Milverton Sun, 15 Apr 1909, p. 7

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‘The 6 ae E re all with outstretc! a longi Aeatteiition of the sons of God. ng viii. 19. (New Testament in| pious resolutions, 2 ei bh.) |schemes, goes home aritgntaily os \d women—for |dinner, lives happily ever after- wande. ‘and leaves two or three peo- g|ple to do the work. .This world festation of the Sons of God. --|the able executive meets, carries ly o! and good women. This pees which makes the en- gnee wo In eesper tion to the extraordin-| it. rapacrease of our resources are ood in the world that 2am They ngerous, harmful, destructive, if they change he eniphasis from the inner to the outward li ‘ohn Ruskin once remar! see arr ae BOS ARE “hot get bishop’s pay for his he Pharisees; he Ciuc men and women are and the soul of suprores and bis on Ebbsfleet and met.the maelis king tween there terbury | t a was no milstonar 5a Sth J i ress behind him. pace Inissionary press behind iit | the claims of good citizenship, more do seantly mare with our numbers willing to go out to your a ee take and wealth than men ad eae Peep tos help nt vay ure! 01 WHO WERE FEW AND POOR. | ments and to help your fellows? If We leave es work to the machin-| not, something is lacking, some di- 0 do it our- vine electric spark which might kindle in your heart the glory of Kis the The eget ae gaputt be worked | "4 eeu good m men, 80 e have seen. But this Ate is true: The entire object of the machinery is to produce more go: and e|women, All preaching, all praying, all worship Somes to this, Churches, organizations, theologi This is preposterous. There are} lastingly raleaute! if they help us to just as many methods as there are me women. There are as| hea Ltrs us to at good hte eked as there are}do justly walk Bes and women and as sett humbly Pig: all that we = Slee ey methods as tere Sard idle and| or think of God. ‘worthless people. The great soci- Rey. Chane F. Aked, D. D. THE S. S. LESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APRIL 18, tae afterwards (Acts 22: 12) said of him that he was a devout man, he! td j in high honor by all. the Jews Rewer eep in spite of his Chris- n profession, Moreover he was fence ed in the law—precisely the st Tescon WE. The Conversion of aid Saul. Acts 9: 1.30. Golden Text, Acts 9: 4. I. What Paul Was Why 0 sul he sake of Christ (v. 16). after! ings began at once, in separ- ation from his family, isolation from his friends, the entire récast- ing of his life. is to pay period (the ‘many days’’ of v. 23) that we | must. as: the retir pent into Arabia ientionad in i Converted does Bie least one full year. and parts of two others. ac: Converted to the Divine In- dwelling (vs. 17-19). nias obey tl Saul, iujing bis: hands, on-him; cal g him Brother Saul in token of ersecution, which i e Christian evidently involved the death of his more than Stephen, and ees fol- lowed the fleeing disciples far be-| the 5 fp Jerusalem and even Pales- re “ How Paul was Converted.— Verses 3-7. Bone was ae saurner sing? Perkaps on horseback, es ~ usually Sey cavented by Asie or on a camel, according to Canan ass or mule, accord- After a journey of near Da- within sight of physical and the IV. Have we Pern Great Transformation? — That is the question for us as-we close this “Conversion”? means “turning.” AE zope turning from something, mething tse ae as 1) from ride enictieeniet ae te ritual) = humble following o ats f wonder nied him in the we “ about noon Acts 22: (6) and ne Fastern noon is ex- cordingly bright; — nevertheless, | J i bane Saul @ light, from) © sun (Acts 26: 13), and of it he saw the glorified figure of Jesus (vs. 17-27 Il By Paul he per: ietent Chiat; (3). oe a y and ease, to a life was Converted oo 8. + least fivo results ot Paul's eitawien are indicated may best be strength of a ea ee d ©} LONDON LEARNS TO FRIVOL. Expatiates on the Joy of Playing the Fool a Little. “It is a common: cause plaint against English ee bs and English men in particular, that they cannot let themselves go, r words that they cannot ¢ fool,’?? says ady’s