Milverton Sun, 14 Jan 1909, p. 7

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day evening of last. week ae she ‘little Rattle fie fethodist Church in Columbus wns - With of the mystery which brutal crime 2 5 2 s=4 os te e a s g thu jared, supervisors of St. Clair County immediately offered a reward ‘ct ee ‘or the arrest of Rey. John H. Carmichael of Adair, pastor oft ite little yee and the an who was at first supposed to ‘thus becomes the alleged murder- er. He is a man over 6 feet tall, weighing more than 200 pounds. Strenuous efforts to discover for the destruction of minister were that Carmichael had been seen crossing the St. Olsir Reward for the Arrest of Rev. J. H. Carmichael. Since An officer sent to it. ‘thomas, Ont., reported no trace of him there. The wife and daughter of the minister were examined on Pri- day by the Deen ting attorney here, and he stated afterward that man’s disappear: by Mrs. OArinaeh “that her hus- band’s sister is an inmat mn in- ties’ suspicious about Rev. Carmichael are borne out. Mrs. Carmichae] also. said that her; usband was moody and restless the night before he disappeared, and ‘soparently brooding over some- thin; Tt was also learned that on Mon- day, the day before the murder, Rev. Mr. Cai puichsel came to the post-office i ir, apparently 0 much agitated aa perturbed, a which he away without opening. Fashion Hints. Jule PSE. DS AND FANCIES. gael are selected to match the The sombre note prevails for the street. rf Light colors are toned down by dull colors, \ fashioi eavy serges are practical for walking suits. Dainty ae A are edged with bands of fi The empire ieplatcsh Gta tae evening gowns. A new bandeau is made of vel- vet and edged with fur. kate hats are made with flex ible brims, easily ed effects. in Fe siffon velvet ‘are again war. Collars pee high and are trim: with deep. ruches. Fancy suede shoes are extreme- ly_high pri braided t tops. sand prints are ee Walking shoes until they resemble bo Fro velveteen “hold their hae gst, costli: vets. boot is Rated in ‘good Cig with Yeailored frocks. Buttons poe to ornament gowns from corselet to hem. ok pretty hose i of chiffon wired. ut over the face. carry mate lorgnettes and fans. ro girls are wearing prin- ces! Poets on the eres cts The newest skirts have narrow front a ae wide back paar made to imitate iguniea and gold, jovely in coffee beans Concha Pelota embroideries the pn; they are used on eyery- “AmMbysts surtounded with tiny Plai combined with procanles and embroidere hats immed with pearl quills. inty hair ornament is a de- breeate wreath of vine leaves and cas skirt with flat box plaits ol ANS sidé has just been launch- e ‘he colors and designs used in Indl saw are reproduced in he: sd ether with a bur- makes a handsome ble to wear pe spe Babe i in soft. w the part of the ds are puffed Rea sane handkerchiefs are) eer gold Shaine urevvaiued tol fos elk of zibeline the ane shoulder are the rage in he Bagdad turban hes a high crown made taller by a pompadour aigre Tight fitting and trailing rte with loose coats make the fi look slighter. WILL Cost cost 7" “Two Lr LIVES. Dynamite Explosion in ae tinental Railway Cam A despatch from ae ee tragedy the eath of one man and the fatal in-| , es Tanger trots an explosion of dynamite. oceurred in McCrea aa says: last Monday. 1 as Hendrickson, a Swede, and the in- jured man is named Anderson. They were spooning out a hole had been sprung a few days eevee when the iron struck |The injured man is in the hospital | © |here TIVE MEN FRozE wy EN TO DEATH. Report Received at at Edmonton From Beyond Pembina River. A despatch fom Edmonton, Alta. says: A report has been received here o} being frozen to death 150 miles west of here and beyond Pembina ees Meagr information to hand says the vic- ing to travel od, and thal they all met their melancholy fate just a short distance beyond the 109th mile house. ———_ HEALTH HINTS. For the comfort of an invalid emove the legs from an old chair; P and arms. T t ca easily be