EVERY THURSDAY MORNING “The Sun Printing Office ~ Main Street, =f S Milverton, Ont’ “SUBSCRIPTION RATES One moathe, 26 ‘cents: in advance, Subes | CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES: . 3 Mos. M A Bight cciits pet tine for rst insertion 9: four cents per line for sent ins subsec Goon will be charged for oll trausdeat adv tisement Advertitéments without specific directions wll be taserteduntit forbid and charged ac- Rorainal Chanats fer sontcact advertisemnts must be in the office by noon Moy Mailor telephone orders will receive prompt attention. 1 M MACBETH. MALC! B onths, 50 ceats; three ribers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.50 per year, lisher and Proprietor. EDITORIAL you. soon you take a little Diapepsin. Canada lest a good man when Joseph Martin left our shores to ‘be4 come a resident of England. A man who goes ‘out iin this country to fight the people’s battles carns the combin- Seietbe while the people stil! blind- ly vote for ‘party. touching on the Goyarnment’s pro- posal for tha cstablishing of a Poo- vineial police force makes the sugges- tion that an arrangement b¢ sorgi' With the department of militia and defense by whieh the present military would be used as a mounted police for the provinces. It would be excel- lent training for them, he ‘says, and afford them the satisfaction of doing 1 and er- er Business Cards something useful in return for what they receive from the country Pare Dentistry. ‘At the Emmet ‘birthday celebration R, eh nage pee Lic- Member DR. entiate of Dental Surger of Royal College af Dental Surgecns onor graduate of Toronto ” “Crown and see wor ork a Sp ” fiee ars 9a, m. to5 talty. dha Bovensign Beaks Milverton.” above in New York it was pointed out t the good effect of Mr. Gladstone work for Ireland was now apparent Ait the first of January of this year island of Medical. F. PARKER, Drs. Parker & McComb OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Houre—10 to 12 o'clock m., and 2 o'clock p. ‘and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. .D. R.J.A, McCOMB, 41.1 to 4 t more than 801,000 Srish. formers now own the land they till. Geadually oe surely, absenitee landlord'sm is becoming a thing of the past in Erin. og oe Veterinary. Mr. ‘Proudfoot of Goderich, in the BARR, Veterinary Surge Milverton, Graduate of Ontario eon, Veterin- ‘Treatsall diseases Is by. tele- phone of otherwise promptly attended to, course of hig speech’ during \the bud- get debate in the legislature ¢ondem- ned the policy whteh required licenses Societies. for the fresh water fishermen on the big lakes. To his mind there was no MILVERTON: ,LODGE, No. ; M. Re meets every Monae jay eveuing on or ore full moon of every month in hall in Ranney’s Block, ren almays welcome, Dr. R. Lev We M., W. J. ‘i ZOEGER, SECY. “ilverio thelr Visiting breth- ERMAN, fas Pequ a t wlith expensive outfits, and ‘their calling was, moreover, 4 dangerous and hazardous one. He spoke from a personal knowledge of 0. F., No. every second and last month, at 8 Rothaermel Visiting brethren always welcome, Tucker, C. R., ugh, Ree-Secy 99, Milverton, meets life on the banks of Lake Huron eee \ Hon. Ra ee Ae . P. Graham, Mini troduced a bill f the gradual elimination of danger- . Fy as Star fr. Seoy. B, ‘Tinkbeinery i “Seey. ous railway level crossings. The bil! " |provides for the setting sum of $200,000 /a ‘year by the gor. ernment for five years, The gove ment will pay mot more than twenty per cent. of the cost of the protects Notary Public. ‘on while the railway commission W. D. V tioneer for the County of Perth a loo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wille a Mortga; Village Clerk. over the Bank of Hamilto WEIR, bbe’ Public, Au is made. will be empowered to order any mun- ‘e‘pality or railway to contribute what it considers their proportion of tb balance. (Only where the crossing is a very dangerous one ‘will there be ic nd nd Hotels. any demand on the pact of any mun: EXCHANGh HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. John Gropp, Proprietor, Best st soda Pomtacohas eat