3 = . AA below? Bett: I the cabin,| ‘‘Better go back home, Miss eens VACCINATION FOR TYPHOID. MEFs eereteeeeeteteee ere 0 otal is too open; there con-lesty,”” he advises her; "go. back GARDENING UN ENGLAND |* ‘ ersation may be overlieard, So|and pay no more heed to anony-| Sir A. E. Wright Claims ‘That mous invitations to Beptet confer- ‘Treatment. is “Suceesstul. home and it to- night's meeting, forget the Hercu- and—if I may offer doors and is ee in she maw cf the empty bri wn upon the ion deck He tqrhiien ou-theyahalt above his head for a lantern, and having found one, coaxes the wick into feebleclife. Typhoid fever is one of those distinctly co infectious diseas- s for which preventive vaccina- Uae tage heen attempted. The results are of general interest be- Kept Its Faith Love : He looks at hig watch. The fn-| 415.3! the tells is fever, — Blelifar. oud Kon | Or, The Girl With the Nut Brown eer nee ee enoatt “ates Manesty, fewerarore Feported in e phenomena u 1 = not: ‘air. 1—" lowing the injection. into of - Hair and Dreamy Eyes. han the pling pase ema “You are no friend of David’s,” ms Poti teapnneone ie lod nebaatt : = she interrupts, with the Sled mort important Five now—four, three, two! | o¢ conviction, “else ¥ BUdeE oll qian that ahieee injestieneeamamtes A footfall beats lightly on the) advise me to desert iatiee wheat oaks blood of human beings speci- q| Planks above his head, w. Tin-| his ee are only a handful and) fic bacteria-killing properties, just jon—or, if not he, then*the man) his need is so they protected "guinea-pig: rote that note—is on the| ‘Then, presume, your ambition | against dei doses of the bacillus. CHAPTER XIX. hand: he hel © lowly cl n his abeuer on the floor | cheeks. crap of fi rty. at fi ed by an entanglement of | : om bint shreds and _counterpane Tay so grislope oF pestesvonne stai ris to place him a nm the throne | aking the almost oy The Captain etreiched his guagested that it contained: but thie No or ani he has so Sohal abdicat- Coren apldetiice of typhoid se : Tanky length upon his: shakedown |freccss of a secsot and that. be-| ,_ Crash Michael Strang’s watch|© snilitery compe: Sir AE. Wel and stared through the attic sky- Mind i ratene ‘ay te ‘that tt e floor, its glass shivered Baraca much about inetienead dh eeternva neat a Hight into the eye of the moon.” '™>hia might not yet behold, Tee tous Geneuente hronés, Mr, Strang,” she replies|typhoid vaccine among the Briti iis there was nothing wousual, for| Again and again and again he re cad Tae Naas Dich form te sadly “Gt seems to me that there|soldiers in the i much of The Capt: ns meditation Fgaied® me nota then threw it upon the table, but only to instantly snatch ness to help in mental concentra-|it up and Tee Bene aa ‘3 three lines of pencilled scrawl— dreaming. I want to help David typhoid germ grown Margery Manesty a his name seen: I want to help} Face to face, Pate the span of a ship’s tiny table between Kena sapae: by heat and-an antiseptic. to realiz observation | started a year ago in England none ‘the has oe too much of this regal] vaccine consisted of cultures of aay f several weeks, and then atoniiied sands = soldiers were Eceered with PRODUCE OF ONE ACRE IN SIX MONTHS. 7,000 Lettuces, 1,797 Bunches of Radishes, 500 Caulifowers, Ete. Of the many French garden as flourished -more than French garden, Henwick, New- bury,”? from — which the cult lspread. It has achieved, wit \the help - of - the wonderful |geadan, a new i 3 Through a whole year there A record for the whole year has out, but here e results of the first wire shiny, his lips twitchy, : \ whole attitude offervescent, and “Be careful... may get his Tees iii Weliwe ere eiers gold are not ties. choicest, prizes. standardized amounts of this vae-| 1,707 bunches. of radishes. these conditions were <ecided! pesapecte te wae anithse town snc the: naatislous: oe Davi friends.’ ther the resulis 500 cauliflowers. above the common. An explanation |!no ‘Heretles Expect Sc night Rees untaae unin they ace Nothing more than that; no fasted ‘he trouble and disagree-| 1, ape of this disturbance centered in the| at 9 9 tha Michael ee ros aes Derick, a yaunting prophecy. able oa treatment there| 1,600 bunches of turnips. - fact that that very afternoon, a aCHSe! OB: DE fel Cee hat and lantern, |ia oe xe of opinion. The Le ae SSR * while engaged in Michael Strang’s and, ae rom hig reserve. an statistics o the Biitish: War Office | To these must be added a very business at Routendale Harbor, he| 6 see tie eo ae ea “TY iat ibe. sispin Becomes ttl other bland smile, offers to light|were considered unfavorable, and|@rge amount of — tomatoes—o0 2 face to face with Mar-|bare of sign in pencil o hai ease . eee ute She ee her ascent of the cabin Sree the Broly sci inoculations “have |Pounds a day were sent off over a f gery Manesty as she passed on her |rescued the envelope from the Root bogs i Gre ie argery, not yet foiled in| been officially d ght period—of carrots, one way to Cap’n Dan’s house, with the| and ripping it open, examin! ages POR ak tb iG. Me. vera checks him with plitted has et that the general re-)of the pr aos crops, a endive, additional circumstance of a look, |inside and out. oP y P 2 han were fayora this| chicory, and celery, e last, ot which, although merely one of) «curse the fool wh Fa eh eee ees “Not just yet, Mr Strang; a few| opinion he is supported by t! see twhleh specimens were are een yet burned into him as}, euilsiiied Re That teu rae tainly,” ie stg y eee re tk as {__| minutes longer, please. here is| jority of the medical men who fol-| Olympia, were perhaps the act - som thin, Metsch- wonderful ene 0 f condemnation and reproach. |“ hi | Jbve do?’ wv th f t was grown without “It’s not fair,” he argues softly a Bay te eh Herdale I ptiats how Ae eS eh tie gals era. thing to ask, What have you to nikoff has placed the great weight|any piling up of the earth at all to himself, ‘‘that I should put {)' let ae ‘hat ia fe you want with me tell, me about David Graham?” |of his judgment in favor of the|Instead, the plants were planted David: Graham: -righk now; he the Jetters om to. D. G.'s clear ed pees ell you about David Graham?” | utility of a continued trial of the|very close together, and in romuit. deserve akc? He'd: 6: gio D. stands for David and) Mr. & = le aati EME Moncey er are| prophylactic. According to Wright, | "golden soil’? grew to over fou Ramiele Geant kad Gane sith yout Want with atk eke Will th Basar name, a mountain o’ luv, the pro-| po TS something, eh? I eater you?” couipall ing nee eS RODS: eae e a exact are those in |fee in height, they effectually ise of one a oe bonniest las ohne how Ben Pian oc Sens yous went: fan aye mote ues ue by le ine ye ieee a Ae Tad me moles. at /blanching one another, a ’ 3 ove he siege o! smith, an ae een o Heo, else I shouldn’t have been Maveeey retreating, bars his pro-|there were only one-eighth as many | CARDEN DOUBLED IN’ SIZE. Z ha. ata ninny I’m going| 2°": a among vaceinat as| The results in this pioneer garden nto,, Why didn’t T see it at first. ees ors your he repeats. rWhen you have answered my among the unvaccinated, with the|have been so Teectan cian pe s Be he ‘om seul come feat night Sihnte sk pevernene tor veil? queen ens ere es wat ke son pmontalty SS aut lowe # earn has been doubled in size and epee gprncle ne 6 7o tals eek ve oct this is-6 do “But T have your note. “I didn’t| {00 of the knowledge I’m seek | especially good Spo PRR a ge eT or Re Si aa Ee een iG ho mamhist| bit more money out of me. —But| know that 9 you had sent it but it) f°" °7°, Give of that Something forded by two succossive. ¢ ine: (ue sconenne: 8.00) eleshon acd UO # i vrmething| EL} show him. And ‘aboard the|bears your initials, and it bids me|tof\s me that our meeting here is tion. Ha, how. inject subsatane: (Chee cee tone Wak, Ma ERREDY Bene. Sy there's something) Hercules, too, actually got the|come here to-night, so sina T may) not an acci Who Ses that! 0 usly in the firs dose about on attractive when visited agian Sy wrong, That notion doesn’t seem| Here" tin wit me to a blackmail-| hess something about t David pearet eie ai ieialet million dead i out one! sex-foot fence, entirely built by Baie pound now a oe thee EE fog aE tri, eon ue) Bhp eco Bon pod |Our a i 0% i nS iy ou he sec vel = * Y, i are y Pp! ond, give n approximate _| beatae it on the inside are espalier own ion ae likely inter: fiulsed: Vl not go, I’ not—not another PenRY shall he have. yet’’—this after a few mo- Torther é in the en of inspecting 5 a week later, two million.