Pictorial. i aBekinie so good for the individual’s spirits and the nation’s gayety as to be childish on occasion and fool- ook young, ni: the Continent they consider nce and power, the surrender of the ‘at means “ this end is to don Ki ambitions and hopes, the giving | dominoes and ¢ noses and blow penny topabe dance i ea the open air, am England we ndjdo none of these a a sp We are told, more’s the utward sign ot That he tea by the + Into Diieains entrance he @ spend the next three 0 days! ip er ess blindness, so ab- his itu: ation that, st our ring ee, the cafe is creep- ing. i e get a chance of organiz- ee en le pai st in th Key as wane to clea he that ane as he was, ti men’s ing # ‘procession. eyes, and tu eattoin Paes Enete sign: nd. tokens to light. Te was a fabrible three-| that the carnival epirib hovers over ire suede: Re The Gna fancy ball ee nmverted to Christian Testi- taken up, 20). What disciple eoilan ating: sativa at eae aul? His name|to which none are admitted who it is good to have}are not in oe ees has found sedeem that name.|favor in the t of the public, brett n is Kai to See sabe “Mani- ie isioations gazing eagerlyjety meets, eG an influential | now be slow hed neck, és | committee, the influential commit-|We are Neutaing tho pleasures and the] tee meets, elects an able executive ;|ignoring the ee and chil idish- great| covering the art uate Thivolling.”” ———__ *$ are not valuable; they are! 4 es are ever-| soms AF Fitzpatrick.” 6 him to death i 7|18, which lasted three years — at|*° surauiy is made by every true aon cal is} women THE WHEEL-HOUSE, A CRUEL DEVICE FOR PRISONERS. 1 | Little Meat is Provided—Bread, | Porridge and Potatoes are the itaples. Eight ounces of bread and a pint at gruel for | breakfast and supper, re: et pudding or potatoes a dinner Get one morsel of meat for seven days—that viet begins a sentence of hard labor. ness of ‘dressin; ” we are dis WORTH KNOWING. Hs Ui A Few Items ot Fa Fact That Should | meat Interest You. Fri The cotton ASIOrCs in Lanca- °| shire spin enoug! in six sec- onds t SS the work A cave has lately been discover- | in New Gealaed which is larger even than the Mammoth Cave of/ 0 each time. Kentuel The rest of the diet is bread, por- er! rmany’ 's colonies are five times|ridge, potatoes, suet pudding, and = big as herself, those of France on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- ‘ighteen ‘itain’s | days a pint of soup. ninety pee. ties THE AWFUL WHEEL-HOUSE At the Strozzi erlalncd in Rome is the fate of the hard labor man. there is a book made of marble, the. clea being of marvellous thin-|The “‘house’’ has four wheels, each long-sentence hard-labo fast put upon full diel, wheter ne In Persia there are no distiller- ies, breweries, or public-houses, nd native wine is the only intoxi- cating beverage used ‘The same force which moves ono ton on a oth high-road will |g Subee aigi teal, oh railway or thirty- We tons on a ¢ Reconpute ave atoed tat the | barking of a dog is tho last sound ; they hear from earth, being some- times hed Beas oleretion of tout osuelly, hard toil for then novice, this endless staircase. a Manchester mes-|° A olsen used by firm of mill- ee to carr, sages from ve mill to another saved the firm $1,145 in telegrams | usually compos: Germa white rosed; Spain’ red —roses, Renée yinclenvee and Bohemia| rosemary. ‘years’ hard’? 03, {the most hardened crimial looks on with dread. As a matter of fact almost any Planted with re Baaaly: oe 000. e Rbout 1,000 gar-| servitude is hardly lu: deners and sb aes are employed is ee than that in har to take caro ons. Breakfast consists of oe ee public notice ‘to the following cia pint of gruel and hali-pound t was recently placarded at'of bread, But the gruel is better Thrista ane, Tasmania: ‘I, Sarahithan the hard labor skilly. It con- Fitzpatrick, if not claimed by Fran-|tains two ounces of oatmeal and cis PS in fourteen days,| bale an ounce of molass wae De. ied “again.