Milverton Sun, 28 Jan 1909, p. 3

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Pere: is proo! power of Dr. williams Pink Pills ie a GRUPPE VICTIMS - om eak, Minera and a Frey iseage iu Many Forms La, eeinne. ‘Starts with a sneeze— and ends ith « complication of Tt lays the strong. man Kk; it tortures him, with headaches and im a prey ilding, nerve = sever: gee . E. Paulin, Collector aes te “at Caraquet, N. B., says “In the sysnier of 1907 I had a very k of la grippe, which i I had t of t time L employed a doctor, tihoub benefit, in fact I "ae getting worse and worse. ; suffered ee eae te. Twa On aj ce Dr. astounding. tale. o second box I began we tess quite = P change in my condit: wa: able to walk about the Miauke and | the Ja A porctite was improv ing. From strength Ane blood- area nerve-restoring ton- y they cure anaemia, ‘heumatisn, neural- "dance, and partial aralysis. they e the best me- cine in the world roe the ailments of girlhood and womanhood. Bold by medicine wealars or by mail a oxes ise 60 cents a box $2.50 from the Dr, Williams’ Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. ai! eee ihe, CHRISTIANS aF. THE NILE. eee as Discovered in per Egypt. seg discovery of Early ees remains has recently been ad “abe a Hadad on the pla ile, iles north of Senna: while the Raundalone of a resi secon Jataract: fs spate that it should be dated in the pererelt or eighth century A. ottery has need sent to the Kharto uum Museu! At present very little is = known of ie history of Christianity in these regions, and we must look to — “ation a throw light upon it. of an hour’s walk from 5 ter es - e two mounds called by the na yt-el-Anak, ‘‘The House ot ak aap e-Mahomme- ~ dan people), which Menibeledd: mark the site of an old Id Christian church and -monaster, ixcavation would probably bing to keht Early Chris- tian inscriptions. ue been traced back to the day ancient Israclites, and w ed to signify peace, to sw: ear friend- ship, to promise alliance, or to give security. ~In ost German restaurants, d reales, ete., a lotked box is place for the en of cigar and a arette ends and tobacco-plugs. contents pd periodically collected charitable socie' and sold by a Last year the proceeds real lized enough t provide suits of clothes Bhs L726 poor children, 0$04-040404-04040404040 pas MOTHER'S AID ; IN THE NURSERY. 4 Every mother should be ‘able to treat the. minor ail- ments of her , Prompt action serious Bisse ners save a child’s life. ones. ‘A simple re- i promptly cure and howel troubles, break up colds, cure simple fevers, ex- pei worms an Yio’ teeth- “ing easy the new | born baby or the el, grown b i, ee guaranteed to ig. Some opiate. Smith, “st. Tales: ite., SAYS — io havo used by’s Own Tablets for constipation and ills ol an fiud them the ‘best medicine 1 iven, my little x medicine dea- s|the Florence Ward, an: The custom of shaking hands has B he MAROONED | “SAILORS. — pend la Weary Months om a t Island. pene ‘sailors maroone: Pacific was received recently uy Liverpool. Stress of menthes compelled the Commere jal Paci Com: pany’s schooner Sa "wand to deviate from her course. yes- sel was sailing from Honolulu to the cable station at Midway Island, Ss Japanese sailors, saving them from slow but certain deat ee there ie four men , but one died—a fate have shared but rence Ward carried supplies for 2 cable sta- tion, noticed signals of distress from es Island, and a hoat was put. off. crew discovered, on reach- ing shore, eons Japanese sailors, two ol ere suffering from scurvy, while the third was ina col- japsed condition and quite unable to walk. They w treatment their sufferings They. stated that for with- on the island. ed them 0: departed a ches aus later, leaving one month’s provisions for them and intending to return later and take them off. She never came back, and it is thonght that she w: as OE mpro- per food, and the others were cri- ally a when found. They are to nt to Honolulu. HE KNOWS FROM Als ee Great Canadian Kidney Remedy Boctors Had Cured Him After Given Him Up. Le Petit oS Co., Que., Ch rles Cote, Bont firmly. convinced that, Todd's Ki ney Pills will cure Bright’s Dis- ease or any other disease of the He knows it from his own ice. Hear what he says ach cae Sowaseae bled with Backache, Rheumatism eS and ee of ambition, and my urine was of a dark unnatural color. was attended by three doctors who did me no good. The last one told me it was only a waste of money to try anything else as I could not ae more than a year at the out- Pills a Twted' cieblectt boxes my Rheumatism, Backache an Headache are gone. My urine is like that of a child. 