slipped under the pati- ent, who finds the unyielding back a restful relief, especially when for the porch Comfortable ae ee — When winter flannels have been discard- Wavoncol Vin aleve hem at up- over shoulder or around limb, to] prevent Sipping: ews and Pp to use in case of sickness, such as rheumatism of the arm or limb, or other cases where a bandage is necessary. These make excel t bandages, as thoy can be pull- ed on readily and €> not have to be pinned as most clumsy bandages do, and can be made as tight a necessary by using a large or rene leeve as th ener: may. Parafiin Lighi r Sickroom— A’ good and Jakes night light may be made by saving the paraf- fi wax taken off jelly and proserve $8 the wax into a can on melt; cat down your baking powder cans (those about two inch-~ es a pices to three-fourths of an deep; pour in the w: ae insert a piece. of clean st the centre for a wick. Wie oie ing place in a saucer of cold water, when you will have a ere over wholesome light. Keep tins and | fill, | lespatch from Romo $a; A=) ecial session of the Chamber ofjed g: called adopt mea- of 8 tnation in Calabria and ssin Friday night. Over 400 members were present and the gal- leries were crowde ith itors. ie oe was a most solemn and “ née. Signor Macora, pre- i mt of the Chamber, made a pore ch commemorating those who st shets lives through the earth- “quake, t ich the Deputie: tened, standing in reli i 7] ae Apes was ee interrup- ted by his own and the Deputies’ bs and | weeping, especially the Sicilian and Calabrian Deputies, ~ all of whom had nee relatives and friends in the disaste: e spoke seelinaty of the okcd sym- thy shown by the entire world, ot praise? the King and Qucen lor eek among the ‘frst to go to Both Messina and | Regeio Will Rise Again’ Slight Sho Shocks eos ’ t Uiat fitude ee the. the vessels of the fi the men of w hich pe t|parte to answer a question asked 7 |two in the secon eating. Such a ee aia is handy is clean and |" aa OR AG CUSED 0 ‘HURDER'’ CONDENSED NEWS TEMS] ERENT S FROM ALL OVER EB GLOBE. Telcgraphio Bricfs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. ortent gta project to ae to the whole vince is be- ing considered by the Gaveramenn: The C. P, R. is giving a low rate on grain shipments ae i) encour- age the ae export le. The OC. P. R. will BE pay with- draw the half-rate fares gran to ministers in parts of the west. Be rant © sion rates to the onireal Wastes Carnival. Game and fishery licenses and fines for violations of the game laws aggregated $20,000 during 1908, aE Ont os i cclaeie Measioee ap: iar" grain agent of the © ue control the transportation a the western cro; Recorder Dupuis of Montreal se- verely criticizes rthu; French's methods of ebing tke sovial evil in that it e Winnipeg City Council let ng to a million dollars for the ion of a DR. TEMPLAR POISONED. mastert Denti es Stryeh- in Mistake A deepatch from ae says? Dr. 'emplar, pramiagne dentist aa fa estate holder, i: dead here under peculiar arent: stances. He walked from his office eke the. street to his residence expired he made the statement that he had taken a seidlitz powder. Coroner Ashton. strychnine poisoning. tt the dentist’s office xeverted ie panes of the powder. ed had recently ee a palatial new. residence he erected to the Brantford postoflice. ae is stated that he was in financi-|® difficulties. The authorities would not pronounce the case a sui- cide, EDISON’S LATEST. Storage eg Which Will Drive Miles. A oe Hee New York says: Thomas A, Edison, in his labora- WwW the success of his practical naeae latest invention, battery for A large amount of money will be|{ pent in improvement to the plant ae ke Superior corporation at Soult Ste. Marie, according t Olergui oe May eo Walland gicl, wan saved from drowning in a most gallant manner by Donald McElv- ride, after she had. Heke. through | gr ue “ioe 9 iais eae Tt was stated at the annual meet- d to have made -eement to build five hundred bales of new railway in Alberta, under Provincial bond Be of