8 THE MILVERTON SUN : ‘Thursday, February 4, 1909 For Sale or Rent MILVERTON: SCHOOL — REPORT: ROSTEUS: S PEERene: ele esae nia waarmee elas 5 5 Howe AND STABLE AND TWO LOTS| Following is the report of Milver-'| Mr. Edward Baumbach spent Son-| Mr. Geo. Schweitzer hada very suc- ‘ 6 RIS Beene eee nie ey nouse ta 8 ton Public school for the month of |day, with his mother and his brother |cessful wood bee on Wednesday, foi- sth upstaire. and | 5 = before leaving for the west. sowed by a party in the evenin — Alber’ Reis, Rub Alex: | Mss Louise renter, ‘of Stratford, | Messrs. Chas. and Robt. Steven sua- ott. Henry Pau! was horat on = a cs tak quite severe aires while Eddie “a Mr. Brown, of Toronto, spent Sun- |arivin << ece ot oe ee JammaTiyemamneon,. | Pani Perey Comite, I Aukin |day at the ‘home BEM aa Mom leanne WY ben acsend ing ‘the hill on Class V.—Over 50 per cent., Albert |J. erent the 7th time at ta wapfd pace the i vm. i | Miss Ida Steinacker, of Chicago, is See) 5 : Bi nde OLD JUNK home a a short time. Salis, * Baythe Heat Mr m Knechte! has hired with fs mn IV.—Over 60 i cont., Henry | Mr. Dan Sehortahauer Aas a other | me the econpants to the paul Ss Newenroth, Perey Coul-|ye aoe te orgrkioe | see. Geo. Kent has vieited during tea ioe 1 Kinde floua? Hair, | ter, Ruby Weir; over 50 per gent. |fo a “a ne tae the past week’ with her frlend, Mrs eas EB i Amnie . Pau rel ‘ss Bar' a re, ew Ham- ALT Pauneh Breed. Fie: ve wil da pane fattesenn, Simon No%k: burg, ing with her mother in| Miss Ante Dunbar is on the injured . | ‘Average ieee 26. the v ag ie eee ay ist as the pes It oe a paimful acci- Ys one! Miss L. Guttfoyte, of the iratfor' dew on Mons Haopere eae. You as soon RAE BEM Normal, and Miss Etta Wingefelder, een oieant ot Morulngton 49 SPE oR UNDT. Milvetton, oss = re: [2f, the Cortegiate, spent Sunday at the peneek emay | Mende a@_morning in the : Bp TIL 26 Dab coh Sr 81ers Le-| ‘atter’s home. oe Fob&Mar GTR. Station | ng Yoot, Sami! tere oe on) “Mr. Mcbaet Murray. of Kinkora, |man. MacK inn cir, Charlotte | our mew ma man, 1s filling his posi- |of e‘ghty~ ‘FOR Spee Laden, Rhssel Guenther, el |tion remarkab'y ¥ bearty until within a few weeks of Gowiing, Gertrude Zener man, and wing is ie report of the vil«;death, when he contracted a col Dolly ‘Taggart equ Lizzie Raese, | age s ‘i i Ruby Sones Sat’ Garence Hasen-|ss'based om the weeley examinations [he was tmabia to overcome. Mr. vebog ual. ., |and, 2esscns. The names of the best , Gorman. immigrated here from Gins- Shine t—60 per fos or over, Alvina ues ‘9 im each class are given in order | gow, amd, in the early days of erborn, Herbert | .t HS this country, and has since, by his sea a oe ase Oh Osear Guenther, Witlard |”"sen‘or department, Sr. TV.—Joseph pene ane and shrewd business Kine! Winzefe‘der, Lorne Schenck, Maggie cummulated considerable. or. re 60 per cent. or over, Frieda | .mdsay. rea tthy. He is survived by his wife Ruston, Henry Schauber, Sada Hoff.| Jy. IV.—Jean Aripstrong; Andrew aed two daughters, Mrs. Andrew Reuben Hoffman, Witmot Bundscho | Debus, Joseph es rawford and Mrs. Matthew Dobson, 4¢| Ruby Grosch, Vernon Linder and Roy] Sr. TIL.—Gertie enck, Sarah va have the sympathy of their many Gouiter equal, Bertha Longmire. |Schm‘dt, Fred Di chk Tibert Zalaaf | frends The funeral: took place on Louis pees ‘Wile Coutts, Cora | Amanda Dietrich, “Gertie Wingefelder. | Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 2 o'clock p.m., Schne! larence} Jy, I1I.