London, on Sa from San Sebastien, Spain, says that a ter- “rible earthquake devastated © BAYS i - Bteam ea Company, owi- wn ai t Nantucket : Coast Near Barcelona Partially Submerged by Great Tidal Wave. A special aeamice received in. several towns and villages in south and southeastern Spain. A tidal wave partially submerged the coast noar Barcelona, and a great land- idi Cow in Morocco, just. a opposite ia buried “the vil- lage and several hun- edd inhabit: A di apatole ge Tarrasa says that Barcelona ha loss of life is unknown. Subter ranean roarings preceded the tidal wave, causing a fearful panic among the people on the promen- ados and in the buildings of the city. from photons that many houses were damuge the town ‘of Totana, and several reillages in w comes the re- ack ne a parent pen wave at Bar- celona, is fifteen inl distant from the latter ci celona is the reported to have been felt, is in southeastern Spain, a short dis- tance inland from the Mediter- ranean coast. that us “far the earthquake was felt pre: the entire Mediterranean coast. LANDSLIDE ALSO. A despatch from Madrid~ says: reported from east and south Pawcsinie caearped the Village of omara, near Tetuan, Morocco, and scores of persons were killed or injured. TORONTO'S POPULATION. According to the Directory Esti- mate ft is 865,923, A despatch from Toronto says: edition as part o! © map o! the city presented includes not only the recently annexed town of Toronto and tho present volume contains, by actu- al count, 133,063 individual names, exclusive o! rms, corporations, sala an increase. of i aoe. Hanet the Re vious issue. mber. ot uildings of all Heae in Se city, as shown by the street directory, is 61,914, an increase of 4,893 over last 3,038 are shown vacant, as compared with iti The} buildings in- Fast | MARRIED ON A TRAIN. “ New Baba | plied to HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent. Events. — CANADA. jeweller, Arsh G. : ia tetas ne on Tuesday. Hamilton Council refused to pass the license ee by-law. The C. N. R. asking Provin- cial aid towards Sea in New Ontario. vincial pepsi has been for. Marc! The civil eee of the Prov- ince of Quebec are preparing for an increase in pay. of the London conviction, ayo a 4s ae a) poone ap- Ww. per left cee reaeat gi = the I Mont- real neral Hospital. Several Ancaster people ha ave been bitten by a dog which, it i feared, is affected with rabies, Wm, Seay was sentenced to years’ imprisonment for uote ing to kill his wife, in Toronto. The western Premiers have re- the final 3 in ie Scotia. Ad he from Halifax says: Births and deaths are not uncom- mon happenings on railway Seaios hereabout, but marriages a rarety. One occurred on the Syd that. the The bride and groom were unattended. A MEDAL FOR BINNS. French Government silt Recognize His Wor! ae despatch from Te says: The Government has decided to edal for life-saving to of the Republic, for his fne conduct after Abe ot ion FiaNeds that vessel: and t! clude those in course of erection. Flori THB GOVERNMENT MAY HELP Fund to Assist Railways and Municipalities! . to Do Away Wi: Grade Crossings. A dospatch from Ottawa s In connection with the propos investigation of the Railway Con. mission into the eae of level! w toe greater protection to the public in! ail parts of Canada, the commis- system analogous to that in force in some of the States across the border. This. system, none ang i) fund to be applied to the gradual improvement) of. exitting | condi- tions. It is suggested by =| board thet the Provindial-and Fed. eral Governments, which charter- |ed the railways should out of the ways an stra oe ea to jointly bear the pro- tecting or alichonthig attiely the level crossings, The whole ques- tion is now under consideration by the Minister of Railways, but pending the further report of the commission as to the result of the 8 | investigation now sa he it is unlikely that any definite decis- ion will be reached and reutaatied in legislation. THIEVES BONE ON TRAINS. Dperatious Between Buffalo and from Niagara Fall sie an and aye been bus tral weeks tr; Sao far, as nears @ station, the thief tteps “Of the train with it and checks it at the station. | 17.98, that the two companies have re- ceived a number of complaints re- cently, pas ie gang has so clever- ly carri its operations that the actaction | has thus far been im- possil re GRAIN CROP OF MANITOBA. 