-Sa. aes ee eee ea aes Gare a Bie hotl twice, mutton once—five ae each time; a and itis boiled with onion: getables. pound of Subpeabe il dtne innate In Abyssinia it is the law that!” the murderer turned over to the relatives of the dead person, and they, if they please, may put in the same manner | 0¥™ fatumal the jnisdered: parson Was “THE SOUP IS GOOD, i de of beef, pearl barley ‘A naturalist asserts that if the eee ae earth were birdless man could n and onions. ‘here is cocoa for =u. iphabit it for more than ni All the sprays and p. eat youl ie aicte ‘inadequate eep down the ts, which el ew up everything. a man half a A death rate is only ten p sy aay a ee or Ser tale shaege ihe healthi: ‘A est towns in the country. he work is not the hopeless toil ae en are put to e 50 feet away. jeer may be sound asleep and yet| he will catch ue scent of a person} eS the tre Dalia berts passing 200 fee! poulterer pions te nace Many ‘at Rortland oe pie ea maker a eae {Dartmoor work i Phen there are Gena Deiegs | ey, to be gained by He expects, he says, to sce camel! good behavior and hard ee cutlets ans kanga roo steaks as! A convict on arriving is placed in items on the bill: of fare of every|the probationary class. He can restaurant in Pa earn eight marks a day. If he has os have another |720 marks at the end of his first es alg dae "with age which! yeas he gets into the ae class. have forty-six an rty-se hen has black facings on storeys respectively. The “building sleeves and collar, he may write and will’ have & “tower xty-two| receive one letter, in six months, pepe Sl neroyer ah ‘buldng of of and receive one visit of twenty-one . inutes in the same perio Pasaeeet feet high. . This is casily ‘a able to earn a et of one shilling a month. rf cin one tte, he ragnted, comes]. TE at the end of the second year t'dogs have been found. © a he ee succeeded in carning 2,290 ee staals found, One of marks, he passes into the second round ‘its legs, while several hi $ | class, es Be selon fac- collars of twisted leat ¥ ae eX loather leach Washed. ry rt, who was turned out of his bau ey the out- skirts o! Eats tober, has mped out with his See under a bridge, oan fad placed ibe ugh cipality in a-quandary. The pre- sect of the department hie even house, but Robert yaya no. He cannot be arrested for vagrancy, because he neither begs nor moves from his position. A letter may now reach him once in three months. e may look for- ward to a forty minutes’ visit once in the same time. A year before a penal servitude prisoners’ discharge he may pass into the special class, with all-blue uniform, tea instead of cocoa, and —greatest treat of stead of boiled beef. say that the everlasting diet oiled meat is one of the parts of their punishment. craving for a chop or a sausage be- comes simply terrible, and lasts iene after the desire for tobacco has vanished. Sage There are 150 firemen on some of the larger Atlantic steamers, Some people would rathor say. ane than speak a kind word. There are no newsboys in Spain; Penal serv itude convicts may also ; sell. newspapers in the} gain considerable remission of their streets. sentences by good conduct and hard The Mikado of Japan includes Bah Hard work pays in every‘ among his retainers thirty physi-|way, for a Hyoee handy man may cians and sixty priests. ret si d- job of Tt is estimated that an sestaatbee me x ‘even of gard. travels at the rate ener, which is the biggest prize of- teat fad ob, teak periauand all. e Emperor of China and the|_ The governor of a prison has, of viceroy of Indi: etween them |CoUrse, power to punish refractory govern more than half the popula: nishment which tion of the world. re On an average, 1,490 lives aro lost| by fires in England and Wales | M2.» every year. | The selling of wine in Spain on . Sunday is prohibited, i innit pred close by midnight on Sature % is estimated that the Kaffirs steal $1,250,000 worth of diamonds every year from the Kimberley dia- mond mines. he—‘‘Mr. Gamble used t rather wild. Do you think ‘so! nM make ene a good husband?’ He mone ake him a good hus- and worst four. thi man is sere ae a blanket soak, with salt water, and taken to the peep birch is se = well as th cat, and alm Hy. feorane Next toa trashing, the, el ls are the Ee dreaded puni with- in a punis ae tenced to solitary onkiusteny put on a diet of BREAD, WATER AND GRUEL, If he is noisy he is shut up in @ is is how-a con- |same twice a week, and 3 e | ever f | pretence that since she doe: Se0- | ed, when Third in the list of severe punish- ment comes the wearing of irons. Tn these a man must eat, sleep and werk and even bathe, perhaps, for “These yunish- ments are wonderfully sarely. neces- read of being -aded iron his class to the one nace it is the est weapon against the con- ae in the hands of authorities. fo prisoner cares to risk this, or run the chance a leans any re- mission of senten’ Banh ome that, seks the diet is eS the y law, yet there is mue choice in tho oe atter of prisons. rmwood Scrubs seems the favor- particularly the former. sea air gives the convicts an ay petite which their food is never eee to entirely satisfy, especi- as the work there is perhaps oe heaviest of any that is fone by. convicts. A GOOD F FELLOW'S WIFE HER LOT IS CERTAINLY NOT A HAPPY ONE. Selfish, Heartless Man About Town Lets Wife Slave at Home. “The furnace is broke,’’ ex- [Elen the lady of the house as © led the way to the kitchen and invited her guests = aes seats near I ght the chil- ten me my eT co to the ae rm spot in the hou pesteret On Tm juss i dotg some imi with, a monogram I designed for GOOD FOOD, BEST WINES. smoothly enough until the man of the house appeared. Well dressed, effects of some, ii ace, pale, ies Hepa aliy of his worn ittle wife the back- ground. 3 pee neat epee looked worn an aded. thinness became aoe ae her face was pinched with nervous anx.ety. VISITOR'S OPINION. The advent of the suave, jolly| £4 man brought the call to an abrupt close. “I can’t bear to breathe in the same room with him,” stormed the eldest of the group as they ee away. “I hate him so at times I feel like running a about into his nice, round, sete: body. That wife of his is a sain there was one, Snunet 46 ot she is too saintly with him. he'd e devil in ee eae patience that man might get what he deserves GOOD FELLOW’S WIFE. “What's the matter? Why, he’s a good fellow, a: fellow’s wife. down town, support the family he has at hoi boys’ down ae bully and a is. wife brated the furnace is bro-/ 0 ken w she knows that it is sim- ply ecatiag 2 can’t afford to p a furnace fire and she and the ehildren live in Gis kitchen to save fuel all winter long. SHOES LIKE PAPER. “She goes about with shoes like paper while he buys his clothin from the best ein in gna she excuses him because his busi- Wass ma Ts and clothe = te She sews for her waists are dandy. no agen HELP. “Tn the fal ov friends. insist that a ene wp some fruit They ir Yes, she does! ‘ shirt en to the adsaoratints and Hee cards. Of course, it is all done ee the these things so much better Thane ative one else, we simply sau uldn’t ex- ist uate Bhs helped us out, the pay is simply—-oh, its pride of that Sruragene ittle. mite woul eak your heart! PITY “POOR FELLOW.” “Of course, somé of the other ‘good fellows’ suspect that ‘he’ is a sneal men don’ seem to mind such things, exactly. They are too lazy an: less. to test ete over a pal’s lack of mother- in- oy is the end’ for visits ee once a year care to go rou! 9 good time, and so stingy she at fe the kitchen to save work, ec careless she wears shabby aidthas nd never makes an effort to keep his love by nas ig her good sete “Think of it, be is actual! ¢ whole stagtion is due to his own 8 sirens alg igpceeny Sugar fe Need in the sap of near ly 200 plants and trees, noite pool Soca “almost [ FS b Spine iabs which had wi S niazail ys oes, the show: | sie adi thought Sam- Brown so fond of remember he 0 Africa, : “That's the place for mel” eried my. the trip the boy amused his~ jammy couldn't invent rs he wenlly ‘cola Babksres Gees Srerore, when pirty landed. he attached bimself to 2 fan who was going to Aunt Il ber of little balloons, to each of which he attached a large Shaws Theos Usact rise Alia ed the hunter to secre 4 Ba yaks houlder lying “oo the « aoa fe ays . sth lon Tasiets e desert, trying