fifteen thousand dollars a mil GREAT BRIT ‘AIN. It is expected that the ute treaty between Britain Unit ed States will be signed in ae Heaton says Mr. Lemieux’ s visit to England has giv- n the movement for penny-a-word pablesca wletiaed impetus. UNITED STATES. The New York State Chamber of | © Commerce passed a resolution fay- oring reciprocity with Canada. Four cattle rustlers were killed in a pitched battle with members ct a vigilance committee near San ie : President Roosevelt has refused to allow Attorney-General Bona- him by the Senate. tive boys, whose ages run from eight to thirteen years, have been are al . Louis, Mo., on a arge of murdering a peddler. oat night-riders Union ‘enn., of Capt. Rankin were convicted murder, six in the first degree, GENERAL. Fifteen persons te their lives a Hoe in Costa Shah of eae “has issued a ENS revoking the constitu- tion. The Kaiser has decided to travel ee and to live more simply this S aisdeoy British sailors) were drowned at Sydney, N. S.W., when their pinnace was sunk in a col- ision. Australia will probably send a perterenuative @ conference fe the Go ares ait interested in ts a red r eee od that the Sultan of raken will use his influence to eep the Mohammedans of Tria ey to British r The French ac ters a Government. victory. he. Tadical-Hocialiet bloo-making net gain of fifteen seats. Kang Yu Wei, the Chinese re- , has to poison the late Emperor G erman manufacturers are com | plait that the surtax of 20 re: ley on their goods has| trade with Canal. | The Steet of italy bas organized § a Sewing Society in at Rome, and ies mormatels eilionethen oe mak-! ing clothes for earthquake suffer-| Miia Government of aly “pro: poses to meet the financial con quences of the earthquake by lev,~| ng a special land tax of five per ir cent., and a tax of. one cent on cach railway ticket sold. aR CEN M’GILL PROFESSOR MISSING. Mr St May Hare hed in Farthquake. { of AM ad puta wit nal A despate i from Montrea Ita oldie: and ea Me o ad Among of . Prof. ea humanity co ‘eluded Mrs. dof MeGill there: Bal his speech by eset that the fear that they ee in the | ruined cities would rise again. The | earthquake in ‘Sicily. On December only time the silence was broken | 24th they wrote from Messina the course of t! peech was) friends in Montreal, stating that when Signor Macora gator ra to the Kin, Queen and the fore- ign warships, at which the Deputies cheered. Promier Giolitti presented a pro- ject of law regulating the situation. He thanked all the nations of the world for aid they had given. He also declared that Teguis and Mes- sina would be rebuilt. Slight sertiausk 8 Sanh nes The worst hav: red at Reggio; where énvenalt damaged buildings collapsed. a they were leaving there that day. On 25th, according to a Te ete, received in aves ay on riday mornin| ere at Anais, 2 small town a the Cam- panian sonst about 23 miles south- eset of Naples. pee then there en a ae word from them. st: aetna Peppermint striped blouses are made of linen with strips of white, green, red, and blue. declared that} . which is de- stined to ihe the tale problem in large cities. His me is to lace these inewaria under the seats of cars, and he says they can °\be sufficiently charged at the ex- isting power house to run an en- re dag dott Ne de tional. tracks, poles or power houses will be required,” add on, ‘and the needs of fu- aS transit fauiliti¥s can be eco- the new cars. will run one hundred miles without recharging, and will even utilize the machinery which brings the car to a stop for ue rocterees ie baa selene on any rail, the present street car tracks or steam rails, and if they jump the tracks can get back on the rails with their own power.’ ADULTERATED PEPPER, One of the Worst Articles of Food Sold in Canada A despatch from Ottawa a * bulletin has been issued by Its of analysis of 298 samples of ground x sold throughout the Dominion. Of 146 samples so i per, 82, r 22 per cent., were adulterated, and of 152 samples sold as black pepper 37, or % per cent., wer adulterated. While the results show considerable improvement over the analyses made in previ- ous years, the bulletin points out adulterated samples con- tained sand, cocoanut shells and The chief about Montreal ard Winatpea™ ga Bis Ses C. P. R. WESTERN LINES. Thirty Million Dollars Reqaired | This Year. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Thirty million dollars was mention- #4 on Thursday at the local offices ern lines during 1909, Mr. Whyte il Tiie fa the east on Friday and will spend the following weck in Montreal. He will be accompanied by the chief engineer for western lines, J. E, Schwitzer, past has been devoting his entiré time to a consideration of the work |i to be done next year in connec- tion with the baile of addition- al track and better: and main- tenance of existing einer: ESE, See ee I ATTACKED WITH A HAMMER, Wife of Manitoba Farmer Vic of Hired Man. A despatch from Brandon, Man Hunter Cooper, well “known farmer liv: ing home on Wednesday was at- tacked by the hired man, named ‘arry Searr, an Englishman, 18 lyears of age. Armed with a ham- mer, Scarr struck Mrs. Cooper a numberof tines over the head, uring her skull to Bradwardine, iz Cooper informed him PO, what ie had done. Scarr was kep' surveillance f | then a: car awaiting transportation to jail | t here. THIEVE AT SIMCOE, Police Force is in Jail and Public ‘an’t Find Cla e says: oe sie despatch The office of J mm. . Jacl tinea na number of petty robberies lately, and as the whole police force is in jail there is no clue to the thieves. No competent police protection has been provided |), ‘own since Malone was ar- = & rested, a KILLED BY BROTHER. Shot Aimed Rabbit Entered |! Man’s Leg. A despatch from Petrolea says: James Bullock was shot and killed on Thursday by his brother Bert, who aimed at a running rabbit and hit James in the leg. The ai sock dieek@ot. Wig) farm or Jou tosis near Oil Springs. at Sy n cS Barley—No, 2 at 55¢ putes No. | tubs, 22 to 2 who for several weeks|ter wh | ext: us ae Shee THE WOR RED'S MARKETS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Jan. 12.—Flour — On- tario wheat 90 per cent. patents quoted at $3.70 to-day in buyer sacks for export. Manitoba flour, Ease patents, $5.80 on track, To- ronto; second ss $5.30, and to strong bakers’, $5.10 $5.20. Wheat — Manitoba, 5 0 09% for No. 1 Northern, at 06 for No. 2 Northern, and gian Bay ports quoted at $1. 13, all rail, and No. 2 Northern at 81.10, all rail. Ontario Wheat. Be 2 white, 94 to 94% outside ; No. ed Winter at 9b¢ outside, and org mises ae e $4ce outside. s—Ontario No. = white, 39 to sore outside, and at 41% to 42e rack, nto 5 No. 2 Western kaa oats, 41!4c, lake ports, and No. 1 feed, 42c, lake ports. Rye—No. 2 quoted at 70c out- ide. 3 extra at 53c and No. t Ble. Buckwheat—56 to oe Sunaine: eas—No. 2 quoted at 86c out- side. Corn—No. 2 American yellow nominal at 67% to 68¢ on track, Toronto, and No. 3 yellow at 60c Tor Brut ars $19.50 in bulk out- side. Shorts, $21 to $22 in bulk outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples—Winter stock § per barrel for good qualities, an 50, for soaker apples. —Prime, $1.75, an wend picked, su ay to $1, 85 per sh, Honey—Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, and strained, 10 to le per poun Hay—No. 1 timothy, $10 to wis = ack hore, and No. Potatoes—Ontarios 60c poevens 75-to 80c per bag on “Poultry Chickens, ae 10 to wi, 7 to 9¢; ducks, 10 to le per pound ; 16 to 18¢ per porn turkeys, THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter. Pound prints, 25 to 27¢; 4c; inferior, 20 to 26. Geeemeny rolls, 28 to 29c, and sel- ids, 26 to 27¢ per dozen; selections, 30 Sale: and new laid 40c per doz- Oheeke Shares cheese, 13%¢ per pound, and twins, 13%c. : HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 10% to lle lots; mess pork, Gickes 16 16%4¢; 08, 14% to Ibe. Lard— facie 12%; tubs, 12%e;| 5) pails, 12%e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, Jan. 1 nadian Western No. 2 white oats at 46)4c; extr: . 