1 feel. I ow my life to Dodd’s Kidney Pills,” Postmaster Coe had all the symptoms of Bright's Disease. The doctors evidently knew he had Bright's Diseasorthe most deadly my bf Kidney Disease, Dodd's Kidney Pills cared him, | They. will | cure any form of Kidney disease. ——— EMPIRE'S BIG FIGURES) GREAT BRITAIN’S REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. The Population is. 343,748,000, and the Area 11,211,000 Square Some idea of the immense size of the British Empire and of the teem- ing millions who inhabit it is ob: atest volume of abstraé a which was published in London recently. The tots area of the British Col- on sessions and protector- ates is tr 1,000 square iniles, sup: porting Fs poaitatite of 313,748, 00 subjects, Of this British square it India, comprises 281; ed, p 2 miles and 62, M01, foe people After and popula- tion comes Biltish North Atnerics, i.e., Canada, Newfoundland, and Labrador, with an area of 3,908,- 308 square miles and an estimated population of 6,381,952, followed by the, Commonweal th Australia, which contai 974,551 square miles and 49,71 a people of whom 1,989, ! had are fem ne tata aoa SE the: Watt in dies is a 021,120 Square miles, the population 1,527,624. EMPIRE'S: RESOURCES. J tables indizate the rich- News oe a Die adventure BL 5 enCAL the verge of death T decided | th ‘ y India i | equal in the fourth place with each slightly over two millions worth o ts 's Emulsion od im- know from personal results the efficacy of Scott’s Emulsion.” ST! STRONGMAN, 417 Bath- urst St, London, Ont. Let us send you a copy of Mr, Strongman’s letter. He had a trying experience, had got run down Scott’s “| Emulsion built him up, as it has thous- ands of others. ‘The strengthening and flesh- equalled by any soe eas ration, and it’s just as goo for the thin, AC child as for the adult. Be sure to get Scort’s. It’s been the stand- ny ti lumerous imita- tions and substitutes. ALI, DRUGGISTS vs eond you a full copy of Mr. Stronenta! sletier end pome ovker liters: tare on the subject, Just mention this paren. SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St, W. Toronto , and relate to SHIP. |Phrilling Tragedies of the Sea—|en Wrecks, Fires, Collisions, and Mutinies. The: a popular impression iit tote ho go to sea in ships travellers by railway, and safer than the speeding motorist. But Sy eens still e dangers and ad-}C. peas that Glare Russell wrote al At eaverneey ee other day, the story ol ‘ing voyage of dhe sailing a RGiilese was tol convicted of mutinous conduct, and the boatswain was sent to gaol for firing « revolver to the danger of the orem i was evident that there nium aboard, and the only. erendet3 is that the ship ever reached port, says a writer in Answers. Indian Ocean, ession. Expenditure. Revenue. In- .£70,648,900 £71,177,500 Piste 36,260,446 36,658,834 New _ Zea land... + 9,154,215 Nai % 3,471,982 | al Cape af Good Hop 7,701,192 patyant. is 4,450,867 West Africa 2,758,257 Canada. . nena West Indies 712 .664,0' The total imports, including ie lion and specie, into the various British dominions amounted in 1907 to £378,155,000, of which £176,- epee ..