large iianlisg, ieipality for a change. * The age at whieh pupils may onter GRAND SE fe HOTEL, Mil 88 ‘accommodation for Three tabling, erton. Fir: somtmercial iavelore and others, large Good Hest brands brands of liquors and eiga Chas. Ritter, Proprietor. the Normal schools in training for public sehool teachers has been 4 creased one year. were eligi schools if n- Formerly pupils le ‘for attendance at these they were cighteen {before the end of the term. This regulat!on 8, pep ke faa epee) Milverton, Ont. eee ‘ion Ra travellers and 0 fone bas been /ehanged and now ‘they will Te | Bave to We eighteen before the term commences. The new regulation goes into effect this year. (While the regu- ation will undoubtedly improve the THE ROYAL HOTEL, malay dd, ‘e-fitted | ha and Pre Choicest liquors and cigars, P. BERDUX, THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berli Baten $1.50 par day. Wane Wier, opt ‘qualifications of teachers it will also ve a tendency to render members of the profession’ more scarce and at present there seems to be d‘fficulty enough in igetting teachers to sup- +| ply the demand. c. . . Mr, Byron H. Stauffer im a latter to the Toronto Globe very properly takes exgeption to the way in which the inquest in the ‘Hamilton murder trial ‘9. | bas heen carried an He says that to k Legal MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, mber of the f pe will m rion overy Thursday, J. M, CARTHEW, Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Solicitors Stratford J.C. Makins - W. J. Hanley Ontario eep @ young woman whose’ system has necessarily a Suit a terribly strain for days, rb room for : ered hours and then one her to = ness ‘stand at ‘10.80 o'clock » ght when other ipeople Ge with the ordinary worries bf the day thinking of retiring and wibsene Sai to another three ‘hours of a mo Lids ing examination until she faints way, “ nothing short of ‘torture. it may not 'be medieval torture of the body but it certainly ida modern tor- BULL BRAND RAZORS ARAZOR MADE OF WIRE, NO HONING SEE IT AT Public Drug Store Sole Agents 10010 ——————— EMAKE MONEY F fl and dur- “ing Pelham’s a Peart rnamental Trees, Shrubs, the winter months. We “ohtek yo ing steady and profitable Sn iT jculars. Se NURSERY ERY CO. ture of the mind. It is nothing more than a square deal to agk that Plov- nee Kimrade ‘be given at least ithe benefit of a clear brain and a rested body. - In Five oe G ae, you calle its indgcatia, Gastritis or Catar doesn't matter—t: ee wane stone trouble right ep Ra to your Pha: Dyst rupsles Stom: es one 22-gr: become affected with Io: and fullness a on fickle and bent , ors you belch 2 feel bloat ed after ca or ting oF Jurd cn em! ott sour ore te! hg vemy htt you ive mitutes there waclett any s Must sees we ‘Games e is a curious piece of news d hostility of rich and fowerful car- | o¢ on] | ely St (Distress cd #8 \A’ Correspondent vot the Weekly Sun to enable \them’ to matenes.” It seems that the Distress Commit en Ree been Aas to fit im wi ith the foor Ae “Mayor was angry. nemployed. But ress Committee Seidel no sympathy} the healthful pursuit of seats ae consider an admir-1 able a man page wiat arto when he obs ve Er tiny of the Workpeaple land seem, t st and one can anti cbeMare? SBE people who squander enthiis: in a football suit to the soldier on jrselback. har Was Mixed Often SG aes Sie being told ar town and ands 5 country pedple this . simple Peerage exture ae ing Rheuma- tism a Kidne le. Here is th rec divesiions for taking, Mix by shaking well fm a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces oes oy p Sarsaparilla. Take ase Seriee ns after meals No made in your penal wit, ue arinte plenty, of good Manis fisture. tae’ peculiar tonic effect on the kidneys; cleansing the clogged-up pores of i acid and other foisonous wadte mat~ ter overcoming Rheumatiam, Bladder and Urinary troubles ‘n 2 short tim a Kidney en sen aetrhs w Rheum atism. ee ae t one n Le be the eat pnts Which “hie anally mie at home, Thier foe no bet ter blood ‘eeane ni ystem tonic known, and certainly none more harmless or simple to use