1 feed oats at. 454%c; and No. 2 feed at 45c pe: ushel, ip ear lols, ex store Fl atents, $5 $4.60 to 4.70; do., $2.95; extra, $1.- Manitoba bran, es olor: 2.15 to 5 Be ‘SI. 85 Feed— $21; shorts, $21 to $21.50; ST $2. 27e.- Ey ° = ested stock at ee, to 28¢, and No. 1 stock at 24%4 to 25¢ per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Wheat—Sprin| Northern, Winter, ay % to 1 , $1 9%} ci No. rads $111 to 11% 3 . 1 Northern, $1.10. to ; 2 Northern, $1.07% to $1.08; No. 3 = egtehery, ab 0444 06%. » B: Flour— per bag. |, Beee Cae. lipetatecn storage, |] T | Nearmee way No. 1 Northern, Northern, $1.6: 07% ask 4, 60% #6 G2e LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, Jan, ae Hae was brisk, prices good a’ closed. xtra choice chiles sold at good AS! but. MANY QUAKES YET TO COME Likely to Occur in Sicily for Two Years’ Says Observatory Director lespatch from Rome says: The people of Messina inourn more than anything else the destruction ers are burying et s Hasicl found on the surface of the ruins. Two thousand were erence in deep of their cathedral, the glory of| ditches on We iy ‘ood is Messina, which nad been famous! plentiful. The evacuation of Mes- for centuries, defying all former|sina is being hastened. Survivors earthquakes, with its beautiful/are arriving at Naples on every eyclopic _monoli column and/train. Five hundred arrived at orious N in and!Rome on Tuesday. A majority of Aragonese tombs of kings of Italy. All are ruined. The condition of ‘e an immense silent necropolis, pustabne from the Ionian to the onian Sea. Father Alfari, reriey of the Florence Observatory, is of the opinion that ¢arthquakes will con- ‘ing the follow- ing three months Hie mee be felt at Messina an: of frequent occurrence they in be Sheth if infrequent they will be violent. ence Father Alfari Ww ate the rescuers at Messina and Reggio to be cautious. RESCUED ALIVE FROM RUINS. Earthquakes continue at Messina. ost of the shocks are slight, but several have been rather violent, causing the collapse of several Honeee that remaiued stan ing af- ter the shock of Dee ea ersons were Samet alive from the ruins on Tuesday. Soldi- them were forwarded to M'lan an Genoa. Gen. Mazza, who is in suprem command in the earthquake see has seieenanbed to letta the securities fae me Italia, the Banca Com- merciale, the Neaieeine Gener- ale Italana and the ieta Vel- is being given commercial firms in searching for their securities. jowager Queen Margherita mat donate $200,000 to build and ¢ ate an orphanage for 100 children ose parents nere killed in the arnt earthqual n carthayeeer ‘started a land- the eremrine 100 BITTEN BY MAD DOGS. Rabies Spread in Pennsylvania Towns Through Kissing. A despatch from Eire: Pa., caye: A quarantine to last 100 day been place me Sannevard! Conneautville, Meadowville, Brook- ville, Linesville and other small | P towns in Crawford ek adjoining |* counties because of the prevalence of hydrophobia in the pentane ee of the state and 1! dogs said to rabies. Dogs are being shot h every precaution is bein: ane cesta of the community to the disease from spreading e leath has already occurred, and. the little Pasteur Institute at Ei pehiris is overcrowded with six- n dangerous patients, and about ee are ening to come in, More than one hundred persons in the dog -infected counties have been bitten in the a ny persons are developing rabies kissed one who was affect FELL ON ANOTHER MAN. Peter Pcterson “Killed in Mine at Giroux Lake. A Boe from Cobalt On ¥ Sa took place at the Da‘ mine, Giroux Lake. Four men were engaged in a shaft down six- says: and k ‘Peter: son fell upon é is in the Red Cross Hos- injuries are not con- unless complications tal. His sidered fatal set in. 4 THIRTY-FOUR DROWNED. jan Steamer Sunk in Collis- ion—Only Four Saved. A despatch Russian Ru from Odess steamer Srntodan of 38 collid t Sviatoslav. sank yathin three min- utes. Four of her crew managed to get. aboard sh Poseidon and|ed in saved. The thirty members of