Thursday, January 14, 1909. THE MILVERTON SUN ook ee Lydia E, Pink- janes 8 le Compound cures femal aay John Pee een Tak, 8 Mor ‘was sie ge ia run down eaith froma female aecable, was thin, and ae suftered ae ‘FOR SICK WOMEN. ee veges Coripored, masts ef ie cota und WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th : 2: CENTRAL :: Business ess College This Seoul is ls one ae the largest in the prov! ‘Three departments Ricileraigh Shovthend. +» Telegraphic. > -- 1d agowtice Out gtaduates ace in dem usistants. Get our nia ui Togue, it is ie SE Saad litt & MeLachtan, Principa's foam, LL BRAN RAZUES A Razor that is guaran- feed not to get dull for 2 years, SEE IT AT Public Drug Store Sole Agents d10a10 3 Your money is 3 your own and it entitles you to buy where it pleases you. —There is one thing ‘we can put you wise to and that is we can save you from $4 to $6.00 on your Suit or Overcoat and to give full satisfaction, We en press azd repair His 4 4 “Future ES are going to poet tor. apples fete announced Diai | adorable nae a pink inate ris “and eyes, breathed a Te taste te Ea id = Saehe: le faster—and si rstairs from @ sprawling position on tled himself by Die i sess as | ie sofa, “that as we have only to 12 tents of the missive w | o'clock to dance we divide up on these very fo oe ane ve as fata! honors. I choose ‘bobbing.’ ” re, Oct. 20. | “Your idea Sings ssaine yey aac | ed ae ene is in order, Ted,” approv- to have eo down for the week end Diana, with a See ou which the judge :in his and has asked me to write and urge you to com heart. “Are there cee cae ae ier as ry, @ jolly feel ores unteers?” of usar With big Hallowee pointe wind | ‘There were five. Four more were evening, the 31: alk around Come and learn who is to be your fu- | ture wife. With best wishes, DIANA LANDIS. eed ee eee es abruptly con- | eS us of a vain and frivolous desire will revi hi a res young eaie He even took out a Judge et wa waren re eee his pocket mirror and studied his re-, «yon are the general ces ie said, = op tein ee noting the little fur- pm reporting for ord his ight black intimacy had put them on terms of the brows with ay ‘apprenensive heart. most friendly Miss Landis have written so cordially had she gates of the reck- within ring 0 for ya’re a good soldier you will go years ago he had taught her the aes to the old well in the corner me st it till you er hairs that had eeoge et fe bel ae tuft of gray Ang his Tet it. For an instant the judge stood gaz- fon be “could no more control the | ing ater ee with: wistful tooabled feelings obsessed him than he eyes, ‘hen, sui ning ity— he eee te sticed, the low windows and New York, Oct. 22. Dear Miss Landis—Your kind invitation me at a most opportune time, and ; sure I boos enjoy taking a His heart gave a terrif ing pile of gem on his desk, picked ' son cheeks, a shining nest of olden up = hat and hurried down to bis brown hair and clouds of pink dimity. tailor At this aiciae the judge quite for- rthen fitermed by eo sartorial ex- got that c 'y that the pearl gray, just com- | was mie his immaculate pearl pleted made him “look like a boy” the | gray, apace stars were looking , ted lightly the inclosure ius face to grow red, but he merely | of the el van dropped down, four scowled is reply or iy, the suit feet, into t) beside his “fu- sent to his rooms at once. ture vatiiaes ne folded her, regardless, ‘The next morning at 9 he Lad bs his | in bis-a ecan Gro 3 in ae “were to ict and om et Landis va a the | away,” protested in e. “You didn’t sre fair; es ‘aa a pS 84, 38 a 0} ly volunteer a little information. again, Then they scrambled o1 nd after thrashing out every other | gether. subject SI | his yorker Ay sea oan “We | The Tulip Craze. have six girls— them—and| About the middle of the seventeenth six of the atte rat of brute, in- century the tulip became eluding you and m, i has plan- | Germany, and a scientist sa es ned no end at tatlier mai for ata ner gives the first description ste his day in the week, she and Teddy Radel variety sta! leaden plummet, Lapd he forced hier | Bet self to say, matter “I don’t | duced the most wonderful varieties of think I ever heard it the name down | de flower oa ed, here. Is he”— | prices for them. “Of course you didn’t,” interposed | n 1634 the trade in tulips assumed a Billy