Institutional Children there ¢ or four thous~ aad sldsen in Ontario and 100,000 a discipline, Be wat ent at i Sees ite. the are sani “suppressed. Ne natural “ on abeadls They act hn ut in a body perform teats © signals from the superior intelli- nie whieh stands to them nd personal 5 successful career in the outsi a worl ld It Prevents Sore Throat simpler way to ture a cold and stamp out sore throat than by apply- ing Nerviline—rub ut On a Nerviline Porous eoromleat: sell (Polson's Nervilin for 25c., the plasters ‘same ‘price. ware of substitutes. Prohibit Sale of Revolvers ‘Toronto 2 Melegra: = a man weaieee to aes himself £ go to a drug store sign acaba Comply with» variety dtother forms ‘a man wishes to kill eoctaee else, he goes to a hardware «st uys a revolver, the on ete errand asked. ‘ery, Weapon to be every purchaser t sign ai sree e to Soureeit atten, your next st i as yood as i t Never Lieddes a Corn I's 2 sure way a ‘get blood po's- ‘se Putnam's Corn Extract- wit, Painless Lh ture to ma day. - begin euting what Ee eS witout [3 3 tlheard at Winnipeg, ten value 50Oc. March 21st, 08, Opened | For Business : March 20th, ’09, Our First | In celebrating this, our first anniversary, we do not overlook the fact that without the con- fidence, good-will and patronage of the people of Milverton and vicinity, the phenomenal growth of this remarkable youngster would have been impossible. Now, we feel pretty good this spring, and in- stead of asking for birthday presents, we feel just like giving presents to our customers, so commencing Thursday, March 18th, and end- ing April 8rd, we will give a present to every purchaser of $5.00 worth of merchandise in our store a handsome Sugar and Cream Set, (Sugar and Cream Set—blue and gold borders, flower decoration of red Japan- ese astors or tinted body.) $5.00 in cash or $5.00 in trade, traded out in our store entitles you to one of these handsome sets. Only one to a customer Call in and see these sets. FACTS—A year ago Saturday, March 21st, we sold 2,250 Oranges at 14c per doz. This Saturday we will sell 2 dozen for 25 cents. Trade has the same purchasing power as cash. Highest prices paid for produce. ENGELAND @ SON Prot. H. A. Ho ot Havana, juba, Ri pacer panda Chamb- erlain’s poums Remedy. ae Chambi erlain’s Cough Ri fe have I realized. walt. would, live until, morning. fou mother’s remedy, cumstances’ I would moment in saying that Ohamberiniita sale by all druggist —~— * Mr. Mabee out West The Railway Commission is now Balch hs sessions in Western pane ce to : tae Beebon man Mabee says that fifty casos were at. Medicine Hai, thirty at (Palaary and thirty ven at Bdmets sa a . Mabee ite conscited to ee ive an bas ss to, the Canadian Club at’! nipeg on his return trip east. On February 20th tne weather was qnite mild at Edmonton, people going bout. without byeredats. Mr, Mabee. thinks there is a great future ahead. of Edmonton. uae and GROCERIES —Soranton (the famous Coal) al. aye on hand, line, of fresh Groceries instock. Salt in bulk or by the barrel, G. 4 AMILT ° N, Station Store - Milverton. ¢. ove JOB PRI NTING ! We do the better class of ‘printing, and we do that class just a little cheaper than the other fel. low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills statements, dodgers, cards, etc, all receive the. same care: ful treatment—just a little better than seems Liars Prompt'service always. . : H. MOHR’'S RELIABLE GROCERY ND BAKERY Dried Peaches......15¢ lb. Large Prunes......,15¢ Ib. Lima Beans ........10¢ lb, Japan Rice..........10¢ Ib. Seedless Lemons 2 for 5c. Jamaica Bananas 15 and 20c per dozen Black Cherry Wine, pint bottles, 15¢ Knox's Gelatine 15¢ pkg. H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid. for Produce New Spring Suitings and Pantings! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW & UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF SPRING & 2 SUMMER SUITINGS BEFORE BUY- ING ELSEWHERE, STYLE, FIT & WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED., Also a choice line of Pantings. The Old Reliable. 3 Merchant Tallon — H. KNECHTEL