—Magg'e Schmidt, Lawrence |to Millbank cemeter: Farm _For Sale Pepper, Grant Weitzel, Clayton Yost. |crow:ey, Andrew Zulauf, Atbert De- pe ent ee For sale that “parcel of land Known ski soigrr ery ea Maxie, heaps os Be HAMPSTEAD. asveast halt of lot 17, con. 4, Morn: e ;: “ ESTELLA MoeQUATEIE, Junior department. Second class— a orci. of 00 Bete aes her. |Heiga Schm-dt, Clarence Zulaut, Fred | 04 twos rooms anda kite chien dow neta here aa f good water. cannot be Eee de rented, For further, particu: unde ! 200 acres of the b pest land in Welles- tey Township, OW getern Section, new prick house, bank barn and stabling. On the othe it Be Wi 8 Terms easy, App:y to Mrs. Robert™ Gibson the premises or Weir, Milver ellepley, Jan. 26, 1909. Our New Prints will arrive in a few days. Do not miss the range we are selling at 10 cents. The quality of ‘s John Henry, “ot NS haq been visiting! at t! parents, Mr. and Mie Wm. ‘Stewart tae, “a these prints was 12 1-2c last year. M week to take a course at the Ontario All Crum’s and Standard Prints we straw shed with cement hog pens.| (Part 11-—Over 60 per cent. Win The pace is well fenced, Well water | red Groseb, kie Grosch, Eva i igh state of cultiva- |gchaefer, Baut! iom; five acree of alk atieat, fall Bunseeho, ate solic ter, Ea h Alexander. D i Sr. P. atTaWi ite Rigbardzon, Ger- | 72 eee mg, Jr. Part I. y- Debus, Eva Diehl nen ey Mas- Steaks Se SEE ae ee —Metindy Knecht and retunned to her. home in Milverton “fe Find saul: Carol Be ae my qmmber from here attended a Jerry Crowiey and Russell Bublotes (ete pee tae eee fos 5 * - MAKE MONEY een es ie a Lio 5 i elterborn } sell_at 12 1-2:centS"\ = 3 om the premises or ‘Milverton M : 4 H. HARTMAN, Teacher. |; We wish to remind all those owing old ac- AAR ARIAT RIAA IT TORI IIIT IIIT AAAI ITT AI IIT ysoyd Schmidt, eCiaxton Mt ing with her mother, Mrs. tew- aah oy Vera Honn'ng, Dorothy Ranney » Mt returned home Milverton on counts, that they must be settled at once, as we Bimeetas Tree s Pagrlone Maat dus: [ven Hotfman, equal; Margi aoe Par- ELLICE COUNCIL. Wednesday. 2 th i ing the wint ee! We ‘offer you |Ker and James Ri chardsom, eq't ae eS v3 Lenin hetd a suc- nee! ie money. - e ponds ea pet mat ‘employment in| Averego attendance 40. The tote wing olticere: elected at; the home of Mrs. ‘ sins oa ‘Auietat at cs * 1. PHILLIPS, Teacer. the Bilis Ceunad “ot thisie Tnaugural have over 600 acres of cho:ce nursery ———-— ne, Jenuany 11th, were mises eben Malas cette’ stock which we will sell direct) to MILLBANK a. in see eee ther daughter, Mis... Dewar, qos customers. No diseased or dried- f J s, MeMitlam will hold a merican stock suvehee Estab-| spas MeCormick, o} sf Linwood visited |Grow'ey. cot? at ex sa‘e of farm stock amd implements on Wed ore 80 years. {Write now for) airing the past nie with friend? | 7 motion of Li Thursday, February 18th. Mc- here. : ics 5 er, OLS, {Milan intends giving up farming and , _ PELHAM bale aaa cO., Mz. Robert Re'd, of Forest Station, |" a Se aap de ratte cade hate he. 10w jam20 ‘oronto, Ont. lafap,, is visiting his uncle, Mr. Jas 08 re se ac. mute | ‘5 ‘a of Ottawe,-a for- ve amd C. Mu! : ‘ | me tead boy, extend- House and Lot For Sale a aa eee ran toh eke? - on mot'on of Mr. Ehgotz, eecond- |mer Hampstead boy, has been extend Strattord and Wo Some ce Atrettord wing accounts were passed {¢Tan ehureh to become its pastor. The ‘2: John Kelly, WwW K OTH é Lice nes chur : l icenses IT ee EY ee a a 5 Milverton, Ont. For ey the house ied lot in Mill bank no" rt ‘eahy and’ daughter, {AAAARAAERE ee a eco HMRERI ww occupied by the pears aie ra. tea San ¢s Morrison's tax on lot |Pan%ons of Mr. Neeb will be pleased to be e is a coment veneer Sunday with friends newt ‘ear of his marked success in his call- oy Ape ween 8 € ee t Stotond visited 20 Se the eh Poe RIAA BRIAR RAERICIE TE AER RIE R IER IERIE TRAIT AAS . 