—Dr. Marshes by lantern light. For whom were you waiting? Why were ‘ou smitten wi tered your presence? You have no me—I’m only a girl David’s friend—and you) thal tell me what you know.’ | “You must pardon me, Miss Man- esty, but—ha, this is un- commonly like playacting.’’ ‘oof against his ila her pur. pose gohaven ee! “What do you know Stat David s Gann As Graham 7 | Webb anak Sons, of “This,” he savagely retorts, “this, that he is a mean, miserable out of the fi au Be is being acne to him.’ David Graham—terrible- wrong— z second note! Verily here is dis- er most complete; he sees him- self routed, the stones of his fort: ress flung upon the groun | He is sorry, t—ah, yes, this is the note, is it; received by post only this Seta: shes di slip out the table where the lantern Heht may n it. The m’s carrying ary load of his own shoulder- ing—but Margery Manesty’s being round by Be CANNON MADE OF GLASS. ment 8 T’ve got to do something ;| Tinion secrecy, bide of that ainaea ti rerio, and w 4 ot at Hevterdala Harbor,|M.t Besides, if it should ee Mia a-} Lord, why should men be given ie ion there’s no telling what he may power of joy and B be wire do. What if he ,took his secret: to hone of us fit to lay a finger on ft: David Graham?” Strang p yhow, I’ve settled Models of Mafeking Guns. One of the last says a writer in the na,— Vl not go to him wit! Thom: whatever I do or say I'll deal with her, Having thus ciple of fail en The Captain |" applied hi 0 the selection of Brod. At ae md of half an hour | — he fixed a thoughtful gaze upon the Godt ae and murmur Is, and, fool though he is initials his own— iow ‘on’t be bau ve a ae ane in aes act oe he shan’t gle out of| e. I suppose Ta Soetter go 5 there’s no help for it—Pd better go. Down upon the harbor he blun- ders on to the wrong side of the mooring posts, stumbles against we tautened ropes that bind the re “Ti you want to help David Gra- ‘ham, meet me on the brig Hercules, now in the old dock at Allerdale, nine o'clock to-morrow, night, Te one; come alone.— te nest cut of the bones of his i—a wrecker ty pounds e ot a someth ne efonneiieh tlie txt tone soaker SS heeor side revile him. ! 28: That is plat I know of David Gra-| Cae Uke ham ey ie axle-tre: “Ts that all?’ out- | ornamental bras: aa Bending low so that Margery may not detect the working of his features, he reads it again and her ac- His callous The i she Mather ale acsetven beta. ‘Why, I know more that that my-| pill at Margery Manesty’ll| tan e land, curses tes, an a bas {interest in that theye are exact|manure, whic! ‘ do avid Grabam|and crosses again into the zone “To nie, ee ore ral now at least that David inodels of famous ordnance fe ne See hae aetna ae eneeeee pal The Til do all I can to| where safety Ii ee itag Mensity ie kaye Coe that he a which jor-General Baden- cheartally to spendin g-B940 thin gph Ree gling eee % ‘ back the happiness she’ 8] Now he can sce the triple lights|fronting the gicl again, “The i : vell successfully defended Mafe~| ear. ‘The wahle capital outlay Susty AUoRICUlAHione Gee nies r whose gleaming triangle the|tials are certainly mine bu Pe ee calcihe wae who cide) Season ae. Pl hanvine iiwa's aaee y |the impr 5] home: -coming mariner looks and| writing is* not. eree enor di one of these days I shall find in that place during the siege, and | equipped. including two deep welia:| Soeaiteie wade ot details that ne last longs, now the briny breath of the! about the note never sent it,| ond one Ne investigation has since shown that) <i] engines, fercing, the house for |tend to an Aes ace Then The Series ‘threw the bed! Solway meets Le and here, at| this is the first I have seen of it,”’|° i this old cannon was cast in Staf-\1ho Frenchman, his wife, and five |pig with the clean bed Rina «bed Me coverings over his head and posi-|iast, is the Hercule 5e or mel” (To be réatinue) ordshire, at an iron works within childvensacarell paelbaarialr ara- Oe te dkioy de wermnendedaa rave tively rolled upon the mattress in} The Hercules, pele kocmn Bed by He raedesl ie ands Sasway: Sees Non soinuley Weis. crane apts | Mussoalia will amount to rather’ [able and at peace with itself and foe GEACOeT. 