Milverton Sun, 15 Apr 1909, p. 4

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We know of no other medicine which has been so suc- cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secur red so ees enuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham’s table Compound. n cannes every eonanty you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg- etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or ps oe sone one who has. In the Pinkham Laboragary at Lynn, Mass,, are files con- taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women séeking health, in which- many openly state over their own signatures that’ they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has saved many ee from re cc pound is made ex- —«Wwithout Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable ould pepe latte ‘8. leet Bye months I painful Soa Pereguiar peri of the uterus. 1 sufe fered like a martyr a thou ght ete vot death. I consulted doctors wh could do nothing for me. I wen hospital, and th rs said I ho t submit to an operation, because Thad atumor. I went back home ich disco: ars One of ‘my cousins advised me to take your Compo’ |, as it had cured her. [did so and soon commenced to feel Reston and my appe- pense sieceg toast tee ties pt ty ne pee one am Your rei is de: mexetan. < af a Shae, Valleyfields eateriver, Quebe Women who are suffering fer those istrest De ills pee to their sex should not lose eet of these facts + doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Genpanad to restore their health. ae radish seed, and lettuce.too, Go balla yourself an caer fe Bow sev Dig up ae orth ‘round each straw- or ratermeions you'll need a patch, (Pay up your subscription, ‘season’ eed, Ice ‘the printer's tine: ofl wand, pay r the Se whatever is ed, the printer must be na renbenbOr: a ‘eyal rows of “early pi And pay for last year’s ae plete ~ herr a eae aaa rant your paper, “just # rop a Plant some mots ieee to put in the : ‘ind remember the printer is short "gf cash, Fix up a hill or two of. bea! wae a wil oe the editor divide your editor’s pants need one to As sure as you're born. \Giean Times. end one of ‘the most successful sents yurch. ‘bad given for church work than ever before. The number of communi was also increased, wh of the success of st fe years is attributed to the indcfatig- b of’ the ctor th Rev. ‘W. J. Spence, of 5 A vote of thanks was tendered the or- for their praiseworthy services anil regular attendance. Messi rt jeMane and m1 ar. Mr. . Roe was pide ee isienate to the Huron Synod 2' In bith nates Take your sour Pe inisi or maybe you ‘call it Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas- tritis or Cata, Stomach ; it does- n't Tati teks your stomach ,rouble right with you t there is any trace left of your aiemnebb misery The correct name for your trouble is Kood Fermentation—food souring ; the ‘ans become weak, ther Business Cards Dentistry. wR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- we PUBLiemED RYBRY THURSDAY MORNING e ote < Dental Saoey a fet Mente: ae lar symptons. a of Dental Surgeons off ==" ft gaur appetite fe fiskle and noth. On i eee eradunta ot Toronto Uni- ing tempts you, or you gas or if mero Crown and Bridge work a8} The Sun Printing Oftice feel bloated, after eatiig oF your 3 a p. Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. He ump of ir above the Beversig . st a you can make up your mind 1 that at ‘the bottom of all this <here is os SUBSCRIPTION RATES: it —fermentation of undi- PD. PARKER, M.D. P. L. TYB, M.D. ee ze: rt 91; eet Oo seta: these wasted foe if, 1t3) ‘a , ithe, cent cs r na 7 “ee ee DRS. PARKER & TYE | | iS arrears wilbeli 381.00 per year, | meal chat: your stomach 1 eae nese ae Pe iy CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES any; that re is thing really corer: Pons kOe STORE, aL venton Sto Dm. and 7 to8 o'clock p Saverinacy. J. W. BARR, Vote Milverto: ae Graduate of ‘Ontario Wretsie i Septss wher dieeasee we fourceate a for oo on will be charged for a Laverticements withont epesific directions will be inserted uatil forbid and charged ac- 8 tele- | cordingly. porno or pienmahng rome, led to. vGhaners: for Sracos ee must ‘Weasation. Mallor telephone orders willrecetve prompt MALCOLM MacBETH. waar hebves Pa atrdd ng Publisher and Proprietor. The Milverton Sun ; ion and abe gece t ieser- SS wer- limbs, sleeplessness, belching 3 pieces Black, Navy and Brown Panama Dress " Goods, 54 inches wide, special per yd.:..........43 cts... Dress Muslins Extra Special per yd............5 cts. oe White Spot Curtain Muslins, Extra Special per |» yard. 1000 yds Embroidery and Insertion, per yard 2 cts. Children’s 25c. Cotton Hose,-special per pr. 16 cts. 2 pair Men’s Black Cashmere Sox for......25 cts. S.cts, 8 AN Men’s Fleeced Lined Underwear, special, per garment........... aannand 38 cts. : 4 Men’s Print Shirts 35 cts. | 2 cans Our Own Baking Powder.............25 cts. : x Salmon, 3 cans for... Prunes, per Ib...... Comfort Soap 6 for......... eck ee agen AR cone Ba Best Selected Raisins, 4 Ibs. for......... Seeded Raisins, 1 lb. pkgs. 3 for......... teavbiolgecdusboseotcedee OS DIAN AER ye ke w op this fermentation and begin eating what you want without fea i 1g for site” “of how T¢ is merel; on you take a little Diapepsin. Canada and the Empire a Free Press ain shown hi Canada a oe Shivers meots. eg ag: ue ere full moon we ar onth hall in Ranney’s Bi Visiting: foes ren almays ne ym, R. LEDERMAN, W. M., W. J. ZORGKER, SECT, €. 