‘THE MILVERTON SUN “Black Knight” Stove Polish does away with all the sisty work of keeping stoves clean The Milverton Sun EVERY nS A The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - milvertoa,On SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six months, 50 ceat months, 25. ‘cents, ry advance, Subscribers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year. CONTRACTEADVERTISING RATES: Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mon $70 $40 $25 $8 - 40 22 412 10 12 7 3 3 2 1 Ss = 4 eo Bight cents, four cents per line for each sub: tion will be charged for all trans Usements dvertisements without specific directions wilt be inserted until forbid and charged ac- cordingly. Changes for contract advertisemnts m1 ‘be in the office by noon Monday. ts; three | Sim line for first insertion and | 4¢ juent inser- yt adver- | 5, gauuary 2 ot and Gun Tho ‘New omer t.. is in ates with the position taken and point, the average &, Es ° & 3 t ae 8 3 2999999 €999999999999999999999999999909999999909000881 The People’s Store ENGELAND & ie = GENTLEMEN attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, “Black Knight” is always ready to use—sbines quick as a wink—and pu bright, black polish ‘that $ EDITORIAL 2 e00e ly good for Stoves, Bes eee gies If you nerf get “Black bare a in your neighborhood, send name ofdealer nd 10c for full: je asa ‘The P. F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, ‘BAMILTON, Ont. 104 fh Hed nag Canada had a railway Demipie mow it is 28,750, w 4,327 miles of railway under contract, so that very soon we shall have a total ae of c siderably Lies 28 Business Cards are the vocifera- se who insist that protec: es. Dentistry. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, pte entiate o: 1 Surgery and bor marie talks to the express ‘of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of a Duteh uncle. Thi jonor graduate of Toronto Uni- ie Revaeaiin Bath. bllvacton,. Medical. x Grad- PA mah and "Gold betalin Tie “Medical Iso Gold and Si Medal to Dr. Store. Brunner, Moserville and Ros! 4 Veterinary. fers a ‘Office in Public hag Telephone connection with Poole Toronto Star Now in First Place facies An epoch in Ontario newspaper de- Veterinary: Surgeon, | W. BARR, Milverton, 4 Graduate of Ontario Veter unparatleled in ary College, Toronto, Treat tral dseaes ti a ea ae Pialiice ii rae of domesticated animals. Calls by tele-| sent management assumed control. At phone or otherwise promptly attentiod to, bat, time the pa R Societies. REN hase No. "C., é haiti 5. meets every Mo wise y evening on. oF ore fall moon of ever all in nasane'e jacttnt Senn, DR, R. LEDERMAN. W. M., W. J. ZORGER, SECY. . 99, Milverton, meets | Vews year 1908 it averaged weil over 5 cop That the growth is still going on, and going on rapid- is shown by the fact that the ae ever 1907 was over month, at8 o'clock, in their hall over en to newstgaither Rothaermel & hardware ‘store.| The Star can generally be epended Visiting brethren slweys welcome, R. in enterprise. Tucker, , 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy save expense in ser “Silver Star vr cred E. THakbelmer RB Notary Public. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- ieee for the Coun ity of Perth and Deeds, Wi ills and idavits made. Village Clerk. Office in the Weir bloc! over the Bank of Hamilton, Hot EXCHANGE HOTEL, ooh ee ios mabe ie mages right and attractive. Tt i oe eve er in the value of striking pis mehumerive eocas: ue ihe cekabas why The Star is now supreme in its field. One of the latest features of the paper has been aseries of articles on combines, which has been attracting These articles Best brands brands of alquare, and cigars, Chas, Ritter, Proprie’ the articles alone was worth his whole "s subscripti ee Stomach mrairess _ Every family Sigs sadht lerkeed QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial sample ‘ines, Li- ™ THE ROYAL HOTEL, Welle, | heated, lighted, and re-fitt Prompt attention gi Ghotoert liquors and cigars, Proprietor THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, the aos P, Burp pays special attention to Commercial | stom s 5B Ss ie 3 s ere ZF liqnors served at the bar, Rates $1.50 per day, Wa. Witt,Ppro, Legal PHY bd CARTHEW, ies ilton. Sen; Oak arranged for, A be in Milverton every Thursday, B, MORPHY, J. M, CARTHEW, Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors Stratford - J.C, Making, - Ontario W. J. Hanley ee Stomach trouble at any Hime, day or 7 nigh® This harmless preparation will di- geat amything you! eat and overcome sour stomach five minutes after- ir mealsi don’t tempt you, or “it tea undigested food mixed b ac stomach gas or heart- is or heavy feeling in the 4 Nios: Debilitating Head- D s rtain