0 one of Allerdale’s derelicts, and|of Hope, ou whose sun-kissed tow. the pre 7 great Pehmepty. DUNE | isa thot 235 : he world. The sleeping time of is It’s a squelicher, this, an’ years ago her name should havel ers yes have been fixed] GROUNDS FOR COMPLAINT. | fin, Bese the gun was known as this pig is devoted to real slee : umiteke: , Michael Strang,|{ccn expunged from the register.|throughout the day, thus rudely ene re Melon eon Se eDhue polation Horie memati nics guar be Michael Strang, I’ve rigged up © Th. Michael Strang's lexicon, how: timbled into, dusty Margery re-| A man entered » famous restau- Sally,” the officers using the for-) aids 2p on he ee pau, ion uae au are se ae ever, the word ‘der ” had nofgards him with shocked and unbe- one ; Be ee co! ee eee mer name and the men ei atter.| NEW BRITISH BATTLESHIPS, 3 G snmedinaidy prepared fs tabs: , and even whe ie les have ‘ ; = ion, too, nis! ee rs — PF, . -: ie ; stopped oul not be able to drop tae wadlpue aE boe at a the Heving eyes: after a fashion, t00,| ie Me ter and said = two to be Completed in Spring are|i# All in quick time; but, in the rs indictment against him was that) her brain 1 toy, h ff od ase of the pig to whom a comfort- Tap Achoony he had never been known to hand| tangled threads of circumstance. aiter, ee A Hele it B6 SMILE IT DOWN. of Dreadnought Class. i : music, si ike italy tune, ot the Sena Geen Shae kaeckers: “You haven't called me here to-| Points and i One 4 "ve give F , : "e[of its good pointe petite oa taka Eyeryone who loves you A recent issue of 1 : Bending low over the harbor-| night,’ says, “you haven't : ; 1 short, rotten, stinking straw and 2 fue ater ihe. eee “softly side, Strang peers with apprehen-| asked me to meet you? Then will chines it i ee ea pon js, Yo Sani amu Teapne sl QBnal gurse Macon BN noea tae ta tic BL obit fei nighed hi 0 sleep but. the| you teli me why you are here your- 5 Plea cthe eauen see you cheerfu cOn= | Ao Cierteahion au einer: Praae quite gratified. Vision: some tip floated before his mind’s rubbed his hands glee-~ ‘And happy all the while. Smiling comes so easy! Do not wear a frown, CHAPTER XX. night detail is blended into mass. fas Guincideass, Mins Ma ips Some clumsy fool sent you| ve, am Weigh Forty Ponuds and are Exact things in the | trand h one would Src e glass-worker te create would be) Brendes! | England, recently built two cannon | he ew, one Who is grading gold out: guns weigh, itt their limber, for- 8 aud bearings are of creations burst she turns aside with a smile. jmay lait £6 Matotkome sindnc PROFITABLE MINING TWO GROUND FLOGR CHANCES. BOTH TOO COOD TO LOSE. r basis anil early enongh.. Don’t wait until all the preliminary profits are taken. Don’t until the prices of shares soar out Once, twice, thrice he walks the esty. AC eed see Fa 1 ‘a 5 Nov. 9th, 1904, and the ship took|When he ought to be asleep an yond a doubt, Michael Bran Yength of the ship, fore and aft he that note; I desired to see that my fully. If you feel one rising, » 1904, ip 4 wan deeply. distur’ owed] searches the hull for glimmer of{ ship was all right; we selected ne ie bad resumed the Sees Always smile it down. sue pias ty Se aes Divine. oh pada deste seer himsell row, lowered lids and enced lantern ray, but finds none, and|same hour—and that is all.” age hath. Ae tei lb Neal 0 =e othea cate eet eect ats Out of the heap ofslth to partake lips all caoantied in the creation| finally he grips the mizen shrouds| “All!” repeats, poe to| coffee in i Teacher—‘‘Is there any connect-|y\o> tot” Gontracta for, the de.|¢t the, food supplied to him, of a frown, Stronger proof sti!l|and swings himself on board. — | herself than to Sis d T had ing li etween the animal and| (0. ove Ghurka and Afridi, were| It takes a long while for him to St imental distraction, a little dab| What shall he do now? Await rexpected so much. Sinat ae I| The truth ig more apt to suffer|the vegetable kingdom?” Bright |S"0PG"s “ANT, “0G Wontember, [get to the trough #0 Ach ehe of color showed redly upon his yel-|on deck the coming of his man or, ‘do now?” from lack of circulation than_a lie.