|957,000 was sent from the United THAT DODD KIDNEY PILLS 549,000 from. United WILL a RE BRIGHT'S and 136,649,000 from SEASE. omer of the Unit- ed Kingdom was Lhe, which took Postmaster Cote Tells How the|imports. worth £77 stra- lia was next sitle ES fol- lowed by Canada, £19,700,000; Brit- is age ah Africa, £1 287,363, and New Zealand, £10,278,019. The total value of the exports m the ssions was £309,273,000, of which £175,669,600 went to the United Kingdom, , £59, - 047,000. to British possessions ani £161,559, 00 0,000,000 IN GOLD. The British Empire is the gre est gold producer in the wo an The Transvaal comes first of its vari- s States with a axes at of £27, as! second Aaithers Rho- £2,118,000, and Zealand nearly | ai desia third The total Report it:—“*Shiloh’s Cure will always cure iay coughs and colds." fade, dochter, dea: betther than he ug.” mike ace hum- One of the greatest blessings. to rents is Mother Graves’ Worm erminator. effectually ex- worms and gives mete in a manner to pel nm Sealy And the man. who thinks he knows it all soon angus how little he..really does. kno Suro you ot the kind yor have atways had, r Dp & 1" Menthol Plaster, rhot Sle via, ete., nothing a etter. Made only by Davis & Lawrenco Com mye “phe pleasure of having cured myself aE insomnia, ” yemal the heavy-eyed man. ‘‘is so meat Lie a aake all ight thinking about it.” wn! 3 A do you eee your aes pe Afte: Sith Ameri- The subjoined extracts from the | ——_— ale | said the mallet mate. ®| steamer with a br Yo; man has ce tainly uot chain-| Por et rebate rgely to th A MASS OF FLAMES, mors hundred miles from the nearest land, on the Aus- tralian coast. The men had to take to the boats within a few minutes, ill supplied. than seven jee succumbed to exhaustion soon after landing at an Australian lighthouse. The sailors—all pious Welshmen —often sang hymns and prayed fer- vently. Sharks followed ae boats Ce ee During the last days of thi ness, but it di case. Some ate their leather belts; others cut them up, and smoked ae eae in their pipes. was at Bridgetown, Bar- teen a few Realy ago, a Brazilian to the roadstead bate sean girl of eighteen—a pasaanne? The ee and all the crew, save the mate and two sailors, aoe dead of beri- beri, the most terrible of diseases at sea, The three survivors of the crew were almost in the last ex- tremity, for they also had vege at- tacked this malady. The mate was lying on the poop, a ieimbious: He ha Boe over the wheel to the girl twenty-three hours before, and fis had TRerekt the ship into port ON THE TRADE WIND. mate recov! ered, aod it aes ie Bs elist could beat. love with the girl on the voyage, and they had been married by the skipper after beri-beri broke out, d they thought they were all anole ‘A friend of my own stood at the | wheel of the full-rigged ship Wray Castle for thirteen. hours at a stretch, while the crew fongh mes. that roared up. t9 the main- yard from the hold. After eigh- een hours obve toil and cease- less danger; they saved the ship. Twice the toate were made ready; ; but “Come on, boys; another try !’” The con- quering of this fire was one of the bravest deeds in modern sea life. This same friend of mine has only been going to sea for seven years, but already he has been in two wrecks, three fires, a co ision, a stoke-hold mutiny, and twice on a ‘oken propeller. ed the restless se Repeat it;—“‘Shilob's Cure will always care my coughs and colds.”’ LONDON’S “CLOU D. From the point of view of efforts to dissipate the London n fos, an_im- portant question is, How high does extend? Dr. William J. yr has rece! investigated the subject. with the of a bal- loon. The-great: city being coyered with its famous mo-| Yapor ich from ‘their lofty paint SE oideeeas das a magnificent sea » interesting photograph mdon’s cloudy double was made from an elevation of 3,000 feet above Bexley mn this oc- casion the fog extended widely over the country London, and Doetor Lockyer remarks that it is i examine from a a fog e lower parts are practically ones to the lim- its of the city. ob ‘Were you frightened during the , Pat?” asked a sergeant of wets 3 C “Oi can face} most anything when Oi have me back to it.’’ SOME OCEAN TRAGEDIES! THE PERILS OF A MODERN]. _ SAILIN nowadays are practically as safe as| di ‘One. of the most thrillmecol ye!" ler pacl h}are you to-d: Heard Her Death Sentence. - fo obtain Souporeey relief when ering is a great boon, but!to be Pecmeue ae et and restored to alth after being assured that one a year to live, is an experi- ce that cannot fail to bring joy to = heart. Yet Hoes ae seared Mrs. AS Ternan, of Ont., nee PSYCHINE sccomplishea in er case. She says: “‘It is ten lent health.” Can any testimony be stronger than this? If you are feel- nd run do CHINE, restore heart, stomach, digestive and blood- ing organs to perform their proper functions. The only Beats, fic known that will re chronit in | weakness, catarrh and decline. Sold at all druggists and stores. 