the crew were lost. through pevee * Rush of Orders ft is SCHOOL GROUNDS. Hope on Their Improvement Is- ad by Education Department. oe Ontario saa cet of Edu- cation has recentl: ued a neat little booklet on the Eimpee ent of rounds,”? which should surrounding: The publication is ti | beautifully eiluatrated and farnish- ed with plans showing how grounds of various sizes and shapes may {be laid out to the best. advantage. and drives, and ence of trees, shrubs, vines, flower borders, ‘The booklet has been prepared by Prof Hy Hutt, of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, Schoo Boards’ and “Inspectors desiring further assistance on ject of School Ground Improvement are asked to communicate w It is ae ee this oat result in a marked improvement in the condition and Eocene of school grounds all over ie country. The e home in its ‘on the ree generation, ore beautiful school sur- roundings will have its reflex in- fluence in the improyement of the ome. x FOUNDRIES Hi HIRING KEN. for Tron Goods Sign of Good Times. A despatch from 4 Toros says? foundries factories are increasing their ey rolls in consequence of the rush of orders for iron goods. agers ot every important sonore in the ticipate a very busy out an expect to Soave thes shops run- ning to the fullest capacity in a few weeks. The relations between the iron workers and moulders un- ions and the employers is most cordial, which makes the outlook for the men exceedingly bright. DROWNED 4 WATERFORD. McGary, Aged Eleven, ted on Thin Ice. A despatch from Waterford aay Thursday afternoon while number of skaters were on pond, Gordon arent about ¢ yen years old, skated on thin ice, and although acks were thrown 4 ce th went down in about Gordon our other! although Dr. of water Sane “the body was recoyer- about twenty minutes, and Good worked over him for some time life was extinct. ‘MOUNTED POLICE MISSING iI, Is Feared They~ Have Been Drowned in Hudson's Bay. A des aio from Winnipeg eays! ae isquimau garb 0: skins, They 1h ig intelligence that of mounted police the vicinity of ‘two patrols of & NW.MP., | Sergt. Donaldson. tier, accompanied by a party. of © been lost| ne Churchill and| dog train, the missing} Fullerton. nPpartier was in charge of Inspec- : in charge shee Bay. Inspector Pel- jInspoctor Peltier. Both partics Pry, F. and | were to return Mo surveyors, who haat Bepies aber 1, but as yet have not been Tiel at’ Fort Churchill! Ap. rgt. ER a was | for somo months, t atter two lin caskge ofa squad “of » Cor- b in’ laying. out a poral Reeves, an iaaipfaten and > under the direction. two: Esquimos, ‘Thay travelled in m Goverament, & sap of the small coast, steamers rived in W sinipes on Wednes m Fort Churchill, and morning after an arduous trip in thou nt that this vessel may have rain, All three were cloth fudson Bay. seare! They are travelling ee and will go north to ‘Hudson Bay is al- open,” said Morrier when asked about navigation on At esa the ice left and it froze over again The Hudson B: My July 10, ‘on navinbiar 10. trade was only Heed owing to, Indians, left. Athabasca Landing steamer Pelican was at Churchil) the limited space availablé on ves- sels sailing next week. Good steers sold at $5.35. Bute tehers! Business| active ; prices ready: ae last week’s quotations, viz. 084.50 for aod cattle, and $4. 0 to. 84.00 foe b mer. Pnbe unchan: eee early this year for hesterfield Inlet, on the annual patrol trip, {at ea in search of missing Geologi- on account of ice in the m Surveyor Caldwell, who has|the river. 'The ne ikea vher, ee lost for two. years in the|serious trouble would be encoun’ » north, In August Sergt. Donald-|ered woul the Straits ‘in August. In July it was tied up t York Factory for twelve days, son left Churchill for Fullerton, | where the ice blocks up, but there Hogs—Firm and) the farthest point north in Cana-|is said to be da inhabited by white men, to meet | through this. an open boo i a AAAbabA every: < 4 < 4 “

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