| Pupil—‘Yes, mum; there’s hash!” eee, The GHinkk Gas ae padi Ravine Seve spent in ubbing and aeeeseree eee — service early this month, and the| Scratching against | every available i urn r bd Mining brings quick returns if you are in on a fi wait until the ore is bagged and shipped; until. brokers can play see-saw with the market at your expense; of reach or reason. Dou’t wait until someone else has taken all the cream, i Come im with us now and Share Good Profits PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTING AND EXPLORING The total Capital of this Beeickts.t is $5,000, one hundred shares at $50.00 each. four thousand dol- We believe in The Saville Prospecting & Exploration Com- bal, e asks 000) retained for RORSEIY a iy the ae alia i thousand dolar ($1,000) is to be ex- pany, Limited, (No Personal Liability). Tom Saville is a widely Line on a ¢ property, the number of which is 2178, consisting of about 40 acres, situ a 3 North- West of the Government Townsite of “GOW GANDA” and is he diabase |. known, well-liked, thorough-going experienced prospector. When : formation irith nice calcite veins and one year’s assessment. work done. The property is now held in | this Company was orge anized with the low capitalization of $500,- trust a prominent member of Parliament who will ersonally sign all receipts aud will direct the | 000, par value $1, of which 300,000 shares are Treasury, Tom devel (ror, i fully paid sh: for th lendid opment 000 ares: ir hree splendis zm OBJECT is to take ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (81,009) provided for in the Syndicate to Sarill accepted a ee tee ere ea Salt a Hs ss prospect the claim carefully as soon as the snow fie: li develops, as we believe it |~Claims. described’ as 3 cs th oper st ee fee @ money for further motes 1076, stats and Gow Ganda Lake Districts. These will, the Syndicate wh form a Company and sell Treasury ste mt, which | give each Member of the Sy oe a substant ial holding at first cost, and ifit makes | three claims are jn areas of proven silver richness in ® success there will atte each holder. If the ah Sadicate are not satisfied | the immediate vi f well-known claims of demonstrated with the property after expen ling the money they w: will sell and seats as ae of ible. OUR IDEA | value. Tom He has also signed a muons with the Company is that if any sition of this kind is the best Rome pope eee in that day. “We like the | to give his exclusive services without salary for one year. loeali At hada hi perty. LLARS sas % ‘vested in this manner on is now prospecting in a new silver district, and all the results the round for in Beek Gis oN RESERVES ke Sl Le 3 a oe properties | of his efforts during the coming year will become assets of this in ** would have rofits, and fortunes have made janner We are Company. We have secured a small block of shares in this offering Ave yodionte, ‘ANN, a 2a REV ESD OBIE” age well known | Company. for a quick sale to provide funds for developing properties in ‘ GOW ed South of this Claim on the same Kind of formation. How- the properties now held, and e support Tom Saville’s explora- ever, thi is purely speculative. tion party, we will offer them a} Maps and Facts SHARES $50.00 EACH THI RTY CENTS A SHARE sat Our Office, MO LHOLLAND & CO., ee ‘ 34 VICTORIA ST., TORONTO, ONT, WE HANDLE ALL MINING STOCKS ON ALL EXCHANGES. Inmmediat is planted, are the lines of frames [ited in every inch with lettuce and carrot and eoaltower in a happy Alongside iste: there are the |eloches, each w our lettuces, and again the noe seedlings, low are the long pointed | ridges of heaped wil, already tyesic then kates ea was ‘one frame-width thirds a | ef six golden—soil the piled | in, inches of black— Tom an near end of ridge: The ‘heaviest item of erence during the year £12 ‘templated additions to the Royal The contract for the bat- Afridi will not be ready until next nought, will not be completed un- til