50c and $1. Send for a free caine to Dr. . A. Slocum, Limited Bpaiins Ave., Toronto. aes A JOKE WHICH DIDN’T WORK Commander Peary, Arctic txplorer, never of his exploring eanodiituessaiee out receiving all sorts of packages from- cranks— Sade rider week, ae famous what not fi cent ann rage wan rh [ae OP aa ak 2 cheb a ing of the British barque Carnar-|quaintance wired him to expect a Sp Hat package by express he vas labelle “To aba the terthest point north.” Sete opened it at once, however. It was a small keg, tence “Axle grease for the COAL BUCSET FELL ON HIM Couldn't Walk for for Two Months. Worker is} tis Restoration to ma Buk. Rat becca Goddard, of Ba: ¢ Marie, Ont., say: hile employed They were nincteen days making | jiperintending the e unloading ofa coal vessel 5 | the ‘ond, and for over ten days they j at Cohen's Coal ‘@ heavy coal bucket in | were practically without food or | descending into ie a to be re-filled sud= | wat Two men died at sea of |denly overtumed, grazing my lett leg and _ | scraping the flesh off to the 1c. was hunger and thirst, and an appren ompelled to discontinue work and go home ‘we mor “When able to get out again I got cold in mmation started, the woun bh open yr another month I was unable to move about, I tried all manner of things to get nd get the wound to heal Unrobbiog pains, and night after night got no lee wife applying ZamsBuk dia t fed rekee_ When pede ie injured member this balm quickly soothed he pain, and as we continued using it ea¢ day brought an improvement. he thro! Bing paing were a the inflamma- tion’ and s fe wouns thoroughly cleansed of all poisonous and un- healthy matter, “Healing then began, and i fully short time-~oomsdering ihe serlonssiied of the wound —7; ed a complete and lasting had no trouble | ith the li it is as sound an strong as befor se a am-Bak is. sure core for ents aes | from Zam-Buk Co,, Toronto, on rec ceipt price. “You are warned against harmful kits Soest ted as “jus good and chea An Irishman, a patriotic than clever, enlisted in a Dragoon regi- ment with the intention. of becom- ing a gallant soldier. The encing instructor had experienced rather a difficult job in “the matter of ex laining to him the v: ways of using the Now,’’. he} said, ‘“‘how would you use the swor' d if your Senne feinte “Be. dad,” said Pat. gleai 8, “Ta ist tickle him ernie the point to see if he was shamming.” A Just the Thing That’ s Wanted.— A pill pe acts upon the stomach and yet is 80 compyunded that cer- tain Te eadiaats of it preserve their jon the intestinal reta aye retention “of whi When we learn to love money we learn to hate our fellow creatures. Repont it;—sSuiloh’s Cure willalways euremy coughs and colds." Give a stubborn man his way and nd he will credit you with having good judgment. to the ota re 30k Cu aot von taker Allen's ‘a neglected cold is Ergublessuat jo Must. C0. fro topatn. nd th fog int sai and eneercist ’NUFF SAID. Good:morning! " Doctor: How Patient—“I got bill this morning.” your A Cure: for Yr Parmelee’s Togslable Pills. are compounded for use in any climate, nd they will be found es eee their powers in any/latitude. In they at Stair the (01 purities which fin gle ne through drinking water r foo i steed asa preventive ee ace Ssavoide With fie return of prosperi wateh for the book agent's refur Pee te shih’ ng Gre, wil always d note go. to protes der-| Repeat it:—“Shiloh's Cure will always is cold in a day and Agwe.