113,058,188 Bushels, A despatch from Winnipeg Says: The pers crop report was is- sued by the Department of Agri- culture xe i © prov- im: 113,058,188. bushels, compared with 99,010,285 bushels in the previous year. The total yield of wheat is placed at 49,252,530 bushels, an average of hhishelapex “eons: Ths teal area under grain is given at 4,- 818,611 acres and the area under all crops at 4,987,498 acres, STEAM FLORIDA LIBELLED : Seized at New York for Sinking the Steamer A despatch from New York Counsel for the Oceanic ers of the White Star Line stceam- er Republic, on Friday filed a libel In the United States Distri rict Court mer Florida of the _Line, © ie “A lightship. ‘ainst the ere Ll eal talian k ee no sufficient loo ee did fe ive | t! proper whistles nor pa; the whistles of the } epi ig “te is pales Republic. peed further, that the ray failed to indicate her changes of helm, that she was proceeding at an immoderate speed and did not stop or back her engines, Lloyd-Ltaliano, Societa di ity ee te Florida, her ett money. rs state That the collision was ie fens by the fault and neglect on tl + of the Republic, "The pe- Waeeen. say that the damage aoe of Le Piorida now does not ask the court iz oe the Tebits: at not more than at amount. er the eS of the papers in eae tees States Mar- He ed the Italian ves- sel 2 2 “writ of arectnebts rail- sy Provincial Report Estimates It at f ‘Y deciding not to go into the elevator business. Stove moulders at Hamilton’ are said to have refused to accept a reduction in wages, and a strike is spoken of. Father Forner was lost on the prairic in Saskatchewan, and drove two days in the storm before ob- | taining shelter The Ontario Government officials are surveying the townsite of Gow- will be Peakdeaw ng repor' State call Quebec, in which the question of child labor is & feature. Chamberlain has been appointed Vice-President and Gen- eral Manager of the Grand Trunk Pacific, succeeding Mr. gements are being made between the Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie and a company for the starting of large shipyards in the = Bs The Wentworth County Council decided to take no action on y from tl ee obeprhuak ey Obacitics ileus lia srconen fa county house of refuge. was sentenced » le love to the wi- had been rejected. The eta to increase the salaries of the inside civil service was ueroducer a the Commons on rid Laurier inti- mated that the atest of the out- ue service would receive atten- Oeil Macauley has just been ac- quitted of theft at Regina. When he was committed for trial he vol- unteered to convey himself to court and, after some difficulty, hunts up a mounted policeman, to whom he surrendered. GREAT BRITAIN. It is suggested in England that the Earl of Beauchamp may be Canada’s next Governor-General. rs. Carrie Nation was pelted terbury, Engl: Monday night. The British Tange ‘Oangrens at Portsmouth endorsed the Socialist pat and denounced tariff r Right Hon. John Sinclair, Sec- retary for Seriane in the ee ‘Cabinet, has been raised t eerag ormed to extract radium from pitchblend deposits of an old Cor-|¢ vish copper mine. UNITED ST STATES. Four men lost their lives in ules a a hotel at Fort Worth, Dibitee men oe dead at Fort Du- ont, ., from drinking dena- tured steatal I. teen-year-old boy. bh Has conutemned. e death toe mur- der in New Four Dies Bees their lives in a fire pat ee their home near Pitts! Antonio Stato of ‘White Plains, Y., lost over forty ee in the Galabrian earthqu severe | for = the middle ‘western