Juné, and the bey not. until March or April n royant,, Ae ser es Dreadnought was lai wn at Portsmouth on Jan. 1st. ‘Bhe will have. a novel aes of her large guns, e new seco cont second- e of ee 4,500 tons displacement, Wit! ih.psy they are to steam Hy knots, aa de- signed; three more knots will be aimed for. By the bye, ask any officer which are the fastest destroyers — the 30-knot type or the 25-knot River d- from any bot the SOx: pt in a dead calm, and that is not the finigl state SET “Young man,’ * said the. seas “T must say you've done a heap o’ talkin’ about your family tree, Anybody would think you owned a whole timber-yard. Come out into the lane ute.’’ The youth in golf clothes heer him, Paus- mg es a er 8 tic-| Pe pri of this.’’ ‘What for?” ‘That’s our family tree. That's what has heightened our ideals and i our energies. ‘That has furnished switches | fur four or five generations of of us.” Marriage is a » gamble when there is money back o! The contracts for the In-|and ¢ while he a in the act of vincible and Inflexible were placed eating, he is far trom being at t, 1905, The Inflexible| Peace. An eye should be given to was Co! on Dec. 12th, the pig’s bed daily, and if there are ‘the Invinelbie will be completed | any damp portions, these should b this sprii remo A peaceable Pig is a pro: The. Temeraire, a new Dread-|fitable one, and a clean, dry bed of w is a condition in the class? They will unanimously tell | maw About the Farm AEFE+ 4444454444445 444 BEDDING FOR PIGS. reeding is Suen and ith good + + + + + + + + rs Ett tte ores dusty straw has a very invitating effect with the pig inwardly as well as outwardly, in that the pig noses way into its bea and conse- quently inhales a considerable por- of the dust and fungus ie matters of this deserip- to eventual se for the profit on the pig, rear- <4 for ae Ra is not large n the necessary, it conse- that it doe s nob pig-keep! branch of the iS atactriange ts sell all his best straw and keep nothing but the rough, inferior stuff for the. actual bedding for his It is true in summer the general condition o! pig department. should be of a more rural nature thansn winter, but in allotting to the pig the bedding, g, so essential to its welfare in summer, the cares of the winter ue st e over- looked, but a supply of the sound- est straw ated for actual bedding in winter, Filth can be made to uce a profit if trodden into manure, but this is not enhanced by first supplying this to the pigs for actual ing. poligy to sell all the best straw ‘oft t farm for other people's paencben: for if the best is essential to the oo of other dav 8 stock at ast & reason: able rtion is good ie the grower’s ow i A good bed of sound Srheab Gara for pigs in winte ore econo: mical than any straw, be- cause its lasting qualities Shir conditions more than make e difference in the price of it and other straws is very absorbent, it quickly takes up the slightest da: ains it, an necessary to be padi at looking ever the bed to get away such por- tion. Barley straw gets short and 7 {dusty very quickly, and pigs laying in a foul bed of this soon get lousy, and lice do not contribute to com-, fort and repose of their hosts, and comfort and of mean a the fattening p n impression is soon made on. the mind of the observant, when comparing hie ahadaon and into a coil, as is his wont, and this 2 S management that contri- sbleness considerably to this peace- a all that has ben said as to the advisability of keeping the pig urnished bette a sw fe is yet moother: cobinh to be nin regard to the se fortable repose of the pig, and ti is the condition of the floor of the sleeping quarters. i useless to put good s! 0, 6 comes absorbed by the bedding ma- terial. Daily siento and the best of say supplied will not warrant a sweet, dry bed da such a state of afaiea: RSS ory See ay BRAVERY. ¥ Edith—‘Winie says she wil never 0 isn’t a hero,” Marie—‘But she can ean, con Ma Rat Ph. man into a 0.” “By getting a man to marry her,’”’ Mrs. Naggs—‘‘My husband used to find fault with the coffee, but > he ibe e any. more. rs. Ho- phew yw did you break him of pabitt’ Mrs, Nagge—"'T ins 2 iced him. te rod it himse’f one