4 meron, of Stra = . 5 . Se a stairs ell. The lot contains wer ‘sunday with Miss L. Patterson. £4,000. metece as ‘30: aa ane SCHOOL REPORT. ‘ two acres of land, on which is a Tie Eowsle yetarned home 1 igh oe Dav deon, donation eet For Sal ss Beer teste ecole ay titer wpendnig «few [Roe oe ek Children,| _ The foilowing is the report of U.S. OF ONE : is aso aiframe stable 29x82 with | weeks in Toronto. Morante, 88; Tus a Pacrenter Haren Maca ——— : ‘om eight-fcot cement wall) For ~ J. Gibson, of Virden, Man. ar- further atiasiat apply on the premises to JOHN BOSHART, Stjan3 ‘Millbank, Ont. M. Crowley, 3 ae ‘THOROUGHBRED SHORT HORN BULL eg 2 calf seven months old. For further par- i ly te Heulare apply £9 :DWARD DENYE! e am Rulverton, Ont. a The Flour which is cleanest, purest and whitest is the Dichi, part ng Township Se in <Neltie Mawattors, $6 per Miller—Henderson one which to choose every time and it is these gietock pan. A full attendance is re- Myre Armetrong 62, a ae quested. Doherty 55, cesi Jackson 50, Mary| Ain event of more than usual local qualities together with its ability to pro-. —— Mr. Wm. Gillespie is visiting friends esti Kisnter, d'vis rar | ¢ re Cummiapeta0s ocoe . Pa aE i ‘m Palmerston. sf the townsh’p of Eli = nae ee iB ‘nterest took place in Grace puede duce light bread which has made 4 Mau : yen Barncel:, 68° “per | Mires He coat > Mary: Boot’ 68, Maggie Cume'lcated in me: fi Miss si mangs 45 5 , both weil an . Dumais Kereater Co -[DaNsIt sien) Mesegen Bk pach Wenn un tae oa tyes oo JEWEL FLOUR Crerk, Tp. Ellice. | George ouecn 70, John Hanley 68, | :eramony was performed by The rector ci TERET OIGS Lestie Wright 61, Fred Jackson 50.|o¢ the parish, Rev. C. F. Washburn, Tr. I—Mary Tian'ey, Delle. Cum: Ba. assisted by Rev. Jas. A Miller, : nh ‘ngs, Samuel Jackson, John Done- | y. of ‘Dunkirk. N. ¥., brother of ‘ ‘4 so well liked and is constantly in demand. é the year ending 81s Birth a 3. tris Tenders for Indian Supplies ae es CARTHAGE. GEALED TENDERS addressed to. the un- ‘ Gereigued and endoreed “Renders, ioe In-| Remember, the Farme: tent jupplies,”” will be received De-| meetmgs advertised t to fake ace this ce Fddie P! mmott. 3 i & Fa r him al Ge 3 the order of the between | ‘Part { ‘ Ae é II—Mary Donegan, Agnes| (Promptly at 11 o'clock, to the m oirini Saturday, | Rolls, Harry Rolls, Hazel Armstrong, | strains of Mende’ssohn's wedding U-muary scored |frone O'Grady, Lloyd Nurse, Morgan | march, played by Miss Ethel McKee, . ko side eee 16" visitors ert Gambre refurned to ber i during the first] five minutes and | We: zn, ie i? week after a nope 3 visit ae aver the t ce the bridal party ascended the main Pp E R BROS M 1 ends Ganvanton were job'amt over the temporary v! aoe —Amnie Querin, Orton Bur- | ;‘s‘e of the church and took positions ig 1 verton Manufactured by— < may be bi or to the Indian Commissioner at Winnipes lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- aaepted, J.D. MeLEAN, ‘Secretary. Po Mayen Murray opent Sunday with |tory, but the ‘boys ou Bae Poe liiase auton Geely ge Aemertonge lew Meira arent oct obaceruaty Wwepapers Inserting this advertise nh Gs er oe ‘Aoyaius Scott, 1 wedding belle. The bride, lean- 3 men enone ‘authority of the Department des Rae at the mateh t re stood de: WM, BURNET, Teacher. | ng on the father, was will no! 9 ne Br oe : i ‘of the lat ae the. Se Hinyns ton eae ts matdudy attired in cream chiffon acee last Wednesday: Ales are KUHRYVILLE, tutfete, with lace trimmings, and wor eI ‘ i pridal vei ith a-wreath COMMERCIAL on Toate feomnn: diaecage will be aught up wi . 