Sta tied up railwa; traffic and cenpoled the telegraph service on Frid: ‘The Senate of the United States will amend the waterways treaty so as to provide for the division of the water-power in the Mary’s River. GENERAL. e¢ Japanese spies have been aaiheds in Eeuadvr. enoit Constant -Coquelin, the ee known of French actors, is dead. ‘An unconfirmed Paris despatch tells _ King Menelik of Abyssin- ia is Relations are strained between and a Chilian tales has been ordered north. @ war cloud has returned to the region of the Balkans, and Bul- ia, 18: notte troops on the at fronti 2 were The opening of the Quebec Pro: = xed Toronto military messes, in view ‘ened Ad he | To the Be udget Committee of f the with eggs while lecturing in Can-| cor ti An Singlish syndicate has been | THE TMMIRGATION ACT. CONDENSED. NEWS ITENS Hon. Frank Oliver ‘Proposes Sev- eral Amendments. A teh from Ottawa says: Some sivoctan’ amendments to the ae m_act will be incorpor eee ‘or ie uc Toronto, Feb. ‘lour—Ontario it 80 per cents ete $3.70 to $3.75 to-day buyers’ sa outsi for export. Manitoba | flour, first patents, $5.80 on track, ;| Toronto; second patents, $5.30, and Wont bakers’ > $5.10 to $5. vision of the eee eee a from time to time, ae mast the act clearer and more easy of enforcement. It will RS provide | © for a stricter supervision of immi- grants on arrival, both as regards medical inspection and to en thet all the ToRtaicbh of the act of oe aa who becomes a public cletee within two years of arrival ted. It is now pro- to increase the period of probation by one year. goes hee eee BIG SEWELLERY ROBBERY. Mysterious Affair in Westmount That Bafiles the Police. ab despatch from Montreal says: joss robbery involving of ae thousand dollars’ worth o 8. J. » who occ! pies suite ieee ty the Metcalfe Apartments, on Cot Antoine road, Westmount. Despite diligent investigations of the Westmount no clue has yet been discoy- will lead to the appre- hension of the burglar on parelere: There are ne acrva 8 i house, wee is shroud- ed in oe, ee TRADE WITH CANADA. German Foreign Minister Boeck of Possible Treaty. lespatch from Berlin Reichstag, Foreign Secretary Von en, 1n_auswe estion oncerning commercial rasiione with Canada, stat ery- thing possible had been done for the defe of German interes’ It was not impossible that an op- portunity would before ae arise for the discussion of a commercial treaty, after the conclusion of Franco-Canadian negotiations. fas 265 KILLED, 716 INJURED. Victims s Hovometive Explosions in Fve A eee Bos Wathington|+ says: In response to a Senate re- solution, Chairman Knapp, of the Juter-State Commerce Commis- sion, has forwarded to that body a table showing the number of em- ployes and passengers injured dur- ing the yeargg.903 to. as inclusive, from locomotive boiler explosions, to be 265 killed Ph ae injured. FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. This disease, called also epidemic or epizootic stomatitis, or sore mouth, is primarily a dise: of attle and sheep, but it. may at- ck as i every epidemic some of the attendants of the cattle or drinkers of the milk suffer. extremely contagious, and often appears in localities where no pre- vions ease has been known, in ac- ead, an the more mysterious often is its In the case of foot- nee mouth di @ fluid from aol contains to the grass, and is taken into cha mouth of another animal grazing later on he same spot. ut more than this; a bird may alight at the spot wet with the infectious saliva, a|or a rabbit or dog may brush some sf it off in its fur as it runs over he place, and so may carry it to the next field, or even in the case a bird,—a pigeon, for example, —to some field’ many miles dis. tant. e first symptoms in cattle are hy loss of a] appetite from the fever. he saliva drips from the mouth, ae inspection shows the presence innumerable little blisters, ulcer: same time there is a simi- These are also pain- The aene lasts about a