Milverton Sun, 28 Jan 1909, p. 4

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THE MILVERTON SUN Thursday, January 28, 1909, If everything else in the house did its share of the work as well as “Black Knight” Stove Polish very few women would complain of the housework. rubbing and polishing. shines quickly and produces a result that satisfies the most part: Z Always ready for use for Stoves, Grates and other Ironwork. It’s the best polish and the biggest can for the money. Send dealer's name and 10c es ts son cass LE pon. pnt “Black Knight” The Milverton Sun 38 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - © Milye rtos,On SUBSCRIPTION RATES ir, $1 lonths, 50 ceats; Bente: 28 tics in advance, Subscribers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per rest: ICONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES. Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mon $40 $25 $8 22 135-25 12 7 3 Bight cents p Souteente yet line for cach aubos fon will be charged for all trans st adver: it inser- dvertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged act cordingly. ages for contract advertisemate mt pein the office by noon Mo Mailor te lephone orders willreceive promp attention. MALCOLM MacBETH, Publisher and Proprietor, t insertion and 5 DORKING. ‘Mr. and Ge tiyaey left y for a visit with Palmeretem. ‘Mr. eae ‘exander returned to his in Bemnferettar spending < tow on Wed- friends at enone to dose Mra Ming tar from our midst. Ree Mrs, Geo. Allingham spent last weeks nd while there bene® the Sone of ane latter Virden, Man., mmmber of the young people gathar- ed at the home of Mr. Ed. Voirin, where a very enjoyable evening was nt. re. sorry to hear that Mrs Linseman is, not improving very ravelt ‘The Dorking Skating Club was i acgnts bare tarsdstih ¢ owing to the moderation of the weat' that ue bells in the near future. m, SHORT STORIES RETOLD. “Porter! Thus the passenger for Lomdon hailed a ES any servant at a small Scottish sta “Wessir *” The ae instinctively held out his han Do you think thie parcel well en- ough tied to trust going in the van t is ee a course in telegraphy in Stratfo; Coote was suddenly. Med home from Guelph, owing ad serious illmess of his aunt, ‘itis Tow. aon W, dnesday evening, Jan. amber coma people of Mr. La the annual - Weel, 2M seb? an the G } The following officers ge dropping the parcel witha bang. | Were. elected : J. H. Gee, presi- : eho guts thae beneceatehetll wet Mr. R. Tabpuston,_eieecvreal ‘The ¥.F. DALLEY CO. LIMITED, that at the jumction”—giving it an- Miss M. MeDon: Bese sec.-treas. HAMILTON, Ont, ea M |etber drop—“and she'll get that at | Meetings are d on Thursday Perth !’—banging it so lustily that | evening of each ‘week at. the homes ail the contents seattered over the |o er e general busi- pavement ‘Weelsalr iit whe he goin" ted, the balance of A ee than Perth, ghe'll nae’ do was spent in Mier wish popular, games, after whic! Business Cards|vi#!" 77", san nos revel he tember lt i Last summer ae ieee te ntia OOr thelr. tétteveny _homes wishing Dentistry. Lita kirk in the Highlands of Seot- | Thursday evening Cane wee R. R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic| land was grentig disturbed and mys Mr. D Ose wes ten Listowel Bric entiate of Dental Surgery and Member| tified by the appearance in its mg his spring goods, which of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ne ede waste expects tivopen up naxtwerk. Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-| 4 et during the ser- SORE EE recall eh eagus and Brides Saipetit be ec fo such on instrument being en The Pure Food iter fi se simple parts above the Sovereign Bank, ‘Milverton, "a Sete wes Be Labbe ie see Mase ae tne |S Aedoetany Wilson « says, “One of the Medical. ; objects of the law is to inform the amie one af the elders, who/had. gro oe ok wih eoenacae 2 pactli ¥. PARKER, M.D. R.J.A. McCOMB, M.D. Ret Page the Le ee ae ful dru el m sail he ats eques-| tow requires that the amount o Drs. Parker & McComb next Sabbath the mie Morphine. and OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 to 4 o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p, m. Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo ulivertn, Graduate of Ontario Materia: Toronto, Treatsall diseases ted ai yy tele- phone or otherwise promptly Baten. cietic: MILVERTON LODGE, No. 478, on “iiverton, meets every Monday eveuing on vr be: ore full moon of every mouth in their hall in Ranney’ Visiting breth- renalways t, R, LEDERMAN, elcome ZOEGER, €. Oo. No, Milverton, meets every Maked and last Tuesday of every aa th, pat 8 o’el Son’s hardware store. Vine brethren always eee R. r, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Rec-See: F., “Silver St odge,” No, 202, Milverton, y Friday w. Fin NG. WE .Loth, F, Secy., E. Finkbeiusr, 8. Bec Notary Public. “W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- tioneer for the Coun inty of at Perth and _ Waterloo, Conveyancer, ills and Mortgages drawn an ‘Ath Village Clerk. "Office in the Woir block ever the Bank of Hamilton. Hotels. EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Jehn Gr Propristor. Best liquors at the bar. ae ee ace bos co we GRAND CENTRAL arms Mil verton mmodation for commercial travellers and lage mpree rr 0 ling. Boat | brands brands of liquors, nancies. has ir, Propriet poche liege stablin; QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodation for commercial nore ‘and Cigars a tables, George F. Pauli, Proprietor. lock, in their hall over | 9° re oot 1" Tompkins bad suffered ten st ome a it appeared that his ill- might have fat: x Hereaes Bot sti doctors and a _ pretty prided Unie aca orc gtulleey ant is was successfu at passed. The murse was) ‘Tom: v bh winebine during he weary. hours, and he felll diene retaly in love with © one da when I r wite “Certaimiy |" replied the consoler of Suffering humanity. ‘Then my hopes Yo! do sees love me " iced the anx- Tompk: wz to run away who has lost both his legs. th aman McConnell “Seathing” Bajos soaeurcey Sunset) m eaiainthn 06 noes were designed for f plucking Montrances’ n were and snares. They the express Peoenters : the * they succes too} that the Natghter ‘of so terrific there wasn jipe tbat tye oid einer” ed is. unpovblenity of, two ema. ited een ‘i be adled tiga,” Hie’ is andeavoring™t0 plan, | Tevivity tt by making trouble for Three ink alin who prefer to spell ~ honor,” and such words 5 without the “u best an Bae stablesin rite Provirice’ laving mind the pitfalls and Prom tion given to the public, |*nres he laid for me, the sweating Chetsbet Tigre (eg ints P. Bervux, | *9x'ety TC ia! ugh twenty Proprieto yeara or mora ago an his account, I THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, pays special attention to Commercial | 5) rad at wines and liquors served at the bar, Rates $1.50 per day, Wat. Wirr,Ppro. Legal PSI TR hea er RO MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors for the Bank Milver- B Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors Stratford ~ Ontario J.C.Makins - W.J. Hanley ‘THE ISLAND. ack p’Lanter B past been_seen last me al inds of tricks on he farmers on the 14th con. he ns re thin! he is pointing: bai tthe ofl distr MréSarah sis earner d, of Cleve- land, is at present visiting Mrs. Jani priends in this ry Bare and other Annie Cardiff, of Dauphin, present? visiting her aunt, tor one will not submit to tiem. I defy teat eee and scorn his rders > 50, t J. P. Mabee, a Great Chairman ¢ egr: A just tribute to the merits of ae WMaboe cannot be rendere orgains which exhausted their sapere latives in pine is Hon. AG. and. Hon. ae an Ceandtes R fssion never really found its Teat Sacer Hon. A. G. Bair, its Bae ig tae jader C. Killam, the second cite he “Railway mmission was never anything ipubooate ‘aw, a dilator, oy a Railway Commission dates re. Hegmrnlng from the appoint- ment of Hon. 33 2 ies The eet udetGeting: sak mgt ibmee of the chairman Promises. to re Bis a sioners an’ yet. thea the eoutmission all thaé it eebats Care for Sick Women Wai