2 ens NW +| Mr. J. Parrot, jr., ‘of Kann ‘cott, was |of lilies-of-the-valley, and carried a r : Bor Gi James Y LS ‘dal ee mi ww aa sGion!, Tames Waddell: | 5 ing fics Tecerthe baat wane vouguet of bridal roses. She wes at- ‘ is Ss “da ht | Mr. mmerman, of Milve: on fens y her sister, Miss Gertrude, i t ie iy 7, ? rf Baxley pe bushel The Farme: eRe cent we the Frost & Wood who looked charming in a gown of GO0OoD SOUND VALUES IN SOLID yd im our 5 heey, Fel 1 {cated om the farmers here last eck jomt desprit over taffeta and large ’ y Dar Vettes ae farmers are looking forward © Medi a fmd out the necessary wants in nd carrying pink earna- p orn getting some pointe soe ae be of the oe of Bs Bee Bert Wra s_ grooms- OAK 0 hee to them ‘nm the co Mr. stedt. . Kenney |™am, Master Wilfred Tanner ring- Mr. Wm. Campbell, Ra Birantords wera in » aeanetaes last week on busi- |0e2ter, While Messrs. John McKee and ‘ paid a fying, wa to our village this |} amuel Roe acted as us! eae mete. H. Dieht bas disposed of a span | The honor of theirs bei ing the first as ned. y mpi |of horses to Mr. J. Habel, of Logan |“arriage in the new church falls to SIDEBOARDS (PIANO. RECITAL bande ag soow om the leo is in condi-| Township. é The following is the programme |‘C" — feos tee usabsetieo of a tandoen | Aled P of Miss Mary Mac-| He Died of Kidney Disease. dweiling house next summer. ast Saturda; —=— Echert D'eh!, of Wartburg, has the 3 Mary Mac-| How often wa beat of these sad |contract for the brick: work, and ne —We're living right up to our i 80% ert don’ ul w , as . a ‘Lack wee ‘The back—pains and headache ‘one je - a erticme winohenttees 1 reputation fo r honest values, meee Pp ca a 3 Mr. ce De Aske Srvere he fae See és every day in the year, What | q s tion appeared, but nothing was a y ‘ , Londo: Rae ieee naphabies ster saan yn Mie the toe Bo feparted for @ trip t ion, Buf- about a real swell Sideboard, a numkirk, Ganiiton and other results from Dr. Hamil- us, hey restore perfect ees bride’s ‘ Phey cot going-away, suit was symptom of dis- SCHODE REPORT, navy biwe broadcloth with hat to teh. f Buffet or Cabinet in lovely ‘ quartered oak P You want the > latest in design, and the most y up eonstitutions The f BET € 0f0: that defy further outbreaks. Because he folowing is e repor! rely vegetable and free from in-'|S:8. No. 9 for the month of January. | Hany beagtit ‘ ~~ 4 n="! Those who have obtaimed 75 per cent. t for your money, There’sonly | f>* iiton's Bills for Kidney and a] nm femarkn ure can; |S toh, Sebi the. terors to he ‘Gane fort a “ver complaints Sold in. 256. boxes .d to honors, and those who have | br desma organist wets “gold Lika Pant dope, és, per cures : Paes at fave pasceds. |‘ignet rings. The out-of-town guests 4 0 oe eo Willa Base aa7,|were: Rev. and Mrs, J. A. Miller, im variations, Stier Gr. IV. —in Rank an Fite, L Eyatine Cuthbertson 288. Dunkirk, N.¥.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard- Outen; so:o—Dance of Je, TW. fatal 460—Carrie Roe 498, |%on and daughter, Lenna, Dutton; Mr. R. I T co Gertrude Enge:and; solo—The Merry- e rant 109, honors; Barbara Roth {amd Mrs. Geo Crawford, and Mr. ‘ -Go-Round, Bery’ Onten; po!o—Para- S13 ath Benderson 06. Resmnpet:: Hamitons Me Sate Trahit, Gore ae ‘STRATFORD ase March, Lily White; solo—Vaise, e in Sr. IIL. total 800—R. Go 213, V. Agel Mr. Jas. Harrison and daugh- sae "Daa Ruby “We'r; duet—F'ying ds 2 ver, Eima, Milton; Mr. Harrison, 7 oy Meese Mi. Mxciclac ibaa: Gesrgetown Miss. Mabel Washburn, : Jr. TIL, total, 300—A- Bee! : enorsi 5. Brydone Ches --— Rae “edad 196, 1. 