ONTARIO “MILVERTON, - elt Shines For All.” Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, March 18, 1909 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher — —Before purchasing seed for Timothy $2 to 3.50 per bus. - —Oil Cake $1.80 per cwt. or $1.70 for lots of 500_Ibs. . - Field Seeds kept on hand. I. D. ATKIN, MLVERTON, ~ - ONTARIO A personal cash reserve NOW is the founda'ion of a life independ- —All kinds of Garden and ence LATER. d, METROPOLITAN BAN FARMERS’ SALE NOTES PROMPTLY COLLECTED ° DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS BOUGHT AND SOLD $1 Account MILVERTON BRANCH, A. J. Cundick, Manager. Starts a Savings SCHAEFER & WHALEY Ghe Satisfactory Cash and Produce Store Are you getting your share of our bargains at styles are entirely new this season, this sale. Come in, if just to look around on Friday a ies’ New Spring Coats in the newest styles and cloths, We are proud of our showing of Men’s Suits, the and we are making the prices extremely interesting during this oes OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE! this sale? Iftnot, why not? Saturday next ‘will close nd Saturday. We will show a nice range of Lad- Cups Only 50 dozen best White Tea Cups, regular 60c 45 per doz. Anniversary sale 4c each or per dozen elena Fee Table Covers 11 only large size Tapestry Table Covers in 1.69 red, green and brown colorings, good weight, regular $2. Anniversary sale... Men’s Underwear About 50 garments, Men’s Wool Shirts and Drawers, odds and ends clearing, regula, 39 50 and 76c per garment. Clearing each... Boy's Suits Don’t forget, Boys we are giving away AB- SOLUTELY FREE, a fine guaranteed watch with these fine, new spring suits. These suits ave made by Canada’s best makers of Boys’ Cloth- ing. Only by an extra special purchase could we make this price possible with Boy’s Watch Free. | Phree piece suits for boys from 8 to 15 4.85 years. Anniversary sale... wees EZ) 9 anceee GARMENTS Men’s Clothing Many men aro being clothed these days from our big suit stock. No finer made clothes in Can” ada than the clothing we have in stock right now. | We have still « few of those 20th Century Suits % 3 Tt you want 8.75 we are offering at last week’s price. & todave dollars, BUY NOW. Fine tail- ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY OFFERINGS NOW ON SALE Ladies’ Hose 26 dozen Ladies’ Heavy Ribbed Cashmere .25 Hose, size 8} to 10, regular 85¢ per pair. Anniversary sale.. Dress Goods 300 yds. all wool Panama Dress Goods, fine 39 even weave, in navy. cardinal and black only, veg. 60e yd. Anniversary sale....... Table Linen 72 yards only, Heavy Bleached Table Linen, 55 extra wide width, 66 inches, would be considered good value at 75c per yd, for... The Little Needs at the Little Prices ‘This is Milverton’s Great Notion and Home Geods Store, Not only do we aim to sell the fin- est Clothing, the newest Dress Goods and the choicest Groceries in town, but we are selling the little needs at prices you were in the habit of pay- ing a great deal more for. ur tables are always loaded with new lines. Just now we haye some extra specials, we have only room to mention three in this advertisement. Granite Pie Plates 6 doz. Grnnite Pie Plates, good size and good quality. Anniversary sale each......... 5 Meat Platters 3 dozen medium size decorated Meat Platters AS gold traced, selling at less than half price Each Graniteware at 1oc. About 60 pieces Graniteware in Stew Pans, Kettles, Etc., regular 15 cents. On sale Friday and Saturday ....feysserseeere: Notice to Advertisers || « We would again notify advertisers that copy for Ses of advertise- ments must be in our hands not lat- ter than 12 0’ relock, noon, on Tues- day of each week to receive attention. LOCAL NEWS 3 = Oranges 2 doz. for 2c. Engeland| py, Gasoline for. aa at The Sun office in any qu “House for sale gr to rent.—Apply hy ‘pped a fine’ load ‘Mo: sal to 8. H. Pugh, M Mr. Ea. [W.ttieh, Be tarltsoks bas erton to work in the Men's Fleece ‘Lined Underwear re ular 50c. per garment, special 88 ©. Engelond Son. . E, Gardner, of Listowel, late of en} engaged spent S James Tor rance, M/P.P. ton. ., of Milver- v. Charles Grass, of Kurtzville, has accepted the call extended to hi. by St. John’s Lutheram church, Seb- pingyille- pe vood ‘for pyrography is Ree in assorted designs. We have the pyrography outfits at Ee terborn’s fruit store. eek Only—Regular to Thomas Southivork who recently resigne json, (of Walton, ue oe Viatupany Mast to where J. EB. Beatty, Fesident engineer, at that pla Mrs. Geo. Wilhelm who for some- is a¥ ‘present lying te. resters of nd M: iWank Sehatie Ouatelc ‘ows OE Mil! ve completed arrangements excursion ta Niagara Falls ith. Chicago, predicts dent Se oe takes rete heart he wil: never return alive but wii ‘tall a vie- oe to fever.