DUSE CLEANING § SALE ae CARPETS, RUGS, LACE CURTAINS, CURTAIN POLES, WALL PAPER, CURTAIN NETS, CUR: TAIN MUSLINS AND LITTLE HOME NEEDS OR the next Fifteen days, we will sell all the above lines at prices which will save you good hard cash. We count . ourselves fortunate in being able to assemble so good a lot of bargains this month. We could make fat profits on : many lines in this advertisement, but we prefer moderate pro- : fits and ane our customers better values than they get elsewhere. | AGREAT GARPET SALE | We are going to clear out every ; yard of carpet we have if low prices will move them. It is our intention to go out of this line and we will clear every piece we have at cost and less in F order to clear. If you need anything in Carpets, come in and - see the big values we are giving. Here is part of the list :-— 1 piece only Union Stair Carpet, good pattern, role 35 cents 19 1 ° per yard only 2 pieces only, eet eae extra good quality in red a green patterns, reg. 85¢ roe 1 piece only Tapestry Stair Carpet a7 inch width, good pattern, es ular 75¢, per yard........ : I piece only, yard Te a extra hey all wool Carpet, regular $1 yard Pace on gt y: ‘65 1 piece Wool Carpet, yard ‘hide ‘ood dark red pattern, ieee a joc per yard for. 59 1 piece only, Hemp Carpet, 97 nice pattern, reg. 35 for............ 0% “1.15 : 1 piece only, Velvet Brus- sel Carpet, reg 1.50 for..... y 2 pieces Union Catpet, yard ide, «new patterns, good weight, regu. * en lap 60c fe 39 Also a number of REMANTS & SMALL RUGS clearing at less than cost priees LACE GURTAIN SNAPS Huridreds of pairs of Lace Curtains now in stock, We import ‘our Lace Curtains from Nottingham, England, sauing all the : middleman’s profit. Buy your lace curtains at this sale and you will buy them at prices much less than you are in the ha- bit of paying. Priced from 39c to $5.50 per pair for this sale. ‘We especially call your attention to the extra big curtain val- F ues at $1.00 per pair. We think if you visit this sale you will say you' never saw: ch good values in lace curtains. OF... se perececeropee senbenst a AE piece Hemp carpet, gued pattern 3 wide, regular 15 ats. PEF 10 a d | WALL PAPERS Ae | TAPESTRY CURTAINS | = cee oy Tapestry Curtains, full length and good width, regular - see fa 5 Our stock being too hea vy’ is only excuse for the low prices ‘we will quote during this sale. = 357 §; Clearing At.ce. vss seesssn css ° Extra So TABLE COVERS About 200 doubla rolls Wall ids only, large size Tapestry Table all bright, new patterns, reg. A541, to 4oc per roll, for ....... 419 | | THE TITTLE NEEDS “You MUST have,at House Cleaning time at the LITTLE PRICES you like to pay. ’ Good Washboards, reg., 25 for White Curtain Poles, complete *Wood Towel Racks, each...... doz. Clothes Pins for........ donee good weight and seed colorings, reg. $2, for........... 1.59 14 qt. Galvanized Pails shed 35¢ for 19¢ Large Granite Wash Basi Brass Extension: Rods...... oe Brushes,....,... «5c Ironing Wax, ...3 5 Hand and Sink Brushes 2 for. SC (12 bars Good Laundry Soap for... .25¢ | 4 yards Linen Towelling...... 1250 3 bars good Toilet Soap for ' White Cups, best quality, each 4c ie Ibs, Washing Soda for: White and Crm Curtain Scrim 2 yds 15¢ THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR 15 DAYS ONLY <j We Want Your Produce——We Can Save You Money. 