cure sery, because it your food and digest it just ihe same as if your stomach wasn't there Actual, prompt eller for stomach mi Taslat, welling for. 9 ne s all_your ‘our Phar- ot Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Good. Profits bab Lame eneulaee Cured Spumante s usually caused, oy sett of he muscles fori pp reat ty al druggists. The Milverton Sun and Toronto Daily Star ae $2.25 ho Miverton Sun and ‘Toronto Daily News 25 The Mi ead Sun and adver: IA! sovial im connection with L.O. ondon Daily $2.25 .L. wil be held in Millbank on Fri- |‘ flay, peonsy P2nd, he Ban 00d The report for thonths ended Decsntber G1 shows nel otita of MABE. TS, whish yp gary: ‘0 18.58 per cent. on the bank’s $1,000.01 account, ich now aggregates 277,404. ward to profit and loss whi Croop and Whooping Cough The mothers of young childron have no need to fear these diseases if ney Ree Chamber riain’s Cough Reni t hand. Mr. i Pain Valley, Ind. a family for several years, cae Uy effect~ 4 Refuse si pengduel sportsmen ey cannot fail to find matter of / est to themselves im this naman The strong Evangelist ory of David and Here is the st 0 ps on trolly am “front and hats therewith his teoelers over ni fim’ the morning 0! Goliath comes out im front of the Philistines and dares the Israelites to fig! i i as all the big tack out ‘there "ai sks Dave. Why hy that’s the eae cheese, the rs. “Why don’t someone soak him one? asks Dave “We've all got cold feet,’ says the Isractites. “*You fellows make me tired,’ says -| Dave, and he pikes out to the brook, gets four pebbles in his a epherd’s sack ‘me at Goliath and soaks hin in the coco ‘between’ the Goliath goes to un mat, iiakes the count, and Dave in the Sats, chepe off ie block aod the whole Philistine gang ski Be Condemned by Physicians Jneruplous dealers often prepare corn remedies with eaustios and acids, ich. and. insist on Putnam's . It’s purely and: sure. miess ‘Oo vegetable, safe Philosophizing on the Earth- quake ith.) the Tower in Siloam has as barbarism prece: ow edge and cr Sree ? Humanity advan, and apparentiy towards a scat ideal. tm this. it seems, we i Lost His uote Entirely Mr. J. H. woods, of Point Rock Co., N. says c good for Catarrh acl Throw, Trou as “Catarr! d. you're tattne $1.00 at all dealers. try ‘Galan clearing price All $10 Overcoats, clearing price......... All $8 Overcoats, clearing price All$7 Overcoats, clearing price... All 10.00 Suits, ig price.. All 8.00 Suits, clearing price. COME HERE THIS WEEK “sea 7<99 799 sno 39 A Leader---A range of Tweed Suits, regular $7 SISSSSSSSSISSSSISSESSSS ccauvepuevasananeaicacesieacuansdsvecsna: 11 1s1s ae BWWOGeess wo GADD These are Exceptional Values, Call and Investigate Them! SPECIALS For This Week Remnants at Special Prices. : All prints, reg, 123 and 5c, special ioc yd. Ladies’ Blk. Fall Coats (Northway make) reg. $7, clearing price 4,99. All new stock. PPPOE TT TT TTT TTT UT TT TTT All our Furs in. stock at} less than cost. ‘ ENGELAND & SON. MILVERTON}: cca aha ethaadatatnteoed contd tact ated atacthatndartetbatadhcdtinteetctha rvs eh Se J 2 gross Ladies! Hand- } y 4 kerchiefs, special gierrvoc : Flannelette 20 yds. $1. < % : 2. Grocery Specials j @ J Canned Corn... : New Raisins. e Corn Starch 2 pkgs. 15c. | @ Jelly Powder, all flavors, M 2 packages . monet SCY Comfort Soap 7 bars 25¢} @ Sweet Oranges 2 doz, 25¢ ; February Designer to Hand . ¥ Highest Price for Produce ' : ¥ J q J q : a J J a Renew Your Subscription to TheSun Beate (Montreal Gozette) The comtention that Eng? ishmen are an inferior race, whom it woud be well to keep out of the country, is being modified by those who advanced e, and what they do for the-world’s tirade, may have doubts if the below standard of nod iganise and industry is to be umfit to hod his own amid the fields of Sacaila Pecular hcl gall iS in Women ‘, energy js suppled-—irregularities disappear. Ferrozone does restore weak pale used Chamberiat' 's Cough Remd | und eat teed free £1 H. MOHR'S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Fresh «4 Salted FISH B. C. Salmon 14¢ Ib Yellow Pickerel 12% Perc! 12% Fresh water herring 8 Salt water herring 25c doz Salted lake trout ee Ib Potatoes 6oc a bag Jewel Flour $2.65 per cwt Limburger Cheese 25¢ Ib Cream Cheese 25¢ H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce 4 P.BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician - ; J. Rothaermel Hardware Merchants & Son Wishes his Many Cus- tomers and Friends See See PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. WISH TO EXTEND “The Compliments of The Season” To Their Customers and Friends P.BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician Eyes Tested Free, ‘Milverton, Ont. J. Rothaermel & Son oure, 5Ov. att av Saicte