quickly. “They’re a nice Eng- peculiar’ turn. ae pice erated into a lish family who have leased the ad- chance, so that in i ‘Tedd; y, is the old- he the Athi felt called upon ick lerwood tyes " keenly con: | himself clear | te had a: interferer ence ‘would see! by a girl's offer of beers hospitality, | eight Os hoe? twelve fat sheep, two by a ee stupid drivel, by his own casks of wine, four barrels of ee arrant im! i teak ‘Of butter, 1,000 pou But has nanaged tone to box up | mplete bed, a suit af ‘loth his feelings and observe with a ann. fn ailver tankard. prising seo of en tbaalasatt “It wi Another bulb, the Semper Augustus, ibs of you all to have pa | was paid for with 4,600 gold guilders dow! just on the verge 0 of stage ‘and a Pile ate a double team of natin, ‘ae “ails little breath of fresh | horses. the tulip craze ‘ir will set me up auainee reached te lent es the decade from “phen with the deadliest sensations | 1630 to a price of 12,000 had ever experienced judge | gold puilacre eae $9,000 Americ: an fBonSy) is recorded for a single bulb. His ¢ Own Cup of Tea. n his gaze rested on| ‘There is one man at least in New hers York who has satisfactorily solved the slim brown hands extended in | problem of getting a cup of tea to his elcome and a beautiful flush show- ing vividly aes oat apricot tan of lad to see you, me s discovered that nothing could be sald. “tt oan like a cen. | More uncertain as to molly and mak- age,” she tng than restaurant tea. Then his wife tury since you went away, yet Wes been only two years, hasn’t it?” “By facts and figures,” he replied, crushing her fingers warmly, “other- | con ise—eternities.”’ | We Wish our Many Cus- ~~ 3° tomers and Friends “The Compliments of the Season” % a All our 1908 accounts are now ready % & Wm. Zimmerman. They both laughed and stood on the porch chatting till Billy returned and ige Underwood off le fter they had gone a, 01 stood still in the same spot for several fe” minut tly she drew a de "01 inch of tightly curl- breath and shook her head. ed leaves from the package, a click of “No,” she mused softly; “its made a | the spoon’s perforated lid, and he dips difference. What with legal honors | it into the water and glances over the an aa money and New. York people”— | menu for his favorite luncheon dish. A sk Hresinae Teddy Carstairs | few seconds and the tea is made, the tel her reee: spoon lifted out for use later. Coffee is Ener Salita her for the nex en, and the midday meal is a match, and, gulping her ae DE feast aii a pining b Mit oe of ere ana smiled and accompanied made down to the court. touch. New York pine : ttle ey had an exhilarating two mile spin | joke.”” The Pure Food Law through the hectic autumn wo: “its sublime reality,” the $udse | ote : Mens poe ce paneer inonsly, “and six automo | ei Gr che haw is fo inform the ings tion Denn DOE Ren erat Uly | Uilee esulcn’t nays Orageed aie awag” | oe q silent, be ly would present: Diana gurgled softly as he Kissed her aaa ge tener ae © appointment of Municipal ~ Auditors | (Toronto Weekly Sun.) amts be employed in this si That many of ee se) rested fae the purpose of auditing i counts are Sion erally admitt: It ae svem, how- e ere are few vommunities in which t i men sufficiently ex- © work in a w , cannot be foi What seems to be required is thah the du involved in selecting auditors aa aken mora seriously, and th: ath cases meni are appointed who not only have the necessary knowledge. but are possessed as welll by. a sut- the responsibitity at- 1 the office they are ap- poimted to fill, This combine iien Always & How often wei shear ot people who Porous Plaster. ‘Ak ance begin to Lees thei: d_ flexib nflemmatory sy! ‘manently judge for yourseif, 25c. al C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. The eer genes Law ‘oronto ta ir) significant feature of the seas almost ev. ication that the gradually reduced until they dis- This, at least, is the ent tendeney, and there are 10 signs of a reaction. aw requires that the amount of fo been proven beyond question during the many years it his been in genera: use. For sale by all druggists. Prohibition in the South (Ottawa Citizen.) The rapid advamce of prohibition throughout the Southern’ States bas apa is making{ rapid strides. GREEN SICKNESS A DISEASE oF ‘YouNe GIRLS