0. F., No, a Milverton, meets ‘every neoond and last Tooedey of every menth, a their hall over ator Beautify the Village bright days which now so tre- aes grect us and the ere t it isinot to soo. paced ri and to propa r ¢ bea Milverton has n 1,0,.0, Fe "aver ren ot been so favored Lodge,” No, ilverto mee 7.90 p. m. in their hall o Store, Visiting brethren ans aenneeee r, N.G., W.K,Lo F, 8eoy., E, Finkbeiner, R, Sey. Notary Public. W. D. WEIR, ote Public, Auc- for the County of Perth and Ee Bank of Hamilton, La gredt Hoteles. deal of either Sect ane or ane on their EXCHANGL HOTEL Brauner. Ont. | 2” Skee but they can Prom nome pe ay ‘add trim, It the it Lada Sf but there are al numeretis which pee tbs-256 by os pots sightly ‘A little fore baghtna tittle ‘siaaning= pach ¢ half —— tnd wellere and r room Pee ands of li Chas. Ritto arpiseniogs Ont. 1 for oominercial rates nen | jor any one to give, and the whole ware Hae Would bene paged enrast be altlsatn Sikri caciy Wiese lea, George F. Pat sbrowcince th oak tel porte Wellesley, wns Ont. hones Tigh id re-fitted |to themselves and all others who see hem. pe agslet bai jhacox the Prefere: in 1] to the. public, oo Tiquors and slgere. P, BaRDUX, Mr. Fred C. Hanraban, prominent *)arne ati ot Bot temouth si I have so! ‘8 sold ane ud ber lain’s Col- ie, Cholera and Spates Remedy. ee AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, poy rea pea tii ‘Commercial Best |is a great remedy and one of the best tetved at the bar tent medicin the mark Pieter $1150 parday. War. Wirt, Ppro | Patent far fers Diacaabis oat Poses that pay me a larger profit but | ths remedy is so cer to effect a MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, itors, Ete. Solicitors for oe Bank ae to ilver: for, pee ogee sale by all druggists. iverton every Thursday. MORPHY, .. 3.M, Ci —_——+—_ ARTHEW, pr rinity. Church Vestry: Meeting ‘annual’ Gsinoas meeting of the 25ce. boxes. y. ANY pe -|@ femily, ipa Lule ‘male ton many beautiful lawns and grounds}old, m: QW. |W. CORY, |e Deputy of the Minister of Interior. of the family relationship. To Move off a Coid Cough mixtures “dope a cdid—but else keep the tra ate dull headache, ach- ing ay are gh disappears. Take a barens retiing, they work y morning your rs se!l Dr, Hamilton’s Pills in All deale: sone Touch of Nature Makes he Whole mec Kin.” ‘When 9 rooster big fat worm he balls all ‘ie bene in the Synopsis of Canadian caiabuen term yard te daha 81 LAND REGULAT thin, erebiewiho is the sole head of | over 18 years} ot bis disco quarter-section |of nature that at ineken the ees worl xplains why peop! ime~ i lu. a HAMILTON touch Cy COAL and GROCERIES ~—Soranton (the fee Coal* br hand, “is line ri oes Station Store - Milverton. JOB PRINTING ! oor sinieg class of printing, and we do that class just a little cheaper igs the other fel- low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills statements, dodgers, cards, etc,,’all receive the same care- ful treatment—justa little ‘better than seems erg Prompt service always... 0. toba, Saskatchewan or applicant must appear in oe at the Dominion Landa - or Sub-Ag- ‘Dehine every Bs wey’, eer ‘he of to medy is for “sale son, dau, ghter, jbrother or ralaier ol tending exuiest teader. in- owe by an Deomgiate ics—Six ‘months’ Gesidence on him or bis Sater ae of idaughter; ‘brother o1 S . wert@in districts a ioametaas Hanan. Ptnhieotb Dytpena, praeese! iptoms onl} pecliic "of a certain hifees ‘slekness—nothiny ‘was this fact that first correctly led Dr. Sh ai the eroation of that now tary popular 6 he ‘Stomach trouble fs bt An taelt 0 true, feose ‘ef jj Going di homestead patent) and cultivate fifty | ie y~ Dr. Shoop’s Restornt stan tat acres ©) and Yavor to Dre ‘Shoo} and his stive. Wi fe cs San nesta ena on CN ‘ea prineole no 7 ler ‘who has exhausted | Sghasting secomplishments were aver to fils btinabaea Tighe and sennt-gbyain 3 i sulow co eso tr try Dr Shoop's pre-emption ma, e a purchased tive—Tablets or Liqui seo for your. mestead in certain districts, Price iy" recommaend wml dot We ell and’ cheer ey nacre. Duties—Must reside ix months in each of three year ae ‘tivate acy ae and ereot a orth Dr. Shoop’ s Restorative B.—Unauttiorized pouiine ee “ot in | this LN eects will not be H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY Dried Peaches......15¢ Ib. Large Prunes.......15¢ Ib. Lima Beans ........10¢ Ib, Japan Rice..........10¢ Ib. Seedless Lemons 2 for 5c. Jamaica Bananas 15 and .. 20¢ per dozen Black Cherry Wine, pint bottles, 15¢ Knox’s Gelatine 15¢ pk; H. MOHR: Highest Prices Paid for Produce New Spring Suitings and Pantings! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU 'T0. CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW & UP-T0-DATE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER SUITINGS BEFORE BUY- ING ELSEWHERE. STYLE, FIT & WORKMANSHIP ‘GUARANTERD...... Also agchoice line of Pane “THE PUBLIC DRUG sToRE. |

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