bald gatler-arccad dhe hipk and lodge mall of the back— when to stoop, or_ bend seems impos- sible, when dizzy spells and bearing down, pains are ever pr at's of y, thenedebtroying trie [s i the label of each bottle, Cough Remedy Le Peicla claimed that their remed; mot contain any of these ae dud thera ot this claim is ™ roven, as no use. For sale by all druggists. Letter of Condolence The following letter of condolence was forwarded to Bro. Samuel Henry, ae of Court Milverton, 9. C0. the brethren at the last meeting of the To peer Bro. Bexmaeh “Henry, P.G.R.: e members of has a eftlon You by the death of ae whe God should call ‘one 80 young amd useful fro e don: then’ shall we Pee fae ae cient: even as we are known. Signed on behalf! of the members: .C.R. 8T ‘Milverton, January 15th, Don’t Take the Risk en you havé's' bad cought or cold it the icouee it serves, and get cid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you are sure of prompt reli rs 11 beginning the sale and use of this Preparation ng exterded. t arts af the United States and te many foreign co’ reputation and extensive use. ale by all druggists. ul NWOOD. Mr. David spent Sunday with village. The M cP May aly Elfie Fish Lola Spabr; apd Messrs. Ed Spahr end Be Suitie: ace AF pease rise cig mrad with Yelenda tn ME Harron, of Millbank, friends in the the betalatin of officers of the 1.0.0.F. too! last Friday night in git en, see whie! supper was given at Mr. wener's holes On -accbuntof ‘the bad weather the attendance was not as large as expectet If sel To ee for the pup atten mate nin errr are no excuses to offer. Mr. Alvin Se of Toronto, spent soy" ats t the home of Mr R. Berle vis gle Keebler and Mts: D Doering, of micigan, who have beeo spend pai g wes. weelea with Mrs. C. ants rned to Wellesley on Sunday. Mr. Herb. Storost is rejoicin the birth of a ap at 20. “eh t Bi a citizens a me: of cro- uet an Mond Miss EB. easbeats of Elmira, was the gest of Miss Mellie Schmurr on conte and Sunda McCioud, ie Priceville, and ® to use Dr. Ham ton's Pills, ameray Mss Harton, of afitverton, are,atay= iss WW. 3 Davidvon ot Newton, vances geeressesvesssessessesscqsssesssessseseesqsg9gg9909908 | The People’s Store ENGELAND & SON The House of Quality Specials This Week 6 Table Napkins for. “ora & ~25 cents 12 pair White Bed Spreads, special....... 89 cents Spotted Curtain Muslin, special per yd... 5 cents White and Grey Flannelette Blankets spec- ial per yard ... 89 cents Two 5c packages Hair Pins, spec........2 for 8 cents 9 yds. Unbleached Table Line, 72 inches wide, reg. 50 and 6oc per yd., for, 39 cents 50 pair Men’s Tweed Trousers to clear at 19 cents per pair 4 cans Tomatoes (Quality the Best) 25 cents Lantern Glasses, best quality... . 2 for 15 cents WE WANT YOUR BUTTER and EGGS. Ey MSS) gibedindecovescevessunswnccssvadbdennusneaeecdiiciviniisie sd a a1 ne AGCGESOCESGESESES /VENGELAND WOON. MILVERTON! ISSISSHSISSSSISHSSISSIHSSSHSISSSSS SSS SSSI SSSSSSHSSISSSSSIS SSSSSSSSSISSSHSSSSSSISHSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSG SSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSISSSSSSSOSSSSSSIS SS * | SISSSHSSSSSS: sega. ~ | Renew Your Subscription to The Sun COAL and GROCERIES —Seranton (the famons Coal’ al- ays on hand, all line of fresh Groceries in stock. Salt i bulk or by the barrel, J. G. HAMILTON, Station Store - Milverton. RAZORS A Razor made of wire. No Honing SEE IT AT rublie- Dae PUG 1 ae Sule Agents cae H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND’ BAKERY For Your Winter Sx: ith a Fresh « Salted . FISH B. C. Salmon 14 Yellow Pickerel Pere! 12% Fresh water herring 8 Salt water herring 25c¢ doz Salted lake trout 12%c Ib Potatoes 6oc a bag Jewel Flour $2.65 per cwt Limburger Cheese 25¢ Ib Cream Cheese 25clb b 12% or Overcoat ES ‘ Call in and see the line of goods that I am showing. Satisfactio: n in style, fit and workmanship assured. TMT st Prices Patd 1 Produce t i %. KNECHTEL Ghe Old ° Reliable » abandon- ° et ‘eb on oetee

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