week, hen the eruption ceases, the ul- cers heal, appetite returns, and the animal is driven by hunger to make canbias attempts to eat a ovement continues, outs in nee animals omelets re- covery obtains in a week or two; but in older eve Convalescence is-more protr. The dineaae? Day be transmitted through r cream of this milk. The disease in man runs about the same course as in animals. Recovery is the rule, -| but the attack may vary greatly in severity. Youth’ 8 ae The disease is| i a slight trembling or chill, dulness, | 47; which soon break, leaving shallow a wheat, 81.00% r No. 1 Northern Pay &. tele i 3 07 for No. rn, Georgian Bay ports. No. Northern ate 18 to $1.15% all tal No. 2 Northern at $1.12 $1. aes all rail. ea niwrs, Be outside. io. No, 2 white 40% to 41¢ Sarde and ay 43 46 43%e Be Canada oats, 45¢ e ports, and No. 1 feed, 42%c lake Bore tide 2 quoted at. 69 to 70c ley—1 56 o 57c outside ; ae a extra at 54 to 55c, and No. 3 at 52 to 58c. Buckwheat—56 to aye outside. Peas—No. 2 quoted at 86 to 87c¢ outside. Corn—No. 2 ame ccae yellow, 8 to 68%4c on track, Toronto, and See 3 ea a ‘or to 6740, Toron- Ganadl 64% to 65c, To- $20.00 in bulk out- Shorts, $22.00 in bulk out- COUNTRY PRODUCE. ples—Winter stock, $3.50. to Ais per tere for good qualities, and at $2 to $3 for cooking apples. Baan to $1.90, — hand-picked, $1. 90 to $2 per "aay Oanibe $2.25 to $2.75 per lozen, and strained, 10% to lle per pound. Har NG: 1 timothy $11 to $11.- r ton on track here, and low- Potato 0 to 62%4c per bag. Paley lOycbenr zirsvaady 12 to as ary pound ; fowl, 10c; ducks, ese, 11 to 120; turkeys : % ae per pound, THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 24 to 25e; tubs and large rolls, 28 to 98c; in- ferior, reamery rolls, 27 to 29¢, and solids, 26 to Qc. 'ggs—Case lots of cold storage, 25 to 26c per dozen; picked, 24 to 250, and new laid 28 to 30c per dozen Ohese Sbange cheese, 13%e per pound, and twins, 13%. HOG PRODUCTS. per pound in case lots; mess ae $19 to $19.50; short cut, $22.50 to bes: pes to medium, 13% to » heavy, 12% to 13¢; rolls, ; shoulders, 10 to 10%0; seas breakfast ba- cone “ies iieroe ‘12%e; tubs, 12%/0; ae 18e. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ed itreal, Feb. 2.—1 No. 1 feed, 45%c3 Ontario’ Mer 46c; Ontario No. 3, ; Ontario No. 44c; No, 2 barley, 63% to 65¢; Manitoba feed 6c; buckwheat, 5534 to 6c. Flo’ —Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.60; anitoba Spring wheat patents, second: $5.10; Manitoba strong bakers’, $4.90; uman | Winter wh 85.255 .70; do., eat patents, $5 to straight rollers, $4.60 to $4. bags, $2.15 to $2.95; pure grain mouille, $28 to $30; mixed mouille, $25 to ban aa a western, 1244- 1a%c; eastern, 12% to 12%. Bue ter. Finest creamery, 27 to 27%0; fresh fee 25% to 26c. Eges— 35 to 40c; selected stock, 28 fe to 26c. UNITED STATES MARKETS, Milwaukee, Feb, 2.—Wheat—No, 1 Northern, $1.11; No. 2 Northern, 0 $1.09; May, 81.07% asked. 1.08 t Ree No. 1, ac. rn— ay, 63c asked, Barley—Standard, 650; samples, Borge se 63c 5 Ay 3, 6 ge rar No. 4, 094 to 6 rm 5 0 sore, 1.19%; Winter, firm. Corn igher; No. 3 yellow, 64%; No. erie. Oats—Firm. Ryo—No. | on track, 81%%4c. CATTLE eee Toronto, Feb demand for choice butcher tattle, and market firmer. for good butcher cattle was active, and everything offering animal wa) lame, | prices. Shee} d_ lambs—Beti and when jsranding continually| demand for ewes and lambs; mar- shifts its fee ket. fir Hogs—Select at, 36 Good export steers and bulls want- ed. Milch cows of good qualtiy: in demand; common eam 1 calves steady. tk NEXT GOVERNOR-GENERAL, Opinion in Britain that it will be Mr. John Sinclair. A Sloan from London sa; The Dail ei Mail declares ae il ohn Sinclair’s eleva- re anada. Mi appears to be the general Spoln ly in Liberal ae LEADING MARKETS) —No. 2 barley quoted at| 8” =| A despateh from Ottawa says? An analysis of the personnel cf the -|new. House of Commons with re- spect to places of birth and mies also includes onary member + who was born in South ions gives the following interest- in ing figures :— In the last Parliament there were 200 native-born Canadians; in the new Boas the ‘native- bani number 20. There are ree ee 4 compared with four in ¢ last House. Ireland sent four ees to the old House, but there House six Eng-| 5 ‘each case penne. 