Interesting and Suggestive Ad- vice that all should read. iy mothers will che. the con- expressed ina very interest- ‘ng ‘and suggestive die Spcitten ¥ ai Zackaria Pollard, of Grand Bay. ab one of the illusions that onec the 4’ is fe thes rho ree ee how gers! es Siest, child ,a danghter, just as sh ad entered v t enth yer Mr. Merchant Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Do you need anything in the print- ing line ? If you do, send in your order, and we will sapply you with as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices. Malcolm MacBeth uires. Soi 2 Fecaaane is sdghe what every person hea. all income, dabl Asa general rule, it is the man who earns the money and the woman who saves it LARGE proportion of the Savings Bank accounts opened with THE BANK OF HAMILTON ate opened and conducted by women. thrifty wife quietly lays aside, in the safe custody of a chartered Bank, as much as can well be spared from the husband’s When sae reverses come, or a home — or other thing Out of the household income, the money is needed. requirements. d—quiet savings (hardly missed from the regular Saoeey are ayailable, It is surprising how rapidly Systematic Savings grow. Many accounts, made up of smail deposits, reach a total that is quite important, and which makes the family independent when extra THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites the Sav- ings Accounts of married women, and has inaugurated a system of caring for such deposits, that is both simple and convenien Money may be deposited or withdrawn in any amount at any time ; and when starting a new account, a simple enquiry for the Manager will secure all desired information, and every attention to BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, Local Agent ANALYTICAL CHEMIST TELLS OF PATENT MEDICINES A graduate in organic chemistry, who has made a study of many of the best-known patent medicines on | the market, states that many have | virtue, but as a. ru Je have to pay for a lot necessary expense. ne taildwrag iv te Tecipesat at well jown _ secret paration, dis prescril y many of best ans. This mixture cures oe and cipe Cay om, oz. Compound ais: eealla 5 on. Take a reeseoonteh after each meal ind at hedti An A pacers ” authorit made a ful and cekusbe *sudy rately and mix at home. Cut this formula out and save it, For Your Winter Suit or Overcoat ci Call in and see the line of goods that Iam showing. Satisfaction in style, fit and workmanship assured. Ghe Old 9 Reliable EE. KNECHTE ‘A special census of the village of s recently taken and what the sense cise with ony one per- "ng them, 76 houses. with ° occupant s, and 73 houses tate it woud eke. a Tot of buildings make up a fair:y decent popula- mn. is Your Back Weak ? Pees the back drags and ache: ee “it ee octed. t ‘oondi ition zeae ss end eds "IL be The on k sania: deve tor a Hans ery eniae oral Briaredl kidniota ty cure by remov ma, the ease. You ate y by day you A Very Good Reason’ (Kimeardine Review.) Sa'd a merchant in Kineardine the ther day TheFlour of Quality The Flour which is cleanest, purest and whitest is the one which to choose every time and itis these qualities together with its ability to pro- duce light bread which has made JEWEL FLOUR so well liked and is constantly in demand, Manufactured by~ PFEFFER BROS., Milverton ““T'me was when Td'a not need to anges are taking 5 men are tak- of tho oe and T have 5 4 goods before ns patie Don't Take the Risk When gon have a x bad cate or cold drag mtil it be- bro r devel Opes muito an attack of pneamonta be BUF evs iy and you are sure of prompt ae i the has ted foreign countries. agh drugg'sts, 50e. xX or six boxes for’ % 50 Try Restitode to-day. reputation and extensive use. sale by all druggists. Makes Broiling Easy t is much more convenient to do your Pees, is lifting this he Plate, than to lift the cover or use thé bro’ pace You have more Bal ee ae meat eee over the coals. Notice the Low Wepning. Closet, a aK reat of year’s ‘Peerless Peninsular” Re pet Daylight Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate veniences you should ask about, Step in at any ts tuud go over the "Peerless . Glad to explain their 72 wtlar” Ran Peninsu! improvements to your Bk eee Nase OER GIO Mh PP LED Cg, bY wk a! BPO? CURR a Ma hy NE Bi Pape OR Rasy a Te ee