100, “CROSSE ea Going Bast Goi . So aie otal ome SSHILL. \ Ce 4 Eee, seakion ses * Focs'wn | Steady Employment et Re Miss Laura Magwood attended the eee Sr. Par order of merit—A.| Mrs. Robert Campden . of Berlin, is 44 nin. Milverton 11.08 acm, |‘‘at bome” g:ven by ‘the MacDona'd|% _ Call in and see my dis- $|®"¥4™ snariigae Remedi, equate a Present visiting For reliable local ealesman repre: 828 p.m. a 7.12 p.m. = hat tute, ae oS XG on I f Jr. Part I1.—Rache? Roth. excellent. Sam spent ‘Sunday with | petnint the hond—pain anywhere, has ts canoe heat Canada's oldest and greatest Sad ame Tralee Going Seti salle were ctr mel ast ‘week at ee fee eter. Re ay is Visiting at feral At east 9, pe Bre COUNT Babee Ses Ol sete Al pm. 8.15 pm. . st er home IBiseahed be oon o Padache Tablers Sountry, You" will tind. there. ts 10.56 en: Dorking 9.15 a.m. fi W. D. WEIR’S SALE REGISTER. oe Ea eae “Frame left Wednesday . good demand for nursery stock on ac- ve G. T. R. Time T bie. ee Mr SLR. and Mra. Ken : See > Tinreday, poe is ote star | peice apein meme waa gaia van are ae ne ep heieaeuentieeae ime Table. Bien Fi ke tA * 1 Fel 5 ‘arm os € rnie Wi tation’ 6 ave realized on their fruit this se: ¥ for their home in Michigan. an ainte 1d implements on lot 26, con. be greatly missed by his many & deadnche, is GOING SOUTH. . eo North ttsathapes Joseph” MoDMIT: tr'ends, but wa wish him every sue ae Ee gan | See 10 ey veott ¢ the ‘Question China. Cut Glass tan, proprietor. aa be a aa congestion blood pressure, al iad isa clara are turning in sk You! 5 Tuesday, Merch 2, Farm| Mr. Sandy Mitchell, of Nepawa, has business to us this year. Be one of dJ 1 stook and implement hey, grain and |been renewing old a aequaintances in f oe ont wages aloagy Why not use SGheaike eriain’s Pat museho:d effects, oe lot 4, con. 1, | town. ‘ Ber eten tee: davec engeua bear an ewelery Waleney Township, Western Section’| Mr. William Coots, of Manitoba, ae |e Ssdeioe We feel sure that the result will be Dimon MoTavieh, proprietor. cailed on friends in town last week. fesimy . ean reerm es Pay birds ;|peomnt and satitertoey” One’ amps) of all descriptions, at the $|eorm stock and impiementa, on it 8 ear Fe Wes st cto have been permanent:y cured by its|@ Very lowest prices, cnn. 14, Eiliee. John Ropp, pro-| Valuable Remedy for Colds ‘Dr. Shoop’s |, tn aes nse, Pain Ba‘m is a liniment and is : prietor and Croup - ‘0 WELLINGION, eppied externally to the alfastet feel ecnaie waite es mat Headache Fronthill Nurseries, (850 Acres.) one of the best [save by all druggists. y P.BASTENDORFF pee BEN Sea aac ae Tablets ga otintes Ont 6, : ae It's really a simpl ~ | Che is e Ampos,mar81. “ee eG deweler and Optician pigrana tee erect coe nies oe ney ie eo = Gri amet in pat THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. 3 is eral in’ his Eyes Tested Free. Milverton, Ont. Putmam’s Corn and Wart Extractor. I aim to always keep this See MeCull Bs rose: tat ieee aiwvays the aame in his ; Guise ie ceriain—faiture impossible— remedy in the house.” Sold by all Caustic soda for eoap-making at | tira’ Mord, ate so i it st: est in fimances., you use tmam's.’ drt { | McCully & Haugh, grocers, Stratford. * timot strong é augh, 8 hy ee uggists. 9: Sos