70. hs aah in the new — ou they had 47. The — Methodist Church is represented w House, as ra tion to the religions is a Universa- list. . The onalists are. — Bacon—Long clear, 10% to le|* 2,) and ie fos fire. reat at or RON 500; No. 1 stock, 98 oe ;{men who pre not wanted. see YOUNG FOLKS ROBERT'S BOG, “Father, may I for a lead-pencil?” asked Robert, as he threw his cap back on his head and gathered up his ee book: a. “Again?” asked his father, in some surprise, ‘‘I sols that is the foie time this week. his subject. » either. His father reached "slowly down into his pocke: hand empty. ‘TI fin with my money,”” he said, quietly. "y have very ae work to keep my small chan, I heven’t a nickel this See He ert was silent with surprise. nae money! ‘‘But, father—'’ he Yon will have to learn to keep track of your belongings. i hav decided to keep track of m; ere nies, and I away. Robert knew it was useless to pencils was not Robert sat by the fire, he broke out suddenly, er that marsh down’ there by the tennis-court could be flied sae Sometimes we lose our balls over i to get e with gravel or something and sod it over?’’ ‘is father bah pee his paper drew Robert's side the would not yield ifante but ink said, ‘‘costs fae after that. Do you i is right to throw away ayhiie so valuable? “Throw away?’ asked Robert “Yes, throw away property sant Ww ate the fun there is in saving something?’ “Vd nes it—if it is fun,” laugh- fr ed Rober Hee think it would be. Now 1 will give you all that low meray ig bo oF iy Bi sural Soase for a little prepar- of the land. Will chargo ‘ou for that labor is the lead-pen- cils you use down, your cranberries we an take rack the ea unt,’ peat thought a momen “When will the crop be ready ps oe years from now—the full orev hew | !? Robert shook his head. ‘That. cone work,”’ he said, doubtful "Yes; Bis it means a lot of fun res the re- Robert. decided to ike Ds tay ther’s offer, and as the was Bheundays: he sairen w. th the red the strip of lan Tt was the have five cents|¢. arts tone them had ti “| object: patiently, and to soneldee to| money.—Youth’s Companion. ni task, and whe: range how pleasant it was we think e\oat the crop that st me to him, iv was — ithe next year cranberries—just a he sold to his mother, years every cranberry, as it on with — jealous © eye. came and it was them, the little bo, barrels of ripe cents: for learned three things—to be careful of his belongings, to work: for ai is father in the spending. M. CG. C. James and mee Tavitn Speak at Cobou A despatch toi iho says: ‘ame: of Agriculture, Ad addressed the Cow Wednesday. Mr. James g: able address, showing the sdvane age of teaching agriculture in the — high ere The School oe Trade eee staffs, the others were He showed how some foreign co! tries were deriving large arene rand some Jounties Counci ne it will be to further the i ests of agriculture in this disy ee THREE GREAT ELEVATORS. To be Erected During eg: Year at Fort William A despatch soe Fort faint says: Pile-dr nthe found: jon of the aH ute Bag elevator, situated a short distance from the Atikokan Tron Works, commenced on Tuesday, and a large force of en is alread: engage the PosK. it being the intention of the contractors, + Barn gt fe McQueen, to rush the Work toe completion . ths earliest possible a he site of the elevator is 0 feet {rot the , shore line,” akoeeh the water is now! A de: Koch from Ottawa Bac tl lk loners as $0 the routine ap) . cations. Chief C Mal of a Distr ict. James Ogilvie siete The Provinces Brunswick, Sa and Nova Scotia are Hon. M. E. Bernier, rs are by Mr. BE. © Li osha