to seize the of nae which dangled just beyond ner old ee’ the balloons floated about the ‘as convinced that ba was truly an gees genius, Playtime With IS the rule with most royal parents be keenly anticipated thiey: Protiably no suminier vacation ts children of the prince and princess rm for cycle rides ant have their pontes, as well Riobed poms ar wo elder rince en, rer thei intent prin tad Bye fas. Royal Children gypsy caravan, in which they go for the lights of — Mary being equally fond of drilling scouting, a wet day the royal youngsts m. of needlework, and in this also her hi ay ite rthere mn A ore wa Pia Le t got there!” FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. W! What is Gotag on in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Mr. J. M. Erne is to get LL.D, } |dogree from Edinburgh University. Recruiting for mar Leith Terri- torials is now proceeding satisfac- torily, yoshi has --G Mr. Arthur Dewar, K. HILDA’S pean be Rest _ The swells from the ee ing to the ‘nama ad atanted cathe rolling motion, and suggested 0 Charley Winter the ame ‘lew, ot rocking oat. In the eh es of girlish h's ” that followed, o ‘in Hilda to to deal Possibly a ‘ilda had sais ic implored now, Charley might ha ee sal went on roper ch natured, wells eacpai teases, have, ger ala ae letting _ continues somewhat slow there is, on tl holes an improvement on last ‘About $2,500 damage was done a fee in the engineering works of oe Chester & Co., Renfrew. Mr. Pik Valentine, clerk in the Roy st Bank, Exchange Square, Glasgow, aie ped dead at his work. sheers of the disease tar ae nie icin years cerebro spinal fover has again broken out in Pais-|t0 Lord Provost Gibson recently coupleien a distribution of pro- visions and coal ae 200 poor families of Edinbur Fleming and Henson, Paisley, have receiv order from the Argentine Government for three er steam "Ris own Couneil have, agreed soaeaae half a dozen mps on the Gout sida Sprines shat ia Edinburgh. Gol. Cook, V.D., presided over a saath held in furtherance of the en Powell aisley. Ib is stated that panies intend to railway. com- further curtail d their fleet of river steamers plying on, the Clyde this summer: Mr. Wi. Kelly has been elected resident of the Glasgow Master i handed over to the District Cottage Hospital by the mes ith has peer remembered by late ratiae Dik “1 (80), 0 md Seaforth H ythe Castle Rock | on the he to} halt-past three to four as previous- “Thomas Connor, dba was present at Balaclava, Sebastopol, Inker- man aNd Alma, and oh sues also} with his regiment, the Foot, in India, at the ruthos tas died) at Leith ssinia, the mest is’ master, the Tate and its belogings are hers and, her husband offends , she cah turn him out: joy Scout movement i Barlowe ae ping. road eauetoee! Without furs rage ‘a newspaper clip, want, » byw pues people eae SENT in o Emerald Lake. jemand a scientific classification t the Fool who knows, ts at his shivering victim is unloaded here- tofore | he van; but to-day, in i wn, his light pales before a piled Fool that Rocks the would endanger life quite as mucl as his own engaging and highly ori-, ginal sport itself. The Fool that But Charley Winter’s tremendous, work at the ieee had brought them: already to the island landing. On sherds Obatlaw prompnlyainapeants © “He'll. not play, ieee game abby away again,” said Ned Gr earing at the vanishin, sorry to offend yes Hilda Barlowe, Ebel HE was in the boat on y “but, you, Emerald! ake “You were upset ”” “Yes, and they worked hours to save Us. ver came back.| Again Hilda’s lips were white, or jlage apy ‘and they said it dro: |r nckee ane hunisout etstowa “Tt's only SrEnY Abas Lve been body of He ‘T ought not say ‘ sag feefing. When we near this pretty lake, ne, om the guer my. fear, “aud not jme from other yoni pev, “But every 6 Tivo been out Lye brought. Dinas editorial alofig-+ it’s silly of me, but I feel safer with it. 1 only wish Mr. Winter knew of my Leonie experience. on 'y about that. We'll votiued all, the resb i chorus, ‘that he hears about it,

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