— | HIS SUPPER COST $1,600, ‘Englishman is Robbed of that Sum in ,An unfortunate experience has befallen a London visitor to Paris, who has been robbed of $1,600. ship ended in the party havi ing sup- per together After supper the Englishman lost ered he found himself in a cal consciousness, a0 when he recov-|. | Where, we have no dealer. ‘Write for particulars, which had aeepped: opposite his. ho: is new-found friends, how- = 2 watch and other personal jewelry. -In his perplexity he turned to the fe only say that had placed tel, which they ni has plesed: the Patien. in the hands of the police. —— NERVOUS PROSTRATION. Of nervous prostrati ion we heat and it is Mans ing to know that there are places specially equipped and located for Catharines, Ontario, are as the ‘‘St. Catharines Well.”” ae lon nected with i Welland,” nervous prostration, etc., are given by $killed attend- ants in charge of a resident physi- St. Cat! thacinee = the mildest point in Canada d ig. the winter months. For fursher Sirtosmation and all paces apply to McDonald, ; Union Staton Toront AF one to forty-four years is subject to military service. Those who ob- ject on religious grounds are ab- solved, but lose all political privi- LAZINESS. Some men are too lazy to go out and meet returning prosperity half In a lifetime of 70 years a man grows fingernails which, if left un- cut, would be 7 feet 9 inches long. “Tis Well to Know a Good ‘Thing, said Mrs. Surface to cnow- well, when they met in the street. y where have you heen! for a week back?’ “Oh, just down the store for a hotite c De. the. mas’ Eclectrie Oil,” and Mrs. Sur. fase; Pio Tatans Guiness RATES fen tenamieted sen new ase a contracted a weak back there another customer for Eclectric Oil. Occasionally a Boed singer lets a eure my coughs and Colds.” | |) Lots of people believe s bet He r to ies than wait ‘iil. they are serve Ho Reasonable Man expects to cure a neglected but thne and Allen's Lung. pte mption FACT! cee washtub heroine may not so romantic, ne frequently |° eae the real goo Only those who have had experi- mle can_ tel Pain <n with thin BiL-> pean LABS «| A. Jo PATTISON & CO. In Brazil, every man of twenty-| | E & 00. MONTREAL. Ralse Thom Without Mili. A. & E. PIE SZ. PAUL 8: Booklet ae Ateele Briggs Seed Oo. Ltd,, Toron! GALVE eee Byeing | Gieaning! end your sani ‘Siena vena ‘to. for agent ta your town, or send direst, Meatrenl, Tereate, Ottawa, Queben 92-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stock Brokers & Finanolal Agents ‘and other stooks bought and sold-on commission. Grrrespontnce invited, Ordors may be wired ad expense. “So she was led to the altar at She didn’t have to be ane started uldn’t have driven RAs off w Sooiaece of cavalry vith a A Woman’s Sympathy discouraged? Is. loctor’ pitts Fe eee cat a wou “ia ¥ rey phys! vale atest n? I know a dens. “not end: the pain ant Seetors blu? T can do thi is for sential vac ite to-| a $9 co NEXT MORNING. His Mother — ‘Johnny, it’s 8 ctalocies. ahaa h maar von. hernia down to breakfast?’ « Johnny (in a feeble voive morrow morning, mamuna.’? — "Pon There is no medicine on the mar- ket that can compare with Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup in expel- ling from the system the nie te germs that colds engen: It a poate to ne periment of b ¢ Bick! a simple remed once used it will Soar be prize as a sovereign medicine. New shoes sometimes “pinch the adeeb book. hiloh’s Cure will el~ ore olas.”* manent Mt areimy coughs and © About 4.500,000,000 Y are catried on the worl annually eng ¥ railways to the Bono? A. toas sted ou and, abetitutes shore Ae but tetiehs is sure to Hie who use Hollow © | Chitied A killer ee _ fea Es pos water swee'! Hei at aon a oid rey Dari at one Patnilloy 1a'—260 and 500, FURS-HIDES| Write for Weekly Price Lists, HN HALLAM - Shipments Solicited. TORONTO, ONT. KOS Conservatories, USED IN Colleges, Schi ‘Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of distinctive merit is appreciated. The only piano with the Illimitable Repeating Action, te PIANC Send for (free) Catalogue No. 7. The BELL PIANO @ Organ Co., Limited Bell is the GUELPH,ONTARIO’s ON THE OCEAN FRONT, ostelry therneweit aid i theet hi bet ean anata fiat pane i CHARLES 0. MARQUETTE, Manager. lated HOTEL TRAYMORE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. magniticest tansatory fra:proot addition is fust boing co eatup tlie of atianiie qorgtens Seag-v tn feature liao deat path athdetioa wlQh an and feosh 1.” Golf privileges. TRAYMORE HOTEL company, ‘ President, aplctod, mubtug this ati py tingraonsadly te, ih at nents Hastrated D.S. WHITE,

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