4 i Bug & Son} Willve: verte; Pisin ie for choice Lib prints butt ‘Cha r entertaine ames ing of the daint: party broke wp. Seemingly all enjoy d themselves. “Mr. Jobn Flejscbauer, of shvertan, Bos eect of or friend, aes Katie s Darke, a Milverton, spent mone ‘Sunday at bla home here. Miss Belle uthers visited her ‘iend, ‘Mrs. Robert loMane, of Mil- verton, hast ‘Friday. Mr. (Wallic seman: of Stratford, A wath his cousin, ver= be Beater: bolidays Sealer Birattond, c. B.C y ated at the hom Clarke last week. and Mrs. Clarke and Miss Ailli- son serived ‘Monday from England. y intend maki inate ante Beet Me Tonio is a brother of Mr. James ae Temes Meet ne is home Saturday having 6 signed fis Doaltion with Sobdeter & Wha! Miss dessie iAlexazider and Miss Belle Struthers spent ays last week Mr. and Mrs. Will. Chalmers, of to "spend ti» Buster holidays in Wood- the barns and wind mills by the high wind on Wednesday last. co! hn Schneider left Saturday sGousiderable damage was done to| © Ie KUHRYVILLE. - Mr. and Mrs. Jake jake Mogk; of Palmer: endi t ni lens holidays under the par- eaching evident- ly agrees with Lizzie as she is looking fine. Mr. John Denstedt ane in Atwood on ap piriay on busine Mr. ara a few weeks ago "mm! ith a sérious injury at P. | Due Ae saw mill is able to be at ‘work again. The following is the school report of SS. No. 10, Ellice. The names are in erlar tacos IV—Tena Mogk, Gordon Den- stedt, Metilda Lobr. ar. ‘Alfred ; Denstedt, Frieda Budden! meee Melinda Bohenoks, Loule tats, "Mary Weisgar Jr. 1—Martha Bu ddenhagen, Mil- enck, Elca Pfi , en Weisgarber, Samuel Weis- I—Amnie Bahn, Nelson “| Bmnith, ‘itinnie Gang, Frieda Babn, SE! ul. . Pt. ‘Ti_Gprio ion Koel ae ‘pt. I—Laura De ated ce apt I—Gerdon Sobench Freddie garbe: Sr. B. Are You bearing ct to Colds? Then don’t ieee your stomach w! ups. Send healing eed r of Catarrho- ugh the ‘bronchial tub- es, nostrils em air passages—every where a trace of disease remains, will follow. You'll not have Rheumatism Pains Relleved Mr. Thos, Bt tenton, postmaster of flor A an bottles oe ald by all Gruggiste. HAM! STEAD. Rey. Mfr. MoViei e of Atwood, occapied the pulpit in the church liere on Sunday. ‘The teachers of the Public School are’ fig mae the Easter vacation at ir homes in Owen Sound and Strat- ‘istina Dow, of Stratford, Roland, ‘Man., is at present visiting at her father, Mr. Jobn x spent a few days re. 1 cecompanied ‘by a lady friend. "Little damage was d ne. has been Faceived here ot place. Wit ee the last of the McLaren f ily who were pioneor settl settlers here. chitis is treated most scientifically by Catarhozone which goes right to the root of the trouble, Bronchitis can be treated successful ly only by a remedy carried direct ‘to the ‘affected parts along with the air breathed. Catarrhozone is ‘a vegetable anti- inhaled at the mouth. pissages of the thr sand fungs, is exhaled through the itation’ may be, Cat- is sure to reach it. Catarrhozone protects and heals the brane, sors the cough, js guaranteed muscle and tissue ases the sone us: aie heal- goes away for g A pimninent steambéat owner, well chitis on the face of tho oun, a prominent citi- t his wife could not get alon; wisheat it ve banged, Cutarrho- sone iaectlatien that itis Superior to arrbozone. All ste ists sell and Sean plete outfit, price $1.00; trial size 0s By mai! from N. ‘olson Kingston, ‘On {ssa SSR The British War Office, which re- cently conducted \suevessful experi- ments in transporti or buss the proprietors recei the use of oe ne nit fry driv r wearing a stripe pe torial Forse Reserv JRranepert locality iby the storm of Wednestay : BRONGHITIS | Scientifically Treated 4 colds, nor will you stiffer from sniff Get it otis: 25 ets. and $1.00 at ail