+ last an so c. (W. 8, Buchannan and family of Davee, left Mulverton on Sunday for the West ie they will reside in future. Ai large number of friends were Bi Present to seq. them off and wish Croup pasanely Stopped i in 20 min- utes with Dr. Shoop’s 1p Remedy. aptyes alone will force cere this t Sold ‘9 service, pg iene and site pat less of p . Engeland '& Sold by Pubke Drug Store, ton. ret this week to have to re- port the death of Mr. John Crawford, of effecting a cure and tier diag repetien operation Wak per- pathy of the commun:ty iu their deep bereavement. \W failing tiny nerve—no longer than the finest silken tiaade uber from the Heart its regularity. Druggists say that thos estorative es fora foe hee S001 cod of its oudece ag wag. don't aver the pes aictting the cause of sickness only sensible oe successful way sei by Public Drug Store, M:l- ve J.R. Roe’s big ad. next week. Aeiap Steams for 25. Engeland & Son For “sa le— A; vate (Mare r's: net Ae years of age nf Canadian Beaks “at 8. en, yard. Engelan Mr. A. Herr. of Welland, speni Sun- day at eS e he Mr. 8.d Spencer wuld Glenallan frends on Tuesday and Wednesday. id Mrs. Schady, of Brewster. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Wil- helm. Mr. (Wm. Peter; of Monkton, is at present visiting his ster, Mrs. J. Heng mire. e Kerr, of Ellice, is spend- oe a few Saee with hee aunt, Mrs« ‘homas Atk.n. irs. John (Langford is at ‘presen’ spenuing a few weeks with her Svan and port makng. Apply at ence to .M. hauer. ntting on a clearing 30 days ta Call av und seo the barga.ns he 8 offering y.st church, M.lverton, ie Suter evenng Rey. Short, gave eisai slonetdiaeuras om teoe wheh country he haa inte,y returned nee Mace’ acLiaron, ex-M. and E. a. eee ie Stratford, have weturned after spend.ng Gowganda. They bel.eve that ganda has a gr este future im Pest than Cobai i. J. IP. Rank:n, MP., has been ae a im bis ae ae tation to have the ‘petition tri been set Ean ‘by Chief Jiees “Mordith on s not filed in 0. pros lam Mrs, Geo. Herr returned om. Elle on Tuesday pure they had been attend.ng the funeral of the late M.ss Oneal Priestap, aac a err, who d.ed suddenly from Spectre ae te res.dence of Mr. qui thse science and ‘human oduced; For floors, a ee ik it pee = equai. you # pan—of any k.nd, any- where ? Stop just a m. out SALT Hea oni Pan aes wills We e. af m.nutes. For! on on 25c. box. mold ay Public Drug M.lverton. The regular monthly meeting of will be held im een program mbers are expecied ae ladies are cord.ax . D, Alex sna F pice nee the even. mg. dear ne cnvttation The comm.ttee *s. elor etivebonent bursday d. evening was spent by “all Present. a man sneering at When you hear cause it is n the local paper ‘bec cheap and newsy as the city ” can safely wer ae seas be squat ol isting - cares pas for it, ‘The man who cannot sce the benefits arising from a ‘local per is about a: much vee to ‘as a delinquent tax ‘pay oaves tee oe ti a presstiption everywhere as Dr 5 Remedy. And, besides, it i oughly harmless that mothers 6! svat 14 curative effet ell. Sold by Pabl: © Drug Store, Mil- (Petition: 8 and n Government for Hid es ee sane whereby man- anaes beets grown sn Gannda Sie Wevmited upi till the o pounds of med tha ies at Ray daa ti “tborta, Berlin aN iiteesiat will be able as one bf wm has previously ‘done to keep ning on, the greater part of ihe t Some of ihe pete whe have made mee of 1 aor t me een: pubs ish’: ae Pare ity advertises it and helps to tet it up. So that the newspaper corres Pendent 4 is oe See Wimsett | ai the can belp us glad ‘Ferhap: name of a enitable ‘person. Head — ment allowed from Money ae bs aa EuESS ome Es-0 The Farmers Bank of Canada (Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament Member of ie, Genelia Seareate eRaSeLEE OE ‘athe ae ig Hou: W. R. TRAVERS,{GeneraljManager — SAVINGS Poe ere eels given’ to this 5s dept 08 rent yy cheque without eatiea arded to depositors by mail on request. paca BUSINESS A SPECI. unted. Sale notes collected and advances made ny bank cashed orqtaken on BESS Newton Branch open Monday and *Thureaay in Hutchison block Millbank and Newton Branches, R. G. Grieve, Mgr. - TORONTO date of di it at cu hones gee ALTY—Notes atlreepanelbia ks Seem: «| THE CANADIAN BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B, E. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager rates. one of them or WM. MAYNARD, Manager, OF COMMERCE ESTABLISUED 1867 "paid: -up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 6,000, Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons and withdrawals made by any by the survivor. 124 STRATFORD BRANCR ae ry herd one pound| atx Fhe uty ws end ss Glenn, of ‘Toranto, ie Visiting "Bot atocs: Dindatle and Bbelbourne in 0 sots at 40 cents per bag. Don’t See the Young Men's meet- ng on (Pbursday evening. A good. program is be! Mr. L. F. Robb, of Milverton, spent fo) idge. , of Linwood, and Mrs. H. F, Kastner, of Stratford, Vis ved tr S aay tite week with afes, F: Par Me. Tes Rite a for tame past has been nt of Mil verton has red 10 bis fear in Wel- sare towns! ‘ne Stratiord Steam Laundry gives pega ‘satsfact.on. Leave your parcel Wth Geo. Guenther any. time betoral 9 a.m. Wednesday. Mr. pees Roe has ae to his a ped.gre ein cow. heh ie: mucha from Mr, D. Jack, s Crowe, enton, ‘spent a week at the home ker, before leavi ad for a er Pant Trenton respec: . pt eer (Me Lellen, ot Strat: a A knowm res.den that out prom ment ce Bavite er at “there on ‘Tuesday moraing. Qw.ng to the stormy ersLage the Mate: IKE meeting at North\Morn~ angion was mot sa well ettsuliea as usual. Those present enjoyed. the p.takty of Rev, J. WW. ohrehy Bayer ieny and Drinity cburek ate WwW. D. Mr. D. ack, of Newton, om Tuesday over My 000 ore of iis and eal Ey ve hours, 's going 8 Au -mported mare cesta for $500, tL mons. colt for $291 and cows sold from $60 Weir sold for Lr. (Dewey, of London, proash- ed m’ss:onary sermons on the'Mil ton charge on Sunday. Hy is preacher of marked al ‘Truth is sloverly. Caught by bing Wind. driven vith a tonceful personality and pi repeats There died « Mii iain oh As sant melow, Ma. Win, cone ts oeeteord, on Tuesday morning, Char Ps ‘Deceased Jis0‘Ueou in Ate ae and gradually rning when the "ile te Ne es to mourn his} wo sons and stl a pd les a Dan'el, of wW. Sir ettord, te 10 Waite a te , of Ebice. Sen Deiter, vot oes ieee in the Met! ebureb ion on evening. to audionce, His subjeci, "Char- y handled and worth in character <popstricets on were valuable. Mr. Dewey “s also a p-eas ng sae tna rendered a seleovion ‘ce joined Rev. iGaten tn as duétts Bisa were wel reteived. hoi e chureb Iso gave eff ea DEATHS. Ge Werner ie Eikee, on March 15th, Tobin sow ot. at and airs, Crawiford, acct peut eis, ee days, re pene ‘ne Siebert aller WELLESLEY. nF. Sohmid lat, of eee intends buying th coments *s flour, feed and seed store. The port) Was’ spread on Sun- day Tine of the peak CEM TMSEdS ithe late Alex. Fach eauaee morn- g- Deck cused lived of late with her daughter, Mrs . J. Spahr and has no! well for sometime having ter, Mrs. Spahr and ee a ee at Seas Ufgatha ge and was well thought ‘ot, Much sympa atby is felt for the bereft sur- i eneral ‘meeting was held .bere in ihe, ‘Tom Hall last Friday evening ie batiatd to an electric railway spur En beta to (We pai y rhe ther investigate ¢ ject. audience was} deeply, ti ed. one all im favor of such a road to (Wellesley. BUA Nap MERE RPOLE- The Mesos Muthig, of fHamburg, spent several days last week visi thevr ¢ hos- and Mrs. Cam-< i the m. panel ere of Miss white and Mes Schaef: ir. and Bre . Louis Schmeb), of Mil verton, ‘accompan’ ied py the ‘atter's Cy mother Ree visitors over Sunday d Mrs. Peter Schmehl., ae aonb saber Capen haves nevsaes Mr. Jack's very successful saic near ay. Engel spent a fow Ways | this sco with her friends, the Missus Doerr, of Brunner, (We are fpleased to learn that Mr. (Wm. Scott is improving from his re- cent illness. W vory pleasant event occurred on Sunday afternoon at the home of = and pias ‘Daniel Bellar when their Le: was Wale to higan, at- mrectditig . Wm, and “iss: Bteda stivobelt am Sunday in Crossil . Brimstinhas disposed. 0} bis Rioskn ith sty an ot ue Pie yn Ony Sheet Ist.” Br ftaatin’e | eran to go West. ree) m ee and Mrs. Alex, Kirkland, of vent “Moronte paid a eee visit to hy ‘8 brother, Mr. Geo. Kir! they have ee iy lend: He ‘say: aby West, ‘but not PEFFERS. % of Fort sae is a. “4 ben Nees A care eevee et a pl oke UaDAl TRAE hospitable mi ‘AN very pleasant See was sp all. Monday, R. Bt 20 years, 8} 100