONTO osit at current rater, ‘ Money fore and Thureday in Hutchison block ight a: a id Setrrhesd bes ton, on Tuesday, inst. Church, Milverton, second day afternoon. totke aa, plaster erable excite aited as the shock lasted ge period of ten seconds. Mr. Mabee, chairman ot e is amp:e proof that the Can-|f daa Nor wast has seen the last of neial dlopression in the ary to September ‘m passing in the recent Christmas exam'nations, obtaining honors cond year histology and organic Herat ae latter he stood fourth The Btrattord Gs Rink was 2 had narrow escapes as serious:y a rf hy in Mi icc shan ere even- SSE RAT iW J. Presse @ specia the i the Neri ks Soeaaitaritatenet | not called elsewhere by Cady taney services AGAe Esha n Burns rm ure Sunday ae of “Chamert” “sun eebe ‘Gusipb, sya as does everything ¢ G e rather we'somed, the new mpathy ef the community sta Ay evening, Jan. St r forming a ‘natua! 5 euros: high ideals the talent ete) tees Reanatlty ee treasurer, Will Langford; committee, Bassett, and Wm. Walker. wtisfactory consti tution was drawn up and the first ing will be bed in the lecture room of the ee st cluroh om Friday evening, e at 8 o'clock sharp. C Col. has been successful | . A Double Event home of Mr. and Mra. Wm. th i dea hiars Freder! a abate own ih wedding took ty at 8.80 in the afternoon bride, who was bar father, entered the pai coming!y attired in a go’ bine ladies! oloth. where she took up who D. oy f Mona in thelpresapoe oP abeae titty ass guests, among whom one a chee Frocy Stratford, Gra- ‘dge Milverton. The esteem egies ne bride was held was at- tested to b; and cost- Ly presents of whieh she was the re- nd groom of twenty-five years ago, wi ed by their children with . accomp ant by “si ened on Bebare of the tecatly. THA, EVELINE, AR} Mr. igen nepied briefly in a w feeling r after which Rey Fer “adrsed ie a ine con! Fratwcoted the ceca “eounle Ur, adc Beta, Parkers ‘om:the ¢ celebrated, and expressed foe iv ye that they would be apa: wr 8 Dr. after “which a ca at ‘he Thurday for (Toronto, ahs ‘the groom occupies a good positian on the city police fore MILLBANIC. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Buffalo, are rule friends in and here. . Patter 3 with reon is spending @ her sister, Mra ¥ 4 4 4 ‘ ' 4 4 in. Mr, Joe Gibson is renewing old veque’ntances in the. village Mr. Chas nd Mrs, Btewart took a business trip, to Milverien of Tuesday. The snow storm Monday sree = as Wel by larmers a few Ca “itornie and o' ‘ohmson is eitar friends in Our teachers, Mr, mith end Ml MacGillivray; Pete feigd, Batre i me thelr work after spending the days at their respective: hontos Tratee and Listowel School re-opened Moriday in the wow sel 2 Re B28 $3: ostponed sermon) to the W.M. : 8. of the Millbank Methodist church’ a will be delivered by the pastor next Sunday at Dab. Mites in inter- it of tl M.S. Whe annual heath ing gt the Morn a Agricultural Society will be eee Hal te on Friday te sete spect AIF Ga bOTS etipinlal ro Ree eee Salee m3 to be present. eth

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