dealers, NEWTON. mesting of thé delegates from the aifforent Morning Footbal he Ribena ies Association The eal officers wW. eve 5 - Grieves ; ast Vice Pres ing Executive Com., were oie nSnE ol oole and Fernbank'| th (Millbank, ave signified their intention’ of en: tering the league. It tight’ bank, has ax promises to donate a cup to the sinulay and Mrs i. “Tit, of Preston, are holidaying with the latter's mother. iE ‘Attig, of New Hamburg, epent a few days at his hom here Mrs. R, D. Ross and daugh- 2 Walter: Yost who is very ill is improy- Le Ritter and daughiter, Doi ae vot nacbare ote x the home of ae mother, Mrs. - Noab {Witt. of Berlin, paid a short viait 7% friends in our village. M -s. G. Kirkland spent Eas- ter with relatives in Toront ewart al etroit, Mich., is roast the rmer’s mond, of as holidays with the ewar' eod, late of ae Se n's hare Sunday. ae oi John Zoeger, of Toronto, visit~ ed Fames here during the Eagtier holiday: Mi , Davidson spent a few days in rent the gui f her friend, ‘Miss Ethel ‘Thompsor Mrs. Heats ‘is visiting parents at Bright. Are you Sleepless, ess, Nerqous ? her horrors crowded | into one life— ion and ned system. There is Eire for this terrible condition—plen- but mind you, food proper- more, it makes sick pi wane people strong, changes ' and insomnia into robust siden’ KeNiet in 2nd’ Vice . Dewar; 'reas., M. Dae ae follow- ‘ake Ferrozone and health js yours. 50 cts. at all dealers. SCHOOL:REPORT. he report of 8.8. The following ima, EV. Class-A, MoClory, E. Horn. EB. Pelhke. Sr, IN—A.. Hammond, hid Hender- son, D. ‘lory, son, fammond = “aii, Ne Tiles II A Bore, L, Smith, F. Mo- Cullough, C- Seat! N. smith. . TH. Met €. Grant, B. Hil- A ter ‘spent the Palate volidaye with ir. friends in 6tratford R. Pilgrim. T Mr. W. J. ‘Aitig left oa Friday to] | Jr. TE. Sait, i ,,Strelobert, resume his work at Haileybur: Hiiman, W, Pehike, B. Horn, G. Hor ‘Mr. Thos. Hutchison and soi C. Horn, E. Seile visited for a few days with friends at | Pt, T— B. h MeCiory, a. Horn Wingham. Pt. Iilman, M. Brightan Moe Evo Gtrachan, of the post y fice staff spent the holidays at he Bae _ MekKinnon, Teaoher. — a, Ww glad to hear ‘that Master ‘For ‘whooping 0« Cough o. Ubatntiertain'a Salt party It will keep the cough loase, eas) ing less (fr Jess * ae is safo and sure. For sale by iste. {| | % : ‘on. coug! oe WE KNEAD IT EVERY HOUR, sings the choir—also the |FINE BAKERY that Provides as we do, istry bread made. from nouri flou daleinds Oakes ond broad that other make. Our bakery commends seal i the publio because it is con- ducted on ponte: principles with most senlters and spotless surreund’ngs, ‘ses only pare. oni who lesome ifigred- jonts, ‘and thereby adds to the health of the community. putea our genuinely good baker; GEO. GUENTHER . The Higher Grade of ... ‘|LACE CURTAINS} we shine. in seeing 0 This shop shows the. best ‘assortment, ae of Curtain materials and high-grade Curtains, you'll find anywhere in the county. In furnishing a home it's very impor- tant to have nice rich looking Curtains on windows and doors---and that’s just where The newest portieres and curtains made. up in the newest ways. given to ordered work. You would be well repaid for a visit here some —- just ur Curtains. We have a special line of Cable Net : White Lace Curtains, Battenberg designs, at $2.70, $3, 3.85 $4 and 5.40 — . Very serviceable and good. in Appearance. “e Special attention: - Furniture, Carpets, 80 Ontario Street Undertaking Stratford, Ont. 4 GOODS DELIVERED FREE james given in order of —